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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

jessicarae3 comics Anonymous 09/22/2021 (Wed) 15:19:24 No. 981
if anyone has comic from jessicarae3 please share them here https://jessicarae3.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=library
https://mega.nz/file/MqxznCyB#IhelxJIbkMqMJF5qIftOYeykW9TTOfJXM43CYnw3sh0 Here's PokeNOMS. Delicious Disney comic would be appreciated.
anyone has any of the new comics of jessicarae3?
Does anyone have this?
>>1014 Here you go
>>2481 Bumping for this
https://jessicarae3.gumroad.com/l/RJtHH Anyone got this one with her centaur pred?
>>2790 You mean this one right?
I’m looking for the Voracious Disney one with Maleficent! Please help. :(
>>2812 Thank you for the share, those these comics always seem to leave me somewhat disappointed.
>>2481 I second this.
>>3007 Thanks so much anon!
Sale til the 31st
Anyone have steph’s diary 1 and 2?
Does anyone have A Spy Who Ate Me?
Anyone have this?
>>6548 Bump
(1.42 MB 1005x1462 Emi's Christma.webp)

Bump for the Stoat comic and for this: https://jessicarae3.gumroad.com/l/lWnEo
In my opinion, this was not worth 24 dollars. I was so disappointed I said fuck it and decided to leak it here. Perhaps you folks can find pleasure where I did not. Enjoy and merry Christmas.
>>6999 Once you are hitting beyond 15 bucks it either has to be a large collab pack or a fucking epic to justify the price.
>>4932 I want this so bad, it's a shame that it costs so much because I'd definitely have paid like $15 for it, but $28 is crazy...
Does anyone have any of the other comics
Anyone have Christmas Eve in the Burrow or Zootopias Consuming Chaos? Thanks in advance.
somebody has Trio of Twirly Tongues
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>>8855 >>8855 I have both of these but even if I post them individually it says the file is too large
Meant to also reply to the person asking for Christmas Eve burrows
>>8859 You could upload them to anonfiles or MEGA. I recommend the former since it seems less likely that those links go down.
Does anyone have stephs diary 1 and 2
Does anyone have sheep stuffed stoat
Does anyone have zootopia's consuming chaos
Could someone share zootopia's consuming chaos?
>>9106 Bumping for this.
>>9343 Bump
Hoping if anyone has gotten any of the other comics
Does anyone have Emi's Christmas and Heartbroken Hunger pls
Can somebody share these, please? (Heartbroken Hunger and Tipsiness with Chilliness)
Does anybody have Christmas Eve in the Burrows, Sheep-Stuffed Stoat or Surviving the Maze: Beyond Survival? Can anybody share them. please?
^ there should be total, might be able to get a few more
16 total* And nvm that’s it
>>10897 Thank you anon
>>10897 Thank you!
Bump for "Heartbroken Hunger"
Can someone share zootopia's consuming chaos
dose anyone have Heartbroken Hunger Birthday Cake Shenanigans: 1 & 2 Nymphly Halloween Gurgles Vores Viewer and Jiggles the Cow Nymph?
Someone have "Sweet's Winter Treat" "A sweet Pumpkin" "Don't demean Queen Cuisine"
>>11098 bump
Does anyone have this one by any chance? It's called Katojana and jess trying to survive!
Can anybody, please, share "Heartbroken Hunger" comic?
does anyone have Mouse Man versus Wonder Woman a new comic just came out https://jessicarae3.gumroad.com/l/qcgly
dose anyone have any of jessicarae3 comics to share?
>>12476 bump
any new comics to chare anyone?
Can someone post A Quick And Cheap Treat
Does anybody know some of Jessicarae3's less known comics? For example, like this one: https://aryion.com/g4/view/408174 (Also, heard that there are some more pages of it. If it's true, could anybody share them?)
Does anyone have nip wynter and the huntress: 1
Beach Buffet for the Ladies: Collection anyone have this
>>14891 Bump
Could anybody, please, update kemono page and upload "A Quick And Cheap Treat"?
Bump for nip wynter and the huntress: 1 and Beach Buffet for the Ladies: Collection
Can someone update the kemono pls
>>15879 Anyone got them
Anybody has Steph's Birthday Shenanigans? I can't seem to find it on the Gumroad page, let alone sites like kemono.party!
Does anybody has "A Quick And Cheap Treat"? It's not on the kemono page.
Can anybody, who has any of these comics, share them, please? Steph's Diary 1 and 2 Twas the Shenanigans Before Christmas Naga-Jasmine Vore Totally Spies vs. Plantess Respect the Martian Queen The Sphinx's SandWitch with Two Sides Saving Prince Eric Android 21's Tricks and Treats
