/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Draw Request Thread 8 Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 00:58:56 No. 61446
For anyone who wants to make requests and those nice enough to fulfil them. There are no limits to how many times a character can be asked for or drawn. Please limit the amount of bumps you do, as it makes the thread messy. If you want to bump more than one request then try doing it all in one post. Previous Thread https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/32060.html Fulfilled Requests https://mega.nz/folder/NqExUASB#Zt0nE4-RDCygsaNvZJPeUg
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Anchor deliveries here. Image made by Banesoon. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Banesoon
Could someone draw Temmies avatar being eaten by a shark? Barefoot too please.
>>61452 here you go my dear anon
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Requesting the past version of the girl being disappointed and eating her future self and using this as motivation to do better so she doesn't get eaten later on.
>>61446 Anyone willing to draw a feral lioness eating a shota?
Requesting Cell absorbing Surge the Tenrec while dressed as Android 18 in her Cell Saga outfit
Requesting Jana the fox, from Sonic Robo Blast 2. with a big belly after eating someone
>>61466 Hi DKQ
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request: rafisol from puyo puyo eating someone she’s an apath so i want her to look cold hearted with her prey Also something about her being dominant over her prey Maybe a post vore alt idrk
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There are very few images of Albedo as prey, so I'd like to see her eaten by a lizardman. Internal view, like in reference. Draw her with hands on face and yandere trance facial expression; with sharp nails on hands and feet; partially submerged in gastric juice, which is glistening on her naked body. Also, you could add skulls lying around, which imply her future fate.
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Requesting the dragon girl from the animation linked below eating the tiny dog guy to pay for his "crime". Also, can there be two versions one where she keeps the dress and hides her abs and one without the dress where her abs are on display? If it's too much or you have an idea you want to do then don't worry about doing the alt.
>>61487 Forgot to link the animation https://youtu.be/Ar8dbNoirPk
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Can someone turn this into a drawing and make it more clear that she's reading the guy's thoughts? I like the concept and think it would look nicely drawn in a constant style. It doesn't have to be the exact same, as the parts I like are how she read his mind and knows how this is going to end, as well as how we then see that aftermath with her trying to make an excuse. You could change so that he only forces his way down her gullet in her vision and I even think it would be better if she was texting Yor on his phone pretending to be the babysitter.
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Requesting the girl from the most recent McDonald Japan ad. I think her name is Imadake Dabuchi Tabemi and she is cute as fuck. Idea 1 is that she ate an animal activist protesting outside and annoying her patrons. I love the irony that they tried to prevent animals from being eaten and only ended up being eaten themselves, plus they technically wanted animals to be treated with the same respect as humans so she did just that. Idea 2 is that a health inspector has visited the McDonalds she works at and she overhears them saying that no animals are allowed in the kitchen. As they enter the kitchen she freaks out and swallows her hamster friend seen in the commercial. They pass inspection and it only costs one hamster and a tummy ache. Here is the ad https://x.com/McDonaldsJapan/status/1848975140475809894
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>>61446 Requesting Sarah/terrible eye eating someone
Dreamed of seeing my oc of a team rocket grunt eating a person so bad has to be a video or comic though
Requesting Frieren. Frieren eats Fern and forgets to let her out untill a week has gone by and so Fern is digested. Frieren gose to this place she remembered, that can bring people back from becoming fat. The guy tries to help but can't find any trace of Fern, so he asks Frieren, "when did you eat her?" And she says "I think it was over 1 no 200 years ago".
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Requesting Zorin Blitz from Hellsing ultimate, and a weight gain bonus if possible.
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I have a male shortstack pred. It would be great if One of yall could draw him OVing or CVing a huge dragon.
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Requesting Dream of a Black Swan (big bird lady) after having eaten Gebura, who's thrashing about inside, berating her about not harming her brothers ever again. If at all possible, maybe also a second pic where she's digested her with her belching up little bits of her clothing or her armband.
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Not into cell vore but when I saw this I thought of something I've never seen that I would love to see. https://x.com/YoserZombi83378/status/1859821512368456086 Cell either stores someone in his tail or turns them to biomass and then finds some girl puts his tail in her ass and starts pumping his prey into her ass from his tail. For example, he captures Trunks and then proceeds to pump him into Mai's ass saying something along the line of letting the couple have their final moments as one. He could even tell Trunks where he is and give him an ultimatum, tear out of her gut and live or become her meal and die, with Trunks choosing the latter even with Mai's protests
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Alternatively, I would also love to see more of this concept. Why use a jar when Mai's stomach can not only hold the evil but also turn it into fat and rid the world of the likes of Zamasu for good?
