/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Fake Diaper Ads Baby 02/23/2022 (Wed) 09:06:44 No. 9428
Anyone into these sort of fake diaper ads/edits? I made a few and had them in a thread on the old chan, but they're long gone now and because of hard drive fuckery I lost about half of them. I'll post what I still have, though.
>>9428 I find a few of them enjoyable >because of hard drive fuckery I lost about half of them Can relate. Lost most of my stuff when my harddrive died.
>>9428 are you taking requests
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I tried my hand at making some minimalist Huggies Ads a while ago. They're not great, but they're something.
weird sense of nostalgia from some of these. wonder what picfab is up to these days.
>>9495 They emerged from the bushes a few years ago to drop a few new ones on tumblr as of 2017-ish. (It could be an imposter but I'm inclined to believe it's picfab because they aren't garbage.) https://picfab.tumblr.com/ Mostly classics there. The few pasties that were obviously based on 14yos have been nuked and memory-holed to my knowledge.
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Now we need to make some of our own (I may try some soon) and should set up a psyop twitter account to trigger diaper fetishes in girls.

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>>9497 Picfab was the only decent version of these ever
>>9528 Elaborate
>>9633 I would sell a kidney to bring picfab back.
>>9633 There was another person who did great edits that were prime captionable material. No idea their name but I remember them doing great Enema Watson edits.
>>9634 Any sort of well-made and appealing ads need to be directed towards women and young men so that that they get into diapers and we psyop them into the fetish. Support infantalization of women.
>>9882 If I ever become a billionaire this is the insane Washington think tank I'm sponsoring
>>9882 Could be wrong and i cant google-fu it, but iirc Picfab themselves had a short story about literally that. Prime Minister uses a super-computer to develop a gauranteed way to end a teen pregnancy epidemic and it subliminally indoctrinates the population into thinking of teen girls as diaper dependant so teen boys wouldnt want to have sex with them ( which uhhh...about that) Its pretty short but i'll see if i can find it later.
>>9961 Nice lol, I couldnt find it. Turns out its not actually picfab, darn.
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>>11324 Picfab remains the only person who could do em well
>>11328 well it was claimed that picfab was a professional who made real ads, so checks out i guess
>>9683 ddnixx?
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>>11406 I really love this one.
>>11410 Save it friend, it's all yours
I always feel that these ads are eventually going to be real with the way the world is going. Probably see a push of not potty training kids till their teens. Already talk of reusing used diapers as a power source. Mean isn't Japan recycling diapers as fuel?
>>11326 I absolutely love that last Pampers one. Is this from dpr800900? I used to sub to his Patreon but I stopped since the only reason I was subbed was for the photoshopped diaper ads and he wanted to focus on the CYOA games and wasn't updating much.
>>11472 Sure is, friendo.
it can be fun to take an existing ad and just mildly change it
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(7.93 MB 2828x2433 007 f(1).png)

im no pro, but i always enjoyed the subtler picfab caps. i liked how he told a story through a facial expression or a few lines of copy. i might try doing that more... anyway here are two more of taylor swift cus ilh
Does anyone have this specific picfab picture where it’s a blonde girl looking upset. It looks like it was removed from his abkingdom gallery. Does anyone else remember or have more details?
>>11771 Artist for these?
>>11779 Cocco
(1.06 MB 1177x2451 Revision-sleep3.jpg)

ive had this idea in my head for a while :)
>>11808 Holy shit this actually looks astoundingly good Have you done any others liike this?
(2.12 MB 2589x1451 neverhaveiever.jpg)

hi i did this one as well, which is a bit sillier >>11810 thanks for your kind words
(879.22 KB 709x709 ClipboardImage.png)

>>11813 >>11808 I'll second >>11810, these are really good. One of the best things about Picfab ads of yore was that they clearly had a coherent alternate universe in mind, where advertisers were targeting a carnival mirror version of actual youth culture, but diapered. Yours do too, but it's for the moms rather than the girls. Love the scribbled-out text on the second one in particular.
(600.86 KB 828x825 media_FEAMysbaAAAbkJm.png)

This one says >for days when she drinks a lot before bed >morning diaper --> >night-time use for over 12s >Oyasumiman >>11808 >>11813 These are brilliant. I'd love to see more in the same style. The idea of it being no big deal for parents to regress their children and take away their ability to stay dry is one of my favourite alternate-universe fantasies.
>>11823 >The idea of it being no big deal for parents to regress their children and take away their ability to stay dry is one of my favourite alternate-universe fantasies. This is gonna sound weird, but I've had this fantasy about regressing your children (and especially your daughter) being this conservative religious thing. Evangelical Christian parents in the South forcing Ashlynn to wear diapers and suck on a pacifier because she was caught listening to "Satanic music". Muslim parents in the Middle East making Samira wear diapers and be pushed around on a stroller so that she can be more dependent on men. Hindu parents in India diapering little Lakshmi and shaving her head because they think it makes her less attractive to boys. If I could draw (or had the money to make commissions) I would totally make a propaganda about why God wants you to put your daughter in diapers, like an ABDL Chick tract.
>>11827 Based and diaperpilled. I would personally ad an analogue for boys a-la the "temperance" & chastity movement among conservative parents who want to stop their sons from masturbating or looking u porn.
>>11838 Oh absolutely. Remember, the Bible says that you have to become like a child to enter heaven!
>>11839 Amen. Just realized how terrible that one-handed message came out. I imagine the male analogue somewhat thusly: Christian mom and dad find out Timmy has been watching porn online and confine him to diapers, chastity, and mittens to teach him the virtue of innocence. You could imagine a similar scenario with anti-gay Muslim parents or whatnot. The fap possibilities are endless.
>>11841 Vacation Diaper School!
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>>11823 thanks boss
>>11883 doubleposting but ye working on something more detailed but that will probably take a little longer. this is a pretty simple one can't say im totally poggers about but the girl has a funny smirk on her face which was cute
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im literally procrastinating doing other one by doing these lol. oh and that one before wasn't even the final version ffs so i'll include again
(1.72 MB 2055x2845 playmates - Copy.jpg)

im back again friends. here is some further psycho shit <3
(532.59 KB 1601x1082 stinky - Copy.jpg)

pushing the app hard in print media
>>12106 >>12110 My dude, keep this up and you will be a legend a la picfab. In 2039 zoomers will be bypassing their social credit authkey to access 1352chan and bitch to fellow anons about how fake VR diaper ads suck these days compared to your stuff.
>>12113 thanks i will keep going until i run out of ideas. picfab is the og... im just trying to balance out the boomershit.... the blurry stretched ho in a bambino with 'oooh im going POOPY in my diapeys" typed in ms paint... i would encourage others on this board to do the same... n to shoot those niggers on sight...
(683.34 KB 1238x826 book - Copy.jpg)

