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Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(532.42 KB 1211x1713 Odinboy6669c342d4faf20cf5.jpeg)

Odinboy666 Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 03:10:38 No. 55605
Does anyone have works by Odinboy666, specifically the ones featuring female preds? There was one picture of his where a bunch of lolis were feeding themselves to frogs. Shit was hot but I never saved it..
Offering 25 USD gift card to anyone who can post that pic
(11.22 MB 2480x3508 73428606_p0.png)

>>55605 Hoo boy, that one pic you want sure is tricky to find, and the fact that the artist nuked almost all of their works didn't help at all... This is the one I have, I know it's not the pic you want, but I hope it's close enough... I'll keep looking just in case
>>55724 Thank you for your efforts.
>>55724 Any updates?
It took days of searching but here you go.
>>56156 Thank you king!!!
Is there any remaining archive of his works?
(83.84 KB 600x425 IMG_7959.JPG)

(105.49 KB 600x848 IMG_7958.JPG)

(73.60 KB 600x848 IMG_7957.JPG)

Do you have his other works that involve lolis?
>>57524 He rarely did loli. Not much was saved since he mostly did boys eaten by monsters.
(652.79 KB 2048x1448 School_Dinner-Odinboy666.jpg)

(1.46 MB 2480x3508 School_Toilets-Odinboy666.jpg)

Here are the full sizes of these
(1.95 MB 3508x2480 Pantry Raid - 89932227_p1.jpg)

here's the frog one in full

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