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I'm requesting Susie and Ella from Dsand's Animation to eat each other in different endings. Dsand does a bunch of shorts, so if you don't know who they are, I suggest watching some of their animations, as they're pretty good, and you can get through a bunch of them within minutes. Dsand's youtube link https://www.youtube.com/@dsand00 Bob takes Ella to his house to watch a movie, where she finds out about Susie. So when Bob leaves to get some bread for the movie, Susie falls asleep and Ella decides to eat Susie, digesting her before Bob gets home and tells him that Susie said she couldn't be friends with him anymore and left forever, causing Bob to become sad and Ella to comfort him by letting him rest on her lap where he lies on her extra pillowy thighs she got from Susie, well they watch the movie. The alternative ending is that Susie accidentally eats Ella when Ella tries eating her but trips and falls into Susie's mouth. Ella tries to break free from the sleeping ghost girl but can't, as Susie dreams about eating Bob's cooking. Susie digests Ella in her sleep, and when Bob wakes her up and asks where Ella is, Sussie has no idea and tells him she must have gone home. Bob shrugs, and they watch a movie together, not noticing Susie's gains.
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Re-requesting V-Flower but this time I'm less of a retard and I'm typing a scenario. Basically her ecstatically hugging her prey cradling her belly in some sort of euphoric state
>>61446 Requesting a new image for when the next thread is made. Something so people can easily find this thread, tell what this thread is about and involve Vore in some way. Similar to the anchor >>61447. Also, it would be nice to have a place for a number to go so we can keep count of which thread we are on. If two people end up doing this then the thread can swap between the two each thread, starting with whichever one was made first.
>>62179 seconding this
requesting this catgirl, idk where she's from, but she's cute and i want to see her eating someone (or getting eaten). i don't really have any specific scenario in mind, but anyone is welcome to share their ideas.
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>>61575 Her and gwenpool should go on a bender eating any bystander they can
the transformed dittos eat the originals
>>62202 i want her to accidentally fall over some pedestrian and accidentaly eat them after the rain stops
>>61447 >>61447 >>61447 Can you dm me on discord my username is kurodaman54
Yo i actually think this character would fit the pred role because she kills people on a basis and so it could be like her eating and digesting a bunch of people for fun. btw her name is Penni Painkiller (same size vore btw or prob even mass vore with a post sequence)
Requesting this short story turned into a short sequence. The girl is named Kobo and she's from plus-sized elf. https://aryion.com/g4/view/708785
>>62847 Here are some better reference images of the character.
>>61903 Bump
Requesting Ushiwakamaru from FGO in her tour outfit, eating a guy she was training with. The guy makes a wager with Ushiwakamaru that if he wins this duel, he wants her life. She asks if he's sure, and he says yes, and now with confirmation, Ushiwakamaru ask him to make this a great battle. Neither of them knows that there has been a misunderstanding as the guy made this bet because he is in love with her, but Ushiwakamaru thinks this is a bet to forfeit one's life in an honourable duel. The guy loses the duel, and Ushiwakamaru gives him her hand to help him stand, and he takes it. However, he is unprepared for what she does next as she pulls him and then grabs the back of his head, pulls his face to her open mouth and swallows him, head first. Because she believes they are betting their life, she decides his fate, and all she wants at that moment is a nice, filling meal after a great battle, and nothing beats an awarded meal. The fact he wanted to be with her flew right past her head, and she is taking his life to respect the terms. After all, he must have wanted to fight to the death like a true warrior, a final match with the highest stakes. Ushiwakamaru cannot hear the guy and would never know the truth, as the guy is broken down by his crush.
Requesting this request from the last thread. The two Zundamon puts you at gunpoint and asks if you like mayo with fried chicken, and when you say no, the one with the gun says, "For filthy mayo hater, you have two choices. Either get shot or feed yourself to one of us". Without any other choice, you feed yourself to one of them in hopes you may survive, but all it does is prolong your suffering as you melt down next to mayo and fried chicken as both of them interrogate more people with one having you in their gut well the other has some other mayo hater. Song https://youtu.be/cirDXY3CkSk Subbed Translated Version https://youtu.be/kLzBREW4ddg
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Requesting this but with same size or bigger. Even better if digestion isn't just implied but actually happens.
