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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Ergos Paid Stuff or Stuffedbellygirl Belly bundles Anonymous 09/14/2021 (Tue) 02:03:38 No. 684
Bassicly what the tittle says post Ergos Paid Art or Stuffedbellygirl's Belly Bundles (his/her/they Paid art)
Motherfucking bump this shit
>>834 >>3000 >>3616 >>3697 It's never coming
(720.45 KB 2107x2500 Velmas_Turn_-_Flat_Colors.jpg)

(4.27 MB 2393x2500 Lady_Dimitrescu.jpg)

(1.69 MB 2027x2500 Chel_B.jpg)

If I don't forget, I could definitely toss up a Mega sometime for Ergos. For now, here are some of the recent bits.
>>3812 A mega would be a godsend, thanks man.
>>3812 nice since he went behind the paywall he basically dropped off my radar, it seems he has been rather busy
OP here i must say Holy shit. >>3812 You My guy. YOU! YOU ARE ABSOLUTLY BASED
(1.31 MB 1933x2500 Street_Pred.jpg)

>>3853 Wait, doesn't he post all of the stuff still on the portal and such after like a month and such? Guess I never paid attention if so or not... There are some sketches and such they never finished in there, so maybe not. Actually looks like it's 3 or more month delays for posts. Lame
Wow this blew up since I last tuned in.
God damn this thread is 90% bumps
I mean yeah i'm the op and i'm still waiting for that mega folder
This is Amazing ! ! ! +1 to the mega also
Any news?
What’s a stuffed belly bundle?
Does anyone have any of these ?
Yeah I've got all four because I'm the person who spent a lot of time and effort drawing those bundles. I'd really appreciate if anyone has the bundles keep them for their own enjoyment and pleaseure! Sincerely SBG
It looks like it’s quality work
>>5265 Damn, i wouldnt imagine You would appear here. Pog. Sorry for asking the belly Bundles. Sincearly OP
Please share ?
Any update on that Mega?
Yo. Where's the content?
Content Zombies
Grrrr content. Need content
The Wait Continues !
Bump x2
Content I need content doctor
Me Need content
Hello! I'm terribly sorry to all the zombies and such for the wait. I got sick, then forgot, then wanted to wait until the end of the month to get the next zip for you all. Enjoy https://mega.nz/file/7A8G1bYD#F-AqDBw9YNkfLDYTEEV7l5kxjNiQaTLtLE0omtRZPmc
Let me know if things go ded
(537.56 KB 2317x2500 Amina_4.jpg)

OP here. You Are a legend all mokey zombies Will remember you
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(981.22 KB 2101x2500 Mermaid.jpg)

(868.16 KB 1899x2500 Draka.jpg)

(792.03 KB 1899x2500 Draka by Ergos.jpg)

(719.91 KB 2037x2500 Orc - Sketch.jpg)

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(821.48 KB 2079x2500 Backstabing Rafa A.jpg)

(1.01 MB 2500x1769 Qi'ra's Huge Meal.jpg)

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(480.32 KB 2049x2500 Hijab Girl.jpg)

(1.46 MB 4057x2438 Sketches 02.jpg)

(1.04 MB 1916x2500 You're Next.jpg)

(864.72 KB 1697x1200 Robin's Sushi Snack Mini Comic.jpg)

(1.15 MB 2434x2500 Welcome to Winterfell.jpg)

(1017.35 KB 1951x2500 The Dragon and the Wolf 2.jpg)

(928.28 KB 1951x2500 The Dragon and the Wolf 1.jpg)

(208.12 KB 1461x1500 Welcome to Winterfell - Sketch.jpg)

