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Bingepurge thread Baby 08/26/2023 (Sat) 21:24:28 No. 29142
What have your struggles been with binge/purge cycles? And how have you overcome them?
I've never been in the cycle. I have been aware of being ABDL since I was 13 years old. Since then, for more than 10 years, I tried to wear diapers whenever possible. Since I didn't have my own room and there was almost always someone else in the house, I had such occasions maybe a few times a year. But I never give up an opportunity because of any "purge stage" Now as I have been wearing diapers 24/7 for 3.5 years, I can say that not much has changed. Fact, there is a certain sine wave of "involvement" that goes from a period of greater activity, like buying accessories, abdl diapers and clothes or posting on forums and social networks, to periods of simply wearing medical diapers, rather becouse of convenience. Now I'm completely used to wearing and using diapers, and as I've been wearing 24/7 since early 2020, I've never felt bad about wearing a diaper.
im too cheap to binge and purge. i barely ever wear, so the diapers i do buy last me a long time. the last time i bought diapers was when rearz had that amazing sale and everything was super cheap. I bought rebels and european tenas like 3 or 4 years ago. i still have a bunch of the tenas left and a handful of rebels.
>>29142 I've only ever "purged" as a pragmatic measure to prepare for situations where my private life might be invaded. The idea of people having huge stashes that are safe from discovery only to suddenly throw it all out because of fee-fees sounds retarded, and I'm pretty sure it's almost entirely a memetic talking point that ABDLs only keep bringing up and treating as gospel because other gullible ABDLs do so as well.
>>29154 Thanks, this made me never want to wear diapers again. I'm cured!
yea, pretty sure the main reason for the binge-purge cycle is people being afraid of others finding out, doesn't even matter if they live alone or with others. they just don't feel comfortable once their "high" is over with having diapers or anything like that in their house for anyone to see. At least it was for me mainly. >29166 But I also think people who have that binge/purge cycle don't have a stash to begin with. They might have a pack, or a few samples, someone with a purge cycle won't suddenly throw away several cases of diapers. they still cost money and they know. I used to have struggles with it, but the fact I didn't get my hands on proper diapers easily helped me from getting away from purging, because once I purged everything I would be stuck with the effort getting new stuff.
I'm approaching my 40's now, I've been a lifelong ABDL, always had a fascination with diapers...etc, but I've had a few binge/purge cycles over the years, though I've always had a huge amount of self-hate regarding this fetish. I've mostly purged without a binge cycle. When I turned 19, I threw away my meager stash at the time (some Depend diapers and baby powder) in rage and regret, saying "I'll never go back to that again!" Spoiler alert: A month later I was buying diapers again. At 21, I once again decided to purge an entire case of Abena M4's back when they were good after my cunt of a mother attempted to blackmail me into paying her bills, again saying "I'm done" and again followed by rebuying a month later. At 26, I again purged, this time a huge amount of diapers: An entire case of ABU 1.0 cloth backed Cushies, an entire case of the Classico Bambino diapers, two Babykins cloth diapers and their accompanying plastic pants, misc bottles and pacifiers, a playpen I bought for cringe solo larping and a DVD9 full of files from an ABDL torrent I found back then. Ever since I've crossed my 30's, I've not had a huge purge. At the moment though, the self-hate has come back in large amounts as I realize more and more that though I'll never be rid of ABDL urges, I'm far too politically right-wing to ever be accepted by the SJW faggots in general, let alone those in ABDL. The inmates have truly taken over the asylum and it's just pathetic. Everytime I buy ABDL diapers, I'm giving money to people who hate me and would have me executed because I won't call a man with a mutilated penis a woman and refuse to use anything other than the two only correct choices for gender to refer to them. Troons and SJW faggots have ruined every other niche (Vidya,Tabletop, Anime, Manga) and the ABDL community at large is fucking intolerable outside of this board. chan boards have maybe 5 years left, after that it's pretty much over for anywhere that's not a giant hugbox full of pronouns in bio sniffing eachother's diapers and pretending their own shit don't stink. I've resolved not to purge again, because why the fuck should I?
>>30279 My brother in christ, you are not alone. I used to be a pretty popular dude in the local scene and at munches, but now the biggest abdl group is my arra is run by trannies, and they've pretty much blacklisted me cuz I had the audacity to say ywnbarw. I'm not even that conservative, I just can't stand trannies.
