/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

GTS Vore (extreme size difference) Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 11:14:16 No. 49139
I'm gonna be honest I've been waiting far to long to create this thread.Giantess vore is mega popular so I'm surprised someone didn't do this for me, so go crazy.
>>49139 Same honestly, so I'll help expand it!
I have some potentially lost niwaka potato art.
(480.07 KB 3200x2500 E13P9cuVUAMgGOa.jpeg)

(609.26 KB 3200x2500 E20jc5iVkAAssAX.jpeg)

(621.26 KB 3500x2500 ExU4cK4VcAEw75k.jpeg)

(93.30 KB 640x728 3QIegz1.jpg)

(645.64 KB 1100x712 259628.jpg)

(73.26 KB 640x960 EA6-yapU0AAGcDg.jpg)

(753.98 KB 900x1200 Kaname.jpg)

Some that I have saved up. Giantess stuff with internals is rare to find for whatever reason. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places.
I have a bunch of BlondeVelvet giantess stuff that meets the criteria I could offload, but what is our furry-tolerance for this thread?
(531.13 KB 1000x1000 ErkdGUrXUAE_inH.png)

(139.18 KB 680x598 F_r0DBfWQAADXc3.png)

(783.00 KB 1196x1069 headshotkazuvorenocum.png)

>>49186 eh why not I don't really care if I don't like it I just won't jerk to it lol. If you really care just spoiler it ig
Not much into Pokémon (at least I assume Pokémon by the symbol on the underwear), but that first image hits a kind of spot that very few other pieces can - voreception where the first prey is micro to the first pred's macro and the second prey is same size to the second pred. BlondeVelvet was one of the few old-school artists who did voreception more often than most of their contemporaries, and I greatly appreciate them for it.
Same deal as the Pokémon (presumably) image in the last batch - I just really enjoy super micro breast vore.
(564.50 KB 1000x1176 willudie-337200-VG+trade.png)

My all-time favorite giantess piece, so I wanted to post it alone. Willudie does excellent same-size and mini-giantess stuff, but he really should do more macro/micro stuff like he used to.
(264.77 KB 1280x1884 018.jpg)

(731.30 KB 1024x1024 1707404980146153.png)

(181.65 KB 1220x1950 GGtidp0bUAAhVYT.jpg)

(5.81 MB 2480x3508 Toast21-490832-yes.png)

(7.70 MB 3508x2480 Toast21-491255-lamia.png)

(9.27 MB 4961x7016 Toast21-494376-Demon.jpg)

(11.77 MB 4960x7016 Toast21-495327-Demon+2.jpg)

(9.68 MB 7016x4960 Toast21-495511-mast.jpg)

Toast21 came and went far too quickly. A legend in the making, departing before their time.
Going to offload some more Willudie stuff; he has quite the backcatalogue. I know there is a distinction to be made between macro/micro and true giantess, but I doubt this thread is going to be that strict, right?
(150.47 KB 800x855 willudie-306658-image.jpg)

(428.22 KB 720x932 willudie-315424-St+Paddys.png)

(883.21 KB 720x1800 willudie-320376-image.png)

(386.32 KB 1000x667 willudie-329937-Roped+up.png)

Remember when someone was going around on a spree commissioning tons of art of Miss Kitty from Monkeybone?
Last of my Willudie major size-difference collection.
I've got more stuff of this caliber, but I don't want to be too spammy.
This next batch I have is strange. I first found it on the big Rule34 site, by noticing that the final image had a parent post - and kept going up the whole chain. Bizarrely, it's made by three different artists, and one of the images is tagged with "third-party edit". I have no clue what the backstory is here. The only theory I have is that a comissioner wanted a comic from a certain artist, but that artist wasn't keen on drawing everything included; so the commissioner artist-hopped to complete the story. Although, the "plotline" is a bit convoluted, and it feels like there's missing parts. If anyone knows if there's more to this odd "comic", feel free to inform us.
(535.50 KB 1280x1992 5tyhrthrh6t5.jpg)

(1.44 MB 1000x1647 awdfee.png)