This one?
>>8372 Yeah that one. Or the previous ones
I've realized something, ergos art is on their discord server. If any of You Are on that server. Please share it here.
>>6356 Does anyone have the test of this?
>>8372 Bump
Rise ye tarnished
>>16708 Rise
Lets get this party STARTED !!!!
Bundles 1-4, get it while it’s hot. https://mega.nz/folder/8GhBRZqY#-F_dFkWtHypoGuOVE28RAg
Well I knew it would happen at some point! I put so much work into each of those bundles because I want people to enjoy them and to make a bit of money to support myself, so to see you post them is extremely disappointing.
>>18091 are these the actual sizes, they are too small to be the packs.
>>18091 >>18100 Yea, there's no way it can be that small right?
>>18099 no offense most of these images suck, so you can't blame people for not wanting to buy them
>>18091 Thank you for the upload !
>>18091 Thanks for the upload my guy. Thanks for also listening to my suggestion of only sharing the old ones, so we dont affect as much the sales
Eyo motherfuckers bump this
Please more
does anyone have belly bundle 9?
>>21686 Somebody check if this is legit.
>>21703 its legit
>>21704 you're welcome
My brothers in crime. I came here to make a request a lot had did... Please share the belly bundles
>>22155 I second this. The 10th installement in the Belly Bundles just released and there hasn't been a single news since the 4th.
>>22155 indeed, i bought ergos stuff for yall, it'd be nice to see someone buy and share the belly bundles in return. it takes a village to share art
i mean the belly bundles are made by a britgger
Come on share something
>>23415 Share something yourself or stop bumping dipshit. Choosers cant be beggers.
(505.90 KB 1633x2500 Belly_Reveal_-_Flat_Colors.jpg)

(457.22 KB 1399x2500 Batman_Beyond_Max.jpg)

(1.11 MB 2411x2500 Capacious_Dining.jpg)

(856.06 KB 2048x2500 Ann_Possible_-_Flat_Colors.jpg)

(820.89 KB 2048x2500 Ann_Possible_2_-_Flat_Colors.jpg)

>>23416 Let's ignore this absolute dipshit. Here's some ergos, i wish someone would share SBG content

(714.56 KB 2500x1872 A_Goth_Christmas_1.jpg)

(560.58 KB 2500x1872 A_Goth_Christmas_2.jpg)

(585.93 KB 2500x1872 A_Goth_Christmas_3.jpg)

(439.37 KB 2101x2500 Leshawna_-_Flat_Colors.jpg)

>>24529 This just leaves you wanting MORE !!!
>>24540 It's all i could gather, it really was hard to get. I wish someone would share belly bundles
What i like from SBG Is the fact that her style reminds me of Archer
Bumping for the bundles
Can someone share these?
remember when he used to do edits
Ergos' Patreon discord server on kemono got updated with .zips with I believe everything on his paywall
>>26964 Yeah ergos did some morphs he did one of Billie Eilish
I hope one day this legend comes back >>6354
>>26989 I've realized i selected the wrong anon i meant this legend. >>18091
>>8372 Bump
>>26992 The “legend” here, it’s really not worth posting the other bundles because they just are not good. You are not missing anything the quality of SBG’s work has declined rapidly. Not to mention, have the work in the bundle isn’t even done by her, it’s done by an artist that has a similar style to her’s, Scarlett Belly on DA. You can tell which of them drew what by looking at the hair and how it’s drawn. But SBG doesn’t credit Scarlett Belly on the packs for whatever reason, it’s odd.
>>27137 Oh shit fr? I thought they were the same person. That is really fucked up now that you mention it, why did nobody said anything about it?
>>27137 Also that sounds like an amazing reason to share them. If she's planting herself as the one who draws everything while having someone else drawing for her it's absolutly sickening, also because she had the Audacity to come in here and trying to be intimidating? Fuck her >>5265
>>27149 Most people can’t tell, their styles are very similar, but they do hair and noses differently. I don’t feel like posting the packs because they are just bad, they sound nice because the characters used are great. But the art is not up to par, SBG cuts corners and it shows.
>>27169 >>27149 They are either in fact the same person or two people closely together, I know this because I commissioned both and they have the same last name for their paypal accounts. also there was a time when their commission sheets were 1:1. but whoever was on the SA scammed me out of a commision
>>27171 >but whoever was on the SA scammed me out of a commision i heard about that in a discord server, but i feel like it was SBG who scammed them instead of SB account. I guess they both scamming people
>>27171 I had something similar happen to me, i tried to commission them, paid and they went MIA for 6 months but still logged into their accounts and would not respond.. The thing is i remember dming them on deviantart under a different name about the belly bundles to see if i could get a response and they replied instantly. Really scummy, i can't stress this enough guys please don't support this artist. Plus a lot of bundles are just shit quality anyways, just look of the ones above.
Exactly fuck them. Let's leek everything
Like you know making a compilation with every bundle or a kemono or something like that and just leak it
I have 5 and 7, i'll upload them later
>>27227 Thanks dude, you're awesome
>>27275 Dude thanks, yeah i wish someone who has the others could share them
you're welcome
>>27992 shut the fuck up
>>28010 oh boo hoo, someone is bumping a thread
Yo thanks for the bump dude.
bump for the final belly bundles
(3.46 MB 640x272 starwars-luke-skywalker.gif)

