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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3682: Wholesome Foods Edition Anonymous 04/08/2022 (Fri) 21:53:55 Id: 89e0f5 No. 235360 >>235366 >>235368
Rishi Sunak's wife to pay UK tax on overseas income https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-61045825 Covid infections show signs of plateauing in UK https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61038753 ‘Concerning increase’ in Ukrainian refugees becoming homeless after UK arrival https://www.gbnews.uk/news/concerning-increase-in-ukrainian-refugees-becoming-homeless-after-uk-arrival/268164
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literally never had middle eastern food in my life. not even a kebab.
>>235360 (OP) good lad good edition love hummus and falafel me
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>>235359 (234595) >>235362 (234595) the worst thing about prison these days is prison labour isnt even a thing anymore, theres no kino architecture built by condemned men, its all cushy norwegian soyboxes that give you tv and videogames which is how most of us live already not that we ever really had kino architecture built by condemned men but we COULD >>235360 (OP) based
ill be honest that pizza thing looks like moldy cum
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Helmer now watches over all posts in this thread, you will be judged accordingly upon his return.
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Naan is literally Parsi for "bread" tbh
>>235371 Flat bread, making it rise is our thing.
What's the point of politics and debate why dont we just start beating leftists to death in the streets?
>>235367 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Only buy bad supermarket parodies of middle eastern food
think I'll watch some k-film kino
>>235375 Jesus Christ was literally white.
Jews and Arabs and Turks etc. are white
>>235380 jews are not white
>>235381 If not they're the closest thing to it. We hate 'em, cause we is them.
>turkish gf lad
>>235380 >>235381 white is a social construct tbh
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haha only jokin lads
>>235389 tbh, the UN should at least run camps for them in adjacent countries or something useful like that what are we even paying them for oh yeah globohomo domination >>235390 if they ain't a brit their lives is forfit
have any of you run into any ukranian refugees yet?
https://twitter.com/npcSara/status/1511869769217052673 Fuck sake, this is gaming now, women in do nothing email jobs invading male spaces and going "umm ackshually you can't do that" and using their power to get them banned
>>235393 keek based nigcel
>>235393 >npcSara
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>>235365 >he's never had baklava or halva Probably for the best tbf, absolute diabetes food
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>>235396 >halva Absolute lush, this stuff specifically.
>>235393 the nostrils on this nog, could roll two marbles up his nose
liked a bit of lidls baklava but mummy got me some plain halva once (no choccy coating) and it was awful
>>235398 Nougat is wog nougat lad, the word is literally froggish smh
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Apparently back in 2016 some glowie tracking software just defaulted to showing a Kansas farm IP address when it couldn't find a location. >5,000 companies rely on MaxMind’s IP mapping information, and in all, there are now over 600 million IP addresses associated with that default coordinate. If any of those IP addresses are used by a scammer, or a computer thief, or a suicidal person contacting a help line, MaxMind’s database places them at the same spot: 38.0000,-97.0000. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/08/kansas-couple-sues-ip-mapping-firm-for-turning-their-life-into-a-digital-hell/
>gi jane in the popular section of streaming site
going to actually prisonify myself tbh just reading + calisthenics what's stopping me? besides chronic illness
>>235402 hate when americans pronounce it noo-git though mispronouncing french words constitutes heroism, just not when yanks do it out of sheer ignorance
I've been painting blue swastikas and other DRVID signs on meself with body paint tbh Gonna lose this otter mode pudge and post my artistic basedness When the gayist aren't collecting
>>235407 sounds cool lad i was gonna do that on my face and take pics
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>>235409 bottomless pit for a bottomless shit >>235408 it's a good race war aesthetic tbh
>>235399 Wait, you can do inline red text?
Figure 1. examples of red text on anonymous image boards
I swear that's a new feature.
>>235413 Think we couldn't do it on 8kun but I think we've always been able to here but not sure
2d12 = 16
8kun had better features tbh.
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Never done that before, feeling pretty based rn
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today so far >ate fuji apple >ate brek (omelet, sosej, potatoes, ketchup) >made fresh french press coffee and had a mug's full w/ heavy cream >brushed my teeth and took a piss >watching Date A Live S4E1 >>235416 8kun was a laggy mess, soiled with all of the cuck disclaimer garbage. this site is better miss 8chan like you wouldn't believe
>>235419 >miss 8chan tbh I will never forgive that australian guy for ending 8chan. the worst thing he ever did.
Where can I find my chud wide?
>>235376 >I'm officially a proud #vaxhole >vaxhole always thought this chick was such a waste. Prime breeding stock, childless. It's just sad.
>>235421 fuck off subversive it was the qoomers and jim or whatever the fuck his name is that ended it
>>235423 if shes childless then shes obviously not prime breeding stock, eugenics in action tbh
>>235421 it's stupid to blame him. Jim Watkins is the one to blame- he took the site down, he flew from the Philippines to Washington to have secret meetings with spooks, he took months to bring 8kun online as a replacement and he made it shitty enough that nobody wanted to post there. he should have just left the site online as is, and if they couldn't get DDOS protection, just weather the storm and keep it online as much as possible. even if the clearnet was offline more often than not, they could have the tor version up most of the time, since it's difficult to DDOS those. and if he needed money to make that happen, then beg for crypto donations instead of selling "join or 404" cringe t-shirts to Qoomers >>235424 his son, Ron Watkins (a.k.a. Codemonkey) LITERALLY WAS Q (at least, the 2nd person claiming to be Q)
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can't really remember what happened when 8ch went down, did we all just get scattered to the wind until 8kun came online
>>235431 bongo bongo land or AWOL
>>235431 we became wandering jews and were on almost every english speaking imageboard
>>235427 goodnight sweet ruminant of the aquatic
>>235434 weird how I can't remember what I did then because I did not use the bongo
Great hes asleep finally, LET THE GOOD POSTING COMMENCE
>>235431 lmao I missed all the bunkers so I just went to 4pol brit.
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wait, didn't we use endchan
What happened to endchan tbh, there was that german mong copycat who posted there too, KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK 2019 year of le pol face
>>235445 He was from Kohlchan. The Norwegian failure was from endchan. If you were an accredited far-right researcher like me you'd know this.
where have all the dafties gone
>>235446 a brief mix up is all, don't you dare insult me like that cunt
>>235448 and where is what we need?
>>235452 ☻/ This is Bob . Copy and paste him /▌ all over Youtube / \ so he can take over and destroy Google+
> Forsen >Twitch >chat > Forsen's Twitch chat
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One day I will have a sturdy Ural wife. And you can't stop me.