>>30279 I'm not a right-winger (while I'm a centrist in my own country, by US standards that would probably mean centre left now, given certain changes in the republican party over the last decade), but I frequently find that I'm "not left wing enough" on a number of issues, so this problem isn't completely new to me. At the risk of stating the obvious, have you considered just lying? I mean, imho ABDL shouldn't be politicised at all because it's against the spirit of it (babies can't vote, and "I wear diapers for fun" would be a horrible political slogan), but if it has to be politicised on other issues, just do what the rest of us do - say nothing, smile and nod politely, and then privately vote the way you want to anyway. --- But yeah, binge/purge. While I can go through long periods without wearing (which is kind of a binge/purge cycle), I've only ever done the mass throw-out once. Regretted it pretty quickly, this stuff is expensive!
I did binge purge (throwing away packs of new diapers) when i was a tween (Goodnites) and teen (Goodnites / Depend Max Protection). Then like everyone else i was buying another pack of diapers two weeks later. However into my early 20s I finally was brave enough to order online and pick up at FedEx location for Confidry 24/7s while they were still good diapers. Then years later they dropped in quality and I ordered MegaMax. I never threw any of these out because of how expensive they were and at this point I liked diapers so much I was ordering cases and ordering more cases before I ran out. My parents had discovered my diapers when i was 12 and sent me to therapy. I never gave up wearing them and finally right before Covid I just told my mom I like wearing diapers. At this point I was in MegaMax with 2XL booster pads and i could wear one all day. I got tired of trying to hide it and not being able to wear when she was home. She was upset at first but a couple hours later told me she knew i was wearing diapers and said I can wear them. I just wear them under shorts and t-shirt at home now and only pee in them when she is around. She is not involved with anything diaper related and I can just wear them and not have to worry about being found out. I feel so lucky.
>>29142 Bear with me cause this is going to be a ramble. I've never binge/purged, and I think if you binge/purge you need to look within yourself and ask why you feel the need to do so, and make some changes. I do not understand people who treat having a diaper fetish as such an intense experience. I understand shame to a very limited extent as when I was young as hell I had extremely brief periods of feeling shame mostly revolving around a desire to be "normal" like finding "normal" porn arousing, but I think that came from lack of understanding about myself and treating having a fetish as more significant than it really is. Any shame I had in any way, shape, or form completely disappeared by the time I was like 14. I think it'd be hard to explain to someone who doesn't already understand this, but liking diapers only matters as much to your overall life as you choose for it to, it's only a big deal if you make it a big deal. It does not define who you are as a person unless you choose for it to be that way. I choose to enjoy the positive outcomes like the people I've met and experiences I've had, I willingly embrace that. The only negative experience I've had mostly stems from the "community" and how shitty it is. It's hard to make any analogy between that and an internal struggle with having the fetish, but what I do about that, is just remember who and what I really care about and why, and that idiots online have no power over me. I can tell you what you should not do though, which is that you should not fanatically embrace diaper fetish as part of your identity to try and overpower the shame you feel. You probably already know it doesn't work if you "binge" which is another thing I just don't understand. What I've said might paint a picture that I'm not a big enthusiast on diapers or anything, but in truth I'm actually obsessed with diapers, especially in a fictional context. I just somehow don't feel like it's a big deal or treat it as an intense, emotional thing, I can hardly imagine what that's even like. This is my normal. It might help that I don't "wear" 24/7 or try to have a "lifestyle" which I think is cringe, I just wear diapers when I'm specifically setting out to have a fine ass evening. Maybe considering the idea of what's normal to you and why could help. That all said, I hate active self haters. It just seems really weak and contemptible to me especially when they try to drag me down with them and when their tastes are blatantly shaped by shame. >>29166 I agree with you, I feel incredulous that this is even a thing people do because it just seems so ridiculous to me.
