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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3683: AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH Edition Anonymous 04/09/2022 (Sat) 22:26:00 Id: 9bd726 No. 236086 >>236088 >>236551
Ukraine: Johnson pledges aid to Zelensky in Kyiv meeting https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61052643 Cost of living crisis: Amount of food wasted by UK households revealed as charity warns 'things going into bins that could be going into bellies' https://news.sky.com/story/cost-of-living-crisis-amount-of-food-wasted-by-uk-households-revealed-as-charity-warns-things-going-into-bins-that-could-be-going-into-bellies-12585954 Thousands of ventilators pulled as electrical faults put UK patients’ lives at risk https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/apr/09/faulty-philips-ventilators-uk-hospitals-patient-lives-risk
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first for His Imperial Majesty
uh oh throat is starting to feel swollen and cancerous illness round 3 here we come >>236058 (235360) chuckled tbh >>236074 (235360) keeeeeeek
>>236090 vitamin d m8
*War Pigs starts playing as the livestock lorry pulls out of the cage farm on its way to the slaughterhouse
>>236095 keeek boomer pig when piglet zoomers ask him about how the mud pit was when he was a piglet
>>236093 vitamin d isnt going to un-illify me, this is serious
feel a bit sick ngl
sick lads should go in a quarantine thread
thinking about that peeg who jumps out of the livestock lorry
>>236100 based pig taking its chance at freedom even though it probably mortally wounded it tbh better to die on ones own terms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-kLT-pglBI
>>236092 whats the female equivalent of aspiring soundcloud rapper? or do black females do, as i suspect, even less than their male counterparts, as women tend to 'do' very little
>>236079 (235360) >and you can milk the leg hole for pus to drink until I expire do you really have a hole in your leg?
This is the part where you shit, this is the part when you coom
thinking about how every single person working in nursery school and schools are just a waste of taxes
>>236109 >thinking about how every single person in nursery Shartin please
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>he didn't go to private school
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Holy Russia are starting pushing shit in now that they have laid bridges over rivers.
>>236114 I have noticed an uptick in footage of dead ukrainians tbh
>>236103 if any of you'd actually bothered to watch this in full, you'd discover it's actually incredibly kino unironically
>>236114 >pushing shit in Does that mean they are winning or?
>>236109 yeah getting paid to do a woman's job
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>>236114 don't they have those big heavy-duty helicopters that drop off the smol bridges where needed? this should not be a big problem in a modern war
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smh hope there's not a flood warning
>the us supreme court now has 3 non white liberal women (a nog, a jew and a spic) along with a "conservative" white woman who has adopted Haitian niggers matriarchy in full swing
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>>236121 good lad
thinking of all the hobbies I don't have access to because i'm broke whereas other better off people were able to become good at something just because they could afford it
>>236127 lots of foids in hobbies because of this tbh
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>>236127 >trapped in the low cost hobby of staring at goodscreen until it's time for bed
I wonder how much trade BBK gets on Scotty Road
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>>236129 litcherally
gooming isn't even a low cost hobby anymore unless you are playing old shite because of how expensive new gear is, and the planned obsolescence of hardware/software/firmware is going to make things even worse, start collecting old consoles and tech NOW lads while its still relatively cheap.
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>>236132 never understood the skiing meme tbh, something that slightly posho normies do once a year for me it'd be mountain biking >>236133 tbh yeah every hobby is becoming more and more specialised and marketed to as people in general become more insular and wealth inequality increases
it's like $800 to build a new computer every 5 years or so... and you use it as a computer, not just for goom... that's not that expensive, like $0.44/day. the electricity is more than that
guerilla farming is my hobby, very cheap
>>236137 how does that work? don't you need to buy a lot of bananas?
>236136 >it's like $800 to build a new computer every 5 years or so filtered for a)being wrong have you even looked computer prices now you utter mong it costs £600 for a good graphics card atm b)being a yank foreign cunt and using dollars
>>236139 my graphics card was $220 (RX 580) and it does fine for 1080p gooming. maybe I can't do highest settings on the most demanding gooms, but I don't really play demanding gooms anyway
>>236138 you just plant vegetables in the woods, but it's difficult to get a good yield because of fag dog walkers mostly. if you plant perennials you can just constantly harvest from them
>>236142 yeah seems like a lot of work for little reward tbh but maybe its worth it, definitely a based hobby
>>236142 this just get loads of onion seeds off ebay I throw loads of onion, siberian kale and leek seeds in the woodlot behind mummies house
>must pass tougher muster >like this strong independent w*man >t. a w*man
>>236145 right looks gooky
>>236146 looks like Björk
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anyone watching the UFC tonite?
https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/ most foid article I've ever read tbh, womens ability to whinge about literally nothing and create problems out of thin air is incredible.
>>236149 waiting for the boxing to start, but i'm not gonna make it to 4am tho,
mad that there were caspian tigers in ukraine up until the middle ages
>>236152 there were wild aurochs in Poland until the 17th century
>>236153 ah yes the favna of yore
>>236007 (235360) Your hatred is unfounded. God, who is eternally perfect and just in all things has punished your soul, for you in a prior lifetime did wicked things. Women, and businesses, which are both female and under the currents of the Lords of the Sky (7 planets) in accord with God's perfect and pleasing will guides them to punish you for your misdeeds. Does a woman yell at you? God will it so. Does a businessman refuse to give you a job? God wills it so. This is in accord with all of the religions, including Christianity, and it is perfectly. So, rid yourself of sense-objects (Jesus said, cut off your hand - meaning the physical object itself is to be removed from your company, thus it is "cut off"). Epictetus recommended desiring nothing outside of your control, so too did the great Buddha. So, neither desire anything nor be averse except insofar as you are able to: >decide wisely (eg avoiding temptations) >decide rightly (basically choose in accord with Reason - Reason he obeys, the sage - common examples include choosing to help the needy, or being kind to a rude person such as your own mother or sister, as it is according to reason rightly your duty to so do!!!) >>236088 Checked
>>236152 >The massive balls it took to go tiger hunting with just medieval weapons
>>236157 think you're pretty clever don't you
>>236134 What's that?
>>236145 They are there to hookup with fit men, it's simple.
>>236158 If you disagree that I am intelligent, then our intelligence levels are extremely different. Whether yours is higher or lower can be resolved by the presence or absence of predicates vs social obsession in >>236158 And so by this judge. And I can tell you no war is taking place whatsoever, after all, we've seen more violent videos on WorldStar Hippity Hop than from ukes and Z's.
I sure hope BIDEN will crack down on RACIST TROLLS on the Internet. RACISM should have NO HOME on this Earth. Remember the 6 million!!!!!
Just saw that dutton did a stream with veitch
>>236164 don't know who either of them are, nor will i ever
Peeled the dried skin of my balls.
<<236166 <<posts no evidence of any such war as a supposed war in Ukraine lmao reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetarded
i slep
all junglist push up your spliff hand https://youtu.be/GHixP1wdywk
*raises spliff hand*
>>236170 >slep good lad
soundclash him lad each post a tune and I will pick which sound is the tuffest
morning lads some abysmal schizo spam last thread smh
>>236182 luv north korea tbh those lads know what friendship means
>>236176 >>236182 Fake war lmao >zero videos of actual soldiers dying in combat >on the whole Internet lmao retardo
>>236181 Are you totally fake? Because you are not operating on a logical and fully human level right now.
