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Meta thread Anonymous 11/27/2022 (Sun) 18:13:40 No. 1263
To discuss meta issues and policies >>>/av/ are some spic bros for the board who allied with us, check 'em out if you want
Edited last time by Director_Miku on 01/05/2023 (Thu) 06:02:08.
Looks like we hit 25 UIDs today (or yesterday, counter might be a day behind, its hard to tell) that might be a new high in recent times, I'm not sure, but I'll try to keep track of such things though. That's a good sign imo.
>>1936 oh, and we made it to the top 6 boards too for that matter. Pretty good for a board that was only revived last month.
>>1941 Very nice, things are looking up for this /a/.
Sweet, we broke 2000 posts
>>1827 We're doing pretty well it seems. We've gotten just about 400 new posts in the last 2 weeks since this post. The rate of board growth is increasing; again, its not a competition, but with regards to webring boards comparisons, at our high points we can be between 70-90% of their userbase in terms of UIDs already, and our PPH can match and exceed them at times. We aren't fully there at their consistency levels yet in terms of round-the-clock, 24/7 activity, but we at least have respectable spurts of activity and we have enough consistency to survive and possibly thrive. I've merged some threads and deleted some old spam threads; if someone wants me to clean up more of the catalog, just report the threads in question. I'll make another, more detailed update next month (2 weeks) and see where we are, but I'm positive about the direction of the board.
Don't forget to actually add rules to the rules page, BO-san.
>>2337 I shall get around to it at some point
>>1827 Some more good news: Since this post, we've had an increase, albeit a less extreme one, but still an overall growth in rate of posting. The was technically a little under 600~ posts in about 35~ days, so around a 16-17 PPD average, Now we are at another 620+ additional posts in the 30 days, now over 21 PPD average, so about a 25-30% increase in posts. We have just about doubled the total post count on the board, so that's pretty good. Last week or so has been pretty slow imo and users have been erratic, but I've been busy as of late with school starting up again so its to be expected. In just 2 months we had more activity than this board has had in its entire history. Overall I feel pretty good about this. I'll likely try to talk to the administration in the next few days and see if he's amenable to transferring the board ownership over to me now, and about changing the board to NSFW and some other things I'll try to get around to.
Hey BO! Are you the guy shilling in the GG thread?
>>2556 Why do you ask?
>>2557 Mostly I am just confused. Like you're advertising to like the same few people every thread.
>>2558 Not true, I saw it for the first time today; granted, I don't browse the GG thread very often.
>>2558 The GG thread is a thread that people on /v/ cycle in and out of, its not only the same people using it at all hours of the day for every thread, and it gets new threads consistently. Either way, I've noticed a consistent correlation of posts cropping up here when advertising there. I've advertised once in the Lounge and drawthread there as well and the odd random thread here and there, though its been a while for the others I suppose. I've advertised on /animu/ a few times, but I don't want to cause problems or drama by doing it too much. I don't really have too many other places in mind, since on places like Smug they have no interest in this place afaik, and they would instantly moderate out any post advertising this place and probably ban me too. Someone else has been spamming zzz about this place and giving us a potentially negative reputation, dunno what's going on there. I've posted on sportschan once or twice about this place, and some of them /sp/iggas are nice and recognize this place as having some value. Welp, looks like my first point was proven by the way: >>2559 Don't underestimate the GG threads anon, its the most powerful and diverse (kek) thread on the site anon and its been that way since 8chan's inception imo
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>>2559 >>2560 Huh, Guess I was wrong. I guess I should be shilling my own boards there more often.
>>2561 aye, just remember to post on your board as well and keep it going and active if you want people to stay for longer than a few hours, its a pain in the ass but that's the life of a small board until you get a critical mass of users to keep the board moving at all hours of the day in my case the last 1-2 weeks have been busy so I haven't had as much time to post here as I wanted to and the board slowed down a fair amount as a result It should pick back up after a few days of consistent postings though, this conversation alone helps out the board in its own small way, so I appreciate it and wish you luck with your board anon What board is it?
>>2562 >>>/tg/ The problem with posting regularly is that I have already posted in the threads that interest me and I dont have anything new or exciting to post. its pretty dead and the fact that smug/tg/ exists kinda makes our tg kinda useless. I should just make a new thread or something just make sure there is at least 1 new post a day.
