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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Who is the richest vore artist? Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 15:49:31 No. 65206
>>65208 Is he really that rich?
if i were to guess, b1gb1g or karbo, going off patreon sales alone
>>65220 b1gb1g has a patreon? I thought he just shilled out comics on e-junkie
>>65206 i dont think vore art is ever that profitable, if it made alot of money adjective noun combo wouldnt of pivoted to stuffing crap
>>65269 I think its a relative term. I think lewdleimage, metalforever and karbo probably have the largest patreons.
>>65271 >karbo because he's an oldfag artists >lewdlemage and metalforever I really wouldn't consider them purely vore artists, as a good chunk of their audience are stuffing, fat, and pregnancy fetishists. They have a larger belly-fetishist demographic to appeal to.
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>>65269 You say this but I've seen normal artists go into vore art for the money. Fetish material is decently profitable, I've heard that foot fetish art is good only because you can get paid without needing much skill due to the lack of foot art and artists and low standards. However, even though Vore has plenty of good quality art it's still niche enough that people will pay good money to see their favourite characters or OCs in art. So if an artist has the skills or doesn't care if they overcharge people, they could make good money as people will pay. The main issue is the amount of commissions artists will take. >>65206 In the end, it really comes down to speed and price which is why I think Natsumemetalsonic could be a contender. His Subscribestar has 51 members so that's probably about $255 a month on its own, but then you have his streams where he does multiple commissions within one to two streams, so he has to make a decent amount or he at least has the potential to make good money due to how efficient he is.
Stable Diffusion
And an artist like Swallowingalive, with his style, is he rich?
>>65292 this image is very funny hahaha
>>65313 that's not art that's as shit
I think bigbog. Comics are a lot more profitable than comms and he seems to sell a lot. Having a big lineup of comics also creates more opportunities for sales. Artists in poorer countries are also more "rich" in the sense that they get paid in USD. It's a lot easier to make livable money off vore art in a nation where your average, yearly wage is 10-20k USD. Also, if any artists are reading this and want to make money off vore. The two keys are to be working constantly and to make something that pulls sales (probably 20-ish page comics, paywalled animations, or paywalled sections of sequences.)
A random artist here As a super small artist I can still charge pretty high, I wouldn't be able to live off my art but that's more because the economy sucks. I've managed to pull in 200+ coms People are very generous when it comes to fetish art
>>65721 Especially if it's the furry. Those fuckers spend ten of thousands on fursuits so a couple hundreds is nothing to them
>>65729 why the hell do they do that anyways? i mean i hate them alot too but like, are they THAT self aware? no they are not. but why the fuck do they offer so much?!
>>66990 >but why the fuck do they offer so much?! Probably because they have a lot of disposable income (the joke is that half of these people probably work in finance, tech, etc. so they have money to waste) and because there comparatively isn't much porn/content geared specifically to their animal cock niche. We tend to take it for granted, but furry art (in comparison to normal recorded pornography, drawn human art) is not as common, and good furry artists are few and far between. However, the community is still much larger than most people think at first. I think most people that go outside once in a whole have met at least one person in their job/school/life that is at least a closeted furry/furry porn consumer That is to say, if you are good at drawing porn, and half decent at drawing animal cock, you can appeal to a large and prevalent subsect of gooners that don't have as many options. It's an infinite money glitch imo
>>67055 yeah ive met a few furries IRL, i hate them a fucking ton but i cant deny my greedy side has tempted me more times than i can count... i could pay off my student loans with that shit.
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>>66990 >but why the fuck do they offer so much?! Because they're degernates richfucks in the most unironic and literal sense who will do everything possible to shove their fetish in everyone's face. You find similar people being the reason why fetishes like NTR and Blacked.com are even "popular" in the first place.
>>67395 Rich people promoting degeneracy. Hmmm.... HMMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMM

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