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>>29166 > and I'm pretty sure it's almost entirely a memetic talking point that ABDLs only keep bringing up and treating as gospel because other gullible ABDLs do so as well. This. I remember being 14-ish and coming across achingly verbose forum threads about "le binge purge cycle" and even at the time -- when I was still yet to develop a perspective of my own towards this fetish -- it struck a touch asinine to me. It has always come across as a kind of self-perpetuating self-dramatization, a cross to bare, a dramatic tragedy, etc, and not just stupid people making bad decisions for the wrong reasons, the kind of brains-for-turds thing that makes Hank Hill Himself silently shake his head in disdain and disappointment (more than merely being in this fetish already does). Spreading by the same vectors as an entire generation of tweens cutting themselves in the 00's -- newly online and memetically unimmunized individuals desperate for self-image and self-narrative and taking the path, of least resistance towards it, which is always inventing some mental abnormality. These days all the cool kids have a case of Assburgers with a side of fries, 15+ years ago everyone had a case of OCD. Because if you think you have it, then you do - prescriptive hypochondria, if you weren't exposed to the idea you wouldn't be committed to it.
I am so glad for this post, as it finaøøy game me some self realization. Today I bought some diapers after having purge and binge cycles since having this fetish. I recently started reading the "you are not broken" book, and then I realized that pushing it away is no point, as this fetish have chosen me, and not the other way around. I agree with >>29166 and his arguments. I think it is better to embrace it in some way, and rather than it being a personality trait, it is just a kink, something that belongs in private with or without a partner. I am actually really exited to try diapers after having this fetish for so long! Been having some sleep problems, and heard that astronauts sleep better then the average human , and one of the reasons is apparently because they wear diapers (Mags)
>>29142 >>30326 >At the risk of stating the obvious, have you considered just lying? The problem isn't just "lying", it's maintaining a mask all the time If I wanted to do that, I'd just go hang out with normies. You can meaningfully and positively contribute to posts online on ABDL forums, but all it takes is one SJW faggot mod on a power trip to say you've crossed the line on a post. Offline, one of these crazy fucks would just dox and harass my employer if I said something they didn't like. It's not worth it, I'm an ABDL because of childhood abuse, why would I deal with it just to talk to other pantsshitters?
>>30279 >>30310 >>30326 >>30344 I remember recently seeing some Riley KIlo comment on /r/ABDL going off on Republicans because of abortion or troons or some shit. The whole sub sicked his ass bashing Republicans as evil. The thing is Republicans are worthless and just talk and do nothing. After what just happened in Israel and the 15 million illegals that will have invaded the United States by next year with thousands of them probably being terrorists i think leftists have finally been BTFO. Nobody cares about fee fees and troons and racists ebil wypipo MIGA bullshit when people are being blown up and their heads are being cut off. Only a matter of time for it to happen in the US with 15 million illegals invading us and 5 million that we have no idea who they are or where they came from. Can we teach leftist what sleeper cells mean and explain to them that they will cut their heads off on a live stream even if they suck their diversity inclusion dicks right up until their heads are removed. The ABDL community is garbage and you should know its garbage.
>>30348 Preach brother. >>30348 >Republicans are worthless and just talk and do nothing. Republicans are just SJW Classic. They're awful just the same. >>30348 >Can we teach leftist what sleeper cells mean and explain to them that they will cut their heads off on a live stream even if they suck their diversity inclusion dicks right up until their heads are removed. Naw, that will be the best time in America, when the leftists are crying out for help and nobody does anything for them. >>30348 > The ABDL community is garbage and you should know its garbage. Oh, I know it's garbage, but it was tolerable until 2016 when Orange Man got elected. Ever since then each year I tolerate less and less. Riley Kilo was always cringe anyways, just remember that abomination started out making ABDL porn and thinks that makes what they have to say worth anything.
>>30349 Hey we're on the same page. I know this is so off topic but the binge purge cycle is bad, the ABDL community is bad, leftist are bad, Republicans are bad, our government is bad, the open border is bad, terrorist attacks are bad, murder is bad, beheadings are bad. If only you knew how bad things really are. I was always a pessimist and boy do I hate being right all the time. I just wish people would wake the fuck up and realize what really matters. Food, gas, shelter, electricity, secuirty, and how much they cost and what needs to be done to keep all attainable. Lets just go back to basics and if a boy thinks he is a girl well just put him on the streets and he can experience it.
Why do half the threads here turn into "i hate troons". (If you answer with "BECAUSE THEY STARTED IT, NO REALLY!" or some other half-assed asinine shit, you are part of the problem). I couldn't give a fuck about the transes, so can you all shut the fuck up about it? It's like a bunch of senile hospice patients in here
Not really. There are times I wish I wasn't into this stuff, but there's nothing I can really do about it.
