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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

CeilingSocket Archive Thread Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 01:25:52 No. 56289
Another Artist nuked their gallery randomly, tine to post everything saved.
Good rot n hell you copyright autist
Wait why did they nuke their gallery? What happened?
(2.37 MB 1080x720 7qjmFf47k5wS4Nfy.mp4)

(834.93 KB 1080x720 Bk6iOcAVlwqbCgcp.mp4)

(917.75 KB 1080x720 E-GstvYlaA3tUt4G.mp4)

(2.56 MB 1080x720 S8MEjB-9PSkjycjW.mp4)

I don't have everything but here's a few I have downloaded not in the thread yet
(2.56 MB 1080x720 S8MEjB-9PSkjycjW.mp4)

(6.64 MB 1080x720 sJ8dRz1vbMPmA8qj.mp4)

(1.21 MB 1080x720 xrz0q2RB-S0I6VKC.mp4)

>>56294 idk but it sucks cause his new stuff wasn't half bad
>>56346 What ever was some of the new stuff?
(2.34 MB 800x800 IMG_5586.gif)

(3.39 MB 1080x720 7RMQZS5PsmlV9Ouw.mp4)

Let me drop my two personal favorites.
That mf must be dead given that this is still up 2 days later and haven't been copyright struck
>>56380 the first ones my favorite, thanks for saving it. anyone have any idea why he left? did he just get tired and abandon ship? he retired for a bit, started drawing again for another creator, now he's gone again
>>56426 no, zoomers started reposting his stuff on youtube as memes/cringe compilations and he freaked the fuck out cuz "kids would see it" and obliterated everything.
>>56426 Isn't that bunny character Liz_Akita?
>>56432 ya but that was a while ago. he came back for a good amount of time. what made him leave again?
>>56461 No idea, heard he wanted to just kinda "detox" or something and is basically leaving the internet for a long while.
>>56463 i tried to dm tinycalico (who seems to be the only person regularly in contact with him) about it, but she blocked me a long time ago because she thought i was creepy
(162.19 KB 720x1105 Screenshot_20240920.png)

>>56521 Good riddance tinycalico is a huge piece of shit, I know a bit about her and she suicide baits to get sympathy with creators wouldn't be surprised that she probably did it to get close to them also did black profile picture recently as well
>>56524 i think ceilingsocket is just a huge simp for her the same way kronguss is for valera. shes a real life woman so shes naturally gonna have orbiters even if she's a huge bitch anyways back to socket himself, does anyone have the internal version of the first one here >>56380 i know he posted one and also one of the character dripping milk
No I e going to post their scat stuff? Digested people have to go somewhere
>>56289 Yeah if you have his stuff please post it.
Here's the first one of that 3 parter and a variant with the 2 together
and a few of the one offs
So no one has their scat varients?
>>57443 i don't think he ever did scat

(1009.63 KB 1500x1500 CeilingSocket-718272-0.png)

(794.51 KB 1500x1500 CeilingSocket-719068-0 (1).png)

>>57482 They definitely did, but got rid of it during one of their first "purges" so not many are left floating around.
>>57482 He did, but I honestly just found that stuff disgusting. But that's just me
I have most of their older art I believe. A lot of it has scat stuff in it, but I also have some of their animations too. I can upload it all in a file if you have good suggestions on sites to use for that
>>56524 can this be verified or is anon just assmad
>>57527 Why was he such a sperg that he purged his best stuff? Disposal is an integral part of vore
Had to Screenshot this from thisvid but finally found this gem that I thought was lost forever.
>>57824 Nice
I found an archived zip link a long while ago, but isn’t CeilingSocket one of those terminally online asshole artist types who try to report people saving their stuff and even threaten pseudo-legal actions (I feel like he actually wouldn’t go that far, because then his actual legal name would fully involved and then also publicly available). Or am I confusing them with someone else? He’s nuked and started up too many times for me to properly remember. But, also, I don’t know how to post zips here (and don’t want to link the original, because the zip isn’t mine, and I don’t want the nice person who was kind enough to archive it to lose access to their stuff).
>>61344 You can use Mega or gofile for some of the larger zips, unsure how large that one is. Those tend to be the go to's people use often. I don't know if they threaten such action, but it's not like they even really have grounds to try. They would be dumb to try anything like that.
>>56380 found the internal for this one. is there any more of his newer stuff before he nuked?
>>64610 I regret not saving all the alts of this

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