/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Bondage, Restraints and Lockable Clothing Baby 02/01/2021 (Mon) 15:41:18 No. 2547
A thread to talk about things like locking diaper covers, toddler harnesses, back-zipper sleepers, etc. Both fictional and real discussion is welcome. I recently discovered this site which gives a lot of ideas and information on how to secure overalls and other types of clothing: https://camilleb.home.xs4all.nl/tb-bd/BiB_secure_clothes.html It turns out there are sites selling both key-locked and magnetically-locked buckles for use on baby restraints. I also discovered a shop selling booties with spikes inside which effectively force the wearer to crawl.
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I can't find the exact image, but there was one of a loli put into a forced crawl that I really liked. On her hands were mittens, and there were little chains that kept her from extending her arm all of the way. Similarly for her back legs it was not possible for her to stand. It was really cute, and I actually tried to recreate it for myself. It kinda fell apart as a crawled around but it was fun, I hope to get more into some sort of fun diaper-bondage more myself one day. I'm also a big fan of those spreader bars and stuff. Also those little boots are so cute and devilish, that's one way to make sure that a baby crawls~ Have you guys ever done any self-bondage in diapers?
>>2550 I think this is the one you mean. It would definitely be possible to build something like that. The attachment points could probably be integrated into a onesie. The only disadvantage is that it might make it a bit difficult to sit on a normal chair. The second image shows a real product designed to stop toddlers from climbing out of their cribs. I'd love something like that in an adult size with a locking zipper. I do own a locking diaper cover although I haven't had a chance to make proper use of it yet.
>>2551 Yes, that is the exact pic! I've always loved that one. I like your idea of integrating it with a onesie. What I had done was super makeshift, mainly because I was sitting around looking at pics and just got the urge to imitate that all of the sudden, but I imagine that that wouldn't be too hard to put together if one were to put a little bit of thought into it. >The second image shows a real product designed to stop toddlers from climbing out of their cribs. I'd love something like that in an adult size with a locking zipper. How does it work? Is the blue cloth between the legs connecting the two legs together? That would be fun, and would probably make you walk funny, especially in a diaper.
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>>2552 Basically it stops them from spreading their legs far enough to swing one leg over the bars of the crib. When walking it would force you to take smaller steps, especially if you were already forced to waddle by a thick diaper. I love designs like the one in your picture too though. Not only would walking be impossible but even crawling would be quite difficult. Her mobility would be reduced to about the level of a 6 month old baby. One combination I'd like to see more of is bondage combined with potty training. Locking diaper covers are one thing, but the idea of lockable training panties is just so much more perverse. Toilet lid locks are another severely under-appreciated product along the same lines.
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>>2553 >Basically it stops them from spreading their legs far enough to swing one leg over the bars of the crib. When walking it would force you to take smaller steps, especially if you were already forced to waddle by a thick diaper. Hmm I almost like that more than the idea of a spreader bar being put around one's ankles. It would definitely impede ones mobility, but like you said you can still maneuver around, even in an embarrassing and babyish way due to the restraint and of course the thick diapers between your thighs. >I love designs like the one in your picture too though. Not only would walking be impossible but even crawling would be quite difficult. Her mobility would be reduced to about the level of a 6 month old baby. Oh I know, I'd love to try something like that. Even alone it must be so embarrassing to move around in something like that. I wish I knew if they had a name, I'd love to look for some videos of people in those IRL >Toilet lid locks are another severely under-appreciated product along the same lines. I'm imagining a cute little girl running fast to the toilet, but only to find out that it is locked. She tries in vain to get it open, but after doing the potty dance for a moment she starts wetting herself. Straight back to diapers!
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>>2558 I've heard them called sleepsacks, but I don't know if there are any other terms for them. That image is actually related to a story where Sakura ends up stuck in one of those, as well as being subjected to various other indignities. https://www.pixiv.net/novel/series/1321168 It's just described as a "legless sleeper" in there though. And yes, that's exactly the kind of scene I was imagining. A little girl desperately struggling to try and open the lid of the toilet as the wetness indicator on her pull-up gradually fades. Maybe her parents installed the lock for the safety of her baby sibling and just assumed she'd be able to work out how to open it, or maybe they decided she was doing a bit too well at potty training and wanted to keep her in diapers a bit longer.