Anyone here got the BB 11 and 12?
Bump for the new Ergos Content!!!
Can someone update ergos discord kemono?
>>27137 Do you have the other bundles? If you do, can you post them anyway?
>>28191 Bump
Colored gwenpool sketch
Colored Ms. Marvel sketch
>>34623 Slight color mistake I fixed it
>>34714 Ayo dude, thanks for sharing these, do you have more pics like this?
>>34717 No, but I’ll post if I find more
Anyone have the belly bundles?
Colored X-23 sketch
Can someone update the ergos discord kemono please
Anyone have the new Belly Bundle?
Found these on another Chan, they don't appear to be from any recent Bundle or in any order at all so apologies if you're one for organization
Honestly wish I could tell who some of these people are supposed to be, like the previous one with the girl in the pink jacket
The website is BBW-Chan and apparently its shutting down soon according to the the last comment in the thread that cotains someone desperately asking for Belly Bundle 10,14,15
And that's all, remember to support the artist if you can and maybe check out BBW Chan before it shuts down, not sure when it does could be tomorrow for all I know but it looks like they have some vore media
(2.46 MB 2350x1970 IMG_9222.png)

(3.56 MB 2860x2219 IMG_9553.png)

Brie Larson
>>37560 assuming that’s The Marvels cast, it should’ve been Iman vellani as pred
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(1.65 MB 1683x2646 IMG_0423.jpeg)

Please leak
Rup a bump bump
atleast update the Discord Kemo !!!!!
What's the diference between Scarlettbelly and Stuffedbellygirl?
(2.63 MB 2240x3073 IMG_1718.jpeg)

Please leak
>>41095 stuffedbellygirl is active scarletbelly not. Maybe an alt account they have pretty similar realistic artstyle.
Bump to update Ergos kemono discord? Importer on Kemono should be working now
>>46862 Don't talk about like it's a job fucking moron.
oh nvm read it wrong guess i'm retarted.
(1.82 MB 1627x2483 IMG_2487.jpeg)

Please leak
Here's One Of The Pics From Belly Bundle 17 if someone uploads belly bundle 15's stash link. ill drop 17s. Consider it a 2 for 1 deal
This works better as an archive at this point. Because no one is going to waste money on this
(1.05 MB 1685x2634 IMG_2920.jpeg)