You could probably upload Karbo's, Vaderaz's, and Freimgul's entire material here.
>>49538 that's definitely the idea this is my favorite niche in this fetish I'm even making a game about it. so post it all you want
>>49559 Akairo deleted his twitter again.
>>49620 That wasn't meant to be a reply.
>>49620 >>49621 These pieaces are peak fr. One of the things i dislike about most giantess vore art is that in general artists make the size difference too fucking big between pred and prey, so when the pred swallows the prey there's no belly bulge or anything, its just a big girl rubbing her fucking flat stomach. So seing art like this where they make the size difference aparent BUT not enough to make the prey a fucking spec of dirt AND give a nice belly bulge is a godsend.
(85.90 KB 900x816 815272-11152-gt8ip-preview.jpg)

(188.99 KB 1212x660 asdfff.jpg)

(452.61 KB 750x4177 awdcvwawv.jpg)

(269.29 KB 702x1000 gfhbfhnbnv.jpg)

I miss when allihserf still did mostly voreception.
(317.86 KB 1000x962 ewfewfdfg.png)

(1.26 MB 1032x1457 FRdQghZUcAA_ywY.jpg)

(642.42 KB 845x1200 hjyumtyu.jpg)

(186.47 KB 809x1200 rggfdfd.jpg)

(94.26 KB 900x871 rhrhgf.jpg)

No, I don't know why the pred goes from gray to purple.
Last of my big offload for the day. Gotta let the other threads have their chance to be first.
Won't have as many today.
The first two are a sequence.
Last of it what I've got for today. I was going to round things out with a video, but apparently, it was too large.
(2.14 MB 1800x4800 Vaderaz-824788-Page+1.jpg)

(2.19 MB 1800x4800 Vaderaz-825072-Page+2.jpg)

(2.76 MB 1800x4800 Vaderaz-825308-Page+3.jpg)

(3.20 MB 1800x4800 Vaderaz-825644-Page+4.jpg)

(2.57 MB 1800x4800 Vaderaz-825904-Page+5.jpg)

This has been fun, so far. Thanks for creating the thread, OP.
A late start today, but not every day can be the same.
(978.61 KB 2550x3300 Joe3e-1009554-page1final.png)

(803.61 KB 2550x3300 Joe3e-1009642-page2final.png)

(832.06 KB 2550x3300 Joe3e-1009644-page3final.png)

(959.01 KB 2550x3300 Joe3e-1009645-page4final.png)

(904.19 KB 2550x3300 Joe3e-1009646-page5final.png)

(1.24 MB 2098x1501 Bananaman-900213-Map.jpg)

(1.51 MB 2194x1597 Bananaman-900536-1.jpg)

(1.58 MB 1994x2061 Bananaman-900852-2.jpg)

(1.91 MB 2559x2048 Bananaman-901169-3.jpg)

(1.83 MB 2492x2090 Bananaman-901386-4.jpg)

How about a comic to round this batch out?
(1.89 MB 2461x2071 Bananaman-901726-5.jpg)

(2.11 MB 2655x1889 Bananaman-901999-6.jpg)

(1.77 MB 2601x2075 Bananaman-902301-7.jpg)

(2.27 MB 2879x2097 Bananaman-902639-8.jpg)

(2.26 MB 2836x2045 Bananaman-902865-9.jpg)

(2.72 MB 3197x2012 Bananaman-903152-10.jpg)

(1.83 MB 2581x2053 Bananaman-903738-11.jpg)

(2.33 MB 3583x2089 Bananaman-904109-12.jpg)

(1.64 MB 2403x2035 Bananaman-904407-13.jpg)

(1.81 MB 2476x2052 Bananaman-904715-14.jpg)

Went through all my most favorites, so I'll start posting the pretty good stuff from artists I like, starting with Nalzindar. His artstyle can be offputting at times, to say the least, but he at least stands out among the rest. His feral and male-pred stuff drags down his catalogue, but his giantess scenarios are top-notch.
(1.44 MB 1000x1647 awdfee.png)

(200.06 KB 900x1600 dfbbdhrtb.jpg)

(630.48 KB 900x3345 jmhmnmnb.jpg)

Missed yesterday, and got a late start today; but whatever. Here's some Vaderaz. I have to commend him for sticking to purely to macro/micro, female pred-only, soft vore for so long when most of his peers have experimented with other things or at least have taken commissions that involve other things. Not really a fan of F/M, but for his stuff, I can usually overlook that distaste. His F/F pictures always shine.
(558.43 KB 1500x1875 Vaderaz-584960-WIP3.jpg)

(1007.42 KB 2000x2500 Vaderaz-594963-Penny.jpg)

(1.98 MB 1500x5400 Vaderaz-604333-WIP3biss.jpg)

