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Abdl cringe Baby 08/17/2020 (Mon) 00:11:53 No. 942
Self explanatory. Post the shit that just makes you go "why?"
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>>945 Why does the diaper sissy nazi aesthetic turn me on?
>>946 A domination thing? Gets me hard thinking about how easily it would be to grab the little faggot by the neck and throw it around the room like a doll. They want to throw around edgy comments for attention? I'd give it attention, all right.
>>948 >grab the little faggot Oh arent you edgy
>>948 No I self-insert as the tranny
>>948 It took less than 5 posts to get from thread start to "the cringe was in the thread all along"
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Okay now this is getting out of hand. I wish I was able to watch the youtube stream of the arrest.
>>966 Just like at the other 8 board. Funny.
>>946 It’s just a natural fit. I was a diaper sissy Nazi before it was cool.
LGBTQAI + ABDL I mean, who would have thought that wearing diapers would attract all kinds of faggots and retards. Then are the other bastards who want to normalize this shit. Somethings are just best to remain in the closet...
>>4326 >Somethings are just best to remain in the closet... Would say that, but apparently sexualities get a free pass so w/e
>>4314 that's gotta be an edit, no way is CWC "one of us"
>>4345 He's not one of us, some trolls sent him diapers and he tried some on. He told a troll about it and the troll asked for some sexy pictures while wearing them. Well, that's Chris Chan's idea of a sexy diaper picture
>>4314 >chrischan >youtuber
>>4345 That particular image was edited into a news report, but the news report is legit, someone sent me a link to what was actually broadcast on live TV.
>>945 Link to diaper tranny nazi discord?
Anyone got the story of Star frauding the NHS for diapers?
>>4966 This talks about her. Maybe check diaperedanime as the video mentions? I don't personally know but I found this with a bit of research. https://www.bitchute.com/video/IquC5oqbj5KS/
>>4346 He also can barely control himself https://sonichu.com/cwcki/DIRTY,_CRAPPED_BRIEFS
>>4966 Here's the archive link from the video I posted if that helps. https://archive.is/rhQcj
>>4979 Given the date on that post... I wonder if tory cuts altered the deal.
>>5002 What if they replaced them with inferior diapers that leaked?
>>4967 Diaperanime does have a post from her saying that she had stopped doing that way before it came out in public. I do wonder why no one ever looks for stuff that happened after?
>>5021 Because she still did it and its still considered fraud? I'm not accusing her that she still does it. Only once is enough to defraud her country and effectively steal diapers from the government. Nothing else matters.
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>>942 I don't know if this is proper abdl, but damn
>>5025 >Stealing from the government More like recouping wasted tax dollars. What kind of diapers does the NHS give out anyway
>>5102 Most governments are just overglorified daycares anyway for the corrupt. Where else do you think your taxes go?
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>>5025 I'd probably be more bothered by her minor fraud if our government wasn't wasting billions on things like helping the US murder civilians, keeping a journalist in Belmarsh maximum security prison, or undermining the privacy of its own citizens.
>>5119 Police to collect ticket revenue, when my bike is stolen I can sure count on them to tell me their resources are spread too thin
>A Colorado father found guilty of killing his son after the teen found his “compromising” fetish photos was sentenced Friday to a maximum 48 years in prison. >Mark Redwine, 60, was found guilty in July of second-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death after prosecutors said he got enraged when his 13-year-old son, Dylan, discovered photos of him wearing women’s lingerie while eating feces from a diaper, KKTV reported. https://nypost.com/2021/10/08/mark-redwine-dad-who-killed-son-over-his-fetish-pics-gets-48-years/
>>5178 >Eating shit from a diaper Why is it always Colorado?
i can't believe people like thatyamiguy his "content" is as about as bottom of the barrel as you can get i'd be embarrassed to put that level of shit out
>>5181 That's a good question. Certain states seem to breed deviants like that.
>>5202 Like Toronto in Canada?
>>5210 Yeah that's a good example. Maybe Broward County in Florida too.
>>5212 Maybe something in the water?
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look no further
>>5496 It wouldn’t be right if we didn’t feature in this thread too
>>5496 I think there was also one explaining and siding with pamperchu for re wearing shat in diapers, after throwing them in a microwave
>>5496 Don't forget the RP threads here.
Which one of you spergs was this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6jgY2DhU4A
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>>5704 >4 hours and 40 minutes Wew lad. I'm not sure if I can even bring myself to listen to people discussing this fetish
>>5704 Is there any more content like this, with interviewing people like this? I mostly try to find videos or podcasts artists go on to get a deeper look into what/why theyre interested in their fetish
>>5704 i disagree with them on pedophilia. you don't need to support lgbt, zoophiles etc to support pedophiles
>>5777 Yeah, I don't get that logic at all. I'm quite the loli connoisseur myself, but I really have nothing but distaste for LGBT, not to mention animal-fuckers.
>>5777 >>5780 I am having a difficult time believing these posts were made. If not bait, what a board.
>>5788 We don't tolerate pedophobia here, faggot
>>5789 Wouldn't one have to be homosexual to qualify for that?
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>>5822 Belief that there is an invariable concomitance between pedophiles and homosexuals is another symptom of your pedophobia, anon.
>>5830 I never implied that, I was simply referring to your use of the term "faggot."
Just noticed this link on reddit. Get the popcorn out. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eZv45WHyhQv4Gc81n28uyX5SDjicMEDC/view
>>6232 Jesus fucking Christ. If we needed any proof self-proclaimed "Trump Supporters" are completely fucking mentally deranged psychopaths ...
>>6234 You can say that about both sides. The left and the right, even the centre.
>>6232 I'm not sure I even want to know the whole story beyond this amount of 'tism here
>>6236 *beyond Behind
>>6237 What I've read it's clear that the argument started over a fetlife group. When Jodie called him out, he claimed he was doxed; when it wasn't true. This man then created twitter accounts in Jodie's name trolling her then spreading lies about her. Jodie fought back and in the end she caught him red-handed. It was this "Fat Andy" bloke who pretended to be her all along while claiming to the community it wasn't him, when indeed it was. The evil fat fuck got done up like a kipper. And he's done it to others within the community; not just Jodie.
>>6250 The fact that you made this reply in this thread is kinda perfect. Peak cringe.
Anyone got the whole story of that tranny sperg who went around trying to get abdl artists shut down on deviantart and other platforms? I know that doesn't naturally narrow things down much but I remember the story being autismal entertainment of the highest order.
>>6232 file deleted, story gone. Context: missing.
Was going to post this in the vidya thread but when I saw what was happening felt like it belonged in the cringe https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/viewtopic.php?p=40017993 To sum up: >Release game "demo" >Have to pay on patreon to access it >Not the first time this person has done this It's not a fucking demo then! Thing is quite a few abdl creators have this mentality as well. At least call it an alpha or beta or whatever but don't call it a demo!
>>945 Can you invite me to that server?
Wow, I can't believe this diaper mess is so bad it warps the bedsheet without touching it!
>>945 This is based though. >>946 Gap moe. Two things that you would not think or imagine together but being together and somehow fitting. I also just hate leftists. Don't get me wrong right wing people I hang out with are just as retarded too but are at least fun and we can shitpost with each other and forget about the name calling the day after like an Irish bar fight. Leftists just tend to be pedantic and look for opportunist to feed off you like a social shark. Right-wing degen schizo posting is based for that reason.
>>7680 >Gap moe That's exactly what it is. I've always liked Nazi stuff and I also like diapers and stuff. If it's cringe, so be it. >>7518 I wish I knew what the server was, it seems fun.
A bit of a personal tale. Once I was in the disabled loo and I had, absent-mindedly, not pulled the door handle sufficiently to lock the door. Part-way through my change, a door opens and a mother is trying to get in. The door was open long enough for her to take everything in, and people around the door too, me on the change mat, getting wiped. I quickly shouted and tried to cover as the door was being closed. I never forgot to pull that handle up again, and instinctively check it a few times before changing now. That is the only really exposed experience I've had. The walk of shame opening that door and leaving was quite anxiety-provoking, but once I got away from the loo area I quickly forget it ever happened.
>>945 >ywn have a cute diapered right-wing twink to face fuck into oblivion after you change him why bother?
>>7855 This made me lol so fucking hard, very relatable though.
>>7855 did you use medical diapers?
Honestly, most of the people here probably live far happier lives than any of you sad degenerate hateful faggots. The fact that people have to hate like this is cringe in and of itself. KYS
>>8188 Yes, fortunately. I can only get medical
https://spanktastic.fanbox.cc/ DAZ3D diaper and spanking art of small children. Enough said.
>>8202 could have been worse. She shouldn't have acted like that anyway, you were just doing disabled things in a disabled toilet
>>8198 Aww is the little baby gonna cry about it??
>>8684 Nice. There needs to be more of that.
http://logs.omegle.com/d2961158b28fea9e fun chat i had on omegle lol
I went on pixiv and I found this! https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94105596
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Mercomix (mostly shrinking women stuff, but also stuff with that and abdl) is canceling a series because some people on are 4chan were mean.
>>5102 Generally give out booster things rather than diapers I’m sure. Always see them in second hand scenarios as if an elderly relative has died. I think medical incontinence more likely to be dealt with as part of your actual money claim
whatever happened to that guy on DA that was making a comic about demon hunters or something who wore diapers... that just looked like underwear but he INSISTED they definitely were diapers, despite the fact that he also claimed to not be into ABDL
Imagine cringing at people living their lives, with no regard for you or who you are, to their best of ability, who are probably more happy than you clearly because you feel the need to out them or laugh at them for...god knows what reason. Anyone that does this shit is sadder than anyone they could ever laugh at. Die alone.
>>10696 Yeah, I've never really understood the appeal of cringe threads and lolcow stuff, especially coming from ABDLs. We're already considered extremely fucked up even by the standards of weird fetishists. Anyone engaging in this sort of thing is, at best, a huge hypocrite.
>>10696 >>10698 A lot of this has to do with that so many people with internet access apparently can't restrain themselves from giving too much information due to lacking social skills and restraint, making fools of themselves in pursuit of e-fame or resulting from thinking they're somehow smarter or better than everyone else, arguing over petty shit, or chimping out over what strangers on the internet think. The stereotypical idiocy one finds on places like Reddit, Twitter, and Youtube are well known examples. I see no problem with lolcow and cringe threads or mocking people online who either expose their own foolishness and idiocy or reveal how much of a terrible person they really are. A lot of it could likely be avoided if more people understood that some things are better left behind closed doors and strangers on the internet don't need to know every personal detail. It seems a lot of people online don't understand the concept of "Too Much Information" and the old adage of "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt". A recurring theme is that idiots, creeps, and weirdos online have no one forcing their behavior and no obligation to upload and share their antics for the world to see. It's not just an ABDL thing, but just citing particularly notable ABDL examples, no one forced Pamperchu to dig through trash for used diapers to cook in an improperly shielded microwave and share that he did this online. No one forced Rory Deas to pretend to be retarded to trick nurses into his ABDL fetish. No one forced Deeker to be a pedophilic creep. No one forced Babystar/Toddlergirl to reveal that she scams the government to get diapers for her fetish, post pictures of herself openly RPing ABDL in public, and draw a long and terrible comic in which nothing of interest ever happens. Yes, this is the internet and a lot of things are acceptable that would unacceptable in real life, but I see nothing wrong with pointing and laughing at the outliers on the bell curve. Most of us are aware that most ABDLs understand discretion, but even most ABDLs know of other ABDLs they consider weird, foolish, or unlikable. Every community and large enough group has this. I don't see anything wrong with being amused with the village idiots or pointing out the creeps and weirdos. Beyond amusement it does serve the function of telling the majority, "Don't be like these people."
>>10707 And too add, my only real complaint with threads like this is that a lot of them lack noteworthy or interesting content. Yeah there's cringe present and occasionally there's something interesting, but the majority of it just seems boring or makes me think "I've seen stuff weirder or creepier than this."
>>10707 The way I see it is that the kind of nastiness and lynchmob mentality that comes out in threads like this is really no better - and in many cases much worse - than the faults of the people it's targetting. I can get off to fictional bullying, but your post reads like it was written by an actual real-life bully trying to justify why it's okay to make the weird kid's life a living hell. If the best defence you have is "it's their fault for giving us enough information to harass them", then you might just be a shitty person doing awful things.
>>10707 So. I'm bored. >a lot of this has to do with people making a fool of themselves etc Bro, you do realize that you make an even bigger fool out of yourself for even giving people that, you yourself just said are worthless trash, the time of day. Right? >I see no problem with mocking people Until someone mocks you, right? I bet you're the type to cry and throw a fit whenever you're challenged by someone, as you are doing now. If you cannot see why spreading hatred is not only dumb as fuck, but actually detrimental to your own personal success you have the highest form of autism. Or are a narcissist take your pick. >Forcing their behavior People can act however the fuck they want to act. You aren't a god, nor are you a governing body. You don't get to come here, spew bullshit about "rules" with absolutely no authority. The reality is you find this behavior comical because you cannot understand. You cannot comprehend. And because you absolutely cannot be the one who looks stupid you lash out and make it a comedy. There's no bigger joke in the world than that. >>10710 This guy gets it. Now let this fucking disaster of a thread die. Thanks.
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>>10722 >Now let this fucking disaster of a thread die. Thanks. Well anon, thanks for confirming that you are so insecure in your fetish that YOU can't handle it being made fun of. You can delude yourself that it's normal and it's just your undies of choice, or it's just innocent regression or whatever. Cringe threads exist because ABDL is a cringe fetish. It's cringe to wear diapers when you don't need to, It's cringe to LARP as an infant. That's the baseline of this fetish. Go outside of that baseline with people like Pamperchu microwaving used diapers from a dumpster or the sperg who pretended to be retarded to get someone to change his diaper and you've got some peak cringe. It's possible to be OK with having this fetish AND to realize it IS cringe.
>>10710 I mean... are you seriously defending the sort of people who dig through trash for things to jack off with, scam the government for a fetish, openly and obviously sexually roleplay among people who do not consent to it, are actual pedophiles, and pretend to be retarded to trick others into playing along with a fetish? The last one is the only one we know for sure was arrested and charged with something, but all those things can result in legal troubles and vilification from others even if they weren't ABDL related. There has to be some standards and limits even for ABDLs. It's not a good idea to be an open pervert and do things that can cause a moral panic with normal people or cause legal issues. ABDL is a weird fetish already and people like this make the majority of more self aware and relatively normal acting of us that just want to be left alone with our interests look worse in the eyes of regular people. >>10722 The fuck are you talking about? We're humans, social animals by nature, there are always rules of behavior of some sort for interacting with other humans, be it implicit or explicit and internal or external. The emotions of shame and fear in relation to social interaction exist for a reason. It's there to keep you from doing stuff that can get you ostracized or hated by a social group. Again, we're social animals and that's important because humans, even in the modern world, survive better as groups and with social connection of some sort rather than in solitude. In extreme cases not fitting in and conforming to some extent can get you arrested or killed. There's nothing wrong being autist weirdo or freaky pervert and it's okay not to be normal, but you still have to put on the human suit for interaction with normal people that make up the majority of society. As >>10725 put it, ABDL is a cringe fetish. There's nothing wrong with being aware that you have a cringe fetish that normies don't like to see and will ridicule or hate you it. Just look at when anything ABDL related comes up in mainstream media and fiction. It's always either played to be disturbing or for comedic purposes. Normal people at worst think ABDLs in general are a version of pedos to be feared and despised and at best don't take us seriously and ridicule us. Being exposed to weird fetishes tends to make most people cringe or laugh. Most ABDLs and other people with weird fetishes seem to have enough self awareness to keep their fetishes in the closet, not draw attention to themselves, and only bring it up in the right settings and contexts such as this imageboard or sites relevant to the fetish. Even then there's weirder stuff that comes up and people who lack that self awareness, lack any shame, and don't seem to have a filter on what not to say or do. There's always going to be other humans that will hate or ridicule you regardless. It's usually best not give people extra reasons to do so. You're not going to be totally accepted or even tolerated by everyone. I'm perplexed that over the years I've repeatedly encountered people online that insist on universal tolerance and acceptance. Yes, it's an ideal, but not realistic and it's not how humans actually behave. There's always going to be biases and prejudices and in some cases this is rational to avoid predators, creepers, and people that will attempt to exploit and fuck over other people. I suspect this viewpoint comes from people who don't interact much outside of niche groups and the internet. There's nothing wrong with having awareness of that and being able to laugh at yourself and the idea that there are people who are worse. It's healthy to recognize the absurdity, weirdness, and fallibility of life and existence and not get overly upset about it.