sunday reading
>>12121 ...are you on Twitter by any chance?
>>12127 i have a twatter but dont use it to post, just lurk
>>12128 you have to post these somewhere. you can get a big audience for this kinda stuff if Twitter doesn't work for you can try Imagefap or BDSMLR. or start a Patreon.
>>12129 not him but >bdsmlr shit site, think the devs have abandoned it >patreon wouldn't work, new TOS says you need the permission of everyone in photos, basically killing captions and photo manips
>>11888 >>12106 >>12110 >>12121 These are all great. >>12129 I've seen people post this sort of stuff on DeviantArt. Pixiv might also allow it. Failing that there's always the fediverse. Mastadon instances like pawoo or baraag will definitely work.
>>12129 >>12163 >>12165 thanks frends. very encouraging xox. i may try 2 make new twatter or pixiv as I’m familiar with it. deviantart has no good art left and many ‘god I wish that were me’ autists, very sad. maybe pixiv the same but i cannot read moonrunes so it’s better.
>>11808 This is a great fake advert. You should do more!
>>11888 I just noticed "the Huggies Resort"...
(1.11 MB 1440x1340 planahead_nappies.jpg)

henlo friends. i think this advertisement comes from downunder or thereabouts where girls wear nappies >>12213 u got it
(719.36 KB 900x1500 voteNO.jpg)

idk sounds like liberal bullshit to me (: its just a bunch of sjws who r jealous their moms didnt care enough to try it on them lmao
(851.63 KB 1150x1248 voteyes.jpg)

legally allowing for moms to baby their adult daughters and ruin their roastie years (: when u find out the (((globalists))) r behind it 4 $$$ :(
>>12359 >>12362 >>12310 These are insanely great. The worldbuilding is top notch. My favorite is >>12110 this one. Do you think you could do more about diaper messing?
>>12366 thankssss. positive feedback v encouraging….messy diapers…. could be possible xox
>>12362 I'd like to see some ads from the perspective of trying to convince girls to let mom baby them. Something about it being good for mental health or self care (because it's always about self care).
>>12359 >breast milk in a drugged haze All right, this gives me an idea: ads for regression drugs. >"For easy incontinence training, it's Regresserol. Ask your doctor if Regresserol is right for your daughter. Side effects for Regresserol are uncommon and include chest pain, mental impairment, hallucinations, anal leakage, and excessive crying. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while on Regresserol. Do not take if you intend to become pregnant. Regresserol should not be used by men and women above 30 as it may cause addiction and dependency. See our ad in Parents Monthly"
(1.02 MB 960x2008 envyofplaygroup.jpg)

>>12366 hope u enjoy. lucky i was kind of already doing this 1
>>12380 i like this vibe too. i think i may try something like tht...... something a girl is going 2 stumble upon in a magazine and crinkle her nose in disgust and think "no fkn wayy am i going to fkn convinced..... gross" but haunts her mind when shes trying 2 sleep (:
>>12381 this idea has been in my head too. cant say i really love mental regression imo cus the humiliation factor is lost once theyre fkn brain dead…. too close to body horror….. same reason diaper dimension doesn’t appeal…. too fucking brutal…. the idea that mom or auntie etc gets sick of cutie daughter leaving dishes in the sink n having boyfriends over and decides…. to nuke at least a few years of her “golden youth”… (maybe while some of her lucky friends continue on as normal)… strikes a good balance…. for me. some mild pharmaceutical meddling is funny. funny is probably a good word. seeing smug girls who think theyre cool pee their pants in public … is funny as fuck. thats the vibe. sorry 4 wall of text broz … a little spent rn, might take a lil break this week …. but if any of yall enjoy… let me know. i like knowing what u degenerates r enjoying xoxo
>>12387 I would love to see same pages were a buch of moms have formed an adult daycare center for their girls. Then have them talk to eachother about when they decided to start re-diaper their girls for both night-time & day-time nr1 & nr2, why they did it & the methods used to do it. Then talk about how they girls reacted to the treatment for the very begining to the very end & everywhere in between.
>>12387 salute, great cap
Are there any with guys or are they all chicks
>>12474 No-one will help the faggots with adult baby boy/daddy content. It's all adult baby girls. I just don't want that furry fag shit coming onto this thread!
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>>12484 bad idea to bring it up then, people will post stuff out of pure spite
>>12390 Maybe something like the Mind Melter? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icowqojcv4o
This one could work as well : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF_nfazQaek
>>11827 >This is gonna sound weird, but I've had this fantasy about regressing your children (and especially your daughter) being this conservative religious thing. not that different from my mom.. very religious but is super accepting of my regressing
(1.22 MB 1415x892 notformuch longer.jpg)