(753.18 KB 1800x4114 Vaderaz-645298-WIP3.jpg)

(1.23 MB 1500x2500 Vaderaz-707536-mouth+yun.jpg)

(8.93 MB 3000x12000 Vaderaz-712221-WIP3.jpg)

(1.02 MB 1200x2194 Vaderaz-734607-WIP3.jpg)

(520.01 KB 256x512 Vaderaz-765484-Zycra+shake.gif)

(2.52 MB 4000x3000 Vaderaz-971463-slug.jpg)

(4.03 MB 1200x4800 Vaderaz-1017871-Fro+reward.jpg)

Messed up on the count, hence not hitting the five-image limit on these last few. Anyways, Zycra is a decent pred, but it would be nice to see her in a prey role. I can't think of any times she's been one off the top of my head, at least not when Vaderaz has drawn her.
Lots more Vaderaz.

(1.69 MB 1200x4020 Vaderaz-480726-WIP+7.jpg)

(1.89 MB 2750x2000 Vaderaz-491714-WIP5.jpg)

(3.50 MB 1500x6095 Vaderaz-499301-WIP5.jpg)

(1.65 MB 2000x2500 Vaderaz-500481-WIP6.jpg)

(1.90 MB 1500x3386 Vaderaz-503604-WIp5.jpg)

(2.08 MB 1500x4875 Vaderaz-507260-WIP6c.jpg)

(1.50 MB 1200x3300 Vaderaz-518255-Gorgon_WIP2.jpg)

(1.03 MB 1250x1500 Vaderaz-519261-WIP3b.jpg)

(669.09 KB 2000x1622 Vaderaz-523991-WIP4b.jpg)

(866.29 KB 1200x4622 Vaderaz-528338-WIP5a.jpg)

(4.03 MB 1250x12500 Vaderaz-535805-WIP4.jpg)

(4.37 MB 1500x13500 Vaderaz-541619-WIP+5.jpg)

(1.94 MB 1500x7500 Vaderaz-542706-WIP+4a.jpg)

(1.36 MB 1800x2250 Vaderaz-551799-WIP3.jpg)

(3.07 MB 3157x4000 Vaderaz-565209-WIP+4.jpg)

(5.42 MB 1200x13333 Vaderaz-568691-WIP3.jpg)

(1.11 MB 1500x3375 Vaderaz-575016-WIP3.jpg)

(5.51 MB 1500x4500 Vaderaz-588190-WIP3.jpg)

(970.93 KB 1500x1875 Vaderaz-593765-WIP2.jpg)

(1.93 MB 1500x6750 Vaderaz-599849-WIP3b.jpg)

(2.14 MB 1200x7200 Vaderaz-616454-WIP3.jpg)

(1.32 MB 1500x1800 Vaderaz-619034-Poss+Maw.jpg)

(945.96 KB 1611x1500 Vaderaz-633924-WIP2.jpg)

(2.65 MB 1200x5400 Vaderaz-634670-WIP3.jpg)

(2.57 MB 1500x3750 Vaderaz-635293-WIP3.jpg)

(450.73 KB 1800x3600 Vaderaz-640099-WIp3.jpg)

(400.30 KB 1800x2400 Vaderaz-643293-wip3.jpg)

(3.96 MB 1500x7500 Vaderaz-653800-WIP3b.jpg)

(3.23 MB 1800x4800 Vaderaz-654279-Siren's+feast.jpg)

(2.15 MB 1800x3600 Vaderaz-659698-WIP2.jpg)

(3.39 MB 1500x4000 Vaderaz-665567-WIP3.jpg)

(1.03 MB 1200x2000 Vaderaz-667239-WIP2.jpg)

(3.72 MB 3000x5000 Vaderaz-687989-WIP2.jpg)

(1.68 MB 1200x3200 Vaderaz-693671-WIP2.jpg)

(2.38 MB 1200x4800 Vaderaz-719483-WIP3.jpg)

Finishing off today with a small comic. Had a lot more of Vaderaz's stuff than I thought, and still more to go. Who knew that a consistent ten-year artist would have so much art?
(1.18 MB 1500x2500 Vaderaz-667955-Ulanni+Mouth.jpg)

(1.28 MB 1500x2250 Vaderaz-675705-WiP3.jpg)

(1.03 MB 2000x1556 Vaderaz-689570-Ciel+mouth.jpg)