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Got rejected by a lass who I'm gonna have to see everyday
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>>235458 you know what to do
>>235458 You're a fucking retard.
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>>235458 Been there
>>235458 sorry lad
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>Tells me she needs an extra pair of hands with something >Learns my name >Always waves hello to me Turns out she has a bf
faggot was an insult to old women who used to have to collect bundles of sticks for money before state pensions then it became applied to gay men
>Turns out she has a bf >a bf And why would that stop you?
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>>235464 Literally feel like a mong I have never felt this retarded in my life
>>235468 I guess because they had to collect bundles of children to molest before AIDs killed them.
Don't worry lads follow this looksmaxxing and you'll get a gf in no time
>>235467 Next time you see her, urinate on her legs, so her bf knows another male has initiated a challenge to his mating with her. It's the only way, lad
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>>235458 It's all in the waiting game
can't imagine anything more gay that fighting for a woman tbh
>>235473 CTEmaxxed
Just thinking about that brazilian prince who was catfished by a munter in the 1900s KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>235481 all his latest stuff is too big of files to post here smh
>Godfather you just reminded me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id-_4dq2Mgw
just pop ya collar and move on son https://youtu.be/QLSRUJGTQ5Y
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did somebody just get an incel check?
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>>235471 tbh thats how it feels but at least you didnt get stood up while it was pissing down
>>235473 Even now, after many years online, the Internet has left me very perplexed
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Literally want to hop on ssris to stop feeling this
don't be getting ideas above your station you smelly uggo freaks
so many lasses just bait lads so they can reject them so they can feel superior to said lads. its why I don't really even indulge femoids attention at all anymore and haven't in years. not worth the humiliation just to get some crumb of roasted vaxx pucci
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>>235491 smh as long as you dont get the codeine out again lad
from now on when you see her you have to act like the undertaker in order to escape mockery. zero talk, shades all the time and duster coat all the time
>>235495 Kek wish I had some rn >>235496 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
I realize now why boomers and chuds wear sunglasses all the time, its a way to deny women loosh. it protects them from your emotional state. most boomers and chuds live in beta bux lifestyle and are constantly being emotionally vampired off of.
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*walks into the office*
>>235493 what happened to sleeping?
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Wish I had these glasses for real don't care
>>235499 notice he has his sunglasses on so females can't see his eyes
>>235499 lmfao
hope that dago mong gets turned into hamburger by a BTR. fucking moron
>tfw failing the diet yet again whats a man to do when food is his only cope
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ey ow im runnin heyr pal???
>>235509 ayy these freekin drones, im tryna dump here
>mummy ursual has 7 children AAAAAAUGH evropa
>Tatar jokes KEEEEEEEEEK
>>235492 let these hylics rot in the ground like they demand
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>>235512 >ywn get to ride in a bin with her and then go get icecreams
the FUCK is wrong with hohols
>>235501 it's friday night and I have to go boomers and xoomers tomorrow so I'm going to bed later in order to sleep in and have an excuse for only spending half the day sitting silently in the room with them instead of a full day because doing otherwise like bringing my laptop and reading would be rude and talking just gets me the fluoride stare
>>235517 oh boy cant wait for the 20,000 of these guys to come live here.
>>235517 psychopathy unleashed under the cover of patriotism
>>235499 poor glownigger.
yeah can't wait til I get a gf and the minute I go into the toilet after her the illusion is smashed
>>235518 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK grim, I always wondered how you posted while there tbh
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some strange post occurin'
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>>235499 Hope the cunt gets slapped by ATGM.
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>>235519 "they're not sending their best"
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>>235517 read some polack wall of text and basically he said hohols have always been like this. they don't call it the "wild fields" for nothing, all of the outcasts and degenerates went out to go settle the steppes and it created these rabidly individualistic barbarians with war ponytails
>>235518 please tell me you dont actually post on /brit/ while surrounded by your family
grand national tomorrow
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>>235518 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>235532 uhm... lad? which game is this
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>>235530 >he doesn't know
>every weekday is neet torture toil >every weekend is neet torture toil (social) >>235523 >>235524 thankee lads just know mummy is going to bring up polishits too and I will have to use the pepe gesserit antiseethe mantra techniques to stop from interjecting >>235529 >look mum steiner posted the brap barn webm again keek no they all sit in front of the television for 2-3 hours before sninner and I set up on the dining room table occasionally looking over at them to show that I am there if they want to talk instead of consume zog propaganda
night lads, toil tomorrow
>>235538 just tell them your out with your mates (lmao)
>>235528 Wouldn't mind if they actually dressed lik that tbf
>>235528 makes you think about what a "Russian" and a "Ukrainian" really is. a "Russian" is a citizen of Rus, the easternmost European, Slavic settlement, settled people. meanwhile a "Ukrainian" is one of the 'borderlands', the wild fields that were conquered from steppe nomads. despite how infamous Russians are, they are still more civilized than Ukrainians
>>235539 have fun lad >>235540 keeksmh they would probably mercilessly bully smee for even trying to pretend that
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>>235531 >they even suck at driving those keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
wish azog would have killed more chechens
I've getting reliable reports that the russians have been pushed out of mariupol by captain marvel
>>235547 Some of this tank manoeuvring is triggering my video game autism, I could definitely do a better job.
>>235550 putler should have fired his command staff and replaced them with gsg map painting polface autists war over in a week
>>235551 Hopefully when they implement that auto turret tank he can just hire us to control it in arma 3.
cossacks are cool
kill niggers
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Looks like the Russians are breaking through on the southern sector of the Donbass front. Cutting off Ukie forces around Gulyaypol.
>>235554 4th video is probably more suited to my level of motor skills though
>>235556 why did they leave the western parts?
>>235558 Apparently it was supposed to be a gesture of goodwill for peacetalks but before that could happen they started this narrative about warcrimes.
>>235559 sick of it tbh fucking jews doing everything they can to get more people killed
Also they couldn't take Kiev without turning it into Grozny. Which is a big no as Kiev is Russia's Winchester.
*gay nigger army advances on your position*
can't believe slavoids use these pieces of shit, imagine getting in this thing, there must be a better design than this.
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some kino urban combat from azog tbh
>>235563 you will fight in ze pod you will eat the calorie bars
>>235565 >On Church grounds Complete Faggots
smorning lads >>235562 >what should kids be taught about gender identity and sexual orientation absolutely nothing tbh
>all the based incelcore music is gone from yt >can't find it anywhere b-bros... i think it's over ;_;
>>235569 should've downloaded lad, I download all music and videos that are niche that I find as they always get taken down
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>>235556 >>235558 maybe what they're going for is to take full control of the southeast ukraine and make that into a satellite state, making the remainder neutral. could be that they originally wanted to just regime change the ukraine, but after all of these hoax war crimes, deemed it impossible to win over the hohol masses so they'll have to settle for half. who knows
>>235571 do you happen to have anything by snails cargo?
the 'gesture of goodwill' thing is plausible if as some have said 'they could take all that back in 24 hours', but I don't see how they could think negotiations could bear any fruit. ukroid government is a dog of the USA, and they want the war to go on
>>235569 where is eggys channel?