henlo frens. out of sight, out of mind rite? just try not to think about it.... maybe more coming....been buzy.. >>13116 >>13130 this is it, less 'one flew ova the cuckoo nest' n more just late stage capitalism pfzier shit as 4 the other stuff mentioned in thread, men is disgusting pig so will not inlcude in my pics xoxox
>>13130 get mental help
>>11827 Not exactly like this but diapered Stepford-Wives and the whole idea of a 1950s style patriarchal society enforcing the idea that women are mentally children and should not be potty trained is a huge fantasy of mine. There was even a pretty decent active thread for it on 8kun like two years ago. The religious aspect could dovetail into that. Also, love all the alternate universe diaper ads targeted at women and girls in that context as well. I kind of want to write some stories in a setting like this but I lack the time and motivation. The religious aspect and actual forced mental regression are both really hot though.
>>13154 good stuff. feels weird that all the 19yos in the world barely react to the naked conspiracy against them then again, maybe not so weird Turn on cable news... >>13159 >1950s style patriarchal society enforcing the idea that women are mentally children and should not be potty trained is a huge fantasy of mine Yeah, this is the Ur diaper fantasy, whether you dream of being on the giving or receiving end equality of the sexes sucks, lets have some of that sexy diaper oppression
>>13162 >feels weird that all the 19yos in the world barely react to the naked conspiracy against them my head canon is that its after years of subtle psy-ops normalizing it. Like first they removed the stigma of bedwetting without any infantilization then they started adding that in slowly so people don't even realize and just consider it normal
>>13155 i am. my therapist is great
>>13162 in my pics so far id say the vibe is that a majority of girls dont wear diapers.... its just a risk for girls with mothers with type A personalities or control/codepency issues or the jealousy towards daughter, or the workaholic middle manager momma who burnt out etc.... very middle class...... this isn't trailer park shit or "elite" behavior. its suburban vibes. its been memed into existence just like everything else..... advertisements aim to create desire in the popltn. mark fisher... girl pov: if you're not involved, you probably try to ignore it and pray that it doesn't happen to you. bringing it up diapers for any reason is a not worth simply cus you dont want your mom to even combines thought of "my daughter" + diapers". when most ppl encounter injustice on a societal scale they just thank god it didnt happen to them. cool btw goodnitecap on tumblr is preddi good
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This is still one of my all-time favorite bits of ABDL art. I wish there were more fake ads focusing on putting lolis back in diapers.
>>13206 Of all things I was expecting to see Capitalist Realism used to argue, this was not one of them lol Exiting the play-castle indeed.
>>13216 pedo shit not good. makes me wary of this board. 2 much soy. i will follow frens advice n get twatter. only afraid of get doxxed by trannies, faggots and fat womyn with too much tiem on hands. any tips? seems common in abdl >>13228 adam curtis voiceover: we live in our world of hyperinfantalisation…. this is the story of how the powers that b… created a fake safe world… where cute girls are babbied
>>13243 >any tips? Learn to not type like a retard. That might help. And you probably shouldn't hang out on a big scary pedo board like this if you're worried about being doxxed on twitter. Twitter has far more built in protections against doxxing than any imageboard.
>>12129 >>12163 >>12165 henlo frens as suggseted you can find me on twatter now.......follow me if u wan @alteredstates14 nothing new yet ill probably drip tweets 4 a while cus i heard too many tweets too quickly will shadowban ur acct or something, very sad <3
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>>13255 I don't know shit about graphic design so I don't know how easy it is to make something like this look good but I like that it's just a hot ABDL model in a diaper, recontexualized as a diaper advert. It seems simple and easy to do, but could we get more like that?
>>13261 > I don't know how easy it is to make something like this >find real diaper ad >remove actual baby >add adult baby >??? >profit!
>>13206 >Mark Fisher: Azn Diaper Girls >Mark Fisher was inspired by Nick Land >Nick Land became the exact opposite of Fisher in terms of politics (Fisher was a Marxist, Land the father of Dark Enlightenment) >Nick Land lives in China >which is in Asia > i had to physically stop myself from finishing this greentext because i was afraid of what the answer to this would be.
>>13243 As someone who is an overweight tranny faggot, I'd say ignore it Twitter isn't really as much of a left wing echo chamber as people say it is. They do sometimes ban people for being Too Edgy but it's really touch and go and they're inconsistent as to who gets banned. I know people who got banned for "hate speech" for spoiling Marvel movies. A lot of times, it's more like a PvP zone. Or the Thunderdome for bullied nerds.
>>13293 Elon Musk is a beacon of light. Once the takeover is complete, you trannies and furfags will be outnumbered. You left wing fruitcakes will finally be out voiced and your trolling will end. Cunts, the lot of ya!
Holy crap, do we really need another thread devolving into arguing about trans
>>13296 Ha! I knew you'd say that. >>13298 I'm not actually trans, I just wanted to see how long it would take for someone to go full /pol/yp over it.
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>>13293 thanks fren. also created tomblr, same name. >>13290 nick is fucked in the head now and cant help posting guardian articles n going full boomer. if he made Le photomontage it would be typical boomer imagefap paint.exe shit hehehe
(4.19 MB 2550x3300 guru4.png)

a lil wall of text but sometimes u just want to write. plus this evil womans face needed a backstory xox
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>>13243 >adam curtis voiceover: we live in our world of hyperinfantalisation…. this is the story of how the powers that b… created a fake safe world… where cute girls are babbied i'm no editing wizard like you but here, you inspired this. sorry for using some of your material.
>>13296 The idea that Twitter of all things is left wing is absolutely laughable. Or at least it means the definition of "left wing" has shifted so far to the liberal right that it's effectively meaningless. We're talking about the same site that's deep in bed with the pentagon and labels anyone critical of US imperialism as "state affiliated media" while refusing to apply the same label to literal US government propaganda outlets like Radio Free Asia. But I suppose if "left wing" means painting your murder drones with rainbow flags and naming your warships after gay people then Twitter is "left wing".
>>13321 twitter has murder drones and warships? holy fuck
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I wish to see more drawn ads.
>>13315 time to collab on a three hour doco now.
>>13303 Looks like an ad from a shitty rural newspaper in Canada circa 1995.
(319.54 KB 1865x2500 CowgirlDiaperAd_WetVer.jpg)

>>13323 Love all of these but especially that SpankingToons one. Here is the followup he did.
(1.62 MB 1275x1650 sugar_magazine3.jpg)

did ur lil sis ever read silly girl magazines like this? i liked reading the 'embarrassing stories' section after she was done.
>>13375 They're only for bluechecks, sadly.
>>13387 >bluechecks nibba i have less than 25 followers lmao
>>13391 wrong post, meant to reply to >>13322
>>13375 I like that not all the stories in this one are about diapers, makes it feel more realistic. And less obvious that there's a conspiracy to push girls into diapers. I wonder where the dads are in these situations. Are they all for it or do they have some reservations? Maybe one where it's a guide to convincing your husband to put your daughter back in diapers.
>>13398 ohhh no probs lol But fuck the neoliberal “left” on twitter fs >>13375 the best lies are half tru right?<3 for dads n guys in general, idk but my first thought is theyd be uncomfortable with it…. the energy behind this is feminine…. it’s a vindictive and sadistic and mayb a bit catty n jealous. verified woman moment. whats the saying about if a guy hates u he’ll punch u in the gut, if a womyn hates u she’ll ruin ur life…
>>13406 dads would be quite happy their precious princesses aren't off dating
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sure ask your mom to start buying u diapers, sorry easyups, yeah i'm sure everything will be all good... hmmm ever considered how weird it is u suddenly started getting anxiety attacks about pissing your panties? nah probably nothing to it tbh
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>>13474 I don’t know if these are your own work, but here’s some advice. The major issues with these: blurry text, pixelations, overlapping text. The base images you’re using are too low quality and it looks like you’re using high jpeg compression when saving them. The transitions between different images are jagged because you’re not using feathering or another technique to soften them. Phrasing is unnatural and sounds middle eastern. Also spelling etc. I’d recommend watching some basic tutorials on making selections and combining images. And maybe looking carefully at professional ads. Good luck!
>>13489 these ain't mine, they are from a now deactivated Tumblr account called diaperedladies https://princespoop.tumblr.com/post/160131361286
>>13465 that basically happened to me. they diagnosed me with mixed incontinence and an anxiety disorder in my early 20s
>>13495 damn sorry 2 hear that though fr. hope you're doing okay...
>>13500 yeah anxiety is improving at least. even thinking about going back to school
(3.04 MB 2300x1592 hannahpage2.png)

