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Anonymous 06/23/2022 (Thu) 02:30:38 No. 27003 >>27004 >>27009 >>27015 >>27120
>Morbius made more money than Lightyear
>>27003 (OP) IT'S MORBIN TIME!
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>>27003 (OP) I mean to be fair, they're both shit, so it's really not a lot to brag about.
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>>27009 That's the joke. Nobody is bragging. Did you think OP is trying to say Morbius was good? Is English your second language?
>>27010 If only this was real.
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You forgot the best part of Morbius:. That the main main reason anyone went to see it was a midget from Montenegro, who will soon to be doctor of psychology, randomly made a joke about it while rambling about the defects and idiosyncrasies of a two decade old game for children.
>>27046 What eceleb are you talking about?
>>27070 Rata from the channel Rank10Yugioh, he mostly makes videos once in a blue moon going over Yugioh card archtypes in a shitposty manner.
>>27046 Rata's going for a PhD?
>>27046 Rata didn't start the Morbius train, he was however the source for "It's Morbin Time" which is a prominent sub-joke of this train.
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>>27003 (OP) Morbius isn't even THAT BAD a film. The problem is it's been done before. Way too many times. >dude becomes umpire >all the other umpires try to get him to join in on the blood orgy >dude still has his soul and rejects them >umpires don't like that kind of uppity bullshit from a newborn and decide to fuck with him >uppity umpire kills them all and walks away into the night, crying about how tough he has it Forever Knight, True Blood, SEVERAL B-movies... it's been done. So Morbius has what it takes to be a cult movie, maybe, but it was never going to make money, especially as a Sony film instead of a Marvel/Disney product.
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>film has second largest week 2 drop of any Pixar movie >only beaten by film that premiered a week before lockdowns started https://archive.ph/CTdbX
>>27120 >Cult Its not even the Room territory bad. Its ultimate sin is that its boring.
>>27134 No argument from me. It IS boring. But the meme might cause it to become a cult movie, regardless.
>>27120 Maybe if they had based it on the 90s SiderMan cartoon version of Morbius they could have had something more interesting.
>>27137 Agreed
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>>27137 Maybe if they based it on a specific kind of vampire it would have been a lot more interesting.
>>27177 The bisexual kind that gets fucked in the ass?
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>>27179 The kind with long flowing capes, classy fashion and sick action scenes. The castlevania show does not exist.
>>27180 So basically what Batman should be but with an actual vampire/artificial vampire like Morbius?
>>27181 Yeah sure. And with a bit of class of how the "elite nobility" can be depicted as high-class vampires.
>>27180 That movie was really good. I enjoyed it. Got me to download a bunch of the books. Which reminds me, I need to continue reading them. Shame I'm missing a few of them.
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Reminder that it's possible, depending on how much Disney spent on marketing (IIRC the half budget floating around is a safe low ball, not confirmed. Equal or more is common), Lightyear approaches or exceeds the budget of Waterworld. The difference being Waterworld merely barely made money on a stupidly high budget, while Lightyear has actually lost money.

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