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Forced Into Diapers At (Female Only) Boarding Schools Thread. Baby 01/30/2022 (Sun) 14:56:35 No. 8660
There are now new boarding schools poping up everyhwere for females of all ages that follows the new highly unform strict ruels & guidelines. 1. Females only, no males allowed. (Males that are fully transformed by the ARA Patrol is allowed, but not looked upon with kind eyes.) 2. All females must wear & use their diapers all of the time 24/7. Toilet use by the students are completly banned. 3. Students may not change their own or other students diapers. (Only staff can do that). 4. Students may not quit or go home untill they have gone through all school years that the school provides. 5. Students must wear a school unifrom, with the school name & crest on it. These schools are meant to educate the female population in proper behavior. Borading Schools for the elite, the rich, powerfull, talented & extremly smart. But also for E-thots, bad girls, tomboys, nerds & girls with disabilities. Note There are cases of prents sending their Daughters that aren't part of the things above.
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>>8660 Is this the school Grace went to?
>>8661 Nope, these schools were not around during her school days. But she is infact 1 of the global founders of this kind of new schools & permenant member & head of the padded boarding school board.
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>>8662 You think that Grace would be jealous and want to experience what it is like to be a schoolgirl. Unless she gets off to watching the schoolgirls being padded.
>>8664 Both statments are true. Sometimes Grace does get jelly of the others, but she wouldn't want you to know that. When she does (and this is a top secret) she has a private private school thingy, that allows her to pretend that she is back in school just like the girls. (It even has her very own handpicked staff, sworn to keep it a secret). She does get off watching the schoolgirls being padded & changed. Both in a sexual way, but also in a protecting, caring motherly way too.
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>Grace insists on watching every punishment session and change >She sits on her throne making suggestions of what she wants to see >Secretly she is making mental notes at what plays out well so she can recreate the scenes later with her own personal Ara maids
>>8670 >Grace insists on watching every punishment session and change Indeed she does, but she is often reminded of her duties as a permenant member & head of the padded boarding school board. Thoes goes first and that means that she misses about 999‰ of all changes & punishments, >She sits on her throne making suggestions of what she wants to see Indeed, but she has only direct say & jurisdiction of her own boarding school. The boarding school system is very lage & each permanent PBSB member has thier very own + any lage ideas must be voted on. >Secretly she is making mental notes at what plays out well so she can recreate the scenes later with her own personal Ara maids That would be her Diary Of Diapered Dreams, as she calls it. Only a few other Premanent PBSB members & Founders are known, the rest are unkown. Thoes are Tarrant-Tan. Adia form the Padded Reich. Maple & Apple from North America, these are some of the few known Permanent PBSB members. During classes, each student must have pacifier in their mouths all of the time. When they want to ask a question, they raise their hands & then the Teacher pull the pacifier out so the student can ask the question. Then once the question is asked & awnsered in a way that the student understand, the pacifier is put back in the mouth by the teacher. This is meant to remove small talke during classes that isn't related to the subject matter.
>>8660 As a male who is interested in attending this boarding school, how onerous is the male-to-female transformation? My body is very masculine, and a lot will need to be changed before I can look identical to the girls here. I am willing to make sacrifices though. Also, are uniforms provided to the students for free?
>>8674 >Also, are uniforms provided to the students for free? The boarding schools provide uniforms for free if you want to wear old hand me downs. But if you want brand new ones to wear then you would have to pay for them yourself. The schools will also provide regular old plain white plastic baked disposable diapers for you for free, that also includes booster padding & plastic panties. If you want a more stylish & spesific brand of diapers then you would have to either pay for them yourself, or volunteer for after school work if you can't afoard to buy yourself. If you prefer cloth diapers that are your very own then 1, you must pay for them yourself, 2, you must mark them as yours, and 3 pay for the cleaning supplies & a small extra fee for the washing staff. >As a male who is interested in attending this boarding school, how onerous is the male-to-female transformation? My body is very masculine, and a lot will need to be changed before I can look identical to the girls here. I am willing to make sacrifices though. You can't choose on you own to attend by transforming. The ARA patrol must have chosen you for it, then the padded boarding school board members must have approved of the ARA's pick. You can allways file a request to the ARAs so that they notice you, but if you do then their will be no way back if everything goes through. As for the procces itself, i can't say. i am a high up school board bureaucrat & i my work consists of. Ruels & regulations. Logging every activity within the schools. Following up with the updated guidelines. Making sure that the parents & students spesific wishes & needs are met. And making sure that the eviorment is safe & that everyone gets paid their fair share. But ihave heard that the ARA department are quite good at what they are doing.