>>10897 I updated the mega I posted a while back with some more stuff I’ve gotten/been given. This has been in the chat for a good minute and has a lot of the things y’all are always requesting. Check the chat before you start asking for things. …with that being said if anyone got stephs diary 1 and 2 that’d be dope.
>>16673 Thank you!
>>16673 The link is not working for me
Can someone update kemono
>>17099 The link worked fine when I clicked on it
>>15879 Bump pls
Nip Wynter and the Huntress: 1 anyone got this
a new comic just drop Giantess Jess and Alex: 2 https://jessicarae3.gumroad.com/l/vckown
dose anyone have the new latest comic?
any new comics?
there's another new comic https://jessicarae3.gumroad.com/l/uiflm
>>10897 Decided to check this out, it's down now.
>>20158 looks like it has been deleted
i am guessing now all the comics here are limited now since it will be deleted soon by the uploader
Can someone upload Giantess Jess and Alex 2 and 3
Does anyone by any chance have surviving the maze 1 and 2?
>>20401 Bump
any new comics?
Does anyone have sweets winter treat, a sweet pumpkin, sweet encounters 1 and nip wynter and the huntress
they having a sale until the 31st https://jessicarae3.gumroad.com/
>>20738 looks like the sales is over
>>20401 Does anyone have this?
any new comics... hello?
>>20401 Anyone have this? Been waiting for awhile and would love to read it!
>>22153 dose anyone have these?
What’s the point of this forum if nobody’s gonna share anything
>>22971 tell me about it's like no one cares about these comics
>>22971 The point is people buy and share content, problem is the people who do buy get tired of buying everything and when they request something nobody wants to share. So people dont want to share anymore because this site is full of leeches now
>>23026 Honestly you might be on the dot. I got sick of being one of like 5 people sharing and I only have so much to dish out.
And there’s a sale rn
>>23035 Thats definitely what it is, Im sitting on a few comics/animations that this board has requested but my requests get ghosted so I'm done with the hand outs until I start seeing others share
>>23041 What do u have and what r u looking for? I might have it
ok there's Good news and Bad news... the Good news is that there will be new comics next year, the Bade news is... these are gonna be the last comics due of JessicaRae is gonna work on a new project and is Gonna quit vore art (i think)
>>8907 Damnit the link has expired, do anyone still got Trio of Twirly Tongue?
>>8907 can you send it again please
>>23089 Not from this artist, I meant in general for vore art.
Bump for Steph's Diary 1 and 2 if anyone has them!
Can someone upload emi the jellyfish I can’t do it in kemono
Anyone here got Voracious Disney issue 4?
does someone have Nip Wynter and the Huntress: 1 Sweet Encounters: 1 Sweet's Winter Treat or A Sweet Pumpkin
ive got Nip Wynter and the Huntress: 1 if someone wants to upload the others
anyone got Diego's Date? i had it off the old site but must have lost it moving to a new pc. appreciated
I'll get Disney voracious 4 but only if someone posts surviving the maze 1 and 2 please
>>26632 thanks, good to know someone still has it, you have the other 8 too?
someone got Sweet's Winter Treat
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found a old whale vore comic but few missing part 1 & 2
>>26462 Bump pls! Those comics look amazing by the cover! I'm surprised that they haven't been posted yet!
>>29670 Bump!
>>29670 Bump Can anybody share, please?
>>29670 Bumping
>>29670 Bump
Hey, I'll post it if someone post Steph's Diary 3?
>>31773 I think someone posted that in the requests.
https://anonfiles.com/O1Ld46xdzd/Steph_DiaryTrilogy_zip Posted this in Requests last week, knew there was someone asking for it somewhere but couldn't remember where
>>31896 How is this already taken down?
>>31900 It hasn't been taken down. It works for me.
>>31901 Oh. Then damnit. The site just isn’t loading for me. Gotta wait til someone posts it on Imhentai or something
>>26632 Anyone have all of this? As pdf
>>31902 Supposedly it just shut down today (17th).
>>16476 Does anyone have this? Or the one with Cheetah and WW?
>>31776 >>31896 Anonfiles is dead, can someone reupload please?
>>34527 I have it yes. But I'm still waiting for someone to share the latest Disney one, the 2 jess isn't food, or the surviving the maze series.
anyone willing to post any of the latest comics
These are the 6 that I desperately want to read! Is there anyone out there that has them?
Jess isn't food part 2 image didn't want to send for some reason lol that was the 6th
Any chance anyone can update them on kemono?
I would consider getting and uploading one if others will
(2.49 MB 1005x1462 IMG_3163.png)

(1.25 MB 1005x1462 IMG_3164.png)