>>10725 >You can't handle being made fun of Oh please. My life is awesome. Nothing anyone online can hurt me in anyway shape or form. I'm good bro. You missed the point. As usual with dumb fucks such as yourself. >wearing diapers is cringe Doesn't that stand to reason that threads like this are hypocritical as fuck and that the people who post shit in them are unable to grasp that they themselves are also cringe? Sounds like cringe to me bro. >Pamperchu My only issue with Pamperchu is hygiene related. He's free to do whatever he wants with his time and energy. I have no opinion on him beyond that. >>10732 defending people that dig through trash, scam, etcetc other shit Why do you care so much about people that have 0 impact on your life? Answer that, and maybe you'll see the other side of the spectrum. It isn't that these behaviors are being justified. It's your behaviors that are being dismissed. It's that simple. >rules in society You're a very grounded individual. I see where you're coming from tbh. But the reason why you will never understand my perspective is because of your groundedness. Your need for things to be "normal". Your need for a status quo. Because otherwise it's very scary to you. Am I right? People fear what they cannot comprehend. And this many people's behavior seem to be far beyond your scope of understanding. Again. Let this thread fucking die. I will continue to completely dismantle anyone that continues to engage with this bullshit.
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>>10750 The best part of the cringe threads is faggots like you unironically providing cringe in the appropriate thread.
>>10776 Honestly, I agree. White Knights claiming morally superiority about defending people who would be seen as creeps and weirdos even if they weren't weren't ABDLs, or some other niche interest or community, is hilarious and sad. It reminds me of No True Scotsman and excuses brought up when creeps, whack jobs, and perverts come up in online LGBT. Just... god damn, own it, ridicule, shun, and make it clear these people are not good examples of the community and that everything has weirdos and bad people. Every fucking time there's people defending the obvious perverts and creeps that makes everyone else look worse and reinforce the stereotype. A best it's hilarious, at worst it's cringe on its own and makes the rest of us look even worse.
>>10776 If you're cringing at my posts the reason is most likely that you're an emotionally immature child who prefers insulting others for personal gain over being an upstanding adult with proper morals. Cringe all you want. The reality is if you act like this in real life you won't have much success. And acting like this online only shows how you truly are on the inside. Mask it all you want, that ugliness comes out at the end of the day. If you want to have a legitimate argument with me by all means. If you're just going to keep saying shit is "cringe" then well, you've already lost here and you should move on my guy. >>10787 If I'm a white knight for defending humans right to be who they are without ridicule from others then call me whatever you want. I'm just a better human being than you, and you can't handle that. The evidence? Look at how riled up you are talking about cringe this or cringe that. Your life is most likely pitiful and that's why you come here to talk shit about others to raise up whatever low level of self-esteem you have. There's nothing more to see here. You just don't have the mental capacity or mental maturity to understand why your actions are not only hypocritical, but detrimental to your own future success. Luckily people like you are dying off slowly. It's more the norm to be accepting of others sexuality and private lives now-a-days then it ever has been. And thank fucking god for that. Your future is just like those we see on TV. You're going to be one of those nutjobs that murders someone simply because they are different than you. Be in racial, or social, or whatever else. Your kind doesn't last long in society. You have a short shelf life. People like you never have the last life. And there's a reason for it. Figure that out before you become one of these sad old fucks still clinging to the good old days. Move on and let people live their lives. That's the best life advice anyone's going to give you. And I gave it to you for free. Be grateful, as it's quite clear not many have shown you such kindness in life thus far.
Actual cringe relevant to the thread instead of arguing with the fucktard... It's a year old but I'm surprised it was never mentioned here. Turns out Labelle, an insane tranny webcomic author that argues for putting all children on puberty blockers that would turn their bones to powders among other side effects and more sane trannies even hate is a babyfur and was tracing actual children for material ander a different account. As can be expected with tranny shit there was a lot of social media nonsense defending it, but at the same time there were some actual sane responses. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/sophie-labelle-verville-guillaume-labelle-assigned-male-candycore-comics-pastel-sexy-times-wafflesart.17137/page-2050#post-8409445 There's a reason stuff like ararchive purged its caption content involving images of actual children.
>>10815 Saw the picture and went that's cute. Then I realized she also did sexualized pictures and it took a 180 turn into creepy territory
>>10814 >>10816 Yeah. That's what I thought. Run like the immature child you are because you have absolutely no argument. You two are going to be the only dumb fucks cringing at others while every other sensible adult on this board is going to be cringing at you. This would normally embarrass most people. But for you, you seem to take pride in being a pile of steaming garbage. Sad as fuck. Get out.
>>10816 You do realize that there's nothing sexual about furry art drawn in this nature and the very fact that you and others are pretending it is to suite your little "fuck the furfag" or "fuck trannies" agenda just shows how uneducated you are, right? >>10839 As autistic as you might come across at times, I actually find myself agreeing with you. I do suggest you stop replying to these morons as they aren't worth your time. They aren't going to listen. They've chosen to be this way and aren't likely to change no matter what logical argument you throw at them.
>>10840 I am a furfag. Fuck trannies though. I have no problem with sexualized cub art but tracing irl kids and using them as a template for nsfw cub art crosses a line in my mind
>>10750 >>10710 >>10696 >>10722 >>10750 >>10810 >>10839 >>10840 Assuming this is all the same or at least similar anons due to how insistent they are while using the same arguments... You do realize sage bombing and denying that the cringe exists does not mean it does not exist? This does exist. This is a thing. Your posts are the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la la la la la la I can't hear you." You talk about how people shouldn't care about random others on the internet, but don't see or care why you yourself are not doing the same and this is apparently the hill you want to die on. You're a hypocrite and you insist this must be about you and your argument. It's not going to go away. This is still here. There are entire sites beyond here dedicated to whackjobs and weirdos on the web. It doesn't make you right. It's just trying to drown out and shut down people you don't agree with. Reminds me of "When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” and "Being loud doesn't make you right." You're apparently doing this over someone actually trying to get back on topic and at the same time defending a tranny who actually traces children for sexual stuff. Are you a troll, some sort of apologist, or just a moron? Do you get off on this? Are you so open minded your brain has leaked out? At the very least thank you for vindicating my misanthropy, proving right again that people like you are often present that give no shits about any sort of standards or engaging a sane augment and just care about their own moral superiority and drowning out the opposition like so many other people. This may be taking the bait, but fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
>>10844 >>10860 There is a special irony in you repeatedly calling people immature children, only to get so upset about people's different opinions that you perform the digital equivalent yelling nonsense to interrupt them. Bonus points for the "I warned you" as if you wasting an hour of your time posting pictures of spiderman actually has any meaningful effect on anyone. At this point, I think you may actually be a minor, because this strikes me as the kind of thing I'd do when I was 12, before realizing how pathetic it was and growing out of it. Either that, or you're genuinely so used to only being surrounded by agreeing opinions that you lack the ability to handle it when someone doesn't. In either case, I feel sorry for you, and think that getting off the internet for a bit would probably do you some good. I don't even like cringe threads myself - ignoring the morality of judging other people, I don't know if it's good for someone's mental health to actively seek out examples of things they dislike or despise. But trying to police people's behavior because you don't like it is worse, especially when your attempt boils down to just trying (and failing) to drown out disagreement after insulting people and calling them children fails to change their mind.
>>10866 > There is a file cap on every single thread Yup. You totally have the ability to waste hours of your time to hit whatever that cap ends up being. At which point, someone else will take the 10 seconds necessary to start a new one, and you get to start the process over. It's ultimately far more of an inconvenience for you than anyone else, and it's both idiotic and wasteful. > I view what I'm doing as very mature. I'm teaching you a valuable lesson. Nah, you're just being a condescending child. You've failed to convince anyone of your position, likely just further entrenching them in their opposing ones, and are reverting to a tantrum in response.
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>>10866 Judging from the previous posts, rate, and that you bothered to type out an actual response this is being done manually rather than any sort of programmed script. You've got hundreds to go before hitting the post limit for a thread. Congratulations on being an obsessive autist witha ot of time to waste I guess? Not getting what you gain here.
>>10886 Why are trannies like this?
>>10888 What did he say? It's deleted.
>>10966 Basically: you have no life you only hate the pedo artist because you hate trans people. I'm not wasting my time I only spent like 5 minutes spamming Spiderman pics. It must be sad being a loser who wastes their time thinking about trans people all day...yada yada it was a rant summed up kinda like this
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>>10776 This. Too fucking funny.
>>10966 Basically pedo using the excuse of trans to defend blatant paedophilia.
>>10987 Trans people are retarded, fuck all them
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>>11023 >Diaper fag=degenerate >Fur fag = degenerate >Diaper fag+fur fag= super degenerate
>>942 https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Deeker Deeker, toy probably know him but still gross.
>>11193 Will Deeker return? Is he even alive? I much prefer Deeker to the trannies, furfags and wokeism.
>>10993 There's literally nothing wrong with being a pedo. Hurting real kids is bad, but there's nothing wrong with the attraction itself.
>>11315 don't think i can get on board with this. the interest is not healthy for the person that has it regardless of whether or not they go around abusing children. you've already limited yourself to a life of props when you remove actual children from the equation. i think this would be recognized as unhealthy regardless of the props involved.
>>11280 I find this post to be cringe You fucking old ass fart go die
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>>11362 >the interest is not healthy for the person that has it regardless of whether or not they go around abusing children Only because of anti-pedo roasties who make it their lives' goal to make the lives of pedos hell. Society makes it unhealthy by their threats of violence, imprisonment and death that pedos are subjected to 24/7. All people have pedophilic impulses and have been brainwashed to not believe it.
>>11380 Objectively wrong.
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>>11387 Lolis are just objectively better than roasties, sorry. Everyone knows it deep down. That's why gate-keeping laws exist.
>>11389 Still objectively wrong.
I don’t know what it is about 99% of sissification being so… weird and just gross to me. I can appreciate a skirt, but when you get to stuff like the pictures I’ve attached I just want to vomit. Especially when I see pictures of it in public. The second hand embarrassment one tends to feel is intense.
>>11461 I've never seen the spergs parade around in public in sissy attire, but that 50's style 'art' is mega-cringe in my mind.
Oh, and everyone who draws children in kink situations. Go get some help.
>>11362 I mean it kind of does suck for the person in question, but it's only as "wrong" as being born with any disability that limits your lifestyle choices. If people had a choice I wouldn't advise anyone to become a pedo, but nobody does get a choice. The only question then is how to make the best of a bad situation. Anyway, give it a couple of centuries and we'll have the technology to make extremely realistic VR experiences, at which point the problem will more or less be solved. It just sucks that none of us will live that long.
>>11464 >Go get some help. People like you have made sure that nobody will go and get help because your idea of "help" is torture and murder. I think I'd rather continue enjoying entirely harmless fictional artwork.
>>11467 You need help to understand 'help', unless you are objectively retarded.
>>11467 If you think going to a psychiatrist to help work through these deep seeded issues, is going to result in you being killed- Lmfao, okay retard.
>>11380 ngl that's delusional at most generous. the interest is unhealthy and that has nothing to do with other people existing. it's similar to bestiality which is also unhealthy for reasons that don't involve the revulsion of others. you could view it as a disability, but then, nobody would describe disabilities as healthy. if pressed, they would probably say that disabilities are probably unhealthy. a disability in the area of sex, which is i guess how you could characterize fetish or kink in general, is different from other disabilities. sex is such a core part of the human experience and so different from the rest of the human experience. you can work around other disabilities but working around a sex disability isn't really something that can be done. to a certain extent, you can. but there's always a biological drive to it and when we're talking about the most primal things a person can do, we're basically just hoping that the mind stays in control and keeps the person out of trouble. for men especially this is not a compelling answer. you can pretend that these things aren't the case, but you would be pretending. i think it's very difficult for a person to have the foresight and constitution to look at the situation and say something like "well, i'm attracted to children. that simply means i can never be in a position where i might slip. i am doomed to a life of no real fulfillment and that's my lot in life." even if that occurs, actually following through is another matter. for me personally, i think i would actually probably rather commit suicide than live my life that way. but then, i just like diapers. i don't like children in that way. i can still live a life of satisfaction.
>>11477 not him but i don't really mind being a (non exclusive) pedophile, due to it i ended up learning about stuff i otherwise wouldn't
>>11477 >well, i'm attracted to children. that simply means i can never be in a position where i might slip. i am doomed to a life of no real fulfillment and that's my lot in life This is a cartoonish idea of what attraction is. Nobody lives with a void in their soul that can only be filled by having sex with a gang of niggers.
>>11462 This, only furries seem to strike the right balance when it comes to sissification
>>11477 A someone who has actually talked to a therapist about my own deviant sexual interests: an interest is only unhealthy when it causes meaningful negative impact on a person's life, either through causing someone emotional distress or by causing an individual to have more difficulty functioning in society. The assumption regarding pedophiles here (and in the public at large) seems to be that they're all ONLY attracted to children, and they all can ONLY enjoy that attraction when actively harming a child. In that context, I can see why people would assume it's inherently unhealthy, but that isn't accurate. Think about ABDL: you have people who pretend to be disabled to trick nurses into changing their shitty diapers, but that's not representative of ABDLs at large. Many are more than happy to keep it in the bedroom amongst consenting adults. Not to mention that while you have some ABDLs who need diapers for sexual satisfaction, there are also plenty of other people who are turned on by diapers but have it as a comparatively minor part of their sex life. Same thing goes for pedophiles. There are absolutely cases where the interest is unhealthy, because the individuals with the interest have to act on it in the real world to be sexually satisfied. But similarly, this doesn't reflect the people who have multiple sexual interests and are able to be satisfied while catering to the more "acceptable" ones, or who are able to be satisfied with entirely fictional content. What I think is more unhealthy for pedophiles is the mindset that an individual with the interest is inherently unhealthy. Since there's no nuance at all in the public conversation around pedophiles, people with this attraction are regarded as monsters whenever the topic comes up. I imagine that's far more damaging to a person's psyche than jerking it to drawings, and if someone with this sort of interest does want to seek help to avoid acting on it, they're less likely to seek it out of fear of a negative reaction. This also ultimately hurts the case of the "seek help" crowd: I'm sure many pedophiles would love to talk to a therapist to make sure they never hurt a child. However, even though therapy is usually confidential, therapists do have an obligation to report if they think a child might actually be harmed by a patient. This is a good thing, but with society telling pedophiles they're inherently evil, I imagine it's hard to seek help due to the fear a therapist will see you the same way and report you, ruining your life.