(1.71 MB 2000x2667 Vaderaz-692291-WIP3.jpg)

Even more Vaderaz.
(4.10 MB 2500x2083 Vaderaz-701377-WIP3.jpg)

(3.79 MB 1200x6720 Vaderaz-704724-WIP2.jpg)

(2.22 MB 1500x3900 Vaderaz-706211-WIP2.jpg)

(2.12 MB 1250x4500 Vaderaz-706689-WIP3.jpg)

(2.33 MB 1200x5400 Vaderaz-709447-WIP2.jpg)

(1.76 MB 1200x3600 Vaderaz-710877-WIP3.jpg)

(2.58 MB 1500x4500 Vaderaz-711821-WIP3.jpg)

(2.63 MB 1250x5125 Vaderaz-713661-WIP3.jpg)

(5.27 MB 3000x10000 Vaderaz-719485-WIP3.jpg)

(1.97 MB 2500x3500 Vaderaz-721769-WIP3.jpg)

(4.33 MB 1250x10000 Vaderaz-721770-WIP3.jpg)

(2.30 MB 1500x6250 Vaderaz-723530-WIP3.jpg)

(4.54 MB 9334x2000 Vaderaz-726130-WIP3.jpg)

(714.82 KB 1200x1694 Vaderaz-729895-ishoam+belly.jpg)

(1.41 MB 1500x2364 Vaderaz-733922-WIP3.jpg)

(1.45 MB 1024x3686 Vaderaz-734959-WIP3.jpg)

(644.67 KB 1200x1568 Vaderaz-744081-WIP3.jpg)

(906.23 KB 1024x2048 Vaderaz-744637-WIP3.jpg)

(1020.91 KB 1200x2100 Vaderaz-749528-WIP3.jpg)

(1.85 MB 1200x4800 Vaderaz-751963-WIP3.jpg)

(1.27 MB 1200x2100 Vaderaz-756114-WIP3.jpg)

(2.78 MB 1200x5350 Vaderaz-757861-WIP3.jpg)

(955.31 KB 1200x2200 Vaderaz-762090-WIP3.jpg)

(2.85 MB 1200x4800 Vaderaz-762835-WIP3.jpg)

(909.69 KB 1500x1050 Vaderaz-772849-WIP3.jpg)

(1009.12 KB 1500x2234 Vaderaz-776379-WIP2.jpg)

(3.81 MB 1200x10286 Vaderaz-778651-WIP3.jpg)

(2.40 MB 1200x6000 Vaderaz-783219-WIP4.jpg)

(1.26 MB 1500x2063 Vaderaz-785284-WIP2.jpg)

(1.48 MB 1200x10080 Vaderaz-800470-WIP3.jpg)

(803.63 KB 1500x5000 Vaderaz-802351-Page+1+WIP3.jpg)

(768.76 KB 1500x5000 Vaderaz-802352-Page+2+WIP3.jpg)

(1.90 MB 3500x1500 Vaderaz-807345-WIP3.jpg)

(5.51 MB 1500x12858 Vaderaz-814652-In+and+out+P2.jpg)

(2.21 MB 1500x4125 Vaderaz-881732-Lulvell+AV.jpg)

(626.23 KB 1000x1500 Vaderaz-904619-WIP3.jpg)

(1.60 MB 1000x4000 Vaderaz-910342-WIP2.jpg)

(1.66 MB 1000x4000 Vaderaz-921963-Slime+in+belly.jpg)

(3.23 MB 1200x7200 Vaderaz-924962-Ely+Bowl.jpg)

(1.65 MB 1200x3200 Vaderaz-927769-Zycra+Panphlet.jpg)

(2.62 MB 1500x6000 Vaderaz-929060-Page1.jpg)

(3.68 MB 1500x6000 Vaderaz-929311-Page2.jpg)

(3.20 MB 1500x6000 Vaderaz-929653-Page3.jpg)

(1.80 MB 1200x4800 Vaderaz-935035-WIP3.jpg)

(2.76 MB 1500x5000 Vaderaz-945176-Julia+P1.jpg)

(2.61 MB 1500x5000 Vaderaz-945177-Julia+P2.jpg)

(3.66 MB 2000x4800 Vaderaz-950818-Luci+Anatomy.jpg)