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>>2559 >A little girl desperately struggling to try and open the lid of the toilet as the wetness indicator on her pull-up gradually fades. Maybe her parents installed the lock for the safety of her baby sibling and just assumed she'd be able to work out how to open it This was precisely the situation I had to deal with when I was a kid. Had two twin siblings who wanted to climb into the toilet and drown there, so we needed the lock. But it meant I had more than a few accidents like you describe. In the end, mom told me to pee outside, but since the back door was often locked, that advice didn't make life much easier! >>2551 >The second image shows a real product designed to stop toddlers from climbing out of their cribs. It's hot from an ABDL POV but I would never let kids of mine wear that. I think it's cruel to put real kids in restraint (unless the child is disabled/autistic etc. and needs it. But for them, an enclosed bed that can lock, like pic related, is better than restraint clothes.) Children should co-sleep with their parents I think, until 4-6 (this is how it was for me); no need for cribs.
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>>2563 >Children should co-sleep with their parents I think, until 4-6 (this is how it was for me); no need for cribs. I feel exactly the same way. The kids are much happier and the parents don't get woken up by crying as often, so it's a win-win. It's also pretty awful that your parents didn't find some solution which allowed you to reliably use the toilet. Still, as an ABDL it's fun to fantasize about fictional scenarios involving exceptionally bad parenting. I also like the idea of wearing ABDL clothes modeled after real toddler clothes more than conventional bondage gear.
>>2564 >I feel exactly the same way. The kids are much happier and the parents don't get woken up by crying as often, so it's a win-win. Yes, it's fortunate that attachment parenting and similar, more loving styles of looking after the kids, have come into fashion in these past 10 years. Do you remember that TIME magazine cover a few years ago that had the four-year old (could have been three or five too, not completely sure) breastfeeding? Controversial at the time, but now less so. Co-sleeping has become standard too. I'm quite interested in the art/science of parenting, despite not being at the age I'd consider having children >It's also pretty awful that your parents didn't find some solution which allowed you to reliably use the toilet. Well, it was meant to make me potty train more quickly. But I wonder if it, lurking in my subconscious, pushed me towards enjoying wearing diapers? >Still, as an ABDL it's fun to fantasize about fictional scenarios involving exceptionally bad parenting. I also like the idea of wearing ABDL clothes modeled after real toddler clothes more than conventional bondage gear. Same here. I've sometimes found some pyjamas in the kids' style but in an adults' size, marketed as part of a 'family set'. I also have some clothing designated for special needs teenagers often decorated in that very youthful, toddler-like way, which fits me well enough. Secret tip: there is an Australian cloth diaper brand makes cloth diapers for adults in exactly the same style as they make baby cloth diapers. And they are not an ABDL brand. Called Little Aussie Monsters.
