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Petitefool [Lainey] Archive Baby 02/19/2022 (Sat) 08:11:43 No. 9274
Seems Petitefool/Lainey is nuking her Patreon and Tumblr again so figured it'd be best to gather any images or videos in one place.
to be real. the goodnites look like they fit right
I have 7 more videos. Any way I can upload them without using Mega? I
>>9374 Maybe a google drive? Make a burner account or something.
>>9374 >7 more videos You actually got Petitefool's Patreon videos?
>>9374 woah, post them here
i will upload some zippyshare files next, torrent was broken
Damn, that is a nice collection. Thank you!
>>9518 is it really that big of a collection?
>>9567 What is this?
>>9566 It's 21 videos (1m-5m each) + 154 pics. The videos are pretty good, mostly her peeing in pullups then fingering herself in bed and/or changing. But yeah, I was expecting a bit more from 2.6gb
>>9568 some 8kun fag refugee posting incoherent bullshit, just ignore them
Can someone make a separate file with just the videos included
>>9621 ? The pics make up a grand total of 9mb in that archive. Just delete them if you don't want them
>>9518 Pretty mediocre videos. She's cute and all but not the most interesting.
>>9518 I cant get these files to extract. 7zip says that it cannot open file as archive. How'd yall get em to extract?
>>9813 Well, first off it's a split archive. Gotta download all 6 files before extracting You could also try WinRar if 7zip isn't working, worked fine for me
>>9815 I've got all 6 downloaded. Winrar didnt work either :( you select em all then hit extract right?
>>9820 You select the first one ("Lainey_2.7z.001") and extract
>>9274 >deletes her Patreon cause of leaks that reveal her identy >patreon itself reveals her name is Leila Betrayed by her service
Shes back on Tumblr now
>>10071 Name/URL?
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Hello everyone! I invite you all to know my page and if you like the content come be our patron! https://www.patreon.com/dreambaby
>>10092 Has anyone actually bought at the $50 level??? That's pretty steep.
Is she actually back on tumblr? Haven’t seen anything of hers so far
>>9518 Does anyone have her changing someone else? Did she ever have videos where she's getting changed by someone else?
Bump. Anyone have her older videos?
>>9274 >>9275 >>9276 >>9373 >>9572 >>9624 Pull ups make me insta diamonds
Any news on what happened to Lainey? Just curious.
>>13267 Potentially got found out. Seems she tried to wipe her identity though even Patreon seems to have leaked her actual first name.
As long as we have the most recent batch. Does anyone have the older stuff from like 2019
Bump - interested in this
Anyone have access to her IG? Seems to be the only place she still posts regularly
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>>18062 Yeah she posts face 3-5 times a week
>>18073 I've been following her for years, back when she was on her tumblr as vanmaury and I've never seen her face thanks anon
>>18073 >small body >face already hitting mature look fast Dang I thought she would have been baby faced given she's asian and small. Anyone have her video changing someone else?
>>18084 I don't think you've ever so much as kissed a girl in your life you fucking faggot lmao she looks hot as fuck
>>18079 You want more? I have a few more SS
>>18116 I’m not this person but I’d love to see screenshots
>>18111 >automatically getting defensive Why are you posting on 8chan Leila? Don't you have to purge your new tumblr again?
>>18111 She looks average and significantly than her age would imply. Cute small body but a face that doesnt match it. She's not ugly but she's not super cute either.
does she have messy content? she swears that she doesnt like it but in some videos of hers she mentioned that she was messy
>>18159 Already taken down, damn
Wait what messy content was there? I don’t remember her doing it. Are you sure it wasn’t someone else?
I have every video she ever posted to her patreon and one she posted to tumblr many years ago, never did I hear in any of them she saying she was messy, I think I might have read a reply to an ask from her where she said she did it only once but didn't like it so didn't do it again.
would you be interested in sharing? I was too retarded to save her stuff down when it was available on the drive
>>18313 Yep she messed but never recorded it. This was when she released her wetting a pull-up on tumblr under LaineyXLoves and asked for ideas. A lot of people wanted to see her mess. >all her videos Have her changing someone else?
>>18323 I have one where she grinds on a guy and jerks him off for about a minute while she changes him, if that's the video you mean.
>>18314 I'll see what I can do but it'll probably take me a while to upload them all, my net upload speed is atrocious, I could try to leave them uploading when I go to work and post the link here when I get home.
>>18331 I thought she changed a girl but i'll take any videos of her I can get.
You’re Him!!! I thought it was gone forever
this is the first batch: https://gofile.io/d/flj7BN Get it as fast as you can since I don't know how long this site keeps the files for, I'll upload the other 2 today and post the link when I get home. PS: if it gets deleted maybe someone who already downloaded them can re-upload them elsewhere, it took a long ass time to upload these because my upload speed caps at around 80 kbps.