>>235572 fuck that, take the whole thing and moldova too
>>235574 >ukroid government is a dog of the USA, and they want the war to go on tbh they're not going to surrender until they run out of meat to throw into the grinder
>>235572 Once the Donbass front is crushed Russia will have free reign outside of the cities, that's a win over the whole over the whole of Ukraine. Because the Ukies will have to fight on Russia's terms in the open at the point.
>>235575 odysee, he was finally booted off youtube
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any lads ever look more into gruit ale? https://www.gruitale.com/
>>235580 interested in it tbh fuck hops
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>auslad has to deal with these
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>>235584 spiders aren't that bad lad just leave them alone and they leave you alone >>235586 keeeeek
>235587 >spiders aren't that bad lad just leave them alone and they leave you alone
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spiders are terrifying, can't bear to look at them. they can exist but outside of my home and away from me btw never flush a live spider down the toilet, it's cruel because they take an hour to drown. just catch them and let them outside, or smash them with some object and clean up the mess
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Azov trannies going to make good war brides for the Chechens
>meanwhile some russian 18 yo is burnt to a crisp inside and this foids male relatives are getting smashed in some trench in the donbass
>>235593 der ewige foid
>>235593 I think she might have consumed a lot of american media. Also Those are some big kippers desu
>when deep sea fish are reeled up too fast
Should've bought stocks in duct tape smh
>>235563 those BMPs make the old sheridan seem like it was a good idea although I think a BMP might win against a sheridan
>>235600 the m113 was less armoured but much more spacious and looks way more comfy tbh
>>235580 >brewers droop
*Steiner sees a normalnigger chad in the gym while toiling*
>>235601 bmp I think also had fuel in those doors so it was basically like being stuck in a giant coffin but I think in both cold war vehicles everyone just rode on top
the sheridan tank had aluminum armour it was basically BMD tier
>>235604 yeah, they were designed for rolling in after tactical nukes tbf
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Love BMP-3s and BMP-2s me. It's the VDV BMDs which are the real death traps.
>>235607 yeah shartica dropped the idea of airdroppable armour after the sheridan but russhart still seems to like it. BMD is basically just a technical
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>>235603 Just 19 months jail time btw.
10 months no parole
found an ancient cope cage
>>235608 >>235607 yeah seems like a meme waste of time tbh, reckon these little german tankettes with the 20mm cannon make much more sense, tiny and very fast and agile, can be airdropped easy
>>235612 yeah basically just a hummer with a m2 on it at that point but maybe a bit more spicy with the autocannon
literally the gayest meme other than the f 35
>>235614 hate those vehicles, really don't see the point in them tbh, just use a hummer or mrap at that point
>invent new light tank in 1990 >no muh stryker >stryker is shit and wasted 30 years of R&D for both shartica and leaf >new light tank is just basically the same tank as from 1990 https://militaryleak.com/2020/04/25/general-dynamics-land-systems-unveils-new-light-tank/
Now this is kino, imagine if the russians had a swarm of these dropped in the ukie cities and those sole job was to speed about quickly destroying enemy vehicles and infrastructure with the autocannon, they come in lots of variations too, i.e tow, seems much more sensical to use those along with more spacious and larger troop carriers following behind after the tankettes have punched a hole through enemy lines
>be stryker >exist get blown up by ATGM
>>235616 >literally just an abrams but shiter what purpose does it even serve, light tanks should just be called shite tanks
>>235617 yeah they put ATGM on them, krauts fallschirmjager are definately the top tier of the white race tbh maybe with you lads as well
basically the modern version of the old marder and panzerjager tankettes they just mounted AT guns on
just thinking about how the poles in 39 had loads of those tiny tankettes and they btfo entire columns of german armour then sped off when they were used properly, unironically if ukraine had them they'd btfo the russians even more.
>>235615 the whole point of a tank is the turret, it's too heavy to be transported on regular wheels, hence the treads. and since you're already using treads you might as well add armor
>>235619 its job is to cost money lad I don't see a flamethrower or any kind of useful urban combat shit on it so basically its just something for air control guys to hide behind while they call in airstrikes
oh nvm I thought he was replying to the tankette
luv tankettes me tbh
I wish they just made assault guns covered in ERA and cope cages
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Russian sappers still use the AKM.
don't understand how any military vehicles can exist at all without being droned and missile striked at any second, maybe i overestimate the ability of intelligence in war, but i'd assume nowadays all vehicles just get btfo from the sky almost immediately
>>235630 recently found out that mark brahmin (richard spencer acolyte) is the one who is speaking in these videos (the music is xurious)
based spragga https://youtu.be/2vuGgj7Nq34
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>some coal burner stabbed her nigger bf Toll refunded.
Can't bare to watch spencer and duttons streams whenever they bring up inceldom, totally moronic and short sighted takes and basically saying inceldom is a non issue and is even a "good thing" and "eugenic" and more "natural", the lack of self awareness from ed who is an incel tier sperg too is annoying, arrogant xoomer nihilists.
thanks for that rastalad, so good
>>235629 the military 'meta' changes over time, right now the anti-tank and anti-air has dominance over tanks and aircraft. compare that to WWII when tanks and aircraft were difficult to counter. same thing happens with navy- battleships were meta, then submarines, then aircraft carriers, and now cruise missles are getting so advanced that aircraft carriers might become too vulnerable to be as useful as they once were (meaning submarines would be the new naval meta)
>>235639 always felt bad for that turbo manlet on the right tbh, the worst was when they all did a big line up holding up flags and he was so short his face was totally obscured by the flags
Putler going after the nazbol and nationalist types smh
unironically 2 more weeks lads
>>235642 >two weeks to save ukraine
>>235641 >Limonov smh Nazbols are fighting in the Donbass rn
Don't hate the playa hate the game
wew, this is bad but i don't want to switch to vodka
>>235650 this guy looks like a poof so fuck him, ar' ancestors were drunk on beer when they built the empire
>>235652 that lad is unironically a bender
Fresh SPG kino.
>>235655 5d chess. Le Pen missiles know this.
>>235651 >>235652 hops are the problem. you can make beer without hops, just use different herbs for bittering/flavoring/antiseptic >>235655 why do they do this pandering to the other side thing instead of mobilizing their own base when the latter is proven more effective
>>235655 I don't mind if their Tankies tbh.
