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Unsubstatiated Diaper Faggotry Baby 11/13/2022 (Sun) 13:10:30 No. 19251
Thought I'd make a list of diaper stories that came up over the years that were bullshit but people believed it to be true. A fake diaper news as it were. Bridal Diapers Probably most infamous of this list >Over a decade ago some fag with a diaper fetish pretended to be a newlywed mentioning wearing diapers due to their wedding dress preventing them making it easily to the bathroom >This obvious fapwank somehow gained traction through the internet where places like cafemom thought it to be true and started discussing the pros and cons of wearing diapers on their wedding day >Story even made it into the media where journalists thought there was an emerging market for bridal diapers >Still keeps occasionally being brought up to this day Communion Diapers Probably the more controversial one >Appeared roughly after the bridal diaper shitpost went mainstream >Likely done by same fag that who meme'd bridal diapers into existence >Story that girls during their first communion as a symbol of purity should wear diapers as well as other "babyish" style clothing >Had a brief discussion throughout parenting and christian forums before dying down >Most saw it as bullshit however a few seemed gullible enough to take it as legit Diapered Actors One arguably as old as cinema itself, however while there are obvious examples of it being done intentionally, this is regarding where it has been hidden on set >Stories mainly focus on teen and middle aged child actors having to wear diapers on set >Supposedly meant to be due to limited filming schedules kids are not allowed potty breaks is the standard reason given >Usually every few years there's a post on some blog or diaperfag forum brings up some "X" person had to wear diapers on set for speculative reasons and typically posts out of focus images as proof >These are usually quickly debunked and then buried >Unlike most other stories there is evidence of this being partially true or at least taken heavily out of context as some actors and actresses have come forward in recent years and admitted having bladder issues as kids typically being bedwetters
the bridal diapers thing exists mainly because an ABDL took a photo of her wearing a diaper in her wedding dress and posted it online. her and her husband are still active in the community and they're both on tumblr.
>>19252 That appeared after a lot of writefaggotry appeared on the internet regarding bridal diapers.Whole story is about normalfags wearing them for weddings which was never true but the abdl community meme'd it into existence.
>>19251 Does 90% of the bullshit “true” stories on this board count? >>19253 >>19252 Yeah, I’m pretty sure I remember these stories first appearing 15-20 years ago before said pictures were taken. I think someone probably saw the true stories of astronauts or deep sea divers wearing diapers and started fantasizing about other situations in which normal people would wear diapers. What’s interesting is that the person or persons responsible kept at this for years before fading off into obscurity. I really wonder who they were and where they are now.
Also I don’t recall seeing anything like this >Unlike most other stories there is evidence of this being partially true or at least taken heavily out of context as some actors and actresses have come forward in recent years and admitted having bladder issues as kids typically being bedwetters
>>19257 You could honestly google famous bedwetters and get a list. One example I remember was when diaper edits going around and one was of Sarah Silverman wearing diapers for it only to be revealed something like a week later she was a legit bedwetter and had to wear diapers to bed in her teens. Combined some juicy rumors about her sex life some thought she may have been a closet abdl.
>>19251 >communion diapers I've heard this, but since I'm not a catholic, no idea. My theory is that it's not a diaper per say, but the dress has a cloth undergarment that looks like a diaper / diaper cover. Also, some parents do diaper their children for petty reasons if they have a history of accidents. This may explain why of all things the diaper. True or not, I wouldn't be surprised either way. And it's way more fun to pretend it's true
>>19251 Back when ExperienceProject was a thing there was so much of this. There were a lot of TBDL stories about how they were made to wear diapers for Spirit Week at school. There was that one chick who said that she was never potty trained and that her children never got potty trained either. And of course there was always a "my parents took me out of school to be a fulltime baby" story.
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>>19274 It's one schizophrenic pedo behind all of it
>>19288 >February 5, 2021 Holy shit that's way more recent than I expected.
>>19288 Now that's dedication
>>19299 Never underestimate the power of pedo autism.
