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Toshiaki 09/24/2022 (Sat) 01:00:52 No. 15818 [Reply]
Husbando/waifu Thread?
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is that ... really what you want to see?
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>>15824 embarrassed to say i got a boner from this

test 01/13/2023 (Fri) 17:29:17 No. 17028 [Reply] >>17029
Post retro offices. Old PCs, cubicles, 90s corporate aesthetic

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new ajuin 01/11/2023 (Wed) 22:00:02 No. 17021 [Reply] >>17024
I'm new here, why so many in Spanish on this website?
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>>17021 Refugees from Hispachan mostly. Also fyi you post on a zombie board. >>17022 New captcha is pretty unreadable now.
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>>17024 >Also fyi you post on a zombie board. That which can be posted to is not dead. and with strange emails to the admin even 404 may never die. //bort is claimable. ///Anybody taking it yet?
>>17025 That's why I specifically said a zombie and not a dead board.

The Black Problem 1404 09/10/2022 (Sat) 03:10:03 No. 15264 [Reply]
The blacks are conducting a reign of terror by committing massive amounts of violent crime around the globe, and the jews have their back. We will not live in fear of niggers, nor will we be governed by jews. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a website up that has the uncensored info on this subject, PDFs, links, videos and more. If you have your own files or information to share you can upload via the Contact Us/Share Files form on the site for them to be added after review. https://naggers.net Website Update: Upgraded Valuable Videos page and added 4 documentaries. Website Update: Holocaust Deprogramming Course PDF added to site on Homepage and Related Resources. Website Update: New URL. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>>16301 does anyone have the renaissance painting version of this? or did i imagine its existence in the first place?
>>17013 You may be thinking of this
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White males are the only demographic to see an INCREASE in suicidal ideation as they get older. This climb in attempts / thoughts doesn't stop until the white male reaches the age of 85. KEK Imagine seething so hard at minorities that you sterilize yourselves and squash any chances of reproducing. The modern racist white "male" is just a larper that hides in his hugbox. Nothing more nothing less. Racist post are made by white "males" that are mad that nobody cares about white male suicide. I'd say it's sad but the fact that they're killing themselves in droves is just too funny White males make up 70% of all daily suicides despite being only 32% of the population. This means that out of all the people killing themselves EVERYDAY white males make up 70% of them. KEK In fact white males are the ONLY demographic that will suffer from an INCREASE in suicidal thoughts/attempts as they get older. All other demographics including white females see a sharp decrease after they enter their late 20's. White males will not see this decrease until their late 80's KEK White males are the only demographic that has a DNA series that closely equates to a chimpanzees'. (A chimpanzee has 3 DNA series. A white male only has 5. All other races have 20+ kek https://www.brgeneral.org/news-blog/2021/july/men-and-suicide-why-are-white-men-most-at-risk-/ https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/ https://www.prb.org/resources/elderly-white-men-afflicted-by-high-suicide-rates/

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Nitrogen Pepsi t. not a shill 05/29/2022 (Sun) 23:42:38 No. 12672 [Reply]
Have you tried this yet? >Introducing Nitro Pepsi, the first-ever nitrogen-infused cola – it’s more than just a cola, it’s an experience. >The easy texture. The mesmerizing cascade of tiny bubbles. The silky, frothy foam head. The unapologetically Pepsi taste. It sparks connection and conversation, all made possible by a unique widget technology placed at the bottom of every can that creates a distinctly smooth and creamy texture straight from the first delicious sip. https://www.pepsi.com/nitro/
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>>15242 Well you're wrong.
it was terrible but maybe it's because i drank it straight from the can i think you're supposed to pour it in a glass to make it fizz up or something
I havent drank a pepsi anything since they discontinued these.

Fun discord server to join Yellow Camel 07/19/2022 (Tue) 00:35:53 No. 14146 [Reply]
https://discord.gg/GFbRjfYv Join today! We have women
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>>15531 >Those aren't trannies, they're Argentinians. If you say so.
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>>15936 >>15937 Allegedly this guy was busted the year before for "toxic masculinity." So, if the rumors can be believed, he's in a win-win IRL shitposting contest. If the same people who fucked him over last year support his "transition," he makes them look like fools (and it worked). If they hadn't supported him, he could have shown them to be hypocritical fools. If they'd fired him, he would have sued based on transphobia. Basically, he's playing 5D snakes and ladders.
>>15937 brazillian trannies be like

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Spacechan Astronaut 07/18/2022 (Mon) 14:28:34 No. 14137 [Reply]
remember Spacechan?
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>>15323 it was rice?
>>15330 spice, actually
Holy shit I forgot about this place for so long. Memories....

