/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

>>511 source on these?
(3.07 MB 3104x3720 E-7ptKOXsAQ1Wa8.jpg)

>>524 got any more like this?
(4.08 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-571018-01v3.jpg)

(4.79 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-583909-02v2.jpg)

(4.52 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-584083-03v2.jpg)

(4.06 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-584216-04v2.jpg)

(4.49 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-599063-05.jpg)

(4.33 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-599346-06.jpg)

(4.82 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-599549-07.jpg)

(4.28 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-677356-08.jpg)

(4.29 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-677581-09.jpg)

(5.06 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-677867-10v2.jpg)

>>591 never understood why this comic was redone, and then abandoned again
(1.18 MB 1500x2000 AfraArt-721575-Cave+Amy.png)

(259.43 KB 905x896 smog1-682976-vanilla+love1.png)

(24.84 KB 446x364 tails_8_sonic_c.jpg)

(295.61 KB 1084x842 Tails_snarfs_sonic.jpg)

Oh, I have a bunch of this. Brace for impact.
(17.61 KB 311x324 cream_02c.jpg)

(32.68 KB 593x496 Cream_And_Amy.jpg)

(34.52 KB 649x621 Cream_Cheese.jpg)

(39.79 KB 465x479 cream_vs_kisiro_c.gif)

(332.04 KB 636x677 amy1.png)

(198.85 KB 744x571 amy3.png)

(271.00 KB 520x837 amy2.png)

(74.85 KB 900x723 478969-83734-preview.jpg)

(76.29 KB 900x900 523236-58683-preview.jpg)

(69.12 KB 900x1009 687698-47369-11u65ui-preview.jpg)

(740.33 KB 1039x1254 1536227179.drpolice_blaze.png)

That's enough for now. Plenty more tucked away, though.
>>808 Sauce on that mawshot, it looks familiar.
I remember seeing this comic in color a few years ago, I'm wondering does anybody have it?
>>865 compiling these all together, nice!
(1.61 MB 1632x2028 BuntyBunt-722774-amy+vore.jpg)

(1.03 MB 3104x3720 FAzr-drWYAUcwBX.jpg)

>>800 foxnoms makes fantastic shit
(4.60 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-729636-12.jpg)

(4.60 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-729865-13.jpg)

(4.31 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-730163-14.jpg)

(429.82 KB 1380x1200 smog1-731330-vanilla_angry1.png)

(420.46 KB 1380x1200 smog1-731333-vanilla_angry2.png)

(594.48 KB 2553x3901 FC4BqjWXoAI3xP_.jpg)

(847.17 KB 3349x3915 FC4Bn-kWQAIueNM.jpg)

(496.62 KB 2427x3587 FDSnij2XEAEWU2X.jpg)

As much as I like the angelthecatgirl oc the artist herself is a real self absorbed and self centered bitch. A real cunt if you ask me and I feel like I got scammed by her when she would go on “hiatus” almost every other month and rarely did she draw actual Vore content most of it is shit I absolutely hated. I was part of the top tier on her patreon and one of those things was to be in a draw for a comm witch she would always pick the same 3 people over and over (most likely her inner circle) and exclude everyone else.
>>4217 Take it to your blog.
>>4218 You stupid fuck
(434.42 KB 2599x3000 FDy4WyhWQAMJgAZ.jpg)

(210.32 KB 900x1199 373178-19597-preview.jpg)

(220.40 KB 900x1199 379847-19597-preview.jpg)

(195.95 KB 900x1199 394092-19597-preview.jpg)

(219.60 KB 900x1199 399647-19597-preview.jpg)

(248.15 KB 900x1199 415142-19597-preview.jpg)

(195.67 KB 900x1199 430835-19597-preview.jpg)

(165.27 KB 900x1199 440369-19597-preview.jpg)

(157.96 KB 900x1199 456665-19597-preview.jpg)

(202.60 KB 900x1199 470394-19597-preview.jpg)

(74.85 KB 900x723 478969-83734-preview.jpg)

(79.01 KB 900x820 662165-116476-vrjs4-preview.jpg)