I think this is the perfect place to post this story. Once upon a time, there was a pair of twin boys who argued over everything. They had a Switch and a TV in their room and lots of games and toys, but they argued over whose turn it was, whether or not the other person cheated, whatever. They argued over who got to go first and who got to play with what. They argued over every game they played, yelling and screaming and saying that it wasn't fair. Their parents were tired of it. Dad was a mechanical engineer and Mom was a seamstress, and they put together two sets of footie pajamas with rubber-coated zippers on the backs, big fluffy mittens on the ends of the arms, and elliptical plastic bottoms on the feet. The colorful pajamas were decorated with rainbows, unicorns, pink stars, lots of pink bows, and the boys' names in baby blocks, with big frilly skirts at the waists. The next time the boys had another silly argument, their frustrated parents picked them up, diapered them, and put the crying boys in their special pajamas, zipping them up and saying that if they were going to act like selfish babies, then that's how they would be treated. "We're not making you keep wearing these, and they don't have locks on them," Dad said. "If you don't want to wear them anymore, just take them off," Mom added. But they couldn't take them off! Their fluffy mittens wouldn't let them get a grip on their zippers when they reached behind themselves. Pushing their zippers against a wall didn't work either. They couldn't play with their games or any of their toys. They couldn't even stand up and had to crawl around instead. They yelled at each other, blamed each other, and sulked. Mom and Dad opened their door and sighed. "It looks like you've chosen to keep being selfish babies," Mom said. "I guess I should take this stuff away and give you some big Duplo blocks to play with instead. Dinner will be ready soon, and if a couple of big boys come down for dinner, you'll get plates of ham, and mashed potatoes with peas, and ice cream for dessert. But if you're still dressed like selfish babies, then I guess I'll just feed you some prunes and vegetables. And if you keep being this way, we'll have to get a stroller and a changing table that will fit you, and we'll just keep treating you like selfish babies forever." "But we can't take them off!" the boys whined. "All you have to do is care about each other, and you can be big boys again," Dad said. "But we do care about each other," they whined again, and their parents, knowing they were lying, just sighed and closed the door. The boys cried and pounded the carpet with their mittened hands. They were so scared of being little babies forever that they peed their diapers. It wasn't fair! They started to scream and panic. "Get this off of me!" one of the boys yelled to his brother in his tears, and then suddenly he realized and his brother did too. "You have to promise to take mine off too," the other boy said. "Okay," his twin agreed, and the boy bit down on the rubber zipper and pulled out and downwards, and the sleeper unzipped easily. His brother made good on his promise and they were both out. They felt so stupid. Their parents hadn't been lying to them. If they would have actually thought about each other instead of themselves, their punishment would have been over in five seconds. They threw away their wet diapers, put on their big boy clothes, went downstairs, and had ham, mashed potatoes with peas, and ice cream. Later that night, their mom saw the light from the TV under their door. Their program had ended and they were snuggled up together, and their mother smiled a bit when she saw what they were wearing. Now that they knew the trick, they could take their comfy, soft, and cute pajamas off whenever they wanted - or put them back on. She turned off the TV and quietly closed the door.
>>2568 >Do you remember that TIME magazine cover a few years ago that had the four-year old (could have been three or five too, not completely sure) breastfeeding? Controversial at the time, but now less so Especially funny in light of this: >A Natural Age of Weaning >1. In a group of 21 species of non-human primates (monkeys and apes) studied by Holly Smith, she found that the offspring were weaned at the same time they were getting their first permanent molars. In humans, that would be: 5.5-6.0 years. >4. One study of primates showed that the offspring were weaned when they had reached about 1/3 their adult weight. This happens in humans at about 5-7 years. https://web.archive.org/web/20120330155259/http://www.kathydettwyler.org/detwean.html
>>2563 >Children should co-sleep with their parents I think, until 4-6 (this is how it was for me); no need for cribs. My biggest concern isnt the parenting/raising implications, but rather that I would roll over and crush the poor kid accidentally. I remember once when I was little sleeping in my parents bed one night and woke up with my arm pinned under my dad and in pain. I wouldnt rule out the idea, but I feel like infants especially are just so fragile that I would be scared to do it.
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>>2569 That was a cute story. Scenarios where siblings enjoy ABDL stuff together are some of my favorites and there's something uniquely appealing about the bond between twins. I've had more than a few fantasies involving twin girls playing symmetrical bondage games together such that they need to ask each other for help to use the potty or change diapers.
>>2568 They have some cute stuff, too bad shipping it to America would probably be a bitch
Found this on Skidoo's inkbunny page. I really love the way he draws lolis, and he puts a lot of realistic detail into the bondage equipment too.
>>2925 Can you dump more pics? I really like that one.
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>>3072 Here are some more by the same artist.
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>>3075 I love those kind of realistic, detailed technical diagrams of baby products and bondage devices. It's a shame they're so rare.
>>3075 Damn, does anything like that actually exist? i'd totally shell out for that stuff.
>>3075 Something that grips your teeth hard enough to prevent you from opening your mouth would be a pure torture device and probably still wouldn't work.
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>>3084 I don't think it would grip your teeth, the balloon would simply be made so large inside the mouth that one couldn't open their mouth to remove it.
