/vore1/ - Vore

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

FidchellVore alternate endings/scenarios Anonymous 12/24/2021 (Fri) 01:49:43 No. 7578
This is a thread for the alternate vore scenarios Fidchell has made for his patreon or commissions. I wouldn't have made this thread but I feel like it's needed because they don't seem to organize or sort them. They're hard and practically impossible to find.
(5.48 MB 3845x2806 daylabelly.png)

(6.19 MB 8286x3300 javaswallowshin.png)

(4.29 MB 6100x2592 javadigestmika.png)

(8.56 MB 5519x6753 incamika.png)

(2.48 MB 3548x3548 kuvaara1.png)

(1.83 MB 3548x3548 kuvaara2.png)

(2.18 MB 3548x3548 kuvaara3.png)

(2.59 MB 3998x2550 kuvagulp1.png)

(2.25 MB 3483x2309 kuvagulp2 (1).png)

(4.37 MB 5667x2484 kuvadigestmika.png)

(4.23 MB 6063x2482 mikabelly.png)

(6.59 MB 6562x2762 mikastomach.png)

(3.51 MB 4503x3375 mikaeatdayla.png)

(7.71 MB 4739x2987 shinbelly.png)

(4.39 MB 5800x3400 shindigest.png)

(4.17 MB 6753x2882 shinlions.png)

(6.60 MB 8729x3300 shinswallowjava.png)

(83.80 KB 1280x612 queenstomach.jpg)

(243.23 KB 1280x1656 queenswallowumiko.jpg)

(4.20 MB 7041x3400 umikodigestqueen.png)

So where were they found?
Anyone have the external 4 this?
>>17023 This might get canon
any more hildegard stuff?
(2.08 MB 3439x2378 malgamdigestiggy1.png)

(3.26 MB 6393x2319 malgamdigestiggy2.png)

(5.40 MB 4301x3300 iggyvore.png)

(8.21 MB 6923x3300 shinstomach.png)

(8.94 MB 7577x2667 hestisswallow.png)

(4.61 MB 5944x3300 judestomach.png)

(4.90 MB 6955x3171 ingridswallowiggy1.png)

(1.83 MB 3304x3300 ingridswallowiggy2.png)

(4.92 MB 7863x2672 fleureatmalgam.png)

(7.74 MB 7958x3207 hildegut.png)

(9.95 MB 7586x3300 kuvaeatjabaro.png)

(7.30 MB 6136x3047 frifnaswallowembra.png)

(6.53 MB 7236x3026 atlasgut.png)

(6.87 MB 6733x3300 merieldigestbrant.png)

(8.42 MB 8515x3300 mikadigestnefonya.png)

(8.79 MB 6265x3300 lucileeathilde.png)

(3.54 MB 2550x3878 caspianswallowaurora.png)

(6.24 MB 5491x2697 shindigestmika.png)

(2.64 MB 3144x4908 hestisdigest2.png)

(5.88 MB 8060x3300 hestisdigest1.png)

(6.74 MB 9016x3200 michelledigestlyla1.png)

(1.61 MB 3761x2092 michelledigestlyla2.png)

(5.45 MB 7921x3300 auroraswallowsisters.png)

(4.92 MB 7863x2672 fleureatmalgam.png)

(4.58 MB 6621x3072 caspiansisters.png)

(4.31 MB 6239x2264 davybelly.png)

(6.53 MB 6279x2872 jabaroeatonya.png)

(8.94 MB 7577x2667 hestisswallow.png)

(8.36 MB 7361x3174 blitzvore.png)

(6.66 MB 5749x3300 aurorabelly.png)

(5.66 MB 7453x3152 malgamdigestfleurmeili.png)

(5.37 MB 8464x3300 fulgaswallow.png)

(5.84 MB 7457x3300 kuvadigestlions.png)

(7.18 MB 10027x3300 hildebelly.png)

