/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Draw Thread Baby 05/27/2020 (Wed) 02:41:25 No. 107
For babies who want to practice their artwork! Best pieces go on the fridge.
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Guide to get people who want to get into drawing started
>>111 This looks like a good guide
>>112 Shameless ripped from loomis I assure you, although I think they'd that preferable to us setting up there
>>113 Kek yeah I'm not sure if they'd want endless diaper art flooding their board. I don't know how much you draw, but what is your opinion on mirroring features to make sure they look the same (such as eyes on the face, or even the whole other side of the face but not stuff like hair or shadowing obviously). I wondering if it is a bad habit to get into.
>>114 If you mean using a mirror tool to accomplish that I'd caution that it can make things look a little unnatural and uncanny. Its the little asymmetries that make us look normal. Also that it will only really work if your model is looking directly at the "camera" as otherwise the proportions would be off. That being said when it comes to drawing on a tablet, as opposed to editing, I have the aptitude of an actual baby. So take my advice with a grain of salt.
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Here might be a good reference resource for drawing diapers.
If you ever need some good motivation just look at how much that TamaeFFT guy has improved since 2012 (first pic)
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Here are some guides I took from /loomis/ that anons might find helpful. Does anyone have anything about coloring nicely? Not gonna lie, I just paintbucket shit, and that probably doesn't help quality.
>>258 Good stuff, hands are especially difficult. > Does anyone have anything about coloring nicely? I find it helpful to do the coloring on a layer below the outline with a brush with feathering, you can also use the select tool to ensure that the coloring only occurs in the desired area if you need to do some free handing.
>>261 >Good stuff, hands are especially difficult. Besides being a mittenfag, that's why I use mittens so often kek. Also that sounds like a good method that you described with coloring stuff in. I will try this for the next thing I do. If I post it you'll see the result I'm sure.
>>262 I definitely need to get some locking mittens at some point
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Sketched a baby Bowsette being mothered by Junior. I hope Junior can learn how to hold her mom properly soon.
>>356 Very nice! Always good to see traditional media art too. >I hope Junior can learn how to hold her mom properly soon. Yeah, its a baby Junior, not a burrito
I think i've seen that girls face before. desu I think this is fake.
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Here's some trad art I've drawn myself.
>>1035 >Diapered guppies. Good taste anon.
>>1041 Thanks! I've been trying to draw everyday, though I've been low on creativity atm
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Here is some fresh content for you guys.
>>1827 nice!
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Two more to add.
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just made some more. thread is kinda slow. any requests? i'll do one or two.
>>1963 Do this girl being put into a diaper by a mommy type character. They're both happy
>>1963 Anything involving a potty dance, especially if they are already going
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Requesting a Male ABDL OC who's in his mid 20's, white, has short brown hair, brown eyes, wears black glasses, a bit chubby, and just in a plan white diaper with two or four tabs. I would like a full body draw of him standing with a smile. Keep it clean and safe please. (No wet or mess)
>>1967 >especially if they are already going yes please
Is Loomis the best place to start in general?
>>2876 That seems to be the case. Also The art and science of drawing videos by Brent Eviston if you really need to start from the basics like me. He also has some figure drawing videos. This link has some useful things for people who want to learn how to draw. https://mega.nz/folder/3IsEQA7Q#NMVYBUtPXJpRyrYuUz1NrA/folder/LNMXlY5Z I at least want to be decent enough to draw figure outlines so that I can show an artist a reference of how I want my character to pose when I commission them. That and basic chibi art, but all of that seems daunting when you only have a few hours a day to practice.
Why is this thread dead?
>>3214 I guess we don't have many drawfags here on top of being a slow board unfortunately. I want to try to learn at some point and probably need to check out some of what >>2896 posted, but I just haven't gotten around to it and of course that gives me no reason to post much. Might be similar with other anons
>>3214 babies here don't have talent and don't want to or they're lazy babs
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Requesting Ame from Wolf Children (at age 4) wearing just a diaper (plain white with blue tabs) relaxing by rubbing his wet diaper and is visible erect under his diaper.
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Im back i lost the url for this site.
>>5065 >Getting lost That calls for confinement to the stroller
>>5065 Poor baby got lost?
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>>5066 >>5067 Very lost. Then I saw the other website lost every single image.
>>5137 Anons that get lost end up spanked.
