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Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(9.03 KB 248x250 1706979930479816s.jpg)

Anyone have this with high res Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 03:58:03 No. 54409
I can't find the high res version of this and I think the artist is Rasha.
(2.30 MB 3536x3562 1706800273030.jpg)

>>54409 Found it in archived.moe website, for some Reason the threads got deleted even though it's not old.
>>54416 What are the artist socials?
>>54417 It looks a lot like Rasha style https://aryion.com/g4/user/Rasha . Though, I couldn’t find the image in their gallery.
>>54419 I'm sure it's locked behind their Patreon/Discord Where you need the link to the mega in Discord and the password their Patreon that gets changed monthly. So good luck ever getting access to that.
>>54444 They just dumped it on /d/ like a couple other things before they officially came back, and there's no patreon. think you might be getting ahead of yourself there
>>54446 Considering you can't find any of that anywhere, it has to be behind a paywall
>>54444 >>54469 Not that anon,but as far as I know, Rasha doesn't have a Patreon, no clue about discord, they just have a strange habit of dumping their art and wips on 4chan's /d/ and not posting it on their Eka's page for months or years. Hell, they just started a twitter and pixiv page that's an incomplete gallery. I think their just on of those elusive artists that have their stuff scattered across the internet without much of a centralized gallery.
Do you know how to get the full res images over there?
>>54446 Less ahead of myself, more got them mixed with RoundRombo

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