>>19259 she literally named her memoir The Bedwetter. LOL
>>19288 Holy shit. I remember stumbling on a bunch of things like this on parenting forums where supposed parents would post about how their older kids or teenagers were either still in diapers or back in diapers for some trivial reason. For people in the know about ABDL it's easy to see through the bullshit but the normies were saying it was fucked up and/or child abuse. Of course the OP to those threads would have multiple accounts that would chime in and agree that it's a good idea. I really wonder how many fucking accounts this aspie made because from what I remember it seemed like there was an infinite supply for a while. There was the other side of this too where people were acting like angsty teenagers and posting stupid shit like "my parents are forcing me to wear diapers and it's so unfair" I also seem to recall an entire website devoted to diaper discipline that was designed to look like a parents self help page. I think there was an ebook with that or something. This was surprisingly recent, compared to a lot of this shit. Somewhere between 2010-2015 maybe? Looking back on all of it now it almost feels like some weird pseudo-exhibitionism. Like the autismo wants to expose his fetish to the normies but trying to be subtle about it. I'm just struggling to figure out what they get out of it but I guess that's on me for trying to understand some sperg-brains.
>>19329 You mean like this? https://web.archive.org/web/20161002104107/http://www.diaperdisciplinesite.com/ There was actually quite a few but this was was the most notorious. >almost feels like some weird pseudo-exhibitionism It pretty much was.
>>19331 I vaguely remember that website but what I was thinking of another. Pretty sure the one I saw was using a more modern generic blogger template or whatever. That sterile web design with all the flat colors that everything on the internet seems to use now. >It pretty much was. Yeah but isn't the point of exhibitionism that you're explicitly exposing yourself to other people? The weird attempt at hiding it under the weird pseudo larp is what confuses me about it.
Speaking of, anybody remember that "Redemption: Bedwetting and Consequences" movie? The one that was like, borderline CP? What the hell was that about? Why didn't they face any charges? What even was the point of it if it wasn't kiddie porn? (Also, apparently the actress playing the diapered kid also played Joseph Goebbels' daughter in a movie about the last days of the Third Reich)
>>19252 links?
>>19340 The director didn't know what abdl was and thought he was making a really hard hitting movie about abuse but after the movie was done and got the wrong type of attention he tried to bury it.
>>19359 i remember that movie. it was...wierd and not at all what i expected. i randomly ran across it recently on youtube.
>>19251 Another common trope is the "should I put my kids back in diapers for Disney world?" like this one. There are a bunch on Quora too, all talking about how they "heard a rumour" or read something on a "respected website" https://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/do-parents-really-put-their-older-kids-in-diapers-for-a-trip-to-disney-world.98502/
>>19372 I know this is kinda off topic but people on Quora are so fucking weird, I once saw a guy obsessed with putting itching powder in a baby's diaper
>>19372 Forgot about that one Another on vague similar lines I remember are travel diapers for kids for long car journeys to prevent so many rest stops. >>19383 Quora is retardation of the highest order In other topic, saw this on pixiv. Brides in diapers thread when?
>>19359 Do you have a source on this?
>>19359 >a really hard hitting movie about abuse I recall people finding a real news story with some serious similarities to the movie. I don't think diapers were involved but the gist of it was that after a woman's husband died she went batshit insane and pulled her daughter out of school and started treating her more like a baby. From what I remember she got caught when the girl's teacher saw her out in public using a pacifier and asked her why she hadn't been in school. This could be another one of those bullshit "true" stories but I remember it being posted on a somewhat concvincing looking news website. Haven't been able to find it since though so maybe it was bullshit. >The director didn't know what abdl was I find that hard to believe. Really feels like he knew exactly what ABDL was and wanted to make a "author's thinly veiled fetish" movie and feigned ignorance when people called him out on it.
