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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Origin of vorarephilia Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 00:32:44 No. 56034
What is the cause of vorarephilia? Is it some psychological thing? Did it even exist before the internet?
>>56034 Not a wiki bro but vore probably was a thing before the internet, just not something that people build communities/art around. But it's honestly impossible to know how big it was/how it spread before the internet. It's also something that I highly doubt we'll ever see studies/analysis of. I just can't imagine there ever being a 'vore community' prior to the internet and online anonymity, especially at a time when other more mainstream fetishes were already viewed as mental illnesses
>>56037 Ask chatgpt or gemini. The librarians of the internet.
I've been contemplating this for several decades. Back in the 1990's, Yahoo groups began to form, dedicated to people with giantess and vore fantasies/fetishes. Until then, I'm pretty sure all of us just thought we were nuts and kept it a secret. After seeing tens of thousands of members join, there was a gleam of hope that we are not alone...there are others who share our fantasy, and that helped to ease some of the embarrassment and shame surrounding this fantasy/fetish. I've exhausted many possibilities as to the genesis of this fantasy....conditioning, curiosity, comfort, a plethora of others. I'm still not entirely convinced there isn't a potentially spiritual factor at play - something along the lines of samsara, or reincarnation. If I had been eaten in a past life, perhaps that is why vore resonates so much with me. Truthfully, I think if you were able to figure out why all of us have the desire we do, there'd be a cornucopia of different reasons. Just as we are all wired in vastly different ways that make our fingerprint in the universe truly unique, we were led to our desires through different paths. Of course I hope to be proven wrong, and find out there is a much simpler, more quantifiable reasoning behind it, but after decades of contemplation, I am still at a loss. Silver lining: the not knowing makes it all the more mysterious! We weren't meant to be able to explain EVERYTHING in the universe. How boring would that be?
>>56034 They say that the foot fetish is caused by cross wiring between the foot and genitalia in the brain area, so it could be possible that we have a connection similar to that. Also with the amount of humans alive, I believe there exists is a chance that a small population of them would fetishize vore, because of the brain wiring shenanigans
My best assumption is that it crosses over with other psychological conditions. Every single person I've spoken to in the vore community including myself have some kind of neuro-diverse condition. As with any neurodiversity it develops in the womb, you're born with it and you're stuck with it. Your brain wiring is different from what "standard" brain would have. It will initially be non sexual when exposed to it but once you enter puberty it will change to being sexual and become a fetish. Exposure is so easy these days with the internet and media it not surprising that it's far more common now. What causes neurodiversity is whole other ball game. Mostly dependent on the mothers biology and other factors during pregnancy. There have been studies on why but it's still most conjecture, much more research is required to find the cause.
>>56034 My personal hypothesis explaining the prey side of vorarephilia is toxoplasmosis. The toxoplasma gondii parasites are known to alter behavior of infected mice and if is already proven that they are capable of slightly altering decision making in infected humans. The toxoplasma in its life cycle needs to transfer from infected mouse to a cat, this happens by the mouse getting eaten. The mice are good at not getting eaten, so the toxoplasma removes fear of cats from mice brain. Some papers suggest that the infected mice are even attracted to the cats. This mean that an infected mouse sees an approaching cat and it just sits there looking at the cat until it gets eaten. But toxoplasma can get into human brain as well, and in some countries up to 50% of population is infected. The effects of toxoplasma could explain why so many people are so fascinated by cats. Moreover, it has already been pointed out that manga/anime style of drawing adds cat-like facial features to people. Now look at the preds in vore, lot of them have cat-like features: cat ears, fangs, cat eyes, playing with prey and they even cough-up remains of prey. This could be basically trigger for the toxoplasma behavior: feline predator is approaching and the prey is just standing there looking at them until they are eaten. So I basically think that toxoplasma parasites are trying to get people eaten, the effects of toxoplasma over the years lead to the prey part of vorarephilia. Note: some source speculate that toxoplasma in humans is altering the behavior to get people eaten by large felines which it can infect. This was a real option during the evolution of humans and toxoplasma.
>>56063 Bonus points for saying "toxoplasmosa" 11 times in your response. LOL Interesting theory. This article is good for some background reading (https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.13006). It appears that it can be transmitted through the consumption of undercooked meats and passed through the placenta to a fetus, so that would explain how some people are born with an affinity toward vore. HOWEVER, it seems like the toxoplasmosis theory assumes the presence of the toxoplasma gondii parasite within the host is a requirement to exhibit the associated behavior. The presence of the bacteria can be detected through blood tests, and I've had many of those throughout my life and have never been informed of any presence of parasitic infection. It seems highly improbable that a brief inhabitation of the parasite could "hardwire" the brain towards voraphilia, even during organogenesis. It's definitely an interesting theory, though, and definitely worth investing more research into.