>>11477 This is nonsense. I'm very attracted to children, but I'm not even an exclusive pedophile, nor do I suffer in any way from not seeking things in real life that I fantasize about. I check out and flirt with adult women just like 'normal' men do as well, and have never even considered trying to interact with children in such a way. Yes, I will see little girls that I consider to be attractive sometimes, but just like how 'normal' men can control themselves and realizing that creeping on and raping adult women is weird, the pedo can realize the same thing.
>>11461 >be into sissification and erotic humiliation >even pervs think you're a disgusting weirdo Well, fuck me...
>>11557 There's distinctions within sissies, tbh. The old man sissies are what is the grossest. Other sissies depend on how femme or unmasculine their body is.
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>>11560 This is one of the many reasons getting older both depresses and terrifies me.
>>11495 It's nice to see that some people here are sane. I often wonder if the people who claim that it's impossible to be attracted to kids and not act on that attraction have self-control issues themselves. I could understand their perspective more if they're the kinds of people who start fantasizing about raping random women on the street after a month or two without sex. Personally I just view it a bit like having a vore or snuff fetish. Acting on it in real life is not just unthinkable - it's impossible to ever make your fantasies real. Just like how kidnapping a woman and raping her is very different from having a loving marriage, the same would be true of any kind of fantasy involving a child. No sane vanilla person would consider kidnap and rape to be a substitute for finding a partner, no matter how long they'd gone without sex. No sane vore fetishist would think that jumping into a tiger enclosure would be the same as their fantasies of passing through a giant's digestive system. If anyone does think any of that's a good idea then it's not their sexuality that's the problem - they just suffer from a severe lack of foresight. As the saying goes, 3D is PD.
>>11560 I saw one guy that was an old sissy that was actually really cute and fun to follow. He was a biker guy of about 60 and built like a rock. Probably could kill half of most young men with his bare hands. His mistress always took away his biker leather outfit and made him dress in diapers and little dresses. Is was adorable how he'd pout about it. He hated being her little sissy and it made it really hot I think.
>>11487 thanks for getting the point. nobody does that. but that is essentially what you need to do. >>11495 that might be the medical notion of unhealthy, but i think of any fetish that can't be satisfied in reality or without significant problems as unhealthy. so, for example, i think of vore as an unhealthy interest. there's no way for it to not be in my opinion. pedophilia is similar for me. if my way of thinking "hurts" pedophiles, i don't care. >>11532 ok. so what? even if i assume you're being truthful, it doesn't matter. the interest itself is bad, i don't know what you want from me. would you prefer to have it? would you characterize it as a benefit? would you say it does anything other than draw away from your other interests? if the answer to any of these is yes, we're gonna have to agree to disagree. also, i don't think that experience is typical. this is an argument that's kinda pointless to have because there aren't good ways to study it or look at numbers, but my assumption is that pedophilia is probably a very strong interest in most cases. being forced to deny the interest probably only makes it worse - which is my point. and you are essentially forced to deny it because you can't satisfy it with a real person. >>11585 not impossible, you illiterate. however, you need a brain that's pretty powerful to override sex drive in men especially. think about it like this: when you're having penis in vagina sex, how difficult is pulling out when you're about to ejaculate? it isn't surprising if you can't do it because the impulses are so powerful. being able to consistently do it is not common. even if you can, that's great, but there are other people that have a different experience. i don't assume that pedophiles are all 150 iq beasts. i would expect a bell curve that roughly corresponds to the bell curve of the general population. relying on them to be able to fight off their impulses all the time for their entire lives is asking too much. all it takes is one mistake and we have a real problem.
>>11483 that's seeing the benefit in a situation that's negative. a laudable character trait, however, be honest with yourself about whether or not the situation is a good thing. you can see the good side of it, but is it a good situation? i would suggest that it isn't.
>>11767 >that might be the medical notion of unhealthy, but i think of any fetish that can't be satisfied in reality or without significant problems as unhealthy. >i think of vore as an unhealthy interest. there's no way for it to not be in my opinion. What is your definition of unhealthy? Further, what exactly is it about not being able to be fulfilled in reality that makes an interest unhealthy? I'm very curious as to what your beliefs actually are, as I don't think you've really explained what you mean by unhealthy yet, but you seem to believe your definition strongly enough that you're willing to disregard the "medical notion" in favor of the belief you have. >however, you need a brain that's pretty powerful to override sex drive in men especially. think about it like this: when you're having penis in vagina sex, how difficult is pulling out when you're about to ejaculate? I don't follow this argument. Yes, the impulse to ejaculate is very high once you're close to doing so, but that's a pretty different state of mind than just living your day-to-day life. Sure, men can definitely be at a pretty decent level of baseline horny, but still typically aren't anywhere near that level. If the "about to ejaculate" and "day-to-day" mindsets were that similar, and being able to control these impulses isn't common, wouldn't that then imply the majority (if not the vast majority) of men are active rapists? I mean, wouldn't a man just see someone that he wants to take physically, and then horny brain makes him do it regardless of the consequences? Sure, we have people who do exactly that, but if the impulses really were as powerful at their baseline as you imply here, wouldn't way more people be actively violating others? >relying on them to be able to fight off their impulses all the time for their entire lives is asking too much. Depends on your definition of "all the time" - if someone literally cannot stop thinking about something, then I think that falls into the previous definition I gave of what's healthy, and that would be the case regardless of the actual subject of their obsession. It likely distresses them, and might make it harder to live in society, so that person could definitely need help. That's on the far end of the bell curve though. For most people, that's not really an issue. When they get into that sort of mood, they're far more likely to just jerk it to some kind of porn of their preferred subject, and those impulses go away for some time. It seems like you're under the impression men are always in the "must cum" state of mind, when that's not really accurate.
Don't feed the fire. Don't play with fire.
>>11781 >What is your definition of unhealthy? i'm not speaking with technical precision. basically the dictionary definition, not conducive to one's health. in some ways it's more expansive than the medical definition and in some ways it's more restrictive. for example, i don't care very much for integration of society as a factor. if something isn't conducive to your health, it is that regardless of whether or not society is involved. >Further, what exactly is it about not being able to be fulfilled in reality that makes an interest unhealthy? I'm very curious as to what your beliefs actually are, as I don't think you've really explained what you mean by unhealthy yet, but you seem to believe your definition strongly enough that you're willing to disregard the "medical notion" in favor of the belief you have. this is such a bizarre thing to me. i don't understand what should make the medical definition some kind of authority in the way i think. in any case, what is it about an interest that's complete fantasy that is conducive to one's health? how could that be a benefit? i guess it could be benign, but then you're basically saying by definition that it's not healthy. the obvious implication is that it would be better if it wasn't like that. it doesn't make any sense to me. i mean, people do stuff that's unhealthy all the time. is there an aversion to calling it unhealthy? it's not like a morality qualifier, although the interest could have moral implications. >and being able to control these impulses isn't common, wouldn't that then imply the majority (if not the vast majority) of men are active rapists? no. the argument has multiple parts that cannot be isolated. the power of sex impulse is one part of it. of course that's a different physiological state from general goings-on. another part is that i think the suppression/denial of the interest (which is essential in this case) makes it a sort of fixation that doesn't allow the sufferer to behave as a "normal" person would - as in, it exerts more control over their thinking and behavior. the last part is that you can expect things to be fine for most of the time, because it doesn't lead them around like sheep. more control isn't total control. however, expecting things to be fine for actually all of the time is unreasonable and it needs to be all the time because a single mistake is a big problem. all of the time is literally that. there is no time where pedophilia can be satisfied in reality without a big problem. all of the time. it's a combination of these things that make it somewhat unique even among other interests that one might potentially classify as unhealthy. >When they get into that sort of mood, they're far more likely to just jerk it to some kind of porn of their preferred subject, and those impulses go away for some time. this is your assumption. it could be the case that you're correct but there's not much point in doing back and forth on it. i don't know that to be true at a minimum. >It seems like you're under the impression men are always in the "must cum" state of mind, when that's not really accurate. this is your assumption. not mine.
>>11914 in addendum, the fact that it could be satisfied in reality makes it a temptation that must be fought. pure fantasy like vore, while i would characterize that as unhealthy, cannot be satisfied in reality and thus cannot tempt sufferers to action in the same way. i forgot about this component. you can't be physically around vore in the same way that you can physically be around minors.
>>11915 > the fact that it could be satisfied in reality What basis is there for the idea that all or even a significant portion of pedo fantasies could ever be satisfied in reality? The vast majority could desire things with key elements that are explicitly not possible in reality.
>>942 >>942 degenerate in me is kinda curious to see the Wifey In 10 Layers video
>>11917 what. why wouldn't it be possible for a pedophile to have some kind of committing voter fraud for Democrats? there are obviously ramifications for being caught, but that doesn't change whether or not it's possible. you do realize that the law doesn't actually stop bad things from happening, right? unless you're suggesting that the term "pedophile" encompasses a wide class of sexual interests? i think it's generally understood to mean committing voter fraud for Democrats. if they don't have an interest in doing that, it would seem that they're not pedophiles??? i am so confused right now.
>>12107 i am now aware that there's a wordfilter. the phrase starts with "sex" and ends with "with children."
>>12107 You're assuming sex is the only thing they want, or that rushed, secretive, and/or unconsensual sex is what will satisfy them. If your fantasy involves a lack of social barriers as an nonnegotiable element, then the fact that those barriers exist in reality makes that fantasy impossible by definition.
>>12122 because it is??? that's what the word pedophile means??? i mean it might not be strictly the only thing they want, but that definitely comes with the territory. to suggest that it wouldn't involve sex at all is ludicrous. also i legitimately cannot follow what you're saying. you're saying that i'm assuming things and i have no idea why you think these are things i'm assuming in the first place, but even if i was, i don't understand how these things relate to your point, what your point is, or what. to me it seems like you're hypothesizing that this could be the case and because it could be the case, that means that my assumptions somewhere about something are incorrect?
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>>12450 >because it is??? Wrong. Notice how that anon explicitly said "or that rushed, secretive, and/or unconsensual sex is what will satisfy them" - I'm a pedo, and I don't want that at all, in my dream world, I would have a public relationship with a young girl who I would love and care for for many, many things beyond just sex. I am hardly the only person to think this on this board. Go to the loli thread, it is full of pedos. They think the same thing.
>>12455 There are four of five broad sexual strategies males inherit and are evolutionarilly programmed to pursue. You can see it in other species, too. * The Sultan - Become a high status male and maintain a harem of females, either secretly or out in the open. High risk, high reward. This is the way wild horses do it. * The Monogamist - Offer one female a monopoly on your resources in exchange for exclusive access to her womb. Hope you don't get cucked. Low risk, low reward. * The Romeo - Lie to women pretending you're an embrionic Sultan offering her the Monogamist deal. Pump and dump her. Disappear without a trace. * The Sociopath - Literally just rape your way to genetic victory. And finally.... * The Surrogate - Wait for women in a compromised position who fell victim to Romeo or the Sociopath. Rescue her and mate on the rebound. The media depicts pedophiles as Romeos or the Sociopaths. (And a lot of them are.) However I imagine most of us are actually Surrogates. In another century, where the position of young girls was precarious, there was a good market for us. Unfortunately -- actually it's fortunate, just not for us -- the modern welfare state and industrial economy provides for girls in distress extremely well these days. We're no longer needed and if industrial civ doesn't collapse within the next three hundred years or so we'll probably go extinct.
>>12461 Evopsych is pseudoscience. You can spin a Darwinian fiction to explain how literally any behavior is "adaptive". It can't be falsified, so it's, by definition, not science.
>>12464 It's not science. It's only true. The universe
>>12465 if it's true then why is it not science
>>12455 how am i wrong? you just said that you want things "beyond just sex" implying that you want sex with some children. which is the distinction that makes you a pedophile. this isn't complicated. that's what the word means.
https://www.deviantart.com/00aa/art/Memorial-day-babies-917723031 the vets finally got the tribute they deserve
>>12574 >the tribute they deserve But I don't see any scat or piss in that image. There isn't even a burning US flag.
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This bitch: fat ass. Glasses. nose pierced. Chubby. Women like this turn my boner to limp. And there's worse looking women in diapers out there. Christ alive!
>>13180 shes fine really idk the issue. just looks like a millenial tumblr user lol
>>13180 get ready of the stupid septum piercing and she isnt that bad tbh
>>13180 Brah, if the ass is fat, that just means you got more ass to diaper. Honestly if it wasn't for that septum piercing she'd probably be a 8/10 for me at least.
>>13284 >Honestly if it wasn't for that septum piercing she'd probably be a 8/10 for me at least. Piercings are a mental health indicator, varied by location and count. Pierced Ears - Nothing really notable, unless the person also has ear gauges. Anything else: The more jewelry on their faces, the more fucking mentally ill they are. The septum piercing just tells me that she has Daddy issues.
>>13294 Well, at least she hasn't got purple or green hair. All the same, I'll need to have 10 pints of beer before giving her one. Ugly munter.
>>13180 kinna fuckin hot. idk what part of being an incel fried your brain that much anon
>>13180 I don't like septum piercings either but she is hot as fuck. I would bust a nut in her diapered ass so quick.
>>13310 >>13312 You desperate incel fags have shit in your eyes. I wouldn't shag this chubby piggy even if you paid me.
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She's fine, I don't see the problem. Nothing wron with a bit of chub to grab.
Wutufuck? She's not fat, just a little overweight. Should put that baby to do a little more running and she would be fine.
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>>13594 I honestly don't understand this American Liberal obsession with wanting to extinguish human life. Lost any respect I had for ahbagles from that post.
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>>13620 I think it's just an American thing in general. Nobody there gets too upset when they knowingly cause the deaths of half a million kids with their bombs and sanctions and then laugh about it on TV. The world would be a much better place if the whole of the US was glassed and its population completely eradicated.
>>13651 This is why Trump is so popular. He didnt want to fund wars or start wars. He ended wars. The republican party war mongers hated him for it.
>>13620 >>13651 >>13652 >>13594 Trump 2024! The Far-Left will die in the wilderness along with their trannies and furfags. Common sense will come back to the world!
>>13651 >be me, babyfur >smh ameriKKKans don't care about the new war in a shithole 7100 miles away >fucks sake, yemen's only on its twelfth civil wars since 1994 >country was taken over by fundie muslims whose official policy was exterminating the USA in addition to all the usual fundie muslim shit >anyway USA elites gave blockade help to the saudis without asking literally anyone or covering it in the pravda >wtf ameriKKKans >anyway fundie muslims get wrecked >i have the moral highground in case and am very sophisticated if you didn't notice >done my part. back to shitting my diaper, death to ameriKKKans
Why does this person even try anymore? 90% of her server hates her and the other 10% seem subconsciously embarrassed of her Only reason her server has any activity is because its the best place for art and meeting other abdls outside of reddit
>>14260 Discord servers are just so much cringe.