>>51214 If you're so fucking desperate for the Belly Bundles, which you are because you make threads EVERYWHERE begging for them, buy them yourself. All the time you've been putting into begging for each and every one of them that drop could've been used to getting a job and the money for them to beat your tiny little chimp cock to.
Can we just kill this thread? No one is going to share any of the new Belly Bundles and Ergos' Discord is occasionally updated so why is this even here or why isn't there just a standalone Ergos thread?
>>52804 I'm the op of the thread i must admit that i wish this thread gets nuked because it completed it's job. It Made me realize that the belly bundles are just not worth it, not even worth pirate and it got the ergos discord kemono updated so it's cycle has come to an end. The dude that's still beggin for the bundles Is just pathetic
>>52945 Sorry for the disappointment brother and hopefully the gooner who keeps begging for the bundles learns what a "job" is and gets them for himself instead of nercobumping this thread every month or two when a new one drops.
Honestly I stayed for the first bundles that got pirated here, then just ignored it and thought that it got nuked
>>52947 Ehh it dont matter, i would like to keep this as a form of archive you know, specially because sbg is a brittish dick so fuck him. I know the images that were posted in here don't really affect him that much since his followers allways buy his new work every time it comes out, but still fuck him
>>52947 imagine paying for this trash tho
>>53214 If that dickweed wants to waste money on em, that's his wallet taking the hit so I don't give a shit. First three are the best ones anyway, I've seen some of the others and, woo boy, they get lazier and lazier.
>>53757 Well I'll be damned, someone actually posted some more of the Belly Bundles. They're not particularly good but that's no fault of yours, thank you for sharing!
Holy god....as someone that viewed these belly bundles for free I'M disappointed.....if these were priced at $5 a piece ok, I could see that, still would be disappointed but wouldn't be too upset since it was only $5...but these things are such an absolute ripoff/scam at approx $30 a piece.... WTF
Artists should start posting free art on aryion again because this ain't worth the money😭
>>54098 That's exactly why people weren't posting them, the few people that bought them never shared them mainly out of shame flor being ripped off, some because they actually like them and most sane people just won't buy them because they know it isn't worth it
Talk about lazy as well. I know that a majority of artists will use the same pose as a reference or what ever. But Gal Gadot parts are nearly identical to the first two parts of the Millie Bobby Brown sequence. Pose and background.
>>54158 Bro you think THAT is lazy? I remember in Belly Bundle 7, there are FIVE pictures that the exact same, only with different women. I'm talking same pose, room and things in the background like they were goddamn video game skin swaps.
You know what? I changed my mind. Let's keep this thread up as an archive and as a way to show people why it's not a good idea to spend your money on these
Seeing SBG put out another Belly Bundle that's most likely another exhibition of mid-quality art, I thought it'd be funny to post a folder with their first 16 Belly Bundles. Happy fapping! https://gofile.io/d/xr61iF
I know this has basically been abandoned because the creator of these damn things are an ass and their lazy as fuck in some instances (aka most of the time) but honestly, I just want the Mina pic. That's pretty much the only real reason I'm asking if anyone has this thing.
Is anyone alive here?
I have the belly bundle 20, If you want it, you'll have to give me the belly bundle link first. I'm interested in 17 18 and 19, it could be one of the three if possible.
>>55610 wow I'm surprised some of the poses in the earlier bundles aren't that bad, but once they get to the later ones it's all just the same stumpy limbed figure in like the same pose. Ugly and lazy content
Okay explain this to me, i'm not fan of the art or the belly bundles so i don't even buy/view there content. But why do y'all keep complaining that it sucks but keep watching it as it goes on. Why not go look for other artists to jerk off on. Like everyone complains at how bad the belly bundles are but yet people want to watch them?
>>59167 I have the link of this Belly bundle.
>>47361 That person shared the belly bundle 15:https://sta.sh/21ltlng4etps and you didn't make you word.
No one is interested in the belly bundle 20 link? I just want a link to a previous belly bundle so I can share the 20th one. I'm most interested in 17, but if anyone has the other two sequences, that will be enough.
>>60792 Probably because Belly bundles have never been leaked before like they are now.Stuffedbellygirl93 users go crazy when it comes to new belly bundles.
(191.47 KB 900x1234 983079-96106-1m0y3y0-preview.jpg)

I still waiting.
You know what I gonna bring some Ergos stuff.
(1.06 MB 2471x2500 Atlantis_1_-_Kida.jpg)

(743.77 KB 2112x2500 Atlantis_2_-_Helga.jpg)

(893.93 KB 2500x2087 Atlantis_3_-_Helga.jpg)

(286.94 KB 1232x1500 Audreys_Soft_Landing.jpg)

(905.11 KB 1767x2500 Captain_Amelia_1.jpg)

(723.28 KB 2047x2500 Captain_Amelia_2.jpg)

(219.60 KB 1419x1776 Hungry_Pirate_1.jpg)

(140.08 KB 1470x1575 Hungry_Pirate_2.jpg)

(146.52 KB 1395x1782 Hungry_Pirate_3.jpg)

(668.66 KB 2112x2500 Mirages_Incredible_Meal.jpg)

(585.98 KB 2018x2500 Mirage2.jpg)

(58.12 KB 900x1158 Nani's New Job.jpg)

>>60895 >>60896 >>60897 O_o... Ty, but Im afraid More is Required >:]
>>60913 But first The Belly bundle 17 link please.
(738.80 KB 1753x2500 Azula_at_the_beach.jpg)

(1.10 MB 2466x2500 Big_Party_Snack_1.jpg)

(1.14 MB 2500x1957 Big_Party_Snack_2.jpg)

(892.21 KB 2115x2500 Big_Party_Snack_3.jpg)

(1012.81 KB 1671x2500 Katara at the beach.jpg)

(1.09 MB 2500x2072 June - Avatar.jpg)

