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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Umbradiadem comics thread Anonymous 09/13/2021 (Mon) 10:57:44 No. 653
I wanted to make a thread dedicated to Umbradiadem's stuff, most of them are sadly behind a paywall but I was able to get some of the comics in a folder so I thought I would share it with you guys and all I ask is that if you have any of the comics shown in the pictures of this thread please don't hesitate to share, it would be a great favor to me and some others who enjoy umbra's works, anyway here's the folder I hope you enjoy https://mega.nz/folder/iGQXkCgL#OuoCeesbdDUuWADGpxkFyQ
to be honest I'm a big fan of his art and the comics, but I have neither PayPal nor credit card. I'd support a patreon anytime again, too bad I can't get the comics. Still curious if anyone still has Emily and the third wheel,that seems entirely lost. I believe not even he still has it, considering it's not im any of his compilations either.
>>701 Good god that was unpleasant to look at. No judgement of course.
>>701 Thank you so much for that! I have been looking for it for a while
What's the comic where Emily's boyfriend keeps catching his roommate eating her
>>683 >>707 Here's are the first seven pages: https://aryion.com/g4/view/384545 The version published on Deviantart had more pages, where Emily got rescued and then eaten again. It was deleted for some reason.
>>710 Or actually I think she was let out without being rescued, but later got eaten again.
>>653 Would love to know if he ever followed up the Emily and the Python with the blonde girl like it teased
>>653 Would love to know if he ever followed up the Emily and the Python with the blonde girl like it was teased
>>710 That's the one thanks
Anyone got the hungry hippo one?
Does anyone have a mega file for the comic where Emily gets eaten by a slug that thinks that she's salt?
>>1193 It's in the rar file in OC's mega
Oh! Thank you!^^
Race to save emily anyone got it please?
>>653 mega link doesn't work
Really hope someone can share the hippo one
All links dead
Was someone able to save a copy of the old comic collection? If so please share it again, thank you
Anyone saved the link before it got removed? Pretty please
I wish Umbradiadem would accept Paypal. Would love to buy something from the sale. :(
>>3538 dude used to sell them via DM incl bank transfer, sadly hes full gumroad nowadays and i dont have a cc.
Anyone anything...?
cant believe hes that unpopular
>>5670 Didn't he take a comic someone commissioned from him to sell it on his fucking gumroad afterwards?
>>5769 Yeah, he's a retard but his comics are p good
Here are all the comics I have from him https://mega.nz/folder/LfI0XBgZ#65V3llZlL3S0Zznq1IM8iw And here's fred's birthday dinner as well, it was somewhere on the old 8kun board https://anonfiles.com/XcI4k1tdu3 I am kindly begging for anyone to share the rest of his comics with us
30% sale with code thanksgiving if anyone wanted to buy (and hopefully share) something https://umbradiadem.gumroad.com/
Come on, please there has to be anyone that has something
>>7314 Can't believe he's THAT unpopular, even if he's a dumb fuck as a person his worms seemed p good to me
>>7554 the problem is that he's expensive
>>7576 30 dollars for a fucking comic it's a true yikes, he has buyers but for the comics we are missing not a lot due to their price but here's hoping one day someone would share the rest
Does anyone have the rest of the fred's birthsday dinner?
>>8607 this: >>5804 is the whole Fred's
Have fun
>>8655 Thanks soldier, I salute you
Think now are almost all uploaded
>>9325 Thank you a lot for sharing anon, yeah now only 3 comics remain: Femme in black Swallowed princess anthology And The race to save Emily from digestion The "best works" doesn't really count since it's just a compilation of all the other works which we already have most of, great work lads
>>9363 Emily and the third wheel is missing/lost
>>9375 Also what's up with emily and the fragglewump, was it ever finished?
>>9385 Don't think so, someone correct me if I'm wrong. There's even more, but I can't put my finger on the names. Just remember third wheel because I got some good "mileage" out of it.
We're very close to completion, bumping for the remaning comics
>>10394 Without paypal, it's such an incredible hurdle.