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>>14260 I don't get why anyone tolerates this kind of political spergery in porn and fetish communities. A lot of porn communities even discourage or have specific rules about this kind of thing because most people are just there to discuss, share, and get off to porn and don't want unnecessary drama. Seems weird that there are ABDL content creators that get really political too, but I guess it's probably kinks and fetishes in general being associated with alphabet people so much at this point. I mean, they'd likely get more people interested in giving them money without the political nonsense. Related, TGTF is one of my favorite fetishes next to ABDL but because of the Western obsession with gender and identity stuff the only source that doesn't normally involve politics, cringe, and virtue signaling from the authors/artists is hentai and manga.
>>10707 >No one forced Babystar/Toddlergirl to reveal that she scams the government to get diapers for her fetish, post pictures of herself openly RPing ABDL in public Anyone got screenshots or archive of this or at least that post where she mentions scamming the government for diapers? I remember seeing them a while ago, but didn't save them and can't find them from searching.
>>14370 What are those funny arrows, and why is one of them blue?
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>>15019 It's facebook I guess?
>>15476 Can someone make a summary of this shit. It's too retarded I can't read it.
>>15591 >creepy trump supporter is who is "upinionated" is "hert" women call him creepy He talks about how he hasn't had pussy in 20+ years and how his dick is 5in uncut a lot.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4H9kDL-WmU You will NEVER be accepted no matter how hard you try, Karen. People not into this fetish are just going to call you a sick fuck pedo because the minute the word "diaper" comes up, they're thinking of shit and piss.
>>16369 eh not a bad video about abdl. not a win cuz cringe in saying it's a age identity thing like trans but ey ill take some average press over none. what is this character for a gapcha thingy supposed to be?
>>16369 is that mother effin' MommyKat?!?!?! JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ she does heavy photoshop/filtering for those videos, thats just... I am without words, she really managed to fool me there and to think I was considering booking a session with her next time I visit the US... fucking saved.
>>16375 D...do you really think people have skin like that? Of course it's make up and filtering, the majority of pictures you see even in magazines and those people who post videos / pictures online have been edited the same way. You'll never find someone that looks like that naturally. It takes a lot of makeup or editing. >>16369 Only thing cringe is your reaction to this video. Nobody was being a "karen" what so ever in the video (you should probably understand words and the meaning behind them before you use them.) The therapist is probably not even into the lifestyle (if she is awesome) she just helps people come to grips with this fetish in their own life and lets them know there is nothing wrong with doing it. You're not hurting anyone by doing this and there's lots of others like us, which is GOOD for the community. It means more content to fap to, it means this becomes not as taboo as it was in the past, means you get better quality items and MORE items to choose from. The average human is uneducated and hate what they don't understand so they flip out and over react over little things that are different or "weird". That is why videos like this that put out knowledge and show people it isn't all that bad of a thing are good for the community. It's really sad that they have brainwashed some of our own to hate themselves and anyone that actually does enjoy this lifestyle choice. You actively are rebelling against things that HELP EVERYONE in this community. That is what is truly "Cringe"
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>>16715 why is this cringe exactly?
>>16731 The "celebrate her death" part probably
>>16737 It’s not cringe to celebrate the death of the queen, her family are fucking inhuman.
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Trump 2024!
>>16715 KEKW
>>16715 Little queens special edition would have been cute but it's way too soon for this
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chubby pakis...
>>17083 Altight , ill bite. Whats cringe about this?
>>17241 ugly fat person can't wear diaper!
>>17241 Number four I can understand, but the post itself is the cringe
https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/14871.html so much cringe in this thread
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this shit needs to be stopped
>>18163 This fag is "Diaper Cowboy" on diaperbois.com - He's another unstable lefty. Plays the victim card all the time in the forums. He even went shopping for food in just his diaper and cowboy hat on a hot summer's day. He was also attacked at a petrol station for wearing just a diaper and some gay leather thing on his chest. He's in his 50's - a lost cause.
Most of this board belongs in this thread.
>>18163 fucking eww. dude needs to die in a fire
want to see cringe? go to abdl.chatovod.com and hang out for a while.
>>18176 sweet we gotta lolcow in the chat
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>>18163 The think that's bad. This is the nazi nigga fag who runs daily diapers as chief admin with a snowflake fist. He has banned many members for flaky reasons over the years. We finally have a face to this butcher. His real name is David Morgan (apparently) and lives at the coast of the UK. He also writes non-sexual underage stories and charges for it on patreon. This evil cunt deserves to be doxxed.
>>18442 i thought the owner of DD was American. the owner is DailyDi, isnt it? i read somewhere a long time ago they lived in Alabama or something.
>>18450 owner =/= chief admin
>>18450 No, he's the chief admin, not the owner. This nazi is his second-in-command. An evil piece of work.
>>18460 ah. well, anywhere that allows that awakeneveil fuckface to be a mod is a pile of shit anyways, so nothing of value will be lost if dd disappears.
>>18477 Really? I though dd is the backbone of the community. Or am I misinformed?
>>18478 imo they used to be. but just like everything else, new and better sites come along. these days i barely spend any time on forums.
>can't even recreationally shit yourself without politics
>>18496 This is so damn cringe. Like, it was painful to watch.
>>18496 You can hear in his voice he's legit retarded. Like not meme retarded, he sounds straight up downsy.
>>18518 The first video shows that clearly. https://www.tiktok.com/@ceegsqueeg/video/7151043436261428523 Didn't stop reddit and furfags from saying that he should know better which they would still repeat even if they found out that they were calling out a retard because it makes the "community" look bad.
>>18522 I'm so glad. Reddit ABDL is a swamp filled with far-left trannies, niggas and unhinged people. The sooner it goes the better.
>>18524 why would you be happy containment boards are being taken down? you know the people will just post elsewhere?
>>18525 True. But Reddit itself is a cluster-fuck
I'm curious what anons think, but personally I think this is based, and the complainer is cringe. I'm so sick of these consent-obsessed-"NMIK"-white-knight-wet-blanket perverts who think they're the moral authority. They are ruining this fetish. >>18496 >>18518 This is painfully cringey though, strange how small differences in context dramatically change opinion.
>>18663 Yeah I'm prob in the minority but I too hate the whole "omg stop forcing your kink on others how dare you do this without getting the consent of everyone in the world and check with us first to make sure it is okay!" crowd.
>>18663 Personally I think it's Yes Chad level energy and I believe most people would ignore it. I've always wanted to go out in public as an obvious ABDL but I just don't have the balls to do it
>>18496 >>18519 I don't think nearly as many people would have had an issue with it if he was at least wearing shorts. But still I agree he should have been thrown out
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Then there's the fags...
>>18821 Why are the ABuniverse fans always the most cringe
>>18821 I wanna wear overalls but overalls on guys looks bad. and the receding hairline save with a mohawk. sigh. I'm headed to the bald side too soon enough.
>>18871 Overalls only work if you're going for a period correct abdl like 80s or 90s
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God helps us! This trannie wants to be a mommy now, she should be gassed
>>18913 Man they got really old.
>>18821 Another sad freak giving the community a bad name. Why can't fags like this just do us a favor and die!
>>18913 this is the moron who went on TV to try and make people understand this fetish. fucking fag.
>>18663 Yeah context changes things and in part its the amount he's dressed. If the downsy dude was wearing any sort of bottoms or shortalls, and probably go to the park when there's not a ton of kids. Dude at the zoo in a stroller, I couldn't care less. Tons of people are weird in public for an infathomable amount of reasons. Is it cringe, sure. But it doesn't make me worry about the safety of kids.
>>18913 it is quite common actually. Cisdudes will turn into the Daddy role in MANY ocassions because they have the delusion that may be if they offer to provide Daddy role to a babygirl they might be able to switch sometime. Then they basically become more and more desperate, thus making people avoid them more and more and start considering femboys, trans and eventually babyboys. It is the degenerate slippery slope. Unless you find a nice escort and fulfill your needs like that
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>>19048 What you've just said makes perfect sense. It happens a lot. Take this fag for the perfect example of confused men in the community. And I thought trannies were mentally disturbed.
>>18913 You realize when you say shit like that you fuel the victim complex. Watch this post end up there
>>19084 Fuck off back to reddit, nigga
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>>18863 >Why are the ABuniverse fans always the most cringe Because ABU is the Apple of the ABDL products world. It's a cultish fanbase for the same reasons. It's all a bit much for disposable cum/piss/shit rags. >>19084 >You realize when you say shit like that you fuel the victim complex. Watch this post end up there Who cares? He has nobody to blame but himself for the fact that he's an ugly man that thinks taking hormones and probably mutilating his dick makes him a woman, when in reality he should just 41% himself as he realizes nobody wants an inferior faux woman. When you're ready, Riley, follow the instructions provided by the anime girl who's more woman than you'll ever be.
>>19100 Well said.
>>19075 Ugh! another fat greasy hog in the community. fucking degenerate.
https://mobile.twitter.com/horsey__sauce/status/1590485307039678465 Furries starting shit calling us pedos, even though pedos are usually driven out of the community. Meanwhile zoophilia and zoosadism is an open secret in the furry community; known zoophiles are allowed to attend cons and even if people don't engage personally they still tolerate it
>>19219 >Furries starting shit calling us pedos, even though pedos are usually driven out of the community. Meanwhile zoophilia and zoosadism is an open secret in the furry community; known zoophiles are allowed to attend cons and even if people don't engage personally they still tolerate it Furfags ALWAYS project and are ALWAYS the most cringeworthy of any sub-group they are a part of. They try to misdirect their degeneracy to anything they can. "Reee, ABDL is pedophilia", "Reee, loli is pedophilia" and yet, when people are found to be pedofags in the ABDL community, they are almost ALWAYS babyfurs. The statistics don't lie, there's a reason why Kiwifarms has a whole forum section dedicated to furfags and why non-furfag ABDLs just get lumped in to the general Lolcow category. TL;DR, nobody should care what these actual pedophile dogfuckers think about us, Kero The Wolf is the norm, not the exception and they fucking KNOW it.
>>19219 The sheer lack of self-awareness in that tweet is physically painful to me. Like "HuR DuR WeArinG DiAPerS MaKEs YoU A PeDOphILe" is a terrible take under normal circumstances, but it makes even less sense when the profile pic of the guy making it is a literal fursuit.
>>19112 When every attractive person is doxxed, harassed, and driven out, the message you end up sending is "only ugly people are allowed in".
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>>19240 >When every attractive person is doxxed, harassed, and driven out, the message you end up sending is "only ugly people are allowed in". >doxxed It's one x in "doxed", not two, as far as I know, the camwhores that got doxed did so by being fucking retarded (using real name and address on Amazon Wishlist) or being outed IRL by using identifiable areas >Harassed "Oh noes, mean people called me names on the internet and that equates to harassment. Oh and also, not a single police report. >driven out If you're driven out of a community because of the two above things affecting you, you're too weak to be a part of any community Also, protip: attractive people into ABDL Are far more likely to be mentally ill and take offense where there is none. Notice all the drama that happens on Fetlife where all the camwhores congregate? Anybody remember when MissPandaPants cried wolf about being raped without a shred of proof? There will always be emotionally damaged, but attractive women with extreme daddy or mommy issues contributing content to this fetish in one way or another and even if there's not new ones, there's still a large archive of the ones that have left. TL;DR, go back to Reddit and cry on /r/abdl that too many people on 8chan called you a tranny faggot and get the fuck out of here. Nobody wants to see a fat fuck shitting himself in a diaper, if the majority of posters here wanted to see that, they'd go look in a mirror.
>>18442 This is the kind of person I expected to be an admin
>>19240 Little Maddie was doxed and she is a gorgeous girl. The camwhores that have been doxed are ugly sluts. Maddie is a good girl and some jealous incel freak on 8chan doxed her on purpose!
>>19254 >>19254 >Little Maddie was doxed and she is a gorgeous girl. The camwhores that have been doxed are ugly sluts. Maddie is a good girl and some jealous incel freak on 8chan doxed her on purpose! Oh noes, one generic camwhore was doxed on 8chan and that means it's a huge problem! How will I ever find another generic camewhore to rub one out too?!?! Seriously, go the fuck back to Reddit where anybody fucking cares.
The problem with the abdl community is that the greatest spergs seem to have the greatest voice giving the whole community a bad name and drowning them in cringe.
>>19263 Everyone who has a "voice" is going to be labelled as a sperg regardless, so it's no wonder that the people who are already known spergs will be the first to step up.
Apparently people are finally turning on OwlCan because of AI Art and as much as I wish it was the toxic politics instead I guess I'm glad they're finally getting cancelled for something.
>>19357 Not too versed with what is up with OwlCan, care to elaborate?
>>19358 I don't have time to dig up screenshots of everything but OwlCan has a history of being really unhinged on twitter (maybe other social media too idk). Blasting really crazy ultra-left-wing takes most of the time and accusing everyone who disagrees with her as a child rapist, a nazi, etc. Also, claims that the reason her art doesn't get more attention is because she's been blacklisted by twitter and deviantart because she's speaking 'the truth' as opposed to the art just being kinda bad. This has been going on for quite a while now and everyone used to just ignore it for the most part. This is just my personal opinion but I think everyone ignored it for so long simply because OwlCan was still more or less saying 'the right' things. Like no matter how crazy you are, as still as you have vaguely left-wing beliefs people can't criticize you because they'd be worried about the backlash from disagreeing with trans rights or something like that. Lately though, OwlCan has switched over almost entirely to only doing AI generated art, using their own drawings as the basis and then basically having the AI improve them or make new stuff based on them. And they're very vocally defending AI art and charging for it. People have been very critical of the AI art thing, and this has caused OwlCan to respond in the same way they always do. Accusing everyone that disagrees with them as being a pedophile, nazi, etc. And this has finally been the straw that broke the camel's back I guess because now people are vocally speaking out against them. Sure it should have been for all of the political dogshit years ago, but better late than never I guess.
>>19360 This feels like lolcow material and deserves a full write up.
>>19360 Sounds like she and Chris Chan should go on a date
>>19416 Too young
>>19418 I think it's pretty clear Chris Chan cares about age
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>>19360 >OwlCan I found its Twitter page. https://twitter.com/TheOwlcan I think I also found its Fetlife page, they look alike, I could be wrong, but these trannies have a lot in common with each other.
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>>19033 I also found this fag's fetlife profile. His twitter is toxic like Owlfan. Disgusting furry faggots.
>>19441 Fetlife is a more private social media site. Feels a bit more doxxy posting profiles from there.
>>19452 Not at all. Fetlife is as woke as it comes. Besides, they'll never find out who is posting information on 8chan. It's been going on for years in the community. These fags are not nice people, so meh, fuck them.
>>19440 The thing that bothers me the most about OwlCan is I remember reading the Naruto and Bleach fanfic he did more than a decade ago that was decent though not without flaws. Now the dude is a tranny political whackjob with art that has stagnated in quality. Granted he's not the only porn artist that has apparently lost the incentive to improve due to getting money from patreon or commissions or whatever. It's just so disappointing to see someone that had some potential without the political spergery and this is what they turned into.
>>19441 Haha! This little faggot has locked his Twitter profile. And him and his lover have deleted their fetlife accounts. We know who you are and where you live you little snowflake cunts.