>>19372 >My son is just four and, whilst i didn't put him back into diapers at WDW I did put him in a "dry night" on the plane ride back to England as I thought if we hit turbulance we maybe unable to get up to use the restroom! A 10 hour flight is very long if you can't get up! Honestly this didn't sound too crazy to me... This fetish honestly makes me second-guess my judgement when it comes to diapering stuff. Whenever I have kids, I'm glad I'll have a wife to consult about these things. Diapers are just such a nice safety net, just to have in case of accidents. Purely objectively speaking, unless it's hot and you want thinner and less layers to help stay cool, I don't see any advantages to underwear over pull-ups or diapers, other than cost (assuming you use the toilet and just have the padding for emergencies). But obviously you don't want to make children have confidence issues or be anxious/emberrassed or anything, or damage their potty training. A lot of peoples' responses in that thread were very puzzling until I noticed they were talking about forcing children in diapers that didn't want to be in them. Or the possibility of the child, who was previously happy being potty trained, suddenly wanting to go back to diapers. I wouldn't want to inflict my terrible fate on any of my children, lol.
>>19430 In the context of normal child development, I could entirely imagine a young child with night-time issues wearing some kind of protection on a long trip or other situations where they might fall asleep (I have a vague memory of wearing a goodnite for an evening car trip when I was about 4, so I could imagine something similar applying for young children on plane journeys). But the 'night time issues' bit is the key part of that. Putting a kid who is already potty trained with no issues back in diapers/pull-ups 'just in case' could well be borderline emotional abuse for the average child - we put so much on young children about 'being a big kid' and 'not being a baby', particularly around potty training, that I don't think there'd be a way to do it that wouldn't knock their confidence/esteem/feeling of being trusted by their parent on some level. But particularly the WDW stuff, where it's about convenience, taking a potty trained kid and putting them in a situation where it's at least implicitly okay if they pee themselves? That screams "barely concealed deviants" to me.
>>19435 Yeah, no, I understand the core of what they were getting angry about - the more people articulated it, the more they fleshed out the reasons. Thing is, I'm fairly anxious by nature. I think at the core of my DL-ism is the constant, completely unwarranted fear that I may have a small accident. I have not had one in like 24 years or something. Except for wet dreams. Those caused me a tremendous amount of panic and despair when I was younger. I thought I was just wetting myself a little. Also, often when falling asleep, I feel like I just barely catch myself before I have a small accident. But because of that, when I read "putting a child in diapers at WDW" I just think "oh yeah, in case of accidents, nice to have the safety net", not "because you don't want to have to leave the line to take them to the bathroom". The line thing is a pretty terrible and selfish reason to do it.
>>19438 I mean, context as in everything. At the risk of getting into armchair psychiatry, where do you think your anxiety about accidents came from? Did it stem from an actual incident or was it entirely unsubstantiated?
>>19435 >we put so much on young children about 'being a big kid' and 'not being a baby', particularly around potty training, That itself is emotional abuse.
>>19439 Probably from wet dreams, which for years I thought I was just having tiny accidents. I was terrified I would fall asleep and have one during a nap. I came incredibly close to that happening on a plane, once. Also sometimes when I'm falling asleep I'll suddenly feel like I just barely stopped myself from having an actual tiny accident, and that will make it hard to sleep.
>>19475 It depends. Thinking to my own childhood, I don't recall my potty training per sae, but I remember a few things vaguely before and after that time, and I don't think I was ever punished for using the diapers, I just wanted to be a "grown-up"/"big kid" that wasn't in diapers. It was all carrot, no stick, as far as I remember. I'm not sure kids have to be taught to be embarrassed about their diapers. But I don't have any younger siblings, I've never really seen a child through development, myself. But I felt naked without any padding, yet I was still too embarrassed to ask to be in padding again, and didn't want to go out in public in padding, and I don't remember that embarrassment being linked to any punishments or anything. Similar to the wet dreams. I think being embarrassed about your waste is just instinctual. And that somehow conveys into being being embarrassed about diapers. Or something like that.