(3.19 MB 2300x1592 hannahpage1.png)

more magazine sillyness
>>13772 This a magazine for ants?
>>13810 Idk why it’s doing that but the size is ok. U might have to click to expand then open in new tab.
>>13810 >3.04 MB 2300x1592
don't know if it counts as a fak diaper ad
>>12310 >>12106 >>12387 When will you post new material? The posts after yours have been cringe and nothing decent to fap too. Get your finger out of your ass, and produce new material, faggot.
>>14063 dude he's literally been posting this whole time
>>14078 His captions have dropped in standards. Fucking shit!
lol they posted one week ago, lay off i thought mag was great too though I hate UK "nappies" and "knickers" talk come back korean teen diaper ad-sama
(3.07 MB 2548x2741 mission_accc.png)

wow i guess it really is a dog-eat-dog fkn world. throw the sister under the bus... sure. theres more in the works with more explictly diaper content but no tiem rn >>14152 aww thanks 4 the constructive criticism champ??? >>14154 thank u anon-san... yeahhhh well us other anglosphere ppl sometimes get a lil tired of diapers, so its "swings and roundabouts" as we say. i may try to seppo it up for you if i hav time since u seem like a gc
>start making pics here >start posting them on tumblr >somebody tags picfab >he follows me >he posts for the first time in eight millennia >allaccordingtokeikaku.jpg
More picfab
(80.16 KB 665x955 kidspampers.jpg)

I think lots of my pasties right over there about a fake advertisement. Which called is Pampers Kids.
(7.58 KB 87x119 Smallhanes.gif)

Unfortunately, this image is a very small.
>>14180 >>14178 if you could fuck off forever and return to whatever 1990s deeker pedodungeon you originated from, that would be great cheers. i sincerely hope you are vanned
>>14181 > if you could fuck off forever and return to whatever 1990s deeker pedodungeon you originated from, that would be great cheers. i sincerely hope you are vanned This was obvious bait and you fell for it.
>>14190 90s pedos still inhabit abdl idk
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>>13315 God damn there might be some actual pavlov psy op shit going on here after. Consider how the west created a fantasy world of comfort and consumerism to insulate from the realities of the systems used to ensure their quality of life. Some food for thought. Baby boomers are now in control of every meaningful global apparatus. The in current working tongue of the previous statement drops the "baby" from baby boomer. My generation was raised conspicuous consumption of mass media products to drive profits via ad revenue. I'd wager this has had some impact on most of us if not all. To top it off, fucking baby boomers further treat younger generations with as if we were infantile societal dregs ruining this country, meanwhile they remain in the workforce...
>>14170 >>14176 I'm not that impressed. Most of this thread isn't very good.
>>14205 frend if you have any suggestions then ye go for it but just saying it isn’t good isnt that helpful. even just point out what you like vs what you dont lol
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don't know if these count but here they are anyways.
Ok i know this is confirmation bias but... I recently saw an ad for panty liners which was showing women sleeping in different positions and it looked just like a pampers ad, one woman was even sleeping with her knees to her chest and her butt in the air like a baby. The diaper psyops have begun.
this thing came out on an official instagram page of ABDL nappies.
>>14462 I wish more actual abdl brands did this, the only other band I can think of that did slightly comedic joke adds for their products, is tykables and that was mostly for april fools, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BND1wYtj3vw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lPwjUflcfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haZVDObZxjs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUAsz_6gaN4
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I know have some ideas think something looks kinda Pampers and Goodnites but looks good.
>>14461 best pic in this entire thread
(105.56 KB 968x1292 pamperspremiumads.jpg)

