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Gurren Lagann (and general Gainax/Trigger) thread Anonymous 12/07/2022 (Wed) 20:15:20 No. 1411
I just want a thread where I can wax on about my favorite anime is all. Here's downloads to the best fansubs for ep 1-19 (group died at 19), and my edited fansubs for 20-27 for the few people who somehow haven't watched the anime yet. https://www.mediafire.com/file/q02b6vjcvi9ovkz/Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann_ORDER.rar/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/fpgmj9mxtsupnm4/TTGL_hardsubs_20-27.rar/file I'm less interested in other Trigger/Gainax stuff (though I still like some of them a lot like Eva and KLK. and intend to watch Gunbuster soon and maybe Cutie Honey), but if people wanna talk about the other works here, that's fine too.
>>1443 ;_;7
Gainax generally had cool mecha designs (the Eva's, Gunbuster, Gurren Lagann) Diebuster was close to having a good one in its namesake, but sadly it has pointy stumps for legs instead of greaves/boots or something along those lines for aesthetics
I heard Darling in the Franxx went to shit in the end or something, is it worth watching?
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>>2040 it went to shit after five episodes
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>wonder what the common person's experience for TTGL is these days >the streaming sites using either ugly remuxes of old fansubs which aren't consistent, or even worse, official subs >people can't be assed to watch old releases anymore because "muh BDs" or "muh 1080p" (even when the TV/DVD source in some subs Iike Black Order's was ridiculously good and sometimes better than the BDs) >few and sometimes no people seed the old torrents anymore as a result >new torrents are just all the same spammed shit remuxes or and overfiltered, oversharpened and disgustingly saturated raws (think "Looking Good" tier shit from vidya emulator filters) >newfags don't get shit like the wholesome fansubbing group messages, stylish font, or attack text or beautiful karaoke anymore >softsubs don't consistently work for all the shit like effects and karaoke >some of these newfags are watching the horrendous fucking dub too This is like the second half of TTGL when the humans turned into shallow, greedy, irresponsible, shortsighted and selfish people who forgot their roots and identity. I thought I was done with this shit since I felt I did a good enough job on episodes 20-27 as in the OP, but fuck it, I guess I'll come out of retirement for my favorite anime and put out a sub that'll do things properly for the retarded and basically be above most criticism, and release it on an actual large site like Nyaa instead of just sharing it with close friends and small sites. Thankfully there are existing subs which did a lot of heavy lifting but somehow just fucked themselves over before the finish line, Aomundson's especially comes to mind,. I'm gonna use theirs (maybe encoding it in Reinforce's raws) and try to put out the best, or at least second best, fansub of TTGL. I doubt I can succeed Black Order's shit, but I can at least try. If anyone wants to help, feel free to reply here or mention this to others who might be interested on other sites and places. I could use some translation, editing, and anyone with any additional knowledge about shit like fansubbing software, encoding, karaoke, access to good fonts, etc. I have a some knowledge about all of those things (minus karaoke, and my translation skills are very limited based on my spoken Jap knowledge and will involve referencing and comparing translations more than anything ) Would be willing to get into contact if necessary but otherwise I'll figure this shit out regardless. I suppose I'll post my progress here.
>>1411 >hasn't watched Gunbuster >"TTGL is the best thing evar!" >most likely a Toonami baby Kill yourself. >my translation skills are very limited based on my spoken Jap knowledge and will involve referencing and comparing translations more than anything <I have no idea what I'm doing and am essentially pushing out what I feel is best Do it painfully.
>>2458 Check the share thread on /v/, someone posted black order's fansubs and an imitation for some episodes they couldn't translate.
>>2473 >haven't watched gunbuster Except I have watched Gunbuster. It's good, but most people who are desperate enough to say it's better than TTGL are usually asshurt /m/ fags with inferiority complexes. TTGL is simply the best, and my opinion hasn't changed many other anime and manga (and rewatches) later. >toonami babby nah. Mom used to buy me Shonen Jump manga when I was a wee lad, that's what I started with before anything else. >other shit No need to be this upset, anon. You remind me very strongly of the asshurt fag on PLW. I know it's hard to know that some people out there still like anime, but there's no need to fly off the handle.