>>19359 There's a DailyDiapers post from someone who worked with the director who says that he was aware of the ABDL scene. Apparently it was supposed to be a pitch for a feature length film and it got leaked: https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/27102-redemption-a-bedwetting-story-where-to-find/&do=findComment&comment=393073
>>19484 ah, yes, angela bauer, the "lawyer" who has been around forever and says she has worked with famous people. also, this is true: https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/77456-i-got-spanked-again/#comment-1887411 /s take anything they say with a grain of salt. 99% it's all bullshit.
Anyone remember reading about Cat Chaser Conspiracy? You know, the Seattle punk band with the lead singer who pissed herself? I thought for sure it was made up, but someone on YouTube found a song they did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klk76-Le5ZU and here's an interview the lead singer did for WetSet Magazine, where she did some videos and photos. You can still find them today (warning: it's web video from 1999 so it looks like it was filmed on a can of spaghetti-o's) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx0ojO7c4iU Now, someone on omo.org did some digging, and did the math... https://www.omorashi.org/topic/28247-cat-chaser-conspiracy-90s-punkband-dedicated-to-wetting/ tl;dr WET SET MAGAZINE MAY HAVE BEEN SELLING VIDEOS OF AN UNDERAGED GIRL WETTING HERSELF FOR OVER 20 YEARS
>>19475 Yeah, agreed. Especially at that age where your brain is basically a sponge soaking up every little fucking thing around you whether your parents want you to or not. That pressure that some parents put on kids at that age really sticks and lasts a lifetime, unfortunately. I think sometimes it leads to people who grow up to be strong and ambitious children who overcome it and other times it leads to anxious horrible wrecks of adults. Sometimes it's both.
I mean, I kind of get how some loony ABDL stories presented as fact can be believable and gain such momentum. ABDL isn't physically impossible like some other niche fetishes, though it does disgust most normies. The diapered bride thing is kind of believable considering that just heavy and elaborate costumes and clothing for entertainment and fashion may not be easy to quickly get out of if necessary and may require assistance to do so. There's also that some particularly heavy and bulky costumes (like in some monster movies or just sports or theme park mascots) can require built in ventilation and hydration for the wearer so they don't potentially die from dehydration or heat stroke while wearing it for extended periods. Even in the Middle Ages a warrior wearing heavy armor that required assistance to don or remove might need to in fact piss or shit himself because he could not easily take it off or put it back on. Even some ABDL stories involving diaper discipline or forced regression that would count as abusive if they happened in real life has some real world parallels. There's cases of neglectful parents not toilet training their kids properly and also cases of parents using humiliation to punish their kids. There's "reparenting". It was a fringe form of psychotherapy from the 60s, invented by Jacqui Lee Schiff, that involved a therapist regressing the patient and treating them like a child in an effort to cure them of psychological problems and was even used on juvenile delinquents. It's exactly the plot for various fetish stories. She even wrote a book about it. Even the covers for two editions scream "this is an ABDL fetish" thing, but this is something people actually did try for treating mental illness. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reparenting Related to reparenting there's also "rebirthing" which sounds like a regression and unbirth fetish thing, but was also a fringe psychotherapy that people actually tried to treat children with. The idea behind it was to break a child's will and reduce them to a more infantile state then the caretaker using this to modify behavior and gain the child's trust which may also involve treating them like a baby with things like bottle feeding and cradling the child against the body. A lot of it sounds like deliberately abusing a kid then trying to induce Stockholm Syndrome to get them to behave and attach to their caretaker. Specifically part of it involved a form compression therapy and restraint that resulted in some deaths, people going to prison, and a couple states making this form of therapy illegal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebirthing_(attachment_therapy) >>19621 It's nothing new. I know this sounds incredibly cynical, but even if parents don't intend to and try to avoid giving their children baggage, even if they intend "I'll raise my children better than my parents did me and give them the best", they'll still end up doing it. Some kids handle it better and some parents manage not to fuck up their kids enough to cripple them psychologically and may even manage to help with innate anxieties and sorrows, but it still happens regardless. Our parents did the same and any of us with kids will also end up doing it. It's unavoidable. People are flawed and nothing human is perfect. This isn't an excuse or condemnation, it's just a statement of fact. Larkin's This Be the Verse mentioned the concept back in the 70s even.