>>5137 >Questioning my chioces like that young lady, will now result in a re-regression that will include the following. >1, You will be put back into diapers once again, so say good bye to your pull-ups now. >2, Your rights to use the bathroom is now re-revoked, so you will wear & use diapers 24/7 again. >3, I will be the one to change your diapers & clean you up, that includes batheing you too. >4, I will change & bathe you when i think that you need a change, that might mean 1 bath & change per day or 10, it all depends. Even if it means being in a wet & stinky diaper for hours. >5, I will dress you in sissy big baby clothes from hear on out, such as frilly white & pink onesies. >6, You will be feed nothing but milk & babyformula + some extra vitamin intakes in the form of pills. >7, Your bed will be thrown out & replaced with a cute large crib, with a lock ontop so that you don't escape during the night. >8, You will not walk or ever crawl anymore, i will pick you up & move you to the place where you need to be. >9, You will have this pacifier in your mouth all of the time when you are not eating or drinking. You will also not talk like at all, not even babytalk, only cry when you need something. >Break these ruels & it will be followed by LONG! hours of HARD! spankings with the steel paddle.
>>5137 Interesting Grace :^)
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>>5139 Jeeze that's a bit harsh to put me back the newborn status after working so hard for 3 years to reach PreK status. I mean I had just gotten use to my booster seat and the ability to sit in not a high chair.
>>5246 Next you'll be fussing over bathtime next.
>>5246 >4 Oversteps were made here that i now have to punish you for severly young baby, each overstep demanding their own punishment. > O&P1. Overstep, taking the lords name in vain. Punishment for that is to have your mouth cleaned with soap. > O&P2. Overstep, continue to question my authority & talking back to me. Punishment for that 100 Mins of LONG! & HARD! spanking with the steel paddle on your bare butt. > O&P3. Overstep, talking to me at all when you are forbidden to talk. Punishment, To have this Baby Pink pacigag put into your mouth & locked with a small padlock & key behind your neck. > O&P4 Overstep, misstaking the newborn status for the 1 year status. Punishment, your cow milk will be replaced by human breastmilk. I know lots of more than able & willing donors.
>>5251 >I know lots of more than able & willing donors. The Ara Patrol?
>>5252 >No. The M Ara M Ara private premium service.
>>5251 Should put the anon up for adoption.
>>5256 >Nah, for all the problems that i have to deal with, she is more than worth keeping.
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>>5257 >not letting anon get adopted for a wholesome ara experience You are cruel anon.
>>5258 >I am firm but fair, hard yet just.
>>5260 >Using greentext inappropriately You know you are about to join anon in the stroller regressed and with a very red bottom?
>>5261 <Then i am going to use pink text.
>>5262 How would you like locking mittens and to swallow a bottle of castor oil before becoming anons little sister?
>>5263 Now now, we hav talked about this. It isn't healthy to talk to yourself like that wheil looking in a mirror.
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>>5251 Well this just gets better and better... any vollenteers to take my place? >>5256 If Im allowed pull-ups again.
>>5272 >Failing to understand that the vollenteers exchange program has been permanently closed. >Also, shh my little baby, open you mouth & let us get this pacigag in there & locked up behind your neck.
I feel we need a Lucky Star Loli Herrington type chanting about how lolis endure the lash of the spanking so that we live cute lives.
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this is someting i'm working on, not diapers, but i might do a diaper edit eventually, if you want me to add you for requests, just shoot your discord
>>7152 Reminds me of a Chinese Olympic Swimmer.
Bumping this thread. Can we get a few things done on here?
>>23595 Any ideas? I was gonna bump with a drawing but it came out bad tbh
>>23624 Maybe one of my requests. >>3283 >>2674
Looking to due a western request
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Requesting a full body pin-up of young Joseph Joestar from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 2 wearing only a plain white adult diaper (either an 1930's cloth diaper with pins, a snibb style diaper, or a modern adult diaper with blue tabs). Please keep it clean (no wet or messy).
Where is everyone?
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I've got a few more diapered characters requests. Requesting one of the following characters wearing only plain white adult diapers with either blue or yellow tabs. #1-Barley Lightfoot from Onward #2-Yuga Aoyama from My Hero Academia #3-Hunk from Voltron: Legendary Defender
>>33994 You mean in this thread or on this board? People probably aren't in this thread because only like two people know how to draw and everyone else is just making weird, obscure, character requests. In general this board is just so inactive in general unfortunately. I miss the old 8chan days when the ABDL board there was one of the most active ones on the site.
>>33994 honestly all the requests are cringe fag shit.
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How long has the Oekaki thing been here or is it just for april fools?
>>35833 It was implemented on the last site update (March 31th). And I think Oekaki is a regular feature now.
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