/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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4chan users do an in-depth interview with ABDL Youtuber and it's fucking hilarious. Baby 08/05/2023 (Sat) 17:19:31 No. 28506
This is the funniest shit I've ever seen related to ABDL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRcrX1mpj1A
>>28506 When did 4chan give a shit about diapers?
>>28528 Have you BEEN to /lgbt/ recently? >>28506 They seem to have many ABDL vids Are the owner of the channel shilling your own content here?
>>28528 It's been the official fetish of /b/ since the mid-2000s. That's how you know this is all newfaggotry.
>>28565 Yeah, I suspect they're shilling. No one not into it obsesses this much. Not clicking.
>>28565 Nope cause I'm not queer I stick with 8chan abdl and bbwchan Only other chan thing i like to check out is v tthe musicals cause they are awesome
>>28566 I thought b just a place for nsfl porn
>>28573 I mean, yeah, but diapers were declared the official fetish way back when. threads pop up weekly now but in the old days, daily. It was picked specifically because it disgusted the normies, and a chunk of us were legitimately into it.
>>28565 >>28567 Not shilling. All those other videos are just them mocking diaperfags that do all these nasty Youtube videos. This is the only video where they actually talk to one of them. It's funny.
>>28580 I can imagine some anons getting invested into posting the porn just to upset the normies only to end up realizing they liked the thing all along. That's some classic anon behavior.
>>28580 Bronys existing thanks to 4channers (and as of recent now alt right kkk weirdos which before was just neo nazis) Now abdl was a 4chan theme at one point And yet youtuber just think 4chan is just a place for trolls yet forget they have done some good snd weird shit Like scripting a porno themed around bane Or v the musical being a yearly event Hell the the random devs make a dating sim that made 4chan actually fucking cry outside of some asshole killing dogs and cats
>>28745 Katawa Shoujo was pretty decent, though I'm such a weeaboo I -feel- the western sensibilities in story writing and it threw me off the whole time.

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