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Banners welcome! Anonymous 06/01/2022 (Wed) 00:34:53 No. 804
Hi, I asked Codexx to apply this CSS that you can see in effort to bring our /a/ back to life. However, this board also needs banners of which we don't have none yet, so if you got any post 'em here so the BO can see them (or I can inform him about them) and add them. thoughts on the new CSS? Please help me with some activity, anything ¬¬
Edited last time by pururin on 06/23/2022 (Thu) 04:43:04.
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>>3173 >>3183 Thanks anon, always appreciated Added
Please change the CSS to Yotsuba B.
>>3183 Source of the images?
>>3282 I don't know who the woman is but it's probably in Dragon ball.
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Board dead can we make board not dead
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>>3830 Fuck my retarded ass, I forgot to properly size it. Here's a better version
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So, about that CSS?
For the board's potential new CSS: I was thinking of a new CSS with lighter colors for the background, easier on the eyes, with a picture of Nia in the background. You can incorporate whatever colors you feel are appropriate since a few vibrant ones in certain places might help certain parts of the board stand out. I remember seeing some CSS with stars and whatnot from earlier, that might be cool too. Alternatively, if you think a darker themed CSS would work better with stars or whatever, I'd be curious to see if you had any ideas. The current one has served quite well for a long time imo, but I do feel it's time for a change.
(126.72 KB 420x472 Nia.png)

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>>4344 Presuming by Nia you are refering to pic 1 & not pic 2. As far as your design suggestions go, you have the right mind with a lighter background color and some few vibrant colors to make parts of the board pop. The tricky part is in making sure that it's not too bright nor too childish-looking. With the request of Nia in the background I assume you want her to take up the background and not have a repeating pattern of her chibi counterpart if it exists out there. If that is the case, look at the 3rd & 4th pics attached & tell me if any of them strike your fancy. The ideas behind them are supposed to be lineart of her blending in the background so if you don't like the wallpaper used in the examples that is fine. Imagine if the wallpaper looked more simple like, say, dots & if the color of the background was pink while the color of her lineart to compliment it is something a little more darker of the same color.
>>4344 I wish I could be more specific, but I don't have a good reference point for a CSS. I don't want the contrasts to be too minimal that the board feels like one big tint, but I also don't want it to look garish. Board CSS's like Miku, Yotsuba and Yotsuba B are easily readable and easy on the eyes, but needs a bit more flashiness/uniqueness somewhere. Redchanit is interesting but the text and its coloring has issues. Here's some potential Nia pics that I assume would work well for a background pic if you don't have any in mind. Lemme know if any need editing for transparency. >>4345 You already addressed most of my concerns while I was typing it seems but I'll still leave what I wrote in my post anyways. Yes, you're correct that its pic 1 Nia. >Imagine if the wallpaper looked more simple like, say, dots & if the color of the background was pink while the color of her lineart to compliment it is something a little more darker of the same color. I think that would be preferable to the pics 3/4 as they are.

(59.13 KB 1280x1182 pink-colors.jpg)

>>4346 Personally the 3rd pic has a good vibe I'm picking up on, but the way parts of her are cropped makes it less smooth to implement. What could be done besides the background being removed for transparency is that a part of her could be deleted with the edges smoothed out with a blur that makes it look more like an illusion of her full veil and body. See the pic attached for that same illusion feeling. Yes it's not transparent but focus on how the illusion is achieved by having the white vignette hit part of her legs. Should be possible to adapt Nia's color scheme and make it into something presentable, especially with her pinks eering on the lighter side as opposed to the garish hot pinks. Will check back when I get the chance & mull over possible design choices.
Some more pics just in case. >>4349 >What could be done besides the background being removed for transparency is that a part of her could be deleted with the edges smoothed out with a blur that makes it look more like an illusion of her full veil and body. Yeah, that's a good idea, it looks good there and should work well. >pink colors Of those on the pic, I think I like soft pink the most. >Should be possible to adapt Nia's color scheme and make it into something presentable, especially with her pinks eering on the lighter side as opposed to the garish hot pinks. Glad to hear it.
(3.31 MB 1000x1778 Nia transparent1.png)

>>4349 There was an attempt. I'm not great at editing.
>>4365 That's OK, you got the gist of it. Still cooking up the CSS theme. In the meantime, use this tool below to get a preview of the colors & tell me if you like my suggestions or if they need readjustments. The trickiest part of choosing the colors is making them work on both marked & unmarked posts. They don't need to be perfect where you get all green ratings as the special text colors may be sacrificed and ironically difficult to notice upon implementation. https://coolors.co/contrast-checker For the background color >posts below OP <#FEDDE4 (Soft Pink) >marked posts <#FFC0CC (Pastel Pink) For the text color >green text (You're looking at it right now) <#305E0F >red text <#A31B1F >doom text <#9E2517 >pink text (You'll be looking at it below) <#921590
>>4366 I think they're mostly good. Maybe a slightly lighter pink on posts below OP, and slightly lighter and greener for greentext, since it looks dark enough to be leaning towards black imo (but that might just be the preview and it might look better in practicec) Greentext is pretty vital to a board imo and it would be nice to ensure its instantly recognized as green. The rest seem fine I think. >The trickiest part of choosing the colors is making them work on both marked & unmarked posts. I can imagine, what you already have might be good enough then.