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>>8671 >Only a few other Premanent PBSB members & Founders are known, the rest are unkown. Thoes are Tarrant-Tan. Adia form the Padded Reich. Maple & Apple from North America, these are some of the few known Permanent PBSB members. I am confused. are the likes of Tarrant-Tan on the founders board or as students? >>8674 Check the old Tarrant thread anon. >>8676 What are the rules and punishments?
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You know i just had a thought about the FBI sending agents to try and infiltrate this facility to learn the inner workings. I know they are after recruiting the Ara Patrol but just imagine the poor agent they have to send in as a student?
>>8679 >I am confused. are the likes of Tarrant-Tan on the founders board or as students? Tarrant-Tan was one of the founders. After the PBSB was fromed, she took her place as a permanent member of it. She has never been a student. The main 5 rules are stated here >>8660 there are some others, but these are the 5 important. Punishments can ivolve. Far fewer diaper changes per day. No lotion & baby powder applied during changes. The students getting locked inside their rooms for the rest of the day. No more normal food being given, only baby formula & milk + vitaminse given via pills. Hours of hard spankings. Sleeping in the colective cage cribs room for the weekend, with the staff looking out for them. And, photos & videos being made & sent back to the students home. Other punishments do excists.
>>8683 There are a large number of these facilites around the world, i know they number in the thousands. What the feds do not know is that the Ara Patrol has a secret counter infiltration mission. The organisations new name will then be The Federal Bureau Of Infantilization. Well that agent is lost i am afraid & can say good bye to an adult life.
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>>8686 I am starting to think the anons from the Tarrant-Tan thread who staged a rebellion in Graces palace are founding members of this PBSB. Probably means they've got some hidden assets like the futa-sans stored away as enforcers. If true I guess that means butt rape is on the table for unruly students. Also might mean that unruly students may be kidnapped as playthings for the baby-anons.
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>>8687 >FBI infiltrator is caught >Swears they will never betray the FBI or reveal any information >Gets introduced to the futa-sans >After a few hours of constant bumrape they have spilled the beans on the FBI after begging for it to stop >The Ara Patrol have the information they need to fully subvert the FBI >Meanwhile FBI agent has been left permanently incontinent sobbing mess hoping they will get a fresh change
>>8688 >I am starting to think the anons from the Tarrant-Tan thread who staged a rebellion in Graces palace are founding members of this PBSB. Perhaps, but not likely, all of the founding members get along very well. It is more likely to be some of the Non Permanent borad mambers ould be part of that. >Probably means they've got some hidden assets like the futa-sans stored away as enforcers. If true I guess that means butt rape is on the table for unruly students. ALL Sexual Activites are Strictly BANNED at these schools. Chastity belts are used for rule breakers. Buttplugs are used, but only to prevent blowouts for the large poopers. >Also might mean that unruly students may be kidnapped as playthings for the baby-anons. These things aren't allowed at all & if it takes place, the school or students are shut down or removed permanently. >>8690 All acording to the ARA counter infiltations master plans.
From ages 5-9 is Padded Boarding Pre-School. (A Parent may live with the student all of the time inside the school grounds. Allows students to visits home during weekends & breaks.) From ages 9-13 is Padded Boarding Elemantary School. (Parents no longer allowed to live on the school grounds. But allows students to visits home during weekends & breaks.) From ages 13-17 is Padded Boarding Junior High School. (Students are still allowed to visit home during breaks, but not on weekends.) From ages 17-21 is Padded Boarding Senior High School. (Students are no longer allowed to visit home during breaks either.) From ages 21-25 is Padded Boarding University. (During the last year of university, Re-Potty training becomes a optional curriculum for students who choses it.)
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>>8691 >No sex Those poor futasans. They will need regularly milked otherwise they would go insane. You can also count on a lot of schoolgirl frustration leading to a lot of bullying going on. >>8714 Thought the whole point of boarding school is that parents did not want to deal with their kids in any shape or form?