(104.36 KB 1280x573 johnathanbelly.jpg)

always wanted to see a sequence of a pred munchin on every single eeveelution
anyone have an alt end they'd like to see but know it'll never likely happen?
>>23073 What’s this from?
>>24676 I think its a patreon exclusive
(347.48 KB 883x800 senwahga.png)

(317.23 KB 853x800 TsukuYami-862431-nayuta_.png)

(541.02 KB 600x941 michellevoreception.png)

(4.36 MB 5657x3300 veraswallowbirds.png)

(5.37 MB 8464x3300 fulgaswallow.png)

luv this shmuck. was hopin for a digestive bad end for quite a while
Bump, can someone update the kemono page of the discord
>>25618 I was just gonna post to say I'm pretty sure We've hard-confirmed the kemono Discord importer doesn't auto-update at this point. Basically, it should have theoretically done so since last update was around 15th/16th janurary. So basically someone has the annoying job of having to manually update the kemono page once in a while, although to be honest posting the pictures here or on /trash/ might be faster/better for the more non-technical anons who don't want to fiddle around with kemono but have access to higher tier pictures
>>25666 shame I did enjoy the little stories the pictures had, oh well.
Yes please, a little patreon image archive would be nice
(186.71 KB 930x1299 kemonodiscordimporter.PNG)

>>25723 >>25728 Alright, the first hurdle is that Fidchell's entire Patreon is behind a $20 paywall, since it's been sliced up into sections - Your basically not going to get into some of the exclusive sketch/coloured work discord channels otherwise. I can't prove if channels you visit get archived either, All we've proven so far is the importer requires you to OCCASIONALLY re-import your discord to update Kemono due to not automatically updating like Patreon's Importer does Your next hurdle would be deciding how you'd even go about saving all the content to post elsewhere - You have Kemono, and I'm going to be very honest here: this pic is from the site itself on how to use the discord importer and I STILL have no idea what the fuck is going on. I'm sure it's safe and all, and the instructions are followable but I just.... have a hard time mentally grasping it? So if your like me and terrible at IT literacy, you'd think "Oh, I could save all the pictures manually right?" which, while very possible, will take forever since Fidchell has like 4 subchannels for his sketches/coloured stuff, so your basically juggling 4 discord subchannels worth of content into "okay, this was made in 2015, I'll create a folder and jut save everything in that date into that folder". This is sort of why I'm thinking it's probably easier for anons to just post the content they like here or on /trash/ - posting the images they like is not as intensive as having to dive through years and years of stuff, and thus there are more people likly to do it It's a big logistics mess and takes specific knowledge or lots of patience to do the archiving properly basically. Honestly the biggest hurdle for me is affording $20 a month, I bet not many Anons here are going to be thrilled at paying $240 a year even at the best of times, without some sort of financial backup like having your own patreon it could easily get too expensive to be worth doing
>>25753 >this pic is from the site itself on how to use the discord importer and I STILL have no idea what the fuck is going on. I'm sure it's safe and all, and the instructions are followable but I just.... have a hard time mentally grasping it? From how I'm understanding it, whenever you sign into websites, it creates an "authentication token" that your browser then uses to verify that you are the person you say you are when accessing the site. Basically think of it like a digital ID card that you have to swipe whenever you enter a new room (Webpage). Unless I'm misunderstanding it, the process seems similar to bypassing Jewtube's age gate filter when downloading with yt-dl: >>>/t/5546 <For the second option, what you do is that you log into your Youtube account and go to a video. Then you can either dump your browser's cookies to the same same folder as the previously downloaded programs, add [code]--cookies FILE[/code] after “youtube-dl” and before the rest of the command, and change the word “FILE” to the actual cookies file that you put into the folder; ORyou can open the developer tab in your browser, copy the cookies requested by Youtube, and proceed to make your own cookies file: https://archive.vn/FK3mH > It's a big logistics mess and takes specific knowledge or lots of patience to do the archiving properly basically Yes, but it's all worth it in the end. Also, doesn't Fidchell have a Mega that he links a lot of his stuff on?
>>25761 nah, the mega is something someone else made and is hasn't been updated since last june anyways
>>25761 kay, that's.. a little better, i guess? I'm going to assume kemono's discord importer imports EVERY channel your currently inside, since that is how the patreon importer works The MEGA is here: https://mega.nz/folder/v4VHHQSJ#cU_xh_H2KyceH7pN-OcTCg As >>25767 said, it's some anons attempt at manually putting stuff all in one place.
>>25767 shame its rarely updated
>>25772 If kemono won’t be updated, is anyone going to update the mega? The latest is dated back on June 2022
>>26698 I think only the person who made it can update it and sadly they barely post on /trash/
shame this never got an alt end it deserves one
(4.59 MB 8761x2916 victorgulp.png)

