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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Does anyone have Miku's Fairy Feast - True Ending?
>>708 you legend
does anyone have any idea how to download contents uploaded recently in kemono? https://kemono.party/patreon/user/13008041 you know this one. it has recent new uploads but i cant seem to access the proper download links
>>730 Since yourvorezone is now posting their videos on vimeo through a link on patreon instead of direct downloads the only way to view and/or download the newest videos is by being a patreon member.
BUMP We need a Patreon insider
So does anyone have fair player chain?
Does anyone have the latest stuff?
Can a patron please use this to download the new stuff and share it with us. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/awesome-vimeo-downloader/ngkjecadfeahlgbikjggbomigakdoifp
Anyone have fair player chain? It's starting to look like they're not gonna make it public.
anyone has the new uncensored animations? please
☹ Pass something please
>>2752 This is the censored version.
>>2754 unfortunately there is no uncensored version
Thank you very much for sharing, good sir.
>>2756 Thank you so much
can someone please share Tight Queue version patreon please
Thank you very much but it cannot be downloaded oh is there any video
>>2779 If you are talking about tight queue, then no there is no video. It is just a series of renders commissioned by a patron.
>>732 Actually with a bit of work you can still download embedded vimeo videos https://www.followchain.org/download-private-vimeo-videos/
>>2927 There is an easier way, but I would keep it to myself and always upload it via anonfiles until the end of Season 4
Does anyone have “little girl ariane” i couldn’t find the uncensored on kemono?
>>3054 There is no uncensored version of that video. That video was made before they started making uncensored versions.
hello can anyone share The Ondvent is Over! and [Halloween Mini Special] Ondina's Saliveen please
Thank you
Not sure if it was already posted here, but does anyone here have the one where a girl is on a couch and eats another girl? I just remember there was a couch and she farted at the end. I think she got pissed because the prey didn’t bring home food.
or Miku's Fairy Feast >>4098 >>708
>>4127 Yep, that’s it. I’m also looking for a similar one where the pred is wearing a striped bikini or something like it.
Hey does anyone have SNG ep.3? Just came out yesterday on Patreon.
hi can anyone share SUPER NINJA GLUTTONY EPISODE 3 please
>>2932 Can you share the links to Anonfiles, anon?
Anybody got the uncensored version of Monster Vore Quest part 1 and 2?
>>4209 Please? Anyone?
>>6242 The striped bikini I’m talking about had pink stripes. Like I said, I believe the prey was tiny at first, but then got large in the stomach.
>>6249 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/13008041/post/33594235 It would be easier if you visit the site yourself and choose the videos accordingly
>>6251 That requires a Paid account to access with Vimeo
>>6257 wrong one.
>>6249 I found the video. I think I was mistaken on the bikini.
Bump for the latest videos which are Vemio or whatever drm
Another Bump for the new awesome videos >:)
>>9167 No new videos have come out since the last one.
Bumping because everything is locked behind the Vimeo wall, and I've tried what I can to pierce it but it seems impenetrable.
>>9319 Anyone else have luck?
>>9320 No luck. Only a paywaller or subscriber can help us now.
There hasn't been any new videos, stop asking. We'll upload them when they come out
Hey, there's a new video out, I checked on the patreon. Can someone be able to upload it?
Monster vore quest part 3 just came out can someone please post it here.
Can someone please post the new video that just came out.
As long as the kemono importer doesn't import the newest stuff, we have to wait or someone will upload it here. Tools for download vimeo videos you can find here: Chrome Extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/awesome-vimeo-downloader/ngkjecadfeahlgbikjggbomigakdoifp Firefox Extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/awesome-vimeo-downloader
>>9474 How do i download that? I tryd but it wont work
>>9476 If you are a patron of someone, you can easily download the vimeo videos in the following steps: 1. Install the add-on on Firefox or Google Chrome >>9474 2. Start the vimeo video you want to download, then click the vimeo downloader add-on so that it captures the video. 3. Click on the icon "1080p Full HD", it will lead you to the download page. 4. Depending on the size of the video, it will take time to download the video (a progress bar will appear in the top center of the browser showing how far the video has been loaded). After that you have to confirm the download in the browser and have the video on your hard drive. 5. The last step would be to upload the video here via your hosting service of choice, for me it would be anonfiles.com Share the link that appears when it is finished uploading and share it here preferably with title.