My innovation you have yet to recognize, but it will take over the Internet :^)
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shut up schizoid no one cares
You could post war crimes of civvies getting ripped apart from Tochka-U shrapnel and he will still say the same shit.
Hate to admit this lads, but it was me who originally posted a link to the thread on Qresearch. I thought It would just bring over a couple of boomers and not curse us with schzio for years
>>236189 g'day lad >​>236190 we all fucking told you this would happen you mong
>>236190 what's done is done lad, why did you post on qresearch though? we should only raid reddit like we used to
>>236190 banter tbh
It was actually me who operated thousands of bots on Qresearch to slow down the site so posters couldn't use 15mb 8k soyjacks.
>>236194 based
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Ukies destroyed a chemical storage site in Rubezhne again yesterday.
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>>236197 keeps on happening smh
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I wonder being near an acid cloud is like being in a bag Haribo Tangfastics?
>>236200 kek what?
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>>236201 >9 >7
>>236162 are niggers dutch?
>>236204 tear it all down putler
>>236200 keeeek
>>236204 children who have any device have access to the internet and therefor access to porn and if they can see porn they can see all forms of pornography. I'm amazed it took this long for people to start talking about this. I remember being 11 and going on 4chan's /b/ regularly, I always thought that was a weird thing for me but nearly everyone my age probably had a similar experience.
>>236209 hypnosis is fake it's just porn addiction. beating dick to thing gives good brain chemicals therefor I'll act out thing im beating my dick to for more good brain chemicals.
>>236208 yeah tbh
>>236208 >weird lad at school showing me the iraq blackwater beheading videos looking back how did he know where to find that back then?
>>236213 me and my mates used to watch isis propaganda video together and anticipate new ones, like the full 30-40 minute ones. they were kino.
>>236208 yeah finding /b/ at 11 is fucked. I remember seeing the >>236213 reporter head chop video as a teenigger it was fucked really for me it was the chainsaw spic video at 19 and that was fucked. people really don't need to be seeing gore regularly anyway its not good for your psychology. maybe once to know that the world is fucked especially where shitskins live but the people who indulge in it are sick like the romans in the colosseum
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anyone have the pic of the sunglasses wearing pig that is boomerpig?
>>236217 good lad
>>236221 you glow so hard you faggot, fuck right off >enjoying isis vids die in a fire
u wot cunt
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>>236226 keeeeek
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>Bojo gave Ukraine £394,000,000 in monetary aid and £99,000,000 in weapons
>>236229 smh giving away half a billion while the natives are going hungry
Ukraine was already brain drained.
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>Ryan Faulk caught looking at le anime feeterino a-at least it's female feet I guess
>>236231 >Refugees in quotation marks because there is no good reason that can't stay more locally on the continent. tbh refugees in general should just be living in tent cities on the border of their immediate neighbours ready to be immediately resettled as soon as the conflict is over but instead it's a lottery to see who gets to permanently move to the west there's no reason why these hohols couldn't stop in poland or slovakia or some shite smdh just opportunistic albino niggers >>236233 tbqh
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Passion fruit choccy, liver and 1.3 litres of tea for brekkie.
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heated some tacos for brekkie and locked my door since my brother will come and be angry with me for taking the last of the tacos
>>236236 >choccy orange >choccy passion fruit can't you just have... normal choccy?
>>236238 it was going out of date and it was posh smh.
>>236236 based >>236238 cringe
>>236239 > going out of date Based and wessexian >>236240 Go to bed lad
>>236241 bit early for that
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>>236243 and they only worked for about a hundred days of the year smh i want to go back
>>236244 what did they do the other 200? bth I think it's a bit exaggerated how they had way more free time, I bet they worked still but probably in a way that directly benifited them, like building a house, or crafting things etc.
>>236245 yeah they lent their spare time to big projects like building cathedrals and shite apparently a lad posted an article about it a while back
Ka-52 strafing Ukies with rockets and the 30mm autocannon.
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>you will never graze your livestock on the commons >>236249 keeeeeek he's so transparent
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BTR-82 dumping 30mm in Mariupol.
Aoi San and Green
>>236252 How many miles of expat cock have they taken?
>>236253 Myanmar's been closed for about 2 years now so maybe not that much?
>>236255 shut the fuck up
>Myanmar Erm, cringe sweetie.
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>>236257 the based government calls it "Myanmar" so even if that doesn't roll off the tongue like Burma, whatever
reminder that the government of Myanmar removed like 2/3rds of the Rohingya Moslems from the country and burned their villages so they have nothing to come back to. they don't even recognize their ethnic group, they just call them "Bengali illegal immigrants" keek
>>236258 Yea it's based to call it 'MYANMAR'
Fresh Black Sea fleet missile strike.
>>236249 As was written in the Protocols of the Elders of Galicia-Volgynia
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>>236229 >giving them trial weapons and money to buy more weapons from you
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>>236220 amazing that those floating bridges can support the weight of a fully loaded tank tbh
>>236264 >my brain: tell her about your inexplicable obsession with forced resignation videos when you were brexit secretary
>>236266 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>now infrastructure matters more than fags and wogs
>>236268 keeek smh a self-own years in the making
>>236268 so we want le missilerinos on the borderino but we can't even send a few tanks smh
>>236264 Death to trannies tbh
I'm an attractive looking gentleman!
>>236273 keeeeeeeek
>>236266 Lad, have you seen this?
>>236273 They should have just bought a wood stove or one of those camping stoves tbh
>>236273 scotland found to have used deadly chemical weapons [irn bru] on poor unsuspecting mexicans
>>236275 cool, let's post it a 4th time
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>>236275 >9 >7
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>16 year old girl who is on a dating app despite the rules saying that she has to be 18 to be there is calling me a nonce only one breaking the hecking rulerinos are you, sweetie
>>236280 hope somebody who isn't macron wins tbh >>236281 report her lad
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>>236280 Did you mean “erections”?
>>236283 *shoots self* I had one job . . just joking I'm unemployed
>>236283 uncanny with blonde hair and brown eyes
>>236282 >report her lad Cuck, she is clearly begging to be nonced
>>236282 Could be possible this time around. It'll go to a second round for certain.
>>236287 tbh she hasn't blocked me yet. If she didn't want the nonce cock she could've just walked away
>>236281 smh predatory CIA agents preying on innocent impressionable adult boys who don't know any better
>>236290 tbh bet a lot of goodlads would get on their knees and beg for mercy as soon as she uses the n-word, but it has no power over us based law-abiding lads
>>236283 Le Pen's daughter was far more peng. Shame she turned out a thot and probably got BLACKED tbh.
didn't realise it changed CIA agents to cia agents keek wtf
>>236289 She’s ripe for the plucking
>>236295 she looks so good, shame she works for scum
>>236292 More like, Le Peng, amiright?
>>236297 keeeek
*calls le jewman racist* wdsmbt?