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Requesting Peppina Ramen eating Peppino Spaghetti and struggling to keep him down in her over-stuffed gut. After digestion, she looks relieved with her ass thighs and tits being extra plump.
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Could someone draw Kiriko being eaten by Squirrel girl. Foxes eat squirrels so this could be a fun role reversal especially after the release of Marvel Rivals.
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Requesting for Ichika Amasawa because I think she's underrated
>>63534 I'm bumping this, and every other Marvel Rival girl in the game so far. The designs are great and if people call it the Overwatch killer, then it makes sense for all the Marvel Rivals girls to eat girls from Overwatch. You could even have them eat their counterparts based on how they look, play or both. Blackwidow eats Widowmaker, Peni eats D.VA, Psylocke eats Tracer, Storm eats Phara, Luna eats Mei or Ana, and so on. Have the Marvel Rivals girl take out the money makers of Overwatch, with snarky dialogue. Then end it with Overwatch dying out, as no one knows where all the female heroes went, well people flock to Marvel Rivales after hearing that all the girls suddenly got even sexier, not knowing that their new additions are the missing Overwatch girls.
Requesting Anby from Zenless Zone Zero. Anby is a kuudere and tends to talk like a solider saying things like "standing by" or "Objective secured". Anby catches a thieving cat to help make some money for the Cunning Hares and after securing the stolen items she eats the cat to prevent the culprit from stealing again. Later on, Anby gets scolded by Nicole. Not because Nicole feels bad for the poor digested cat, but because they could have kept making money retrieving the items the cat steals, but they can't do that now that the cat has been converted to fat.
making a request of the brimstone elemental from Terraria's Calamity Mod eating the terrarian after failing to defeat her
Requesting an idea based on this video https://x.com/FearedBuck/status/1869897100743586118 where we see that all the dropped people were fed to some girl at the bottom with all chute converging into one where her mouth is. For the pred, a few suggestions I have are, Miyabi from ZZZ, Senko-san, Ina from Hololive, Illya from Fate or just some random worker who didn't know what she signed up for. However, the girl could be any character you want and any size you want, I just want to see a cute girl and the idea that the people in the video were fed to this girl.
>>64434 thanks, but this would fit better in the edit thread
Requesting Corin Wickes from Zenless Zone Zero eating someone because her client asked her to eat. Could be a boy or girl, animal or pet, child or parent or even the client, it doesn't matter who as long as she was ordered to do it. She may even hesitate or apologise, but she'll follow her client's orders as best as she can.
>>64434 I'm not OR, but great job. I didn't realise it was animated at first, which was a nice surprise. It's also nice seeing some pixel art here. >>64512 It was asked in this thread so it makes sense for them to post it here.
>>64514 The second link was meant to be for this post talking about the edit thread and not the Corin one. >>64483
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>>64600 Please
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Requesting Alma Elma from Monster Girl Quest all plump after digesting some unforunate hero (Luka? Cecil? Sonia? Someone else?) into padding for her curves, along with some visual indicative that she nommed that someone. There's surprisingly little post-vore weight gain of her, so I felt like asking if someone's willing to give it a shot or something idk
>>64600 I second the motion
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Requesting Fate GO Nitocris eating Ankah from animal crossing. Ankah being a smug bitch was going to eat Nitocris and asked the viewer to feed Nitocris to her. However, they feed her to Nitocris instead, with Ankah's head sticking out of Nitocris's mouth. Ankha says her final words before being fully engulfed by a confused Nitocris who is a little upset with her arms crossed (similar to the pose in the Ankha dance), not knowing why she was fed this weird cat thing and demanding an answer well blushing and pouting.
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How long before we start seeing vore art of Mita from MiSide? The game just came out but it's been doing well and the Mita's are sexy. If anyone wants to take a shot at one, something around Crazy Mita (the one with pigtails) figuring out she can digest players in order to turn them into cartridges faster would be nice. Either that or cool Mita (the one with the cap and the tear makeup) putting an end to Crazy Mita once and for all through her digestive tract.
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requesting arle form puyo puyo eating sig from the same series , a little upset that she lost a puyo battle so she’s resorted to eating him as a means of getting over it . the other puyo characters get way more love than her when it comes to vore and I think that her being a tomboy would make her a great pred tbh
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Requesting Leni Loud burping with a large and churning/digesting vore belly or eating the viewer and digesting them (extra points for intestines if you would) , I just want to become her body fat. It surprises me how little vore art she gets given how popular she is among the fanbase. Picrel for reference.