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I think this place used to be a pizza hut 1404 09/11/2022 (Sun) 20:01:39 No. 15309 [Reply]
The roof is a dead give away.
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>>15321 lol, is that Randy?
>>15321 First thing I thought of with that title.
>>15321 that was one of the best buffets ever rest in peace

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Bowlussy 07/16/2022 (Sat) 01:51:53 No. 14100 [Reply] [Last]
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test 12/31/2022 (Sat) 18:31:24 No. 16982 [Reply] >>16986
habby noo yeer /404/ Not even midnight here, maybe it is where you are so take it if you want anon. Wish you all my best. pic absolutely not related but foony Take care /404/
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>>16982 Bonne année à toi aussi, FrançAnon. '23 s'annonce comme une année bizarre alors que la domination du récit entre dans une phase encore plus fragmentée. >L'euthanasie deviendra-t-elle le passe-temps national des Canuckistanais? Macron sera-t-il un jour enfermé dans une cellule avec la BBC de ses rêves? Est-ce que les gens remarqueront que l'économie est tombée d'une falaise depuis un moment maintenant et feront une drôle de gorgée désespérée dans la caméra avant de tomber à la manière de Wile E Coyote? Serons-nous capables d'en foutre assez pour même faire attention? Je n'en ai aucune idée et je vais très probablement me faire baiser durement avant d'avoir tout un tas d'argent que j'attends depuis des années.
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>>16986 Demain, c'est aujourd'hui en pire. Sois fort mon bon ami. Ne baissons pas les bras et appliquons-nous à faire le bien autour de nous en attendant que la grande vague de merde nous submerge.
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Happy new year to you friend. Thank you for your kind wishes. I hope this one goes better. Only God knows

Lil Stinker 10/25/2022 (Tue) 15:44:23 No. 16307 [Reply]
I have an idea. Print paper with sentence "swastika gives good luck" and the nazi flag picture above it. Then, paste it all around california The statement "swastika gives good luck" is historically true since asian cultures from india to china used it as a symbol of good luck and blessing. This is a way to split the leftists. if you disagree with the statement "swastika gives good luck", you are xenophobic and do not support foreign culture if you agree with the statement, you are ignoring 6 million kikes that died in a war fought moar than half a century ago. Faggots keep on mentioning this war when discussing politics, referring to the right wing as "literally nazis" and therefore, not allowing decades old wounds to heel. Also, the swastika icon can be any swastika as long as it depicts a swastika, no need to be specifically the nazi flag
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>>16953 The last time niggers worked this hard for white people they were in chains.
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>>16952 Based and Raelpilled.
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>>16958 I've honestly always loathed Kanye. My opinion of him dipped lower than I thought possible when he married into the Kardashian kult. And now, here he is... tormenting the jews in a way that George Michael and Michael Jackson would have given their left testicles to achieve. His "net and yoohoo" routine on Alex Jones was insane, but you KNOW it managed to burn some knishes. Maybe I misjudged the lad.

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test 12/23/2022 (Fri) 07:19:53 No. 16898 [Reply]
Hey ameribros, how's the weather ? I heard it will be really cold out there. Take care of you.
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Leaf, here. For the most part, it goes <October: Fall. Colder, possible snow <November: -5°C to -20°C, definite snow <December through January: -12°C to -28° with windchill <January through February: hellishly cold for at least three weeks in there, somewhere <March until June: what we laughingly call "spring" <July through mid-August: ball-boiling summer <September: decent but the wind has a distinct bite to it <October: this is where we came in Instead of the normal levels of weather-rape, we've hit 9°C (note the lack of "-") in November, including the fabled November Rain from the GnR classic. Which immediately froze, again, rendering the roads into a worse version of the Mariokart ice levels. December brought -40°C with the windchill. Not unheard of, but very rare in Alberta for this time of year. We're in January, and things are almost normal, again, but that shitfuck deepfreeze that normally happens in the January-February window is still to come, and I'm not going to lie, gang, I'm scared as fuck. When December dropped to "frostbite in under a minute" temps, it makes me wonder what is on the horizon.
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>>16941 >'berta Yeah I figured you'd be all set for these sorts of frostbite fuggery temps. You and prairies get some horrifically low temps. Wasn't much better where I am. Lots of downed trees and even roofs getting swept clean off. Hope you at least didn't get stuck without power for 4-ish days like I did while howling banshee winds clawed at the windows. Most brutal storm I've been through inna while. >Onna horizon Seems like things are going to get above freezing for a while round these parts, but who's to say what the deeper depths of winter hold? Hope you stay warm and continue gently uncucking the Cancuckistani West coast from a comfy spot by a fireplace or gas stove.
>>16945 That pic will haunt my nightmares. > Hope you at least didn't get stuck without power for 4-ish days like I did while howling banshee winds clawed at the windows. Not on my grid, but parts of the city went down for a couple of days during the bad stuff and holy shit, that was spooky. >Hope you stay warm and continue gently uncucking the Cancuckistani West coast from a comfy spot by a fireplace or gas stove. You too, fren