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>>236300 just throw it into a woodchipper already
>lads seething at b for chatting with a legal age qt3.14 because they only get matches like this
Watching it again
Why are so many Jews trying to start a war with Russia? Why do Jews hate Russia so much? https://streamable.com/9jhdkl
>>236304 Looks fucking stupid lad
>>236307 is that a le thorical question? >>236308 I posted the wrong version smh this is the GOOD SIR version https://youtu.be/j9_J1qA-v34
>>236310 That card shit is the most stupid thing I’ve ever seen in a film
>>236311 bad sir
>>236309 keeeeeeeek
>>236312 Also I can’t stand that kikey looking kike
>>236310 >scene defeated by one guy looking at the cctv feed
>>236315 as if he wouldn't be as stunned as we are by the impressive card skills
>>236315 Yeah basically. So stupid The kikes that make these things really do think the goy cattle are fucking stupid and will watch any crap they make
It's still funny the amount of indians that love that film
>>236318 What film is it? It looks aimed at 9 year olds
>>236319 Now you see me 2
>>236320 >Now You See Me 2 Never seen it
>>236320 >they didn't call it "Now You See Me: Now You Don't" fucking useless hollywood execs
>they didn't call it pee cock poo
>>236322 tbh wasted opportunity >>236324 hullo
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>>236326 good lad
morning lads god punished me for eating furrin food and I couldn't breev all night and only just got up
>>236328 sneed lad
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>>236328 Sneedvternoon more like. Smh.
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>>236328 smorn
>>236334 smorn lad
>>236335 smorn
>>236307 Probably related to why that Solzhenitsyn book still isn't published.
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scrotum sandwiches and bollocks bacon
>>236338 keek can't believe a shitty ringtone telly advert thing from my childhood is still an established meme
>>236339 Good lad
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>>236339 Anal sex
>>236340 >crazy frog channel still uploading can remember listening to that shit while playing one of those oldschool ps1/2 podracing style games it's just good business to milk things until they die
>>236343 there was a shitty Crazy Frog ps2 racing game I had as a kid
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>>236345 keeeeeeeeeek
>still not fired yet smh can't start bennies without the "you got fired" certificate they're supposed to give me already behind on my rent too smdh this is getting annoying
>>236347 they're not letting you work, not paying you, and not firing you or something? that sounds extremely dodgy smh evil cunts must be punishing you
>>236348 tbh leaving me in the lurch just to spite me for rejecting their divine vision
>>236349 go to citizens advice bureau or equivalent tbh this can't be allowed
>>236347 keeeeeeek classic bossman. Mine was the same. Nagged him almost every day for a monht before I finally got it and it would only take 10 min to write it
>>236350 going to call up the bennies people and ask how to move forward with the application tbh >>236351 smh
>>236292 >Shame she turned out a thot and probably got BLACKED tbh. Spotted the yank.
>>236338 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>236353 good lad we have to stay vigilant
A neo-Nazi who encouraged far-right terrorism against Jews and Muslims has been sentenced to two years in a young offenders institution. >Leech believed conspiracy theories that Jewish people were planning the "Great Replacement" of the white race through extinction and the "Islamicisation" of Europe. >Leech posted that the Holocaust was a hoax and Jews controlled the world, as well as posting Third Reich imagery and anti-Muslim content, the court heard. >Police found he had posted about Anders Breivik...and Brenton Tarrant...The men along with Dylann Roof...were talked of in terms of martyrs to the white race, the court heard. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-61043995
>>236356 I declare him based tbh.
>>236357 based? based on what?
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every single article
>tfw can have everyone here behind le barerinos
>>236356 >The court heard there was no evidence Leech's posts had inspired anyone to commit an offence. So what exactly was the "Call to Arms" he's been sentenced forf?
>>236358 based on poos and wees
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>had illegal jap nonce cartoons evry time
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>>236356 another warrior falls >>236359 tbh if the judge is deeply disturbed by some mean words he's in the wrong job
Big bouncy bumsand a pile of hairy poos.
>>236363 WEEEEEEELL imagine my shock
>posts by him on an online platform were found by the Community Security Trust, a charity involved in security for Jewish communities.
>Beginning in 2015, the Home Office has provided 'The Jewish Community Protective Security Grant' for the security of synagogues, schools and other Jewish centres, with the CST as the Grant Recipient. >Home Secretary Sajid Javid pledged to increase funding, bringing the total amount allocated from 2015 to 2019 to £65.2 million >In 2020, the grant was renewed, and the CST received £14 million in funding
>>236370 >Hungary backs an independent probe into what happened in the Ukrainian town of Bucha based >>236371 i hate them so much tbh
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lads just woke up is le pen about to say the N word live on television and thus save the white race?
>>236374 She's running around Versailles demanding the restoration of Louis XX and the mass deportation of the jews to hell lad.
>>236374 >france >white race err
>>236374 She's calling the jew racist
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>>236377 good lad
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>>236380 He's literally Francisco Franco's grandson or something
>>236377 keeeek tbh
>>236353 The most heinous insult that's ever been levelled against smee here. Smh. She has actually been photographed in swimware with some nigger on a boat, lad. It was big news among crying lepolface's.
>smee fuck off
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>236384 *awaits non-existent evidence of your claims*
I hate, I hate, I HATE PETER POLFACE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnh6ZDKOVOI
I wish that hulk hogan would become king of america and start the house of hogan
>>236386 I'm not making it up but I cba searching for it. Ask /pol/.
>>236391 god I hate women
>>236392 any exciting news from down under lad?
>>236391 >no footage of actually killing really do think the war is one massive psyops and fake tbh
>>236391 slavic women seem like a complete meme tbh, they seem like even more of mentalists than westoid women
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>>236264 bruh I just posted that fr fr
>>236391 >le tough aggressive foid calling for bloodshed that she won't participate in every time >>236394 not really smh there's an election coming up with a based new party in the running but i fully expect the niggercattle to vote to extend their slavery instead like they always do
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>>236390 It's because your claim is bollocks.
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https://twitter.com/lordmackIemort/status/1512918886991241216 >innocent law abiding groomerchad being attacked because he said murdering babies is wrong and oh my heckin grief he said he'd nonce a 23 year old woman >>236399 Tbh.
>>236401 tbh just red zog vs blue zog same as always >>236403 he said he'd wait smh what more do women want
>>236391 I guarantee that if somebody held a blade to her throat and she thought the threat was genuine, she'd be crying incessantly and begging for mercy.