(4.84 MB 4220x3300 wilderdigestplume.png)

(3.66 MB 5258x3300 bruungulp.png)

(5.75 MB 4525x3300 enukswallowdaniel.png)

(4.45 MB 7923x3300 shingut.png)

(2.04 MB 2550x3300 iliacdigestdaniel.png)

(4.26 MB 4919x3300 gabrielbutt.png)

(5.78 MB 4579x3026 autumngulp.png)

(5.77 MB 8070x3300 malgamdigestladies.png)

(6.67 MB 5211x3298 searabutt.png)

(7.80 MB 6837x3186 rainierfull.png)

(5.69 MB 8401x3300 fidswallownellieHI.png)

(6.65 MB 3804x3623 sheiladigestatlas.png)

(5.17 MB 7585x3300 atlasgulp.png)

(1.88 MB 2550x3022 maeswallowmikaHI.png)

(4.29 MB 6596x3146 hildedigestmeili.png)

(4.78 MB 6591x2999 javaswallowlions.png)

(7.40 MB 10117x3300 blitzbelly.png)

(6.14 MB 8353x3300 incadigestpurna.png)

(4.65 MB 6126x2889 veronicadigestcobalt.png)

(4.67 MB 7362x2877 lucileswallowhestis.png)

(4.48 MB 5764x3300 vulcandigesthilde.png)

(4.16 MB 7002x2998 blanchegulp.png)

(4.72 MB 6328x3300 mikadigestkevalas.png)

(6.19 MB 8286x3300 javaswallowshin.png)

(2.13 MB 2550x2780 autumnatemalgamhi.png)

Not sure if this one quite qualifies, but no one seems to have uploaded the “NSFW weight gain” version of Eko Digests Victoria: https://aryion.com/g4/view/923220
(3.97 MB 8335x3300 image_2023-12-22_231148709.png)

I’m still hoping someone has the weight gain version of this: https://aryion.com/g4/view/923220
I know Fidchell would never ever draw this but I'd love to see an alternate end of the Lucario chapter where Hildegard eats the 3 lil Riolus as well and obliterates the entire dojo by gurgling both the master and his students.
>>39932 Bump
(9.65 KB 318x498 kemonoshenanigins.PNG)

Just finding the fidchell thread on 8chan to report something strange going on in the kemono - namely, the folders have all suddenly shuffled. NORMALLY, this means that those folders have new content - Rabbit Astray was at the top for a while since it updated around 2024 on kemono - but for some reason, none of the folders have updated past 2023. It is obviously impossible that Fidchell hasn't posted new things on discord, since they get first dibs before furaffinity uploads.. but there's no real explanation as to why kemono would get a phantom update, it shouldn't really take too long to gather stuff. My best guess is the importer USED to be on those tiers a year ago, but isn't anymore and the kemono importer doesn't tell the difference. This is just a guess though, I have no idea if it'll fix itself or if it's the discord importer playing up or what
>>42698 How about you update it yourself instead of constantly pointing things out
Can anybody who is in Fidchell's server (the "Malgam's Fantastical Dungeon" one) please update this thread and post the most recent pieces of exclusive art?
(29.36 KB 550x245 soldigestjustina.png)

(29.01 KB 550x212 judedigestiggy.png)

(7.98 MB 7824x3300 hildedigestwilder.png)