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Lil Stinker 10/22/2022 (Sat) 01:12:56 No. 16263 [Reply] [Last]
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>>16838 >But then again, if we had killed all the jews would we still have furry porn today? Who the hell do you think is pushing it?
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>>16832 >20,000,000 victims >000001 - 999999
Good night / Good morning /404/ Weird night that was. See ya maybe

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test 12/24/2022 (Sat) 21:14:55 No. 16907 [Reply]
Merry Christmas /404/
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>Christmas at my elderly parents' house >friend got my name in the gift draw >friend knows I like to do miniature terrain >buys me some UV-activated resin for whatever >buys me UV flashlight >neat! >always wanted a blacklight >think about where I can try it out >parent's bedroom seems like a good bet >go in there with my adult son >brace ourselves, because they're both accident prone with food and beverages and have incontinence issues and we know it will be bad >we weren't ready >ofw >floor is full of more glowing patches than any three episodes of Dexter >go around to the side of the bed >entire patch of rug on that side glowing from urine spills >back away in horror

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>>16921 my mom was in charge of my late uncle's estate. for some reason she thought it would be funny if i inherited his penis pump
>>16927 Hilarious. Maybe it would be funny to coat one of her tampons in a light dusting of chili powder.

Doodle Thread? ©anadAnon 10/30/2022 (Sun) 21:18:40 No. 16376 [Reply] [Last]
Doodle Thread.
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Welcome back Penguin-sensei! I'm sure I speak for everyone in saying we missed you and were concerned for your well-being. I haven't seen the cold snap in my area yet but it's supposed to be cold the next few days. I hope you still made the best of your Christmas Day. My newest Synthia is posted over in my thread in case you haven't seen it. My handling of her anatomy has greatly improved can't say the same or her breast size. This board's days are numbered according to >>16610. I've been invited by frenchanon to continue my mediocre artistic antics on https://anon.cafe/ent even though I don't know French. Maybe we'll see you there as well.
>>16929 Really nice to see you again Mr ©anadAnon. Chibi-Synthia is cute. Hope things will going well for you and the gf. Take care. As King said, the /404/ situation is quite weird lately. Apparently Davey deleted the board but it was resurected by Root (against his will) so /404/ is under new management (not even sure there is a former BO rn). See >>16917
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>>16930 >>16931 Cheers gents for the clarifications. Am setting aside a tab for /ent/ and hoping to find some spare time to slap together an OC or two as a humble offering to the anon.cafe overlords.

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Pedophile 09/27/2022 (Tue) 20:37:20 No. 15900 [Reply]
ANIMEDISCUSSIONTHREAD! >old school <new school "AMVs!' etc.
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>>16878 >then why are they so eager to go further into it? It's all they know, all they've been told. They've been told that if they run away just because they don't like penes they'll die because no one can look at them except to see how much of slut they must be. Children are quick to notice inconsistencies, but that doesn't mean they know lies when they hear them. >Elfen Lied is just horrific. Also a metaphor for abuse. I mean, it was also a good anime but you're not wrong.
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>>16880 >they are obviously child prostitutes sent to collect trinkets/payment in exchange for being abused like real pedo orphanages in third world shitholes or like the kids on epstiens island, the worse the abuse the better the trinkets and payment but the worse the trauma to recover from, the """"layers"""" of the shitbyss are layers of trauma the deepest being irrecoverably and permanently fucked Hmm. When you put it like that, you may be onto something, there. Like when they try to get out of it, they'll be painfully killed or changed forever. So what's the symbolism of managing to get all the way to the bottom to find her mother? Is it that the child of an abused child will end up the same way, or is there something darker? >literally everything without exception is overtly related to child lust or abuse literally the most pedo show that not even disney could ever dream to come up with, you can see the director is an overt and incessant pedophiIe that has clearly gone to real sex orphanages and belongs in a prison where he has his stupid crayons and animu drawings shoved up his ass for good He probably should, yes. Okay, so since we're talking metaphors, here, am I correct in assuming that Attack on Titan's subtext is that of war changing people, and how one can become a monster after chasing monsters for too long? And I'm not talking about Eren's Titan form, but rather what he does when he finds his way off Paradis and starts taking the fight to the Jews Marleyans?
>>16893 there is no mother thats the point its called an abyss because its literally a dark pit that doesnt end, theyre all orphans theyre biological parents dont exist and are not parents to them even if they do exist the desire for parents is how pedos rape kids, kids want parents more than anything and thats what leads them into the shitbyss to get taken advantage of and groped by japanese businessmen hoping that at the end they find a parent i dont know other animu, i saw this one by accident on archive.org when looking for moon videos

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