>>9476 He is talking about Patreons using the downloaders to get the videos to share with us. You can't unless you are one of them.
>>9478 Or if you don't want to upload it here directly as a patron of YVZ, you can also just use the session id and upload to the kemono importer. Instructions for this: https://kemono.party/importer/tutorial After you have received the session id, go to the top bar click on "Import" and submit the key
We need someone who has a subscription on patreon.
Anyone here got a patreon subscription and willing to share with us?
Can someone please share the new video.
My thoughts about it: It is not worth to keep a subscription with him in February because you can't expect any further animation because of the short month. Therefore, be patient until the beginning of March, when the kemono importer comes back so i assume.
Nevermind, there it is Monster Vore Quest - Part 3: https://anonfiles.com/fbx11aG3x1/Monster_Vore_Quest_-_Part_3_mp4 Many thanks to the kemono importer
>>9646 Thank you very much
>>9646 Grateful with in above. Thanks
Does anyone have the uncensored version of WVR? That one seems hard to come by, at least for me
>>10054 welp if you had just looked in the thread.... >>708
>>10083 Oop! Sorry about that!
>>9492 Would be great if someone would update kemono for the newest video: Cell Expansion
Can someone please share cell expansion.
So does anyone have cell expansion?
Could someone please share the newest video cell expansion.
Did anyone get cell expansion?
Can someone please update kemono or at least share the new video please.
Can someone please update kemono.
i was unable to play Private or unlisted Vimeo videos in kemono?
>>11077 There is a way around this problem you just need the link to the video which is provided by the kemono importer and then you can reupload it here
Does anyone have cell expansion?
Guess this thread is dead.
Not like this
Can someone please share cell expansion please
>>11085 how you do that?
>>11767 It's on youtube, and it's mediocre.
Hey so uhm I'm underaged 17 to be exactly and i can't watch it can someone please make a anonfiles or something please.
You would make my day.
could someone share the uncensored version on patreon
Can anybody share new "Miku's Camping Takeout" animation, please?
Does anyone have camping takeout?
>>12228 Bump Please
>>9478 For once a meaningful contribution how to download vimeo videos. First you need the video link from your patreon dashboard by simply right clicking on the running video and selecting "Copy video URL" It should look like this: https://player.vimeo.com/video/XXXXXXXXX After that you need the software youtube-dl from: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl#installation Follow the installation instructions on the github page to continue: If it is installed you will need a "referer URL" in that case: https://www.patreon.com/yourvorezoneptn In the terminal you must now enter the following: youtube-dl --referer https://www.patreon.com/yourvorezoneptn https://player.vimeo.com/video/XXXXXXXXX (your vimeo video URL) After it is downloaded you can freely share the video on various sharing platforms.
Kemono just updated.
>>13138 wrong thread delete dumbass
[Uncensored Version] Cell Expansion: https://anonfiles.com/1dvdIaa0yd/_Uncensored_Version_Cell_Expansion_mp4 (Uncensored Version) Miku's Camping Takeout: https://anonfiles.com/tax1I6a5yd/_Uncensored_Version_Miku_s_Camping_Takeout_mp4 Thanks again to the kemono importer
thank you very much friend
>>13150 Thanks for sharing.
>>13150 Your status rises #2
New vid out
can someone share BB's Busty Beach Uncensored Version please
>>13867 bump
>>13699 >>13726 >>13867 >>13896 As long as the kemono importer doesn't release updates, I can't post new videos here. So please refrain from the bumps and inquiries and wait instead of cluttering up the thread.
>>9646 Someone at the uncensored version Thanks you very munch :)
Hey, kemono importer just updated, could someone be able to get the video now?
Can someone Please upload the new vid thanks(•♡•)
can someone share BB's Busty Beach Uncensored Version
BB's Busty Beach: https://anonfiles.com/p5Lenfg4y7/BB_s_Busty_Beach_mp4 As already written >>13897, you do not have to point out three times that the kemono importer has updated. You will see the video soon enough when I realize that kemono has been updated...