New comic https://umbradiadem.gumroad.com/l/emilydiplomaticdinner Cheaper than his other stuff if anyone is interested
Bump for the remaining comics, don't let the flame die out
Bought and shared comics for more than fifty bucks, so unless one of you shares the new ones you can wait for a long time
>>13130 Sorry didn't really understand your message, can you explain a bit further? Thank you
Bump please
The greedy fuck took another commission and turned it into a paywalled comic again
I have bought >>9325 >>8655 and now I will stop buying them, they're just a waste of money and not enough up my alley to spend. Enjoy, hope you get more mileage out of it than I did.
posted the hippo one twice, my bad. here ada wong and the lurker, which I wanted to post
>>15020 Thanks a lot anon
Oh come on guys nothing new
Bumping please
Agent Song
Bumping once more
Everything is currently on sale if anyone wishes to contribute, happy vore day everyone
Welp maybe next christmas
It’s for u guys
>>17263 there's nothing good worth buying and posting that wasn't already posted in here
>>17661 You sure about that? Swallowed Princess Anthology: The Voracious Viper is supposed to be good and it's not posted anywhere.
>>17685 I'll amend: imo, there's nothing good worth buying. snake vore does nothing for me and I think it's pretty boring. I, personally, like a more humanoid pred
>>17693 I mean it's all preference really, and there are a bunch of humanoid pred comics that have never been shown here lol
>>17685 I am curious about this one also. I attempted to purchase it at first but for some reason PayPal is no longer accepted :(
(10.75 MB w.pdf)

Okay im back with another purchase, have fun
>>18250 Thanks a bunch dude
It pains me how overly expensive his shit are https://umbradiadem.gumroad.com/l/slimeyboi 30 bucks
>>19347 I will not be the one that buys it again, I shared enough by now. Just saying dont expect it to be posted here, I spent more than 150 bucks on his shit by now and shared everything.
I bought and shared the Old Hag one, and I agree. His shit is expensive and I just can't see dropping another chunk on it right now
>>19376 My man don't feel the need to explain yourself you already did plenty
Well, at least the previews confirm this is just a direct copy of his older (now absent) comic, albeit with a different predator. True, the artwork is a bit different but I thought they might have adapted the script or changed the action a little bit.
>>19683 Which comic we talking about?
>>19686 The "Emily & the Slimy House Guest" one. It's a frame-for-frame word-for-word remake of an older comic of theirs, just with Slimer instead of a big slug monster. (Sorry, must have deleted the link-back part. )
(1.41 MB 3400x4400 glitch0077-384546-Page_01.jpg)

>>19692 This one in particular. (Pardon the double post; had to dig for the cover!)
>>19693 Oh yea I remember this, hope he'd honestly start making actual vore for the sake of making it and not some cash grabsthat are very much identical to a lot of his other works
>>19347 Posting this preview before it gets taken down from DA.
I tried to buy the comic but without a credit card it's not possible. No other way to pay on gumroad
>>19920 Gumroad accepts Paypal now, but artists need to enable it. You should try to contact him and ask him to set the option up. https://help.gumroad.com/article/275-paypal-connect
>>20136 It's actually been always like that as far as I recall (I've made purchases at Gumroad at least for the past five years using Paypal) but artists always need to enable the possibility to use it. For some reason not all artists want to accept that.
>>20137 Is there any downside to accepting payments through PayPal? Why would they not accept?
>>20143 My guess would be that either some artists just don't have a Paypal account (simple as that) or Paypal takes some extra fees in Gumroad because all in all you are selling your art there. That would actually explain why some stuff seem ridiculously expensive at times. There might also be some restrictions of using Paypal in some countries etc.
Still bumping
Neteller works quite fine for debit credit cards and the fees are low, for anyone that is willing to dish out cash to the greedy fuck. You can charge via bank transfer or even paysafecard if you have a verified mypaysafe account, doesn't get much easier than that.
>>20427 Don't even understand why he makes it harder for people to give him money
Does anyone have Emily and the slimey house guest?
>>21143 It's what we've been talking about bruv
Does anyone happen to have Fred birthday dinner?
Here are all the comics I have from him https://mega.nz/folder/LfI0XBgZ#65V3llZlL3S0Zznq1IM8iw And here's fred's birthday dinner as well, it was somewhere on the old 8kun board https://anonfiles.com/XcI4k1tdu3 I am kindly begging for anyone to share the rest of his comics with us ------ That wasn't me, just someone from the thread earlier, look again next time >>21706
>>21754 I'm waiting to see if there's a holiday price drop
You are a saint, thank you!