>>30351 Because they started it, no really. What, you expected me not to say the actual answer? It's like asking "what's 2+2, and don't say 4, I want a non-half assed answer". I'm not going to indulge your stupidity. People are tired of troons because they make everything about themselves all the time.
Trannies really are insufferable. I find my solace in understanding they are just the Jinco Jeans of this decade: its a fad that I can outlast. Most of them are going to detrans for go 41% in the next 8 years.
>>30354 >what's 2+2, and don't say 4, I want a non-half assed answer Do you one better, fam
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>>30351 >Why do half the threads here turn into "i hate troons" For the same reason most of the normal public hates furfags. You can't shut the fuck up about how "oppresed" you are in the first world while pushing your godawful fetish for having mutilated genitals into every fucking group or niche you're a part of until the only thing that remains is an empty shell behind whilst being protected from the ACTUAL opinions of the silent majority public by your little hugbox. The normies didn't even care until COVID showed them how badly all of you troon scum want to molest and groom children.* *and we KNOW you're a troon, because who else would complain about it. >>30351 > (If you answer with "BECAUSE THEY STARTED IT, NO REALLY!" or some other half-assed asinine shit "If I just disqualify the true answer, nobody will be able to tell me otherwise." Let's do a quiz here: Which group of people claims to be oppressed in the first world so much they apparently can't go to work without feeling "unsafe", but at the same time praise large Fortune 100 corpos for openly supporting them? Which group of people claims they just want "equality" and then try to take the voices away of people who have detransitioned because it invalidates their arguments that transition solves the mental illness? Which group of people seems to come up every time a child is molested or abused? I'll give you a hint, it involves the letters LGBT. >>30351 > I couldn't give a fuck about the transes You care SO LITTLE you responded to this thread complaining about it. Shut the fuck up troon and go back to Reddit.
>>30377 I'm sorry you're a retarded faggot.
>>30382 troon detected
>>30377 You know why peoples hate furfags? Because they tend to push their kink into every thread even if no one asked for it. And that's exactly what you're doing in a totally unrelated thread : pushing your troon flame war everywhere, and it's getting really tiring for everyone who just want to talk about, let's say, binge and purge cycle, since this is the thread point? Just create your own containment thread for talking about how much you want troons to dissappear, so we don't have every single thread derail into the same circlejerking.
>>30390 >You know why peoples hate furfags? Because they tend to push their kink into every thread even if no one asked for it. And that's exactly what you're doing in a totally unrelated thread Are you describing furfags or troons, I really can't tell. >>30390 >pushing your troon flame war everywhere, and it's getting really tiring for everyone who just want to talk about, let's say, binge and purge cycle And if troons like YOU being insufferable troglodytes and shitting up our entire kink with your ideology are the cause of the feelings to purge? I covered the thread topic too, troon. Go back to Reddit, ADISC, DailyDiapers or anywhere the fuck else to YOUR containment site of choice. You will NEVER be a woman, anon no matter how hard you try.
>>30397 >>All of thoses who disagree with me are trannies! You know,the real world is a bit more complex than that. You’ll get nowhere if you just reject every word you don’t like under the guise that it’s a « tranny » who wrote it.
>>30398 >You know,the real world is a bit more complex than that. You’ll get nowhere if you just reject every word you don’t like under the guise that it’s a « tranny » who wrote it. Troon or troon supporting is all the same to me. You're either a mouthbreather "ally" or you're actually a troon, either way you should fuck off back to Reddit.
>>30399 This is so stupid I’m actually sad for you. You should try relaxing a bit more and realize nobody’s at war at you.
>>30399 > « What has trannies ever done for us? » Absolutely nobody cares about this shit. Seeing trannies on my Cambodian diaper shitting board is much less annoying than having this one retard shitting up threads by making it about his pet issue. Just can it and talk about your binge/purge experiences like everyone else.
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>>30404 The fact you think it's just one person show's how sheltered you are. >>30400 Nice samefagging.
I had purged a pack of diapers once. And in fact I am purging some right now. In both cases it is simply because I can't keep hiding them. And for sure I cannot afford to come out. It is what it is.
>>30405 Nice try, retard. Now shut up and hide the tranny posts if they bother you so much.