(466.15 KB 3019x3892 FEuxFAHXwAI0pEx.jpg)

(360.60 KB 1280x1810 blaze2.jpg)

(345.09 KB 1280x1810 rouge.jpg)

(1.42 MB 750x1334 1532703501803.png)

(1.94 MB 2330x2894 1621393624327.png)

Can't let this thread disappear. Can't explain why I'm so fond of it when both Sonic and furries aren't usually my thing, but damn I love this (Tails and Rouge are high on my list of preds I enjoy seeing, despite my sentiments above).
>>7481 Tails and Rouge are together in so much porn, but you rarely see Sonic vore of one eating the other.
(285.53 KB 1885x2048 FHSpeynXEAkLBjP.jpg)

This one's pretty neat
>>8667 holy shit, is there more to the first one?
(590.30 KB 767x693 a1.png)

(678.27 KB 919x903 a2.png)

With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a save game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.
(4.26 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-752689-15.jpg)

(396.28 KB 3000x3000 FGTs7OyVUAQRpZF.jpg)

(454.78 KB 3000x3000 FGTs7OwVEAELljQ.jpg)

(598.85 KB 3000x3000 FGTs7OyVcAMKKPB.jpg)

(529.45 KB 3000x3000 FGTs7O0UUAMfTql.jpg)

>>9012 source for the last ones here? >>9013 and the first one here?
(3.76 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-752902-16.jpg)

(4.23 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-753147-17.jpg)

anyone here got any particular tastes in sonic vore? Im a sucker for tails myself.
>>9019 Amy pred/sonic prey is strangely lacking in art. I need more it's my favorite scenario
(358.66 KB 991x806 1644092832042.png)

Closest thing I've found of the waifu of the week aka Eggma'am
gonna post some afraart blaze stuff
Also here's the Killboo sequence
(4.19 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-769432-18.jpg)

(4.77 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-769684-19.jpg)

(4.88 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-769922-20.jpg)

(332.04 KB 636x677 AmyT_2.png)

(213.54 KB 466x750 AmyT_1.png)

(198.85 KB 744x571 AmyT.png)

(355.49 KB 1900x1700 FLEADxRVIAIwd6j.png)

(466.41 KB 1900x1600 FLEADxRVgAEp-0u.png)

This is a bit cursed so, apologies in advance
>>11347 wait, is that sonichu??
(235.10 KB 1440x2222 1648530445441.png)

Edit by anon on trash
(127.99 KB 565x496 1541717696319.png)

(189.51 KB 607x591 1522212563940.png)

(3.39 MB 4000x4000 81955298_p0.png)

(102.43 KB 1200x960 DnZCoOFUwAAAI6J.jpg)

(241.72 KB 2000x1600 EVGelwNUcAEIiMo.jpg large.jpg)

(143.57 KB 900x1272 771929-148506-i1w8mx-preview.jpg)

(383.30 KB 1390x648 1649551280508.png)

(392.05 KB 1390x648 1649534865607.png)

(314.67 KB 1390x648 1649556315921.png)

(330.23 KB 1390x648 1649556589185.png)

Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one keeping the threads alive. Perhaps I should reevaluate my life's choices if that's the case
>>12275 It’s can be said about a lot of threads here It’s
>>12740 This is now my favorite kind of scenario with these two. Hope more artists do the same
(585.78 KB 1735x1739 FQ546HIXoAUmw9J.jpeg)

(431.55 KB 1280x1208 1652049848869.png)

Not sure if this was posted
(626.97 KB 1920x1520 FTP_9neUUAAnzFf.png)

(1.74 MB 1401x2172 Ozeniiix-787702-1.png)

(993.04 KB 1608x1668 jak55_com_2.png)

(117.04 KB 504x683 E7_kFFhWUAI40YH.png)

(180.92 KB 738x630 E2HusYDWQAENXyI.png)

Wish there was a color version
(5.29 MB 7016x4961 Anonymity-502758-Eclipse.jpg)

(865.61 KB 1500x2000 Aru-802930-Rouge+1.png)

(117.18 KB 1280x437 508.jpg)