>>3512 Damn, source on that CG one? That's hot
>>3570 Appreciate it. No surprise that is DAZ-Studio. I like making loli waifus in there. The quality is so good.
this is my absolute favorite theme. Anyone have anymore or would like to trade? onesiediaper@keemail.me
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Has anyone ever wore a straitjacket with a diaper? I assume it must feel interesting having the crotch strap shoving the padding up to yourself
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>>5576 No but that's my fetish.
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More lolis from Skidoo. This design where the pacifier connects to the hood with press snaps looks like it would be quite effective. You could remove it with your fingers, but spitting it out or even removing it with padded mittens would be very hard.
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>>7010 >hazmat suits >diapers Literally my fetish right there.
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>>7012 Same, alongside diaper+straitjackets
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Surprising hard to find diaper and straitjackets. It's not that it doesn't exist its that most artists never bother tagging any posts. Like seriously tag some fucking posts!
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>>7041 A shame, since it seems like a super good combo. I've even read some non-diaperfag BDSM people talk about wearing diapers with striatjackets, since it's comfier with the crotch strap
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May as well do a dump now. Something about the straitjacket tag in general stops artists being physically incapable of tagging their own posts.
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Surprising amount of Asuka in diapers
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>>7012 There's more where that came from. >you will never own the poop suit
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>>7048 (continued)
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>>7118 Is this the secret ending to that one level in mario 64?
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>>7593 and here's a few more, enjoy
A fun idea occurred to me. Imagine a drop-seat footed sleeper or a regular pair of overalls with a fly, but modified so that the opening is completely sealed by a layer of clear plastic on the inside. The wearer could still open the fly or drop-seat, but it would only be useful for inspecting the condition of their diaper. As long as the garment was otherwise secured in place, using the toilet would be impossible. I don't really know why I find this more erotic than the same clothes with no fly or drop-seat, but I thought I'd share it in case it inspires others.
>>3512 does anyone have the rest of the CG pictures with that girl cuz I guess that creator delete his account on pixiv :(
>>7709 You could achieve this with just a normal drop-seat pajamas/onesie and some locking, transparent plastic pants, couldn't you? One thing you could also do would be to stitch (maybe not stitch, as that would stop the plastic pants from working... gluing?) the plastic pants to the onesie so it was just one garment you would slip in to (or rather, have slipped on you, regardless of your thoughts on the matter). I once dreamed about a school where the students were all wearing basically exactly what you described. The condition of your fellow student's diaper would be on display; nothing to be embarrassed by, given that you all would be in the same boat!
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>>7870 That's everything I have from this artist, aside from metadata like image captions/tags/etc.
>>7869 >>7870 Appreciate it. From today I will be downloading such masterpieces
Does anyone know the artists name for >>7870?
>>8770 He just went by the name "M". Interestingly pixiv says "this account has been suspended" when you go to his user page. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/40629941
>>6797 >>3074 >>3073 >>2925 anyone know where I can find skidoos art, alot of his stuff showing buttplugs have been removed and Im not even sure where the majority of his stuff can be found
>>9243 https://inkbunny.net/skidoo You'll need to create an account to view his user page and some of his images. Also remember to check in his scraps.
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>>11611 >posts pictures of people of questionable ages >"trade" rather than just posting them Either pedo or fed-o
>>11707 Diviantart is the best. Wish there was more
>>11707 I really like mittens. it's the more babying experience I love getting posey mitts, but in Europe they're expensive.
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>>11871 Poseys are obviously too 'medical equipment' for my tastes. I actually have a pair of thumbless mittens from https://www.grammasbabystuff.com/Thumb-less-Mittens-Adult-p/154.htm , and while they don't lock or anything like that, they're usually the only things keeping my hands warm while I go sledding. Babies don't need fingers, after all, they just need trusted caregivers.
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here's one of my favorites that sadly seems to be gone from the internet now
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>>6797 Does anyone know where these came from. Like to find the whole collection
>>12810 Look at the filename. The site is inkbunny.net. The artist is skidoo. You'll need to create an account, and some of his stuff is in his scraps gallery instead of his main one.
>>12810 >>12813 you can see him on baraag (https://baraag.net/@skidoodle) without account but its only his non furry stuff, guessing most people here aren't really into that any way though
>>12814 That's also incomplete. He has other loli images on inkbunny.