Progress report: I've managed to start checking through the script and subtitles. For whatever reason, Aomundson/Nostalgic retimed this shit in a questionable way and also made the word choices worse from Order's for no real reason, I'll have to go in and edit and re-time some of the lines. I already have a font for the main dialogue, and decently similar placeholder fonts for the Romaji in the karaoke and (and an idea of what fonts can be used as a substitute to be the closest to Order's original karaoke). Just gotta make sure the spacing between the letters in the Romaji is consistent, so I'll have to figure that out. These changes from Ao/Nostalgic are mostly minor, but still foolish changes until episode 8. Apparently afterwards things get more questionable in general. The karaoke seems to be in time with Black Order's, and the effect is similar enough that I shouldn't have to worry about that. Looks like I won't have to go too crazy on these at the start. in short, at least from what its looking like: Working on it: >moderate amounts of re-timing >change names and proper terms >add in honorifics >edit word choice and sentences generally >find and use best fonts for the karaoke (potentially might need fixing) >translation and editing checking >check and potentially add in text effects >custom fonts for titles, etc. (some exist already in it, will see if better ones are available; I know someone who can make me custom fonts if necessary) Already done: >found an appropriate, good font style for main dialogue >found "decent/adequate" fonts for the karaoke (possible letter spacing issues) >most of the script for the early episodes otherwise seems fine (unknown about middle or later episodes) and is already translated or otherwise matches Order's >karaoke effects seem good and closely matches Order's enough already >have various raws to use for encoding Really its just going to take an annoying amount of time to be thorough is all, but this should be a lot easier than my first time, unless hardsubbing karaoke presents new problems or something.
>>2474 Yes, that was me and my subs. I received a complaint a while ago from an anon which made me realize a lot (or at least a chunk) of people are autistic about getting the BD versions of anime, though I dismissed him as a retard because he was literally wrong about everything else he said and argued. I also had a legitimate criticism about the video source from a different that was used in my subs, since the original video source had some interlacing frames for the fight scenes. I personally felt it conveyed the motion of the scenes better, as the raws look almost "too" clean by comparison. I might as well have another go at this and see if I can do a "full version" and supersede Aomundson's and have a true "definitive" version of the anime even for retards like that, since Aomundson's is basically "Black Order but we made it worse and cut out the soul", at least for the first 8 episodes, but I'll give em credit for making it easy for me to change their shit, and for doing a lot of the heavy lifting already for me. I dunno how they got their hands on Order's script, I assume Nostalgic did the hard work there though.
Going through the script and been doing some minor fixes (mainly name and term changes) Started experimenting with the karaoke (trying to change the font) and attack effects (like the giga drill break, trying to turn it into "Breaker", trying to change effect colors), but its fucking hard and a pain in the ass, feels like doing anything will either break it or otherwise fuck with it, like making the spacing too small and cramping the words together, or completely stopping the animation from playing at all. Sometimes its just adding a letter that will fuck with it, and I don't really see any place to edit the shit outside of the scripts in the lines. If anyone wants their .ass files, here it is. This is the one I'm using and currently editing. https://files.catbox.moe/ohsx27.zip Feel free to help if you know anything or have anyone you can ask about this sort of thing. Karaoke and attack effects are one of the things that filtered me last time, if I can just figure this shit out, I can handle the rest of this shit for a fac, I'm confident in it. I just want to get the hardest shit out of the way. Ideally I'd want to change Kittan's attack effect animation to a golden color, I tried changing the color of the font there and it made it look pretty cool if slightly janky because the animation seemed to combine the colors a bit and muddle them. At any rate Progress: >currently changing names and proper terms in the script, adding certain honorifics (like -sama), removing unnecessary line breaks, and other small obvious clean-ups I cannot comprehend much of these scripts right now, though I found a markup guide that's slowly helping me figure this out Hopefully I can get this working for the attack text, and then get the karaoke working with a better font.
>>2492 by script I mean the markup used for the attack text, assuming that its all there*
>>1411 >ever liking those pozzed and low-quality animation studios Kill yourself. For all the stupidity and butthurt from the Sunrise's CEOs, they were right in saying that Gainax is a bunch of losers making garbage for other losers.
>>2521 are you retarded?
>>2527 >retard that likes garbage calling anyone a retard Anything Gainax/Trigger is by losers, for losers.
>>2596 I guess this answers that question kek
>>2040 People assume anything with mecha + cute pilots must automatically have existential theme, long and autism story arcs that show "character development", love triangles that fulfills real life absence of bitches. So when a mecha show fulfills only the waifu bait part of it niggers get angry at it and say it didn't meet expectations.
>>2458 you gonna do the censored onsen episode and the ds hone run one to?, whata bout paralel works
>>2609 >censored onsen episode It shouldn't be hard so yeah, I already have the past dialogue to reference for it so it should be fine >ds hone run Huh? >parallel works The spin-offs? Nah, not interested in those
>>2610 the one that came with the ds game, episode 5.5 https://gurrenlagann.fandom.com/wiki/OVA
>>2458 Looking forward to it.
>>2643 Thanks anon. Its still a ways off because of life's busy-ness but I'll likely get it finished over the next few months. It would go by faster with help but I should be able to get it done by myself. The part that concerns me the most are the karaoke, text and attack effects and ensuring a "lunar timing". >>2639 I did not even know this existed, what the fuck. Fascinating. I dunno, I'll give it a look and think about it.
