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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Malkarmaze archive Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 01:53:16 No. 62515
Malkarmaze seems to have vanished (account deactivated). Putting this thread here in hopes others who have stored some of their work can share it here. Only downloaded 2, and hope to see the others. Hope things are shared here.
Managed to scavenge about 3 more kushina pics. two is Curiosity (two part pic story with the story being how kushina is out shopping while naruto is napping in her belly, and hinata comes up and asks about Naruto's wellbeing, as she hadn't seen him in awhile. Kushina gently swallows Hinata to show her where he is, she passes out from the whole situation as Kushina waddles back home) and another called Caught staring. Google still had them in search, so I recovered copies before the void claimed them. also looking for full size of Temari testing unless the pic i have is the full size (will post here just in case.
Last 2 I have
>>62515 Not too used to posting but hopefully these make it through. Should be all new ones.
8chan had a better version that i replaced in my save with. posting here if you can't find the naruto thread

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