>>14046 Is there anywhere else you can post it? My antivirus keeps blocking the page everytime I try to get on to it
Bump for someone posting the file on another website. Tried multiple times and I can't get past the anti-virus software
>>14100 Just disable the antivirus
>>14111 I would I wasn't worried that a website would attack my computer. Every time I use the link, it takes to a page saying that the webpage I'm going to full of malware And it's not the anonfiles website. And I don't know why it takes me there automatically Don't know why. It just does.
Which is why I'm asking for someone to upload a link of mab or gofile or something for the file. Surely it isn't that hard.
>>14046 Does anyone have the uncensored version?
>>14116 If I were you, I would turn off the antivirus and use uBlock Origin add-on instead to browse the web safely. This way you will surely get to website without malware as even virustotal.com classifies this website as not dangerous. >>14146 Jokes on you, there is currently only the uncensored version
They posted a new animation on patreon can someone please update kemono.
>>14151 Thanks for the suggestion. That blocked whatever was coming up and no Norton alart came up. Massive thumbs up.
Does anyone else get an invalid url when you click the Vemo video link? All of the new stuff doesnt work for me from the Kenemo page.
>>14551 For this reason, this thread was opened to get the latest videos.
Can someone please share "To a mom's stomach".
Kemono just updated
Can someone pls share
>>14046 Pls upload the new vid
[Extra Animation] To A Mom's Stomach: https://anonfiles.com/NbraY7l5y2/To_A_Mom_s_Stomach_mp4 Bumping this thread up won't make me upload it sooner, I've now waited 48 hours for people to realize afterwards that their comments don't do anything but fill this thread.
>>14766 It's the same annoying ass impatient dude who's bumping it every time even when there's no new videos out..
>>14773 Can be of course but it triggerd me to search the isolated videos in the thread. Will then probably post a summary at the end of the season because after that for a year nothing more will come from YVZ.
>>14766 Thank you very much for sharing
There is a new animation out. "Testing a pill", someone please update kemono so it may be shared.
>>15293 Dude... When the kemono page will be updated, and the guy, who share it here, will see it updated, he will share it (if he wants to). You don't need to bump this thread. New animation wasn't even updated on kemono.
>>15500 Do you have 1080p?
>>15515 don't blame you Thank you for sharing Thank I'll trouble you next time
>>15846 Thank you!
anybody got access to the uncensored version of miku's camping takeout?
>>15928 go check below >>13150
>>15735 >>16331 no new video was released but the teaser titled "[Upcoming Animation]"
Last animation of season 4 has been posted, after this yourvorezone said they are taking a 2 year break (also kemono is already updated).
>>16760 Edit to my previous post the animation actually isn't gonna be out for 2 weeks. My bad didn't read the "fine print".
>>16761 Sigh, I really need to pay more attention, the animation is out on patreon but, kemono hasn't been updated yet. Just thought I should draw attention since this thread has been bumped down quite a bit
>>16760 2 year??
>>16789 Yeah, I forget where they mentioned it but they said once season 4 was done they were gonna take a 2 year break.
