/vore1/ - Vore

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Vore in "non-hentai" manga Anonymous 12/21/2021 (Tue) 04:01:48 No. 7456
Share the Sauce of manga's, chapters in manga's or just scenes with vore that you have found. Including any manhwa, manhua or asian webcomics (western comics should probably have a separate thread) "non hentai" meaning - This thread is more for stuff your not as likely to find on sites like nhentai because that is easily searchable. Sauce = Yuusha to Maou no Konpaku Rekitei Ch 4.
>>7456 pic rel is Mad Chimera World,Her Appetite's Too Big for Me Alone/Ano Hito no I ni wa Boku ga Tarinai ,Deep Sea Girl/深海少女,S Rare Soubi no Niau Kanojo , and キミのこと喰べていーい?/May I Eat You? Been making this list for years, almost all f/? Kunoichi no ichi no ni chapter 30 https://rawmangas.net/manga/kunoichi-no-ichi-no-ni-raw/30/ https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9317308/#9327376 I will be eaten by you https://mangadex.org/title/45969 Mad Chimera World https://mangadex.org/title/22664/mad-chimera-world https://mangadex.org/chapter/260039/4 https://mangadex.org/chapter/283666/28 https://mangadex.org/chapter/285473/17 Let me eat you https://mangadex.org/title/31243/let-me-eat-you Seidonnoryu https://www.comic-valkyrie.com/seidonnoryu/ Ahita no esa Kimidakara-Its time to go to his stomach https://mangadex.org/title/41612/it-s-time-to-go-to-his-stomach-ok Yokai Girls Daily Comics- https://twitter.com/ksk_horikawa/status/1252144847521107969?s=21 https://twitter.com/ksk_horikawa/status/1248274065351012357 https://twitter.com/ksk_horikawa/status/1268551685695209473?s=20 https://swallowedwhole.miraheze.org/wiki/Yokai_Girls_Daily_Comics https://twitter.com/ksk_horikawa/status/1354045985173868544 https://twitter.com/ksk_horikawa/status/1355153786482819077 Deep Sea Girl-深海少女- chapter 10 p18 and some others https://imgur.com/4qWaKtS https://manmankan.cc/chapter/373348.html#@page=1 A Story About Doing XX to Girls From Different Species-Chap 10 and 14 https://mangadex.org/title/41601/isyuzoku-joshi-ni-suru-hanashi S Rare Soubi no Niau Kanojo https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=53819 Tokimeki Tonight Chapter 5 and 6 https://mangakakalot.com/chapter/tokimeki_tonight/chapter_5 Demon Possesion https://www.manhuagui.com/comic/9081/193125.html
[Expand Post] Fate/Extra - Miko-n! Kyasuko-chan!? Chapter 2,12-14, 47 https://mangadex.org/chapter/335883/12 https://mangadex.org/chapter/335923/1 Sekai wo Sukuu tame ni Aijin to Asa-chun Dekimasu ka? https://imgur.com/a/MKD5NMz biorg trinity-its there somewhere https://mangadex.org/title/7747/biorg-trinity- Her Appetite's Too Big for Me Alone https://mangadex.org/manga/28664/ano-hito-no-i-ni-wa-boku-ga-tarinai- Oversized-Sextet- https://magcomi.com/episode/10834108156763618345 https://twitter.com/HylaTheWet/status/1242679841977069568 Destined to Be Eaten Within a Year By the Predacious Heroine https://mangadex.org/title/42674/destined-to-be-eaten-within-a-year-by-the-predacious-heroine キミのこと喰べていーい?-May I Eat You? https://mangadex.org/title/46041/kimi-no-koto-tabeteii https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/10834108156763129202 kitsune spirit chapter39 and 108 https://mangakakalot.com/chapter/kitsune_spirit/chapter_39 https://mangadex.org/chapter/1209743/2 Hitomi sensei monster infirmary- Chapter 48 Nickelodeon chapter 22 and 17 https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/nickelodeon_ch22 https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/nickelodeon_ch17 Do you like big girls chapter 23 https://mangadex.org/chapter/36326/7 Takuan and batsus daily demon diary chapters 1 and 13 https://aryion.com/forum/download/file.php?id=175622&mode=view https://yuki.la/a/145394450 World god only knows 98 https://mangadex.org/chapter/3339/11 Interspecies Reviewers https://mangadex.org/chapter/851332/10 Karakasa no Saien Volume 2, Chapter 11 https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/karakasa_no_saien_ch11#12 Super dread nought girl