>>236391 Slavic women love torturing opposing slavs >Azra Bašić (née Alešević; born 22 June 1959) is a Croatian Bosniak former camp guard during the Bosnian War. While working in a detention camp near the majority Serb settlements of Čardak near Derventa, Bašić beat, tortured and subjected Serb civilian prisoners to particular cruelty and killed one prisoner by stabbing him in the neck. Bašić came to the U.S. in 1994 but was eventually extradited to Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2011. In 2017, she was found guilty of crimes against the detainees and sentenced to 14 years in prison. >She engraved a cross and the letter ‘S’ on prisoners' backs and foreheads with knives, put salt on their wounds and forced them to lick it. She also punched detainees in their genitals and threatened to circumcise them.[9] One witness said Bašić forced him to drink gasoline and then set his face and hands on fire. Others described how they were made to crawl half naked across broken glass with a knotted rope in their mouths and a Croatian soldier on their backs.[1] In one instance, a prisoner was severely beaten into unconsciousness.[7] It was found that Bašić then killed that same prisoner by stabbing him in the neck and made others drink his blood.[3] Bašić earned the nicknames "Azra Two Knives" as she always had twin knives strapped to her belt and a boot[1] and "Bloody Azra" for the cruelty of the crimes.[9] She was known as the "mistress of life and death".[10] >“She got him, and she cut his penis off, and she said, ‘Now, you so-and-so, you’ll never rape anyone again.’ ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azra_Ba%C5%A1i%C4%87
>>236404 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>236407 >basic keeeeeeeeeeek
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rather have holier than thou out of touch with reality westoid princesses than slavic psychopath women
>According to Aelred, (1110–1167) the young girl adopted into the monastery grew into a rebellious young woman, who showed little interest in a life of celibacy. She soon made the acquaintance of a lay brother in the attached male community, meeting him when some of the brothers "to whom the care of external affairs was entrusted"[1] entered the nunnery to do some work. One of these brothers, described by Aelred as "more comely than the others in features and more flourishing in age,"[2] captured her attraction, and after a series of discreet exchanges, they arranged to meet at night "at the sound of a stone" which the brother promised to throw onto the roof or wall of the building where she was waiting. >After the young man was captured, the nuns, filled with religious zeal and with a desire to avenge their injured virginity, engaged in a brutal attack of the offending brother. He was taken by them, thrown down and held while his lover stood by. She was handed an instrument, presumably a knife of some sort, and she was forced to castrate him. At this point, one of the senior sisters snatched the newly severed genitalia and thrust them into the disgraced nun's mouth.
>The lad hearing my disciplinary asked if I want my job back so I could resign waiting for him to finish his investigation but this sounds like it may be a possible outcome seeing as they literally broke their own rules keek
>>236407 >14 years
>>236411 cockholes have been doing cringy edgelord shit that makes ISIS seem like well rounded guys
>>236412 based catholicism ending degeneracy
>>236413 >asked if I want my job back so I could resign smh the pointless hoops toilserfs have to jump through just to look better for a prospective new bossman
>>236412 based, should have called themselves the "Hitchenettes" and rode around on motorbikes castrating degenerates >>236418 th, need to clear my name of gross misconduct though and bully them for firing me for being Christian smh
>>236415 funny how every single one of their scenarios involves rape
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>>236419 >bully them for firing me for being Christian smh tbh not right what they did
luv a bit of the ole rape meself tbh (giving not receiving)
>>236356 Sargon says they don’t lock up political dissidents in liberal democracies though…
>>236424 He also said the UK has never had a civilwar keek
>>236425 truly a historian without compare
>>236423 good lad
>>236391 Where did you find this? Who made it and why?
>>236388 >”I hate being disappointed, smee” He actually said smee
>>236425 > He also said the UK has never had a civilwar keek Wtf I thought history was supposed to be his special subject!!! I’m shit at history and even I know we’ve had civil wars
>>236435 tbh, think he was talking about since 1707 and the Act of Union but even if you don't include the civil war in Ireland we still had the Jacobites in 1740s and shit Hate that dumb nigger tbh
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ASKULLY I think you'll find the United Kingdom was formed in 1707, and the latest civil war was the War of the Three Kingdom which happened between 1642 and 1651 <checkmate, SJWs
>>236438 the united kingdom? the united kingdom of what? of great britain, of great britain and ireland, or of great britain and northern ireland?
>>236439 All three periods have seen civil wars tbh
>>236439 <The British nation is merely an expression of Lockean ideals. It's borders as a state and its inhabitants are actually meaningless my grandfather is a black man
>>236442 it's an open secret that all of gchq has been converted to are side we've got this in the bag tbh the state apparatus is under are control
>>236442 >highlighting the entire text
>>236430 Future generations trying to fit together the puzzle pieces of history will view this as a declaration of victory - screencap this post.
>le have sex Cannot stand normies myself.
>>236446 maybe you should just... have sex?
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have kids
>>236447 Had it, became more racist, checkmate nigger loving normongs
wish i could buy a cave and live in it tbh would be kino
>buy a cave >buy
>>236451 yeah tbh
>>236451 tbh but they're all taken by big cheese
>>236452 yeah, otherwise ican be done for squatting/vagrancy and shit and weirdos can come in and i can't make them leave without violence or theyll call the police and say theres a lunatic in a cave
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>>236457 nigel fromage
>>236458 keeeeeeeek
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sneed 12 sneed 12 sneed 123
the jews won't even let us comfy post on a sunday
ONE nothing sneed with me TWO nothing sneed with me THREE nothing sneed with me LET THE SLICKERS HIT THE STOOOOORE
ONE nothing sneed with me TWO nothing sneed with me THREE nothing sneed with me LET THE SLICKERS HIT THE STOOOOORE
An exit poll is expected to be released at 7pm BST. French pollsters will work with the media on Sunday 10 April to have an exit poll released to the public. This will give a good indication of how the voting has played out and should reveal, if anything, who is going through to the run-off. The actual results will not be known until a few days later when all the ballots have been counted.
An exit poll is expected to be released at 7pm BST. French pollsters will work with the media on Sunday 10 April to have an exit poll released to the public. This will give a good indication of how the voting has played out and should reveal, if anything, who is going through to the run-off. The actual results will not be known until a few days later when all the ballots have been counted.
An exit poll is expected to be released at 7pm BST. French pollsters will work with the media on Sunday 10 April to have an exit poll released to the public. This will give a good indication of how the voting has played out and should reveal, if anything, who is going through to the run-off. The actual results will not be known until a few days later when all the ballots have been counted.
ah.. politics.. sounds like a dead end road to me
>>236470 I'm sure all polls and votes will be free and fair and untampered, totally accurate and representative of the will of the people
>>236470 I'm sure all polls and votes will be free and fair and untampered, totally accurate and representative of the will of the people
>>236470 I'm sure all polls and votes will be free and fair and untampered, totally accurate and representative of the will of the people
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yep were back
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>>236479 Gaddi Lamborghini peele rang di I'm a rider provider https://youtu.be/j9_J1qA-v34
>>236442 ooo what do we have here? an isolated spy?
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French President Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen qualify for second round of presidential election, exit polls show Emmanuel Macron is largely ahead in the first round of the presidential election with 28.1% of the vote, followed by Marine Le Pen at 23.3%. Far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon is in third place with 20.1%, according to France's national television broadcaster.
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bots btfo
>>236491 t kept doing that to me
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miss ss13 so much smh
Zemmour estimated to be on 7.2% but time will tell whether the count will actually show more
>>236496 based jew siphoning off votes
>>236494 ugh..
watching it again lads
i despise femoids
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>>236502 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>236502 Apex keek.
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek polface would be even better
>people saying the heckin Nworderino https://youtu.be/-LTtripsg5U
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Fresh based boomgroid possible glowie smh tbh lads.
Moseley's great-grandson sits in the House of Lords as an excepted hereditary beady
>>236489 So the far left candidate will just endorse Macron for the second round and it won't really even matter that Zemmour ran in the first round. How is this guy siphoning votes then ?
>>236510 ar mosley had five kids apprently. weird i only hear about max
>>236465 Glad it posted this and not my master chief jock willinks edit I then deleted in a fit of rage
(3.58 MB 256x256 Woes west end girls.mp4)

>>236515 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Watched that documentary about Jimmy Savile and the charges against him seem weak and retarded tbh. No evidence at all.