>>21776 There will probably be one for thanksgiving or christmas
>>21887 none for black friday, maybe one for christmas. I'll keep an eye out, but I just can't justify $30 for it
>>22215 Yea that's a fucking crime lmao
no christmas sale either
>>23193 Oh well, best we can do is wait, it'll happen at some point
There's a new comic at a good price
New emily comic for $5
honestly kind of disappointed
>>26396 It's alright at best, thank you a lot for sharing though
His cheap stuff is always pretty disappointing. But I can still find some enjoyment out of it so thank you for sharing it
Anybody got the slimer guest comic?
back with a way better comic than the mistaken payment i uploaded dont think i have seen it here hope you guys enjoy https://anonfiles.com/04B644ccze/The_Race_to_Save_Emily_from_Digestion_pdf
>>26602 Thank you for your kind sharing! And does anyone got the tifa one?
>>26510 anyone
Decided to contribute, wish I hadn't. The cheap ones are never worth it. Birthday Wish https://anonfiles.com/S002sfidz0/Jenna_s_Birthday_Wish_pdf Tifa https://anonfiles.com/Z708s9ibz6/Commission_Tifa_and_the_Hungries_pdf
Honestly the Tiffa one started so well and was so promising, then looks like he just got lazy with the last monster and rushed the scenes to finish with barely any pages to end it. Appreciate this though, been wanting to see this one for so long, thanks
>>28085 that's how I feel about any of them that I buy. like, I want to see the Slimer one, but I know that it won't be worth $30
Bump Does anyone have the Swallowed Princess Anthology - Voracious Viper? It is the only one I have not seen
There are currently only 7 works we have not shared yet in this thread and they are: Swallowed Princess Anthology: The Voracious Viper Naomi and the Sensory Depravition Spa Emily and the Slimey House Guest Emily and the Fish Bait Resident Digestion: Ada's Secret Desire Agent Song and the Sewer Swallower Emily Doesn't Find Nemo: Pt. 1 The Pelican We did pretty well you guys
Agent Song is promised to be very good one
Hello, I have this : https://mega.nz/file/xMkl0YiK Key - hPc9fgzR7mRtVF52ZY2gKLoRlgJzhVgOHaDFEUIqcmM I'd love any new content or venussavedmylife's unshared on if you know this creator too. Thanks have fun !
>>29177 Old archive.... also bamp
never again will I buy something from Umbra, it's always so disappointing. The only good comic is Frank's Birthday because it actually shows the eating. Anyway, here's the Slimer comic https://mega.nz/file/oY8W1YLB#kdinvCYmqPLL2Q5qFGeccEF6np3pkci1HKZzAS3pFbQ
>>29622 Sorry to hear that, and thank you a lot
>>29622 Wont need to anymore. he found out these were being traded and have deleted them and will not make anymore.
Such a shame. I hoped to see Agent Song and a sewer swallower here
>>29885 Wait so, he'd rather neither him nor anyone else gets anything instead of have people buy his comics with a few in the background trading them? Yikes
Let the salt flow.
>>29953 This. All it takes is one disappointing overpriced comic and people feel justified in sharing\trading it to get their value out of it or to warn others. Digital media should not be priced the same as physical media. Bud could be making a lot more money churning out a lot better material. I mean seriously, slimer cucking a guy and digesting a thot? The art is fine but the writing, yeesh.
Lol love how you justify piracy. Greatest sleight of hand for literal criminal activity.
Like if you don’t want to pay for it, fine, move on. No one is “justified in sharing/trading it”. Try doing that for groceries. Yeah, why don’t you go shop lift at a Whole Foods right now and self-fashion yourself as Robin Hood, and reveal how stupid and smooth brained your perspective is.
>>29885 >thought this was a jest >he actually did have a sperg out over this I bet half the folks who follow him on deviantart never even knew about this place. But instead of continuing to make some income on the side from comics he's stopping EVERYTHING? Hearty chuckle
>>29988 Lol, “hearty chuckle”. Yet you took the effort to write this.
>Umbra actually quitting because of this board Eh fuck him, if he wanted to make more he could but some peoplen on the internet got to his feelies and I guess that's enough to just stop LOL If he cared about his qork or being an artist, he wouldn't give a shit what people have to say. Just keep doing what you do and try to improve I'd this is all it takes to make him quit, then I guess he never had it in him in the first place
>>29973 Yes. >>29974 I steal shit all the time by abusing the returns system on Amazon.