I’ve had a philosophical boner to analyze the shit outta the parts of my brain that make the least amount of sense. So I’ve thought about this for a while. I only have my own experiences to go off of, but to me vore operates as both a metaphor and metaphoric springboard to intensely romantic feelings. Alot of voraphiles have common experiences as kids watching cartoons or otherwise experiencing the concept of vore early on and describing a “weird feeling/string of thought” they could feel but not explain. Something about vore as a concept works like a bug to access hidden content that isn't finished yet. Since that unfinished content is the love center of the brain, your brain starts finishing the content using your vore experiences and voila: you now have a fetish. The only big difference I see between that and foot fetishism is you can quite literally brute force it into young enough kids. Vore just kinda shows up as far as I can tell. Both operate on the system however of “reinforce it enough as a kid and it’ll become more interesting than sex bc thats what your brain thinks you want” Thats why it makes sense to me that most people that are into vore have vastly different opinions on what makes vore cool. Its a pre-chewed version of romance our brains seek out before they are developed for it, after that the qualities of vore that are most pleasurable to that individual become the things they think vore has always been. If you want statistics, someone interviewed (I think 2000?) people on aryion about it. Fun read
>>56070 Quick addition someone mentioned autism above me and YES I fully agree bc the people I find that are into vore or even are into other weird shit like inflation or even furries sometimes are the people that make THE MOST amount of sense to me. Something about how autists handle concepts or something
>>56069 The DOI link is not working for me. As for reading, some of the work was done in the field of toxoplasma-psychology by prof. Flegr. Sorry for repeating myself so much. Instructing LLMs for programming leads one to write, in this type of explicit way. As for the tests, the toxoplasma tests do have high false negative rate. This can be because the toxoplasma mostly stays in the brain IIRC.
I can say wholeheartedly, my first understanding of the kink was well before I had access to Internet of any form. I was in kindergarten or some shit, and I imagined the school nurse giving me a kiss, but then swallowing me whole. And as I drifted through her body, smaller other nurses kept kissing me as well, inside her. I don't think I ever met that school nurse, just always been horny 😆😆😆 I also had a lot of cats in my younger years, so I dig the toxoplasmosis theory a ton
>>56063 I think that this post is a lot of cope for being a prey slut for cats. An interesting take nonetheless. I think there's several ways to look at it, Psychological Development: Fetishes often develop from associations made during early psychological development. For some individuals, vore may represent a symbolic fusion of control, intimacy, and vulnerability. It could stem from early childhood experiences or fantasies that, over time, become eroticized. Biological and Evolutionary Factors: Humans have a natural curiosity and fear related to being consumed or consuming others, which can be traced back to survival instincts. In some individuals, these primal fears or fascinations might get mixed with sexual feelings, leading to a fetish. Power and Control: Vore fantasies often involve themes of dominance and submission, which are common in various other fetishes. The idea of consuming or being consumed can be seen as the ultimate expression of control or surrender, which may be sexually appealing to some people. Symbolism and Metaphor: Vore might symbolize extreme intimacy or union, representing a desire to be wholly absorbed by or to wholly possess another person. It can also metaphorically reflect a longing for closeness or the complete dissolution of boundaries between self and other. Fantasy and Escapism: Like many fetishes, vore may serve as a form of escapism, allowing people to explore desires and scenarios that are impossible or taboo in reality. The fantastical nature of vore can provide a safe space to engage with extreme or unusual themes. Internet and Community Influence: Online communities and forums dedicated to niche fetishes can amplify interest and provide a sense of belonging for people with these interests. Exposure to and participation in these communities can reinforce and deepen the fetish.
Pretty sure there are lots of overlapping fetishes that kind of morph into vore. Like how there is a bunch of sub-tags for vore like hard, soft, guro, digestion, pred, and prey. For me and those in my age range there were tons of vore things growing up ranging from Jurassic Park to Tom and Jerry scenes where Jerry would have to escape Tom's stomach. I remember first learning about beating off and I had dreams of jerking off into the mouth of a T-Rex. Like my specific fetish is I'm really into bj's, and vore is almost the 'ultimate' bj. Like I would want to sit on a giant girls tongue and cum down her throat. My favorite comics are ones with 'voreception' where a girl getting swallowed gives one last bj while being swallowed. Or minipeople getting drowned in cum in a mouth then swallowed. Which is also why I myself am not into like real hard vore where people get chewed up or shit out.
>>56089 I've been "into" it as long as I can remember. Didn't know it was a fetish until I discovered jacking off though.