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>>235650 keeek would rather live in a puritanical christain society where people focus on the negative aspects of drinking rather than this soy rogan hyper macho retard culture where "macho" guys are worried that everything in the universe is making them gay
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>>235659 >le pol face used in the profile pic a lot going on in this
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>who huuuuuuuuurt you
>>235661 this is what boomers were supposed to come, instead i get to deal with my dad who's just a tv-head who rants about solutions to all the words problems while simultaneously having no idea that his ideology is the cause of them. vgh!
>>235655 so is she trying to be a bipartisan ethnonat or is she just a mong?
>>235664 There's no getting through to the tv race. Explain something to them one evening, they've forgotten it all by the next day.
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>Le Pen goes full Junche
>>235666 tbh there's no way to compete against the brainwashing that tv gives them >>235667 keeeek
>>235662 he won
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>>235672 oh my days, the biden one. fucking hell lads
>>235674 What the fuck did you just fucking say about the nazi party, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the SS-Junkerschule Bad Tölz, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on russia, and I have over 3,000 confirmed kills. I am trained in Blitzkrieg warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire nazi forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) across german and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the nazi party and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo

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She was well fit tbh
>>235680 a bit underchebbed but still peng
>>235681 Chebs that clap go wrong real quick tbh
>>235682 kek, you what m8? you talking about that german lass whose milkers clapped?
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I'm good full cheb man, not clapping cheb man.
>>235684 keeeeek
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>The battle for Donbass is coming: According to Pentagon estimates, more than 40 Russian battalion tactical groups are located in or near the Donbass region. >~10,000 more Russian reinforcements
>>235689 smh more death
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had a nap
>>235690 The Ukies are already smashed to bits with only infantry and artillery left. The Russians need to finish this.
>>235692 they really do, just control the parts they want then call a ceasefire
parts they want should be all of it though mind
>>235693 No. 2004. and 2014 needs to undone completely.
>>235655 Probably the only way to nudge forward in all actuality. >>235681 Those tits look photoshopped to me lad
If Russia accepts NATO cease fire agreements and ceding land gained they will end like the Serbs. The Russians need to eviscerate the bulk of Ukie forces that are in the Donbass then push to Kiev.
>>235697 Yeah tbh
How do I watch beanflix without paying for it? I want to watch that Savile documentary.
>>235365 I've had Jewish vegan food because one of my clients owned the restaurant. Bloody awful. At least Turkish food has actual meat.
gonna stay awake all day to fix schleep schedule
>>235699 8F36262F Here's the magnet lad, just download qbittorrent or some other torrent and put in that link. It'll download pretty fast.
I had an apple for breakfast. The unfattening commences.
>>235700 sounds vile smh >>235701 good lad
>>235702 tbh everything on streaming services has a webrip torrent
>>235702 nice one cheers
>>235367 Based
The Russians have re-established the bridge of the river Donetsk, so the Russians can now zerg their tanks into the Donbass pocket.
The west has emptied their stores of AT weapons but the Russians keep shipping in more T-72s.
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Real psycho nigger vibes tbh
>>235375 British Israelitism and Phoenicianism vindicated. >>235710 >"goat a quid fer the bus pal?"
>>235711 >>"goat a quid fer the bus pal?" keeeeeeeeeeeeek I can smell the piss in my mind
Covfefe with cream, No sleep so feeling manic and delirious and the desire to dance about the living room to garry glitter songs is hitting smee again okthankyou
>>235714 verily
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>>235714 about to have an absolutely heinous one tbh
Good morning lads.
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>Our government gave the Ukies a fucking Saxon I'm sure that will help.
>>235717 Take a film of it for us lad
>>235720 you sure we gave it to them? could've gotten it from another country.
>decommissioned by the British Army in 2008 and delivered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2015;
>>235718 Lapti Nek tbh https://youtu.be/o_JLiqKAgCg
>>235719 morning
>>235720 keeeeeeek
I like how military & vidya terminology are now getting mixed up for the understanding of based Georges tbh.
>>235727 dayyyyyymmm nigga gots aids
King Charles III King William V King George VII
>>235727 Had to listen to this at least three times.
>>235729 not very knowlegable about such things but i know i like le orange hair virgin queen
>>235731 They're our next three monarchs after the Queen dies lad, some say Charles will change his name but I think he's more likely to continue as Charles tbh
>>235732 >some say Charles will change his name giga cringe if true
for me, its king bumbum the 1st
>>235733 They say it's because it's considered a Stuart dynasty naming convention but I think the name is too well recognised to change now. Despite his flaws I do like Charles tbh, he'll be an alright King.
winston kicking off about chinese people acting in their own self interest as per
His Reginal should be Arthur in honour of Arthur Tudor and Wales.
Charles, William and George is too Norman.
Don't care about the monarchy.
>235737 >235738 >235739 Cringe posts.
>>235741 Based post.
I bet /brit/ is so gone that fags will defend the Normans.
I don't spit on one thousand years of are history meself lads.
Normans ruined what could've been the greatest england that could ever be, utter scum, I spit on them and their descendants
>>235746 In what way? Edward the Confessor was half-Norman and we'd had a long period of Danish rule (supported by an Anglo-Danish aristocracy in the north) before that. What specifically did the Normans do lad?
>>235743 'ate normans me just need him to keep being called charles so i can memi about him dissolving parliament >>235745 >are history keeeek good one lad >>235746 tbh
>>235747 >killed what could've been a kino origin story >kicked out the much more kino saxons >destroyed all the saxon libraries and writing
bet this lads a normoid with a name like william or something
>>235749 Yes lad, are history. Care to explain what you have against the Normans? >>235750 <Subjective childish nonsense <The Saxons remained, hence why we speak English. The Saxons accepted William. There were no real attempts to re-estabish the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom. Henry II was descended from the Anglo-Saxons <So did the Danes or literally any other invader, just as the Anglo-Saxons likely destroyed the Romano-British writings It's just a pathetic reach to be a victim. Get fucked.
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I still grieve every day for him, lads.
from reading that royal mint article yesterday about pre-decimalisation currency it transpires that normans first introduced organised banking to us it was just good business
>>235753 they installed themselves as the aristocracy and have been looking down on actual brits ever since >>235754 tbh
>You say something clever aethelnonce?
>>235758 >ywn go back to hoarding thousands of copper axe heads in a big pit in the back garden
>this lad viciously defending n*rmans touched a nerve we have
>>235755 Many consider it impressive how William audited England and got taxes more in strict order (for himself obviously) tbh. He, or his other Norman pals, must've been very high IQ. Utterly evil and wicked, but high IQ.