>>2563 >The problem with posting regularly is that I have already posted in the threads that interest me and I dont have anything new or exciting to post Yeah, that's a problem I know the feel for, its exhausting trying to be the one-man support crew for the board at times. a thread you can always post in is a helpful thing (in this board's case, the "post a pic every time you come here" thread has been helping here more than I expected), being among the top boards is important towards establishing consistent activity so you need those posts, and if the board is starting from little, the responsibility is on the BO to keep things going I also know a few people who occasionally post here so that helps I know Acid likes /tg/ shit so, assuming you have some level of contact with him, encourage him to post even if a thread is just you two conversing, it increases the board activity, pushes you higher on the list, and lets people know the place is active in some way and brings in more people When I started advertising this place and kept up posting consistently, activity practically exploded compared to the literal deadness this board was before that
>>2564 >I know Acid likes /tg/ shit You know I am fairly sure Acid is the guy asking for help testing his new game. He hasn't posted in that thread since though. Kind of a shame too since id love to help him make his TTRPG.
>>2565 He is a busy man.
>>2565 >kind of a shame too I mean, its not like he's dead or can't come back to it though if its him I don't know much about /tg/ stuff or whether there's time limits or practical considerations, but just keep up the activity (the new threads might be a good idea), remind him of the board's existence, shill the place, and see where things go A "general" thread anyone can post in no matter what often helps >>2566 Come to think of it, its been a while since I've seen a post from him, but that might be me just missing them.
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE I finally own the board properly now as the full-fledged board owner. The board was also changed to NSFW now if I'm correct, so yeah. Things should be all good now, I'll be adding the rules for the board now, as well as catching up on some banners to be added. Feel free to make some suggestions and whatnot now.
>>2337 Some rules have finally been added anon. If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to post about them here.
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>>2595 Congratulations nigger.
>>2593 Grats bro.
There was an old thread (existed before I took over) that was recently reported because it was a discord server advertisement. It seemed they cared specifically about a manga, they had some scans of it, and recently some manga panels were posted in the thread. I personally didn't really care about its existence, but do anons feel that such things are worth deleting? If so, I'll delete them when they are reported and make it a board policy.
>>2865 bump, since the thread didn't automatically do it for some reason
>>2446 If autists like you actually kept track of and gave regularly updates on positive board growth, anons would probably post more out of sheer whitepilling.
>>2886 Oh I'm aware it would help, its just been a busy time irl is all, I was planning on posting an update a few days ago but there was a big surge of activity. I might as well do it now, give me a bit.
>>2446 While there was a drop in activity as presumably people's lives got busier (mine included), there has been some large surges of activity like from a few days ago. We're at 450 additional posts since this one, which is about 75% of our peak activity, which is impressive given the circumstances. That's around a 15-16 PPD, which is quite respectable. We're closing in on 3000 total posts on the board which we should hit soon. Some big milestones over the last month: The board is now fully owned. The board is now set to NSFW. We've received dozens of new and original banners. Rules have been added. About 14 new threads made in the last month with older ones getting solid amounts of activity. And of course, we're still consistently among the top boards. Plus, I've been noticing that there's been some positivity about this board across the webring which is a good sign. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to make them.
I think we should remove the custom CSS, at least until we get more anons posting.
>>3396 Eh, I'd rather not. It gives the board its own style and an anon made it for the place, unless you have a replacement CSS suggestion that isn't just "default CSS"/Yotsuba B. I wouldn't mind if the CSS was toned down a bit in terms of colors to be easier on the eyes, but I'm too lazy to figure that out on my own.
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What are your guy's opinion on Bleach: Thousand Year Blood war? I'm currently on the second season and so far it's serviceable even though it seems like it's rushed on some parts like Shinji's Bankai, and some aspects that remain like Byakuya's survival. What do you anons think about it?
>>3600 I'm waiting for it to be finished before I watch it, but I heard from some people that theyre rushing the pace of it which is concerning
>>3600 (checked) Bleach destroyed my interest in anime for a few years. I regret my time spent with it, and wish I would have dropped it earlier instead of sticking with it until the conclusion. >>3612 >I'm waiting for it to be finished before I watch it That is how I am for most shows.

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