>>8720 >No sex All Padded Boarding Schools have extremly strong religious values. They sees sexual liberation & ANY sexual activities outside of marriage for the anyother rason than procreation as a BIG taboo & something from the big red down under. >Those poor futasans. They will need regularly milked otherwise they would go insane. You see the part were they go insane is an extremly important part of the reformation process. So no milking & power through it. >You can also count on a lot of schoolgirl frustration leading to a lot of bullying going on. That is a risk i'll have to admit, but that is why we have punishments & big white padded rooms for thoes who can't behave & treat othes well. >Thought the whole point of boarding school is that parents did not want to deal with their kids in any shape or form? That is the point. But the options are there to ease the younger ones into the system more easy for them. (Still it is in the end up to the parents to decide, if they want to see their little ones). They could be sent away when they are old enough to attend Padded Boarding Pre-School & not be able to come home nor see their parents a single time for 20 years untill they graduate Padded Boarding University.
>>8720 Also the ARA transformations, removes all male parts. So no futarism within the school grounds. If you have a Dang, you are expelled forever with a Bang.
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>>8722 Sounds like a nun convent than a school. Is this Muslim Anons dream of padded Nuns?
>>8726 Cloes but i wouldn't go that far. They don't dress in a nun way, you dont' have to pary or go to the local temple & normal secular things are 100% allowed. So long as they are 100% Safe For School.
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>>8720 >Thought the whole point of boarding school is that parents did not want to deal with their kids in any shape or form? Can confirm. I was a lazy NEET for years, and my parents got increasingly tired of the fact that I would not get a job or do anything. One day they caught me looking at /abdl/, and they promptly contacted the Ara Patrol in order to get rid of me. Before I knew it, I was being pacifier-gagged and carried away in the middle of the night by a unit of Aras, strapped to a hospital bed, and put to sleep. I woke up like pic related... it's all kind of disorientating... it's so humiliating how I look now and how the staff is treating me...the semester has not even begun yet, I do not know how I am going to adapt to diapers. I always joked about going 24/7 in diapers, but now I'm having to walk around the dorms with my diapers filled with a mess! The Aras giggle at me :(
>>8749 >It's so humiliating how I look now and how the staff is treating me. The humiliation step is part of the treatment, it is to remove any sense of ego & to make you humble & acsepting of your new destiny. >I do not know how I am going to adapt to diapers. You see, with time you'll just do it, i recomend not thinking about it too much, you see in time you will forget your pre diapered life entierly. >I always joked about going 24/7 in diapers, but now I'm having to walk around the dorms with my diapers filled with a mess! That's they thing, you should allwas be very carefull with what you wish for, even if it is just a joke. >The Aras giggle at me. Don't worry about the Aras, they are like sharks, the moment they smell blood the go for it. But instead of blood, they sense how you are struggeling to adapt, how uncomftable you are & how humiliated you feel. I know that these emotions are a part of the program, but if you comes to term with these emotions & embrace everything that is now part of your new life with full on prince & confidence. You should see the Aras moving on in a blink of an eye. (Just don't bee to full of youself, otherwise the punishments maybe around the corner.)
The standad diapers that these schools provides for their students to wear is the Old Style Plastic Baked Pampers for the youngest ones (Pre-Schoolers). Then the Old Style Plastic Baked Luvs for the little older (Elemantary Schoolers). And from Junior High & Up (Old Style) Abena Abri Form Briefs (Plastic Baked) Disposable Diapers.
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You know with such restrictions this sets the stage for an uprising of vicious depravity not seen since the Oneesan Rebellion
>>8763 That may very well be true, but the Aras has assured us that they will be able to take on the bratty bitches, if it comes to that. But the Schools has strong counter messures to prevent that scenario. The Oneesan Rebellion left very deep scars in many minds & such a thing or worse must never take place. (Note) The Padded Boarding Universites has a Waifu extention traning program that can be selected for students to by their parents. This program will train the sudents how to be the perfect wifes to their future husbands that their parents has selected for them to marry. Very offten all sround the world the students will be have their weddings on the very same day that their graduations, with the graduations taking place during the mornings & the weddings taking place during the evenings. Thanks to the strictly enforeced no sex restrictions, the students minds are perfect for The WET Programm. Their pure minds being a perfect blank sheet for the program to mold their kinks and desiers in a way that will make them a perfect match for their future husbands. The parents offten asks their future son-in-law what kinks he has & what he is looking for in a wife. The parents then writes all of the things and wishes down on a list & sends that list to the Universites where the handcraft the program so as to enuser that students mind is developing the wanted kinks & behaviors the list states it wants.
Seems that there is no emphasis on developing any girls who would want to become an Ara someday. Surely there should be a program where there are head girls who get to set the example and issue discipline?
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>>8660 Very interesting place, but what happened with all the old anons that were already turned into cute lolis, with Tarrant-tan? I remember that there was an old school that the ara's had for a little while to educate all the new babs; were they all shipped from those to these new boarding schools?