https://mangadex.org/title/535/chou-dokyuu-shoujo-4946 Trans venus-chapter 1 https://mangadex.org/chapter/244895/18 Hell teacher nube chapter 85 https://mangadex.org/title/223/hell-teacher-nube Minimum chapter 39 https://mangadex.org/chapter/208201/13 Kemono Jihen Chp 35, pg 28,29 Chp 44, pg 18-21 Chp 48, pg 8 https://mangadex.org/chapter/814288/29 https://mangadex.org/chapter/1182409/23 Abarishi family chapter 15 The mermaid princess' guilty meal Dr slump Doraemon Arabian hana chan volume one And i guess the attack on titan female titan counts Q and A-Somewhere Halcyon-Lunch Wakaru Shinryounaika Renjou Desperado Tenraku Akuma! Demon's Core Shinkaigyo no Anko-san kuso manga bukuro lamia girl hare+guu (anime)
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Seidonnoryu/Dragon of the world definitely one of the best out there. Vore is very core to the story so vore scenes are relatively frequent. The artist Wasu does it really well. Normally know for their hentai works some of them also are vore focused. Sauce = Seidonnoryu ch 3.
>>7496 Literally made Vore part of the plot and world building. Dragons eat people for food or to convert. Sly bastard even I wouldn't have thought of that.
Bump because of the translation thread
It's been a while, does anyone know of more instances of vore in non-Hentai manga?
A good one I found recently. Tentacle Hole. Think made in abyss setting but with tentacle. Women act as bait in order to defeat tentacle monsters. Quite a bit of vore peril so far and there will probably be more to come. While technically "non-hentai" it might as well be. https://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_FS01202362010000_68/ https://mangadex.org/title/6fe280d6-d419-4aae-ba2c-cb3df5ef8da7/tentacle-hole
If you like slime monster vore there is a tonne of it in Liliths Cord manwah/webtoon. https://manga18.me/manga/liliths-cord
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Does anyone have more Female Pred ones? (Btw this are images from hitomi sensei monster infirmary volume 15, i only have the vore scene don't know where to find the rest, and the last image happens later in the manga)
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Monster Wrestling: Interspecies Combat Girls has a few vore scenes
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Female dragon pred from Seidonnoryu
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Found Manga - KYOMUSHI SANMYAKU Has a few kind of vore scenes
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Bump for female/humanoid pred
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Shin Tokyo Chapter 16
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>>27776 That was Chapter 21 This is from Chapter 22
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>>27777 Light gore
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Anyone seen the new work from Wasu(ワス) involving giant frogs?
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Chapter 26 of Seidon no Ryuu
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>>32109 >>32110 Two chapters in a row with vore! I hope Wasu can keep up the streak.
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dangit man i love these pieces so much
Anyone has some Female Pred examples?
>>24466 what chapter?
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How has nobody posted this one yet. It looks to have more vore potential.
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Someone has the extra stories of seidon no ryuu?
>>60049 You can read them there on page 3,6 and 16 https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=61031
>>65015 manga name is tentacle hole, chapter 18
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from the most recent chapter of "Let's Build a Harem in a Zombie World!" https://ma.nengaparkt/title/421073-en-zombie-sekai-de-harem-wo-tsukurou not sure but unlikely there will be any more vore but pretty funny ecchi series.
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