So apparently there’s another part of Jess isn’t food that just came out, and I’m wondering if any one can upload it to kemono. I was also hoping for see the keeping your Friends close since it hasn’t been uploaded anywhere either.
Bumping to see if anyone can update her Kemono page. https://kemono.party/gumroad/user/1752631768591
>>36082 I think the importer they use for updating Gumroad is down.
>>36087 Damn, you're right. Hopefully somebody can use a file sharer/uploader to bring some out.
>>36087 (same anon as 36089, I forgot to add something to the message) I know Terabox (https://www.terabox.com/) and FileShareSite.com (https://filesharesite.com/) allow for uploading and that the anons in other threads have shared stuff with these sites. TBH I think it'd be a good idea to have a pinned post on the board about alternatives to Anonfiles due to its demise.
still looking for diego's date in full
Anyone willing to share the newest jessicarae comics? I have Stacy’s farm wipeout.
So anyone planning to buy some tomorrow?
Would love to see Jess isn't food 1-3 and voracious disney 4 please if possible :)
Oh and the surviving the maze series! I'm surprised that hasn't been posted yet :0
>>37330 You know what, forget it. Here’s most of what I downloaded, featuring Jess Isn’t food ones: https://mega.nz/folder/lZAXRKyT#lcYy_sGCZGq83mSzXolv-Q Happy Halloween
>>37386 >>37389 Thank you!
anyone have Mysterious Nymph Wood?
Some one has trio of twirly tongues, the mega folder is down
>>37695 Thanks
Can somebody share Stacy's Farm Wipeout please?
Anyone got Jess’ new comic?
>>39191 Willing to trade Fattening Cabin Food for this comic.
>>39206 Thanks! Here u go loli thing. https://www.mediafire.com/file/xgjufw3rypxd634/Fattening_Cabin_Food.pdf/file Let me know if it works, never used mediafire before.
Can anybody share this? Anonfiles is not working anymore
Anyone still have christmas eve in the burrows? The links that might've had it are broken now.
Does anyone have that old comic with Cheetah and Wonder Woman?
Anyone still have the Birthday Cake Shenanigans 2 comic? All the old links for it are dead.
Anyone has the last comic she made?
>>42180 Anyone got it?
Can anybody, please, share any of these? Chow Town with Gurgles and Morgan Tasty Temptations with Kira Stacy Farm Wipeout Brandy's Bad Beach Incident
Does anyone have the older comics that were part of the Mega post before it went inactive? I am specifically looking for A Quick and Cheap Treat.
I'm looking mainly for Dango Noms pinups and Birthday cake shenanigans full comic. Old links are dead, rip.
someone have Tasty Temptations with Kira
New comic, actually has weight gain it seems, who’s gonna share it?
>>44161 Bump
>>6548 Bump
>>40511 Bump
here's stacy's farm wipeout https://pixeldrain.com/u/MbAB699r
>>44161 Bump!
>>44336 Thank you!
Anyone else notice on Kemono that her page says it’s updated at March 25, but it’s stuck at 21?
>>44161 Bumping for this
anyone have Hungrily Hugging
>>47836 bump
>>44161 Bump please
>>47836 bump
Looking for either comic, can someone share?
>>52031 Bump
Bumping for these comics again
>>52191 You've bumped this thread 4 times in 2 days. Shut the fuck up.
>>52215 Not that anon, but the other two bumps before the current one he did where mine
only saying bump constantly will get this thread locked yknow
Annoying bumps aside, Jessicarae and Dango (return of the king) released this recently. I recommend buying content usually, but I've also provided it here. It's $18 and while it's pretty good it's not worth that much if you ask me. https://aryion.com/g4/view/1040478
Does anyone have that comic that has her but it's like live action photographs of her? It was patreon or gumroad exclusive like 9 years ago lol
>>53890 Not gonna lie you buddy, that comic was soo mid for all that price, but it was your own decision though these >>52191 with both prices are for $11 btw
>>53890 Thank you for sharing It good comic, but for me it could be so much better, if there were some more pages with digestion and aftermath. Too high price for that, I think But nonetheless, thanks
Can somebody, please, share her new comics? I can't buy them myself in my country Anybody has these comics? Chow Town with Gurgles and Morgan Tasty Temptations with Kira Tapioca and Ramone: Tribal Sacrifice Unite as Stacy Stoat Fat
Still there's hope someone will share temptations with kira and stacy stoat fat, right?
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Seems drop a new comic and one that looks good as well. Give it a week and hope someone drops this comic here.
I'm bumping to remind peeps it's closing in tona week
>>47836 bump
>>56180 Bump
Does anyone have any of her patreon stuff saved? Especialy if it has Steph as prey?
>>47836 bump
Does anyone have giantess jess and Alex 1... Tapioca and Ramone: Fun-Sized Frights and Tapioca and Ramone: Silver City Mafia?
Anyone here have the Patty Patch comic?
The comics are more cheap for a limited time until tomorrow, hope somebody get the current stacy comic and tasty temptations with kira https://random-bard.e-junkie.com/
Looking for the new farm one, United Stacy, hungrily hugging, and the scarecrow girl one if anyone has it or plans on updating the kemono page!
Bump for fun in the snow as well~ or for someone to update the kemono
anyone have Hungrily Hugging
Bumping if anyone has anything
>>64367 bump
Does anyone know if the Patty Patch comic is worth it?
>>66435 Idk but in my opinion unite as stacy stoat fat seems the most worth there
>>66502 Well,it looks like my time to share something. https://gofile.io/d/ESY8Il
>>66505 Thanks for sharing it, you did wonders to this thread since no one cared anymore to share until you did ;3

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