I think should be fake screenshots.
>>14170 >>14176 Bro, if you're really the reason picfab came back from the dead then thank you so much.
>>14462 >>14478 here is this ABdlr ad that acts more like a traditional made for TV Ad https://twitter.com/abdlrdenver/status/1553746473258549248
>>15088 ...for a second there i thought it was for tv
>>15218 like it should. it does annoy me that most legit abdl brands commercials are at most just showing some stock model who is only doing it for a paycheck wearing a onesie or the new print diaper, so seeing this was a great delight, I'm mostly just happy they got real ABDl content creators for it being https://twitter.com/Lollylalaz and https://twitter.com/misspandapants
>>15222 Why would I care if they hired non-ABDL models? If they're getting hot girls to wear diapers and shoot ads or commercials it would be amazing regardless. I just wish there were more people attempting to do real professional quality stuff like this with attractive women.
>>15224 I don't really mind if they got non-ABDLs to do this commercial honestly it could have been Angelina Jolie and Gal Gadot and would have been basically pretty much the same ad, I'm just saying it's nice to people I recognize and not seeing the same thing again, Honestly I would like to see others ideas for real diaper brands ads they could do, Also I think I would say my favorite thing about the add is that's it kinda a homage to "packing for Disney world" commercials.
>>15688 >tonights episode written by; the authors barely concealed fetish
>>15725 ...concealed?
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I want many more magazine pages like these one is.
>>16126 >loo >nappy >wee nothing kills the dick like Br*tish English
>>16132 Wrong. All these Bri'ish'isms are clearly more infantalizing and therefore humiliating than burgershit ones.
>>16165 This. 'Nappy' just sounds so much more juvenile than 'diaper' (which I think sounds more technical/medical). Plus, the accent. (That said, I'm reading it as non-heightened RP/southern English. If it were Cockney, I think I'd be with >>16132)
>>16165 They do live in a nanny state, after all.
Yum yum. More britbong content
>>16194 good god this man loves koreans
>>16184 Kek >>16194 Kudos for attention to detail, even the nigh-unreadable disclaimer
>>16614 Yessssssssss Nothing like being compared to her former "peers" and found lacking to help a girl realize she's just a bedwetting little child who deserves this
more silliness
drug infused diapers? have they even read ivan illich? bad vibes indeed
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feminazis always got to ruin everything... this... this is clearly an attaq on family values. im going to call their mothers. y r they in college learning about communism?
>>16922 Under a political system run by me, because they’re admitting to be Communist, they can be sentenced to life in prison without a trial.
>>17293 Life in preschool without trial*
>>17293 >>17294 I will endorse any political system that regulates women to the status of diaper-wearing children. Fascism, communism, Monarchism. As long as women get put in diapers and stripped of rights I'm here for it. >>17357 I'm not normally a Pull-Ups fan but this just works super well.
Trying something in this space for more content. Less image manip and more text manip. Focusing on perceived realism
>>17599 Great work. Keep it up buddy.
>>17599 damn 2121 niggas really still be on web 2.0 huh
>>17599 It’s fun, post more. Realism is great.
Here's another, I have some more on my tumblr and twitter too
>>17684 Your tumblr where dude
>>17716 all the info you need is in the image
>>17684 Post your Tumblr link, nigga!
>>17684 maybe do one on potty chairs?
Not really a diaper ad, but still some content
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destiny can't be avoided, even if you struggle. this was always the plan.
>>18048 These seem to be getting slightly more dystopian as time goes on and I absolutely love it.
>>18054 it’s nearly halloween anyways ;)
>>18048 nice one
sometimes the journey is as fun as the destination
>>18125 This one was amazing i must say. Please make more, but plase make more long magazine stories where we get to follow a Mother & Daughter. As we follow their journeys to become a full on mommy again & go from fully potty trined young adult to 100% diaper dependent adult baby.
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I posted these years ago in an obscure album in ABKingdom. As far as I know they have not been posted anywhere else on the web. These two picture are my own creation. They are nothing exception but I thought viewers of this forum might find them interesting.
>>16126 Could we get some more Magazine stuff like this, please?
not my fav ever but fuck it. ya boi is in serious psychic damage mode rn. pray 4 ya dog.
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kia ora to the sad girls convinced by endless mass media to "try it" who regret their decision. im thinking of u tonight as u piss ur pants fast asleep... dreaming away in the antipodean spring x :(
>>18935 in the works but it ended up being too long for a 4 page spread.
>>19135 That's awesome to hear my friend. Don't worry, i don't mind it being more than 4+ pages long.
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new fresh hell. love her goofy buckteeth.
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i guess she'll have to wait until she's a bit older x
I don't know if this is valid as a “fake Diaper Ad”.
>>17146 Blank version of the questionaire in case any one wants it
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>>9428 Whether this could be considered a fake nappy advert, I am not at all sure.
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>>19139 >>22311 >Contains no pharmaceutical products In this universe, what causes P&G products to degrade continence? I was assuming they were coated in some kind of targeted muscle relaxant or maybe even a nerve blocker. Is it purely psychological?
>>22348 its a large market. there’s gunna be different sectors appealing to different audiences…… some moms are lazy and probably on a mix of Xanax and white wine themselves, see drugs as the ez way with less work involved. hail pfizer. their girls like this usually regain potty training fairly quickly (a few months maybe? depends on length of use) once they stop taking pills or being exposed to all the products that got infused applications. Those rich Crunchy moms are gunna oppose big pharma type stuff and be more interested in therapy options - alt stuff like implanted memories (like the satanic panic), social phobias or anxieties around bladder control or using public bathrooms. Hypnosis etc. ofc this stuff costs a bomb because it’s a lot of one-on-one professional time. It’s usually more tailor made based on whatever trend is popular in their friend group or in the magazines. Usually not actually that keen on the hard work aspect so you’d be surprised how many of their daughters might generally wear pull-ups at home, frequently wet their pants but and use the potty for no. 2. Big into image though, so expect visible (thick) diaper peeking under skirt on the disneyland vacation for the instagram posts. huggies with the white tights stretched over the top is biiig rn. most likely to have daughters with induced mild speech impediments, bratty almost tween behaviour regression that is really hard to achieve without therapists. Some moms (thing middle class tigerz, tryhards, recently quit their middle manager position in corporate shit Americuh ) are gunna take a more DIY approach. Maybe they think therapy is too , maybe they enjoy the trial and error of trying different things. Approach might be more eclectic. Cobbled together from self-help books and the stickied thread whatever mom forum they use. Might use a little light use of OTC pills to ensure a public accident to start with (Christmas dinner is usually a good one, with younger cousins, lots of questions and teasing). They might spend a significant amount of time getting bed wetting consistent (and well known among family and friends) before moving to daytime accidents. Their daughters might wear pull-ups for a year before experiencing her first proper diaper change. But usually they stay in diapers the longest because their mothers take a more engaged approach, and don’t get bored. A usual message board brag is the coveted “going potty at playtime” where their daughter can mess their diapers and keep on playing without making a fuss or asking for a change. Lots of separate goals though. They might spent a lot of time on a particular behaviour or situation they want to happen. Their daughters might have to go through multiple potty training fake-outs before mom decides to let them graduate back to panties. But it’s a big market, lots of product specialisation. above are just market generalisations. individual moms vary. Hope that answered qs
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Not even on the same plane of existence as alteredstates but I'm trying my best.
>>22440 I actually like your stuff better than alteredstates. Will you consider doing one soon on training potties?