>>30004 Meanwhile you’re sitting in your mom’s basement blue balled because you never managed to get those last couple of comics, and you never will. Oh well, better go wank off at some other pirated content!
>>30005 “I’m justified in being a piece of shit here because I’m a piece of shit in other areas.” Funny that you just flaunted literal criminal activity by yourself.
If he definitively stopped for good then that would suck. He has a pretty unique style. I didn't like all of his works but there are comics he made that really tickle my fancy and are among my favorite vore content ever. Bummer tbh.
>>30007 Nah I personally never cared If this is the kind of shit that makes umbra give up, then it just wasn't meant to be People who have passion and enjoy their work don't let some random on a thread stop them but oh well
Pwrof3d still makes stuff for example
>>30019 Yet you somehow follow this 8chan thread, and took the time to type in these posts... Yeah the cognitive dissonance is real.
>>30022 It takes 3 seconds to do this, dumbass Why are you so mad? Are you also just a lazy artist? Do you also not understand what it takes to better yourself? Fucking lazy entitled artists man
>>30022 >guy getting mad that people share work in here >been posting for days >says other poster who posted once "spends too much time here" >cognitive dissonance It should be legal to just execute you with that complete lack of self-awareness Holy shit
>>30040 Someone’s triggered. ;)
>>30039 I hope all the patreonfags quit, patreon was fucking cancer to vore content. They've been getting greedier and greedier with each year, some patreons wont even give you access to previous stuff.
I bought and shared most of his works here, I couldn't give less shits if he quits or not. He takes absolutely fucking baffling prices and acts all high and mighty if you ever dare to critique him. He's only in for the money anyway, not like he gives a shit about the "community". I'd feel bad if it was someone who's actually a contributor and cares about the "community", instead of being a bottom of the barrel leech that's just in to make a quick buck. Remember his patreon? Yeah, he always throws fits, matter of time until he comes back. When money runs out he'll be the first to post his shit again, what-fucking-ever.
>>30179 Shhh… let it go.
He has started posting to gumroad again.
And apparently the sensory deprivation spa comic is on sale...for 20 bucks..how?
>>33398 Lol I guess can't read. "For sale". Not "On sale". Stupid bottom feeder.
there's also a new comic https://umbradiadem.gumroad.com/l/photoshoot 10 bucks. wont buy it though, I bought almost all of them so far, dudes a bitch.
anyone sensory deprivation chamber?
Sensory deprivation chamber https://pixeldrain.com/u/MeGD7pr6
>>34650 Despite knowing better I bought again, well that was kinda okay for twenty bucks
can anyone reupload Tifa and the Hungries? anonfiles an hero'd
Anyone have fred”s birthday dinner and femme in black?
Does anyone got Fred's Birthday Dinner? Old links don't work
anyone got Rikku vs Toad: The Al Bhed Girl's Farewell
Just a heads up, if you buy from him and post it here he will most likely email you. He emailed me at the very least, something like "take it down from 8chan". Idc tho still mad that the retard lost third wheel, was the only GOOD one he made.
>>35588 I think the old Girl in Black is better than the newer Femme in Black. https://pixeldrain.com/u/PK2f92Sb https://pixeldrain.com/u/Guq7j1jD
>>36162 How'd he even know it was specifically you?
>>36162 How stupid you gotta be to confirm that I got the right email?
>>36176 No idea but gum road has good buyer protection, it's just slow. >>36180 How stupid you gotta be to make sure I'll share everything I ever get from your works to kemono in the future.
>>36180 You do know that most people that go the length to come to this website will most likely not even buy your works and therefore you're not losing much of anything except being painted as a whiney ass to your customers that have already paid way too much money to simply be disappointed plenty of times, you literally threw a tantrum and deleted everything from your gumroad when you found out about this, how come there are other successful vore artists that do not go to the length you go yet still get paid and are even liked by the community?
There there, sorry I hurt your feelings, criminal. I had no idea it was ok to illegally distribute others works. You have opened my eyes.
Must be rough if people would rather pirate your work en masse than even consider you a decent artist.