Here now the promised listing >>14775 Season 3: Buxom Bunny Banquet: https://anonfiles.com/p5dcG14au8/_Uncensored_Version_Buxom_Bunny_Banquet_Deluxe_mp4 Miku's Feast Dream 2: https://anonfiles.com/13L7Sf1eu7/Miku_s_Feast_Dream_2_-_Patreon_Version_mp4 The Ultimate Vore Game: https://anonfiles.com/ranaodE3u9/The_Ultimate_Vore_Game_mp4 WVR: https://anonfiles.com/bdRdQ519u8/_Uncensored_Version_WVR_mp4 Colossal Confrontation: https://anonfiles.com/H7X4K410uc/_Uncensored_Version_Colossal_Confrontation_mp4 Saving the Wholemeal: https://anonfiles.com/l7s8d52auc/_Uncensored_Version_Saving_the_Wholemeal_mp4 Sufflans Atra: https://anonfiles.com/Lb22Tc1eu0/Sufflans_Atra_mp4 Lessons for a Giantess: https://anonfiles.com/Db93db3fu5/_Uncensored_Version_Lessons_for_a_Giantess_mp4 Diane's Deadly Tour: https://anonfiles.com/l4y9x298ub/Diane_s_Deadly_Tour_mp4 A Bouncy Journey: https://anonfiles.com/bfz7xc95u2/A_Bouncy_Journey_mp4 Miku's Fairy Feast: https://anonfiles.com/N600xb94u2/Miku_s_Fairy_Feast_mp4 Season 4: Miku's Fairy Feast - True Ending https://anonfiles.com/de6be6Pfue/Miku_s_Fairy_Feast_-_True_Ending_mp4 Fair Player Chain https://anonfiles.com/PbA5g3P8uf/Fair_Player_Chain_mp4 Friendship Treat https://anonfiles.com/V3Dag1P2u4/Friendship_Treat_mp4 SUPER NINJA GLUTTONY EPISODE 3 - SUMMER PUNCH https://anonfiles.com/feP7t9Y0u1/SUPER_NINJA_GLUTTONY_EPISODE_3_-_SUMMER_PUNCH_mp4
[Expand Post] Monster Vore Quest - Part 3: https://anonfiles.com/fbx11aG3x1/Monster_Vore_Quest_-_Part_3_mp4 Cell Expansion: https://anonfiles.com/1dvdIaa0yd/_Uncensored_Version_Cell_Expansion_mp4 Miku's Camping Takeout: https://anonfiles.com/tax1I6a5yd/_Uncensored_Version_Miku_s_Camping_Takeout_mp4 BB's Busty Beach: https://anonfiles.com/p5Lenfg4y7/BB_s_Busty_Beach_mp4 To A Mom's Stomach: https://anonfiles.com/NbraY7l5y2/To_A_Mom_s_Stomach_mp4 Testing A Pill: https://anonfiles.com/BcKcX3rcy8/Testing_A_Pill_1080p_mp4 Dizzy's Bounty: https://anonfiles.com/f0HbIdu2y7/Dizzy_s_Bounty_mp4 Not All that Glitters is Food: https://anonfiles.com/e4A8u21aya/Not_All_that_Glitters_is_Food_mp4
awesome work archiving everything does anyone happen to have this tho? never found it anywhere https://kemono.party/patreon/user/13008041/post/51754256
[WIP] Ox Year Cowdina Does anyone have this video to share?
>>16845 Thanks you
>>16836 most of these links dont work anymore
>>17731 They work it's just that the sites servers are overwhelmed so sometimes you will get am error. They are asking for donations in bitcoin to upgrade their servers to fix the problem.
"Last animation for real!" MAYBE Cat v[ore]s Mouse: https://anonfiles.com/fdSeC958ya/Cat_v_ore_s_Mouse_mp4
It's time, they have announced on their patreon that they are taking a one year break.
>>18123 At least they do plan on coming back eventually. Way too many creators just drop off the face of the Earth and that's the end of it...
Hello, could someone share the new animation that they uploaded? please
anyone know how many futanari animations/renders they have?
(118.35 KB 640x360 Bulge Test.mp4)

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(9.30 MB 3840x2160 22B.png)

(9.37 MB 3840x2160 22C.png)

(8.79 MB 3840x2160 22D.png)

>>13898 Bump for Uncensored Version Monster Vore Quest - Part 3 Please
does anyone have the renders "colossal victory" pls?
>>1807 sadly it's 404 not found. can you relink it again?
NEW Content: [Giantess Vore] Don't Mess with Time: https://youtu.be/e_RzrWrIJnY [Giantess Vore] Silver Wolf's Gum Trick: https://youtu.be/apk9VMJsudk
To bypass the youtube age restriction install Tampermonkey: https://www.tampermonkey.net/ and then install this script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/423851-simple-youtube-age-restriction-bypass or download the video from YT1S: yt1s.com
>>32947 Why the fuck would you need that shit?
>>32992 perhaps there's always someone who opens this kind of stuff on incognito mode and it always needs you to log in to confirm age which is an hassle if you need to retype everything and 2FA stuff. or else there's someone under 18 is currently watching
Can someone update the kemono? I'm curious about that season five trailer but for some reason they won't make it public.