>>22440 Nah b your stuff is good. It’s a way different angle too. I’m glad we got more ppl doing this stuff cus it’s more fun.
eyes averted cheeks burning
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>>23073 A+ the social humiliation aspect
>>23073 I fucking love the idea of modern training pants with tearable sides. It makes the fiction that they're "underwear" rather than diapers as transparent as saran wrap and communicates the caregiver's idea that the wearer is probably going to poop their pullups at some point.
>>23070 God, imagine how hot it would be to be a young girl in a world like this... Every day you go about your life on the cusp of adulthood. Just a year or two more and you'll be off to college, or just out in the world after high school. You're so tantalizingly close. A few more years, good grades, and good behavior, and you'll be out of your mother's clutches and out in the world as a full adult. All around you, though, are ads like that, saying that you should be in diapers, practically screaming at your mother to infantilize you once more. She plays it off like she isn't interested in things like that, but you know that one wrong move could be your downfall. Eventually the stress gets so bad that you start thinking that anything could flip a switch in your mom's head, and have her decided on the spot that you're going back to diapers. A string of bad look on school assignments, looking at even one boy for too long in her presence, or acting too independent from her. All the while, your friends begin to drop like flies. It starts with the obvious candidates: girls that have attitude problems and girls that struggle in school both begin to slowly disappear from your classes. It becomes like clockwork to you: a girl disappears, and only a few weeks later she pops back up on your social media feed, her account now controlled by her mother, and her pictures all of her in thick diapers. Mom never seemed to believe that your status as a solid B student ever meant that you were struggling in school, but all of a sudden without telling you, her academic standards were raised, and all of a sudden her entire perspective on your development did a one-eighty. Practically overnight you went from doing absolutely fine in her eyes to needing more time, needing more space, less stress. You weren't exactly a stellar, picturesque young woman before, but you felt like your Mom didn't need to worry about you, unlike the moms of some of the other girls. Still, that didn't stop her from coming down hard with your regression. Most girls at least got to do a long little dance down to diapers, but not you. Within a month you were all the way down at square one. Mom works remote now, and you can hear her chat and joke with her colleagues on a conference call from her office. All the doors in the house remain permanently open now, so she can hear you. Better still, a baby monitor rests on her desk in her office and on her bedside table. You sit on a playmat in the living room, a mindless baby show droning over the television. Your hair is pulled into two tight twin-buns on either side of your head. You wear nothing but a diaper and a t-shirt. Even though a small plastic bowl of crackers sit between your splayed out legs, the smell wafting from your bottom has killed your appetite. You suckle on a pacifier, as you're conditioned to do, and since you're unable to pull it out, drool leaks from a corner of your mouth, dripping on the front of your shirt. All you can do now is wait for Mommy to finish her work call and come clean up the mess you've made...
>>23086 >>23087 thank you king. it’s why I also like the “nappy pants” phrasing used in commonwealth countries. it’s more obvious theyr no different from regular diapers. >>23092 damn anon you really killed it here. this is exactly the vibe im going for. i was thinking about this… theory (others have prob noticed before but idk). its a good litmus test. if you think this description is good then youre more likely to enjoy my poasts. if ur more interested in the other anon poasting his gud work where the girl seems to be enjoy diapers or exists in a world where they are normal and unstigmatised…. then you probably won’t like my poasts much. key abdl difference between those who enjoy diapers as sexy underwear vs those who enjoy humiliation via forced diapers (with varying degrees of sadism). this is why any pr0n content where the caregiver also wears diapers seems completely tarded to me….. likewise most content where the girl is perfectly happy or unbothered or even worse, turned on is boring af. a girl touching herself through her diaper should be a truly traumatic experience brought on by desperate need to feel something sexual….i feel i can only accept “happy” girls who have fully mind broken or manipulated into full time diapers. a little morbid curiosity about diapers or the temptation to simply give up and embrace can be fun tho the continual humiliation and drama of wearing diapers and returning control of your life to someone else…. perhaps some hope to return to normal life….seems much more interesting. a lot more opportunities for conflict and pathos. ofc just my view. whatever floats ur boat. im sure some find my angle just as dull. i just poast what I like. but the difference is quite interesting. in this thread I think in almost every image 1 of these these 2 almost opposing views can be seen.
>>23092 >>23094 These stories would be a perfect fit for this thread. https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/22116.html As we are dealing with many different universes & alot of ideas is very much welcomed there. As it would have been a transition time when the big change were implemented. Not to mention that not all chaged to the new way of things at the same time. Some were years or even decades ahead of thing, wheil some drags their heel still not complying. And when the big majority chaged, the did so not at once, but a little bit here & a little bit there. I hope to see some stories from you there of girls with the ages 5 - 25, as they go through these, changes.
>>23094 >>23094 Thanks for the kind words! Busting out a hundred words or so when I'm terminally horny is a skill of mine. I've written some fairly popular ABDL stories over the years. To be honest, I like both angles, either the more willing side or the less willing and more humiliating side. I think the world is big enough for both angles as well. There's something super hot about the idea of both of those angles existing in the world, especially in very, very close proximity. Think about a scenario like this: You're a resistant girl. It's common to be like this, almost all girls are at least hesitant when their moms start regressing them, and it's not uncommon for a girl to be like you: sobbing at every episode of wet sheets or panties, tearfully bidding farewell to school when you mom withdraws you from your classes. Once you're out of school, your adulthood is as good as gone. Mommy is in control of everything now, and there's not a single waking moment that you won't spend with her. Now that the mask has finally dropped, packages of baby supplies begin to trickle in. You can still count. There are two sets of everything. Two changing mats, a diaper bag with double the pouches. Hell, even the stroller Mom's bought has two seats. As you sit in your playpen, you hear your mom call your sister. There's no point in hiding anything from you, there's nothing you can do about it, so Mom explains what's been going on at home. Your sister is a year older than you, and so she's made it out. She's off in college now. She doesn't have to come back home if she doesn't want to. You hear Mom ask your sister to come home, and your heart drops when you start to realize, even only hearing half the conversation, that your sister... is agreeing. She's going to withdraw from college and come home. You literally cannot believe it. You had come tantalizingly close, but had been caught right before the finish line, but your sister had escaped! Now she was coming back? Your sister drove straight home after the phone call with Mom and handed her car keys right into your mothers waiting hand. From that day on, you two were now twins. You two looked close enough in age and alike enough to pass as twins, and it was easier just to say that, rather than explaining. Even though you're both now identical in dress and treatment, you two couldn't be more different. You haven't given up for a single instant, and your 'twin' sister, by contrast, has completely surrendered herself to Mom's efforts. You figured out pretty quickly that there was something strange with the TV that Mom let you both watch, but your sister didn't seem to care. She had gotten into a good college, and had a good future ahead of her, but now she seems genuinely surprised when her speak-and-spell tells her that the cow goes "moo!" Worse yet, having 'twins' now has given Mom excuses, excuses that you overhear her telling the other moms in the neighborhood. Excuses about how the two of you together are a handful big enough that she can't even begin to think about putting