>>235756 Oh right, and the Danish aristocracy didn't? How about the other influxes since? They've been successfully Anglicised over the past 1,000 years lad. It's just a LARP to pretend otherwise. >>235755 It was a wide spread development which would have occurred in the early twelfth century Norman, Dane, or Saxon.
>>235761 There were precedents in Anglo-Saxon England which, as part of his coronation oath, William agreed to maintain. His successors built upon it with the innovations that came with the so-called "twelfth century renaissance".
>>235759 tbh pvre kino >>235760 keeeeek tbh >>235762 don't see the danes around much any more though tbh time heals all wounds
>>235764 >don't see the danes around much any more though tbh time heals all wounds And where are the Normans? Time doesn't seemed to have healed that wound for the Jew like graspers who want to construct some cuck narrative about spooky Normans and shit.
>>235763 I don't really seethe at the continued existence of Norman descendents in the British Isles. Doubt anybody does. But conquerors do great evil to begin with before they might do any good. The way of wider history. Still think the living, breathing, real bastard William was a cunt tbh. Simple as.
Raep bastard renaissance
>>235743 The Normans built some decent castles
Can't fucking stand this faggot shit of trying to construct a victim narrative. We're conquerors and masters. Simple fucking as. >>235766 Fair enough lad, maybe one day you'll grow out of Walter Scott and read some actual history.
Marine Le Pen's niece is quite attractive
>And where are the Normans?
>>235765 majority of the upper class are norman-descended lad >>235768 tbh i'll give them that
>Can't fucking stand this faggot shit of trying to construct a victim narrative. Stfu you seething normoid cunt nobody is trying to create a victim narrative JUST HATE THE FUCKING NORMANS YOU CUNT fucking seething williamoid poof
>>235769 You trying to pretend we weren't conquered or that conquest never involves evil? Lmao. We accepted it over time. It took generations and the Normans interbreeding with Anglo nobility. William was still a greedy, bloodthirsty cunt who tortured and murdered thousands of people over his life. He was Mohammed tier tbph.
>>235771 >>235775 Keeeek smdh.
>>235747 aren't the Normans behind "Common Law" and every other kikish thing about Britain? if not for the Normans, then the English would have been something similar to southern Germans- a Germanic-Celtic mix with perhaps some very minor Romance. but the sinister Normans polluted it >>235766 should do a big dna test and root out all the Normans and deport them, then make Anglish mandatory
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>>235775 jeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Smh he should have won
>I must have deleted the whole folder of thicc pepes, including the ones of Normans charging Anglo-Saxons
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skin's getting so good from taking collagen and avoiding sunlight the mummer complimented my complexion like a month ago and it just keeps getting better and better. like the skin is repairing itself because it has all of this excess collagen to work with
Cunts buying some bottled chinky cum off ebay thinking its "collagen" and lathering it all over his face mmmmh I is looking so youthful recently
season 3 of this anime starts today btw https://myanimelist.net/anime/43608/Kaguya-sama_wa_Kokurasetai__Ultra_Romantic it is so fucking good, if you haven't watched the first 2 seasons + movie then do so >>235786 no
>>235787 nah it's a powder you mix in your drink, a dietary supplement, it's like ground up cartilege and stuff from dead cows or whatever
>>235787 meanwhile... women https://youtu.be/aDPLlZ4LUcc
>>235788 I thought you tranny jock lopped your cock and killed yourself
>hes drinking powdered cum
>le all female cast of young lasses anime If you watch shite like that you are mentally deficient
I go slep >>235791 I am not a troon, nor a jock. well technically I have very minor jock admixture but I don't identify with it >>235793 it's a rare example of japs being funny, would highly recommend
>>235794 night lad
>>235565 is that near azovstal or what? I thought they were all strapped in a giant steel factory
>>235796 it is, its urban combat its not cut and dry like vidya you mong also this is probably a few days old, as I understand it they do still hold a small amount of residential areas
just did a really big burp
Just thinking about how well BC2 has aged aesthetically just from looking at war footage from ukraine tbh, kino.
Might need a second covfefe tbh I'm crashing already and its only 12 pm, hate how when you are resetting a schleep schedule its basically a wasted day since you spend the whole time staying awake and feeling weird
>>235800 >hate how when you are resetting a schleep schedule its basically a wasted day since you spend the whole time staying awake and feeling weird tbh
>mummy coming to pick me up so she can sneer at my neetcave and force me to spend more time sitting silently with the boomerxoomer collective as they watch television or parrot jewsmedia lines to eachother
>>235804 keeeek based bazzas wasting police time
>>235803 better hurry up and degrottify and prep lad KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK, she might not even come in tbh, my mummy gave up the act of pretending like she has any concern for me years ago
>>235804 >>235805 keeeeeeeeeek fuck's sake
>had an new ssd sitting on desk for a month but cba to install it even thought I've got hardly any space left
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>>235808 iktf still not set up my streaming cheapshit prebuilt and connected it to the telly or anything based apathy
>>235803 smh rip lad >>235808 iktf lad
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>>235809 hes out of her league tbh shes a womanlet and not even good looking and hes cucked his son into being a stupid manlet. >>235810 smh didn't you get that yonks ago lad, should've just gotten a laptop thats what I stream on the big tv very simple
>>235813 yeah I have a laptop and an hdmi cable for it but they're both pretty old and the telly doesn't display the screen properly smh, no matter what settings I change on either device there's always hidden bits and the only thing that did work was connecting a proper computer to it (but my old PC doesn't work either so I got the prebuilt) 'ate planned obsolescence smh dad was smart to keep his windows 98 machine from 20 years ago around all that time
>>235812 smh no more brvther wars
>>235814 I have the opposite problem. can't get the desktop to put out sound on the big tv, fucking hate all this tech shite it never works, I know now never to get rid of old tech but mummy had control when I was younger so all the older analog shite was binned smh
>these are he best of the /brit/ race
>>235672 “America as a nation can be defined by one word: fzzshjitzserpesusmuhshitsmiz.”
Just got a charles veitch video recommended on yt
>>235822 Wow, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long, long time Wasn’t he shown to be a fed?
>the longest corridor in the world is in RAF mount pleasant
>>235824 very labyrinthine
>autistically planning out and fantasising about military doctrine in smee head again just want to be a field marshal smh
>>235827 So what's your new doctrinal strategy lad?
