/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(137.13 KB 900x1272 over protective.jpg)

(161.08 KB 900x1272 overprotective 2.jpg)

mini giantess Anonymous 11/17/2021 (Wed) 20:45:46 No. 5093 >>7615 >>10869
hot ladies gulping people just big enough to give a little bulge
(2.49 MB 2116x2000 1572228840291-1.png)

(1.72 MB 2362x1528 ezkerbkun-666795-residentVIII.png)

(618.16 KB 1000x1414 resident_grey_01.jpg)

(623.18 KB 1000x1414 resident_grey_02.jpg)

(595.79 KB 1000x1414 resident_grey_03.jpg)

>>5118 bump
I'm sad this thread hasn't gained more traction. Mini-GTS is definitely my favorite scenario. Same-size is just too silly for me, and I dislike extreme macro-micro scenarios. I like it when prey is just small enough to be squeezed into the stomach, leaving just a small bulge, if any. Truly peak GTS content.
>>6010 Bump
let me broaden the horizon here, it isn't limited to existing art if you can/want to make art do so and post it here
(1.26 MB 1800x2250 blanham17-308648-femzach.jpg)

(404.69 KB 1932x1971 FBqxwzcVUAIANWv.jpeg)

bumpin in hope that it gains more interest
(2.94 MB 3828x6408 Bashka - 5.jpg)

(3.94 MB 3824x7471 Bashka - 6.jpg)

(3.26 MB 3824x6377 Bashka 11.jpg)

(3.43 MB 3828x6942 Bashka 12.jpg)

(150.54 KB 1600x1200 Eyyp3QZWEAMqK31.jpeg)

(1022.62 KB 1650x2013 owlizard-482264-corrupted 01.png)

(1.48 MB 2480x1754 1633916165318.png)

(1.15 MB 2137x985 BIGBIG-262730-Woma Rita.png)

(1.24 MB 1650x2013 owlizard-482265-corrupted 02.png)

(329.89 KB 900x1200 1561520676407.png)

(131.92 KB 1200x1200 1569116859708.jpg)

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(1.72 MB 1249x1500 1520576842389.png)

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(2.26 MB 1963x2940 1554237159862.png)

(3.49 MB 3453x3075 BIGBIG-311039-xx w owl2.jpg)

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(324.34 KB 2048x1438 EmbnHBEVoAEPbja.jpeg)

(344.98 KB 2048x1589 E9k_9oyVUAAB_8Y.jpeg)

(338.32 KB 2048x1589 E9k_9-QVkAQqTMl.jpeg)

(301.32 KB 1536x1636 E8V0m1RX0AI_WzN.jpeg)

(179.78 KB 1306x880 FAcDJTyXMAUooMD.png)

(201.89 KB 1050x1362 FDDvZZcVQAo_KWa.jpeg)

(193.88 KB 1050x1362 FDDvZZhVEAQi_8U.jpeg)

(201.75 KB 1066x1003 FAcDGdQXIAMNueR.png)

>>7934 Source of the first pic?
(392.35 KB 1280x1810 33 (1).jpg)

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(388.71 KB 1280x1810 32 (3).jpg)

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(450.30 KB 1583x2048 E_sNL_fWQAEf5eB.jpeg)

(705.74 KB 1583x2048 FAFSVDjXMAUpM-n.jpeg)

(335.31 KB 1489x2048 E6IcmPoXoAIICOA.jpeg)

(738.88 KB 1583x2048 E_8cJRkWUAAfvKy.jpeg)

(1.68 MB 1417x1704 ezkerbkun-723465-maiden.png)

(465.55 KB 1444x2048 FF4oruAXIAElmrW.jpeg)

(407.22 KB 1444x2048 FF4orGwXsAUtKlh.jpeg)

(550.80 KB 1654x2048 FBxU_8bXsAIe4bL.jpeg)

(331.98 KB 2048x2048 FBdL_MxXsAQtS8Q.jpeg)

(254.72 KB 1583x2048 FDgx1XBX0AEuIzj.jpeg)

>>8084 >>8085 Who's the /fit/ girl?
(186.33 KB 2048x1583 E_03iZFUYAA_47y.jpeg)

(364.21 KB 2048x1583 E_03iY7VgAkMd3L.jpeg)

(290.23 KB 1465x1434 Eon7KheXUAAwgYy.png)

(113.68 KB 1276x890 EaSGoomUEAERSyk.jpeg)

(156.88 KB 1566x1267 ESS3-ZTXUAgYcFl.jpeg)

(184.55 KB 1671x1625 E9PolLUX0AcOf5U.jpeg)

(131.11 KB 2014x491 ESS4AEsWsAEKX0P.jpeg)

(237.40 KB 2048x1243 EST1DkfXkAARRhg.png)

(88.34 KB 947x928 EST1UiNXYAELrrK.jpeg)

(218.81 KB 868x1228 1642112552605.jpg)

(2.22 MB 1392x2160 EmbyrComicpg1.png)

(2.18 MB 1392x2160 EmbyrComicpg2.png)

>>5093 (OP) source on OP?
>>10869 Tasley9

(2.16 MB 2889x2287 Rasha-642610-image0-19.png)

(397.43 KB 2048x2033 EsCQ4wNXMAgYgn.jpg)

(586.85 KB 1200x962 E5dhE8IVUAMLuDE.jpg)

How come this thread died?
>>22292 Wrong text and right image, got my tabs mixed up. kek
>>33915 Don't see you posting anything. It really did die.
>>8162 Who's the artist ?
(738.70 KB 1415x2002 Patrycja-1008046-0433_1s.jpg)

(825.17 KB 1415x2002 Patrycja-1008047-0433_2s.jpg)

(532.05 KB 1415x2002 Patrycja-1008048-0433_3s.jpg)

>>46095 i believe nevermindohno died or something happened. cause he never finished his WIP which is awesome, and never responded for quite a while now.
Still trying to find that one AV mini-giantess pic from unf0cused without success

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