(1.27 MB 3000x2888 FoF-812749-rougebald1.png)

(20.53 MB 1280x720 Rouge Vore.mp4)

This thread's TOO SLOW!
(200.96 KB 1596x2048 FHgvefgVUAEDbbd.jpeg)

(177.84 KB 1596x2048 FHgpwF8UcAQUrce.jpeg)

underrated artist and pred
>>18194 Source? I love Needlemouse and I need art of them that isn't crap
(318.29 KB 918x1200 FXLWR9XUUAAn-aK.jpeg)

(429.68 KB 918x1200 FXLWS9taIAAHNoX.jpeg)

Sonic Frontiers vore Source https://twitter.com/The_Aya_C
(5.00 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-819970-21.jpg)

>>18194 Where did you get that art in the first place? I've been asking everywhere on where to find that.
(4.80 MB 3829x4101 FoxyNoms-822196-MainMem_2.png)

(948.50 KB 2449x2178 honeycoves-828300-cramps.png)

(3.46 MB 2755x2664 honeycoves-825912-Ych_Idea_.png)

(1.38 MB 2168x3478 FoxyNoms-822193-Katojanna.png)

(999.86 KB 1386x1980 yes-846637-vore-vanillarabbitFIX.png)

(399.51 KB 1051x1154 LionMan-846598-ZDUPH+2.png)

(657.84 KB 1122x1462 LionMan-847405-Lucas+2.png)

(83.36 KB 900x1285 847156-170793-14p7vat-preview.jpg)

(731.98 KB 1512x2025 Tascom-846724-Nicole+gut+-+small.png)

(2.14 MB 2882x1596 Ozeniiix-845802-1.png)

(1.73 MB 3725x3850 Novan-840751-ZDump.png)

(987.93 KB 2413x934 Ozeniiix-848377-1.png)

(3.06 MB 4900x2251 Novan-850819-Zsequence.png)

(1.29 MB 1660x1734 Xodiaq-855029-Bnuuie.png)

(514.73 KB 674x1161 LionMan-852268-ZDUPH+3.png)

(748.14 KB 1500x1167 Killboo-862621-Amy+and+Rouge.png)

(2.80 MB 4050x2038 honeycoves-862088-nicole.png)

(1.09 MB 2844x2844 honeycoves-858358-3.png)

(1.04 MB 2844x2844 honeycoves-858359-krayz.png)

(1.06 MB 2000x2000 Xodiaq-858998-sweet+tooth.png)

(1.29 MB 1660x1734 Xodiaq-855029-Bnuuie.png)

(3.27 MB 2500x2500 Xodiaq-855642-Bnuuie+2.png)

(261.29 KB 1512x2016 Fn5gVugXkAErsVA.jpg)

(262.79 KB 1512x2016 Fn5gd8IXkCM7A0q.jpg)

(605.24 KB 4096x3094 Fn6Sep1XoBMZXIs.jpg)

(680.91 KB 4096x2943 Fn6SmqeWQAAzOIf.jpg)

(126.93 KB 902x1524 FobIc1_WAAAw2V2.jpeg)

(80.44 KB 806x1264 FobId1JXEAAXh-z.jpeg)

(1018.25 KB 1800x1946 FoxyNoms-866965-KickBack.png)

(2.04 MB 1046x1781 FoxyNoms-867220-Gothmeup.png)

(1.81 MB 1500x5776 honeycoves-867648-vEL+COMM.png)

(1.43 MB 4096x3072 Fp3VsT5WAAErbcg.jpg)

(569.15 KB 4096x2731 Fo7QiaNXsAALTXZ.jpg)

(717.82 KB 4096x2731 FkfXuCUXwAAEUVr.jpg)

(3.24 MB 4661x3946 FoxyNoms-870276-Captamis.png)

(734.94 KB 853x1113 flophelia-870643-roug.png)

(4.32 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-820197-22.jpg)

(5.00 MB 2894x4093 WankersCramp-820466-23.jpg)

(3.60 MB 2480x3508 WankersCramp-875908-24.jpg)