you both back on track to mature again. About how the steady drumbeat of stinkies from you both makes it difficult to start thinking about potty training. The last excuse makes your blood boil and freeze at the same time. To a chorus of neighborhood moms nodding their heads, Mom explains that you two are twins now, and she can't bear to start letting you both grow up again and let one of you surpass the other. She'll only begin when both of you are equally interested in it. You stare across the playroom past all the neighborhood girls in situations similar to your own, and your eyes lock on your sister, dressed in a matching play-dress to yours. You and your sister sit on opposite ends of the spectrum in the playroom. You play quietly, and speak very little, while your sister burbles and gleefully clacks soft wooden blocks together. On her side of the room, the more pliant girls play together, either in parallel or in small groups. On your side, girls sit either in conversation circles or completely alone, idly shifting dollies in their hands. Even through the thick haze of your mother's programming, you can see a glint to your 'twin's' eyes. It's unlikely that she'll ever want to get back on the adulthood saddle. Mommy wants them both to go to college eventually, after all, and she hated college enough to leave it willingly and come... here, to this playgroup back in the suburbs, not as a mother, but as a participant. Your sister's face suddenly shifts, breaking your focus long enough for you to lose sight of that spark of intelligence in her foggy eyes. Her brow furrows, and she begins to grunt softly. The girls closest to her don't seem to care, but some of the more peripheral ones notice, blush, and every so subtly scoot their bottoms further away from the inevitable oncoming stink. Was that glint just a trick of the light? Once your sister goes back to playing, you try to find it again, but panic builds within you. If she's totally lost... if such a thing is even possible...! You spend the rest of the group playdate desperately looking....
>>23094 I definitely lean more towards enjoying the humiliation aspect, like you describe. The idea of a young girl struggling desperately to prove her maturity with every fiber of her being but ultimately getting forced back into a full toddler lifestyle with messy changes every day is very arousing. The more humiliating and permanent it is the better. On the other hand, I've had some very enjoyable fantasies about situations where it is fully consensual and the girl being regressed enjoys the humiliation. My favorite fantasies involve a little girl willingly putting herself in situations where she knows she won't be able to simply use her safeword if things get too embarrassing. Imagine you're taking her on a trip to Disneyland and she explicitly asks to be treated as a toddler for the whole trip, including booking a hotel room with a crib and filling her luggage with nothing but diapers and clothes appropriate for a 2 year old. Or imagine her school is having a pajama day and she asks if she can wear her usual nightwear - a thick diaper with a Little Keeper Sleeper over the top. Her walk to school isn't too embarrassing because she's wearing a coat which just barely covers her diaper bulge, but as she steps through the school gate she's blushing with the knowledge that she'll soon be forced to take it off. To make matters worse she skipped her morning bathroom break and can already feel a slight urge to poop. She can only hope her classmates will be kind enough to help her with the zipper.
>>23094 Ironically I like the humiliation and forced aspects too. I think it has much better impact and is more fun. That was what inspired me to start working on my own stuff in the first place. I just would've felt like a fraud adding to someone else's universe or running too close to their aesthetic. That would've felt like cheating. Instead I went for a more learned helplessness approach, as I work on more images the idea I keep coming back to is that these companies have continued to enforce the idea that you should treat your child like a baby longer and longer. This was done by conducting lots of dubious research saying development isn't complete until someone has reached their mid 20s, and spreading messaging that potty-training too soon would learn to permanent psychological problems. Now too many people have too much money and effort invested in ensuring people are diapered at older and older ages. It's a runaway train of some companies trying to gaslight the population, while others are happy to jump on for the ride if it helps them sell more products.
>>12129 anyone attempting to monetise any of this shit would be insane cockwomble. Unauthorised use of brands, products and logos. Stock photos I assume have all been lifted from somewhere. Plus the unpleasant and pornographic nature that would make a normal person extremely uncomfortable and encourage litigation even further. I’d imagine you’d be facing at least three or four lawsuits from plaintiffs who have basically unlimited funds for lawyering up. Even if you deleted the photos immediately, paid the settlements and avoided court you’d be in a life-ruining level of debt for some extremely average photoshops. Imagine trying to explain to a future girlfriend or your parents why you’re a perma-broke boi with his wages garnished because you couldn’t stop making copyrighted pictures of diapers.
>>23170 You know that cease & desist letters exist right? There is an entire process of arbitration in tort cases. You don't immediately move for a trial. Or are you just pretending to be retarded?
Ahh, this thread. Yes, bring me more of these sweet fake ads, i crave them.
>>23170 It's just a bunch of photoshopped images son calm down.
Now when Step 1 (Nightime Wettings) is completed. Daddy needs to take his little ones through the other 3 Steps. Step 2 (Daytime Wetting) Step 3 (Nighttime Messing) & Step 4 (Daytime Messing).
>>23753 Not bad. Is there any links for daddy/baby girl captions and stories? I can't find anything decent. It's mostly furfag material.
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first they came for the qt girly girls and i said nothing
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let her sleep deeply and piss her bed x
those commie bitches
>>24129 Heard in China it's not uncommon for workers to be made to wear diapers due to working conditions. Imagine being part of the padded proletariat?
>>24135 Sounds like a classic Radio Free Asia headline, right up there with the caption "North Korean man picks grass, presumably to eat" under a photo of someone obviously weeding a flower bed.
>>24138 I see they didn't mention any of the jobs in the US where workers get penalized for taking bathroom breaks, like in Amazon's "Fulfillment Centers" and end up choosing between diapers and piss-bottles. But no, they need to fill their quota of China-bad headlines.
>>24139 Is social credit exchangeable for diapers or something?
>>24135 these girls have more of a baizuo vibe
>>24129 I'm from Buenos Aires and I say 'diaper em all!'
>>24129 Why not parody their pathetic attempt at "social justice"? Moreover, with the help of AI something could be generated that directly attacks failed and failed ideologies such as communism, and I find it curious and ironic that they ask for donations when people like them stupidly claim that "money strengthens capitalism". one of the ideas I propose to parody these pamphlets is to make a poster in the style of Chinese and Soviet propaganda art.
>>24161 The only valid egalitarianism che
>>24161 dunno why this so funny but it is. gunna watch starship troopers again b4 next picture
thx for all ur support
>>25323 will you do one about potty chairs?
>>25392 pipeline is kinda long atm, but i wouldn’t rule it out.
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Confident, professional asian women regressed into nerdy diapered girls
>>26970 That one seems almost believable
australia does have the worst laws
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>>27256 Something I meant to ask you is how do you feel about AI art for your ads?
>>27658 ai is fun but it's just an additional tool to use among many. it also takes up a lot of time. a lot of it comes out looking janky.
>>29737 which tools are you using?
>>29741 ive used Midjourney, Adobe, DALL-E
>>24135 Pampletariat.
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>>29985 your pics are well made and i like them but they're never more than a neat curiosity for me usually. however i love the threatening element of this one
>>26983 you summed up what i love >>29987 thanks i don’t usually go this evil but i wanted to this time
>>30002 Do you think you could do more LONG fromat mazaine stuff. Like you did with this one, please? >>16126
fall en
Id pay for these gladly
>>30002 ever since ive started seeing your ads i keep imagining this youtuber; https://www.youtube.com/@DamiLeeArch in diapers lol
idk she looks more like in the resistance side
>>30289 thats what makes it fun