I know my vore trigger definitively. When i was a kid i was pretty afraid of things, comparatively way more afraid than most kids would be of the same things. My mother was often stressed and angry because of her toxic family so during pregnancy this probably fucked with my brain. Anyway I was flipping through cartoons around the age of 5 and Spirited Away came on. Of course it was the one scene where Kaonashi ate the hotel staff whole and it scared the shit out of me. I screamed to my grandma cause she was in the room and she turned off the TV. 20 years later I still had a latent feeling of hesitancy to even watch the movie. So yeah. I know part of my fetish is psychologically conditioned. Could also be biological cause my dad watches hentai, and generally my dads side of the family is autistic.
>>56034 >What is the cause of vorarephilia? It just makes my dick hard. What's there to discuss? The honest reality with a lot of fetishes is that you can very easily control them and curtail which ones you do and don't like. After all, no or nor nothing is forcing you to look them up nor seek them out. You're just choosing to do so of your own free will.
Anyone know the earliest documented case?
I wonder if a lot of it stems from "mommy issues". It seems to be linked to the devouring mother archetype. I also think there's an innate desire in people (though latent in most) to reunite with the universal "one" - you can call it God, Source, whatever. Vore can be seen as a pretty clear allegory for this - a surrendering of all that you are (mind, body, and soul) in service of a greater power. This is essentially the right hand path. Preds are the inversion of this (left hand path). It could also be an outlet for a deep and primordial part of our psyche that no longer has one in our sanitised modern society - the longing for the return to the tooth and claw viscerality of nature still lying dormant in domesticated man
(39.26 KB 1064x1094 tfwnovore.jpg)

>>65687 I'm going to second this, I have a vore fetish that overlaps a lot with my preference for BBWs and MILFs and pregnancy and I think it's got a lot to do with a desire to be dominated or worship a strong, motherly archetype. I personally do not understand people who don't incorporate things like weight gain into the fantasy, as you would think that a woman growing bigger and fatter as she devours more people would be the default but it seems like a lot of people have incredibly shit taste
The origins of vore as a fetish are somewhat difficult to pinpoint with precision, as the concept has evolved over time through various cultural, mythological, and psychological channels. However, we can trace its development through several key historical milestones, both in mythology and modern times. ### 1. Mythological and Cultural Foundations - Ancient Mythology: The idea of devouring or being devoured can be found in many ancient mythologies, though it was often depicted as a symbol of power, dominance, or divine will. For example: - Greek Mythology: The myth of Cronus, who ate his children to prevent them from overthrowing him, involves literal devouring and was tied to the concept of control and the cyclical nature of time. - Norse Mythology: The giant wolf Fenrir was destined to devour Odin during Ragnarok, the end of the world. This theme of consuming or being consumed can be seen in many cultures' creation myths or end-of-the-world stories. - Folklore: Many cultures also have stories of ogres, giants, or other monsters that consume humans, such as the classic tales of *Jack and the Beanstalk* or *Hansel and Gretel*. ### 2. The Psychological and Freudian Aspect - Early 20th Century: Sigmund Freud and other early psychologists began to explore the concept of devouring as a symbolic act in human psychology. In psychoanalysis, certain fantasies or fetishes are often tied to deep-seated feelings of power, dominance, or insecurity. Freud himself often used the concept of "oral fixation" to explain various behaviors, where individuals could derive satisfaction from activities related to the mouth, such as eating or even biting. - Freudian Analysis of Oral Stage: The *oral stage* of Freud’s psychosexual development theory (from birth to around 18 months) is focused on the mouth, and it’s suggested that unresolved issues from this stage can manifest in later behaviors. This may include a fascination with oral activities such as eating or even devouring, which some psychologists might view as related to the modern fetish of vore. ### 3. Rise of Fetish Communities - 1960s–1970s: The concept of vore as a fetish (particularly in the context of devouring or being devoured) likely began to take shape in underground fetish communities. However, the term itself was not yet in widespread use. - 1980s–1990s: With the advent of the internet, niche fetish communities began to flourish online. During this time, people who had interests in vore could connect and share art, stories, and experiences. The internet allowed people to explore and express these fantasies in a way that wasn’t possible in more traditional settings. ### 4. The Emergence of the Term "Vore" - Early 2000s: The term "vore" (short for "vorarephilia") began to be widely used in online communities, particularly in forums, fanfiction websites, and art-sharing platforms. It was around this time that the fetish began to be explicitly named and categorized within the broader spectrum of sexual fetishes. The "vore" community also became more prominent on platforms like DeviantArt, where artists began creating vore-themed artwork, often featuring anthropomorphic characters or fantastical creatures engaging in vore scenarios. - Fan Fiction and Art: Many of the earliest vore stories and artworks were centered around anthropomorphic animals or fantastical creatures. These