>>236515 and it's very nice
>>236517 You can't unravel the Savile
“I will continue to defend France and our ideas and I am sure that soon we will prevail. Each of your voices is the cry of a people who do not want to die." Eric Zemmour concedes.
showered, shaved, cleaned up, installed the new ssd and been t'shop and now aye am 'avin doritos with penguin biccies
>>236520 Unironically. The only evidence is rumours from fat old bitches.
>>236506 kek. like clockwork. pretty sure this happened last time too. Controlled opposition or not, there's elites that clearly see her as unpredictable enough to nip her run in the bud the first chance they get.
>According to Ipsos-Sopra Steria, Valérie Pécresse is projected to get 5.0% of the vote. >This is the lowest result a presidential candidate for the centre-right Republicans (EPP) has ever received in the first round. Finally, conservatives are dead for good.
The polls which show her winning include abstentions too so I'd say theyre more reliable. It's all in the next two weeks tbh. Both Macron and Le Pen have done better than in 2017.
>>236526 How has Macron done better? French boomgroids and muh tough stance on Russia bullshit? Don't understand how frogs can vote for a man who wants to be King and worshipped as a god who's a neoliberal ex banker.
>>236527 No idea tbh, all establishment parties have grown in support since the lock down because people love dictators unironically
>>236506 They really are leaving no option except political violence at this point aren’t they?
>>236502 great got a tortilarino in my throat keeeeeeeeeek >>236515 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK retard's on a rollerino. >the timeline where the white etnostate always existed and didn't require Woes to save it so he finally got time to do other things
>>236515 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek good lad
>>236522 truly the life of a king
>>236527 He has a minecraft server
AAAAAAAAAUGH Brvtain https://youtu.be/BWLnTmchdic
I'm gonna have a stroke
>>236543 he's convinced me
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>>236086 (OP) Fake war to distract from China's massive lockdowns. 50 million people are locked down, deserted streets, the Chinese are culling all dogs and cats on the suspicion they are carriers of Covid. >You have never ever seen 1 video of a soldier dying in combat in the Ukraine "war" :^) Yeah right, impossible, they can't censor the whole Internet - the reason is there simply is no war at all. your vrey welcom
>>236551 KEEEK I hope it's true and the chinkies are going to fuck themselves over and have another famine
FROM NOW ON Every leftist that asks me to do something I don't want to do, I'll tell them Trump's not president, get Biden to do it.
>>236548 >Hundreds of dead Ukrainian soldiers are reported. Shame about that not being possible or happening at all, since there is absolutely no war whatsoever. Because if there was, there'd be gopro footage of actual soldiers dying fighting the fictitious war lmao fucking idiot
Fertiliser and wheat is fucked. And this is a good thing.
>>236555 Yay, all the cows will be grassfed, right?
>>236556 think they feed grain-fed cattle corn/soy, not wheat
>>236558 Oh well. At least pastaniggers will all die of starvation.
Which would you rather be? 1. A nigger 2. A male prostitute with a tight anus
I can tell you which one gets more money.
>>236555 this song goes hard, much love from kazakhstan, i hate women so much it's unreal
>>236562 Why would you hate women? Don't you know they are under the command of God? God, being always perfect in justice, has billions of souls which are in need of punishment for their past life transgressions. And so, he needs billions of whores who abort, abuse, neglect, and expose to abuse and neglect, their children (the damned souls which are so punished). It is the will of God. You would not abuse your children, you say? God has no use for you then! God hasn't got any good souls looking for a home.
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shut up schizo no one cares
I understand Buddhism perfectly.
>>236565 can't SA do some fucking moderation for once?
Why don't you take your granddaughter out behind the school again, Biden?
Can the slanty-eyed faggot do anything right no he cannot.
Huge protests in Pakistan after big man Khan is removed from power by US backed coup https://twitter.com/MALHACHIMI/status/1513259154957340681 Taking bets on if this becomes a civil war.
>>236568 >>236569 ehm excuse me it's PRESIDENT Biden to you.
>>236571 don't reply to schizo, you're part of the problem.
Um no chud I'm a GLOBAL CITIZEN. My only king is my cock.
Schizo didn't vote for Trump. Didn't rally for Trump. Didn't storm the capitol for Trump. I've spoken to Qanon and he tells me mr Trump thinks schizo is NOT a true America patriot. When he takes office schizo will be executed for the traitor he is.
>>236567 Auslad should claim the mandate of heaven and lead us out of this broken paedochan
>>236576 go home gamer girl
I heard Schizo knows a secret writing system, not sure if it's accurate or not.
>>236547 >nickger.webm saw this before and she said "Nick Ger" a second time before making the mortified facial expression. was that an edit or is this?
Back to toil come the morn
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>>236581 Hope you die of something awful.
Reminder Stacey exists, and only has eyes for Chad.
>>236581 yes lad, i'm sorry for your servitude. wish there was something i could do to help, but alas, i too am bound to yield for for toilberg
https://files.catbox.moe/fiajbh.mp4 wew lad deep battle chads imagine this level of operational breakdown where you can't even identify an enemy tank at 25 yds
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>>236584 If she only has eyes for Chad, that means no eyes in the back of her head.
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>>236582 don't know who any of these people are
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>>236592 Me neither.
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Found a rare Strelkov.
>>236587 imagine taping a gopro to your hand & having a wank outdoors & you have this fucking shit
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the chechen wars were the coolest wars ever. everything about it is just better than anything you'd see even in a fictional war film
>>236587 >another mighty fine instance of no soldiers dying on video in combat le sigh
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If this was porn, the dick never goes in. You just get women talking about stories of the dick going in, loud noises which the text assures has dick going in, and lots of condoms everywhere. But not actual videos of dick going in.
>>236600 good arma 2 map
>>236604 At least you get to see soldiers dying in combat in videogames.
>>236601 Don't think it's a priority. There are believable vids of killing prisoners. Suppose a ukie nigger could use a go-pro in battle but why bother?
You assfucking manchild bastard
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>>236607 It's basic opsec.
People even take selfies of themselves with their pets, so you are sure to know their pets are their pets and not just a random dog they saw.
>>236610 Yes, they are perfect at it, but the US military can't suppress the videos lmao
>>236603 you've got to wait for the cumshot
>schizo doesn't know to type in boob.com to find the good shit
>>236612 You're a nigger retard. Who can't understand why soldiers in filming themselves has already got 500+ Westoid killed.
>dick is going to go to vagina >SHAKE THE CAMERA!!!!!!!
We also notice the "president" is an actor.
>>236616 The point isn't what they should do, but what real soldiers in real life always do. Thus, there is no war. your welcome, genius at ur service.
>>236616 >500+ westoids killed i do hope so, but that sounds made up
eg, why no flood of ukrainian refugees? Could it be there is no war? No, it's "Title 41" lmao sure it is.
you can really feel the stroking motion as the camera violently swings across its arc
Aaaabsolutely no Ukrainians know how to swim.
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This thread is retarded and full of retards,
>>236626 No fucking change then nigger.
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thread theme https://youtu.be/Ak40fT6L_Ks
>>236629 keeeeeeek
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Imagine playing video games without twitch live streaming the entire thing. Lets be honest if you even go outside and aren't in immediate visual range of another human being you're basically dead.
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keep replaying my failure over in my head probably going to see her tomorrow
Any oldlads here remember the start of anonymous? I've always wondered if it was always reddit or if it started out cool and got derailed.
>>236638 smh poor lad
>36 posts in one hour Can you just ban schizo already?