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I live alone, so have to limit anything with restraints or bondage to stuff I can do myself, but have discovered a really good setup that gives that 'locked in' feeling but you can do it all youself. Fist I put on a snappy bodysuit. I have one where the snaps are at the shoulders instead of the crotch that makes the get up work much better. With the crotch ones you can get changed without having to take the onsie off, though difficult you can do it just by taking the top half off. The shoulder snaps however, mean you have to take everything off. After this I put on a adult onsie I got a while back. It has feet attached and the cuffs are those thumbhole ones, which help with the next bit. Finally I have a collar and some cuffs, both for my wrists and ankles. They're just buckles but once on, make me unable to remove the onsie without taking them off. The collar blocks access to the zip once done up, the thumbhole cuffs means I can't just pull them under wrist cuffs, and the attached feet mean I can't slip my feet through either. It's amazing. Sure, you can get undressed yourself but the combination of everything just adds that extra level of effort. As mentioned, the combination means if you want to change your diaper, you have to take everything off too. If you really do want to lock yourself in you could easily padlock the collar and cuffs and put the keys in a bowl of water and freeze them, now you have no chioce, you have to sit in whatever mess you make! Course, if you have a partner you can give them the keys too.
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>>12936 That all seems lovely. I'd want to figure out a way to wear these and lock them and have a way to get out of them if I need to. Any pics of the stuff you have? I used to have really nice arm and leg cuffs with chains, but I lost them when my ex broke up with me. Still a little annoyed about that.
>>13160 If the gloves have a magnetic lock you can use the key by holding it with your teeth.
>>2547 I keep fantasizing about getting those high quality leather baby blue booties and mittens with locks, specially the booties with spikes that force you to crawl but I have bought quite a fun set of baby/kink thingies in the past and they loose the novelty really fast since I am single as fuck and there are no reliable Ageplay friendly escorts around my area. Fucking shit.
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>>13695 If only they weren't all so pricy. I also like stuff like this.
>>13695 i have the gloves from straitjacketshop and they are pretty easy to remove if you have the key
>>13904 I keep going back and forth on the straitjacketshop locking pants in the last pic, I like that style because of the lock around the leg to stop you getting your hands in or trying to untape/ pull diaper out leg hole, you can really feel locked in but the other style looks like it'd feel better without the leg section changing how it feels against your body.
>>2551 Old post but little keeper sleeper makes very similar toddler pajamas like in your pic but for adults. I have one with that same polka dot pattern, love them, they are very comfy and relatively cheap. They don't have that part between legs though so you would need to sew it. The zipper on them is not lockable but ends to back and have two cover pieces with snaps so you can't get it off without some stretching. If you still want a lock, some people have sewn a ring for small lock there which stay nicely in place under the cover pieces.
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One thing I like about them is that they make it very obvious you are wearing a diaper. The neck part have no stretch to prevent escaping so select larger size if you are between two I also learned while searching for the pics that people have not sewn the ring for lock, it's already there in the seam lol Their warehouse is very small or something so the bigger sizes tend to be out of stock many times. But just keep eye on the site, they get a new batch every few months or so
>>14355 I find 3 to be the cutest of the bunch, but I like how puffy the 2nd one looks, even if it's just a simple lock.
>>14368 That's a really cool find. I looked on their website and you're right. In all the photos you can see that little loop that seems perfectly designed to anchor a padlock. I guess it's useful for some of their customers (including some of the non-fetish ones) given the purpose of them, but they don't want to scare off the regular moms who just need something for their toddler. Or maybe it's just a very happy coincidence in the design.
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Any ideas on where to find somethng like this?
>>22872 You mean pics or product? I think that that harness is made by 4abies on etsy. He makes complete bondage sets in babyish style :3 https://www.etsy.com/shop/4abies?ref=related&listing_id=1337969823#items
>>22874 Ta, was looking for the product in the pick.I have one of the Cuddlz belts but am looking for somthing that goes under the crotch too.
>>22877 straitjacketshop makes a product like that. theyre on etsy.
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