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(Reposting from general requests because I forgot about this thread) I am humbly requesting a short sequence of Aira Shiratori swallowing and digesting Okarun from dandadan, I can totally see her devouring the man of her dreams to keep him away from Momo Ayase (even better if she rubs it in to momo after). I mean she literally got the vore yokai’s (acrobatic silky) powers, also girl is a total yandere who’s obsessed with okarun. Would love to see a same size bulge without internals
>>64722 It's not exactly what you requested but a thing happened.
>>64725 >>64434 don't forget to anchor your deliveries on >>61447
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Ceruledge needs more art, requesting it eating a trainer or two, their sword arms becoming claws to grip onto their stuffed gut Gender is up to you
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requesting a follow-up to this image https://x.com/fuwafavt/status/1874203118852071679
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>>63334 bumping lil' miss/princess amelia
Requesting Nazrin from touhou. Nazrin eats Chen, turns her to fat and has a sinister look on her face as she watches a hysterical Ran wondering where her beloved Chen is. As Nazrin watches Ran, she wonders if she should go further up the food chain and have a thick milfy fox for lunch. At this point, she has extra curves she got from digesting Chen which are visible through her dress, just like in the image, tight around her hips and stomach.
Can we get some internals
>>65746 Made a similar request in the last thread. Someone said they would pick it up, but haven't heard from them in a little bit now. >>45804
Vore pic plz
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Mrs Testaburger here digesting someone, injecting ozempic at the same time
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I'm requesting an image or sequence with OneDrive as an anime girl full of many anime girl pics that Anon just filled her with. It has the text from the reference image and maybe some other text saying "Your OneDrive is too full, waifu folder is being deleted to make room, are you sure?" with a 10-second timer for auto-delete. If you decide to make it a sequence then Anon could come back to look at his anime girl pics but finds nothing. We then see his cursor clicking on Onedrive belly causing her to burp with text saying something like "500GB converted to flab" or "Onddrive chan has finished recycling 500GB" with her burp being the text box.
>>66096 ridiculously stupid generated from X's Grok
Requesting Loli Wonder Woman from Justice League Unlimited episode 3 either eating Etrigan which is the baby she's holding, Mordred, which is the blonde boy in purple wearing the necklaces or the rest of the Justice League after Mordred uses his magic on her to control her. I would love to see her being smug after a meal and making a mocking comment. I think digestion would also look amazing, especially if she had a shit-eating grin and was shrugging, but if that's too much then just her after eating her prey would be plenty and more than I could ask for really. The only thing I've seen of this version of her is by Nope, so seeing more of her in this form would be nice. Nope link pt1 https://aryion.com/g4/view/520009 Link to episode https://www.wcofun.net/justice-league-unlimited-season-1-episode-3-kids-stuff
>>66158 I made a meme request so I can't really complain and it was funny to see. I don't know what's funnier, the way the AI just slapped the logo on her and called it a day, or the fact that the first request filled was done by an AI filling a request that is a vore meme.
>>66168 i actually didnt specify its vore. Grok seems hard understanding to generate big belly from vore act. so i just tell its pregnant
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I kinda tried working on this one but it went terrible for me >>61563
>>66235 lmao either way nice try lol
Is anyone interested in doing some glowing prey? Saw this video and feel it would be great to see a girl swallow glowing prey.
Requesting Rosemary from High Guardian Spice trying to make people watch her show by eating the main character from another similar show. After she eats them the preys show gets cancelled and in her eyes, everything is going according to plan. She starts using the fact she ate the other character to bring in Vorefags but it backfires. Her show doesn't get more popular even without the new show as no one cares about her show and instead, she gets punished. It ends with her chained up ready for another girl from a better show to eat her as she was sentenced to death by Vore. As Rosemary's prey digest, she would turn into a shortstack and would make sure to show off her gains in the hope of helping her show.
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Fell down a Yokai rabbit hole and found out about Haradashis. Then I found this cute fanart of one. I think it'd be pretty hot if someone drew a pic of her using her belly mouth to swallow someone whole.
