/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(2.06 MB 2430x2900 Cover.png)

A one time experience all of them Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 03:01:45 No. 46822
A one time experience
(5.25 MB 2480x3508 1.png)

(6.23 MB 2480x3508 2.png)

(3.93 MB 2480x3508 3.png)

(5.10 MB 2480x4508 4.png)

Extra ending or True ending, she is still alive
(5.14 MB 2480x3508 1.png)

(4.95 MB 2480x3508 2.png)

(5.07 MB 2480x3508 3.png)

Internal ending
(2.06 MB 2430x2900 Cover.png)

(520.28 KB 2570x3546 Alex.jpg)

(11.69 MB 1420x1313 Alex belly struggle loop.gif)

(300.28 KB 2570x3546 Gisselle.jpg)

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(2.52 MB 3430x4800 14.png)

DigestedGirl again?
>>46823 Can't be true ending cuz original ending clearly shows her skull and phone in a pile of shit
>>47165 This is the true ending, even though it weren't supposed to be a good ending but a bad ending
huh, never seen the ending where she lives, kinda sweet. Thanks for sharing. Who made this comic again?
>>47215 It's clearly not the true ending anon. She dead. She died in complete agony and got turned to poopy
Cute comic, I like the multiple endings, but the title and cover are kind of misleading. It makes it seem like they are having a quick hookup but in the comic they act like long time friends
>>47250 It was supposed to be a bad ending but somehow later the artist made a good ending and says that it was the real ending.
the disposal sceene one is just edited, someone made it and it's not the artist
>>47263 Cuz they got cold feet. True ending she died, that's an alt bad ending where she lived
>>47271 Ahh, so that's why it's in their exact art style yes
>>46830 somehow it's even better than the artist did

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