>>19693 I mean, spend enough time looking at anything in psychotherapy and you can find things that are quasi-ABDL, because psychotherapy is predictably obsessed with anything to do with genitalia. And just to illustrate/offer a counterexample to the coercive attachment therapy, I remember reading an extract from A.S.Neill's book on his "Summerhill" school - based on Homer Lane's theoretical principles of radical self-government and unconditional approval of children's behaviours - and a surprising amount of Neill's anecdotes read like ABDL fiction (or perhaps it's vice versa - Summerhill's been running since the 1920s after all)
>>19693 Ah yes, Jacqui Lee Schiff's diaper cult. The one that scalded a guy to death.
>>19799 As a practicing psychotherapist, I can assure you that no one aside from a few die hard Freudian Psychoanalysis are "obsessed" with genitalia. That shit began in the 20's and mostly died out by the 60's. Nothing in my current modalities (ACT, DBT, CBT and Motivational Interviewing) have anything to do with sex or genitalia. Only if a client presents with issues directly related to sex would I broach that subject. Just fyi.
>>19693 >>20385 Wait, what's this "reparenting" thing? How have I not heard of it before? Is this legit psychology that's sometimes practiced? It sounds incredible. Sometimes you crave certain foods if you're low on certain vitamins, so you have a craving for something that solves a problem you don't know the details of. Could ABDLism be the same way with reparenting?
>>20440 It's pseudoscience at best, most of the reported cases see the people subjected to it traumatised by the experience.
>>20385 Would mentioning ABDL to a therapist be a bad idea? Say that it is indirectly related to a topic I am discussing with them and they notice that a certain word triggers me into reacting a certain way. Is it something that I should bring up, as a way for my therapist to understand me and my mindset better?
>>20452 I think it all depends on how you feel about revealing your ABDL side. If it's something that you have unresolved feelings about, I definitely think you would benefit from processing that with a therapist. The majority of therapists today are kink aware and non-judgmental. Anything you can provide to a therapist that helps them understand you better is a good thing. And don't be afraid to look for a new therapist if you feel that they lack understanding or insight in regards to your ABDL side. Good luck!
>>20452 Depends on the therapist, but err on the side of it being a bad idea. There are enough people who immediately associate ABDL with pedos that the risk is worth considering, and if your therapist builds up in his mind a rationale for you being a danger to children, regardless of whether you actually are, confidentiality doesn't apply anymore.
>>20644 Agreed. I've never brought up any fetish with a therapist because of this. One has to consider that psychologists are obligated to act if they think a patient might be a danger to themselves or others. Involuntary commitment is the best case scenario if the wrong thing is said even if is true and the suffering involved is legitimate. It's why I'm careful about what I say to my therapist and don't really trust them as I have gone through commitment before over saying the wrong thing and I would prefer that they not think I'm also potentially a sex offender.
>>20644 >>20652 You are out of touch by like half a century if you think trained professionals would confuse ABDL for pedophilia.
>>20663 You are a fucking moron if you think mandatory reporters are not a thing. In most (not all) states, idk about bongland but I'm sure its 10x worse; even if a therapist or pastor or doctor SUSPECT a potential crime they are BY FORCE OF LAW compelled to tell law enforcement.