depictions often focused on the fantasy of one character swallowing another, sometimes in a literal sense (being eaten alive) and sometimes in a more metaphorical or exaggerated sense (such as size difference, where one character is much larger than the other). ### 5. Vore in Popular Media - Late 1990s–2000s: As the internet culture evolved, vore began to gain more recognition, particularly within niche online communities. This period saw the rise of fan art, roleplaying, and fetish videos, many of which featured vore-themed content. - Vore and Furry Fandom: Vore has a strong presence within the furry fandom, a subculture of people who are interested in anthropomorphic animals. Many of the early works of vore were centered around anthropomorphic animals (e.g., foxes, wolves, dragons) consuming or being consumed by other characters. ### 6. Modern Day Vore Culture - 2010s-Present: Vore has become a well-established subculture within online fetish communities, with its own specific vocabulary, art, and even subgenres. There are various forms of vore, including: - Soft Vore: The act of swallowing or being swallowed, usually depicted as safe or non-harmful. - Hard Vore: A more graphic and often violent version of vore, which involves explicit depictions of digestion or injury. - Macro/Micro Vore: Often features extreme size differences between the "predator" and the "prey," with the smaller character being swallowed by the larger one. - Unbirth: A subgenre where one character is consumed in a manner that resembles re-birthing, often linked to themes of rebirth or dominance. ### 7. Vore in Mainstream Awareness - Vore remains largely a niche interest but has been recognized in certain mainstream media, often in the form of parodies or references in cartoons, comics, and adult content. While not widely accepted or understood in the mainstream, the concept continues to have a dedicated fanbase. ### Conclusion The concept of vore as a fetish has roots in ancient mythology, psychological theories, and early fetish communities. It evolved into a more recognizable subculture with the advent of the internet, where it was named and categorized. Today, it remains a niche but persistent part of online fetish culture, often expressed through art, stories, and roleplay.
>>65691 Someone give me a tl;dr version of this wall of text
>>65692 GPTslop
>>56046 It's important to remember that human consciousness is not a carefully constructed mechanism, but rather something that formed as a byproduct of the evolutionary need to adapt. I'm sure many people know about the cognitive trade-off hypothesis, but in case you don't, the TLDR is that whatever common ancestors we had with chimps and other apes used to have crazy good short-term memories, but around the time when our ancestors became bipedal and thus stopped hanging out in trees, they had to adapt to being more vulnerable to various predators and dangers on the ground. As a result, humans as a species adapted by developing more intricate methods of communication, which gives us arguably the greatest advantage over other apes because that let us pass on information in the form of cultural knowledge rather than just parent-to child education thanks to us developing the ability to better understand abstractions and hypotheticals. Essentially, most of human consciousness is just a side effect of this adaptations, since we are now able to not only think complex thoughts, but to thinks thoughts about those thoughts. Since this is pretty much the result of natural selection throwing shit against the wall for a few million years and seeing what sticks, it's reasonable to assume that some of those complex wires will inevitable cross for whatever reasons. That being said, I'm also tempted to agree with your more 'spiritual' theory. There definitely is something ethereally cathartic about vore that goes beyond just sexual impulse. This whole discourse reminds me of a thread on /ss/ where people were basically discussing the same thing for that fetish. What I noticed to be consistent, going off both my own feelings and what I read in that thread, is that aside from a few people who gravitate towards ss because they just like shotas, for the overwhelming majority of people there it was some variation of having had to grow up too fast and thus missing out on major parts of their childhoods, combined with some form of mild to severe neglect which resulted in strong feelings of loneliness and ostracization pretty early in their development. Consequently, this results in a skewed understanding of what being loved feels like, and once that deep seated desire for safety and affection crosses with the sexuality wires in the brain during puberty, you begin to associate that yearning with arousal too, and that creates this perception that love, acceptance and safety are somewhat equivalent with sex. To add a slightly more personal note (since idk if this part is true for others), feeling abandoned and alone during most of my childhood, I had to figure out pretty much everything on my own, and though it sounds dramatic to put it this way, it was essentially 'figure it out by yourself or die' with every single milestone. Lacking any form of guidance, I was starved for any sort of attention. Skipping over the intricate details, I eventually realized that if I can be useful to people, I would be needed and thus loved. Getting back to the point, because of the whole sex and love are pretty much the same thing, this eventually manifests in the desire to vicariously experience that lost affection and guidance by jacking off to art of shotas getting fucked by nee-chans and mommies, even if it involves yourself being abused since at the very least you are desired. This is consistent with my own experience, and I think that many others would