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Powerpuff Girls’ Live-Action Series in Development at CW Anonymous 08/25/2020 (Tue) 01:50:08 No. 4402 >>4403 >>4517 >>9489 >>9585 >>10209 >>11736
>>4402 (OP) I can't believe this is real. It read like a fucking parody. >In the updated version of the series, the titular superheroes are now disillusioned twentysomethings who resent having lost their childhood to crime fighting. Will they agree to reunite now that the world needs them more than ever? >the titular superheroes are now disillusioned twentysomethings Seriously this has got to be a joke. This is just describing Riverdale, Sabrina, & every shitty teen drama series.
>>4403 Welp, let's get our predictions ready. >Buttercup will be a lesbian because she's the tomboy >Bubbles will be a thot >Blossom will be the stronk female who don't need no man >They'll bring back the one-off feminist villain so they can have an episode about how she was actually right all along >Utonium will either be incompetent or suddenly a shitty parent >Mayor will get ousted and replaced by a new female mayor
>CW Let me guess >They're college age >They're all moody and edgy to the extreme >One if not all is a lesbian >They'll have a mountain of daddy issues with Professor Utonium >Mayor will be replaced by Bellum, who will dress up in a hijab to be "realistic" >Will probably have a dark, edgy opening where Buttercup violently beats up a bunch of guys and then goes FUCK UTONIUM while stepping on one's face
>>4415 >Mayor will be replaced by Bellum, who will dress up in a hijab to be "realistic" Good. If he were in the show you know damn well he'd just be a parody of Blumpf.
So how will they adapt the villains? Here's my guess, if they plan to use any of them >MoJo JoJo will be a Trump parody >The gang will now be a white supremacist gang, instead of sorta mexican >Fuzzy(might be too "obscure" for them) will either remain a redneck parody, or be "modernized" into an internet troll who lives in his mother's basement and wears a MAGA hat >HIM is too problematic for them, so they will ignore him, unless they are afraid of the backlash of not including a transgender character, so if they have to, they will make him into a tragic villain or a misunderstood one, that will help the girls in the end >The Rowdyruff Boys are the easiest to adapt, they are now dirty incels, and are there to get beaten by the girls >Princess Motorbucks will be the main antagonist, will be presented as a smart, calm and calculated woman who made her own fortune, instead of inheriting it
>>4403 its regular show CN doing live action again as if they never fucking learn
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>>4414 Describes this pic pretty well.
>>4422 Tower prep had potential.
>>4423 Those designs are at least kind of cute. What are the odds one of the girls will be made black, probably Blossom.
>>4431 >Angry independent girl, who punchs man in the balls Buttercup
>>4433 Nah, Buttercup will be played by Ruby Rose and will be a lesbian.
>>4403 >the titular superheroes are now disillusioned twentysomethings who resent having lost their childhood to crime fighting This confuses me. Who wouldn't kill to trade whatever mundane childhood they had for one where they got to fight crime and kick ass with a cool scientist for a dad? What kind of Hollywood dipshit thinks anybody wants to watch another edgy take where heroes mope about their lives? >Diablo Cody Oh
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>>4424 I remember liking Unnatural History.
>>4424 >>4445 Yeah they were both pretty alright. Shame they had to be brought down with all those shit game shows. I remember the only one that was any good was the last five minutes of Destroy Build Destroy. Also holy shit 2009 Cartoon Network had Andrew WK as a host. I didn't appreciate him then but Get Wet is unironically one of the best albums of that decade. They seriously wasted his use.
>>4431 No need for that when you can include Blisstina. Blossom will have a black boyfriend instead
>>4423 Too optimistic. imagine all the porn that would be generated if the art was that god, IMAGINE
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>>4402 (OP) >>4423 I really really want fuck them.
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Did anyone catch the Dora the Explorer movie? I haven't seen it but I saw the trailer and truth be told the trailer made is seem pretty decent for an adaptation of the subject matter, even though it looked like an Indiana Jones rip off. Maybe it could work. >>4436 It might be a big metaphor for how child actors end up being less well adjusted because they spent their childhood working.
>>4402 (OP) The powerpuff girls are supposed to be deformed freaks. That's where the "puff" comes from, they're puffy.
>>9489 or it was a play on the term "powder puff", which is a women's makeup implement
>>4559 >Dora the Explorer movie It's kind of disturbing seeing how Collegehumor predicted it, turns out Dora was high on drugs while trying not getting lost, they only got the backpack's VA from the original cast. <Derbez The Mexican Adam Sandler. >>9488 <A dumb skit you could find in youtube is being turned into a series instead. Never found the appeal of the cartoon despite its amount of controversial topics, but I do remember the rich girl legalizing crimes, sounds familiar?
>>9544 >but I do remember the rich girl legalizing crimes, sounds familiar? in one episode Princess Morbucks takes over Townsville by bribing the mayor with turkish delight. She declares all crime legal and threatens jail time for the girls if they interfere with a now legal crime in progress the appeal, excellent social commentary like the feminist supervillain episode aside, is that 3 cute little girls fights crime and monsters with an decided excess of force. It was a loving parody of the majority of anime that the west had been exposed to at the time
>>9557 How long until that episode also gets disowned by Lauren? Just like the feminist episode, it's pretty problematic to exercise your right to self defense.
>>9558 Im pretty sure she already did.
>>4402 (OP) This is gonna be worse than the Winx Club one
>>9585 Winx club had a live action?
>>4436 >>Diablo Cody WHYTE MIDDLE AGED WAMMEN STRIKE AGAIN! At least she's not fugging dogs
>>9587 I know this is going to sound strange but it seems like there's actually fewer people of color then before. Am i going crazy? Wheres the hispanic and asian?