Last of my Vaderaz stuff for now. I'll put up another artist/style later.
>>50722 Vaderaz used to be good but man I am not a fan of their new artstyle
>>50739 I get that. I feel the same way about SeekGR.
I'll admit there's an offputting quality to VoreGloreX4's art. It's an acquired taste. However, as an afficianado of macro/micro, f/f, clean AV, I take what I can get. Plus, the body-shapes are right on point.
(404.27 KB 1200x1500 VoreGloreX4-425838-Amazon.jpg)

(141.30 KB 1333x1200 VoreGloreX4-439750-Cat_vs_cat.jpg)

(297.10 KB 1170x1300 VoreGloreX4-470520-Gym.jpg)

(81.32 KB 1140x1200 VoreGloreX4-474069-Qin.jpg)

(199.56 KB 1120x1400 VoreGloreX4-474071-Lol.jpg)

(752.38 KB 1300x1461 VoreGloreX4-492886-Voracity_AV.png)

(464.01 KB 1200x1500 VoreGloreX4-507744-Giganta.png)

(935.19 KB 1300x1444 VoreGloreX4-521318-BH.png)

(565.51 KB 1400x1540 VoreGloreX4-549793-chel_redux.png)

(678.85 KB 1700x2000 VoreGloreX4-676236-Princess.png)

(394.34 KB 1900x2200 VoreGloreX4-708530-abduction.png)

(2.01 MB 2000x1800 VoreGloreX4-711620-Sam.png)

(710.06 KB 3840x1920 VoreGloreX4-712334-Chel.png)

(2.04 MB 1800x2000 VoreGloreX4-730118-Mt+Booty.png)

(344.03 KB 2560x1440 VoreGloreX4-736030-Qin.png)

(527.80 KB 1700x2000 VoreGloreX4-742846-tiana.png)

(418.77 KB 2000x1700 VoreGloreX4-749552-estate.png)

(299.18 KB 1700x2000 VoreGloreX4-760894-d.png)

(653.26 KB 2048x3072 VoreGloreX4-878406-mt.png)

(334.13 KB 1500x2000 VoreGloreX4-950794-3+(1).png)

VoreGloreX4 is more of a commissioner these days, but there's still a bit more of his own stuff to get through before I worry about uploading his commissioned stuff.
Most of VoreGaloreX4's stuff with their Yuko character.
Whats the artista name?
>>51238 nn-ssmmdd
(2.09 MB 2894x4093 clip8806-1.jpeg)

(2.26 MB 2894x4093 clip8806-2.jpeg)

(2.01 MB 2894x4093 clip8806-3.jpeg)

(2.23 MB 2894x4093 clip8806-4.jpeg)

(2.38 MB 2894x4093 clip8806-5.jpeg)

(2.33 MB 2894x4093 clip8806-6.jpeg)

(1.97 MB 2894x4093 clip8806-7.jpeg)

(8.75 MB 4299x6071 clip8806-1.jpeg)

(7.87 MB 4299x6071 clip8806-2.jpeg)

(6.68 MB 4299x6071 clip8806-3.jpeg)

Lofis is more of a same-size artist, but he does have a few macro/micro pieces.
(2.34 MB 1920x1080 hex 4.png)

in the middle of creating a size based visual novel, I can share a little bit here
>>51530 ah sweet this actually looks like something I can jack of to. Its sweet to see that AI finally learned to do vore this good
>>51561 wait now that I look at it closer is this AI? Either way it's good
(20.69 MB 1920x1080 tsavo-1.mp4)

(1.82 MB 1920x1080 hex D1.png)

(3.81 MB 1920x1080 preview1.mp4)

(7.67 MB 1920x1080 preview2.mp4)

>>51562 no it isn't ai lol. I just payed actual artist and I drew the sketches for the scene myself.As an artist I'm never gonna use a.i schlop for my projects I kinda have high standards for my projects. plus it's I only started working on it in February, Tsavo is one of my main artist. The visual novel is very early in development though I've already started hiring va's for the scenes. If your interested here is a link to patreon and ich page. I'd advice waiting till later this month for paying for anything as the update and 2 new scenes isn't done yet but is going to come out very seen patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MADGLAD itch: https://m4dgl4d.itch.io/jessicas-game

(378.58 KB 1280x2363 6text.jpg)

(418.98 KB 1600x2133 1641755625698.jpg)

(269.29 KB 702x1000 gfhbfhnbnv.jpg)

Some of VoreGloreX4's commissioned stuff. Even when he's not the artist drawing, those body shapes end up looking a lot like the types he draws.