relate. In addition to the above, there is also the factor that in these fantasies I'm a weak and naive kid, so in this context, the idea of being needed feels even more unconditional, since I have seemingly nothing to offer. On top of that, my relationship with sex was already strained from age five after basically getting groomed by my cousin when we were kids, (complicated even further by the fact that I can't even bring it up without having to justify myself because she's younger than me and female), and my first sexual encounter post-puberty was an absolute trainwreck where I still had to figure everything out on my own while also living up to high standards because despite having a double digit body count at that time (which I only found out about later,) she refused to give any feedback at all because she said it kills the mood for her. The reason I bring all of this up, is because I this that much of this is valid for vore too, at least for me. While I'm very grateful that I eventually ended up okay and largely well-adjusted, having managed to work myself out of those depths. Still, there is definitely something more than just sexual fetishism to this. I have a healthy social life, and I have a beautiful, kind and understanding girlfriend of several years that I plan to marry once we finish college. It's easy to have a porn addiction when you're lonely and isolated, but since getting with her my interest in porn largely disappeared. Yet despite having a healthy and active sex life, my /ss/ and vore adjacent kinks haven't gone anywhere. It's like they exist as a separate entity from my overall sex drive. I even have completely different sexual dynamics between my sex life and the fantasies specifically relating to /ss/ and vore. The only way I can describe it is that it's like you have thirst on one side and hunger on the other, and you can't quench your thirst by eating. Returning more to the topic at hand, for me I think my attraction to vore has largely been formed as a result of the same factors I've outlined above, the only difference being that with /ss/ it's more about love whereas vore has more to do with the physical intimacy side of things. After all, how much closer can you get to someone than to literally become part of them? I agree that it's very difficult to pin this down, but after obsessing over the thought, I can surely say that it goes beyond just fetishism and more into the realm of ideation almost. There is perhaps a point to be made about how it might be an outlet for my more submissive tendencies since I tend to be dominant in sex because of my build despite being a switch, but my gf and I play around with dynamics a lot, and as hot as that is, it doesn't really satisfy that thirst that makes me come back to the same forums and imageboards time and time again. Anyway, sorry for the long unhinged rant, but hopefully my experience can be of some minimal value to whoever reads through this whole mess. God bless and goodnight.
Look, I'm early 40s and have had this since I was 6 or so in the late 80s. Grew up in a normal, good, 2 parent household, it just took to me and I did not know what to call it . I would have my sisters barbies swallow.my GI Joes; watch our thick neighbor sunbath; she had massive thighs and I always saw how big and round they were, her boobs too and imagined being swallowed inside her, at 6 years old! Sleepover parties would get a painful woody when we pretended our sleeping bag was swallowing us when we slept in it. Now, believe me or not, I've always been a good looking guy and a huge gym rat, I still do powerlifting and keep myself looking good as I get older. This has never left me, creates the want to 69 or have oral sex more because in my mind I'm still imagining unbirth or the like. When fucking and watching titties bounce, imagining that my partner has swallowed someone and they are inside struggling to get out. It's never left me and the internet showed me groups like BigGulp and discovered Mamabliss and it morphed to where I found variants of the fetish I liked even more. People being consumed vaginally, unwilling, digested ... I have been able to get a few partners to play along as well, morphing pics they sent and dumb shit, who knows what they were thinking but they played along because we had fun with it. Others you can tell they smile at a comment and you drop because you know it makes them uncomfortable. It's just there, nothing caused it, religion makes you feel bad about it, but it is just a thing people have and the internet exploited it. There was no internet when I came up, can't explain why some have it...they just do. One girl that played along I was with said it was a dominance thing, I dunno, I'm not into a woman dominating me, would not.mind seeing her consume another girl unwillingly but.... It also has drawn me only to thicker, curvy women. I can't even stand a skinny, small girl. Never would date them and it was all because of this fetish. Thicker girl looks like she has voted people and can use my imagination. Skinny woman could be a knock out, blonde beauty, if there is no ass and thick legs or showing muscle, I have 0 interest. Some insight from.an OG who always thought this will eventually go away, it hasn't. It's also a hard secret to keep when you get married and have a professional career, you get bogged down so the need to see it lessens but it's still there. Some of you may have found it in cartoons as well and the internet helped speed your fetish along. I remember in the late 80s the original Ghostbuster Cartoon Episode had a water monster that was about or did swallow the while crew, stuff like that was intriguing as well. There was no outlet for it but you knew you liked it. Don't over analyze this, it's a fetish kink. Just a more wierd, obscure one.
