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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Coming to terms Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 03:37:10 No. 65012 >>65013 >>65018 >>65023 >>65143 >>65312 >>65329 >>67021 >>67032 >>67121
At what point do we all realize we're fetishizing homicide in someone's stomach, tits, ass, tail, navel, vagina, etc. Not trying to moralfag or anything but when you start to think deep about it anything that isn't ending is arguably secualized murder or manslaughter. Why were we born this way, anons? What evolutionary benefit does this serve?
>>65012 (OP) Cringe and self-hating. Come back when you're no longer a teenager.
>>65012 (OP) you type like a faggot. nothing about this fetish is real and nobody should care about fictional characters getting murdered or whatever the fuck.
Why do people like villains in books and shows? Many of them mass murder people. It's just not that deep. Easy to separate fiction and reality
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>>65012 (OP) >Why were we born this way, anons? You weren't. It a fetish that you chose to indulge in. >>65022 >Why do people like villains in books and shows? Because villains tend to be more "active" characters as opposed to the "reactive" heroes. Or the villain is actually "right" or "reasonable" to some extent. Or because villains can be a more colorful character as opposed to the heroes who have to remain "restricted" in their actions.
>>65018 Agreed. Vore is physically impossible IRL and if you tried it you are mentally unwell.
>>65023 >You weren't. It a fetish that you chose to indulge in. Nah bro, fuck you. I didn't choose to get recommended a video of pixel sonic getting eaten whole by amy and getting bigger when a full moon rose up when i was 5 years old. In fact, half of the time when I'm not horny i hate myself for being into vore because it genuinely disgusts me.
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>>65131 >I didn't choose to get recommended a video of pixel sonic getting eaten whole by amy and getting bigger when a full moon rose up when i was 5 years old. But you chose to continue looking it up, even after you "knew better". And if you were really as disgusted with yourself as you say, you'd stop or seek out counseling.
>>65012 (OP) You're overthinking things as much as people do in that show your pic is from. Just like how people enjoying killing each other in video games to get these little feelings of power over others, vore is essentially the same thing with claiming others entirely, or reducing them down to something, etc. It's just power play, as it is with a lot of other fetishes. At the end of the day it's the same as visualizing oneself as the emperor of the world, with a harem of whatever you're into and have everything you want, it's just a good ol' power trip fantasy (Or to see other become powerful, etc.) It's all in the realm of fantasy, and as humans he have a built in way of distinguishing fiction from reality. Don't think about it too hard, as along as you aren't inherently mentally fucked you're fine.
I'm in a weird spot. I like vore but not digestion. I like the process of a woman getting swallowed whole and encased in a fleshy prison but not the process of succumbing to the gastric acids.
>>65012 (OP) If you make your own universes, you make your own rules. All my universes either have reformation or some kind, consciousnesses that can be uploaded into Android or robotic bodies, or they’re just trapped forever as sentient fat/in their predators’ minds. Or, heck, even just trapped in their stomach forever. You can also make your own settings too. It’s cool to do.
>>65012 (OP) I've come to terms with this long ago. It is merely a fantasy. It is my nature, it is pointless to pretend that it isn't.
>>65133 Actual retard take
Dunno, I mostly see myself as prey, so I'd say I fetishize suicide. I've come to terms with it, it is what it is. Only downside is that I can never experience it
>>65023 Thank You for your wise words Captain, if anyone would know anything about a fetish it would be you Kirk.
I'm into nonfatal, no moral issues there.
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>>65431 >if anyone would know anything about a fetish it would be you Kirk
>>65133 Kill yourself
chiming in because i can. kinks are hereditary, meaning there are genetic components into why people are into the things they are. Now, its not as if you need to have the genes to be into said thing, but having them increases your likelihood of being into it. you still have to get exposed to it after all. Id wager this one is similar to the others so its around 15%, meaning environmental factors play the largest part, and that there are those that dont have the genetics for it. The younger you are when you think you were into it / explain it the more likely its genetic vs just coomer shit. autistic rant over
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Do not ever feel ashamed about the fetishes you have! As I'm someone who's actually bothers to read "intellectual drivel", I can honestly tell you that no matter how "sick" you may think yourself to be, the academics are MUCH worse. I'm not joking, these idiots write entire essays, with zero self-awareness, trying to justify why their favorite fetish works (That are almost ALWAYS about scat for whatever reason) are actually "misunderstood allegories about society". This is with zero hyperbole and exxageration. As long as you're aware that your fetishes have no place in open society and belong either in fiction or behind closed doors, you're safe. Except for NTR, you're fucked.
>>65012 (OP) Please don't let yourself take fake shit seriously, it's really really not worth it. The mindset that fictional "murder" matters is what leads to utter fucking insanity and wanting to "protect" the characters you like, I've been there and it's horrible. It's all fake and doesn't matter.
>>65012 (OP) Speak for yourself. Some of us prefer endosoma.
>>67032 And somehow are the most obnoxious vocal minority as a result of it
i was kind of conflicted about this fetish for a while. mostly worrying about what other people would think if they found out. and also confused how watching some one getting swallowed turned me on. but after thinking about it. i decided the best way to look at it is that "its not too deep". the whole ide of vore is completely unrealistic so why bother trying to rationalise it. at the end of the day i just enjoy the bits of vore i like and stay away form the bits i don't.
>>67032 endosoma is goated
the only thing i know is we men can wank to normal porn or have sex and this fetish whould die out we can quit this shit but its so fucking good im doing that later as for why we are into this i thoght about it before and it is rly rly rly dark speaking for myself what i like about it is the power of women and them exploiting it accordingly with there gluttoney and degradiation and selfishness for not giving a fuck about others life what i just said is a cluster fuck of rly terrible things and the most innocent one in them is not caring about others (to me that is and i do care about others but i just feel the other traits are much more dangerous ) and i think i like someone else to do vore cuz its way to much for me to imagine myself doing it plus im straight so its a women we dont have controll over our human nature so we can like bad stuff as much as we like good stuff and when we get used to bad stuff we become it ( thats the frightning part for me ) it has nothing to do with evolving its just the closest manifistaion to what ur bad side is drawn to or thats what i think
>>67038 Disagreed, I don't see it. But even if it were true <Reading comment sections Seems to me like the problem is you. >>67053 The way I see it the only way people would find out would either be if some family member or privacy-invading fucker gets into your PC or if you blow your autism lid and tell someone. Either way these can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions.
>>67098 And there we go. Kill yourself obnoxious faggot. You are not pure because you don't partake in fictional "snuff".
Why don't you psychoanalyze a brick to the head you dumb fucking cunt?
>>65012 (OP) My girlfriend teases how if she could shrink me down, she would 100% eat and kill me that way. Uses that information to tease me all the time. Does that mean she's going to cut me up into pieces and consume me? Fuck off
Cause it's literally not real? Also most people don't like the gore or death part of vore, also trust me there are WAY worse fetishes? It's just not real cause there is no logic way it ever fould be, even if it was people would talk and look at it but nobody would actually do it... it's like incest alot of people have thing for it but when it comes to actually doing it they'd say hell no

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