>>236620 If you actually paid attention to what happened in Lviv, Nikolaev, Mariupol and Kharkov as well as NATO nations allowing voluntary resignation of servicemen to fight in Ukraine. Before a huge U-turn, I might add when cruise missile started to hit. 500 is very conservative.
>>236646 *opens wallet*
>>236594 Ok if polyamorous individuals are not 'mono' gamous. They therefore believe in attaining infinite partners, since it's impossible to have infinite partners I have to conclude they don't actually exist.
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>>236642 >>236643 >>236645 literally gonna go incel mode and not even talk to women anymore Got hit on by some american mulattos today, not sure how i feel
>>236651 love this webm tbh
>>236650 They got hit because they were filming and streaming, you fucking nigger.
>>236654 Have you seen this? https://youtu.be/j9_J1qA-v34
>>236638 still waiting for the bam redemption arc
>>236651 this makes me feel so old
>>236656 best card movie trick
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>>236660 that's some good oc
>>236661 yeah /tv/ and /v/ still make some good memes tbh, only good board left on halfchan
>>236662 Love how you can tell he's having fun tbh
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>>236662 >OJ Simpson
>Le Pen wins majority of votes in French overseas department Mayotte >Religion in Mayotte: 97% Muslim lmao
>>236667 kek u wot? are results coming in from the weird pacific colonies yet? i always forget that french polynesia still exists
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>>236669 this is the last time you'll post this expired mene
>>236668 They went for Macron. One of the Disappointment Islands (lol) went for Le Pen (Puka Puka, population 150) and another for Zemmour (Tatakoto, population 259). The Leeward Islands of the Society Islands went for Zemmour
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>>236670 Not so lad something needs to keep the seethe at bay >>236672 tbh
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>>236671 quite jealous of the french and their possessions. would be mint to be able to fly to guyana and not show your passport. it should be so
Corsica went for Le Pen The east and north of France are always rightwing aswell as the areas around Marseille. Le Pen winning in Aquitaine and Gascony is surprising tho.
does frexit happen if lepeng wins?
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>>236662 Milkermanjaro
in to the filter ye go
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>>236679 >frexit
with sound >>236587
nvm yours has sound
(2.96 MB 1280x720 tazerrekt.webm)

>>236685 what the absolute fuck, who's who here? imagine being the guy that fired that shell
>>236689 oh lawd he leakin
>>236690 It was Ukie soldiers judging how light their camo were. Don't know what or who was running that tank. I can't imagine Ukies would let a tank with a Z or a V just stroll up like that.
latest nigger control tech
>>236693 literally we are cattle now
Bit too cocky tbh
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>The Ivan Gren class landing ship Pyotr Morgunov off Sevastopol
>>236693 Will be cool when they shoot some obese meth addict with this and their heart still explodes.
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The flagship of the Black Sea Fleet Moskva.
>>236685 >>236587 >A Russian tank hit a group of Ukrainian military at point-blank range A video is circulating on the network in which a Russian tank, presumably a T-72B3, fired point-blank at a cluster of Ukrainian infantry. Under what circumstances the shot was fired is unknown, most likely, the Ukrainian soldiers mistook the military equipment for their own or thought it was a “trophy”.
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>>236615 nadine-j.de
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>>236702 what was it lad?
night two of i can't breev and jobcentre at 11 in the morning might have to swear off chinky meals for life
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DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
>>236706 went to a pub arcade type place once when one opened in my town it was almost completely dead with one or two other autists sitting alone and gooming so I just had a pint of cider and played sonic for fifteen minutes before leaving probably went under shortly after opening even though they picked the hipsterest town outside of glastonbury in the southwest
>>236703 Bog standard G*rman soft porn.
(3.27 MB 640x360 im disgusted in myself.webm)

Some of these tit are too big and disgusting.
>>236710 share some pics lad but spoiler them so as to not invoke a ban
>having to spoon feed
>236710 this must be one of those "homo-sexuals" I've been hearing about
Imagine liking hambeasts.
riots in france lmao
>>236715 pre-emptive electoral chimping or just the usual kind?
>>236707 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that vid smh people probably only went to the arcade in order to take pics of themselves gooming/buttmatrixing
>>236707 >nintendofags
>>236721 based I hope this causes middle class faggots heads to explode when xingpin hsu chucks bags full of heckin chonkers into the blender
why are the chinese so worried about covid? are they just so autistic that they've kept the zero covid policy despite the populace having natural immunity by now?
>>236725 it gives their elites an excuse to purge the chincel masses
>>236721 the middle classoid larpers on 4chud are butthurt about this as well
>>236721 oh this is in China, I assumed it was the Ukraine at first... Mao was pretty based for killing tens of millions of these people >>236724 >>236727 >being this salty about being a poorfag wigger
>>236726 you aren't the worst poster here but you're definitely one of those cynical lads that just assumes everyone in power has the worst motivations and morals. kind of boomer tier if i'm honest
>>236725 coronavirus was never real. I thought the Chinese just went along with it to encourage the west to further gut its economy and solidify their dominance.. but if they're still doing shit now, I don't get it. Asians are neurotic germophobes and hive insect-like collectivists, many of them wore masks on public transport even before the flu hoax
oh yeah we got a live one >muh war in ukraine: endless gore spam and violence >middle classoid: I sleep >heckin chonkers getting btfo >OMG DELETE THIS VIDEO IM CRYING RIGHT NOW MOM I NEED THERAPY
>>236731 I don't care about dead slavs, I could watch a thousand videos of them dying in agony and feel nothing. but one distressed kitty and my heart breaks
My blood pressure rose so high so fast I started to feel like I was going to black out. This is so awful. Edit:. This makes me so sad :(
>>236730 that's a good point, it's weird to see governments acting like this thing is the plague when i never saw any evidence of it irl, only the reactions to it. the theory about china playing 3d chess to destroy the western economy (which would also ravage their own) is out the window now. covid must exist to some extent, perhaps it doesn't really affect white people that much so i never noticed it?
fuck animals, I vore them everyday
>>236735 >the theory about china playing 3d chess to destroy the western economy (which would also ravage their own) supposedly (according to Andrew Anglin, anyway), their 'lockdown' measures were always local rather than national and they never told people they couldn't go to work. this whole 'work from home' thing and the furloughs and all that, they never did that, they just welded people into their houses to starve for some reason, maybe to create panic in the west same as the videos of elderly people collapsing
>>236736 yeah I eat cows and stuff every day- but felines are different, they're sacred and we should worship them
>falun gong propaganda ITT
>spicposter is here again
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>>236740 you reply to me all the time without realizing it
>>236739 keeeek, i get hammered with that shit on youtube. many seethers in the chinasphere, most notably winston
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>>236739 the welding thing did happen in like December 2019, maybe you just don't remember it
>>236744 that prediction was 100% right though, there never was a virus
how do you lads recognise spic so quickly? is it experience from your /newbrit/ days? i only ever went there once when i was banned for something, can't remember what, probably feetposting or something
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>spic and schizo fuck
>>236746 he has a number of identifiable posting traits and opinions, all of which are unpleasant or retarded enough to become sensitive to over time
>>236747 good point despite the nonsense- if they didn't want people to see the welding, then they could have restricted that. it probably was theater, and maybe they even removed the bars after the video was over
prepared to filter spic if he replies to schizo again
just had a small handful of pine nuts and sugar-free chocolate chips, oof that was a nice treat
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filtered again
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>>236771 don't stop making these posts lad
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russia's been in almost a constant state of war for a long time now when you think about it. ukraine since 2014, chechnya in 94? and 99 and all the other weird wars in 1991 that are kino but not well known like tajikistan and before that afghanistan. they also were involved in serbia and then there's their african wars. fascinating country really, you have to wonder what effect that has on the military, they should be battle hardened that's for sure no cap
>>236721 kek I guess cat's in the bag then
Fucking hate cats and their stupid cunt owners.