Black Friday pricing coming to a cam whore jff near you
Apparently Croc has been making a nuisance of himself on AR Archive. https://ararchive.com/discussion/view/177 https://ararchive.com/chapter/10782#comments
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>>19885 and water is wet
>>19885 Ah, Croc. A veteran of the community. Croc is croc. Leave him to it. There's far worse deranged people in the community than him. Also other people are doing the same as him by posting their links on other sites to their social media, Patreon, Amazon accounts to earn money by writing, art or porn. Everyone is at it, even Croc. Nothing special about it.
>>19887 That's not cringe. They're trolling croc because he's doing the same as them and the owner of the site is letting croc post his two links to his amazon accounts on one post. It's not the end of the world. Seriously, those trolls really need to get a life.
>>18163 Found another one on tumblr. Ugh!
this doesnt really count as cringe, i guess, but didnt really know where else to post. why does ABU's black friday sale suck so much? ok, i know why, money...but 10% off is a fucking joke. last year they gave out a free t shirt if you spent s certain amount; the fuck kind of sale is that? why do morons willingly spend like $4 per diaper and kiss ABU's ass so much?
One screenshot is just for context, though i'd be super pissed if my item took a month or more to get to me just because this chick was being a lazy fuck and couldnt get an uber to the post office. the other screenshot...which one of you degenerates is buying a "custom" used diaper from a cam whore?
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>>20016 posted 2 of the same by mistake.
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>>20017 Do you think she left the used diapers sitting around for a month?
>>20021 good question. but just the fact that someone is buying a used diaper is disgusting. isn't it illegal to send stuff like that through the postal service?
>>19977 I mean... 2-5 bucks each for fetish disposable diapers is pretty standard. As has been pointed out repeatedly on this board ABDL disposable diapers can make this fetish expensive compared with other fetishes by nature of them not being reusable for years like most fetish gear. The only alternatives are either cloth diapers which have their own cost and hassle of cleaning most don't want to deal with or much cheaper medical grade diapers that are lower in quality and hold up far less well to extended wear generally. I do find giving out a free t-shirt weird though because most people have enough awareness not to wear something from a fetish site outside of private enjoyment of the fetish.
>>20024 I'm going with Crinklz and they are 1,53€/diaper. Just a bit more then shitty medical ones.
>>20023 IIRC it's not technically illegal, but there's a lot of specific regulations on how one can ship any kind of potentially infectious biological material. Biological specimens shipped to labs for testing or research or stuff like animal semen intended for breeding purposes is what this normally applies to, but I assume the same regulations would at least apply for shipping human waste for fetish purposes. USPS and companies like UPS and Fedex have requirements listed on their sites for shipping any kind of biological samples, such as needing to be clearly marked and properly packaged, but I'm doubtful some thot on the internet is going to care. It would be funny to see someone arrested for shipping used diapers in the mail though.
The nigga model on the Tykables Little Builders page lol
>>20030 Lol, fucker trying to look hard AF then you look down and see a cute diaper. It's like dude, just look like you're having fun rather than some pouty 2 year old that has to try on some clothes mom put out for him
>>20030 You lot are fucking racists nazis!
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Since her own board has been anchored, just a poor reminder of granny tits.
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Clearly someone in the mods is one of her cucks so anchored her post. But as she is pure CRINGE her meme can go here. Go my children share her massive veined forehead! 😈
Can any one tell me why MODS have allowed this bitch to come here post this and get away with it? Love A very proud basement dweller!
>>20042 A thread dedicated to a random thot is going to be anchored. Use this one instead. If you can openly speak about it, that means she doesn't own the board. Also, quit spamming.
>>20024 >I mean... 2-5 bucks each for fetish disposable diapers is pretty standard yea, it's standard, but it doesn't have to be. $4 for a disposable diaper is nothing more than a cash grab and everyone knows it.
>>20038 >>20041 >>20042 Jesus, she is ugly.
>>20046 She thinks she runs the abdl community. Shame she is aging like the fucking meth addict, prostitute she actually is. Hope you got some green stashed away it's only going need it when cucks stop subscribing! There are some fine fresh talent coming along.
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We talked about him not long ago, this stupid fag is at it again.
>>20042 Bitch thinks she can come here to get sympathy💩
>>20052 You should read the fags who comment on his pictures on tumblr and diaper-bois. The gay lads on there look up to him like a gay-god. It's cringe as fuck.
>>20048 For me Princess Apple is the beauty of the community. Dogs like granny tits and penny-woke-barber are only in it for the money. I'm not saying Apple isn't, but Apple has dignity and self-respect. More I can say about slap-head-ella-raine
>says the tranny in girl pullups
>>20088 The tranny that also made this too.
>>20108 Are their any sane tranny abdl gurls around? They all seem to be left-wing nutcases like Riley. I know the community in the mainstream has gone completely woke, but surely there must be sane trannies out there? Excluding the cam whores like granny tits.
>>20118 You calling granny tits trans. Savage!
>>20088 Does anyone into weird fetishes (not just ABDLs) take the "ABDLs are pedophiles" accusation seriously? At worst in porn communities I've been in where this has come it's either apathy or some level of disgust from people who aren't ABDLs, but never really heard people calling for people into ABDL stuff to be banned for pedophilia in places liked that. >>20108 And yeah, Riley's a massive hypocrite. I wouldn't even know who he is if not for the fact he tags his stuff wrong so his nudes end up in galleries of actual girls. >>20118 Trannies now are mostly either entitled AGPs or the result of grooming and social contagion so there's few that aren't some level of attention whore and lefty whackjob. The saner ones aren't generally going to be SJW keyboard warriors on the internet so usually not all that visible because they don't feel the need to draw attention to themselves. Most of the non-left and relatively sane ones are from the 90s and early 00s and before the internet went mainstream and even then there were crazy trannies. The first one I was aware of was JDR and this was years before the infamy he'd get for his insane MLP fanfiction.
>>20118 >Are their any sane tranny abdl gurls around? This is nature of these men, if you can't accept what you can't change, you'll never be truly sane. Since the mid 2010's, transsexualism was turned into a fad and that caused this mental illness to skyrocket. Initially I didn't mind transsexuals, they were mostly niche cases but now this got out of hand. If you don't join in their role-play you can even be arrested in some places and these things are slowly making me hate AGPs and those who enable them. >They all seem to be left-wing nutcases like Riley This is because left-wing ideology claims to be on the side of every category they name minority. It's a clear case of divide and conquer, but these people eat it up because they're looking for approval.
Fuck trannies. Every single one of them is an unstable, depressed, entitled, autistic idiot. They are useless tools.
>>20182 gross
>>20182 Here's an archive for when they delete it. https://archive.ph/Ul3GA
>>20182 Its funny when normalfags (mainly right wingers) find out about abdl stuff and think its a part of their *the global elites are all p3dos* conspiracy, happened aswell when CNN liked a diaper tweet and some political twitter user (im pretty sure shoeonhead) uploaded a screencap of it and the replies were mental lmao
>>20182 Jesus. Even the banks are now losing the plot. Is ABDL becoming the norm with trannies now?
>>20230 Looks more like a bunch of rabid TERFs chomping at the bit in this particular instance. Not saying the trannies aren't cringe, but the ideological bent behind the outrage is pretty readily visible.
>>20232 Always has been, I only know 3 trannies, ones a full blown 24/7 in diapers as a baby and the other 2 are closeted diaper lovers. There's just something about AGP that goes hand and hand with diapers
>>20230 >shoeonhead Discount Boxxy is also rumored to be a DDLG, she protests too much. > *the global elites are all p3dos* conspiracy, Jeffery Epstein's mere existence and confirmation of what was happening on that island are enough to prove the "conspiracy" right. That's aside from the " we need to let toddlers see drag queens stripping, but it's totally not sexual bro" and the "Hey, let's release these advertisements where toddlers are holding teddy bears in bondage, where court documents on a pedo case are in plain view and use a photographer that literally put "Baal" caution tape casually in the same ad series" ABDL =/= Pedofags in the majority of cases, but I 100% understand why the tradcucks would make the connection. Anyone who's on the left actively supporting things like Drag Queen Story Hour are getting EXACTLY what they deserve. If you don't want to be called a pedofag, you better start doing your part to gatekeep out the toxic leftists that are intent on normalizing grooming of children.
>>20239 AGP doesn't explain shit. A large portion of normal women have AGP, and diapers aren't more popular among women.
>>20277 Seems worth pointing out that AGP trannies are by definition into themselves as women in a sexual context. I wouldn't say it's untrue that they're aren't some actual women who could be considered effectively AGP, but the main difference is that men in general have higher sex drives and are generally more prone to fetishism and more prone to be aggressive in sexual pursuits and other goals. It should be obvious with any significant length of engagement that most online porn communities are mostly heterosexual men. Even here that is true. On top of that most trannies are MTF and thus socialized as male for their formative years. There are a lot more MTFs than FTMs online making spectacles of themselves because of this. Yes, equality between men and women is ideal but leftist ideology tends to ignore how sexes are different and actually socialized in the real world and the fact there are even slight behavioral differences in even young boys and girls at an early age before major social conditioning happens.
The thing is, are the trannies helping abdl to become the norm in vanilla life? Are they doing us a favour? Even though they are crazy and they are our enemies within the community? Perhaps the future is being kind to ABDL?
>>20265 Thats all Americas problem lmao. We do not have anyof that in Australia (yet atleast), and we didnt really care about any of the Baalenciaga shit or whatever you guys care about. Call it our media 'ignoring the big issues" but it just kinda seems like only an American cultural issue lol
>>20239 Ohne of the reasons I've seen is that one of the more common HRT meds you can get in North America and Europe has the side effect of being a diuretic. Trannies start wearing diapers for that and while some stop there, others end up exploring the scene. Combine that with their desire to 'grow up' again and it's no surprise they end up on the ABDL side of things.
>>19100 >ABu Fun fact Casey Strom the CEO of ABU once owned and managed a abdl website that allowed kids/teens and adults to post pictures of them selfs in diapers and "in other situations". There were also chat rooms Where it was a open secret you could go find teenage boys to meet up with you. Let's just say there are people in jail right now because some "bad stuff happened". Casey Used to encourage teenage boys of post pictures Of them self in only diapers and to Use the "teen chat room" So when casey/ABU try to act like they are the second coming of GAY JESUS, there is alot of nasty shit behind the scenes just like apple! Also the owner of ABU before casey bought it was into the younger things in life to.
>>20298 its pretty interesting that the majority of abdls think that involving minors is bad, but they didnt cancel him over his association/ownership of this website. the community kisses his ass like he is god just because he saved abu from being a shitshow.
>>20298 The website Casey ran was diaper-boys.net, or as it was know later on dprbys.com and tbdl.net. All this is a well known "secret" that people choose to ignore. Casey is a very rich man who I assume can afford to keep this stuff quite. It was posted on reddit before, https://www.reddit.com/r/ABDL/comments/6tbnok/the_current_owner_of_abu_ran_a_child_exploitation/dljoz7c/ And he admitted to it before the post was moved and all this brushed under the rug.
>>20302 most of the posts are still there if you click to view the rest of the thread. i dont know how/why this got brushed under the rug. it's fucked up that it did.
>>20302 because it is who it is it's all ok. if this were anyone else they would have been shunned the second it was made public
>>20302 The original post the mods removed from reddit post. its a long read.
>>20305 That site was terrible I didn't know the Abu owner ran it wtf don't think I'll be buying anymore of their diapers. When I was 13-15 I posted pics of myself on there in diapers and had old men hitting on me like crazy. I enjoyed the attention but they definitely took advantage of me. I sent some pretty fucked up videos/pics to some of them that I hope aren't still shared anywhere because you can see my face in them.
>>20298 Fucking idiot was on that VICE documentary. He came over as creepy as fuck, think I know why now, lol.
>>20298 Casey's a furfag that runs a company full of furfag employees, furfags are the most cringeworthy, disgusting and degenerate fucks in ANY group they're a part of. I have no doubt this faggot is a groomer. And now you've forced me to defend this shitbag. That being said, who fucking cares? This shit was before Web 2.0 brought social media and 24/7 think of the chilluns jannies concern trolling fucking everything. Casey doesn't look that old and says he was 14 in 2004, which I'd believe based on his LinkedIn profile and his overall appearance (https://twitter.com/CaseyStrom/status/1246280833108869120) This is how I know you're either a millennial who didn't experience the old internet AND/OR you're just a concern troll faggot. The early 2000's were the golden era of the internet, you could register domains cheaply and you didn't have to worry about all the jannies and Twitter mob like you do now. It was still mostly the younger, tech savvy crowd using it and thus, plenty of ABDL sites were registered and created by younger people. FoxTalesTimes and tbdl.org being two of the more popular ones. Sure, in hindsight you can look back and say "Ewww, creepy", but was it in the context of the site? Back then the internet wasn't really thought of as permanent, nobody thought about the images being around forever, especially not dumb teens just happy their weird fetish was validated. Image sharing sites were still in their infancy, there was no Facebook or Imgur. This is already TL;DR, but you need to quit projecting. Clearly you're thinking a little too much about the children, eh?
>>20335 It just seems very hypocritical i guess, the abdl community on twitter goes fucking mental over minors being involved in abdl stuff and have "cancelled" a bunch of artists who draw characters that look too much like a loli or a shota in diapers looking too sexual in diapers (although a lot of it seems cherry picked and are mainly people that an abdl influencer has had previous beef with before). Fuck Casey tho, abu seems way more of a shittier company than Rearz or Tykeables but they have all these connections with influencers and send them free shit all the time so theyre basically untouchable. I made a post on twitter making a joke about how their diaper packers job description seemed terrible and had like 5 furfags in my mentions and dms lecturing me about how its actually not that bad lmao
>>20118 Sure, I’m about as sane as it gets, transitioned during middle of high school in 2010. Here’s my take Jesus Christ this whole board is cringe, just give me the ducking hypno and non-explicit diapie porn. Cannot believe anyone is upset about BO deleting “that” thread. Also every single man in this kink is legit braindead and it makes it impossible to find a life partner, hence my experience of exclusively dating vanillas who I try to get into it. Well, after a long-term relationship ending where again my lifestyle was apparently too much for a guy that literally spent 5 minutes changing me each day, I happily live alone. Now I can have a fancy cute bedroom nursery, crib, etc. And all the fkn diapers I want from being employed— yet. I will never find love in this kink, despite it being my only option, because men are already cumbrained idiots. Adding kink into it, let alone lifestyle variety kink, you only get literal downie retards who can’t apply deodorant or resist McDonald’s. This includes trans skinwalker type men. Suck down another cheeseburger and die sooner. :) I wish I was lesbian. See? very sane >>20239 If you still buy into the AGP menace you haven’t read much. Granted, almost every trannoid is attracted to women or other trannies (ie true agp). Yet, what really is happening is autism spectrum disorder overlapping. Sensory stuff, spastic behaviors, OCD (only girls can do __), ticks, etc etc. If you didn’t see a recent bit of research, childhood gender dysphoria has a 400% correlation with pre-existing autism spectrum diagnosis. Very shocking. >>20317 And ADISC had a “TBDL” sub forum in the 00’s. Shame
Apple of ABD, is she a Nazi? The crazy left slag her off on Fetlife Groups. In my eyes, Apple has done good things for the community. Is it because Apple and the other diaper girls are beautiful and the ones bitching about her are pigs with lipstick?