Oh, and if people want to help, there are ways to do so. Aegisub (the subtitle editing software) is pretty easy to use in general, and YT tutorials can quickly get you up to speed. Here are Aomundson's subtitle files, the ones I'll be changing. Just open them up in Aegisub to see and edit them. https://files.catbox.moe/ohsx27.zip If you want to help in some small way, adjust things like names and proper nouns to be changed (you can use a "find and replace" for things like "Gunmen" to "Ganmen" for example); I have not gotten to the later episodes yet with doing that. This link from the OP can be used for an episode script comparison to what I want it to be, you can adjust it as you see fit. https://www.mediafire.com/file/q02b6vjcvi9ovkz/Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann_ORDER.rar/file If there's a disagreement about translation, or suggestions for a better word choice or phrase, we can discuss it.
>>2721 I'd love to help out, but I can't learn Japanese.
>>2768 >but I can't learn Japanese. You don't have to, its already translated (though I would certainly welcome second opinions and people willing to check it over). Its more a matter of logistics with the script (e.g. timing, name changes, ensuring it in the right place on the screen), text effects, and editing to ensure it has the most impact. You basically just have to know English, if that.
>>2769 Let me think it over then, I probably won't be able to since I'm busy with other things. Good luck though.
>>2771 that's fine, thanks anyways anon
Would you play basketball with NIa?
Anyone know the best subs/release to watch Darling in the Franxx with? Preferably if it has karaoke and stuff like that.
I tried out the Gurren Lagann gacha, purely because its Gurren Lagann. I have never played a gacha for more than a few minutes before (at the request of friends). Its... not a good game. The best thing about it is that its generous with freebies, as I've made it into the top 30s of most types of rankings (save for raw power) as an entirely F2P player. It has a million different types of resources for many different activities, but they are all not particularly interesting. It reuses animations from the anime for a lot of things which is unsurprising, but still disappointing regardless. The models are unimpressive, and worst of all, it doesn't even have any real waifu artworks or anything like that. The artwork isn't that great either which is bad for a gacha already. It feels very cheaply made and what a surprise, its made by the chinks. My goodness. How do you have a gacha from an IP with inherent sex appeal like Gurren Lagann, and not even try to capitalize on it. Its not that hard, and you can't even control combat, only things like your ganmen inventories, formation, and that's really about it. Its auto-combat which is lame as fuck. There are points where the enemy power levels spike so you'll need to punch through them with your own power spikes. TL;DR its shit, to nobody's surprise. I'm still disappointed but ah well. I'm curious to see if I can get TTGL whenever they release it, and then I'll probably drop this trash for good. I wish TTGL got a real game/RPG or something. I'll have to try out Super Robot Wars soon as that is probably the closest I'll get, and I've only heard and seen good things about that franchise.
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>>3763 I expected the gacha cash grab to be shit, but it's still a shame since I'm pretty sure it's the most love the series got in recent years outside of SRW, and even then it didn't appear that much. >I'll have to try out Super Robot Wars soon as that is probably the closest I'll get If you're going to play SRW for Gurren Lagann, here's a list of the games it appeared in. Only SRWX is translated in English (X-Omega is a phone game, so don't mind that). >and I've only heard and seen good things about that franchise. Same here. It's one of the reasons I'm learning Japanese. I heard that Z1 in particular fixed Gundam Seed Destiny, so that's worth checking out.
Anyone got a good remux of the original series?
So, did anyone go to watch the first Gurren Lagann movie in theaters tonight? I did, it was alright. I hated the first movie when I was watching it by myself with headphones, but the movie environment makes it easier to ignore the flaws since they try to immerse you and things like audio are less clear. There were still enough issues to be noticeable, and the translation is... shit, but still, it was better than watching the movie on my computer (for strange reasons admittedly), I'll say that much kek. It is no substitute for watching the show and feeling everything that you feel when you do, but its okay if you just want to "have fun" I guess, and avoid thinking too much. The best part was probably the intro though. Lordgenome voicing that was wild and it was an intense way to start the movie. I wanted to try it in 4D to see if the second movie (the actual good one) was worth watching in 4D, but sadly the weather made it too dangerous to drive to the farther theater for that, so I stuck to a local one. It was okay, there were issues but it was alright. FYI, THE SECOND MOVIE AIRS IN A WEEK (subbed, don't watch the trash dub please), GET YOUR TICKETS IF YOU CARE
>watch eva for the second or third time >episode 2, mentions the human instrumentality project for the first time >realize the name makes absolutely no sense for what it is >look up the kanji from the report page <補完 complementation; supplementation; completion <it actually meant mankind completion project the whole time <translators dropped the meaning of the phrase because of some sci-fi reference No wonder eva is hard to get into when information vital to the plot gets dropped in translation.

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