>>235827 mein fuhrer... mein fuhrer, general-feldmarschall von maddenlad's brigade is unled... he is trapped in his room by his mummy... goodlad tbh
>>235829 sending a detachment to the wessexes boomer house region to avoid complete encirclement around the dinner table
>>235830 godspeed brave soldiers *calls an artillery strike on my position when the supply of copium runs out
>BBC meme yikes, mutt's rule in action
i have itchy eyebrows
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>>235834 based
>>235834 muy basado
>>235837 something something kill xi something crusius has never done that something something papist romanistism
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>> 235839 Point Lookout was such kino. I just wish there had been a full length game set in Maryland.
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>>235840 tbh, loved running around in my confederate hat shooting all the non-essential niggers keek
>>235841 keeeek smh
>>235841 KEEEEEK
>>235788 Hey Spic.
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Let's let Spic run some film nights lmao.
fucking itchy tbh lads
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some old OC
>>235852 Based breeder brain
>>235852 thought that was either nostalgia critic or dorshit tbh
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>>235855 Keeeeek.
>>235849 Watched a cam version of Morbius. Seemed like one of those films that's carried more by the special effects, which were not as good obviously. Bit like Venom tbh.
>>235859 heard it's poo tbh
>>235861 haha poopies
>>235863 seethe and jelq.
>>235680 proper gaullic lass
at least estrogen is still cheap
>>235865 Don't you mean Poland, if he's meeting Zelenskyy?
>>235868 hi schizo fool
crusius is behind it ALL
What's 84204e's problem, lads?
*starts crying*
Crusius is behind me!!
first day of holiday already over smh hope I don't waste every day
>>235875 It's still the weekend, doesn't count.
>>235876 what are you even talking about
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morning lads
>Poombs ITT >>235879 Morning Steiner.
>>235882 speak like a normal person
>>235880 Where? Is this schizo him? Poombs if you are reading, renounce gayism. Okay, thank you.
chudbros we won
On the edge of my seat, lads.
>>235885 the guy who turned and become an informant got 6 years while the based lads who stuck it out are free. total victory.
keeek yeah the jury just immediately became anti government when they found out the fed was trying to scam cyber security and he was a sex degen. based shitagain protecting innocent militiachuds
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>>235887 based
>>235890 more like Splat Lives Matter
>1812 >heckin militiarinos are good patriotics >2020 >heckin militiarinos are evil terrorists >gets stomped by napoleonic war veterans and chug irregulars
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*vapes in the thread*
its almost battle chuds season.
My man fell off his horse in the national and my other one came sixth. I wish I had put money on noble yeats as I intended.
not sure if arsehole is sore from acidic shits or too much wiping
>>235898 good morning sir
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>>235902 >beter bitchens
Jewish sorcery afoot at the Grand National tbh
*accidentally unhides filtered poosts* Calm down lass wahey that's a bit much.
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>>235902 *blows a massive cloud of zoot smoke in your william face*
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>>235900 those are clearly CGI holograms. both fictitious characters inhabit a cyber screen in the deep antarctic
>>235909 >Carla Bruni yummeroo https://youtu.be/mqj-PmUL9CU
want sex with lady agnew tbh
>>235826 Did t know he was still doing stuff. I remember he lost all credibility after he totally publicly caved on 911 during a channel 4 tv show, the very first bit of piss weak deboonking they did, he just went “oh I believe the official narrative time now” and that was that. It made it clear he was fake
Oh wow this Charlie bewitch video has converted me to Christianity I get it now, God sacrificed his only son for all the sinners of the world. Amazing! https://youtu.be/XMS1HfOTLek
>>235913 *shoots self to defy Christianity* ha! take that Christians!
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>>235914 Hey let me try *eats poo*
>>235918 Subhuman niggers. >impotent rage Yeah, I'm sure the Russian army occupying Ukraine are impotent and most certainly will not take exception to the mockery of their dead comrades by inhuman scum.
>>235890 was going to say wtf, she was some based tradwife hiker lass until I saw that smh >>235918 shouldn't they be fighting on the front lines? pathetic tbh
>>235920 There are no front lines. The war is completely fake, there is no war. Consider this, the US government just installed a woman who believes it is impossible for the US military to block Democrat activism from getting onto unsuspecting niggers' computers. However, all videos showing any actual soldiers dying in actual battle, well now, that's easy for the Russians to block. So the war totally exists, it's just the "invisible war" - a war which you can never see. Look at the videos, you'll see what they admit is just cheap pyrotechnics (tannerite, which is not a real explosive at all), some bodies laying around, real or fake or posed, who knows, anybody can play dead. Some areas that look exactly like Detroit. Some guys firing weapons like they're at a gunshow in Oklahoma (wow, that's a war, guys!) All fake. All bullshit. There is no war.
>>235924 tbh. it's all holograms. crusius would see right through the lies. may he soon be free.
democrat activism is text replace for cp, which makes it impossible to discuss the supreme court.
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Christianity is bullshit okay thank you
>>235926 There are no holograms, nothing to fake. There are zero videos of any actual combat where soldiers die. You see soldiers obviously shooting at literally nothing (for a laugh, for the cameras, propaganda). You see hulks of tanks. You see buildings that look like Detroit. You see people talking a LOT. You read lots of text. But no holograms were necessary for you retards (normies) to fall for it. 8chan is super slow rn, fix your shit hotwheels
>235930 You are a fool.
Verily, the supreme & valid argument, "kys".
>>235931 This entire post is clearly a holographic zio-ploy to dissuade us from following master crusius.
Verily, the supreme & most sophisticated argument, "kys".
Verily, the supreme & most sophisticated argument, "x is bullshit *polface*".
Verily, the supreme & most sophisticated argument, "x is bullshit *polface*".
>>235918 even IShit never did this
Based and levantine pilled
French Presidential election on the morrow.
>>235948 keek >I was born this way *shows him twin studies disproving his cringe hypothesis*
>>235788 Shield Hero S.2 only anime worth watching this season
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>>235907 Think I made that gif around 2013. Forgotten how to do it. One of those command line programs that converts video snippets to gifs that was popular on chans. It was some paki with an RP accent interviewing him and his palpable disgust was amusing. Okay, thank you.
>>235940 They did, and worse. Only to the YPG female larpers and their families.
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>leftoids jumping the shark again Wew lads.
>>235936 The war that totally exists has no assurances from you or any of your fellows.
>>235960 Yet again, no soldiers dying in combat in the "war". You see "bodies" of "civilians" or "soldiers" - in other words hometown haunted house level special effects. You see "explosions" which they admit are just tannerite. You see "drone footage" - obviously displaying no actual legitimate military avionics software lmao dumb dumbs You see "destruction" which is just a bunch of old Eastern European trash akin to Detriot. You see burned out hulks, safely not on fire at all, allegedly to do with "tanks". And you see tanks helpfully spraypainted Zed, how handy lmao nobody can do that, it can't be faked, there totally aren't Russian tanks already in the SSR. lmao fucking fake and bullshit. No war exists. Leave us alone, u faker.