>>30399 Imagine being you. You're the only loser here.
>>30421 >"reee. stop derailing the thread" >Continues to derail thread You totally 100% don't care and aren't asshurt because you refuse to believe basic biology disagrees with your opinions.
>>30438 Tbh bro I am not the original guy that you're replying to. Just someone that thinks you're a joke and should shut the fuck up. Your ideology of hate leads to more hate which leads to less human progress and suffering. You don't even have the mental capacity to understand this simple concept so arguing with you is a waste of my time. All I can do is point, laugh, and feel sorry for you. Your opinion isn't an opinion when it's literally been proven that bigotry and hate leads towards wars and death. You are an ant. Stop talking and go work on your own ideology. It's flawed as fuck.
>>30456 >Your ideology of hate leads to more hate which leads to less human progress and suffering. Yep, you're triggered. It's OK. You'll never be a woman, anon. At best you'll be a biological man or woman with mutilated genitals and a mental illness that will NEVER be cured. This isn't "Hate" it's biological fact. >>30456 >Your opinion isn't an opinion when it's literally been proven that bigotry and hate leads towards wars and death. You mean like the troons who crybully and harass streamers that wanted to play a game about wizards because the creator of the source series understands biology? Fuck off back to Reddit with your buzzwords and crybullying, nigger.
>>30467 No point in arguing. When they resort to name calling and comparing speech to mass murder/genocide, you know the indoctrination runs too deep.
>>30475 Hitler used speech to commit mass murder and genocide. Shows you know your history. >>30467 >troon >nigger Yep, that's what I thought. More hate. Does it make you angry that someone like me actually feels sorry for you and legitimately is happier than you'll ever be, I wonder? Whatever feelings you have for me, trust I have for you as well. Where does that get us? Absolutely no where man. I don't even totally disagree with you. Personally, I think most people who are trans are mentally disturbed people. But the reality is it's their life to do with what they will. You choose to hate them, rather than try to help and understand. And that's why you'll always be worse than those you make fun of. I hope one day you realize this because your way of life is not conducive to being a productive successful member of society. Sad stuff man, for real.
>>30467 >referencing wizard games Also, understand that there are awful people on all sides of every world view. JK Rowling is an awful human being, but that doesn't make what those weirdos did to the streamers correct. Nor does it make what you do correct in retaliation for whatever person that was trans hurt you in your life. The irony in your words/trolling is you don't even see the hypocrisy. You like your Harry Potter game. Cool. Same here bud. It was a decent game. Some weirdos tried (and failed) to ruin it for others. Hating an entire group of people based on the actions of a minority within a minority is a weird stance to take. Biology is biology. But you're not arguing biology. You are clearly weirded out by someone's lifestyle choice. Otherwise why use insulting terms? You're the one who is weirded out here, not them. You're the one who is angry and confused here, not them. And you're the one who is pitiful and sad here, again, not them. One day you'll realize this I hope anyway. Not a troll, not even an ally tbh, I'm just a straight white male who is extremely confused by your weirdo hate tyrade. You sound like someone really young, so maybe it's just that. I see myself in your words when I was like 14, and maybe that's why I cringe so hard when I read your nonsense. Either way man, best of luck in life lol. You're going to need it based on the things you've said here.
>>30480 >>30481 You need to go back.
You're still arguing about trannies? One of you, the most sane, stop typing
>>30493 Sound like the most reasonable thing to do. This thread is lost,let the tranny hater spread his nonsense alone. >>30481 You’re pissing in the wind man. He clearly doesn’t even read what you’re writing.
>>30501 >Sound like the most reasonable thing to do. This thread is lost,let the tranny hater spread his nonsense alone. I don't hate trannies any more than a biology textbook written before 2016 does, I posted about why I had purge feelings and mentioned trannies at the end. You totally don't care, you're not mad, right? It's totally not a big deal, you just have to samefag in this thread multiple times because you totally don't care.
Sexual deviance, exhibitionism, furry, fetishism, and kinks are degeneracy no exceptions. Your sexual escapades are all all repulsive. None of your preferences are good. Your pronouns are all bullshit. None of you are special. May your lives be filled with misery and constant inconvenience. May you always stub your toe and step on Lego. May your trash bags always rip when you take them out the curb.

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