/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Animations/drawn gifs that include diapers Baby 11/02/2020 (Mon) 12:51:02 No. 1768
from anything literally that you can find, from anime, from cartoons. from your favourite hentai artist (western or eastern) furry, human. loli, adult. edit, original. anything is allowed as long as it includes padding and is animated
(4.15 MB 1646x1300 May_Lazyblazy_GIF4.gif)

lazyblazy has a good chunk of those (tho minimally animated) but they are good. the people that follow her patreon are pissy af tho and are snitches for the most part when you leak her art specifically (they don't really care if you leak other artists stuff lol) , so a lot of people tend to be scared of leaking her new stuff.
(782.84 KB 1237x986 81780825.webm)

>>1769 Why would anyone put themselves in a position where it's even possible to be snitched on? Surely even people who use Patreon are smart enough to maintain some semblance of anonymity.
(30.49 MB 500x490 Final Awoo.mp4)

>>1769 >her You guys do know he's a dude right?
(5.57 MB 1280x720 Tonikaku Kawaii.webm)

>>1775 Well that was interesting
>>1773 he it she they, whatever dude.
(6.20 MB 764x1080 19_7_19.mp4)

(8.34 MB 1528x1080 19_8_18_1.mp4)

(5.35 MB 764x1080 19_9_18_1.mp4)

(5.78 MB 764x1080 19_10_16_1.mp4)

(6.30 MB 1528x1080 19_12_15_1.mp4)

>>1775 I want a wife like that..... also who is the source of that edit? the scene the person choose is good.
(1.48 MB 764x1080 20_1_17_1.mp4)

(3.53 MB 764x1080 20_2_20_1.mp4)

(4.09 MB 764x1080 20_3_20_1.mp4)

(2.91 MB 764x1080 20_4_17_1.mp4)

(1.21 MB 764x1080 20_5_14_1.mp4)

(1.81 MB 764x1080 20_6_17_1.mp4)

(1.90 MB 764x1080 20_7_23_1.mp4)

(2.67 MB 764x1080 20_8_21_1.mp4)

(2.84 MB 764x1080 20_9_16_1.mp4)

(2.03 MB 764x1080 20_10_25_1.mp4)

(89.83 KB 396x560 150_19_6_19_2.gif)

(18.17 MB 1280x720 Diapered in the FRANXX.mp4)

(5.03 MB 1280x720 Akko Poof w_voice_ending 2.webm)

(1.78 MB 1280x720 Caulifla hypermessing.webm)

(1.30 MB 1920x1080 Pillow.webm)

(2.68 MB 800x450 Rebecca rocking.webm)

(4.97 MB 1920x1080 The Anniemation V2.webm)

>>1772 I mean in a discord setting, people being hypocrites and shit. "yeah I don't mind seeing that artist's leaked stuff, but god forbid you leak my two favorite artists stuff sketchman and lazyblazy and I would make to check if that was posted on their public accounts before I call you out and if it's not I would call you it. but yeah those other artists? I don't really care if that relatively new looking piece of artwork from them is leaked in fact I wouldn't bother checking it's not even leaked of course...." something like that, this sht makes a lot of people from sharing leaked stuff rapidly. this makes me want to subscribe to lazy's share blazy's unleaked stuff just to piss in these faggots' mouths. yeah posting this felt nice.
(2.13 MB 500x390 63531393.gif)

(1.45 MB 500x390 63531393short.gif)

(64.82 KB 900x506 525_Legit-request_animated.gif)

(180.02 KB 1920x1080 561_Need-to-go.gif)

(217.78 KB 1920x1080 650_Keep-trying.gif)

(193.17 KB 1920x1080 709_Brownies.gif)

(1.05 MB 1920x1080 712_Dream.gif)

>>1811 the first one is really cute!
(5.48 MB 1117x929 85598621.gif)

(2.54 MB 1043x1416 Chilling_Lazyblazy.png)

(7.34 MB 682x1071 Donna_Lazyblazy_Gifs.gif)

(2.94 MB 1117x929 Mu_Lazyblazy_GIF1.gif)

(3.06 MB 1117x929 Mu_Lazyblazy_GIF2.gif)

(2.96 MB 1117x929 Mu_Lazyblazy_GIF3.gif)

>>1833 first one but with text and a shat in diaper
>>1833 >>1834 hate to break it to ya but the 3rd image in each of these is a static image.
>>1773 eeehh...no
(5.31 MB 1280x720 Scene1Subbed.webm)

>>1853 posted em by wrong, with the dump
>>1881 source on that first one? Its super cute!
(19.23 MB 544x566 85802488.gif)

>>1855 I'm loving these edits. so cute. also here's some potato quality lazyblazy stuff cuz I got em from pixiv.
(658.66 KB 1080x720 satsuki_spanking_ryuko.gif)

(208.77 KB 1281x1254 tsugumomo abdl.jpg)

Will we ever get an anime with a lot of ABDL stuff in it? I really want to watch one. Also, my image is from the first season of Tsugumomo. It only lasts a few seconds but I was pleased to see it.
(623.71 KB 1920x1080 80853540.webm)

>>1998 you could tell she has been teased lol
(2.24 MB 1280x720 Nekopara Diaper Scene.webm)

(1.70 MB 852x480 nagatoro diaper.webm)

(2.12 MB 500x702 1447100369693.gif)

(27.95 KB 112x213 1589723138089.gif)

(10.23 MB 1754x2480 3.13.21_Haruka_SoundVer.mp4)

(23.37 MB 1920x1080 Goblin Slayer Diaper Scene.mp4)