>>20663 >>20664 It seems like there's some confusion here on how involuntary commitment and doctor-patient confidentiality actually work. Involuntary commitment, while abused in the past, has a lot of restrictions in many countries now specifically because of how it's been abused. Involuntary commitment exists to deal with patients that due to impaired decision making may be at risk of severely harming themselves or others. Doctor-patient confidentiality is there to prevent a a doctor from both revealing potentially harmful information to non-medical professionals regarding a patient's condition and to prevent a doctor from potentially being forced to testify in court against a patient. Doctor-patient confidentiality exists because some level of trust is needed for a doctor to do their job properly. A patient may be unwilling to divulge symptoms it they think it may be a liability or result in criminal charges. An example of this is a person who has a history of illegal drug use or gets an STD in a questionable or illegal manner may need to be able to divulge that information to a doctor for proper treatment and to prevent further spread and development of disease. The second anon being replied to also mentioned pastors, Something similar exists regarding confession in Catholicism and certain Protestant denominations. In Catholic church law Seal of Confession means a priest can be excommunicated for revealing criminal or scandalous information. The extent and specifics on these vary by country and for the latter there is indeed a conflict between church and civil law in some jurisdictions. Involuntary commitment exists to prevent potential self harm or harm to others. It does not apply for actions that have already happened which, even if criminal, will still usually fall under doctor-patient confidentiality. If a therapist has a belief that a patient may harm themselves or someone else due to compromised mental faculties they are obligated to prevent it via involuntary comitmment. Yes this has and still is abused in many countries, but a lot of countries have legal limitations on how it can be used specifically because of past abuse. I do agree with the sentiment of wariness and caution about revealing a fetish to a therapist as it can potentially lead to commitment if presented in a way that makes the therapist think the patient may harm themselves or someone else because of it. Involuntary commitment is also not designed to actually cure a patient, but rather stabilize them enough they aren't any immediate danger to themselves or others. It is not a pleasant experience to have it happen and can be humiliating. There's also to consider how psychiatry currently deals with the sex related issue of gender dysphoria due to how permanent and potentially harmful alterations to the body can be encouraged to someone mentally and emotionally compromised and vulnerable. I would avoid bringing up or mentioning of something like a TGTF fetish because of a therapist focusing to much on it and suggesting possibly harmful treatment.
>>20664 And they're not going to do that just because you say thick crinkly underwear gets your dick hard. Sounds like you have some urges you're not telling us about, what with how insecure you are.
>>20664 Mandatory reporting only applies to certain criminal or potentially criminal behaviour, like making a threat against someone's life. Unorthodox kinks like AB/DL aren't crimes, and any half-competent therapist will know that (especially one with a professional interest in sex and relationships). And for what it's worth, even the ones without a standing interest will have the wherewithal to stick "what is AB/DL?" into a search engine/professional database/library gateway. Again, I emphasize, AB/DL is not a crime.
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>>20669 >>20670 >>20672 Post badges!
Forgot to include this.
>>20670 >>20672 If you want to trust a therapist to understand the difference between AB stuff and pedophilia, you can feel free to do that. Advising other people to do that, however, is so irresponsible I have a hard time believing it could be done in good faith (especially on a board that has multiple loli threads--you're really going to tell me you don't understand that normalfags can misunderstand things they see as pedophilia-adjacent?)
>>20675 >>20676 Not really sure why you replied to >>20669 explaining how involuntary commitment and doctor-patient and priest-penitent privilege actually works, but still agreeing with others that bringing up weird fetishes to a therapist is still probably a bad idea. Also that PDF you posted is about reporting of child abuse and neglect in general and doesn't have to involve indication or evidence sexual abuse specifically. It even goes over repeatedly standards for different states and territories. There has to actually be evidence or reasonable cause to believe child abuse or neglect is going in the US (and a lot of countries for that matter). Seriously there are a lot of abused and neglected children that the government never gets involved with. There's even been major court rulings that government agencies and police have no obligation and are not liable for failing to prevent child abuse or even enforce restraining orders that would could have prevented the murder of children such as Town of Castle Rock v Gonzales and DeShaney v Winnebago County. Honestly the pamphlet just comes off as something created to reassure people that the government is doing something, cares enough, and has the resources to prevent most instances of child abuse when that is very much not the case. Again, it's probably not a great idea to bring up a niche fetish to a therapist and I'm one of the anons here that agrees in not bringing weird sexual things up with a psychiatrist. At the same time though they're not going to send someone to jail or have someone investigated simply over mentioning ABDL or some other weird fetish to a therapist. There has to be evidence or reasonable cause to believe harm is being done or will be done or that a law is actually being broken. Even BDSM people aren't this paranoid and that's explicitly illegal in some jurisdictions (even parts of the US) under the reasoning people can't consent to assault and there actually being court cases and police involved over severe injuries resulting when someone went overboard with it. Anyway... can we back on topic?