>look, some pieces of paper! >look, some stenciled words Oh, impossible to fake, beyond the KGB and CIA's capacities lmao retard
>>235958 Just accuse them of being groomers, easy. They are groomers, so it's incredibly easy.
>>235954 >he stands proud, like a Caesar <actually, he's a tard who does the bidding of the pedophile elite
I'm off to bed. Death to schizo. Death to 5039fe. x
49:25 "I am pro Millenial Woes" Based https://cozy.tv/althype/replays/2022-04-08
>>235966 Dream of raping ur mum
>>235918 just the other day they also killed 55 civilians in a Donbass city. Russia needs to stop the clean war bullshit- stop giving rations to hohols, just disregard their lives and win the war as efficiently as possible. these people don't deserve mercy or civility. all the hot girls already left so the rest of the hohols can be grinded up or starved, who cares
fwiw, it's dumb to go full race war. I could prove it to you, but I prefer you to be a fucking idiot, my infinite inferior always, stupid, useless, knowing nothing, effective in nothing, always failing, in failure never ceasing. For this reason I won't say, and because, thankfully, you are a fool and an idiot, and you like it, foolish and idiotic. So, you will think it a blessing anyway, to be stupid and a fool, and preserved so, not irritated by any truths at all whatsoever.
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Love schizo, me. Even if he'll never love me back. Sometimes I feel like a white woman, and he is the pitbull. Smh.
Sorry to say, but I only accept love letters in Teeline Shorthand.
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>Russian MoD >In Mariupol >They definitely speak English. >In British English.
>>235974 You may recall it was a British agent who brought the dossier from Russia, and it was passed on through the anglosphere.
>>235950 Let me guess, not soldiers dying in combat. Yep, its people shooting and people screaming. lmao there is no war.
We watched as George Floyd died, a million times. But nobody dies in the supposed war.
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>240-mm self-propelled mortars >134 kg war warhead >all for Azovstal
For those unaware, it is noncomportment in any vein which reveals the existence of basically "frame abuse" if we think in terms of social frames.
>>235978 Hey cool, that must also be non-soldiers not in combat not dying, if I am to guess without even looking.
Remember those videos of Chinese people falling over in the streets at the start of Corona? More convincing than the "war" footage. There is no war, so, consider everything carefully. Why is there hyperinflation? Why, it couldn't have anything to do with hyperspending at all.
>>235982 Also because it isn't real lmao Pure propaganda, there is no war, there are no victims. Do you think it is because Avoz Battalion is full of super nice sunday school teachers that recite Bible randomly that Avoz Battalion has failed to produce 1 video of soldiers dying in combat at all
Yeah sure, some war (rolls eyes emoji)
>A homegrown terror suspect who stabbed Conservative MP Sir David Amess to death has said he did it to "send a message" to other MPs. >The 26-year-old told the jury he killed the father-of-five because he was among the MPs to vote in favour of bombing Syria in 2014 and 2015. Yes, well, many children and fathers and mothers were killed by his own actions, it seems uninteresting, two murderers accuse each other of being the "real murderer".
ngl I feel ur retarded
I question my masculinity the feeling is so compelling. Already scheduled the reassignment.
>Putin's estranged goddaughter moved to israel, got citizenship uh, chuds...
>Ali, a former radiography student from Kentish Town in north London, admits killing the MP but denies preparing terrorist acts and murder. Can some of you chuds explain? He admits to stabbing him, to effect political change, but what? Didn't want him to die, just ponder his ideas?
>he trusted pootin in the first place
terrible thread. hopefully the next one is better
>>235993 >smoke >fire Gee, that's an apartment fire, not soldiers dying in war. Guess the "war" rages lmao retard
wonder if Woes is enjoying a handful of pistachos in this moment
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<bucha massacre The great thing about the fake massacre is people will finally learn how trivial it is to fake atrocities. Quite an amazingly stupid move on the part of the globalist pedophile elite (the queen).
>>235998 was it fake? I thought it was real but ukrainians did it. maybe it's the latter but they padded the numbers?
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You know how pretty much nobody in the west cared about ongoing armed conflict in east Ukraine for the past 8 years? I still don't bloody care.
>>236002 HOLY BASED
>>236002 wait there was an armed conflict in Ukraine?
>>236005 last video is badass tbh, hope he keeps the bullet
good morning from kazakhstan, i hate women so much its unreal
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shut up incel
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>>236007 based
>>236008 lovely looking lass
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>>236010 keek saw a bird that looked like eggy in the shop yesterday, couldn't stop myself from sniggering, not sure if it was a tranny or not, as her voice was clearly feminine, but had a male lilt.
>>236013 so this is how democracy dies...with thunderous votes
>>236015 The same way it died in Yankistan.
love wimmin, love destroying relationship after relationship because I'm a schitzo autist
>>236017 You can't be that much of a schizoid if you actually manage to form relationships.
>>236018 I'm not an actual schizoid type personality, but I'm big into the conspiracies, the hebrew theological ones, hidden history stuff etc.
whats eggys channel on odysee? anyone know?
sneevening lads, I see we have a schizo infestation smh cheeky chinky was kind of awful as I only got to have some sweet and sour pork balls and rice and some ginger chicken (watery raw looking chicken) and then I was full smh mummy forced her shit choice on me grandad probably spend a hundred good boy points on it and half of it was left over extravagant boomxoomoids smh >>235951 KEEK
>>236023 Eating Chinese is always supposed to be an experience in mild poisoning, you need lager to complete the experience though.
https://myanimelist.net/anime/43608/Kaguya-sama_wa_Kokurasetai__Ultra_Romantic S3E1 was so good brehs do yourselves a favor and watch everything prior to season 3, it's such quality https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=Kaguya-sama+wa+Kokurasetai%3A+Tensai-tachi+no+Renai+Zunousen
>>236023 it's kind of an important part of the ritual of le cheeky chinko that you buy too much of it. used to love getting takeaway with mummy and the siblings, miss those days
ate ONLY real food for the first time today in ages
>>236026 tbh i love having chinky leftovers, the egg rice with the beef stuff and MSG is so delicious
>235969 Spic you are an absolute black hole of cringe
>>236023 >I see we have a schizo infestation smh smh truly awful I once had a chinky, got food poisoning, and vomited so hard my stomach breeched my chest and started rubbing against the structures there and I was in agonising pain for weeks. A few years later, I accidentally inhaled a bit of fried egg and it triggered the same reflex, I couldn't laugh, or sit at ninety degrees without being in agony that time.
