/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Super Mario Vore Thread Anonymous 03/15/2024 (Fri) 21:13:23 No. 44195
Vore thread for Super Mario related characters
(14.19 MB 1920x1080 TheFudgeman-990577-Bowsette.mp4)

(688.24 KB 1080x1920 Lampton-820813-planted_1.jpg)

(609.66 KB 1080x1920 Lampton-820814-planted_2.jpg)

(785.90 KB 3062x4091 MRRATTLEBONES-768502-peach.png)

(1004.42 KB 960x1080 ImaDeeJ-520511-Shax Trade res.png)

(563.23 KB 959x1080 ImaDeeJ-595989-Res.png)

(540.50 KB 960x1080 ImaDeeJ-611732-1 - Regular res.png)

(849.33 KB 1455x2000 ndnode-620895-beach_2.jpg)

(640.02 KB 1455x2000 ndnode-620898-beach_4.jpg)

(936.77 KB 2000x2750 ndnode-620896-beach_3.jpg)

(1.11 MB 2000x2750 ndnode-620882-beach_1.jpg)

(774.10 KB 1455x2000 ndnode-620899-beach_5.jpg)

(912.63 KB 2000x2750 ndnode-620902-beach_7.jpg)

(1.30 MB 2000x2750 ndnode-620900-beach_6.jpg)

(1.11 MB 2333x3208 ndnode-620904-beach_8.jpg)

(1.08 MB 2000x2750 ndnode-620907-beach_9.jpg)

(1013.10 KB 2000x2750 ndnode-620910-beach_10.jpg)

(1.04 MB 2000x2750 ndnode-620914-beach_13.jpg)

(1.31 MB 2727x3750 ndnode-620911-beach_11.jpg)

(1.26 MB 2727x3750 ndnode-620913-beach_12.jpg)

(632.93 KB 1200x1200 1668543460.gum-k_peachmawsoft.png)

I remember an animation of Peach getting shrunk and then eaten by a tiny worm thing Does anybody else remember that?
>>49209 You mean these?
>>49249 Yes, that's them! Thank you, fren :3
>>49249 I was kind of wishing It would have pumped her full of acids and digested her...
(151.84 KB 1155x1058 11.jpg)

(124.08 KB 556x750 48.jpg)

(78.62 KB 1000x1268 49.jpg)

(114.69 KB 638x803 80.jpg)

(164.97 KB 1000x1200 113.jpg)

(1.57 MB 1500x1587 65446445664.png)

(613.58 KB 1080x1013 70863877_p0.jpg)

(372.69 KB 960x960 70863877_p1.jpg)

(387.88 KB 960x960 70863877_p2.jpg)

(817.38 KB 2268x2610 peach.png)

>>58681 Shax24 is the artist? I really love the vore art here. Especially with the Maw Maw
>>58683 It's Shaxbert (or just Shax) The '24 is the year, in this case, 2024.
(39.61 KB 500x428 Luigi number one pt1.jpg)

(113.19 KB 500x875 Luigi number one pt2.jpg)

anyone know the artist of these pics?

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