Totally forgot they use vimeo links most of the time. Cam someone find a way to share this? https://kemono.party/patreon/user/13008041/post/86960856
>>33693 Thank you.
>>708 >>16836 Every single anonfiles link 404s, even the week-old >>33693 and ones in other threads, both on iOS safari and on windows internet edge. Did Anonfiles just wipe everything or something, or did it go down? If it IS down or is for whatever bizarre reason no longer allowing any fetish stuff, would it be possible for the vids to be uploaded as mp4s and whatnot directly to the thread, or is there a reason other than visual clutter why that has thus far not been the MO?
>>34093 Anon files got taken down by the feds. According to the reports, people on it were using it as a DDoS service. Needless to say, gov't didn't like that.
>>34093 I just used mediafire for the ones I shared on this thread. Maybe we try that now?
>>33693 Repost?
>>34758 already on youtube, censored ver
>>34768 Is there an uncensored version
Yukari's new world is finally out on their patreon. Someone please share it here.
Can someone update the kemono for the new animation? It looks like it's gonna be their longest video yet.
[Giantess Vore] Yukari's New World: https://gofile.io/d/K2cu4p The link only works temporarily, feel free to save the videos and share them in a folder
>>35936 Is the video missing sound?
>>35936 Thanks for sharing! I noticed that after I downloaded it it doesn’t have any sound. Is anyone else having that problem?
>>35937 >>35938 If you experience audio problems, it is recommended to download VLC: videolan.org
>>35943 It doesn’t work
Monster Vore Quest - Finale is coming out soon, looks like sometime this weekend. Thanks in advance to the kind person who will eventually post it here.
>>38879 From me thx too on the future sharing Person :3
>>38879 The finale just released on patreon a little under an hour ago.
The monster vore quest finale just released. Someone please share it.
can someone pls share it before i rip my dick off
Bump. Someone please share.
Please pls share i can't take it
Someone please share the monster vore quest finale.
The Kemono was updated, if that helps anyone share it here.
i will never understand why the vimeo links don't work, i wish i could fix it.
>>39004 Pretty sure it's a privacy setting on Vimeo. They can make it so it can embed only on specific domains and also be private on Vimeo so that only the uploader can see it there. It's all a preventative measure to prevent sites like Kenomo from being able to host the video or have the link accessible to everybody.
It still sucks that i always have to be depending on someone else. Not that i mind it that someone else does it but if it was me i would have shared as soon as kemono updated. I just hope the vid gets shared here.
Use YT-DLP to download it yourself: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp type in this command after installation: yt-dlp --referer https://www.patreon.com/yourvorezoneptn/posts https://player.vimeo.com/video/890812236 have fun
im not good whit this.
and after i downloaded yt-dlp it kept closing itself so i'm out.
Bump. Someone please share.
Anyone got it yet?
Can someone please share
(161.36 KB 978x509 IMG-20231205-WA0010.jpg)

>>39036 it does not work better share it
>>39045 Thx for sharing, you have made a lot of people happy:)))))
>>39045 >>39045 Thank you
>>39045 Anyone willing to check this link before download? Like, post a virus scan link or smth.
>>39054 The audio is a little delayed during the last minute or so of the video but otherwise it's fine.
It's not downloading for me for some reason. Can someone upload it to another site please? Like MAB or Mega or something?
(20.52 MB 1920x1080 Ernisia's_Wishful_Night.mp4)

Ernisia's Wishful Night:
Anyone willing to share the new vorezone animation?
>>41476 quite risky to direcly share. just use yt-dlp method
>>41498 Idk how to do that.