>>36206 Lmao completely missing any and all points, "criminal" he says oh get off the internet snowflake, what's criminal is having most of your works be a complete disappointment to the price they are put up on, did you just also put up all the previously neatly packaged comics in your old works bundle for 10$ a fucking piece on your gumroad now? Is that what I'm seeing? It's like you want people to hate you, you didn't hurt anyone by removing all your comics from gumroad in that temper tantrum you threw except for any potential customers you could've gotten, not like they woulda stuck for long after shilling money for nothing good
Why cannot we all just get along
>>36271 You seem like a decent person. I think we could get along. Honestly I don’t have much against people pirating. It’s more of the cognitive dissonance of people who pirate and also present themselves as paragons of justice as if they were doing everyone a service. Just call it what it is; you didn’t want to pay and you went around the system. Nothing morally good about it. But it’s understandable.
>>36267 RHEEEE!!!
>>36272 My guy, don't want to or can't? You ever lived in a country where the currency only ever allows you to buy shit within its borders? No you wouldn't know, no one ever said it's a "paragon of justice" but shit's not black and white, also you definitely have much against people pirating considering how this is your main problem here
>>36333 Never have I ever seen someone so entitled to smut in my life. Porn isn’t a need, like groceries. If it is to you, then you need to get your priorities straight.
>>36349 Oh it isn't, that's why I pirate it lmao, ever think of that? You don't lose much of anything when I never was going to buy it in the first place do you?
>>36357 It isn’t a need, so therefore you pirate it? Ohhh, I see. We have a well reasoned argument here, everyone.
Can you fags shut the fuck up and post comics instead. No one cares about the nigga I just wanna bust a nut and not pay 50 bucks for it, I could literally buy a hooker for less.
For real. So, anyone got Agent Song?
Any one have Ada disire, Naomi photoshoot or grimace shake
Does anyone got anything new?
>>36623 waaaaaaay too expensive
anyone sensory deprivation chamber?
It's time
Does anyone have the Naomi's Precarious Photoshoot??
Anything new?
>>38560 prices too high for the content he offers + hes so far up his own ass, that any criticism gets him close to a stroke. dont bother honestly
Anyone something new?
>>39857 still to expensive for my taste
Hercules lost his best friend ?
naomis precarious photoshoot anyone??
Aw Wait about the hercules lost his best friend
>>41069 Bro, thank the man at least he just dropped 4 comics, thanks a lot dude
>>41063 Legend
Had a nut to each of them, bless you >>41065
I cant seem to load the download page for them are they already down says it sent an invalid response:(
seems they've already been removed, anyone who grabbed them care to repost?
Anyone got the grimace shake one?
New coming just got released, did anyone buy it?
Hey, I'm new here and I noticed that I'm not able to download or open many pdf downloads in this thread because I do not have an extreme account and I do not know how to buy or where to buy an extreme account from. Can some good sir/ma'am help me out?
https://help.gumroad.com/article/156-gumroad-and-adult-content from the news look like we/any creators got only one day to sort thing out before every got nuked. Sigh.
https://kemono.su/gumroad/user/8447351933537 Is it possible to updating this ?
Agent Song and the Sewer Swallower https://pixeldrain.com/u/xnh3p4ih Resident Digestion - Ada's Secret Desire https://pixeldrain.com/u/rq2CNcEX
Whoever updated the kemono, thank you!
>>41065 All of the link say "File does not exist on this server" after clicking on verify. Any ideas? Also, thanks
>>44893 What is the artist name on Kemono?
>>45008 Umbradiadem
>>18250 This says it will only work with 8chan extreme. Any idea how I can get that? Also, thank you!
>>45135 Awesome, thanks mate
This dude needs to hire a writer. I don't usually care but damn is he ever bad.
>>45252 Says the one desperate enough to go on 8chan/kemono to download Umbradiadem's work for free.
>>45253 exactly. if even people HERE think its bad, what does it say about the comic?
>>45267 That people who are completely broke desperately wanted it so bad that they took to finding out how to get it for free? And complained like entitled incels when they read it, even though they didn't pay for it? Honestly the level of cognitive dissonance is crazy here.
>>45270 Exactly, we the dregs of society scraping the bottom of the barrel are still complaining about how bad your writing is. Let that sink in.
>>45303 You said it. Dregs of society.