(3.84 MB 2480x3508 WankersCramp-876161-25.jpg)

(3.82 MB 2480x3508 WankersCramp-876459-26.jpg)

(1.32 MB 1800x1440 Novan-873361-ZAlpha.png)

(1.55 MB 2600x2000 Xodiaq-879161-Lanolin.png)

(1.07 MB 2338x1856 DarkArtist-879289-lanolin.png)

(1.16 MB 2338x1856 DarkArtist-879290-lanolin+2.png)

(306.35 KB 1448x2048 Fttz6IPX0AMW631.jpeg)

(418.50 KB 2048x1448 Fttz6IJXwAMtYt9.jpeg)

(4.55 MB 2426x2000 AKcar-886859-1+Letra+Full.png)

(4.55 MB 2426x2000 AKcar-886859-1+Letra+Full.png)

Do not ask how I got this
(546.50 KB 2096x1638 FyWacjBWAAIUms5.jpg)

(450.06 KB 2048x1886 FyWac1SXsAQzNvf.jpg)

(346.69 KB 2048x1383 FyWadJMXwAE7njm.jpg)

(28.42 MB 8976x14009 tmanfox7-900438-Comic.png)

(3.13 MB 2000x3000 Xodiaq-899892-bugsnax.png)

(5.96 MB 6989x7458 Blagimbus-895366-1.png)

Man this has been a trip down memory lane
(405.63 KB 1082x1401 image_2023-06-12_215921262.png)

>>31058 >tails vore That's Amy in there
(60.44 KB 1126x845 20230614_015242.jpg)

(754.76 KB 4096x3072 20230614_015041.jpg)

(1.55 MB 4096x2731 20230614_014811.jpg)

(1.43 MB 4096x3072 20230614_015124.jpg)

(2.81 MB 2480x3508 Silver_color.jpg)

Post your food chain. Each tier can eat anyone in their own tier or below >Uber Pred Tails >Top Preds Rouge, Blaze, Vanilla >Weak Pred Amy >Uber Prey Cream
(978.13 KB 2268x1494 image_2023-07-31_202755688.png)

(2.13 MB 1066x864 foxnoms_cv.mp4)

(745.30 KB 2480x3508 F0eUbpkXwAAQSYn.jpg)

(121.22 KB 1024x1024 OIG.VyKA.jpeg)

(48.84 KB 519x519 OIG (27) (2).jpeg)

(135.93 KB 1024x1024 OIG.WQoAspU5j5LV2.jpeg)

(39.48 KB 519x519 OIG (26) (15).jpeg)

(26.03 KB 519x519 OIG (25) (17).jpeg)

Surprisingly, Bing Image Generator can kinda do vore (only with Sonic characters for some reason for now). Yes, Bing's Content Policy is nightmare to navigate. And even if they didn't ban you 5 times in a row, it's still 50/50 chance that it's even will work (a lot of error screens). And even even with pictures that i was able to get, it's still only like 5% is usable, and even less is actually good one. But man, when it's good, it's really bloody good (with ai junk yeah, but still)
(162.38 KB 1024x1024 OIG (26) (30).jpeg)

(113.47 KB 1024x1024 OIG (26) (25).jpeg)

(34.34 KB 519x519 OIG (26) (13).jpeg)

(142.76 KB 1024x1024 OIG.mSng5tP.jpeg)

>>36144 Accidentally, it's even was able to do post-vore sometime, which is kinda funny
>>36146 Sucks to be me. I can only exclusively get post-vore disposal.
>>36153 Can you make the skeleton coming out of Tails look like it belonged to Amy? Asking for a friend.
>>36223 I would If I could, but some chucklefucks running bing AI go ultracensor mode when prompts of any highly popular female characters get an upsurge.

(142.07 KB 1024x1024 OIG.2n0d110UEo2d.jpeg)

(116.05 KB 1024x1024 OIG.qvXw41XEv.jpeg)

(143.79 KB 1024x1024 OIG - 2023-11-04T171937.812.jpeg)

>>37566 Get this ai garbage outta here
(2.03 MB 2648x1392 image_2023-11-08_022622800.png)