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Another reason why Oprighan1 04/21/2022 (Thu) 05:34:52 No. 11335
I think firmly, the reason why we see more and more of this fetish openly on the net in our lives is because, ever since the advent of disposable diapers, the training age has gone up and up in first world countries. We are now seeing the data everywhere. Kids not out of diapers till 4 or even 5 years old! All because of super absorbent tech even in cloth diapers. 4 or 5 years old man, think about it, that's about when our long term memory starts to build memory. Thus, those memories start to emerge with the mere glance or thought of ab/dl imagery.
sorry but its definitely an availability heuristic thanks to the internet
cute trans pic
>>11349 Any more of her?
>>11349 I love to see transgirls give up on manhood and go straight to be a diapered baby girl. It's cute
Uses the nick Cereal in a number of the usual places; try FetLife, Twitter, or Tumblr
>>11349 Has there ever been confirmation of that?
>>11359 Nope. People say she is trans without proof. Definitely has some masculine features but never been proven to be trans. She is a definitely a weird character though...
I was potty trained at 4 tyvm, the day after my little brother ribbed me while in his printed undies.
>>11363 I can't find it now, but one of the sub sites they were on used to list them as trans for sure. It's why I stay away from their content.
I think the main reason and the main driving force behind this fetish is the creation of the childhood concept as we know today, in the beginning of the 20th century, but especially after WWII. Not coincidentally, the first reports about ageplayers and people into ABDL are from like in the 1960s, baby boomers essentially. Basically, I think this fetish is deeply influenced by the way childhood is and the society view childhood, as well as the standards of living in a given country. Like, it is hard to imagine someone having this fetish for being a baby/child in the early 1700 or so, when children were more seemed as "tiny adults working in the coal mines" rather than children. It might have happen, but it would be pretty weird in my option. I think society influences a lot of our kinks. Technologically, as you put it, through the innovation of diaper technology and so on, as well as socially.
>>11435 Are you forgetting that breasts, the part of the body that develops for feeding babies, have been sexualized for all of human history?
>>11435 >Not coincidentally, the first reports about ageplayers and people into ABDL are from like in the 1960s I have had people citing that there were clubs for age regression in Victorian England and that the fetish is a lot older but never any proofs.
There's a huge number of different reasons people are into it, so, if it really is growing (which it really seems to be), then there are probably also a huge number of different reasons for it. I think OP is probably on to a big one of those reasons, though. Along with it, the fact that modern disposable diapers actually work is probably a huge one. Because they actually work, now, you can enjoy wetting one even if you aren't into pee. Like, I, and most people, find pee gross and the idea of wetting pants to be extremely unpleasant. But a diaper is a totally different story because there's no huge obvious wet spot and no huge mess to clean. In fact that's one of the biggest, if not THE biggest aspect of the fetish to me. Either that or the feeling of bulk. Not sure which is bigger. But knowing I'm protected from a nightmare scenario in case I wet myself is huge. That I can just freely go with almost no consequence.
>>11444 It's a good point. You can't totally discard the possibility of people having this kink back then, especially because if you had a weird kink 300 years ago, especially if it was a relatively rare one... it was pretty easy for that information to end up getting lost in time, unless someone rote about it. All in all the story of studying and reporting human sexuality paraphilias and fetishes is pretty interesting. Definitely the only reason why people ever heard about this fetish back in the 60s and 70s and especially in the 90s was due to communication and broadcasting advancements through journals and magazines and the internet later on.
>>11335 >the training age has gone up Nah, continence in itself is largely physiological and acquired naturally around 2 years of age. As far as I know all mammals are continent. The way society builds around a way to socialize young kids to go to the right places to fulfill their continence (going to a bathroom in modern "western" culture) changes through time and cultures around the globe but that can't change the physiological fact of continence in its own I think. There's probably multiple reasons to why it's more visible now but I would guess that the extension of commodity, immediately available, mass-produced goods related to kinks, played a major role. As well as the free broadcasting network that is the internet. In fact it's definitely not this family of kinks that followed the same path but probably kinks in general, it's been commodified, absorbed into capitalism "seeking for new markets". A downside to this as I see it is probably that it entraps people into their kinks more easily to the point that they can less easily adapt to other sexual attractions they might have.
>>32525 >In fact it's definitely not this family of kinks that followed the same path but probably kinks in general "In fact it's definitely not just this family of kinks that followed this path, but kinks in general" as I should have put it. Dumbass me didn't reread himself.
>>32525 "A downside to this as I see it is probably that it entraps people into their kinks more easily to the point that they can less easily adapt to other sexual attractions they might have." Holy crap I think you're correct. Every woman I've had real sex with and even an ex wife, who neither knew about my diaper fetish always said "I never last long in bed". This roots from sneaking diapering from teenage years and up, wanting to "hurry up and go" so I wont get caught in this diaper. Subconsciously, this has lead to early ejaculation problems in my life I suspect.
I don't think it's the training age as much as disposable diapers being super comfortable. Cloth diapers were made with softness in mind when dry, but once you pee in them, its just a soaked and stinky towel that leaks all that pee back out on your skin when you sit down or move. Compare that to disposable diapers that are not only very soft when dry, but keep the wetness off the skin. So not only does it not feel gross, it actually feels good because there's a warm, squishy, soft thing wrapped around the most sensitive parts of the human body. That being said, it's pretty easy to see how there's a greater potential for the wires to get crossed in that early development stage with disposable diapers. I suppose the extra year or two in those diapers for modern kids also raises that potential.

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