(643.62 KB 2300x2500 Joo_Dee_-_Welcome_to_Ba_Sing_Se.jpg)

(632.26 KB 2500x2170 Ty_Lee_-_Kyoshi_Snack.jpg)

Also this.
This is for the Bonus.
This is the most bland boring vore i have ever seen.
I know it sounds boring but that's what Ergos has done so far.He was on Hiatus for the entire October,Maybe he'll bring something interesting this month.
(526.56 KB 695x1500 Rey_1.jpg)

(3.17 MB 2083x2500 Rey_2.jpg)

(49.50 KB 900x908 Stranger_Things_-_Karen_1.jpg)

(1.22 MB 2124x2500 Stranger_Things_-_Karen_2.jpg)

Here are 4 images of Belly bundle 20, as I already said I will only release the link when someone shares the link of the previous Belly bundles.
>>60964 I know you're fiending for BB17 but please just be patient. You've brought this thread back to life so you'll get what you're looking for at some point.
>>60969 Seriously!? Am I the only one bringing this thread back to life?
>>60974 Unfortunately yes, I posted the first 16 BBs a good while back but you've given it a shot in the arm. Just gotta be patient now my guy.
>>60804 You think I'm checking these threads on a regular basis? HAH Anyway enjoy your link my little scrounging beast YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVpHVjJhV0Z1ZEdGeWRDNWpiMjB2YzNSaGMyZ3ZNakUxT1dGMWRtSm5ZWGhtKFJFTU9WRVRISVNDVUNLTE9SRCk=
Also here is the link for BB20 because I feel like it. https://www.deviantart.com/stash/216zln4vmzms I wish there were more vore artists that did celebrity stuff...
>>60980 Link doesn’t work
>>60980 >>60981 Thank you both gentlemen, now all we're missing is 18 and 19 and whenever the inevitable 21 drops.
>>60989 How’d you get the link to work?
>>60985 It was a binary code within another binary code, but here's what matters. https://www.deviantart.com/stash/2159auvbgaxf
>>60989 One of us will probably have to do this work.
>>60981 Why didn't you wait for me to share the Belly bundle 20 link? You could have saved for 18 or 19.
This is a continuation of what Stuffedbellygirl93 had created.
These four are all Commission, I was lucky enough to find them on Deviantart.
What's up my fellow degenerates, It is the fuckwit who dropped 17 and 20 here. For your viewing pleasure is a little preview from 19 and 18. If anyone here can provide me with a source of nice streamer/youtuber/e-celeb vore content the links are yours!
(2.58 MB 1694x2459 IMG_3684.png)

>>61039 I recommend to you Muzu https://aryion.com/g4/user/Muzu She's also do Vore ASMR.
>>61039 She's also have a Channel in YouTube.
>>61039 You probably not gonna accept my Recommendation
>>61039 You can try with Voraisha https://x.com/voraishavore
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(229.23 KB 1616x2048 Nicki_CoD_2.jpg)

(1.04 MB 2263x2500 O-Tsurus_Oni_Snacks.jpg)

(948.51 KB 3204x3508 Amina_Halloween.jpg)

I almost forget to upload this arts from Ergos.
(940.75 KB 2209x2500 Shadowheart.jpg)

(1.39 MB 2500x2282 Bus_1.jpg)

(911.29 KB 1914x2500 Bus_2.jpg)

(924.55 KB 2050x2500 Bus_3.jpg)