>>30272 ohhh fff she IS cute and have seen her videos before. she’s definitely suited to going back to diapers. She’d sound great with maybe orthodontics… that would make her sound like she has a lisp? kinda inspiring me to do social media type posts. >>30159 i did set up a patreon brother
>>30308 i keep imaging the slow infantilization of her videos until we eventually reach the point where shes excitedly showing off her latest lego building with her poopy pampers clearly visible i feel weird about actually creating content about youtubers and minor "celebrities" though
>>30309 orthodontics it's definitely the first step ;)
>>30309 if i did something like that yeah im not sure im comfortable using someones personal brand... but the concept is fire >>30335 chur
>>30358 Yeah it just feels way more stalker-ey when its someone with a low level of fame
i watched a vape documental in Netflix last night and this association gives me a big mommy's side vibe: https://www.parentsagainstvaping.org
>>30358 The idea of a company that exists to ENSURE your 'big girl' goes back to being a 'little girl' is great I love the subtle usual sorta 'comfort vibes' of what is on display here but in reality, it's probably horrifying knowing that one day your mom could just flip a switch and take you to 'Sunnydays' and you'll be emerging in Huggies that will almost certainly go used, instead of those big girl undies you had entirely forgot the reason you were clinging so desperately to not losing. I mean the scent that seems the follow your bum seems to act as proper confirmation that you just aren't quite ready for that.
>>30386 it's a lot of fun. i think i'm going to try doing some other companies too..... they need competitors.... >>30374 hahaha i love this. vaping is funny az fk.
>>30388 The Evolution of these over time has gone from being help for girls who still have those troublesome bedwetting accidents to now telling mom that your big (little) girl is back to being bottle-fed. I enjoy the evolution from subtle convincing to now blatant advertising.
>>30308 >>30388 It says on your Patreon you have a tier for request. How does that work? Do you just need a prompt/scenario to work with?
i like the [false] meme that peeing ur pants is any way more convenient than using the bathroom >>30391 yes! but also rmb that different ads has different audiences. i'm not totally sure you'd see that on a billboard, but mayb you'd see it in a childcare magazine? >>30431 yes. also it would have to fit in the alteredstate etc etc all that autistic shit. if u want to contact me about it try twitter or deviantart or patreon. im kinda busy atm but we can chat about it.
>>31052 "Daytime training pants" in the exact opposite way and not even trying to hide it, lol Great work
>>31052 Would you consider doing something like a potty training book set in your universe?
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>>31066 >potty training book set in your universe? Based on their universe it would have to be the reverse, I think?
>>31052 whadda ya mean *false* meme? Though I guess it varies person to person, but a little IBS and pelvic floor issues can make diaps legit insanely convenient and less painful than using the toilet, lol.
>>31060 thnks! >>31066 maybe a tips magazine thing >>31081 normies using diapers obviously way more time, clean-up and work aftermath, not talking about disabled ppl
>>31069 An unpotty training guide would go really hard honestly
>>31092 A guide about potty chairs would be fucking fantastic.
>>31935 Amazing. I'm assuming you took a pullup CM and spliced it in reverse
>>32115 may swell under 'tactile interference' huh? 😏
>>32115 >asterisk text Legimately interesting idea for bedwetting training. It's like the hand-in-water trick between your legs, or more, like entering a warm bath without peeing first, but asleep and unable to resist the urge.
>>32129 >>32186 always loved the idea of a girl being potty trained but being made to wear diapers to bed anyway “just in case”. exactly the kind of thing a helicopter mom would do for years, just to exert control. dry diapers every night but very cozy and silly, especially around Christmas time. Putting her in her jammies early to watch some Disney holiday movie with her extended younger relatives. The conspicuous absence with her mom, the return with the freshly washed hair, slightly altered gait, crinklely noise, the smell of baby powder, maybe even a glimpse of the Pampers waistband when she leans over. The general assumption that she must be a bedwetter and no way to disprove it. Lots of giggling and teasing from cousins and siblings.
>>32194 Maybe eventually mom buys diapers like this and the girl quickly realise how easily the gel triggers to expand and get warm. Obviously this makes things worse in the morning as she waddle around in something that feels and looks like a wet diaper, but she learns to suck up the new indignity. However mom keeps her in them still for months on end. It’s only after her little cousin says something… while inquisitively watching her big cousin get her diaper changed… that she finds out the truth. “Woweee aunt cassey, that’s soooo much pee!” The girls sighs and rolls her eyes. “I don’t wet the bed. It’s just a precaution. They just swell up because the gel doesn’t even work right. Right mom?” Her mom smiles at her with a little glint in her eye and says nothing. Something tells her this is bad. The girl tries to sit up immediately and peers between her legs to see her open nighttime diaper, soaked a light yellow. Her mom quickly pulls it out from up under her bottom. Impossible. Her little cousin reads the confusion on her face and gets even more excited. “AUNTY CASSEY, SHE REALLY DIDNT KNOW? Woww, she really is like a baby…”
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Quick mockup of magazine spreads using AI generated images. Worth pursuing?
>>32222 What AI are you using? It’s a fun picture
>>32227 Bing. Can't say I recommend it, the filter is extremely limiting and you need to do a lot of trial and error.
>>32222 In my opinion, no. These things badly distort perspective, proportions, and (especially) relative sizes (e.g., the pic to the left of '4 - Baby'). Getting them to output anything remotely fap-able (or even non-repulsive) is a chore.
>>32222 >Quick mockup of magazine spreads using AI generated images. It's mostly the text and concept that makes a good fake ad. Images just need to have enough versimilitude and not be obvious repurposed porn Your article? Pretty decent. In terms of images, not everything needs to have a bare diaper. The idea is to invite the viewer into an alt universe, and overfocusing on the fetish itself breaks the immersion Example. Imagine a mirror world where "big breasts" is a weird fetish and we 8chaners are faking a magazine from a world where girls choose clothing to emphasize their bosom Even so, it's super artificial for *literally every image* to be a girl with huge honkers in a bra
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>>32222 Another along the same lines.
>>32268 Your worldbuilding and writing are the star here, for me at least. The AI generated images are often too inconsistent and kinda take away from the mood set by the non-AI stuff, which is more subtle. If it's used sparingly and properly, I'd say go for it if it makes the stuff you make better. You could also try using it for edits of real pics with inpainting, although I'm not sure how good that tech is yet. I prefer no or less AI, but it's understandable that for some concepts you want more specific images that don't yet exist. Just use it right. :)
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>>32618 Which jav clip is this from
>>32268 the issue with ai pictures is that the details still suck. ai is useful but it still requires actual effort to fix in a real program. but people either don’t have have skills or just cbf. also wtf picfab that latest was one is going to get him banned on tumblr.
>>35050 wow imo this is the crowning achievement of your work. i'm diamonds. I love your stuff but it can be too subtle for me sometimes. this one hits everything perfect
>>35050 Your work continues to get better and better tbh
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>>35064 >>35065 thank you so much kings. why do i trust anons more than anyone else? anyway to continue the magazine vibe, here's an ad
>>35640 i wish i could learn the mystical art of australian standard nappy training
>>35640 Love how the ad itself keeps the training small text with the real appeal being the changes physically while also highlighting the behaviors of both sides and painting the clearly more 'immature' behavior as correct and only highlighting the negatives of the supposed 'big girl'
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>>9428 OP, if you're still here, I found a few of the ads from the old thread on Imagefap
i love a delusional grill so much
(238.69 KB 1259x800 Pampers Olympics ad.jpg)

Relevant for now. Maybe somebody will make a better version of this since I just used MS Paint.
>>30308 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGpXZL5y2Cc look at that thumbnail, looks like her journey to diapers is starting after all

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