>>8788 They were allowed to grow up, auctioned off to become diapered Housewives, impregnated with Aryan seed, and now their daughters are attending this academy.
>>8784 >Seems that there is no emphasis on developing any girls who would want to become an Ara someday. There in fact are a program for such girls. (But for the girls to be allowed to take part in that, thier parents must have chosen not to place them in the WET program by the time the girls starts to attend Padded Boarding Senior High School. That programm goes by the name. Miss Exemplary Senior Sisters Youth. Or MESSY for short. >Surely there should be a program where there are head girls who get to set the example and issue discipline? After their first year of Senior High, if thier grades in Attendance, Behavior, Discipline, Responsibility & Sacrifice are all Perfect 10 out of 10, then they are able to be part of the Big Sisters club. There they will be acompanied with the Aras of the school, these special units are called School Aras or SARA for short. The SARAs will teach the Big Sisters what the rules are & what their new role demands of them. Like making sure that all other students are inside their rooms after 6 PM & stay ther to 6 AM everyday. & What Punishments should be used & how harsh the apropriate amount of it should be applied. (Note, if the Big Sisters wants to keep their spot as Big Sisters for next year their grades in Attendance, Behavior, Discipline, Responsibility & Sacrifice must stay Perfect 10 out of 10, wheil not letting their other subjects suffer. >>8788 Some of them were indeed shipped & transfered there. But all that were above 25 years of age was too old for these students & were sent eleswhere, to where i have no idea. >>8789 I have heard that some of the ones that got sent eleswhere did end up like this, but that was only ⅛ of that populations total number. What fate befell the other ⅞ of the population, is still a big mystery to me.
Sometimes the parents decides to marry away their daughters, to the cousin of the daughter in wuestion, or even the brother of the daughter. Some parents are extremly picky & wants to keep their bloodlines pure. The Schools take no responsibility for that stuff sense the weddings takes place after the graduations & the schools duty of care for the students has ended.
>>8794 Are you saying Grace is inbred?
>>8796 I am not sure about Grace herself, these schools as stated previously, was started a little time after Grace's time. But if i had to guess, hmm. I would say yes, i do belive that her parents are Brother & Sister, But i do not know, the records are beyond my reach. It was a long time seince i saw her family tree & i maybe have gotten the names mixed up.
An important part of the WET program is the Imprinting Conditioning Directive Instalation or ICDI for short. Because the ICDI is a part of the WET program, it starts when at the same time. (If the parents has by that point picked a future husband for thier daughter). The ICDI focuses on conditioning the students mind so that it is imprinting on their future husband before even knowing that a husband has been chosen for them. This involves, smell, sound & sight along other things. (Smell). The student will recive their husband's old unwashed, but freshly used & sweaty clothes. The students are getting sexual stimulation & positive encuragement when smelling the clothes. (Sound) The student will recive long selfrecorded & sexual ASMR style voice recording for their husbands. The students are getting sexual stimulation & positive encuragement when they listen to the recordings wheil wearing headphones. (Sight) The student will recive photos nude photos of their future husbands. The students are getting sexual stimulation & positive encuragement when they are looking at sid photos. These 3 will be done together in a tripple S combo, so Smell, Sound & Sight at the same time. The student will only be allowed to have sexual stimulation at all, and get any positive encuragement in that way, wheil they are doing it in combination with the tripple S combo. Any activites outside the tripple S combo is stictly forbidden. Harsh punshiments & strong negative discuragement are given to students who are doing these things outside the tripple S combo. The kind of sexual stimulation can be selfgiven or in "playdates" with the SARAs. They way it is given to the student is very diferent, because the tripple S combo is mixed in with the kinks and desiers of the husband in queation. So it all depends on the husband. This is done so to create extremly strong pathways & synapse connections within the student's barin, that will associate any sort of good feelings like that they have, to their husbands & their husbands alone. By the end of it the student will no longe be able to form any romantic & sexual atraction to any other person than their husband. Wheil being Ultra Atracted to their husband.
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>>8797 Might explain why Grace is a futa. >>8799 Sounds nasty and could encourage students to smother others with their diapers.
>>8822 >Might explain why Grace is a futa. She is not a futa, she just likes to wear a really advanced & very well skin colored camouflaged strap on dildo for most of the time. Trust me on this, i once saw her talking it off revealing her perfectly normal lady parts. >Sounds nasty. Oh it is, but the students will get used to it & in time addicted to it. >Could encourage students to smother others with their diapers. That does take place sometimes, but the students are severly punished in thoes cases. But it is EXTREMLY! rare for that kind of thing to take place.