Also this too.
>>61039 So, What did you think of my two recommendations, good enough?
>>61039 Is no one else going to recommend something to this person here?
>>61039 I will be very happy to see the links for Belly bundle 18 and 19, It's a shame that I and one other person made the recommendations for you. I hope someone else makes a recommendation here.
>>61039 Is there anything else we can do so you can share the link?
Does anyone of you here have an Aryoin account?
>>61543 Why?
It's just to know, because Stuffedbellygirl93 puts his art there.
>>61557 Pretty most the people, if not everyone, that look at this thread are aware. It's not their free stuff we're looking for.
I know, I'm just saying.
>>61039 So, are you going to share the links of 18 and 19 from belly bundle? Because i already got the Recommendation.
I found these two Mulan arts that belong to Belly bundle 19, they were posted on Deviantart.
Whaddup my little horndogs. Here is BB #18 https://www.deviantart.com/stash/2112qlgzojpt All thanks to that sweet sweet Missround12 gallery recommendation. That was exactly the kind of stuff I was wanting. I fuckin hate Muzu and Voraisha though so that's put me in a bad mood. If yall want the last BB link you gotta give me some Good Ludellah Hahn Vore Videos. Go scrounge for a good mega link or something.... Yours Truly, -Mr. Fuckwit
>>61766 I gotchu big Pimpin' aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci81N2RHQ0l6VCN3ZVBmYW93b0NxdzcteXdrRGtzZ3FRL2ZvbGRlci9sMnNpR1k3TA==
>>61766 I'm sorry man, I didn't know you hated them that much.
Good Work My succulent Little Hoglets... Here is your BB Link: https://www.deviantart.com/stash/22dh6k5fyiyc I know people's opinions of SBG in this thread have been a little contentious but I like that they do RL celebrities and shit like that. So enjoy Taylor Swift's fat gut my friends I'll be back come BB 21. Your fave freak in the sheets -Mr. Fuckwit
Their art isn't the issue for me personally, it's more how lazy they are with the poses. While their background work gets better and better, the actual characters/people used just do the same poses. My personal favorite two pages from their BBs are the two with Stormfront, especially the post-digestion one, since it visually sticks out so much compared to everything else.
>>61848 Thank you, now we need wait for the next update of this sequence.
Everyone! The belly bundle 21 It is ready to be purchased. Check out the link https://aryion.com/g4/view/1075703
Good luck everybody.
Just hope he dials down that cringe ass power trip this time. I'm cool with trying to find what he wants but he ain't gotta be weird about it
Two more arts from Stuffedbellygirl93 that I found on Deviantart. Both are commission.
So, no one was able to buy the Belly bundle 21?
>>61848 Well the twenty-first is ready https://aryion.com/g4/view/1075703
Has anyone gotten the Belly bundle 21 from Stuffedbellygirl93 yet?
(1.76 MB 1447x2098 artflow_202412141108.png)

Another commission made by Stuffedbellygirl93. I got from a friend in discord.
Is anyone still alive here?
(1.68 MB 1776x2721 IMG_4552.jpeg)

