/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Vore Featuring Sex Anonymous 02/05/2022 (Sat) 19:27:20 No. 9567
Post Vore which features or elludes to the pred or prey getting railed. Masturbation counts
(585.67 KB 1001x1000 Starcrossing-317431-Blair_SE_V.png)

(344.39 KB 1535x2048 FIjDiZRWUAEb52I.jfif)

(262.19 KB 2048x1535 FIjDiZTXIAETuxO.jfif)

(259.35 KB 1535x2048 FIjDiZdXoAMSwux.jfif)

(865.81 KB 900x900 evelyn.png)

(3.68 MB 2518x2132 evelyn 2.png)

(2.51 MB 2360x2787 LTAF-726253-Cursedtapevol2.png)

(2.79 MB 2404x3024 LTAF-728225-SamusSketches.png)

(545.09 KB 4000x3450 EbS1EcjWAAYI4b_.jpg)

(408.92 KB 3150x2750 EbS1EchXQAAIWMo.jpg)

(396.70 KB 3150x2750 EbS1EclWsAIcQ2q.jpg)

(614.68 KB 4051x4096 EbS1EcmWsAc2TIr.jpg)

(430.68 KB 839x1100 Nyxondyx-493287-IrohaInternal.png)

(437.18 KB 849x1202 Nyxondyx-533974-IrohaVore8.png)

(627.20 KB 1180x1800 Nyxondyx-664726-IrohaVoreP9.png)

(825.02 KB 1452x1800 Nyxondyx-664728-IrohaVoreP10.png)

(1.21 MB 1600x1900 Skookz-611450-Aurora+wins.png)

(803.47 KB 1900x1700 Skookz-611452-Aurora+sleep.png)

(796.90 KB 1900x1700 Skookz-611455-Aurora+sleep+End.png)

(1.54 MB 1200x6169 phex-730449-IMG_0617.png)

(2.83 MB 1213x8322 1593327699275.png)

(78.79 KB 900x720 1643343287917.jpg)

(77.15 KB 900x720 1643343319556.jpg)

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(1.40 MB 1304x1935 1643856650319.jpg)

(2.35 MB 1444x1600 1643939498642.png)

(151.35 KB 900x1168 1644078070375.jpg)

(476.64 KB 768x1024 LTAF-584266-AdultAshley.png)

(511.15 KB 1920x1080 Intense Hunger.png)

(639.38 KB 1348x1080 Intense Hunger 2.png)

(218.25 KB 2100x1500 smog1-432715-zafina vore sex.jpg)

(135.20 KB 1011x1050 smog1-451506-2.jpg)

(228.20 KB 1000x772 smog1-462956-commish.jpg)

(569.36 KB 2048x1229 smog1-420073-JUNE X TIM.jpg)

(4.29 MB 3189x7724 smog1-469230-comish_elf.jpg)

artist: https://aryion.com/g4/user/smog1 looks a bit old but still seems to fit with this post theme ^^
(11.09 MB 2893x4092 Hozomat-542218-Afterparty_1.jpg)

(11.46 MB 2893x4092 Hozomat-542219-Afterparty_2.jpg)

Artist: Hozomat Gallery: https://aryion.com/g4/user/Hozomat
>>9576 These are pretty good. Who's the artist?
>>36533 no clue sadly, found it in a 4chan thread years ago. Google's given me nothing
Has anyone seen an artwork that has a male prey getting anally vored by a futa while being leashed and penetrated from another futanari that's behind them? All the characters were human and I can't seem to find the piece, but if someone could find it and upload it, I'd appreciate it. In the interim, here's a few good ones..
>>9567 I know it's probably way too late for this but sauce on the OP pic?
>>52166 nyxondyx's eka's account
>>52168 Thanks
>>52168 I can't find it, got a direct link?
>>52424 Bumping this request
(516.28 KB 2096x1866 shuten.png)

(284.41 KB 1533x1282 shutendoji.png)

>>55276 Could anybody make an external edit of the last panel, please?
>>58343 I'll do that and make a color edit of the whole sequence while I'm at it.
>>58413 Thanks mate, appreciate it
(2.72 MB 4093x5787 Sora_comic1.png)

(5.81 MB 5757x1800 HitomiBoy-1031932-ELount-U.png)

>>61985 >>61985 >>61985 Who is this artist?
>>63552 Lewdregrets. They have a DA but there's not this artwork there.

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