For students that aren't part of either the WET or the MESSY program. There are a program for students who is going to end up as (private) employees for very high up pepole. That program is called My Absolute Ideal Diapered Servants or MAIDS for short. This program is all about the training & educating the students to become the perfect little diaper servents for their future Masters & Mistresses. The program will make then well rounded women that can act independent but like the feeling og obeying their superiors.
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Most if not all students, are being kept in diapers when they are traveling home for weekends & during school breaks when they are attending Padded Boarding Pre-School - Padded Boarding Junior High School.
What about the high schoolers? No doubt they want revenge for being used in the biology lessons?
>>8860 >What about the high schoolers? I don't understand the question, what about them? >No doubt they want revenge for being used in the biology lessons? Feelings of revenged is strongly suppressed & trained away through various means. Also what biology lessons?
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I can't help but feel that this really will lead to gangs of diapered teenagers wanting to take revenge on the general public. Padded punks will be at every street corner looking to act out their rebellious phase tossing bottles of baby powder at passers by.
>>8879 >I can't help but feel that this really will lead to gangs of diapered teenagers wanting to take revenge on the general public. Padded punks will be at every street corner looking to act out their rebellious phase tossing bottles of baby powder at passers by. These schools has a good girl behavior program that will raise them to proper girls. If the students are acting up, throwing things, getting angry, kicking, hitting, screaming & stomping around when they are upset, they will be severly punnished. They are only allowed to have when they are upset is crying peacfully wheil sitting in a SARA's lap, as she is being rocked back & forth, wheil being bottle feed with warm milk. So by the end, they rebeliouse nature of 999‰ of the student body is completly eliminated. To the 1‰ that remins, there are allways Caretalker Camps where they get sent off to, there they (WILL) be truned into good little baby girls from the bad btichy brats they were when they entered the camps.
Regular School Uniform Consists Of (Day Time Unifrom) A Diaper with a Booster Pad placed within it. Transparent Plastic Panties. Thin & Transparent Tights. Long Thigh High Silk Stockings with bows on them. Lace Frilly Silk Socks. Strapped Shoes. Short & Frilly Brace Mini Skirt. Silk Bra. Long Sleeve Silk Gloves. A Buttoned Silk Shirt. A Silk Bow Tie. A Frilly Buttoned Jacket with Shoulder & Arm Puffs. (With The School Emblem & Student's Name Tag sewed on). Big Puffy Beanie Hat with a bow & the student's school emblem on it. Pacifier Strap. (Pacifier shall be in all of them time except during feedings, playtime & when removed by staff when asking or asked questions). (During Feeedings). BIG Blastic Bib so the students do not dirty their unifroms. (Night Time Unifrom) A Black Silk Night Time Blindfold. A Diaper with a Booster Pad placed within it. Transparent Plastic Panties. Thick Warm Cotton Pajama, both Top & Pants. Think Warm Footed Onesie, (with a back flap). Big Baby Bonnet. Big Baby Mittens with padlocks for both their hands & their feet. A Pacifier Gag. The Staff will dress the studetnds up & down, both for their activities during the day & when it is time for them to go to sleep during the night. (Note they sleep loocked inside crib cages. The staff aslo feeds them.
>>8914 Seems very restrictive and must be toasty in summer.
>>8915 >Seems very restrictive. Indeed, that is part of the point with their uniforms. Another making them look like adroable little representatives of their respective schools. >Must be toasty in summer. (For their Daytime Uifroms) Indeed but fear not, the students are given a big extra intake of water & milk during the summer, so they just sweat & pee an extra amount. Their messes are a little bit less solid thanks to that. (For their Nighttime Uniforms) True, but wouldn't say that it is too bad, their room temperature is always set to be 20 degrees celsius. So they aren't getting too toasted wheil sleeping under their fluffy pillows & blanket with their little plushies.
This seems like an odd continuation of the Tarrant-Tan thread. Guess may as well submit an image that can caption as you wish. Probably some younger Ara being punished and used as a doll to assist in coordination tasks.
>>8914 All students (must wear these uniforms all of the time 24/7, no exceptions) when they aren't either bathed or changed by the SARA staff.
>>8914 Colors & style of said uniforms strongly differs from School to School, just as their emblem does. But the types of clothes and the type of diapers & transparent plastic pants stayes the same.
