That comic sucks because either it's turning the Ghostbusters fan into a strawman who doesn't understand the movie, and uses the female to be the always-right self-insert that also hates the movie for having a point of view (even though it's subtle enough that it can go over people's heads and doesn't interfere with the actual entertainment value of the movie) or it's written by a retard who doesn't understand that Dan Aykroyd fucking loves libertarianism and hates the government and Ghostbusters very much is a critique of government interfering with an effective free market, and most of the rest of his movies are about similar themes, and only points it out here to say that claim is ridiculous. Either the author's a retard who doesn't understand the movie, or more likely, does understand it but hates it because of being in a cult and has to make a token dumb man and smart woman bullshit propaganda piece himself, ten times less subtle than Ghostbuster's politics. God I'm angry. Dan Ackroyd is awesome. I bet this fag loves Coneheads because it's pro-immigrant, not realizing that the only reason it's pro-immigrant is because Ackroyd hates the government and therefore hates the INS and believes in open borders because he's full lolbertarian. But at least he's consistent. Nothing but trouble is also about how its bad to give the courts too much power, and Spies Like Us is about how government spy agencies aren't the cool and super effective James Bond type things they want you to think they are, they're just a bunch of normal people fumbling around like everyone else. Ackroyd loves three things that shine through in his work: the blues, the paranormal, and libertarianism. I don't believe in ghosts, I don't particularly care for the blues, and I don't agree with all of his libertarian positions, but I can respect him as a creator who has a vision but is still able to tamper it all and focus on entertainment first and foremost.