Anyone got this?
>>64666 I'm also waiting for this.
Ergos just started removing his old art like his Fortune Teller vore drawing, archive everything.
>>65225 He said he got tired of receiving notifications from Deviantart warning him about sexual content, even though he knew how the Rules work. Now everything is in Aryion now.
>>65405 he actually just posted the other day saying he's quitting fetish art and is removing a lot of his eka's gallery
Could someone update his kemono?
>>65421 Can't say i'm surprised, he's been posting less and less
Here's the entire post he Made "It started with the 'joy of uploading' slowly disappearing. Until I just couldn't get myself to want to upload any my drawings online anymore. I've always hated the fact that I made myself reliant on the money I received from my Patreon, ever sense the start of making it. But unfortunately we all need money to live and time just went on and on, and soon I found myself having done this for... I don't know how long. The more time that past the more my work became my shame, and I grew to hate myself more and more. And I really didn't want to upload any of my art, I didn't want it out there in the world. Characters from fiction that I love became something I did not want to draw anymore, rather than how it used to be when if I liked a character, I wanted to draw them. And the only reason I kept on drawing some characters like Ahsoka and Padme from Star Wars was because 'I had already drawn them' and so it was easier for me to allow myself to continue to draw them. I feel like I'm letting so many people and friends down by quitting, but I just can't do this. Considering some pieces I have deleted in the past. 'Hijab Girl' I decided to remove because I always thought of the Hijab more as a culture thing rather than a symbol of religion. But was wrong. And I didn't really want religious stuff in my art. You might disagree with my choice to delete them and that is okay, but that is what I chose to do. 'Amina 2' (I think that is what it was called, the one with Amina and a bunch of other of my OC's in a classroom) I removed it because with time it just kind of creeped me out, as all I could see was kids, rather than adults like it was suppose to depict. Same goes for 'Astrid meets a Lightfury' and some other pieces. There are also some other pieces that I would like to remove from my gallery, but thought I should give a heads up about. 1:'Taking Mother's Advice' series. Again, It just creeps me out, I guess I wasn't good enough when trying to age up Violet and I don't like it being there. 2: ALL Avatar the Last Airbender stuff. Again, the way I drew most of the pieces, I can't help but see kids and that was never the intention so they will all have to go, even pieces I thought turned out quite well like 'Suki Takes Care of the Fire Nation Princess'. There are also a few Disney Princesses that might get the axe too, I don't know yet. I don't know when I will remove these pieces, but I will try my best to give time for people to save them. I know this shame and hate I feel for myself due to being a kink/fetish artist is probably over exaggerated due to depression. But I do feel like I've destroyed/limited my own life with it. And I just want to get away from it. Don't get me wrong, I have met some really amazing people while doing this. And have had a lot of fun exchanging ideas, thumbnailing/sketching/drawing whatever silly/fun/hot scenario we came up with and would not want that to stop by any means, I just can't make myself upload it anymore. There are even pieces that, dare I say I am quite proud of making, for one reason or another. On the top of my head, I'd say 'Stuffed Padme' being one of them. In a 'perfect world' I would draw, whenever inspiration strikes me and I am not relying on it as part of my income, whether it be once a year or a hundred times a year, I'd upload it here on Ekas. But I know people take art and repost it around to all kinds of sites like Deviantart, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube etc. And yes, I know that doesn't happen that often, and most of the time it is done in some sort of form of admiration or want to help the artist reach more people. But that is most definitely not what I want. And unfortunately I just can't, I can't upload my stuff and risk that happening. I just don't want to see my crap out there. I would like to thank everyone that has enjoyed, favorited, commented my work. As well everyone that has ever felt my work is good enough to pay for. I hope I don't appear ungrateful for the support I've received on Patreon over the years. Because I am grateful that people would even consider helping me out financially. But it's a mix of trying to just having fun and make something I and people supporting me might enjoy, all the while being depressed about what I make and well, much more mixed into one mess of a job. I didn't mean to make such a negative post, but I've just been in a dark place for a long time now when it comes to this job and have not been active in the community at all, and thought I need to make at least something to let you know about why I have not been active. But it's not all dark and negative in my life, in fact I enjoy it immensely and do see a light at the end of the tunnel. My Patreon will be active in January, though I will draw less than I normally do as I have other jobs as well. I want to say that this is the last month, as I have other dreams I want to chase, but I don't really know, it might keep going for the whole year for all I know. As unfortunately, we all need to pay our bills."
>>65475 .... so he went racist and woke?
>>65501 Sounds like he was really uncomfortable putting children in porn. So I guess "woke" is "not Nice personphilia" to you? What does that make anti-woke people?
(1.60 MB 1400x854 CUTIES.png)

>>65501 Sounds more like moralfagging to me. >>65510 >Sounds like he was really uncomfortable putting children in porn 'First, it's fiction. Second, it indicates that he was probably doing something he really shouldn't have been in his extracurricular activities. Any normal person who is ashamed of something either (1) continues doing it, (2) seeks out help, or (3) drops everything cold turkey and moves on with their life. However, if someone is making something equivalent to a "confession" of a crime where none is actually committed, then there is something that the person is trying to hide or cover up and is hoping that the apology is enough to "absolve" him of his sins, without the idiot realizing that it makes him look all the more guilty. >So I guess "woke" is "not Nice personphilia" to you? According to people subscribing to a "Woke", Nice person hentai is not kosher on the basis that it isn't pushing an ideology. But material like the Netflix film Cuties IS kosher as it exists for the purposes of grooming children. And you see this in Socialist countries with everything from the Hitler Youth to MaoMao's Red Guard. >What does that make anti-woke people? Normal people who just want to be left alone.
>>65501 Kill yourself freak
So, Are we going to remove Ergos from this theard or not?
>>65515 Hurr durr it's fiction its OK to draw porn of children Braindead take but ok
Hello Mr. Fuckwit I hope you are well, do you have any news about the Belly bundle?If you didn't know, Stuffedbellygirl93 has already released Belly bundle 21.
Belly bundle 21 from Stuffedbellygirl93, Anyone?
I think people in this thread are giving up on her.
Has anyone gotten this one yet?
Does anyone happen to have a backup of all of Ergos' stuff in one place?
Hope you downloaded all the current belly bundles because the links lead to nothing now
>>67864 For some reason, only 17,18,19 and 20 are unavailable. The rest is still accessible.

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