>>18367 I meant I'll upload the other 10*, there's a total of 31 files
https://gofile.io/d/1oaWrh Here's the rest of the videos, turns out a couple of them were edits I had made myself, anyway, enjoy.
>>18381 You're a hero. Thanks for sharing. A good bit of stuff I'd never seen before on there.
>>18367 >just a friend Jesus she's a horny fuck if she does that with just a friend
I mean, if you had another DL that lived nearby, wouldn’t you play with them too?
>>18407 >>18408 that dude won the geography lottery big time
>>18408 Jesus she's a horny fuck if she does that with just a friend LOL I thought the same thing the first time I saw that video, I've played with a DL coworker, but she's also a girl, I would never do that with a boy boy if he was "just a friend".
Just realized I replied/tagged the wrong comment, I apologize, this is my first time posting in an image board.
Any chance somebody can re-up the lainey videos?
Looks like her IG is down. Anyone save her pics?
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>>20266 I got you
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>>20266 Site wouldnt let me upload the rest. RIP
Damn, she’s too cute. Would love to see the rest
Bump. I want those Videos so bad
Bump, anyone have a video of her changing a boy’s diaper?
>>22819 How is this related to Lainey you retard?
Still looking for that video of Lainey jerking off a guy and changing his diaper
I wish she’d make pay content again, especially with another boy. She needs to find someone who indulges the lifestyle
>>22963 do you have all her Patreon videos?
>>22963 How do I use this link? I tried I torrent but it doesn’t work.
>>23035 fucking newfags, lurk moar
>>22963 >>22963 Any chance to upload this again? Link is dead. Thx
>>22894 >>23142 >just a friend So as long as youre willing to deal with her horny ass.
damn links already dead. did anyone get it?
Any time I post anything Lainey my Mega account gets terminated.
Let's try this out. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRscFpGYzFjbU5wTlhwa1V6bG9URE5LUzFKdVJrZFJWbFl5
>>23175 based. Nice work anon
>>23175 >>23654 both of these are down sadly... any chance of re up?
Try this instead for the videos WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRscFpGYzFjbU5wTlhOWlV6bG9UREZTYjFsck9VbFZTRnBU
>>24157 Anyway to dl all of those easily? That site is popup happy.
>>24160 Jdownloader
Someone give me a vague hint, I cannot remember what to convert this from..
Anyone have the rest of her insta posts? She just pulled her account again lol
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>>24195 She just archived her posts. She made a series of posts (not pictured) about her close friend wanting to dox her. We already have her name she leaked.
>>24231 legit feel this. i wanted an abdl girl, but had nothing but toxic shit happened in the attempt. It's a community with huge differences. Anywhere from non sexual to complete dominance and everything in-between, making it very volatile and difficult. i gave up being a part of the community because of how difficult it is. it just so happens i met my perfect little randomly at work. she's into all the same shit and it's amazing. it's hard wading through all the trash to find someone that's actually good for you. i had plenty of relationships that were willing to try the diaper thing, but it made me feel uncomfortable. they were trying something they didnt like because they liked me, but i could tell that they werent enjoying it. i think the prospect of finding someone online makes us all very vulnerable but also fickle. once i met an actual ABDL girl IRL we hit it off extremely well and haven't looked back. the chances are one in millions, but it can happen and when it does, it's amazing.
>>24231 >>24252 every vanilla partner will resort to threatening and doxxing you if the right extenuating circumstances are met. they don't understand or care about the consequences for you because they can't relate to having this immutable and important facet of self that drives emotional and sexual experience, they have an innate aversion they learned to accept or cope with or even enjoy. its fucked up. she probably needs to be friends with abdls until she finds one with common interests and has romantic feeling about or smthn. its just crazy a cute hot asian girl experiences this issue like every average abdl guy wading through the vanilla dating pool, that's the power of stigma we're dealing with. it can and probably will do reputational damage to be exposed with little to no fallout for the outer.
>>24266 >its just crazy a cute hot asian girl experiences this issue like every average abdl guy wading through the vanilla dating pool, that's the power of stigma we're dealing with. it can and probably will do reputational damage to be exposed with little to no fallout for the outer. Why wouldnt they? She started making herself public too early to develop the skills to tell actual friends from fakers who only wanted to fuck her. Not saying she isnt cute and attractive but she made herself too vulnerable. I wish her the best cause I know how it sucks to lose someone in this fetish but better for it to be this than lose them thru death.
>>24231 >We already have her name she leaked. We do? Didn't know she got doxxed, care to share?
>>24270 Wow, go ahead and blame the victim, I guess. "She made herself too vulnerable..." -- I guess it's her fault for putting faith in who she hoped would be "good people". Might as well say "she was asking for it by the way she was dressed."