>>41498 Will the sharing account be locked? ?
yt-dlp --referer https://www.patreon.com/yourvorezoneptn/posts https://player.vimeo.com/video/907942843 for the convenience of all - [Same Size Vore] Ariane’s Full Moon Apocalypse: https://files.catbox.moe/2qdcnf.mp4
YourVoreZone has started posting their videos on a site called Itaku, since their YouTube account got shut down. Most (if not all) of their videos are already uploaded there uncensored (some like alternate versions of "(Not so) Little Friend" and "Purple Heart's Late Lunch" are still "Patreon exclusive" it seems, although these can be found on Kemono still). It also looks like the new videos will be going there as well after they have been on Patreon for a bit. Here's the link to Itaku https://itaku.ee/profile/yourvorezone/gallery (make sure you change the maturity level on the search bar to NSFW otherwise you cant see anything posted)
>>41505 Thank you
>>41506 learn
New animation, "boob competition" is out. Someone please share it. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/13008041/post/99990682
>>43940 Bump.
>>43940 Can someone pls share it? I have a porn addiction, so i want to kms rn. pls share i beg you.
Bumping for boob competition.
>>43940 Bump, bump, bumperty bum, bump, bump bump.
I'hope you are all sane, here it comes: https://files.catbox.moe/i1qwil.mp4
>>43977 Only 5 minutes? damn that bitch was lazy this time.
>>43980 Yeah 5 mins, you fat bitch. You can't even last 2 seconds.
>>44028 Why do you actually care and also i didn't cum. kys autistic monkey.
>>44029 Blah blah, do us all a favor and die shoving your last braincell through your tiny ass dick.
>>44032 Uhmmmm nooo, kys you fat ape.
The new animation is finally out! It's called vengeance is a dish! Someone please share!
here is the preview images from last month. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/13008041/post/102929299
>>48096 Bump
They posted a preview clip on Twitter as well https://x.com/YourVoreZone/status/1792940122423328857
Who wants a extra creamy surprise? gonna buzz on you.
sorry for my previous comments, i'm autistic but can somebody please share?
Anyone got the new one yet? It came out yesterday.
Bumping for vengeance is a dish.
Can someone please share vengeance is a dish? The previews look so good.
>>48298 Btw there is sound in the clip. It's just really quiet.
Pluh! i mean bump....
Anyone got vengeance is a dish?
>>48321 Apparently the new animation has some new kinks that weren't in previous videos.
>>48346 I don't get why people like you get upset when someone bumps or spams in the thread. it's not like you're getting notifactions, so why do you care in the first place?
bump i want the animation
>>48346 thanks that I'm not alone, I'm uploading all the animations here at the moment but I'm thinking how unnecessarily bumped this thread is and thus confusing where you can download the last animations.(between those bumps and begging) I wait like everyone else for the upload on kemono and put it as a download link here, so the bump brings nothing in my opinion except that I play with the thought to delay my upload until the last one realizes that begging here does not bring much.
>>48371 I think it's because kemono importer was down for a while so less people are updating it because they think it's still down. So it's a longer wait for the animations than before.
>>48372 last update on kemono: 2024/05/02 is identical in time to the other auto update artist on kemono therefore the token for automatic upload was added, assume that the upload to kemono will take place at the end of this / beginning of next week, possibly with manual upload
>>48373 Good to know. Thanks.
>>48371 Hello i want to that it gets uploaded but i can wait for it not how some other anons here. :/
>>48361 Cause it gets fucking annoying as shit when you see that the thread has new replies, but when you check it's just some tism-induced idiot mass-begging for the same fucking thing over and over Yeah I want to see the animation too, doesn't mean I'm gonna show up here and post messages JUST to get people's attention
[Same Size Vore] Vengeance is a Dish: https://www.file-upload.net/en/download-15335972/SameSizeVoreVengeanceisaDish.mp4.html now refrain from this garbage with the thread bumping
if anyone has comic from jamKat please share them here
>>48439 thanks brother for sharing
>>48439 OP of the complaint posts up above Thanks for the share, brother.
>>48442 Sorry, I posted in the wrong place.
>>48442 Sorry, I posted in the wrong place. I've tried deleting the post but I can't. So just ignore this post.
New video coming first week of july.
Melting off the summer weight is out! https://www.patreon.com/posts/same-size-gts-107685314
kemono's patreon importer is down so...have fun waiting
It was just posted today. I'm sure nobody expects it to be shared that fast.