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Requesting Olga Marie Digesting Fujimaru Ritsuka (male or female variant) while for sleeping on her discourse with a weight gain sequence, but that's >>>optional<<< (If you want to draw U-Olga digesting Fujimaru on the Lost belt 7 and stopping his progress feel free to do so)
>>66454 Bumping U-Olga. I've been playing the recent lostbelt on the English version and I really like her personality and how she interacts with Fujimaru and Nemo.
>>61472 Who?
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Requesting Pyra eating some of Rex's other blades, because she's jealous he's spending more time with them instead of her. I want a burp as well
Requesting Kyouka From energy Kyouka again because the last thread her drawing was still in process
https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/20340.html ^ part 6 of this page is still usable why did someone make 7th?
>>67135 It was because the old post limit was 600, no one knew it got increased until later
Cagliostro swallows her opponent whole and tells them not to struggle since they'll be a permanent addition to the cutest girl ever and the greatest alchemist alive soon. After digesting her opponent Cagliostro is disappointed as the bigger chest and butt take away from her cuteness, so she swaps bodies leaving the one with gains as a lifeless copy and talks to herself about enhancing her bodies metabolism in the future. She is one of those characters who tries to be cute and sweet, but drops the act and becomes a cocky egotistical bitch who thinks she is better than everyone else. She's also a great alchemist who artificially made her body and many clones to pursue idealized cuteness and immortality.
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Requesting Camila Inpu eating the person who tried to break into her house. After eating the stalker she tells the chat, "Someone just broke into my house, but don't worry, I sorted it out." She then shows her belly on stream. She then asks Chat "So Chat, should I call the police or should I just let nature take its course?" most of Chat agrees she should enjoy her meal and keep streaming. Context https://youtu.be/Fl2SMVq2EXI
>>67423 Speaking as a member of the swarm, I recommend against this commission on the off chance that Camila saw this. She doesn't like to have any reminder of the event such as when Vedal offhandedly joke wanting to buy hammers to beat her she got shook
>>67426 All I wanted was to see her turn that scumbag into something useful, but I do see your point. I also wouldn't want to get any artist into shit for drawing this so just Camila Vore would be great and if anyone decides to do the idea I would recommend keeping it on this board
>>61446 I had an idea for a comic recently that I thought would be pretty funny, but I can't draw for shit, so I decided to write it out and see if anyone else likes it. Panel 1: News station interior, table with two news anchors sitting at it, graphics label them as (name 1) and (name 2). Name 1: Good evening, and welcome to tonight’s special broadcast where we tackle a controversial topic that’s taking the nation by storm: ‘Are women food?’ Joining us tonight are two special guests. Panel 2: Two podiums with two more people, another graphic labels them as (name 3) and (name 4) Name 1: (Name 3), since you represent those in favor, you will be starting the debate. Your opening statement, please. Panel 3: Close up on Name 3’s podium Name 3: Thank you. I and many others believe that in these difficult times, it is important to use our resources to their maximum potential. That includes blah blah blah (A/N I didn’t feel like writing more than that) Panel 4: Back to the news anchors Name 1: Strong words indeed from (name 3). (Name 4), your rebuttal? Panel 5: Close up on (name 4)’s podium, but it’s empty Name 1: Um, (name 4)? Panel 6: Wider shot of both podiums, (name 3) is suddenly sporting a large stomach, within which a wiggling form can be seen Name 1: Oh, I see. (Name 4), do you have anything to add? Name 4: (muffled screaming) Name 1: Yes, I think that’s all we’re going to be getting from (name 4) tonight. Panel 7: Back to the news anchors table, but (name 2) is missing and (name 1) now has a large stomach with the imprints of hands and a face pressing out. Name 1: It seems that brings us to an early end to tonight’s broadcast. (Name 3), thank you for coming in, and feel free to see yourself and (name 4) out. Screen graphic: Tune in tomorrow night for an analysis of the latest consumerist slop you desperately need, followed by a tribute to the memory of our former colleague, (name 2)! My idea was that it would be a M/F piece with Hitomi Tanaka and Jordan Carver as the preys, but it could also be F/M or F/F or whatever. Hopefully someone decides to pick it up.
>>65946 Bump for the transgendered
>>65946 >>67523 Rope yourself
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Miyabi fulfils her fan's request but this time she isn't asking to be stepNice personn.
>>66425 Longshot, but gonna bump for this.
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Just itching for some good Magik vore. Would someone be willing to draw her being eaten by Morrigan

Quick Reply