/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Fortnite Anonymous 03/16/2024 (Sat) 06:50:36 No. 44248
For posting about Fortnite Vore and similar content. I was surprised there wasn't a Fortnite thread already with how big the game is and the many high-quality characters they have. I'm making this really to talk about Leelah since saw this in the store yesterday and damn is she hot as fuck. Also, one of the pictures isn't vore but fuck it her ass is nice and I made the thread. Maybe she's just marvelling at the mass she got from her last prey.
I'm sorry I lack content to provide but holy shit based thread anon, saw Leelah recently too and was hoping to see stuff with her
>>44248 Wow, vore art of a human Fortnite character that ISN'T Survival Specialist? I thought stuff like that was a myth. Now when are artists going to stop messing around and do characters like Dusty, Selene, Penny, Hope and Human Highwire?
>>44385 Oh, and Piper Pace too, I nearly forgot her.
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>>48538 I would fucking love a scene where she promises to give Momo back after they win, only for her to digest the fur ball from all the physical activity. Each panel is her running, gunning, and hiding, well her gut progressively gets smaller and sloshier. Then finally after the game, Aang asks Toph to let Momo out but it's obvious her gut has done its job. However, because she promised to give Momo back she eats Anng so he can be reunited with his friend.
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I wonder where this takes place

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