Bridal Diapers. I see this one to be fairly possible in today's countries, as a practical thing, or as a kink thing. But i think that it would be extremly rare. (Excluding all who are incontinent and DOES need them). Communion Diapers. I for one hope that this is not a thing for anyone that isn't incontinent for real. As this comes off as extremly cultish and creepy. Diapered Actors. I am sure that at least some actors are diaper dependent and wears diapers at work, but that it is very rare.
I've been hearing stories that people are trying to smuggle drugs by wearing diapers and stashing the drugs in the diapers lately but I see any source that would call trustworthy. Seems that as an idea its so retarded that I would not be surprised if it turns out it was true but also worked?
>>39773 I really doubt that would work. People who successfully smuggle drugs through airports just mix them in with their luggage or other, innocuous stuff. There's already stories out there of the TSA searching people wearing diapers anyway, so if they thought that this was a trend they'd just be even more likely to do it.
>>32317 >Communion Diapers >I for one hope that this is not a thing for anyone that isn't incontinent for real. As this comes off as extremly cultish and creepy. This is not real. There are no Catholic practices that resemble ABDL in any way. This feels like someone reinterpreting the Mormon undergarments to somehome make another ABDL-style scenario
>>40037 I don't think it's even as widespread as a meme or something like it. I think it was in this thread way back or somewhere else where I explained my personal theory on this. Basically all of the communion diaper stories I've run into in the wild have the same basic format and even use the same descriptors and setup. Basically I'm 99% it's the specific fantasy of one, single, lone perverted boomer with a very specific fetish. The lack of variation in the story and context really convinces me that there is absolutely nobody other than this one guy who gets off on that fantasy.
>>19251 >Communion Diapers I just realized something; ive spoken to multiple separate people who've said something to the effect of wanting to re-raise a little as a 'good catholic' There has to be some correlation here right?
>>40043 That boomer might be in this thread
>19340 anyone got a copy? i heard there were 2 parts on youtube years ago but i never saw it
>>40823 The what?
>>40561 that boomer might be YOU
>>19340 Anyone remember the version that uses shiny happy people by REM for music or the script that was posted on the movies myspace page?
>>40892 Calm down, boom boom
>>19428 There was a couple that posted on Daily Diapers back in the day and said they were producers on the movie and were ABDLs but that most of the crew didn't know or wasn't involved in the scene. Unfortunately autists immediately began trying to dox them and alert everyone else from the crredits.
No joke I just went to a wedding over the weekend where the bride's friends were telling me her dress was so elaborate/restrictive that the girls had to help her fully take the dress off a couple times for her to go pee. She had to completely take the dress off and pee in the nude. Should've just worn a diaper.
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>>40980 That this isn't unusual is why the bridal diaper thing sounds realistic. That you can find multiple articles and videos of how to use the bathroom while wearing a wedding dress is very telling on how complicated and difficult the less simple ones can be to remove. One of the roles for bridesmaids is to assist with the challenges of wedding dress that may be difficult to remove or get on alone. I find it funny the bridal diapers thing has spread enough you can find serious articles from women's magazine websites bringing this up. If this started as a myth made up by an ABDL fetishist, I'm impressed that it spread to normalfags talking about it. They're more than a decade old, but here's a couple stories primarily focused on diapered brides I know of for those interested. https://web.archive.org/web/20211201035754/http://foxtalestimes.com/Stories/pampered_bride.htm https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/viewtopic.php?p=22046699 Only the first one was ever finished though.
>>40982 When women discover that the bridal diaper is a good idea is probably best way to describe the reaction to it.
>>40982 >foxtalestimes Remember when that was a thing? Now it is more or less abandoned. As for the bridal diapers you can even just randomly type it into google and find serious news articles about it. Though most go along the lines of if you need to consider bridal diapers then you need to revaluate your bridal dress.

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