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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Queen of Cinders/Queencinderfall Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 00:49:45 No. 63218
Dude comes back of the hiatus just to announce they leaving the community
You know what that means, save all what you can this month and share any of their paid stuff
>>63218 >Dude >they I'm sorry, what?
>>63220 I don't know man, from what I been told it's a team of like 4 different folks, sometimes it's a girl maining the account, other times a dude
>>63219 Lol, the MFer misspelled 'pray' as 'prey'. Good Christian SMH
>>63219 Another brainwashed. Can't think for any good excuse. Somehow half of these artist have mindset like this. Tsk, tsk. And deleting all their vore art ? That instant trash tier vore artist you go! I always respect any vore artist who stop or retired from vore and leave their gallery-work Intact with no nuke. That the way to go. But hard to see these day.
>>63305 >Another brainwashed. Can't think for any good excuse. Somehow half of these artist have mindset like this. Tsk, tsk. Anon, it has nothing to do with "Christianity". It simply has to do with the fact that they feel guilty about having created something "wrong", and are now trying to "atone" for that act by "removing" the thing from existence.
Cinders once talked about making irl vore videos. She has a hot persona so it's a shame we're never going to see her irl body being vored.
>>63220 My bad, a friend of mine pays for the Substar and got an explanation, Queen Cinder aka the one with the girl sona it's the owner of the account and sometimes draws but she has a few paid artists to do some 3D and 2D art for her projects, no idea what will happen to those once she nukes
Fuck this bitch. I paid for an animation and she put off working on it for like a year. Shit like 'Holidays' and 'Needing a better CPU'. Over and over again about how it would be done within the week and it was never done. Eventually her PC broke, the lost all the fucking files because she's too retarded to make a back-up of fucking commission work and the result was that my expensive commission came out as an incredibly rushed half-baked piece of shit that wasn't worth the price I paid. Fuck off and good riddance.
Does anybody have the Komi-san with the snake comic?
>>63485 Was it the barnacle or raven vore one?
>>63578 also looking for this.
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