>>3613 Is there another Nagatoro diaper clip Senpai in diaper at the beach?
>>4455 would you fuck off you autistic faggot
who is making all of these god-tier anime edits??
>>4637 LpHooves
(6.86 MB 560x544 anim_1_vrl.gif)

(5.25 MB 700x700 anim_2_grl.mp4)

(1.62 MB 560x560 anim_3_vrl.gif)

(317.63 KB 560x560 anim_4_tmk.gif)

(4.08 MB 1000x1000 anim_5_amg.mp4)

(14.15 MB 1920x1080 Redo of Healer Diaper Scene.mp4)

>>4922 haha holy shit she overreacting to finding out the other woman is wearing a diaper is fucking ridiculous lol
>>4934 it's an edit, retard
>>4962 Don't be mean to a stupid bab.
30 fps vs 60 fps vs 240 fps vs 960 fps by AI, thought this would be fun to try.
(8.34 MB 1528x1080 19_8_18_1.mp4)

>>5610 30fps vs 120fps
(5.35 MB 764x1080 19_9_18_1.mp4)

>>5611 30 vs 120
>>5612 12 fps vs 96
Pretty good anon. Getting these originally from pixiv?
>>5627 the gogo ones are from the leaked mega. the omllulettes one is from his original account and he has it publicly. I used flowframes, to try and increase the framerate.
>>5713 They are pretty good anon. Thanks for sharing.
>>1799 Jesus Christ, this one is amazing. It's a video? Can someone spoonfeed this baby?
(863.79 KB 680x907 ClipboardImage.png)

>>5840 I see a dumb bab that can't read. If I spoonfeed you chances are if I tried you'd make a mess round your mouth!
>>5841 >the mommy dom rper is a dimitrescu retard Of course. Kill yourself.
>>5844 Seconding this, RPing is really starting to piss me off.
>>5846 >muh diaper-shitting board is serious bizniss! Go away, faggot. I'm just going to RP more now
I really lost way too many files.
>>5847 Your RP sucks, of course you're doing it out of spite.
>>5854 >everyone RP'ing on /abdl/ is one person Lol
>>5854 Consider the following: You're shitting on shitposters making shit posts about a board that deals with the subject of people shitting themselves.
>>5841 I managed to get Hyro's Diaper Diva webpage thanks to the filename, but can't find the Bulma animation
>>5856 All your RP sucks >>5858 And we shit ourselves much more fabulously than you, you have no style, and no clout.
>>5863 >All your RP sucks Yet it’s still a lot of fun~
Few anons in this thread really need a trip over Graces knee.
>>6039 This is hypnotic tbh
>>6043 Feels like something that should be added to the board CSS bottom right corner.
>>6048 Second this
>>6048 >>6083 Anyone with the know-how to do it? If not, I might have to tinker with it later when I get some time. That would be kino.
>>6125 Maybe look at current spooky scary CSS thats up?
(1.40 MB 1280x720 c3313z.webm)

Thought I'd share.
(8.57 MB 640x360 Diaper in the Franxx.webm)

Found something old.
Does anyone know what happened to lphooves?
I am Bumping this
>>9653 Deleted from the internet I think? The dude used to be a huge and incredibly talented/inspired unique pony artist. Then one day he just ghosted. Years later a handful of anime pedo drawings surfaced, but those were incredibly generic and lacking of any inspiration whatsoever. Pretty sure the guy's dead inside. Dead silence ever since.
(22.82 MB 995x1563 Deep_Sleep_clean_high.gif)

(26.36 MB 1425x2000 Reaching the Peak.gif)

>>1803 babybrained was top quality stuff, so said they disappeared
(44.99 KB 750x706 1679766372607576.jpg)

>>31127 They've got a discord they hang out in, I think I've seen them post art here and there but honestly I don't track them too much. Place is alt-right as fuck. Look for RW Diaper Squad, name of the place
>>31152 >Place is alt-right as fuck. They honestly come off more as conservatard boomers for the most part, who post furshit and the most disturbing dA shit imaginable "ironically" while being normalfags about 17 year old pixels.
>>31162 Can’t find it to confirm.
>>31180 Sadly we can't see that channel - we'd need an invite link to be able to join it
>>31180 Doesn't it come under encouraged harassment at this point?
>>31130 sauce on the first one?
(2.24 MB 1280x720 Nekopara Diaper Scene.webm)

>>9653 The fuck? He literally has been posting on pixiv and DA, he's been making anime diaper animation edits, and diaper animations, he's even making a fucking diaper game. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/18824385 https://thisvid.com/members/1213661/ >>31127 !cap
>>31235 Good lord that is even worse than I imagined. How can someone who was once so on the top of the game fall this low?
>>31296 Probably got like Merunyaa and got bored with the abdl fetish
>>31296 >So on the top Literal who?
>>31322 That implies that Merunyaa was actually good in the first place
>>31322 she didn't really get bored, more like she realized there was more money in other fetish stuff and diapers are actively off putting to people not into it
(62.94 KB 604x453 1681584612749673.jpg)

>>31331 I mean, you're welcome to post images of folks you think are better. Everyone would probably like that. But you won't.
>>31349 Like 90% of artists are better. But you probably aren't satisfied with that answer are you
(90.36 KB 671x485 1679626304240370.jpg)

>>31370 And yet you can't post any one of them. Kys.
(1.96 MB 720x1006 4IeDz5Sgy8YFGaq7.mp4)

Found something good for all you Miku fans ;)
Bumping this
bumping this to see if this is still updating.
>>35150 This isn't 4chan. This thread has been going since 2020. Stop bumping without content.
>>4962 Where can I find the original unedited footage of the video?
>>35179 Its in the name of the video retard
(691.48 KB 600x584 IMG_2415.gif)

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