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Posting more Nia pics to see how well they adapt for the theme
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(483.71 KB 1600x751 Nia2.jpg)

>>4374 Pic 2 didn't really work as I hoped, rest of them seem fine (with the exception of Pic 3 as I cropped out the white borders to give a better idea of how it would look) Still figuring out the pink color scheme that isn't too garish. You'll have to take my word on it that the green & pink text still look good & legible. What do you think so far? Put a bit of red somewhere since that's her tie color?
>>4375 Its looking good so far. Some red would be nice I think, yeah. I would propose reducing the size of Nia a bit and seeing how that looks. I was thinking maybe taking up 1/4 of the screen in the bottom right for some of the pictures (though Nia4 fits it well as is I think, it might depend on the pic you're using I suppose). I didn't realize you meant the pic taking up nearly the entire background when you said that earlier. A shame that pic 2 didn't work as well as you were hoping for, that was one of my favorites of the bunch. You're sure there's not some configuration that might allow it to fit decently with what you had in mind? Its a great picture. Also could you show what some of the other picture options would look like? I appreciate your efforts anon, thank you for what you've done thus far.
>>4379 >You're sure there's not some configuration that might allow it to fit decently with what you had in mind? The image can be resized via the background-size variable & inputting the size in px. xpx would be the width & ypx would be the height. Even if the image is big, it will shrink down to that specified size, but if it's not a transparent PNG then a vignette effect should be applied like that white illusion posted here >>4349 Not sure if there's a pure CSS code to achieve that effect. It can also be placed anywhere via the background-position viable, either by entering direction keywords (top, center, bottom, left, & right), percentage values (x% & y&), length values, or offsets. So if you want Nia on the bottom right side of the theme, I would enter bottom right for my value. The main reason I went with some of those pics earlier was from a part of my thinking where it would probably be better to to find one pic that fits on most screen resolutions as opposed to having one that might look nice on a 4K monitor but look bad on 1080p screens. The best wallpaper that works with all screen sizes no matter if its PC or mobile are seamless tiles as they can easily adapt to any resolution thrown at them as long as the repeat value has been added. Lineart of the character might be the next best choice as the simplicity design of them should work with the background color. I found a few of Nina, one was even posted earlier for an aesthetic example, but I don't know if I would consider them worthy for the theme. >though Nia4 fits it well as is Gonna guess that is because there's a bit of some gradient in the original pic that got colored in by the background color & visible the pencil lines in the doodle on top of it being simple, design-wise. While the other pics have too much detail in them & could potentially clash with the other design choices for the theme. A workaround could be to have the background color be lighter, change the opacity, or change the overlay effect for the background color.
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>Also could you show what some of the other picture options would look like? Here's what I got based on my current settings made for the theme. Keep in mind that with my current values set, the pics will change size whenever you resize the browser window or make it full screen. Will try to look into the different size and position options explained in the previous post, maybe even see about getting vignette working so that other pics can be used & not suffer from being too small in size.
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Thinking more about the CSS, it would probably be wise to keep the unmarked posts white while leaving the marked posts in soft pink. Too much pink will be an eyesore. I believe I will still be able to incorporate Nia herself into the theme, but I think it would neat to take the same tricks learned from the Space Penumbra theme & make the clouds move on top while the rest of the bottom design is actually a solid color that gives off the illusion of it being the entire wallpaper. Having Nia wait until the anon gets to the bottom of the page would IMO be a better choice than hovering with the pages vertically. Yay or nay on the pink sky?
(300.81 KB 1920x891 pink clouds and white posts.png)

>>4385 Here's a preview of the 3rd pink clouds and the changes made to the posts in one image
>>4380 I'll keep that in mind. >The main reason I went with some of those pics earlier was from a part of my thinking where it would probably be better to to find one pic that fits on most screen resolutions as opposed to having one that might look nice on a 4K monitor but look bad on 1080p screens. The best wallpaper that works with all screen sizes no matter if its PC or mobile are seamless tiles as they can easily adapt to any resolution thrown at them as long as the repeat value has been added. Lineart of the character might be the next best choice as the simplicity design of them should work with the background color. Fair enough. >A workaround could be to have the background color be lighter, change the opacity, or change the overlay effect for the background color. I think an opacity increase might be a good option if the colors of whatever picture in question end up contrasting with the background. It would help it stand out rather than blend in. If the pic colors are similar or light enough to blend, then yeah, >>4385 >Having Nia wait until the anon gets to the bottom of the page would IMO be a better choice than hovering with the pages vertically. I'd have to see it in action imo, but it sounds reasonable enough. I'd say yay personally on the sky. >>4386 The colors look readable and clean (at least in the screenshot), and the clouds are pleasing to look at. Any reason the timestamp information is so light though?
>>4388 >Any reason the timestamp information is so light though? It's to dog ear certain parts of the CSS theme so I know what goes where & editing the color. Also been adding notes in the CSS theme which won't effect the performance. It's to make it useful for those who'd like to take a crack at making a CSS theme themselves but are too intimidated to go down at the line of code or don't want to waste time scrolling through the spaghetti code & remembering all the elements.
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The CSS theme is not final as there's still some polishing to be done but I think there's a design idea in there that should manifest close to the requested theme. Still have to add Nia at the bottom too, and to a lesser extent clean up the code & add more notes. Go ahead & take a look at the 1st file which contains the CSS theme & let me know what you think of it so far.

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