I think vore was always just there in humanity system that evolved from the horrors of cannibal consuming another soul to a more sexual fantasy. One case study analysis connected the fantasy with sexual masochism, and suggested that it could be motivated by a desire to merge with a more powerful other or permanently escape loneliness.With "no known treatment" for vorarephiles who feel 'ill' with their sexuality, psychologists at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health have recommended trying to "adjust to, rather than change or suppress" the sexual interest. Medication for libido reduction could be used if deemed necessary. So there really nothing wrong with folks who enjoy getting off to being eaten, or watching another be swallowed by a big pred, we just got be more moderate with it an not go crazy with it. Which folks here think they have trust me you not, unless your out there really eating people you are very much okay.
>>56046 I think it's just genetics, that would be extremely easy to prove if someone had the balls to clone a human being that had a vore fetish
>>65755 "just genetics" is such a boring cop-out answer, as is "muh brain wiring"
>>56063 Good god. I don't mean anything personally against you, but I've heard this toxoplasmosis theory so many times over the years and it frustrates me to no end. Before I pop off, I would like to agree on a few points. Yes, it's true that there is evidence that toxoplasmosis does affect humans psychologically aside from making them sick. Of course, as the other anon pointed out, if there is enough toxoplasmosis bacteria in your blood to cause an effect on your psyche, there would certainly be enough of it to cause other symptoms of parasitic infection that would show up on blood tests. Nonetheless, let's still entertain the idea regardless. My primary issue with this theory is that while it seems like a quick and easy explanation for an outwardly weird fetish, since "Mice and humans are both mammals! The toxoplasmosis makes mice *want* to be eaten by cats, kind of, I think... Uhm, anyway! Since it makes mice *want to be eaten by cats*, it can also make humans want to be eaten too! It makes so much sense!", this very conclusion shows that the claimant has only a very surface level understanding of how parasites or neurotransmitters work. I'm sorry, and I mean no disrespect to you personally, but the whole argument is just really dumb and makes it really obvious that the claimant is more concerned with finding an easy explanation (read cope) rather than actually looking at the facts. I realize that you could accuse me of straw-manning, and to be honest, I admit that I kind of am. Keep in mind, however, that I've heard this rhetoric being spouted by every third person whenever anyone wonders about where vore as a fetish might have come from. Moving on, yes, the toxoplasmosis makes mice behave in a way that makes them more likely to get caught and thus eaten by cats, but as impressive as the evolutionary adaptation is it doesn't just magically "no longer afraid of cats" specifically, much less "attracted to them." The way that the parasite affects mice is by removing their natural inhibitions and just blocking their fear instincts, slowing their reaction time and making them less averse to cats, as well as boosting their testosterone, which makes them more cocky and less likely to back away. In essence, a mouse on toxoplasmosis is not that different to my buddy Blake who had a few too many Jager bombs one evening and started challenging passing cops to fistfights. With a single google search, you'll find that toxoplasmosis doesn't make mice less afraid of cats, but rather just less afraid of stuff in general. Granted, there is a study (https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3210761/) that posits that the cognitive effects of the toxoplasma can in fact make the host less aversive to the smell of cat urine when compared to the urine of other animals. (They also found that the same effect is absent when it comes to the urine of big cats like tigers, which is another point against your theory.) But still, this doesn't mean that the mice somehow fall in love and seek out cats specifically. I don't know how much experience you have with different animals, so this might come as a surprise, but for pretty much most animals in existence, their urine fucking reeks, since that's kind of one of the functions of urine for a great deal of animals. Nonetheless, though being less averse to the scent of cat urine does mean that the mice are more likely to get eaten, they don't so much get a death wish of being devoured by the cute cat that lives down the alley as they are just hopped up on testosterone and too brain damaged to realize they're in any danger before it's too late. Something that's also pretty interesting in this study is that among those affected by the toxoplasma, the infected men found cat urine to be more pleasant than the non-infected men, but among the women the opposite was true, with infected women being more aversive to the same samples than non-infected women. There were also other behavioral differences between the infected men and women, with infected men being more impulsive and more likely to take risks and took worse care of themselves than the control group while the infected women were instead more cautious and were more careful about their appearance than their respective control group, but whose are explained away by other societal and evolutionary factors that I won't really get into. (TLDR toxo messes with the brain which leads to chronic stress, which affects men and women differently long-term). Regardless, though the study specifies that such a distinction has yet to be observed in mice, and that there's not enough data to say anything conclusive regarding this split, there is still non-insignificant statistical evidence that (at least in human subjects), toxoplasmosis might indeed affect men more than it does women. I have to admit that despite my seething hatred for this whole "vore is from toxoplasmo because mouse get eaten lol!" hypothesis, as I read through that part, a small part of me wondered if perhaps there may be some truth to the whole toxoplasmosis theory after all, since if you fudge the