Had Garlic and cheese pasta for brekkie.
>>236777 based
some truly abhorrent posts today with SA nowhere in sight and cook also doing fuck all either, and I've ruined my schleep schedule yet again
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>>236779 >I've ruined my schleep schedule yet again rip lad me too
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>>236776 >posts a d*g (nigger-tier animal) subhuman
>>236776 like look at that fucking ugly thing, how could anybody like that, you're out of your mind
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What a spiritual nigger.
>>236785 I'm not a nonce, dunno where that part's coming from. not that the rest is accurate either (except liking feet, which is normal), but those two are particularly unfounded >>236786 d*gs are gluttonous, lecherous, filthy, they have a lot in common with niggers. in fact, niggers even refer to eachother as "dawg"
What's it like having a nigger soul?
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>except liking feet, which is normal
tried to make a snack at 3am and used the only real food available- sardines, artochoke hearts, and wheat wraps- with some chipotle salsa, expecting it to be at least edible. it was not, what a horrible combination, better off just eating the sardines plain and maybe spreading mustard on the wrap, save the artichoke for a salad
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morning neet torture no sleep
>>236790 >sardines, artochoke hearts, and wheat wraps- with some chipotle salsa, expecting it to be at least edible. keeeeeek lad there's no possible way that combination would ever be edible >>236792 smorn smh
i was alive and of age in the 90s and 2000s but i never went to a rave or warehouse party. i think i did go to a pre party to one of these events but i got drunk too fast and wasn't invited to the proper event. too late now, much regret
>>236699 Jesus Christ
is that a based spic in the thread
>>236794 never been either, why would I?
Need a smug shartin pic lads.
>>236798 The one where I'm selling le bread?
>>236799 I was thinking the pirate one, but whatever that is. Don't remember it.
>>236800 this one? is admiral pepe and it's welshlad style
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>>236801 Smh I don't actually have the pirate ones as i deleted them all when I got le doxxerinod
>>236801 No I meant an actual pic of shartin.
>>236802 Keeek this will do.
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>ywn chop off 22st's pudgy fingers and revel in his scream
>>236803 the highwayman ones I guess >>236802 smh I only have the barry lynkeek webm
staaaand and drop trou your pussy or your life try and groom a minor no turkey baster or a wife
>>236805 we're all friends here >>236806 based
>>236356 >He also admitted possessing indecent images of children. What is it with Nazis and cp?
>>236746 toxoplasmosis
>>236809 I guess British police don't buy the argument that little anime girls are actually 1200 year old demons
>>236809 Because dafties are fags.
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>>236811 based >>236812 perhaps
>>236813 keeeeeek
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>autism >agoraphobia >bullying at school >rarely left his home >effectively became a keyboard warrior memes are right again
>>236813 who's saying what to whom
assuming that most cases of "cp" are planted by the piggies since they can just take wrongthinker's devices whenever they like and hold them for manipulation for as long as they like regardless of whether things go to a trial or not wish the GG threads didn't have nonceposters in them though smh
>>236818 tbh tbh
>>236817 It's supposed to be like the Klaus Swaub one but doesn't quite work without you looking directly at the camera. It's all aimed at the reader. If the reader was Vaush.
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>>236818 Remember that dragon maid anime Neo watched? This is the favourite character. Toddler-like body but she's le 1000 years old
>>236820 hmm but most people don't want to vote Dems, right?
>>236822 Never mind lad. Language barrier is too strong. The big brain brainlet language barrier.
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Plane flies over Man City vs Liverpool clash with "British to be minority" banner > As Liverpool and Manchester City were engaged in a 2-2 draw on Sunday afternoon, a plane flying a banner including the words "British to be minority" was flown over the Etihad Stadium. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/man-city-liverpool-plane-banner-26680990 My mate was at the stadium and saw it live.
>>236824 Unequivocally based.
>>236824 >he didn't land in the stadium and skewer niggers with the propellerino
>>236824 PA or PA-adjacent lads putting in work Noseley's plans are working
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why doesn't Woes wear a suit?
>>236824 based
>"Words fail me" >"Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever" >"British is already the minority. There's like 7 billion other people" >"2066 is oddly specific," >"these people need to come into the 21st century and educate themselves." >" It's a small minority of people and I'm really upset that happened." god I hate journalists god I hate niggercattle just "huh?" and the fluoride stare and not thinking about it after 10 seconds have passed from the norf fc crowd
>>236831 tbh sick of the niggercattle
>>236832 >teach that whites are racist by default >enable non-whites to be violent against racists
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>>236835 >snort You've got talent, lad. You ought to voice /brit/nat cartoons
>>236831 >how can the british become a minority when Nbubu becomes british when he sets foot on the isles? checkmate racists
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Just read the Liverpool Echo comments on it (headline piece) and it looks alright tbh, surprising for a Union mouthpiece
>>236841 Is that real?
>>236842 yeah, and old
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Can't they at least make it plausible?an ugly tatted up single mum? keeeeek
>Quit your job in banking and make million with this one simple trick, bankers HATE it! Click here to sign up!
>>236845 yeah the most popular onlyfans thots do make a fuckton of money tbh but not her, she's way too ugly
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Getting kino now.
Azov battalion specifically hasn't had any ammo, food and water in over a month.
>>236849 What are they shooting at the Russians with then?
>>236850 With what they have, I should be more clear in saying that they haven't been replenish in over a month.
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It's been a hard day's shart And I've been brappin like a hog It's been a hard day's shart I should be churnin out a log But when I get to the loo And I go for a poo Will make me feel all right
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this would be pretty epic if it wasn't for the anti-Hitler cringe https://files.catbox.moe/xh1h9q.mp4 quite a nuisance, this whole ass-backwards thing, where the Israeli-sponsored Neo-Nazis are fighting for globalism against a Eurasian mystery meat army with the cringe WWII ribbons whose stated goal is "denazification"... it's so bizarre that few people can make sense of it, even among those that previously seemed to have their head screwed on properly
The Russians will let the 36th Naval Infantry and the 12th National Guards surrender except the foreign volunteers amongst them. Azov however, they're fucked GRU Spetsnaz is against them.
wonder what it must feel like to be part of azov, imagine being one of the original members, thinking eventually you'll regain land, only several years later know you will absolutely die with no way out and you will lose
Pipping hot judeophile boomer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_AvqS-P2OQ
>>236853 G*rmans are cringe, especially when Slavs are LARPing as them for EU/NATO membership.
>it's so bizarre that few people can make sense of it, even among those that previously seemed to have their head screwed on properly It's pretty simple the EU and NATO are gay.
Even in Russian Communism trannies and fags are dead weight to the state.