>>51295 People can wait.
i'm just saying that because we don't know when imports are coming back. but good we ar eon the same page
Melting Off the Summer Weight: https://files.catbox.moe/6ziod5.mp4
>>51303 That was fast.
next animation's going to be big it seems. anyone got the WIP vid? thanks
thanks to the kemono importer person here you have the WIP version: https://files.catbox.moe/6di463.mp4
appreciate it
New wip for Ondina's Opulent Olympics is available. Can someone share it please?
Skibidi sigma Ohio rizz, who wants to share the new WIP?
Can someone share the new wip please? Or at least update the kemono page. https://www.patreon.com/posts/wip-2-ondinas-111368041
Can someone update the kemono with the new wip? https://www.patreon.com/posts/wip-2-ondinas-111368041
>>55215 Dude, if you're going to beg for Kemono updates at least make sure the website is working first.
>>55245 wdym? the site is working. its just the importer only works for patreon for now.
>>55247 I'm sorry what?
The kemono patreon importer works but it's apparently being really slow. Can someone just share the new wip here directly? It's been almost a week. https://www.patreon.com/posts/wip-2-ondinas-111368041
if you want to see WIP so badly then just pay the 4$ for the one month and follow these steps to share the video here. 1.Download the extension "Video DownloadHelper": https://www.downloadhelper.net/ 2. Install it in your Browser, if the extension prompts you to install a helper software, than do so(a pop up will appear) 3. If already subscribed to YVZ, click on the vimeo video you want to download and let it play for atleast 30 seconds of the video 4.Click on the extension in the upper right corner and select the video you want to download at the highest resolution possible. 5. Upload the via file.io or catbox.moe and paste the link here. Troubleshooting: If you get from the download extension a seperate audio file, please post it here to convert it with the video without sound
Bumping for wip 2.
>>55757 Hey I'm also one of those people that usually bump if i want something but to be completely blunt here, the 2nd wip is impossible to get at the moment since kemono isn't working. So you can bump all you want but it wouldn't make a differnce so if you want to waste time then please feel free to bump as many times as you want.
Well I for one don't mind not being spoiled until the full release. Assuming we get the animation fast once it's out
>>55958 Yeah. That's true. Having just the one preview just means there will be more surprises.
It's officially been more than 50 days. The new animation probably won't be out till next month.
>>56946 Womp womp
It's been almost a month since wip 2 was released and still no sign of the final animation being done. Can someone share wip 2 here to tide us over?
[WIP 2] Ondina's Opulent Olimpics: https://files.catbox.moe/swpeb8.mp4
A hero has appeared from the shadows
Thanks bro, this looks good
I combined both wip into one video. The first half looks a little weird since for some reason my device read wip 1 as being zero seconds long, so I had to record my own screen before I could combine them. https://gofile.io/d/itI7ep
[WIP 3] Ondina's Opulent Olimpics: https://files.catbox.moe/jh9m2x.mp4
>>57599 Thanks for sharing.
The new quality is nice but it's a shame that the animations take way to long to make.
>>57151 Added wip 3 to the compilation https://gofile.io/d/bcPPdz
>>57607 Hey man, i just want you to know that you made my day :) <!-- an extremely gay comment has been made -->
>>57605 This one is taking especially long since it's an omnicommission. A bunch of ideas get thrown in and it always ends up pretty long.
>>57612 All i want is to pleasure myself to fictional anime women is that to much to ask. But yourvorezone should try speed up the progress because it taking too fucking long. And before someone says quality over quantity, they been working on for longer then 2 months. So that isn't even a good argument anymore.
>>57616 I do want to add that i do respect his patreon supporters for having the patience to wait for so long.
In fact, if Patreon followers have a lot of patience, the animation is turning out very well, I like it.
The latest Patreon post probably states a release window, too bad we can't read it
>>57652 "Hi hi! ✌️ Here's yet more progress on Ondina's Opulent Olimpics (no sound/dialogue). This will be the last WIP before the final release, which will include two different endings. This is very spoilery so if you prefer not to watch it, you can just see the single shots attached to this post."
>>57682 Two endings? Neat.
>>57682 Oh thank you for this. I guess i was wrong, no release window. But two endings is cool
>>57691 i only hope we'll get to see it before this year ends.