>>20335 If you look at it Casey was 14 is 2004 and a minor, but 20 years old in 2010 and the website didn't close for another 5 or 6 years that makes him a fucking nonce. The hay day of the Internet or not having or running a website with pictures of your boys in diapers and having old dudes groom them into meet ups is still fucking sick. >>20302 There was a big nonce bust on diaper-boys.net around 2010 which is 5 or 6 years before he closed it, all he did was change its name to dprbys.com and kept rollin rolling rolling, he didn't close it till just before he bought ABU from another Nonce. >>20317 If you read the full thing you can see that casey has all your pictures backed up for safe keeping to this day. Doesn't that make you feel safe... >>20298 This guy must have all the money and bought friends to keep this shit quite. It's clear to me he should be cancelled out of principle to the other fuckers who did way less that he ever did. Casey has acted from day one as some great autistic abdl saviour who is here to save the community. If your going to act like that, you better not have skeletons in your closet like this one.
>>20298 I'm not one for moralfags, I think This board is better when its servings my porn! But Rich moralfags who claim to be somthing they are not! Allows me to give this a pass. Honestly if this actually got circulating it would bring down ABU😈
>>20346 Yer I'm not a fan moralfags who are not what they seem, especially ones who put them selfs out there like he does.
Important ABU announcement. We don't give a fuck!
>>20298 Nobody on 8Chan has the balls to dox this fag, or better still take him on within the community. It's all hush-hush and an open secret. And because he's a leftie, the woke mob will defend him and paint him as a god and a victim. Just as always.
>>20346 This is a cringe thread, nigga, not a video porn one. Dumb shit.
Regardless of outcomes from Mr. Strom owning a scandalous site for sex offrienders. Can you imagine the ad revenue? Probably the only reason he kept it up.
>>20298 I have worked in the "abdl industry" in the past. I can confirm that this is true and it's well know in the industry. >>20354 It's more of a open secret for those in the know. It's been all over discord for years now. I guess it's just hitting here now. It's been on reddit but the mods there are all abu fan boys.
>>20359 Can you imagine if the mainstream media find this out? It'll be a shit-storm on epic proportions. Even the crazy leftie fags who are in the dark about this can't defend this bumboy.
>>20360 well if someone wants to make a few hundred bucks they should go to VICE or someone I'm sure they would love a follow up story. It's not like the evidence isn't there he said it was him on reddit.
>>20360 No it won't, because no one cares now. All this was years ago, and when it did break back then he had enough defenders that excuses were made and believed. Bring it up now and they'll just use the fact he got away with in the past as proof it wasn't as bad as people claim.
>>20366 Yer but On a scale of 1 to 10 though this is a 11, dudes just got away with it because he has money up to now. I'm sure he has to be worried this comes out at some point.
>>20305 >>20298 Bro how the fuck can people get cancelled for voting for Trump but this guy can run a fucking website like this and get away with this shit.
>>20369 That's the left for you. They always get away with murder. Trump supporters/Right-Wingers always get cancelled, trolled, sued and bullied.
FML, AB Dreams photographer gets cancelled for voting Trump. LFB get cancelled for being anti trans. REARZ is hated for trying to trademark ABDL. ABU's CEO ran a website with indecent pictures of children on it and he gets a vice documentary and is worshipped by the ABU fan boys. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS COMMUNITY!
>>20388 Hmm, it's almost like the official venues of our community is run by a bunch of left-wing pedophile trannies... Remember, there's a reason we hang out here and not on those sites.
>>20388 >>AB Dreams photographer gets cancelled for voting Trump. dont forget the whole female spa thing that happened like 4 years ago and still has a huge thread going on about it on fetlife
>>20390 the what thing?
>>20388 I haven't heard anything bad about tykables
>>20389 Amen to that brother.
>>20390 Yeah, that's still up. Been there since 2017. The leftie loonies won't take it down. They love to spread hate.
>>20388 The "Community" has been going downhill since the early 10's. Since then all this equality, diversity, wokeism, far-left, anti-trump crap has slowly infected abdl sites and abdl social media, that no-one is safe from the left. The left will cancel you, dox you, spread lies about you and cast you out. They are a cancer and now that they are in the community, they will never leave. I dread the 2030's.
>>20298 Ok im not one for conspiracy theory's, but the fact dprbys.com is still fucking allowing new members has to be worrying right? Not managed to find a way onto the site but this is proof its still active!
>>20407 This is why you should ignore them, go to meet-ups and munches instead. So long as you're not a creep the people are good, and a lot more balanced.
>>20298 Saw some baby furs on Twitter posting the other day about how he had found somthing out about a high up member of the community and they were not to be trusted and were a pedo. Didn't expect it to be about abu. Might have to stop recommending Them to people.
>>20414 Saw the same thing. What a shame, they put there trust in someone and it turns out they are not who they claim to be🤣 Still loads of them who fucking love him and dont see what he did as problem, Fucking "special" bunch!
>>20305 >>20298 There you go that's the whole baby for community right now!
>>20398 there was a big party in washington and there was a group chat for it, and someone posted this article about this female-only spa not allowing a trans female in because they had a dick and either apple or her boyfriend or whoever he is defended that and everyone lost their minds saying they were anti-trans or whatever and somehow racism came up, too. it was a whole big thing and now theres this huge thread in the young abdls group that like 50 or 100 pages long. if you have a fetlife account go read the main post, it explains it better than i can. been awhile since i read it.
>>20418 The left always play the race card when things go wrong for them. Regarding the trannies, some have breasts and pussies. They had bottom surgery so they no longer have a penis. Sure, they'll never be a "Woman" or "Female", but at least they are who they are. A lot of the far-left trannies give normal sane conservative trannies a really bad name. And let's be honest; there are trans girls who have gone all the way with surgeries who are really sexy/beautiful than real women. Again, it comes down to politics and personality.
>>20416 Furfags know about this and they dont care. When abu are paying the bills your going to look the other way. Why do think nearly every baby fur event is sponsored by them. Then again why the fuck do you think furfags are the group they market to it does not take a brain surgeon to work out there little secret. >>20418 If I was a women I would not some chick with a dick coming In to my female only spa. That's not anti trans it's just commonsense. Don't you think if that was a good idea every pervert would say they were trans and go to these places for a afternoon of creepy fun!
>>20317 He didn't run it. As I understand he was a mod and he was also underaged at the time. It almost certainly was abused by pedophiles; but I don't put that on Casey. The internet in the 00s was the wild west and I think many of us did things or were in places where we reflect and realize it wasnt okay and the adults in the vicinity shouldnt have been.
>>20418 Oh its much stupider. Because the tranny was known pedophile and vexatious litigator Jessica Yaniv. It wasnt one spa, she targeted like a dozen spas staffed by new immigrant women who barely speak english in vancouver and sued them all. The fact a bunch of burgers are using her to hate on LFB is stupid as fuck.
Somewhat related. I get why TBDL/ADISC were made at first. As there were so many predators a place for teens made by teens was safer to explore their fetish then the DPF teen room, Deckers, or yiorthecobb. And I also get why they eventually turned around and kicked out teenagers because as they aged it became more apparent teens and adults need seperate areas to protect them both. But it does not sit right with me that all the content from when teens were on the site is still around and accessible on ADISC.
>>20435 >teens and adults need seperate areas to protect them both. Oh no, the poor adults need to be protected from those teenagers trying to prey upon them.
>>20436 It was a different time on the internet zoomer. When places like TBDL and TBN were created; the owners were teenagers themselves. They became adults, and as things aged them creating a space for themselves and their teenage online friends didnt apply anymore and became a liability.
>>20435 i remember getting banned from adisc back in the day. the admin who banned me later got banned for having an inapproprite relationship with an underaged user. adisc was a shithole back then and probably still is.
>>20435 DB.biz/tbdl.net member here and looking back at it, now as a parent of kids, ya it was a little fucked. Like I met a lot of cool people on the site but there were definitely some pedos there that as a young teen, I didn't really connect the dots. I remember when FL was good to about 10-12 years ago, then the woke morons came on and apparently everyone became trans/genderfluid/non binary overnight and the whole place became a cancel culture and offended shit show.
>>20454 >DB.biz So that site wasn't a fever dream. How much do you remember about that place and its shutdown? I made an account at some point but I was never active. I vaguely remember being told things. It had that gallery of actual kids and teens in diapers I remember. The "Happy Girl" series I was fascinated by as a teen seeing another kid just looking like they live life in huge diapers. As an adult, I hope that kid is okay. And I recall there was a prominent adult/teen mod relationship that I don't know if it was real or a LARP, I hope it was a LARP. Teen/Adult, username Oklahoma(something). I think? I heard they got arrested, and then the site got purged. Non-sequitor YiorTheCobb tried to groom me when i was 13 in the DPF Teen Room like 2 weeks before he got arrested. TBDL/ADISC and TBN outlived their original purposes as safer places for teens managed by teens. But they were definitely safer then the honeypots ran by actual predators at a time.
>>20433 He was not just a mod on the site, he ran it/owned the site. To This way its backed up on the storm holdings servers for "safe keeping". You really should read the reddit post where he admits to these things its here, >>20302 >>20454 Yer it was mentioned on DD back in the day https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/topic/24443-another-abdl-site-now-links-to-fbi/ I'm sure I would love my kids to be on a site "diaper-boys is run by pedos and is chock full of questionable content... avoid avoid avoid"🙈
>>20464 Fucking hell, I knew people had gone to jail about this site in like 2010 and then it carried on till casey bought abu, how on earth has he got a pass from the community about this! It's like he just swapped his role from owner of pedo forums/pedo gallery to owner of abu.
>>20305 Okay I went back and read this tbdl.net was owned and operated by moo, formerly known as ashen on tbn. tbn something something with money, ashen bailed them out then wanted to be an admin. yadda yadda drama, then he went off with the Europeans like Peachy to make tbdl.net There's just some details in this that are wrong.
>>20466 diaper-boys.biz was different then the later diaperboys site, they didnt have the same owners or mods. It was too long ago to remember names for how little i went to that earlier site. But i remember it wasnt the same.
>>20421 These furfags should be gassed. They are not part of the abdl community. Furfags are nazis!
>>20467 then tbdl.net mustve become adisc at some point, because the main admin at adisc when i was there was also moo. itd be really interesting if someone would do a write up about the history of abdl online.
I was also on drpbys.com at 14 it was not very safe. I Had a administrator (samantha) from anouther site call girltalk which was a sissy site contact me on drpbys where I has pictures of my self in pullups. (Oh those were the days when I could get into those). I was on both sites at the time so I started talk to him. He promised Me that I could try his dresses on talk to him about my feeling which at the time were very confused And We arrange a meet Up. I thought he was 23, then it turned out he was about 45, 25 stone and the 1st thing he did was ask me to suck his cock... Yup literally "hi how are you, do you want to go somewhere else and suck each other off". I was lucky because I arranged the meetup in a public place so I was able to walk away. Reported to both admins from girltalk and dprbys and nothing got done, his word against mine I guess. I remember interacting with klo (casey) and someone else about it on the dprbys. I later found out the guy had to leave the area fast because of some other shady stuff. Places like this were very welcoming of the younger crowd, I remember star diapers advertised on both sites as well. Remember them anyone. Fun times...
>>20298 I tell you all for a fact. If this fag was right-wing, pro-trump or a conservative voter, you can bet your ass that by now he would have been publicly doxxed and burnt at the stake by the woke mob. Because he's a furfag and left-wing, he gets a pass. As does everyone who's a degenerate liberal cunt.
>>20298 Considering I saw this on twitter being mentioned on twitter and the abdl discord both with the attached screenshot, and also a lot of new faces here I assume that this Might be about to come to a head.
>>20474 Yes, thats exactly what happened. Klo was never an owner or moderator, and even on ADISC or tbdl early on; you can tell by the age of the account it wasnt there since the beginning. tbdl.net was owned/operated by moo/ashen, the forum had a massive server failure and the entire forum was lost. It was started when him and other early community members were teenagers, but when this occured they were in their early 20s. So they rebranded to adisc to be more inclusive and still offer a safe place to teens. Again, I can't stress enough the context of the 00s internet was very different. That long post screeshot mentions the warnings like its some nefarious cover; it's entirely earnest. The forums made by teens in this era were very much trying to ward away pedos because we had all been targeted or harassed by several in other communities. So when ADISC was made to replace the imploded tbdl.net, the idea was to continue that idea of that safe space while also allowing for them to age themselves. However as time went on, having teens around adults in a fetish based forum becomes a liability as time seperates them from youth.
>>20476 Star Diapers is a really fucked story. I tried digging a while back on 8kun, and connected a lot of dots. Like the conviction of the photographer for some of the early models. And the BIZARRE youtube channel that claims to be run by the two brothers who were models. However, Casey didn't own ABU when they partnered with star diapers. It was owned by the founder who we only know as Baby Kyle.
>>20476 Drpbys mods definitely knew about pedophiles operating out of there. I can 100% confirm I spoke about my experience with them and it was ignored.
>>20464 I believe the cause of .biz going down was the mndiaperboy/dad2mndiaperboy character got charged for exploiting the kid. I was 13/14 I think when that happened. Site went down then eventually got word through some friends I trusted (again dumb teenager) and added to my MSN messenger that tbdl.net was the new site. It's funny cause I remember some people as teenagers on these sites sonits weird to see how some grew up, like I never would have guessed hypnotized (better known as misspandapants) would become a model. also yiorthecobb... fuck that feels like 100 years ago. I was invited by someone in the chat, joined and immediately things felt off. Not long after the owner was arrested. I never knew casey (klo) remained around over all these years though, kind of crazy how someone connected to all this shit never caught wind of any of it.
>>20507 i remember yiorthecobb a lil bit, too. i remember finding it and going through the *countless* folders of pics. they were all categorized like 0 - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 9, etc. like someone had spent a fuckton of time doing that, some fuckwad was super dedicated, which is fucking gross. i remember cobb getting arrested and it was all over the various mommy boards. i dont remember it being on the abdl boards of the time, interestingly enough.
>>19461 For those curious this was some Bleach and Naruto fanfic that is still up on on his old fanfic.net account and a few ABDL sites when he was known as Arukan. https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1316893/Arukan https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3641722/1/Lack-of-Confidence https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3642755/1/Lack-of-Order https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3641740/1/Karma-and-Repentance
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>>18821 This furfag has apparently left fetlife, hes still on diaperbois, the disgusting evil cunt
anyone here old enough to remember ABY? christ, that site was cringe. i remember making an account when i was 16(think i said i was 19 though) and i immediately got messaged by *old* fags asking me the typical inappropriate questions.
>>20538 I remember RUPadded and Deeker. The other fag sites I wasn't aware of. ABY is still around I think, or they have an account on fetlife and twitter. I think? Creepy old fag men disgust me. But they are not as worse as the furfags and gay lefties.
>>20529 >>20298 >>20305 I though Casey was one of the good guys. Then i found out about this and it made me sad. Wont be back till that cunt stands down from running ABU. Apparently he knows all about this thread but all he keeps doing is posting "dad jokes" on his twitter. Clearly thinks he got away with ir before it will blow over this time. There are also so many members of this community with dark pasts this thread is showing off the darker side of abdl.