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On the iron school fences for all of the Padded Boarding Schools in the whole world. You will find these signs bolted onto them, as a big warning to the public. With aporprate languare and alphabet for the place they are operating in of course.
>>8991 How do they stop the desperate wanting to jump the fence and get themselves deliberately caught?
>>8996 They have a 5 step program. Step 1. Capture the fence jumpers. Step 2. Diaper them up good and tight. Step 3. Send them to the local ARA HQ for treatment. Step 4. Send them to the local Caretalker Camp. Step 5. Reinforce & amp up the security even further.
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>>8997 That doesn't seem like much of a deterrent for those wanting the attention of the Aras.
>>9009 For some it is, but for some it isn't i am afraid. Regardless the schools doesn't have the authority to deal with pepole that just jump the fence sadly.
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At these schools door handles, these signs are hanging as i final warning to thoes who enters.
>>9011 That is typically what the Right Wing Diaper Squads and futasans are for. Trespassers want to be diapered its fine but they sure are not going to enjoy the experience even if they are into pegging
>>9030 Indeed, once the trespassers has been removed from the school grounds by the SARA staff. The RWDS & FS take over, and then the real punishments starts.
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>>9024 Students have to lift up their skirts without protest to show their diapers on request as well to show they are not only abiding the rules but if they need a change.
>>9073 You are almost corect. it isn't the students that is doing the skirt lifting, it is the SARA staff who does that. Each student has to comply when the SARA staff lifts up their skirts without protest to show their diapers on request as well to show they are not only abiding the rules but if they need a change. Mandatory skirt lifts takes place the begining of each class, feeding time, play time & before they go to bed. These madatory lift also includes mandatory padding patting, or as the Schools calls them PPs.
>>9075 >Not conditioning the girls to lift their skirts on demand Seems like a wasted opportunity.
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Starting to think someone has been commissioning artwork of this lately.
>>9086 >Seems like a wasted opportunity. Nah, it is more about making sure that they are raised into proper ladies.
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Hey! I skipped my after school diaper-change in order to come to diaper club and no one showed up! What gives?
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I wonder if the conversion centre from the Ara Facility was ever repurposed?
>>9105 >Hey! I skipped my after school diaper-change in order to come to diaper club and no one showed up! What gives? The awnser is simple, if you take a look at the Sun, you can see that it is going down. That means that we are getting cloes to 6-PM the mandatory bedtime for all students. So they are all heading towards their own rooms as of this moment & so should you. By the way, you are not wearing the complete daytime school uniform young lady. That means sever punishment in the morning & that diaper won't get changed untill then. So prepare to sleep in that used diaper for the rest of night. >>9118 >I wonder if the conversion centre from the Ara Facility was ever repurposed? It is only 1 way to find out. You'll have to get taken by a SARA to the local ARA Department & ask them this very question.
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>>9126 >So prepare to sleep in that used diaper for the rest of night. Ugh! I got a rash... I could hardly sleep because of how itchy, squishy and smelly my diaper was! I was so tired that I almost fell asleep during my first class, and even got an extra spanking because of it... It's tough adapting to the baby life. >>9118 R-repurposed into wh-what?
>>9180 >Ugh! I got a rash... I could hardly sleep because of how itchy, squishy and smelly my diaper was! Well, let that rash pain & lack of sleep be a valueable lesson to you young lady about behaving properly & follow the rules in the future. >I was so tired that I almost fell asleep during my first class, and even got an extra spanking because of it... Well, that spanking was well deserved, your teacher deserves your attention & respect. You should have tried harder to sleep at night so that you become well rested in the morning. So you will just have to get used to the smell & feeling of sleeping with a wet & messy diaper, wheil having a painfull rash there. Heck after a long time, you might start to enjoy or even love it. >It's tough adapting to the baby life. Shh, it's ok. Many students also thinks so, but you'll come around to it eventualy. Now you need some comfort little one. Go to your after classes SARA, she will help you get all nice & relaxed. She will rock you back and forth, even breastfeed you, if you need it. And it is 100% ok to cry your eyes out if you need it, she won't judge & she will be very helpfull & understanding.
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Probably find that the high schoolers are often the ones that are in for the most regression and baby treatment. Teenage girls are already overloads of emotion and hormones that when running wild will no doubt lead to a perpetual chain of spanked bottoms and crying. Mainly since they keep acting out they get treated like toddlers.