>spicposter recommending awful teenage incel cope fantasy animes soy filled wog smh at least post something good with lots of killing and explosions >>236024 keek tbhsmh new diet doesn't let me have beer smh, spirits only so I had a shot of amaretto or something and a glass of port and lemonade with the women smh >>236026 >>236028 >they're going to eat all the leftovers tomorrow afternoon before I arrive betrayal smh
>>236030 >repeatedly nearly killing your customers it's just good business, gweilo
>>236031 >post something good with lots of killing and explosions Th recent demon hunter anime has that towards the end, the animation from the clips I've seen seems to stand up. >>236032 Like a battered housewife it has us coming back for more.
>>236030 >accidentally inhaled a bit of fried egg smh attacked by unborn chickens, sounds horrifying
>>236029 >replying to a based post instead of the one that one could argue may or maynot be cringe >>236031 >awful teenage incel cope fantasy animes I would describe it as 'extreme high quality romcom', usually japanese humor does not register to occidental mind but in this case it is actually kino, every episode a dense nugget of quality entertainment. you are doing yourself a disservice by not consuming this media >soy filled I am gonna eat my oats and then do deadlifts, what are you gonna do today? hmm?
I'm not reading that
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>japanese paedo cartoons
a little bit of white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake to round out the day
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well i ate bacon and eggs for lunch and cottlestone pie for dinner because i don't want to be fat like wessex or have grainbrain like spig
>>236041 >grainbrain what I ate today: >scrambled eggs with red bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, and homemade egg sauce (3/4 ketchup 1/4 hot sauce) >linguiça >two slices of toast- one buttered, one with strawberry-rhubarb jam >cup of coffee w/ splash of heavy whipping cream (a.k.a. "double cream") and now I eat >rolled oats >few pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts >cacao nibs >sugar-free chocolate chips >raisins >lil maple syrup >cinnamon/nutmeg/chia normally I'd have with a cup of 100% grass-fed whole milk but we're out of milk so I had to substitute with almond water (which I don't normally consume)
>>236042 honestly cannot believe he is posting here again tbh worst poster /brit/ has ever been cursed with by an enormous margin
also took multivitamin, fish oil, MSM/Glucosamine, panax ginseng >>236044 blame b*ns for destroying /newbrit/
Lad what part of not reading this do you not understand
>>236046 curiousity will get the better of you, you can only look away for so long
reminder to always finish your showers on full cold for as long as you can bear. it pulls blood from your extremities thereby flushing the dht from your hair follicles and increasing long term circulation and nutrient availability to them. it also activates your brown fat cells and autophagy, which basically means a cold shower is the literal fountain of youth. ok thatnkyou
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lads why is bojo checking out the vibrant gay scene in keeev rn?
also why does the guards have burger guns instead of slavshit
>>236048 based. havent been doing them recently due to illness but i used to do it all the time, good to see other lads are coldpilled >>236049 it's just good politics lad
Hullo, had a 4-5 hour nap on the couch, feeling grim
>>236052 Good lad
>>236049 all the westoid politicians are larping in kiev recently to boost their poll numbers, ukraine is being moved to nato standard gear
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Putin has put Alexander Dvornikov in command of Ukraine, the former commander of operations in Syria.
president biden doesn't have to visit he was there during the crimean war when he was in his 50s
>>236056 hehe upvoted my fellow pede
>>236056 listen here fats, back me day we uh we uh we had to march to the alma and the bearskin hats the drummer boys liked to sniff my leg hair and the russians
>>236051 smh lad get back on it, you feel so good afterwards >>236052 might've fucked yourself here lad, hope you've got enough cider in the fridge for graveyard shift. i warm you it's grim at the moment with all the schizos
ran out of snacks, I guess a pizza will have to do
me in the race war (quartermaster, eating all the supplies) while the other lads do the fighting
Telford seems pretty nice. Did the right wing media brainwash my fragile chud brain into thinking it was a shithole?
>no sweeties at all in the house cold chicken and a hot choccy, society is collapsing
>>236063 >send entire companies of polfaces to their doom to secure the chippy from the shitskin defense forces
>tfw you catch wessie comfort eating the sweeties in the mannerbund as the bigboys close in around you
>>236067 keeeeeeeeek
>>236048 I'll give you a brown shower tbh
>>236066 a sacrifice I am willing for them to make >>236067 keeeeeeeeek my final duty is to act as a meatshield capable of stopping even assault cannon blasts
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>create ethnostate >still a loser with no friends
>>236071 acceptable terms tbh, we are basically creating an underground incel civilisation tbh
>>236071 such is life for the trvly intelligent and based >one day niggercattle will ape polface fashion and looks for popularity
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>it's a /brit/ gets shipwrecked and are stuck in a rowboat for days everyone starts eyeing Wessex and imagining him as a big roasted chicken episode
>be in ethnostate >new chads now say they are incels and only incels get the girls
>>236074 wouldn't consume his tainted flesh tbh
>>236074 >he tips the rowboat over with his mass like a giant sea lion
we charged 'em jack. for queen and country. like, like muskrats that don't stop goin. ole tennybob wrote a, wrote something...the shite brigade i think it was.
>>236076 no different from eating a bruised apple or the brown spot on a banana lad and you can milk the leg hole for pus to drink until I expire use all parts of the neethog
need a new thread
>>236078 so kino how hes yeltsin tier
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>>236078 yeah I was there with harald hardrada back in eh, eh 1040 or so yeah those kipchaks and avars used to rub my legs in the dnieper used to give ya a grand old time for a solidus
>>236082 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>236079 absolutely repulsively foul, new low
>>236007 Your hatred is unfounded. God, who is eternally perfect and just in all things has punished your soul, for you in a prior lifetime did wicked things. Women, and businesses, which are both female and under the currents of the Lords of the Sky (7 planets) in accord with God's perfect and pleasing will guides them to punish you for your misdeeds. Does a woman yell at you? God will it so. Does a businessman refuse to give you a job? God wills it so. This is in accord with all of the religions, including Christianity, and it is perfectly. So, rid yourself of sense-objects (Jesus said, cut off your hand - meaning the physical object itself is to be removed from your company, thus it is "cut off"). Epictetus recommended desiring nothing outside of your control, so too did the great Buddha. So, neither desire anything nor be averse except insofar as you are able to: >decide wisely (eg avoiding temptations) >decide rightly (basically choose in accord with Reason - Reason he obeys, the sage - common examples include choosing to help the needy, or being kind to a rude person such as your own mother or sister, as it is according to reason rightly your duty to so do!!!)

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