/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Rainbow dash eats sonic the hedgehog Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 06:32:47 No. 50965
Wanna make this thread because is a weird obsession of mine for rainbow dash to devour that cocky little shit sonic, forgive the terrible internal passing over a AI image out is best I can do and if anyone better at then me at making internals for this please post , but always really liked RD as a pred and what better prey for her then sonic since RD is easily faster then he is and could easily see her using Vore as a means to put him in his place
Seems very specific
>>50975 >seems very autistic Ftfy
>>50978 Lol thanks, much better
>>50965 is there a external version?
Yeah this is the original ai generated image
>>50965 Bwahahahahah what a speciffic thing to want to wank of too.
Welp it’s what I like, at least it isnt to children like others on this board
lmao what
Is very good
I make more
>>50965 don't be sad! Your internal drawing skills are way better than mine
>>54490 Nigga you blind! ain't no drawing skills in sight that's ai lmao
>>54493 the first picture is edited from an Ai image. should be pretty obvious considering that the internals have a different style than the rest of the image
Well yeah I stated that in the top text that it was edited all of them are
>>54549 All of them are AI images. Just yikes
I mean if you don’t like it then keep scrolling, I have things I like, humans are just boring and unattractive to me I prefer anthro pony preds. Akso if this is about it being AI who the fuck cares? Why is that such a problem for you? Imagine gatekeeping art
>>54970 Imagine creating A.I slop and calling it art
Whomp whomp Well deal with it bc there’s going to be more of it soon and really nothing you can do about it so cry harder
>>54978 Who said I'm crying about it? I couldn't really care, just whatever you're into I guess
>>54970 a lack of gatekeeping is why we have all this crap

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