Is her earlier content (vanmaury era) extant, or is it lost to the ages? I've seen a few pics here and there but would love to see more - esp videos if there are any
Agreed, post more if you have any. Would be awesome!
>>27310 Just because something is a crime to do doesn't mean not a fucking idiot for inviting it to happen from low morality, poor impulse control dickheads. Do you walk around the ghetto with a bag full of money livestreaming yourself? No because you get shot and your shit taken. Do you make it easier for creeps on the internet to stalk you when you're already at risk? (female, cute, openly into fetish)
>>27285 Did she? I figured out here full name / address a few weeks ago but wasn't sure if it was widespread knowledge or not.
>>27329 I linked the 2017 one, but the archive from 1/21/2015 has more/different/better stuff btw
>>27328 Sauce?
Y'all are major creeping, she was under 18 in the archived pics... Her new stuff is really good, stick to that
Speaking of new stuff, I saw her tagged in someone's IG story. Anyone have access to her abdl account and want to share?
>>27381 Name?
>>27385 @Pacifyfool
>>27389 who tagged her?
>>27391 @abdlsunshine at the end of June
She removed me from her followers outta nowhere. Never even interacted with her or said any things. Weird.
>>18073 thank you anon, always wondered what she looks like and she is drop dead gorgeous, and into diapers to boot? sigh... a man can dream. love my wife and all but she's vanilla. maybe in the next life
>>27329 God I love all her stuff so much
Such a cutie
>>27328 Yeaaaah don't do that. That's a surefire way to never see that poor girl again on the internet. If she doesn't want her current life out there right now, then that's her choice. Don't go and fuck that all up.
>>29120 She's already gone (probably forever), so who cares?
>>29260 She has a life offline that we shouldn’t fuck with? Diapersandpacifiers got fucked up by people putting her info online
>>29260 no she isn't
I absolutely don't get why people would think "lemme doxx this person since she's never going online again" like what runs through their heads?
>>29279 degenerates
>>29278 She has new content? Anyone have stuff to share?
>>29303 Think it just might be her Instagram, which I don’t follow but would love if a follower had a folder of her posts
i think she messes now too
>>29328 they all do. it's hardly a novelty anymore.
>>29328 keep lying to yourself faggot >>29334 objectively false, scat fags are the an absolute minority in this fetish, the problem is that they're the most vocal fucking autists about it and they try and convince everyone that "DUDE EVERYONE'S ACTUALLY INTO THIS", legitimately kill yourselves
>>29338 >objectively false, scat fags are the an absolute minority in this fetish, the problem is that they're the most vocal fucking autists about it and they try and convince everyone that "DUDE EVERYONE'S ACTUALLY INTO THIS", legitimately kill yourselves I'm not even a scatfag, in fact I don't even really care for visible poop, but in my experience it's the anti-scat crowd that is far more annoying. Homie, diapers are meant to contain pee AND poop, why in the fuck is it surprising that a portion of our overall kink is into it? Most diaper content outside of the obviously fake paysites of old, is just women shitting in a diaper and maybe showing off the change and/or masturbating. Is your scroll wheel broken so you can't scroll past the scat content? Is your mouse broken so you can't go click that little "X" on the tab? Sit down and shut the fuck up, nobody cares about your inability to scroll past content you don't like.
I doubt she messes now. She's made mention in videos and posts before that she's only tried it once and that she's not into that. I guess anything is possible, but I'm not holding out hope. Her content is good. I liked her videos. She was plenty cute. But again, like so many other 'creators', there's only so many videos of them touching themselves in a Goodnite I can watch before I get bored. Her wetting stuff was good. I mean, she's good looking. That, and I feel like she's nuked how many blogs now? I think the latest was that her boyfriend or whatever didn't want her making new content. She's gone away and come back how many times now. Just seems like par for the course if she's gone. I'm sure she'll be back at some point.
>>29318 ring ring
>>29338 Honestly, I wish you were right. Name a popular content creator who doesn’t and I bet you’ll find the top 10 do
>>29343 Are you able to upload somewhere?
>>29339 >I'm not even a scatfag funny enough you're COMPLETELY fucking full of shit. go die of septic shock you annoying fucking faggot, this is why everyone hates you disgusting pieces of literal shit
>>29355 so angry! eat a donut
>>29343 Any way you can get this on mega or something? I have her videos, even the ones with the Abdl boy
>>29360 Agreed, would be amazing
Looks like she's back on Reddit under u/petitelainey. A few good pics. Anyone been stashing her IG posts and want to share?
>>9275 Did she ever get around to dropping this video?
>>35779 >links dont work Rip
>>35781 Yes they do >>35779 10/10 links, thanks Anon
>>35782 Really? Keep getting an SSL error with them
>>35779 >>35782 Never mind, got it working. Thank you bro
>>35800 Part 2- Little Orphan Annie prize

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