>>9206 You are so right in that satment that you don't even know. The bellcurve of bad behaviors & punishments peak around Padded Boarding Junior High School. As to why it peaks there, well it goes something like this. In Padded Boarding Pre-School the students are far too young and dependant upon everyone eles. And they greatly fear that The Ouch Monster is going to take them. Pet name the SARA staff has given what they say is the worst punishment of all. Still there are thoes who act up, but they are quickly dealt with & very often doesn't repeat the action. In Padded Boarding Elemantary School the students are starting to get more independent & the no longer frea the Ouch Monster saga. Their emotions are getting wilder, their hormones is even starting to show signs of changing the way they act. Punishments & repeated punishments becomes more and more acuring during their time there. In Padded Boarding Junior High School the stident's, as you said suffers from overloads of emotion and hormones thinking that now that they are what they think as big girls, they can cast that part of their lives away. (They are so very wrong by the way). Thanks to this conflict between the Students and the SARA staff, many students & a do mean MANY, will be perpetual punished. Their bottoms spanked for hours every single day. Their diaper changes suspended leading to horrible rashes. Then when they get changed if they have not yet said that they are sorry, then the lotions & babypowder will not be applied when changed making the rash stay there or get even worse. (A faked sorry will lead to the same results as a no sorry, but at during the next change). You will be hard pressed to find students who's diaper area isn't red to some degree in any given moment. Some of the most extreme cases goes through almost all of the 4 year, with what semes to be a permanent red diaper area, what is called the red equator. In Padded Boarding Senior High School the levels of emotion & hormones students within the students are starting to go down a bit & their mentality improves & mature. The leads to a semi drastic decline in punishments. That & that the amount of punishments they got in the previouse 4 years has cooled them down a bit too. Punishments are still a common pace during this time, but far less so than in the previouse stage. Many of the students has also lost all hope of ever be concidered big girls. And has more or less acsepted that this is their true past, present & future lives. That it won't change with them getting older & what the SARA staff says goes is the final word. For some students the WET, MESSY & MIADS programs has now started to become implemented, helping the students adjust more easily & take care of their outbusts as it is done hand in hand with the punishments. In Padded Boarding University the students has become much mcuh more mature & their rebel spirit is completly gone for a LARGE portion of the students. Their emotion & hormone levels are now on lower + stable. Almost all has now fully adapted into their lives & don't even think of being a big girl anymore. Punishments are still a thing, (there are after all break through cases even here) but the are much much more rare. It is estimated that there is only about 1.5 bad students on avarged for each class. The WET, MESSY & MIADS programs is now in full force for a large portion of the students, helping them with every rare outbust they might ever have, alongside the punishments.
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Diaper changes of the students out in the public done by The SARA Staff is a normal every day thing, during out door activities such as, recess, small & large field trips, the the local library, out into the wildness of nature & educational visits to museums & historical landmarks that are within a 4 hour buss drive. These changes takes place where ever & when ever The SARA Staff say so. The student must comply no matter what.
>>9220 what are those fucking LEGS man what the FUCK
>>9263 I don't know, you would hav to ask the artist in question. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/96312767
(This is extremly rare) But some parents, sends their daughters away to Padded Boarding Pre-School & don't ever visit, or allow them to return home, not seeing or hearing from them even once. Untill the very day they graduate Padded Boarding University & then only for that 1 day, untill their new husbands that they have chosen to marry their daughters of to. Because they planed the wedding to be on the very same day as the day their daughters graduate.
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>>9263 Obviously its an intruder and their legs were broken for jumping the fence. I suspect that isn't even the worst punishment.
>>9263 Baby girls shouldn’t try to run away from school grounds
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>>9317 Run away from school They break legs Seems harsh but whatever it takes to maintain discipline. Better than breaking their butt permanently suppose.
>>9331 The procedure is actually quite humane compared to the possibilities that are available (girls who are sentenced to having their butt broken are never the same after, they are confined to the thickest and most heavy-duty diapers forever afterwards). There was a girl in my class who tried to run away during recess, but due to her diaper waddle, she was easily apprehended by the Aras and sent to have the leg procedure done to her. Zero pain. Now she can be seen crawling around the classroom, her big diapered butt exposed to all of the other girls! Sometimes the Aras even take her between classes in a stroller. Her regression has increased tenfold since her incident of rule-breaking.
