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Vore Videos with Burping Thread Anonymous 08/16/2024 (Fri) 22:43:51 No. 53926
Live action videos with at least one burp in it
>>53928 Bump. Anyone got more?
>>53941 Don't bump the fucking thread already dipshit, actually provide some substance. Anyway, here's another video, dunno if clearly fake burps are allowed but this video is one of my favorites. https://gofile.io/d/rho9E4
>>53928 May this thread prosper
>>53976 classic
>>53943 I can only get into real burps unfortunately
Have a bunch of stuff that I think has mostly never been uploaded on here, will try to get it posted sometime before the weekend is over
>>54002 A little gift to keep it going YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOVBOVVV6VW1Gb1VTTTRaMU14VjFNdFpsaEpPSFJsUm1Gd1F6aG1PRXBC
>>53976 God she's the absolute goat for me dude even with her Fake tits and all. I wonder what happened to her
>>54062 Her burps are insane
>>53928 I'm having a brainlet moment, is this 32 or 64??
>>54139 I don't know who this is, but if you like this sort of stuff look up fugubelly.
Anyone have the Maryroselove video where she is a cat-girl eating mice?
https://www.cambro.tv/1173697/tonnia-vore/ Think you guys will like this one
>>54569 Nice, anyone got any more vids of her?
We must keep this thread alive
aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC8yTFhnUmg= >>54860 agreed
Crap that first link is already null void. I thought I DL'd the video of the girl swallowing the string followed by all the burps because it was super hot but I must've forgotten to.
Somebody give me recommendations for a same size vid, with burping, no giantess and no bbws
>>56088 Bump
>>56088 Bump
>>56088 Bump come on give me something
Honestly I’d just commission a custom from Kelly Payne while she’s still pregnant
>>56880 Where can you do this? Customs are closed on her ManyVids
>>56880 Does she do burps? I've never seen a video where she does. Would be amazing
>>56895 if you look at her manyvids club page, there is a menu for the custom pricing info. She probably does it that way because of the payout from tipping over the cut from the custom order page. But IDK
Awaken once more thread
>>60831 Gimme something good and I might get it
>>60880 Define good? But imo anything Mary Rose Love is good. Her Cat/Mouse one looks promising as do many others.
>>60991 She's so fucking hot, sadly she's expensive, like Kayla Kiss.

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