>>45304 I buy your stuff to share it, because you have your head so far stuck up your own ass that any description wouldn't come close to reality. take feedback from buyer, maybe get someone to write for you and for fucks sake no one wants to read a vore story that's 70% human on human smalltalk unrelated to the fetish content you're supposed to sell. That shit with the snake is straight up a scam.
>>45465 Never in a million years will you get me to believe you bought it, piece of shit thief. Nice try, trying to claw your way to some moral high ground. But you're just an actual piece of shit, trying to justify yourself stealing other people's work then like an entitled child, complaining about something you got for free.
(22.03 KB 311x389 H2ZWwbo.png)

>>45475 i usually dont share stuff. except for yours, i go out of my way to buy it to share it here, because youre an asshole. & no, you wont get any more info, dont worry i have multiple credit cards and names im buying on.
>>45500 That’s rich, the asshole who steals stuff calling someone else an asshole. Nice screenshot of you emailing yourself with your spoofed account a couple times.
>>45505 Cope seethe and mald
Why so much hatred over Umbra and his work ? I really don't get it... It's not my favorite kind of content and I personally don't like the pred models he uses, but if we compare to the other 3D artists, I'd say his work is more than decent. Sure it's pricey, but maybe life is more expensive too where he lives, you have to account for that as well.
>>45532 He throws fits of rage whenever things don't go his way. criticism is not wanted even if you buy his stuff, just shut up and accept it. Honestly? I like his models and I'd com him if he wasn't such a faggot, realtalk. also im still mad he lost third wheel, the og link expired still have it in my da dms
>>45568 Jury's still out on whether you bought the comics or not. Still trying desperately to fake your way to moral high ground while complaining about free stuff you got. Don't you see how that makes you look like an absolute ass?
>>45570 Bro I don't care you won't bait me into revealing anything personal
>>45604 WTF are you talking about? Whatever. You're just a completely entitled incel sitting in your mom's basement and complaining about porn you pirated online. And when you're called out on it you go on to say completely random shit.
>>45570 Get a real job faggot.
>>45606 Aww... did what I say strike a nerve? Couldn't buy any comics with mommy's money so you resorted to stealing them on 8chan?
>>45605 God are you salty
from Chinese ada turned into shit
some guy names DigestedGirl made this edited
https://umbradiadem.gumroad.com/l/bfl?layout=profile New comic dropped (with another female pred finally)
Only thing for me is it doesnt say it has internals otherwise i would immediately buy it
>>46046 well she deserved it as a pile of stinky dung
Any updates for kemono?
Anyone got anything new?
I'm just collecting rn, will release all his shit p soon again
>>51961 Thanks a lot in advance man
>>51963 I buy his shit and release it because I can't stand him.
>>51967 How far are you anyway? How many do you have left to buy?
He apparently posts the comics and WIPs of upcoming comics on his DA subscription now
anything new??
OP your mega link doesn't work so if you are reading this then by odin's asscrack can you please make a new link.
Can anyone post the stuff he's been putting on his DA subscription?
Anything new??
>>53804 There's dozens of comics available there right now for like 10 bucks
>>51967 Any progress my guy?
Anything new?
Anybody made an archive of his DA subscription works yet?
>>56073 I only shared because he was being a faggot with pricing for the most part, I like the subscription model even if I have all of his works already. He doesn't rant about people sharing either anymore and I think 10 bucks is a fair price. He revoked my access from one of his gumroads, as I posted it in here already, so I think it's fair to say that for the time being I'm cool with him. might even commission him now, he's not a good writer but the renders are good.
>>56086 Oh damn, well I'm glad to hear a conclusion to that lol Still, thank you for what you've shared before
Could anybody share the ursula comic?
Bump anyone?
>>51967 i don't even find his digestion that satisfying, like the girl is there then not there, not graphic at all.
Anyone got anything?
Anyone able to share anything? I physically cannot even sub to his DA due to restrictions
showing a disposal scene would be satisfied
Anyone anything new?
One day...
showing us some girls get eaten by monsters
Anything yet?
Anybody got the rest of the Ursula pictures?
all of links are completely useless shit, not work anymore
link downloads in here are no longer work, get outta here, nobody wants to upload it anymore
>>67089 Finally, something new Thank you
Why cant i open links just a white screen
>>67140 Lol Lmao even
>>67238 Womp womp. Sad panda noises.
Couldnt really care less but whatever makes you happy i guess

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