numbers a little, you could potentially twist the findings to mean that human males exhibit the same behaviors that get mice eaten more frequently, and if you're really lenient with that conclusion, I can see how it could add credence to the toxoplasmosis hypothesis about vore. Of course such a conclusion is still extremely tenuous, since as I mentioned before, aside from the already low evidence, the risk taking behavior is most likely caused by the chronic stress rather than direct changes to behavior. Nonetheless, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. Let's be extremely generous and lenient with the actual findings and assume that toxoplasmosis really does affect humans directly and that these effects present in the same way that they do in mice. Great! Now, humans affected with toxoplasmosis are significantly less aversive to the smell of cat urine, and aren't afraid of cats anymore! What now? If you really think about it, cats can be terrifying. They've technically never been domesticated like dogs or livestock have been since aside from a few rare breeds cats lack floppy ears. They have really sharp claws, pretty strong fangs, and in all regards they're apex predators. The only reason that they're such common pets is because cats just so happen to integrate well into life with humans, especially in more densely populated areas, and they're too small to be a real threat (though they can be surprisingly strong for their size). Assuming the above, humans affected by toxoplasma bacteria would be less aversive to cats, and would perceive them as less of a threat, but the question remains: What now? Even with all the afforded lenience, this fails to establish any link with vore fetishisms at all. Your theory about many preds being depicted in an anime-like style which gives them cat-like features, which in term makes them more appealing as preds is cute, but it completely falls through once you realize that this only applies to furries. While many furries are into vore, far from all people that are into vore are furries. Moreover, 'vore' as a term in itself is more of an umbrella that encompasses several related kinks and fetishes rather than being a single thing like feet. Yes, all of these things are related by having something to do with x being eaten or otherwise consumed by y, but there is a ton of variability, and for many including myself, the "eating" element alone is rarely enough to satisfy this craving without other factors, all of which vary widely. Hell, maybe for some people that are exclusively attracted to vore content featuring cat-like preds toxoplasmosis may actually be the reason for their preference, but aside from being extremely unlikely due to my next point which I will bring up shortly, that still fails to account for the wider population of people with this fetish. As teased above, this theory has another fatal flaw, and that is the fact that toxoplasmosis as an illness presents itself very clearly. Unlike stuff like mono or chlamydia, you can't really have toxoplasmosis without noticing it. You can't catch it from some random cat and have it be severe enough to have any kind of effect, then go on living your life as normal but now suddenly attracted to women swallowing other people whole. Toxoplasmosis is a diagnosable condition with distinct symptoms. Yes, it does in fact affect the brain, but instead of making someone suddenly develop a niche fetish, it makes them suicidal, depressed and unable to concentrate. While toxo can be asymptomatic, that's because your immune system kills it before it can do any harm, but even then, there is a distinct immune response that appears in blood tests even if you're absolutely normal otherwise. Lastly, your argument fails on a purely statistical basis. As you said yourself, there are populations where up to 50% of people are infected, which means that it's far from rare at all. You would think that if a vore fetish is caused by a disease that has is and has been so prevalent in humans, that it would have had more of a presence in art, and wouldn't be such a rare thing. For comparison, the number of people that have a foot fetish is about 30%, and though it's recognized as being somewhat niche, it's still widely known about. Even before the times of widespread sexual acceptance, there is telltale evidence of people throughout history being into feet. By your logic, there should be historical records of whole cultures recognizing vore as potentially sexual, yet aside from a very few limited examples where the intent behind its inclusion is unclear, this doesn't exist. TL;DR, The toxoplasmosis hypothesis is retarded and lazy, and you are a retard for believing it.
(55.11 KB 923x467 cause of homosex.png)

>>65802 >I have to admit that despite my seething hatred for this whole "vore is from toxoplasmo because mouse get eaten lol!" hypothesis, as I read through that part, a small part of me wondered if perhaps there may be some truth to the whole toxoplasmosis theory after all, since if you fudge the numbers a little, you could potentially twist the findings to mean that human males exhibit the same behaviors that get mice eaten more frequently, and if you're really lenient with that conclusion, I can see how it could add credence to the toxoplasmosis hypothesis about vore. Of course such a conclusion is still extremely tenuous, since as I mentioned before, aside from the already low evidence, the risk taking behavior is most likely caused by the chronic stress rather than direct changes to behavior. <I haven't seen the to toxoplasmosis idea tied to vore, but I have seen it used quite often used as a "Reason" to explain why fags exist. Personally, I do believe that it's jumping to conclusions based on little evidence, but then again pozzing uninfected people is a well known past-time. However I also don't think that we will ever see any actual studies giving us a conclusive answer on the subjects because (1) "that would be wrong" to study the differences between any demographics and potentially come to the conclusion that certain lifestyles and people are statistically "better" than others, and (2) a reproducible study would actually give people a concrete document to refer to that would then shut down any discussion on the matter.
