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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3682: Wholesome Foods Edition Anonymous 04/08/2022 (Fri) 21:53:55 Id: 89e0f5 No. 235360
Rishi Sunak's wife to pay UK tax on overseas income https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-61045825 Covid infections show signs of plateauing in UK https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61038753 ‘Concerning increase’ in Ukrainian refugees becoming homeless after UK arrival https://www.gbnews.uk/news/concerning-increase-in-ukrainian-refugees-becoming-homeless-after-uk-arrival/268164
>>236048 based. havent been doing them recently due to illness but i used to do it all the time, good to see other lads are coldpilled >>236049 it's just good politics lad
Hullo, had a 4-5 hour nap on the couch, feeling grim
>>236052 Good lad
>>236049 all the westoid politicians are larping in kiev recently to boost their poll numbers, ukraine is being moved to nato standard gear
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Putin has put Alexander Dvornikov in command of Ukraine, the former commander of operations in Syria.
president biden doesn't have to visit he was there during the crimean war when he was in his 50s
>>236056 hehe upvoted my fellow pede
>>236056 listen here fats, back me day we uh we uh we had to march to the alma and the bearskin hats the drummer boys liked to sniff my leg hair and the russians
>>236051 smh lad get back on it, you feel so good afterwards >>236052 might've fucked yourself here lad, hope you've got enough cider in the fridge for graveyard shift. i warm you it's grim at the moment with all the schizos
ran out of snacks, I guess a pizza will have to do
me in the race war (quartermaster, eating all the supplies) while the other lads do the fighting
Telford seems pretty nice. Did the right wing media brainwash my fragile chud brain into thinking it was a shithole?
>no sweeties at all in the house cold chicken and a hot choccy, society is collapsing
>>236063 >send entire companies of polfaces to their doom to secure the chippy from the shitskin defense forces
>tfw you catch wessie comfort eating the sweeties in the mannerbund as the bigboys close in around you
>>236067 keeeeeeeeek
>>236048 I'll give you a brown shower tbh
>>236066 a sacrifice I am willing for them to make >>236067 keeeeeeeeek my final duty is to act as a meatshield capable of stopping even assault cannon blasts
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>create ethnostate >still a loser with no friends
>>236071 acceptable terms tbh, we are basically creating an underground incel civilisation tbh
>>236071 such is life for the trvly intelligent and based >one day niggercattle will ape polface fashion and looks for popularity
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>it's a /brit/ gets shipwrecked and are stuck in a rowboat for days everyone starts eyeing Wessex and imagining him as a big roasted chicken episode
>be in ethnostate >new chads now say they are incels and only incels get the girls
>>236074 wouldn't consume his tainted flesh tbh
>>236074 >he tips the rowboat over with his mass like a giant sea lion
we charged 'em jack. for queen and country. like, like muskrats that don't stop goin. ole tennybob wrote a, wrote something...the shite brigade i think it was.
>>236076 no different from eating a bruised apple or the brown spot on a banana lad and you can milk the leg hole for pus to drink until I expire use all parts of the neethog
need a new thread
>>236078 so kino how hes yeltsin tier
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>>236078 yeah I was there with harald hardrada back in eh, eh 1040 or so yeah those kipchaks and avars used to rub my legs in the dnieper used to give ya a grand old time for a solidus
>>236082 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>236079 absolutely repulsively foul, new low
>>236007 Your hatred is unfounded. God, who is eternally perfect and just in all things has punished your soul, for you in a prior lifetime did wicked things. Women, and businesses, which are both female and under the currents of the Lords of the Sky (7 planets) in accord with God's perfect and pleasing will guides them to punish you for your misdeeds. Does a woman yell at you? God will it so. Does a businessman refuse to give you a job? God wills it so. This is in accord with all of the religions, including Christianity, and it is perfectly. So, rid yourself of sense-objects (Jesus said, cut off your hand - meaning the physical object itself is to be removed from your company, thus it is "cut off"). Epictetus recommended desiring nothing outside of your control, so too did the great Buddha. So, neither desire anything nor be averse except insofar as you are able to: >decide wisely (eg avoiding temptations) >decide rightly (basically choose in accord with Reason - Reason he obeys, the sage - common examples include choosing to help the needy, or being kind to a rude person such as your own mother or sister, as it is according to reason rightly your duty to so do!!!)

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