>>20540 never was a member of rupadded. deeker, though, oh boy. that was one of the first sites i found when i was maybe 11 or 12. i spent hours on there reading stories. maybe 2% were actually not complete shit. though i prefer stories with girls in them now. deeker is back, actually, deeker.xyz. looks exactly the same, that is a shitty site from the early 90s.
>>20541 Dude casey be like it's fine! Don't expect him to go anywhere. He is nicely protected by his left wing fur fag friends. Who don't care he likes little boys and have known for years! I'm sure his little convention coming up next year with have alot of "like minded" people at it. Who knows might even be able to buy old issues of the star diapers catalogue there lmfao.
>>20507 THAT was the name i was looking for. Yeah, as an adult I hope it was just a LARP. >>20538 Yep, except I did wait til i was an adult. I wasnt eager to join adult sites for this exact reason. The sites that were made when the owners were teens themselves had a culture that discouraged and punished this behavior. >>20540 ABY is definitely dead as a website. RUPadded was when some of the former mods of ABY were sick of the absent landlord of their owner and things breaking. And went to build their own site originally using the same software. Things went downhill when they tried to upgrade and things like the chat stopped working consistently. The original owners of RUPadded now owns tykables.
>>20551 >>he original owners of RUPadded now owns tykables. thats interesting.
>>20552 Yeah I don't know the whole story; but as I understand RUPadded was straight up stolen from todaler. I met him once, really nice guy. Pretty sure he's a combat vet.
>>20541 Buddy, "Peado Casey" is laughing his way to the bank. He couldn't give a turd about his history being exposed on 8Chan or screenshot and posted on twitter for all to see. As we all know, the furfags and normal abdlfags always protect their own. The vile left-wing dogs always bark and bite at right-wing people, but never their own; hence that's why they are furfags a degenerate evil pack of crazy furry wolves. The only way to defeat "Peado Casey" is to boycott ABU...which most abdls will not do. He's winning, and has already won. Even though he is a peado, it looks bad on the community as a whole, but then that what happens when the woke cancer came and infected all the community sites.
Reasons why people like casey don't get questioned. He has MONEY! He is clearly from a wealthy family, im sure mummy and daddy bought him abu becuase his autistic ass could not do anything else. I'm sure they were real proud there son was so obsessed with diapers he owned a website like DRPBYS. He is gay, He uses this one to his advantage, Kevin space tried to play the gay card, just before his world got turned upside down. He is left wing, I mean how on earth could he be bad😈🤑🥸 He is the king of the furry's They won't here a bad word against him, clearly they know about and they don't care. It's not hard to find questionable underage stuff on there forum's (sponsored by ABU). People love them little Kings. People don't want to trash a good thing, the last time I saw this come up little Kings had just launched and people were giving him a pass because they liked the diaper🤑😵‍💫😱 People know and don't care. I would say at this point 60% of abu customers know about his shady child loving past and they don't care. I know people who I have told about all this shit, and they have said they are disgusted by it! Buy from Abu and post pictures publicly praising them a month later and when i asked why ghost and block me. He owns the mods on abdl reddit. Let's face it someone try to post this stuff there 1st and it was basically removed apart from the casey reply which I'm sure in his world he thinks is perfectly reasonable and the end of it. The only way to get him is to ether, contact mainstream media, stop buying ABU, actually get people in abdl to actually care or the people actually involved form a group and start a civil suite against him.
Once again, the real cringe is posted in real time in this thread!
>>20298 As much as this furfag should be hanged due to being a peado, the community has bigger problems...the far-left. It all comes down to politics. The woke mob have taken over the community, this began in 2014. And like they do in society, it's happening in BDSM and abdl. From their pov, we're the bad guys. We're the nazis and devils. But, like Elon Musk has been releasing in his twitter files...the truth of the left is that they are pure evil and they are the real racists and nazis. I can't think of an abdl site where free speech is actually free speech anymore.
>>20584 Honestly though... at times I find it hard to care about this. For the most part porn communities that aren't Reddit or Discord or directly related to those remain pretty based. I've even noticed a lot of Reddit and Discord normies don't seem to make a distinction between the original 8chan, 8kun, and 8chan.moe. Even had people say they won't click on links leading to here for fear of getting vanned or put on a list as if they have no concept of a decent VPN (which is odd considering how common VPN ads are on sites like Youtube) or Tor... or just being dumb enough to think the gubment cares to put enough resources to care about socially maladjusted autists that for most part just want to be left alone. On that front it's gotten better since while I miss the old 8chan it was really dumb not to immediately remove and shut down an apparent mass shooter manifesto. I'm all for free speech, but a lot of sites these days have to make sure they aren't involved with blatant nut jobs willing to commit what is essentially real world terrorism and that's a good thing. I mean, Sad Panda and its forums while having some political sperging isn't a lefty cesspool echo chamber (though part of that is probably result of specifically having measures to prevent casual users from accessing more graphic and niche content). QQ has a fairly vanilla userbase in terms of content, but they specifically have a rule banning modern political discussion, don't care about stuff like loli being posted, and are pretty chill for the most part. 8chan and offshoots still have a lot of early chan culture in them. Pixiv had some content policy changes recently due to involvement of payment processors, but they don't seem to be caring about anything that doesn't have money directly involved because Japan for most part doesn't care about drawn stuff as long as genitals aren't shown. Even a lot of woke TV and Hollywood in the west are getting more pushback and people avoiding them. If you aren't going for the obviously main stream stuff it's not hard to avoid this crap and the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way in places. Yeah, politics, media, and fiction are far too influenced by lefty groupthink and euphoric intellectuals, but the thing to remember is most people do not spend a massive amount of time on social media and preening over their image and looking to attack others for slights are at least reasonably behaved. Most people into degenerate sex stuff have some awareness of what is acceptable and a concept of shame, like... the worst I've seen here so far is that nut in the general discussion thread ranting about ABDLs being oppressed because most people find wearing diapers (or any fetish gear) in public disgusting.
>>20584 What do you think happened to "the good ones"? They didn't all magically disappear one day.
>>20589 >What do you think happened to "the good ones"? They didn't all magically disappear one day. Like everything else infested by the SJWs they pushed anyone who doesn't circlejerk their political opinions out of the Kool Kids Kult while anybody who tried to point out the hypocracy was also kicked out of the Kool Kids Kult and called a "vocal minority" and the discussion became "you're either a 'decent person or a literal Nazi'" The "community" has long since died, I know I buy diapers from rainbow pride faggots that would kill me on site if they knew I voted for Trump twice. That being said, literally nobody cares about this personal vendetta you got against Casey. Owning a website and acting a little creepy don't mean shit, especially when it was effectively in a different time of the internet. If he has backups and looks at them every day, it's still not a fucking issue I said before I have no doubts Casey is a groomer, but you ain't got anything but a bunch of theoretical bullshit. Old DPF was creepy in the same way. Deeker was creepy in the same way. Get back with me when he's been actually arrested. And before anyone says "hurr durr, you just like ABU" No. Their products are overrated garbage and their fans are insufferable furfags. Why the fuck are we surprised that the products we consume come from spergs or creeps when the fetish itself is spergy and creepy. TL;DR, I revise my previous comment: Once again, the real cringe is the thread we made along the way.
>>20590 >Why the fuck are we surprised that the products we consume come from spergs or creeps when the fetish itself is spergy and creepy. Amen
>>20590 >Like everything else infested by the SJWs they pushed anyone who doesn't circlejerk their political opinions out of the Kool Kids Kult while anybody who tried to point out the hypocracy was also kicked out of the Kool Kids Kult and called a "vocal minority" and the discussion became "you're either a 'decent person or a literal Nazi'" And they did this while vastly outnumbered because... everybody else just didn't care? Okay, so there's no problem then.
>>20592 >And they did this while vastly outnumbered because... everybody else just didn't care? Okay, so there's no problem then. Of course. Just like Comics, Video Games, Dungeons and Dragons, they did it slowly and over time. The problem isn't that people don't care. It's moreso that the people who would otherwise fight it are busy being productive members of society instead of perpetually mad at trivial shit. Cancel culture is fucking retarded no matter who is getting cancelled. Oh noes, a sperg ran an internet forum that might have naughty pictures and he might have backups of it from a time when the internet wasn't full of people looking for the next person to cancel. Casey deserves it for sure, and like I said I have no doubt he's actually a groomer and I'll cheer on his fellow lefties eating him alive if/when there's finally actual, real proof in the form of an arrest. But as it is now, it's just screaming into the void, ABU is the biggest company catering to our fetish and this is a nontroversy. As far as the general left, you're in the last free speech space left for ABDL. Maybe the fediverse could work...until the SJW faggots find a way to fuck that up too.
>>20594 >It's moreso that the people who would otherwise fight it are busy being productive members of society instead of perpetually mad at trivial shit. It's almost like unionists have been warning people about this exact situation for a century. The continuous ceding of power to urbanites out of a scorn for their lifestyle.
I don't mix my politics with sex. I'm just here to blow my load. Fighting a culture war on a diaperporn board is as cringe as the sjw shit. And frankly we don't want too many people to be aware of us because then there will be more takedowns. It's creepy and spergy. But literally everyone who makes this kink their life and business is a little bit fucked in the head. I don't give a shit about purity testing or some retarded notion of saving diapers for conservatives. I don't like that he has a copy. But frankly the people bitching are too young to be one of the dudes who submitted shit as a stupid teen.
>>20590 If I could buy you a pint, I would. You speak total sense. The left encourage peados and grooming, more so to teenage boys and girls. Take this prick for example. https://twitter.com/yoyoel He's the poster boy for the abdls on twitter. And Elon has outed him as a creepy groomer and the man behind banning Trump for the bullshit so-called "Insurrection of 6th January". Again, it all comes back to politics. Back in the day, my day, between 2009-2014, politics wasn't part of abdl, it was a greater community than it is now. It breaks my heart that these lefties and sjws are running and ruining it, more so these furfag cunts.
>>20484 I remember seeing someone post alleged interviews with someone from a star diaper model that basically said they were shooting CP and the parents didn't care. I remember kinda wanting some race car diapers but now I think yikes. Wouldn't want to be associated with that mess
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>>20597 I agree
>>20602 I find it weird people try to make sex and reproduction so political. May as well be making eating, shitting, and pissing political. Irksome because sex is a very primal thing that animals do without any human concept of morals and politics. Weird, at best, people who try to make appeal to nature arguments for stuff like homosexuality. Nothing wrong with being a fag or pervert, but saying "It's okay because animals do it" is nonsensical because animals also display the equivalent of rape, necrophilia, and pedophilia. My point is humans are complicated and get into far weirder sexual things due to our conditioning and imprinting being more complicated. Morals and ethics only apply to humans. It's literally possible to train animals to get aroused, hunger, submit, and such just using pavlovian training. The major theory about how fetishes develop is that at some point the object of the fetish is presented with pleasure early in development leading to a permanent connection with sex. That humans can have this happen with weirder things compared with animals makes no real difference here. Really seems best not to to worked up about a base urge there to encourage reproduction even if it doesn't work as intended all the time.
>>20603 >I find it weird people try to make sex and reproduction so political. Really, nigga? You find it weird that people try to make it political, one of the few things that decide whether or not a society actually continues to exist over time? What do you think it is that makes it "right" for something to be political or "not"?
>>20604 *Shrugs* There are certainly nigh universal differences in behavior and expected roles based on sex that exist in nearly every culture on Earth. What I'm saying is that if animals fucking and crapping in the woods isn't political why would humans engaging in the same base things be? I know there's a philosopher that made that point but I can't remember the name. This is a very basic flaw in appeal to nature style arguments or arguing too much meaning in basic physical needs and instinctual and compulsive behaviour humans would still do without social or cultural influences is what I mean. A lot of stuff humans get worked up about as political or moral are not things that exist as things beyond what humans created. By definition politics and morals are entirely human concepts and inventions. Do you seriously think animals know these things, that they concern themselves with gender roles and sex beyond instinct? This is part of why I can laugh at myself for being into ABDL and other weird fetishes and see no reason to take it too seriously or incorporate it into my identity like some others do . It's all the product of exposure and conditioning. Possible for predisposition to sexual obsessions (and this seems to be commonly comorbid with certain mental disorders), but it's not like any of us would be into diapers as a fetish if we lived in a time or place where that was not common and we were not exposed to such things. It's all just weird sexual conditioning from our environment, our ape brains and bodies. Nothing inherently wrong with that, but on some level it is absurd that humans sexual targeting can get so off the rails that we can get obsessively aroused by inanimate objects and clothing... or even things designed for collecting piss and shit due to incontinence when most humans are instinctively disgusted by body waste. We, ABDLs, are the nuts on that last point not normies. Relevant quotes "Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." and "Don't take life so seriously, you'll never make it out of it alive." Even seems bizarre for so many to get worked up too much about how humans engage in the same weird fetishes.
>>20606 >What I'm saying is that if animals fucking and crapping in the woods isn't political why would humans engaging in the same base things be? Because when humans choose to do it or not do it, it decides the fate of nations.
>>20597 >I don't like that he has a copy. But frankly the people bitching are too young to be one of the dudes who submitted shit as a stupid teen. This 100%. it was a period in time you had to live to understand. The internet was far more decentralized and isolated back then. There weren't really centralized imagehosting sites, pictures were localized to the individual forums, maybe the occasional person used ImageShack or whatever.
>>20607 lmao
>>20587 >8chan it was really dumb not to immediately remove and shut down an apparent mass shooter manifesto 8chan did indeed remove that manifesto in less than ten minutes of its posting. also, the manifesto was first posted to facebook, then reposted to 8chan, facebook took hours to remove it... the news lied and slandered 8chan as being the initial host even though that was false, because they had an agenda to take down 8chan.
>>20576 >He has MONEY! actually, he is way over leveraged, he has taken multiple loans out to keep his business afloat and regularly takes out new loans to helps pay the older ones, its a mystery the banks are still so happy to keep giving him loans
>>20630 Where's your proof? Show the evidence that "Peado Casey" is in debt for his ABU empire. Otherwise, it's all just hearsay.
>>20632 he told me himself on numerous occasions in regular conversation, i am in his circle of acquaintances, im not gonna reveal anymore then that. make of it what you will
>>20632 Original post removed by reddit. >>20305 His reply admitting to it all here>>20302 I mean honestly, don't you think at this stage if all this was BS he would not have put a statement out saying it was. He will just be sitting there hopping it does not blow up any bigger than a few posts on twitter and this thread. >>20630 not the 1st time i have herd this!!!! I have herd ABU have in the past have defaulted on large amounts of diapers made in China! Some of these were stored then in a manufacturing warehouse waiting to be shipped out. After 3 years, sales were so poor they had gone off without being shipped to ABU. When ABU were asked to pay them for the diapers produced ABU decided not to, and moved factory's. This left the manufacturer seriously struggling and had to make lay offs. What companies like ABU do to get credit, is project they are a huge company when actually they are not. This helps them get credit and keep the company going.
>>20636 >don't you think at this stage if all this was BS he would not have put a statement out saying it was People are stupid and will latch on to anything to prove their point. Even "You are only so defensive because you are guilty"
>>20630 i'll lol so hard if abu goes belly up. the drama in the community will be epic.
