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Humorously describe anime in 1-2 lines Anonymous 02/11/2023 (Sat) 07:45:09 No. 2499
Title is self-explanatory i think. Try to spoil things if you feel its something worth spoiling I'll start with a few: >Nodame Cantabile A young Gordon Ramsay of violin and piano (also cooking) has to deal with a retarded smelly girl pianist who is in love with him while managing an orchestra and try to get out of Japan, hilarity ensues >Kaiji Long-nosed idiot savant can't figure out why his gambling addiction is ruining his life, and solves the solution with more gambling >Berserk Rape victims struggle to deal with a world that keeps wanting to rape them and possibly learn from it >Initial D Local tofu delivery boy driving his dad's car literally cannot be stopped`` >No Game No Life Horny gamer siblings conquer the world through shitposting
>Hime chan no ribbon Tomboy gets magical powers from wearing and using girly things >Urusei Yatsura Horndog becomes the cause of an entire town's grief and the target of every curse
>>2499 >NGE Father tries to get son to share his passion for robots, and learns the true meaning of family.
>Isekai Ojisan Man goes into a coma and hallucinates that his gaming skills gave him super powers to save a parallel world then learns that his super powers are actually real. >>2499 >Kaiji Man, talk about a infuriating anime. Kaiji keeps being abused and sometimes literally tortured through many gambling schemes, not to mention all the people that get killed due to gambling to the Yakuza, and he still insists on gambling to "prove" that he can "win" a rigged game by outsmarting the ones rigging it, when everyone involved is part of the scheme and give him only more torturous rigged games to gamble upon. I genuinely felt anger towards the author after watching it. As if "outsmarting the schemers" even mattered, when in the end, you lose all your money anyways and still get tortured by them.
>>2499 >Shin Sekai Yori Chad ESPers rule over disgusting ESPlet freaks. ESPlets think they deserve rights (they are wrong).
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>>2499 >Overlord (the skeletal lord) oldfag with no life desperately tries to recreate the fun he once had with friends in 2007. >>2515 I don't get it? >>2514 >Urusei Yatsura local man pays for loyalty to gf and causes entire japan to suffer
>Outlaw Star Teenagers hang out with hot chicks in space and get chased by space chinese triad >Duel Masters Victory Curry bread addict prevents alien invasion through card games
>Rayearth Japanese schoolgirls get tricked into assisted suicide.

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