(3.66 MB 4159x2400 claudeswallowjakekiln.png)

Thanks king 👍
>>46185 Also there was a fairly big leak over on 4 a bit back, did a bit of archive diving and found the thread - https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/63645285/
Very nice! Let's try to keep this thread up to date as much as we can.
>>26702 >Considering we already have a Fid MEGA, we don't really need a second one that al won't update because forget about it or something stupid think there's a new one idk where
(5.26 MB 6265x3300 faaridigestmika.png)

(3.68 MB 3298x4400 fleureatmeili.png)

(5.46 MB 7304x4213 ingridstomach.png)

(3.80 MB 6149x3054 javadigest.png)

(7.49 MB 6718x3300 incadigestmera.png)

(6.13 MB 5144x2865 meraswallow.png)

(4.03 MB 4348x3107 remusbelly.png)

(5.15 MB 7043x4187 remuseataltas.png)

(10.07 MB 5904x4325 remuseatfish.png)

(4.98 MB 5464x3224 sageeathilde.png)

(5.88 MB 7091x3520 searastomach.png)

(1.14 MB 6670x3300 iliacdigestcass.jpg)

(726.40 KB 4989x3089 gladedigestrina.jpg)

(871.09 KB 4892x3300 meradigestinca.jpg)

(719.67 KB 5165x3300 victordigest.jpg)

(699.28 KB 5211x3298 searabutt.jpg)

(1.19 MB 9113x3300 fidtherwolf2.jpg)

(1000.86 KB 6377x3075 isiswallow.jpg)

(1.08 MB 6800x3300 sabahbelly.jpg)

(1.04 MB 8030x3300 caspiangulp.jpg)

(968.53 KB 7522x3300 shingulp.jpg)

(737.46 KB 6081x2630 malgamdigestoliver.jpg)

(1.12 MB 8178x3300 faydigesthenri.jpg)

(1.02 MB 7813x2825 wildergulp.jpg)

(609.45 KB 4967x3300 malgamumbreonbelly.jpg)

(1.47 MB 7383x3300 shindigestnef.jpg)

(1.64 MB 2550x3300 fayatedamian.png)

(1.54 MB 2550x3221 faykali.png)

(2.19 MB 2448x3264 rinachristmas2.png)

(2.33 MB 4131x3300 iliacgulp.png)

(3.45 MB 2149x4088 meraupsidedown.png)

Gonna add more edited versions. I accidentally sent the first bunch as jpegs.
(5.80 MB 4047x5732 purnaggg18.png)

(6.49 MB 7822x6606 danaswallow1.png)

(1.08 MB 2550x3300 iliacdigestdaniel2.png)

(6.32 MB 4374x3300 autumnthighs.png)

(1.78 MB 4076x3300 gladetherwolf.png)

(6.75 MB 4047x5732 vincentcomic3.png)

(1.57 MB 3640x3300 mikahungry.png)

(7.56 MB 5528x3300 ekovore.png)

(1.18 MB 2550x3300 iliacmicros.png)

(1.98 MB 5541x3300 danagains.png)

(2.62 MB 2550x3300 vulcanslosh.png)

(11.90 MB 6645x3300 wilderhalloween2.png)

(2.88 MB 2550x3300 enukbutt.png)

(6.58 MB 4612x3300 veradigest.png)

(3.71 MB 6165x3300 shinnew.png)

(1.09 MB 2550x3300 cobaltbutt.png)

(5.70 MB 5898x3300 deathbelly.png)

(5.86 MB 5742x3300 cobaltdigestleon.png)

(6.06 MB 5427x5076 grendelbelly.png)

(4.32 MB 5887x3300 arcanineeathilde.png)

never seen fidchell drawing cocks where did u guys get it? can u post more pls
>>56393 You can download PSDs and open them in photoshop or photopea, find a layer labled something relating to NSFW and reveal it.
(5.45 MB 7548x3121 beatrixdigestashe.png)