>>57692 If this is the last wip then should be expecting it by the end of the month or mid November at most.....hopefully.
It has now been almost 80 days. Who else thinks we'll break 100 before the new animation is finished?
Why isn't the animation finished yet? Iv'e been edging for more then 80 days and i need to release the lode but i can't without yourvorezone's supreme vore animation gyat and quality. I feel lost and extremely horny, someone please end my suffering.
>>58833 They gotta be almost finished, since the message on patreon says it was the last wip.
>>58836 Thank you for the answer anon i'd really appreciate it, i hope it's finished this week. The waiting is driving me insane.
That bitch is taking her sweet time with the new animation.
>>60848 Mf complainin when you ain't even gonna pay
>>60865 I just want to see the animation, not that i'm an expert when it comes down to animation. But taking 3 months for 1 animation is kinda pushing it don't you think? But the scenes iv'e seen so far are peak vore fiction so if she can make the wait worth it i will take back what i said.
>>60868 smh choosy beggar
Whatever happened to patience being a future. Good stuff takes time to cook up just right, y'know
>>60881 We are both equally low, don't pretend like your better then me just because you didn't make a comment about it. This is 8chan, what did you expect other then people requesting for stuff?
True but like i said if she didn't ruin the ending i will take back what i said. I just hate waiting, that's all.
>>60883 oh I am better than you kid, and don't forget it
>>60885 I'm 19, you nasty bum.
"Ending A" just dropNice personf Oppulent Olympics jump dropped! This is not a drill! https://www.patreon.com/posts/gts-same-size-115879813
>>60887 That's weird. I meant the first ending of the animation just dropNice personn patreon.
>>60888 Oh for crying out....The first part of thr animation is out. There will be 2 endings, this is the first one. https://www.patreon.com/posts/gts-same-size-115879813
It literally came out about 10 minutes ago. But can someone share it? We've all been waiting so long.
>>60890 Steal from the rich and give to the poor, please. Someone please share.
Someone please share Opulent Olympics ending A. https://www.patreon.com/posts/gts-same-size-115879813
>>60887 Bump
Sorry for this message but does someone maybe know a website where i can get acces to the patreon post for the new animation? I know about kemono, but that isn't working.
>>60931 Don't think there is a website besides kemono. We're just gonna have to wait for a patreon member to share it here unfortunately.
>>60901 Can somebody be a pal and share the animation?
Begone the long wait times - Ondina's Opulent Olympics - [Ending A]: https://mega.nz/file/nBJxkLTI#lZRqOg2Z9q-2NNUx6zY0Wb5blJYaM6U5_e17xbyOMuo
>>60960 Thanks for the share. Now let's see how long the wait will be for ending B.
>>60960 Thank you for sharing! No seriously THANK YOU for sharing it, iv'e waited so long and now i can finally get mental peace.
(64.17 KB 484x634 images (24).jpeg)

>>60960 >Read first letter of each word on the title >OOO YOU COUNT THE MEDALS 1, 2 AND 3 LIFE GOES ON ANYTHING GOES COMING UP OOOS--
>>61019 No way, now that's phenomenal. How'd you get Seasons 1-5?
im fast as fuck boi - Ondina's Opulent Olympics - [Ending B]: https://mega.nz/file/qcRESAwI#eSMYlsESWqS4wMxeY5p8vyFfVcHp771rZDknhGcQGLo >>61022 using the kemono downloaded videos as well as download the vimeo video as described here: >>39008 when clicking onto the vimeo link, edit the URL from: https://vimeo.com/869227752 to: https://player.vimeo.com/video/869227752 and then insert it into yt-dlp with the referer present
No way! Thanks for all the uploads. You think there's a chance for more than 2 endings?
>>57682 It's only two endings for this one. It said so on the patreon post for wip 3.
wonder if commissioning endings where the other characters win would be allowed
>>61019 Hold up, Monster Vore Quest 2 is missing
>>61090 Same goes with Super Ninja Gluttony Episode 2
>>64245 Tiny intruders fully released yesterday. Can someone please share? https://www.patreon.com/posts/giantess-vore-120342060
Bumping for tiny intruders. It released a few days ago.
>>66639 Thanks.

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