>>236857 >you don't like big tits >you don't like cats >you don't like Hitler absolute trash poster. idk who you are, but fuck off >>236858 yeah it's obvious to me but a lot of people are getting confused, they're successfully duping people with this. all of the normal 'current thing' NPCs love the ukraine because the social media / TV tells them to, which is to be expected, but then there's some lower IQ people with a nationalist leaning that fall for the "based Azov" retardation
>the mutt nigger podophile is a midtarded jerry cuck
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Allegedly the people who got vaporised by that tank at point blank range were Georgian models doing a le photoshoot
>>236862 I want to believe keeek.
Makes sense Propagandists didn't know the Russians had crossed the Donetsk and broke through the lines in Kharkov Oblast.
>>236862 based if true
They'll be going home in shoeboxes then.
>>236862 >enter an active warzone to play dress up for instagram likes >get btfo oh no how could this have happened?
>>236869 All the Israeli psyops back-firing hard.
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>Lavrov: Russia's special operation in Ukraine is designed to end the US course of world domination.
>all these women with snake and scorpion tattoos
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Looks like it was blue on blue, they were posing on a knocked out Russian BMP-2
>>236871 can't wait tbh >>236872 it's advertising their true nature lad
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>>236862 Looks like they really blew up on social media.
Shall I post the aftermath?
>>236685 Kek hohols BTFO yet again
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Man, 125mm HE really fucks.
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>160 Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine simultaneously surrendered in Mariupol - Rossiya 1
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>United Kingdom announces sanctions against two Bosnian-Serb politicians for attempting to undermine the legitimacy of Bosnia
>>236883 >legitimacy of Bosnia kek ffs. Literally just a UN protectorate zone that we have to pretend is a country
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Zalenski reactivated Tornado Battalion after they were sent to prison by an Ukrainian court for raping and murdering kids in front of their parents.
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>>236885 Do you mean freeing prisoners convicted of that? Source?
Inb4 steiner posting faceapped Dirlewanger.
>>236887 Try copy and paste, mate.
>236889 Did. Got nothing.
No you didn't.
Fuck spoon feed niggers.
Doubling down like this makes me even more sure you're rusing. I found plenty about them being prosecuted years ago. Nothing on them being freed to fight again. Wouldn't be surprised if there was jewgle censorship of it, but come on. If you're going to shit up the thread with Ukraine spam, provide a few sources to where you got it from.
Wonder if this projecting nigger just copied it from a thread on 4/pol/ without searching for a source. Hmmst.
>>236685 >>236885 I don’t understand why Ukrainians are such subhuman scum. Why would they do stuff like this and who were they doing it to? People in the breakaway republics
>>236841 She's afraid of what she desires and so she's trying to destroy what's on the outside to fix her inside, poetic, what she really wants is to rub her hands on thors abs and who can BAME her
You're retard if you need to be spoon fed month old news that Zelensky released prisoners with military experience.
>>236892 >fuck spoon feed niggers Why did you post about it at all then?
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The PLA are in Belgrade, Serbia.
>>236897 >You're retard if you need to be spoon fed month old news that Zelensky released prisoners with military experience Lmao. Shifting the goalpost. You definitely got duped yourself and are embarrassed. Yes I was well aware some prisoners with military experience were released.
[still posting no evidence tornado child rapists and murderers were freed by zelensky as he originally claimed]
California cyclist brothers who had traveled to Utah to take part in bike race 'struck and killed by driver, 47, who told cops she lost control of car because she was uncontrollably DEFECATING' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10705677/California-brothers-struck-killed-driver-Utah-told-lost-control-car-uncontrollably-DEFECATING.html
>>236901 >not being able copy and paste Tornado Battalion in to a search engine
>>236855 They are drunk on ideology and doubtless have made many memories along the way. I don’t pity
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>go for walk >it ends up being only 15 minutes long >at least 30 minutes each day is recommended
>>236905 just means you're twice as good at walking
are treadmills bad, lads? what's demotimating me most is meeting other people tbh already have a le treadmill
>>236907 should be walking in nature tbh lad
That stadium thing was confirmed to be PA.
>>236907 They're good just make sure it's inclined as much as possible. Just done 15 minutes skipping myself. Had to take a lot of breaks though. I'll get better each day. Treat the tread mill the same way. Get better each time.
>>236903 I did, got nothing. You refuse to believe this, or are baiting. Either way you are a retard. Get heckin filtered.
>>236909 based
>>236910 smh I'll end up just walking all day >>236908 yeah I guess, I found a route but it's so... hilly
>>236909 Based. Fuck niggercattle enjoying sportsball. They should be reminded the world they've created is doomed.
>>236913 Walking is pointless if you're under 70 lad. Jog. Run. Doesn't matter if you start off only being able to run a mile taking breaks all the time just do better than last time. >>236912 >>236914 >PA have their own air force Quadruple based.
>>236911 Download more pictures of 22st then, then you cretin. The video is specifically has Tornado Battalion vowing to push the Russians back to Belgorod. Which means it's after 24th Feb and they are clearly not prison anymore.
>>236915 >Walking is pointless if you're under 70 lad nonsense, don't ever give fitness advice to anyone ever again
you should sprint everywhere. never walk, never jog, SPRINT. its a sign of dominance.
listening to christmas songs might wear my christmas jumper at the weekend
>>236918 Walking is for elderly people. Even then it's not that great. I'm sorry that the easy path isn't the answer, faggot, looks like you're going to have to actually make an effort not to be a fat cunt.
>>236905 >pawn of the vatican seethe-posting crusius again Wow so original
>>236905 Go for another one then, idiot
>>236907 they're alright but very different from just running, increase the incline on the treadmill to compensate for the lack of wind resistance and terrain difference
>wind resistance
>236923 The healthiest people in the world walk all day, you have no idea what you're talking about, also I'm skinny.
Why are christcucks so cringe?
>236931 Why are you so cringe?
ah right, its bins
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Notice the trends before and after Jon Cokman's resignation?
>>236926 keeeeeeeek
might join the army tbh
>>236930 Skinny does not equal healthy you fatty liver disease faggot. The healthiest people in the world do hard cardio all day. Walking is a basic function. It's like saying I'm going to get powerful glutes just from shitting or something. It neither improves a function nor your overall health unless you're old or incredibly obese. Are you going to suggest keto diets next or something? Put down the old hag magazines lad.
>236931 Why are you so cringe?
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>he doesn't have powerful glutes just from shitting
Cringe Christcuck vs Based Bagan
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>>236940 got anything better to do with your spare time mate?
>>236915 I weigh like 23-24 stone lad
>>236942 Lad I’m actually earning money right now unlike you
earning it, doing nothing with it
literally a jew
>>236945 Just made a business call TO A REAL ACTUAL GIRL! I bet you haven’t talked to a girl today
So youve talked to what, thousands of girls, and youre still an old single man? says more about you than it does about me, tbh
>>236946 > literally a jew Like Jesus
>the redditors are back
>>236862 today is gonna be a good day
>>>/le heckin reddit/
>>236952 >canadian ukrainian volunteer whats the odds hes still in canada
>bins attacking christianity out of nowhere literal d&c jew tbh
>>236950 its just the bongo homos returning to /brit/ after they banned each other
>>236955 yeah, it's just so boring. I tried to have him tell me what he believes and he couldn't say anything. He doesn't even know Christianity either. He's just a poo
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