(3.73 MB 7548x3121 beatrixdigestasheEXT.png)

any hildegard prey stuff?
(5.81 MB 8314x3300 fleurdigesthilde.png)

(4.48 MB 5764x3300 vulcandigesthilde.png)

(4.32 MB 5887x3300 arcanineeathilde.png)

(3.54 MB 5435x2550 xerxesdigesthilde.png)

>>58857 here's a few
>>58922 these are good something i wish fid actually did though was show her in danger, struggling, panicking. every other oc he makes that has the prey piece or two, they're shown like that, but he's absolutely allergic to doing that with hildegard. sucks.
(7.33 MB 8792x3300 hearthdigesthilde.png)

>>58940 looked a little deeper this one does have her in a kinda panic or at least not the as she was in the other pics.
>>58962 see, this is good though i wish fidchell did more. put some proper terror in there, idk
>>58990 eh,i'm just happy with seeing her as prey.
Is there more nsfw?
>>59064 just at a glance i do like the greetings/intro's, they do feel in character.
>>59064 >>59072 having messed around with these now. these are really good, good job.
Since the kemono site is jacked up currently, what are the most recent pieces of Fid's work?
>>59064 If someone makes or finds bots for Hilde or Fleur. Could you then show the chats wherr they get eaten?
>>59064 would love to see more bots of his chars from you
(3.56 MB 5575x2550 incagulpshane.png)

(4.88 MB 7686x2876 searaswallowcaspian.png)

(3.74 MB 6713x2992 iliaceatcaspian.png)

(4.09 MB 6652x2868 hildedigestmeow.png)

(3.78 MB 4243x3300 syliliabelly.png)

(4.55 MB 6709x3300 purnagulpchaska.png)

I got some new pieces of sketches colored art of Fid's.
(5.95 MB 8369x2946 mapleteamwipe.png)

(4.74 MB 7206x2550 fidferalgulpsheila.png)

(5.45 MB 7548x3121 beatrixdigestashe.png)

More new sketches
(3.56 MB 5575x2550 incagulpshane.png)

(5.06 MB 7421x3005 shardgulppumpkins.png)

The last few sketches (for now)
(7.88 MB 6277x3300 vermillioneatyou.png)

(5.52 MB 5388x3300 frifnabelly.png)

(6.49 MB 5180x3300 blancheswallow.png)

(8.64 MB 7105x3054 faarigulpme.png)

(7.22 MB 6885x2969 malgammicrovore.png)

Following the sketches, here are the new recent colored art. You're welcome and go ahead and enjoy yourselves 👍
>>60636 thanks!
>>60636 Thank you
(3.90 MB 6008x2550 autumndigesthilde.png)

(1.55 MB 6008x2550 autumndigesthilde_nsfw.png)

New drop. (NSFW Version included)
>>60725 once again, thank you!
>>59064 Hey these are excellent and I've really been enjoying the Ingrid bot. Do you think you could make a Hildegarde one?
(6.37 MB 6362x2585 fulgaeathilde.png)

>>63205 Can you share the new Shin pic?
(7.62 MB 8729x3300 shindigestdaniel.png)

>>63238 This one?
>>63241 Yep! Thank you!
Any Mika's as Pred new ones?
>>63241 does this one have a nsfw version?
(3.05 MB 8729x3300 shindigestdaniel_nsfw.png)

>>63455 Yes.
(1.90 MB 7267x3057 mikaevolution_nsfw.png)

(4.82 MB 7267x3057 mikaevolution.png)