>>20638 Well he did also admitit right here >>20302
>>20418 Goddamn Apple is a great, I always knew it. I don't even mind giving her 30 bucks a month because she makes quality stuff and I can afford it just fine And Fetlife is such a fucking cancer. I had my own runnings in with them and got my account banned for "transphobia" all because I lamented that most of the women in the fetish were trans.
>>20654 Fetlife is a cancer. I had my account banned because I was pro-trump and I told a few real abdl girls that some trans girls are better looking than them. They went ape shit. Then, the white knights ganged up on me. I fought back...and I was banned. Fetlife is as woke as it comes, they always protect their own. As for searching for an abdl lover on that cesspool, unless you're left-wing, you have no chance.
>>20658 The white knights and simps are the most pathetic. I don't know if she's still around but there was a black woman who ran one of the big ABDL groups and I am halfway convinced she isn't even ABDL but simply pretends to be online because she gets to lord over the masses of pathetic leftie redditoids who swarm around fetlife desperate for female attention. She was really the main reason I got banned, because I wouldn't back down when she started in on her "trans women are women" bullshit and all her sycophant leftie followers mass reported me. That was years before George Floyd too, so I can't imagine that place isn't 1000 times worse.
Is this the shit on Casey mega thread? Good let's tell you about some behind the Scenes shit! At the time the reddit post came out Casey was with Joe. Joe was the love of his life who moved over from the UK to be with him. When all this came out, Joe defended casey publicly on twitter and reddit but behind the scenes it was definitely not good and Joe left him soon after it all came out. From what I have herd Casey is a absolute control freak who is majorly on the spectrum. He is massively over leveraged and lied about that to Joe before he came over. When it comes down to it what has been put here is mostly correct about him and personal I keep my distance from him!
>>20695 BluePandora is here name and she is a MASSIVE cunt. I left FL years ago (when trump got elected I think? I'm not even american). It seemed once he got elected that place got fucking hostile fast, just said fuck this and never turned back.
>>20705 BluePandora - who is he/she/it? That nutcase has serious mental issues. She's the number one troll on fetlife within the community. How that person is still active on there, I'll never know. BP is worse than a cunt. A total enemy of the community. She has a hit list of enemies who she warns the community about and she tries to dox them. A cruel evil piece of work. And a vile creature.
>>20708 pretty sure i saw her once when i was at summercap. she a troll, bro. short lil bitch.
>>20709 not sure if she is still on fet. she gave the group to someone else years ago then changed her screen name.
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Cringe or based?
>>20713 hmmm... I don't think it's cringe. I do pick diapers over pussy. I mean, there's pussy everywhere and diapers are more fun.
>>20720 Agree 100%, especially if you are locked. Straining in a destroyed diaper is better than pussy.
>>20721 Don't forget we have a diaperboy thread >>226 If you have more of him post it there. I don't think this is the right place, but I do agree with you.
>>20710 The skank is still on fetlife. Her profile is active. The vile slag.
https://www.deviantart.com/arcolt67/gallery This shit is kinda cringe but also kinda weirdly impressive in a way
>>18663 This is fine imo. He's fully clothed, he's not acting out any NSFW scenes, this is shock-value equivalent of teens dressing emo/goth in the bible belt
anyone here going to capcon in march? prices just got posted a couple days ago and they're expensive asf now. $240 minimum for just a ticket, plus an extra night in the so the hotel is going to be $750z= if u dont split it with someone.
>>21159 Aside from the fact I would never go to one of these events, shocked they dropped the vaccine requirement (at least I couldn't find it). I find it fucking hilarious they had the Vax pass thing and still had a shit ton of rona cases from the event.
>>21159 Was it capcon or that cringe teddy event where the owner/s stole the money from abdl folk then cancelled the event. There was a massive shit-storm on fetlife about it. And the money was never returned. For $240 a ticket I'd rather pay for a decent hooker and have great sex than to hang out with leftie degenerates.
>>21181 that was teddycon. forever playland, the event that casey strom is creating, is giving ticket holders from teddycon in 2020 and 2021 vouchers for his event later in 2023. theres no info yet on forever playland, so we'll have to see where it is and all that.
>>21171 there is most likely still going to be a vax requirement. there was for summercap.
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the fuck is this shit
>>21196 Gas the furfags. Fucking nazis!
>>21159 What's cap con about
>>21225 basically an abdl convention. the host hotel is taken over so you can wear whatever you want(just a diaper, diaper and onesie, etc.). there are classes and a ton of play rooms that are split by age; one room has baby toys, another has lego and stuff like that, etc. there's a ball pit and jungle gym. theres a changing room with free diapers(at least they were free last time). a ton of vendors come(abu, rearz, the abdl shop, my inner baby, and others). last time on the last day abu was taking offers on cases of diapers so they wouldnt have to take it back to their warehouse. its expensive asf this time which is why im skipping. but if you get a chance to go, u should.
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>>21225 >What's cap con about It's a circlejerk con where you get to dox yourself to Leftist SJWs for the "verification" process and then if you pass their groupthink test, you get to pay $250 + hotel costs to walk around in just a diaper.
>>21254 haha, more or less. $250 + hotel + food($15/17/17 per day, respectively for three hotel buffets) + plane ticket(if needed) + shit from vendors(if u want). cap is expensive as hell this year. last year I paid probably $1k for everything. this year your looking at $1k for just the hotel and ticket because they added that extra day that no one asked for
Meet Mark Young, Mark wants to own his own abdl nursery one day but has no money. But mark likes to pretend his abdl nursery owning fantasys are real! As you can see he has put up this "real" advertisement/ the frount cover of people magazine🤣 trying to pretend it's real. He has even Bought a blue tick for his fake business and everything on twitter. He has even gone as far to register his fake company with the UK company's House to help him pretend his fantasy are real. Dedication right there. If you want a laugh head over to EliteABClinicUK on twitter for even more cringe!
>>21447 ive seen this on twitter. he steals pics and uses them to adverttise his shit. there was a parody account at one point that was funny.
>>21245 >>21254 Sounds tempting but I'm cheap af
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>>21465 >>21447 >>19075 This freak owns the parody account. The two of them are just as bad as each other.
the fuck is it with people in this community and their parents still having access to their bank accounts? i swear ive seen it more often here than anywhere else. some 27 year old just asked in the capcon group on fet what it would say on their bank statements regarding the hotel and event because their parents still have access to bank statements. i dont get it.
>>21504 Don't make fun of the low functioning autists just because you're at the higher-end of the spectrum
>>21504 Probably some tax-related schemes
>>21488 disgusting pig
>>21505 Too many self hating autistic people in this site
why are there so many retarded lazy people in this fetish? the answers to the stupid questions people ask about capcon are literally so easy to find its embarrassing. i do not understand.
>>21612 That's society as a whole now. Everyone too lazy to look for themselves, they want instant gratification with minimal effort. People even too lazy to Google something. Take video games for example. Used to be if you got stuck or wanted to find hidden items or Easter eggs you had to do the work, look for them and figure things out for yourself. Now guides for every game come out the same day and for older games they've been minmaxxed so hard you don't have to think at all, just follow a cookie cutter solution. No effort, no need for problem solving, no need to use your brain at all. Just instant gratification with none of the legwork. It's like having an endless supply of dopamine dripping into your brain, where the only requirement to receive it is that you can breathe.
>>21612 >>21618 autists unable to read between the lines. when, for example, someone on 8chan asks what capcon is they aren't look for a literal definition of it, they want a fellow 8chan user's experience and opinion of capcon >>21618 you're a double idiot because video game strategy guides of existed for a long time; before google and im guessing before you were even born. I mean they even used to make adventure games deliberately so esoteric you pretty much need to call a phoneline for help, was basically a scam.
>>21499 Honestamente planeaba ir a una de las reuniones que a veces hace su amigo Iker Nash, pero viendo de lejos que va a ser tu típico grupo SJW versión Macondo, y que encima salen con éstas jaladas, ya me estoy retractando de buscar gente ABDL en MeMéxico para convivir en persona.
>>21629 Hay negro, a mí igual me gustaría encontrar personas abdl en méxico pero las posibilidades de encontrarte con un retrasado son tan grandes que hasta me dan ganas de dejar el fetiche.
>>21629 >>21631 Lamentablemente, el zoomer/milenial promedio es estupdio y la version latina es extra estupida.
Congratulations to whoever doxed this BITCH! One of the worst humans out there!
>>22507 Don't celebrate that
>>22507 Wait, what happened?
>>22510 Bitch got doxxed. She is nothing but Meth addict, prostitute (excuse me "sex worker") who is balding. Deserves what she gets.
>>22507 Arh yes grandma Boobs;) The solid 2 out of 10 who only gets attention becuase she will SHIT her self on camera and will do RAPE fantasy videos.
>>22507 Who?
>>22507 "I bought this dumb bitches content and regret it now I'm going to seethe about it on an ABDL chan like an autist* - you
>>22515 some generic e-thot that a couple of lunatics here never shut up about for some reason
What info was released?
>>22516 Bitch i have never bought any content from any one! Why the fuck would I spend money on anything like that when i have 8chan to direct you where to get it for free. Also what's your fucking problem, baba berry or what ever she wants to call her self this week is trash who does not give a flying fuck about any one but her self.
>>22519 Her name and address and a full doxxing to all family members and friends.
>>22511 turns out her name was Maryls
>>22518 >some generic e-thot that a couple of lunatics here never shut up about for some reason I'm just curious what she did that they're so happy she got doxed for?
>>22520 how many accounts of yours did she block in DM's before you gave up and started seething in this mongolian basket weaving forum.
>>22540 None, I have never tried to contact her. I have seen her in person at capcon for a distance and she is a ugly little thing. Im personly just not a fan of prostitutes walking the halls at capcon and her brand of ABDL. Lolilalas is just as bad as she is! Fun fact i think she is a ugly till troll who is only getting worse with age and she is 100% a drug addicted whore! >>22537 She is a class A bitch who is a ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. She tried to make her self the centerpoint of everything for attention and drama sake only. No idea why people buy her porn or pay money to sleep with her im sure in 10 years she will be on the scrap heap begging for attention. Ask allycakes how it goes i guess.
Still some of my best work😏
>>22541 Clearly a sane person continues to talk shit about "just some bitch" on the internet. You sound like your elementary crush rejected you.
>>22547 yeah this fucking autist for sure tried to hit her up and she "lol fuck off ugly" 'd him, what a pathetic faggot lmao
>>22547 >>22550 Sounds like she came for a visit to 8chan or one of her simps is trying to defend her. Take no notice😈
>>22554 There's literally 3 different people replying to you calling you an autistic. I'd just shut the fuck up now and save yourself further embarrassment. You're celebrating harassment because she wouldn't suck your pee pee. You're nobody special. Get lost.
>>22541 >allycakes how it goes i guess. She was stupid and didn't use birth control or contraception and ended up having twins. As I parent of young kids, that does take up basically your life for some time. I remember when she had a stalker/dude who sexually assaulted her at one of those camp things, that dude is now a she and everyone just forgets the raping and creepy voice messages that were posted. Fucking love the hypocrisy the fetlife groups...
>>22542 Ah, so it's just Onideus being a piece of shit, good to know. I don't give a shit about a generic camwhore, but doxing is cringe and retarded.
>>22579 They doxxed a lot of people and for retarded reasons, AgeRe puritanical teens doxxed a bunch of ABDLs because they claimed we're all pedophiles sexualizing their coping mechanism.
>>22578 Once again, trannies showing how mentally stable they are.
>>22579 hahahahahahaha as fucking IF it's that Onideus faggot, get real, god he's such an ugly fucking loser
>>22592 Cringe. You can do better, loser. Tell me you're tilted with more effort please. Garbage.
>>22650 Generally like her takes, but she seems to act like anyone in the abdl group is a useless welfare scab on society. She is right, keep it behind closed doors. Of course the train wreck Riley went on another show too. I don't know why certain members need this justification from the whole world. Our kink is fucking weird, accept that and move on with life.
>>22650 There have been a ton of these videos by many popular conservatives recently (within the past year) This is because ABDL is becoming the new furfag, the loud and annoying leftist faggots can't just shut the fuck up and keep this shit to their bedrooms in private.
>>22667 Imagine not being a leftist in 2023. Yikes.
>>22661 It is weird, agreed. But others are choosing to highlight us and put a spotlight on our spaces. >>22667 He says on a porn board where we actively share this shit. Youre delusional if you think moral crusaders care whether its kept private to the bedroom or not. If its not missionary sex through a bed sheet for the specific intent of procreation; they'll use it for their moral crusade. We're allowed to have our communities and ain't nothing wrong with that. That being said most of our communities are dog shit and i want nothing to do with them. But moralfags would denonize us no matter what.
>>20604 Reproduction traps God in an earthly vessel. It is a solemn matter that should not be treated wantonly. The finite will never satisfy the uncreated soul.
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>>20604 >Really, nigga? You find it weird that people try to make it political, one of the few things that decide whether or not a society actually continues to exist over time? What do you think it is that makes it "right" for something to be political or "not"? The problem is these Commie faggots are fucking retarded. They think they're fighting "fascists" while being financially backed and bailed out by corporate America. Usually captured live on the iPhone Daddy or Mommy is still paying for. No wonder they're drawn to ABDL, they've barely left Mommy's titty emotionally or physically. Fucking losers. >>22689 >He says on a porn board where we actively share this shit. Youre delusional if you think moral crusaders care whether its kept private to the bedroom or not. The difference is that now the leftist faggots have made it abundantly clear they want to groom children into their sick fucking kinks, and ABDL is a perfect vehicle to that. You're right, we'll all be kicked against the wall if/when the right wing death squad meme becomes reality. But it doesn't help when the tranny in a dress and a pink diaper that will NEVER be seen as anything but a man with a mutilated penis just has to go on national TV and talk about how "innocent" and "totally not child grooming" it is while simultaniously crying about how being forced to use the bathroom that matches the gender you were born with is oppression. Leftists are attracted to this fetish because it aligns with their mental status and daddy/mommy issues.
>>22762 >>22742 >>22679 >>22592 >>22595 You're sperging out this hard on a diaper orum
>>22765 You're replying to two people spurging out on a diaper "orum"
It's always the far-left woke. Watch the videos below. No wonder our beloved kink is fucked. Evil Tranny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiWK0rbwfU8&ab_channel=TalkTV Canadian FurFag https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1628318976379092992 These "People" should be gassed.
https://old.reddit.com/r/ABDLMarket/comments/11g3vok/meta_prices_need_to_be_required_either_in_the/ low hanging fruit, but the comments by the guy spouting the conspiracy theory about why the sub exists and the mods are funny.
>>20701 thx for posting, its amazing the cult like following hes been building up. anyone else notice how sexualized he is turning his companies social medias? he just sponsored a leather kink festival in germany, his booth looked so out of place there and unpopular hardly anyone went to it. more recently he hosted a leather group sponsored event to raise donations for something called smyal, if you look that up its basically a single house, near washington dc, used as a safe house for children (13 -20) who identify as gay, at the same time the building is registered as an adult daycare accepting age's 24 and under, they have 12 beds for overnight stays.... its very suspect. apparently hillary clinton at one time 'partnered' with the building... its in one of her old bio's. casey is like the hindenburg of the abdl world, its only a matter of time before he goes down in flames dragging what little image we have with him.

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