>>65765 Occam's razor, and besides what do you think it is?
>>65820 Occam's razor isn't meant to be used like that >This explanation is the simplest to me therefore it is correct and I will discard all other explanations Saying "it's just genetics" is kinda meaningless, even if it is encoded in the genes, that doesn't explain why it's there in the first place. It's just materialist reductionism. I posted some of my thoughts here >>65687
Personally, I've always liked the Psychology angle of why people are into vore. From it being the ultimate form of being close to someone, to the "Call of the Void" psychologic phenomenon, (where someone pictures dying while doing something mundane, like driving through that guardrail and off a cliff). Vore appeals to suicidal fantasies, snuff fantasies, furry fantasies, eating/food pleasure, isekai fantasies, magical world fantasies, so many different fetishes, stories, ideas, and stories can tie into Vore. It's got it's basis in history too, as someone above pointed out. The fact that people can connect to others about a shared fetish/enjoyment/idea, one thats tied to so many things, some of them dark, and enjoy it is fascinating to me. Personally, I found Vore when I was a depressed teen almost 2 decades ago. Always loved dragons, at the time I had recently lost my Mom to breast cancer, Couple dark thoughts here, some why am I still alives there, and I had the thought of "What would life be like if I could be reborn a dragon?" Couple Google searches later, and now I know what Unbirth, vore, etc is. Also figured out why I really liked Crystal, Elora, Carmelita Fox, and many furry characters too. And now I had a fictional outlet for my dark thoughts and I enjoyed it. Sure, I know it's fucking weird, and I make sure no one close to me knows about it, but hey, you don't get to pick what you are attracted to.
>>56034 i wanna say thank you for creating this thread, this is a deeply interesting topic to me and i love to know peoples reasoning for their love for vore and why it resonates with them >>65715 >This whole discourse reminds me of a thread on /ss/ where people were basically discussing the same thing for that fetish. What I noticed to be consistent, going off both my own feelings and what I read in that thread, is that aside from a few people who gravitate towards ss because they just like shotas, for the overwhelming majority of people there it was some variation of having had to grow up too fast and thus missing out on major parts of their childhoods, combined with some form of mild to severe neglect which resulted in strong feelings of loneliness and ostracization pretty early in their development. >Consequently, this results in a skewed understanding of what being loved feels like, and once that deep seated desire for safety and affection crosses with the sexuality wires in the brain during puberty, you begin to associate that yearning with arousal too, and that creates this perception that love, acceptance and safety are somewhat equivalent with sex. >To add a slightly more personal note (since idk if this part is true for others), feeling abandoned and alone during most of my childhood, I had to figure out pretty much everything on my own, and though it sounds dramatic to put it this way, it was essentially 'figure it out by yourself or die' with every single milestone. Lacking any form of guidance, I was starved for any sort of attention. Skipping over the intricate details, I eventually realized that if I can be useful to people, I would be needed and thus loved. im terribly sorry you have had to experience these things, i have a similar story. lots of them actually, alcoholic and drug addicted mother (although she is now 2 years clean from all substances after 30 years, which is good) father was gone from my childhood untill i was 14, step father was severely abusive, i was SA'd by several women i used to know. i was diagnosed with autism, OCD, and PTSD... i hate mentioning all this because i hate sounding like one of thoese "woe is me" type people, i dont want to come off like that. but i think all of this combines into this weird hyper obsession with vore. now its always been lingering in my head, longer than i can even remember. but vore is the only thing that has consistently helped me stay calm during times of stress. i just turn on some stomach audio and i calm down a short time later. and i fucking hate it. i feel even worse knowing that i want to be hurt again, /ss/ i love for the same reason you gave, feeling that the only way i can be loved is by being useful, how am i useful? by hurting myself. im able to keep my self stabilized because ive lived with these feelings for so long but its pretty easy for me to be set off. all of my tactics to help regulate my emotions stop working after a few months but yet for some reason vore has worked for YEARS. it legit feels therapeutic for me and i feel awful about it, nonetheless i try to keep my head up and i feel im pretty good at it. i hope your doing well and are able to heal from the trauma you've been forced to endear. stay strong soldier

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