>>63461 Thanks, dude!
does anyone else miss that old ask blog fidchelll had with his character's? it was a neat way to get little facts about his characters and get some vore as well.
>>63462 Thank you so much!
Is there any reason why there isn't any Mika eating Shin pics? Fidchell have some sort of rule about that o there's other explanation?
>>63539 most of these drawings are alternative non-canon scenarios. so maybe he's planning on making that happen in canon
>>63540 non colored ones are suggestions so its just that no one has suggested it yet.
>>63547 >>63539 its a little of both. Fid seems to have a list of planned ones that he does when a character wins a vote, and definitely pushes people towards certain ones like Game Over 3 right when Hilda's latest fight ended. I'm sure if Mika won a colored one, there'd would have been an alt canon where she eats Shin, but that would have had to been back when she ran into him, back in like 2020. Mika's won a color exclusive back April of last year, and then it before that was Jan of 2022 and both colored she won were Alt scenarios of the end of her chapters. The next time she runs into him, there will easy be an alt where she eats him, probably with a call back to when he ate her in 2021.
>>63806 U right about the 2021 one
>>63815 Went and hunted that down. Took like 30 minutes of hunting and double checking. That was a comment on Patreon when Fid asked for suggestions. Can't actually find what was done for that win, as in September 2021 Fid wiped and reuploaded the entire sketch and Colored Archives on his discord, and reposted everything with tags for easy searching, but no dates from before that. Theres like 9 different Mika tags in that reupload, and 8 different Shin tags, and none of them are Mika eating Shin.
I might be misremembering things or thinking about another artist but I seem to remember Fid uploading a *digestion chart* for all Pokemon types that describes how easy they can digest other mons + how it feels like to be inside their tummies. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? PS: I'm NOT talking about this chart
>>63927 Think your just misremembering that chart ya posted. I mean, on each Ref sheet he does post their stats, like capacity and likelyhood of digesting/endoing prey and all that, but that chart ya posted is the only thing I've ever seen like what ya described.
(195.24 KB 1085x868 pokemon type stomach chart.jpg)

>>63927 the only thing that sounds kinda close to what your describing is this, but it ain't by fidchell.
(6.08 MB 8106x3300 malgamdigestsol.png)

>>64513 Just wondering, where did you finding this new pic? The kemono page hasn't been updated ina while and I don't see this anywhere. And, unless this pic is just recent, could you send in some of the new ones? Both sketches and colored ones would be great.
>>64806 its recent, i think this thread is currently up to date on the exclusives.
fidchell discord in kemono is update NOW
(2.40 MB 8106x3300 malgamdigestsol.png)

>>64513 NSFW ver.
(5.94 MB 8859x3300 cobaltchampagne.png)

(2.36 MB 8859x3300 cobaltchampagne_nsfw.png)

New Drop
There is no better way to end the year of the dragon than with Cobalt. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.
>>64823 can you share link to his kemono?
>>63929 YES! That's the chart I was thinking about! Thanks a million (and happy new year lol). Do you also remember who made it?
>>65038 sadly no, i just had it saved cause i liked the ideas it had happy new year to you too.
(5.36 MB 4223x2550 fidchurnvermillion.png)

(987.70 KB 2550x2802 iliacswim.png)

(2.76 MB 3528x3300 renamondigestfid.png)

(6.25 MB 5180x3300 blancheswallow.png)

(7.23 MB 6885x2969 malgammicrovore.png)

(5.49 MB 5742x3300 cobaltdigestleon.png)

(1.31 MB 4707x2550 javafat1.png)

(1010.95 KB 2445x3300 javafat2.png)

(6.12 MB 6116x2693 jakechurnclaude.png)

(5.60 MB 8449x3053 nefirtihyenas.png)

(5.94 MB 6116x2693 jakechurnclaude.png)

>>65293 NSFW ver.
(4.50 MB 6712x3300 fionagut.png)

What is the new colored exclusive pic?
(5.92 MB 4725x3147 ingridmeltsol.png)

>>65950 here you go
(3.90 MB 4833x3300 rexbelly.png)

The art posted here kinda makes up for how slowly Fid’s Kemono page is updated…
(5.75 MB 8376x3300 kuvaeatlions.png)

(7.64 MB 6511x3300 pepperbelly.png)

(7.31 MB 6511x3300 pepperbelly_NSFW.png)

New drop
(5.85 MB 7262x3300 javaeatenkai.png)

Anymore updates left?
(4.78 MB 8068x3300 embrasleepover.png)

Quick Reply