>>9334 There is only (1) Padded Boarding School that uses that punishment and (ONLY!) in the most extreme cases after all eles has failed & there is no other way. The student's parents & future husband (if they are put in the WET program) must be informed. They must then sign a consent form were it states that they explicitly consent to have their little one's butt broken & render her un-able to walk & be able to re-potty train ever again. A large portion of the PBSB wants t see this punishment banned (permeanently). But they still have to convince some holdouts for them to be able to make this permanent ban. The arguments & debates is in full swing & they are getting very heated at the moment. In the meantime, they have banned all other Padded Boarding Schools from implementing this punishment untill everythingis setteld. The name of this (1) Padded Boarding School is Abdlcatraz.
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>>9337 I can see the leg breaking being stopped but butt breaking is a traditional form of punishment the Ara Patrol has been dealing ever since their inception! Hardline conservative Aras will not allow it!
>>9347 >I can see the leg breaking being stopped but butt breaking is a traditional form of punishment the Ara Patrol has been dealing ever since their inception! Indeed, that is why arguments & debates are getting very heated right now. >Hardline conservative Aras will not allow it! If the votes is in favor of banning it, then they mus comply or resign. (Note) That the ban is just for SARAs the ARAs of these schools. This ban will not effect the other areas f the ARA department.
>>9351 Is there even voting? I thought /abdl/ was a monarchy. Or is it just a cuckstitutional monarchy where the ruler only gets to sit on a golden potty?
>>9353 The PBSB is like the UN security council, some members are oremanent with veto powers & others are temporary. Grace is the Head of the PBSB.
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>>9355 >Grace is the Head of the PBSB Then butt breaking is there to stay. Grace insists on attending every butt breaking session personally for her own viewing pleasure. probably cause she fantasies about it being done to her
>>9380 She is in fact the one who first put forward the global butt-breaking ban for schools. In her role as head, she is more reserved.
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>>9386 >Grace >Who provided a home for the Ara Patrol in her torture dungeons to convert anons into anime girls >Against butt breaking Sure
>>9402 Only for these Schools. Otherwise these schools wouldn't have become so widespread among the normie population. Because of parent outrage & wealthy & powefull elite familys pulling their funding & public support. Grace had no choice but to spearhead this. (Note) That any expeld student is fair game for buttbreaking.
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>>9404 I suppose there are a sea of prisoners she can use but she will need to expel a lot to maintain her excitement.
>>9412 Oh trust me when i say that there are alot of other places she can take pepole, than the thoes that have gotten expeld from the schools-
I wonder what home schooling or private tutoring entails. Imagine if Grace invited a student for a personal study session The question is who would be the schoolgirl?
So when do we encounter the Ara underground looking to kidnap expelled students?
>>9647 >So when do we encounter the Ara underground looking to kidnap expelled students? Well the short awnser (if you are an expeled student). You'll encounter them the moment it is far too late for you. For anyone eles, well they are very secretive from the other studentds & the public at large. They are some good amount of them around everyone of these schools all around the globe. But you'll the wast amount of time, just walk by them & not notice them at all.
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>>9650 I foresee roaming gangs of Aras at night looking to abduct anyone who is out after curfew. Streets are not safe. Turn one dark corner and you'll hear the sounds of "Ara Ara" before being added to the list of "Missing, Presumed Diapered"
>>9686 >I foresee roaming gangs of Aras at night looking to abduct anyone who is out after curfew. Nah they don't abduct you, unless you get expelled first. But they are going to return you to the school by force, to be punished by the SARA staff. >Turn one dark corner and you'll hear the sounds of "Ara Ara" before being added to the list of "Missing, Presumed Diapered" For the expelled that gets abducted, they won't hear the sounds of "Ara Ara" when they gets taken. But it will be the first words they hear after waking up in their ne permanent "home".
Another punishment is to be placed in the used diaper room, where all of the used diapers form the students are being thrown.
>>9991 Are you that anon that keeps posting the pic of Grace throwing diapers at Commiecat?
>>10269 Nope, not me.
I feel like what anons are writing here would be better than what Messy Academy is producing.
>>10470 I agree.
Ara patrol have been super silent lately and I don't like it. Way things have been going around here though I kind of want them back to clean up a few messes.
>>10555 I agree with you, i also want them back.
We need to get all board-tans sent to this boarding school.
>>18965 The funny thing here that all board-tans has allready been through this school system allready. They all started attending when they were sent to Padded Boarding Pre-Schools at around 5 Years of Age. They are all now Alumnis of thier respective schools. Some are even part of the SARA staff.
>>19090 Way they've been acting lately they need to be reenrolled and brought before the board of education.
>>19095 Oh they do that sometimes, sort off. They call it Alumni's Play-Date Reunion.
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