>>9587 Is the fat one a tranny.
>>9596 Replaced by a dyke and a land whale.
>>9598 Its funny diversity ends for latinos and asians like always.
>>9596 Also the forget the nerd of the group
>>9618 Do you really want to see her get butchered into a landwhale/dyke Count your blessings.
>>9618 i always hated teh characetr design for this show, but the shit they pulled on season 8 looks pretty bad. Also, the hell was Winx World ?
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>>9662 > hated teh characetr
>>10209 Thanks, I hate it.
>>10209 bout what I expected.
>>10209 >niggercup
>>10209 Honestly surprised they made Buttercup and not Bubbles the mutt.
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>>10209 https://archive.is/wF13U >>10225 Im surprised the read head didnt turn black
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>>10209 >Niggercup Poe's law in full effect.
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>>4414 >>Utonium will either be incompetent or suddenly a shitty parent Anon, I...
>>11521 Niggers can't even invent peanut butter & you're telling my one made 3 Superwomen?
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>>10209 You can always tell when a girl thinks (or in this case knows) she's ugly. They can't resist making stupid fucking faces at the camera instead of just smiling. >>11523 >Niggers can't even invent peanut butter & you're telling my one made 3 Superwomen? To be fair, he was probably trying to make jenkum and forgot the recipe halfway through.
>>11521 They are stuooooopid. That's stuooooooopid, and retarded. They're even bold enough to state up-front that they truly indeed race-swapped a character. But does that mean Bliss Utonium will of another race, or two shades darker than night?
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Some guy claimed to drop the pilot script over on /v/'s GG thread. Take all of it with a grain of salt, doing a search revealed these "leaks" were posted on cuckchan: <PILOT SCRIPT DETAILS All in the first ten minutes: >Mojo publically alleges that the professor is creating the villains that the girls fight to boost their popularity >Timeskip: >Buttercup is confirmed gay immediately after timeskip to them as late-teenagers (she's also cheating on her girlfriend lol) >Bubbles is a big fan of alcohol >Blossom sticks to the script Utonium sets up for them - fight crime, have certain amounts of friends, dress a certain way >and holy SHIT utonium is a scumbag >The teasers ends with: (pretty big event) >Mojo attacks them with a robot while still pointing out they are putting Townsville in danger by creating their own villains, which SEEMS to be true based on Utonium's control over their lives but not hard confirmed. They fight his robot and accidentally kill him while his son Jojo (Mojo's adoptive human son) watches via TV. A movement forms and the girls are outlawed from fighting crime, then they break up as a group. Then cut to commercial Act 1 by the way my cliffnotes arent the best way to experience the story lol so use it to get a vibe but know itll be a lot different on TV (and things might get cut/shifted around/improved/worsened) >By the way Jojo was obsessed with blossom as a kid and a teenager >Timeskip to them as adults (25 year olds), living separate lives >Buttercup is a firefighter somewhat hiding her powers >Bubbles is in Hollywood capitalizing on her fame (selling merch and walking around Hollywood) >Blossom attends an "elite's women's college collecting degrees to cocoon herself from the harsh sting of the real world". Has a boyfriend named Clive >Blossom has to return to Townsville to collect her trust fund with the gals for the 25th birthday, though she's really not fucking with it. Buttercup and Bubbles talk all the time, Blossom laments not making an effort sooner. She has a therapist she's talked about her childhood with. >Jojo (Mojo's son) is now the mayor of townsville, has a pet monkey. 2nd term looks unlikely for him. He's also "that type" [presuming he means trump ripoff] >Buttercup meets up with Bubbles, who is simultaneously filming a documentary about her career and their reunion. >Utonium is still an asshole, alerting press and encouraging the filming of their reunion >Blossom legit has PTSD about their whole childhood, when Utonium suggests monsters could be returning to the town (despite disappearing for years) she passes out. >We get a setup of what the threat is going to be - a mind controlling monster. <Act 2 >Utonium is grasping at straws for possible threats, the girls are pretty wise to his antics by now. Bubbles is surprisingly game for it for the footage and convinces Buttercup to join in. Utonium offers Blossom to just stay and catch up with him, she opts to go with the girls instead of doing that >The rowdy rough boys are introduced as the possible source of the mediocre threat Utonium mentioned >They meet up and have history - Butch is described as a hot bartender that was once engaged to Bubbles (who doesnt give a fuck but they makeout later) >They run into someone mind controlled, who gets promptly manhandled by Buttercup after he grabs her. Get kicked out the bar >They get mad at each other then notice they're near the place Utonium described as causing internet disturbances >Cut to the villains, right above the area and disturbing the internet with their lair. Jojo is working with someone who can mind control people, and wants them to control the girls to commit some crime so he can save the day. Jojo threatens the person to succeed or else yada yada <I liked the choices at first but now its settling in and im checking out so basically the rest - >Blossom confronts Utonium but he denies causing anything >Bubbles wants to show the footage of the mindcontrolled guy to Utonium, as she does Bubbles leaves and Utonium expresses regret to Blossom about being a shit dad >They all have a confrontation about the way they were raised, then awkwardly dip out >Blossom meets up with Utonium's ex Sara Bellum and they have a heart-to-heart >Blossom directly confronts Utonium but he got mind controlled and doesn'tr espond so she dips out >THey figure out its a mindcontrol type deal >Jojo shifts gears and wants to infect a bunch of people then have controlled-utonium confess >They do, then when Jojo can get the girls arrested/blamed he shifts gears again and decides he wants them to watch Utonium die >Buttercup is not even interested in helping the regular people since they kicked them out, but Bubbles and Blossom convince her >they save everybody >including utonium >town wants them to stay permanently >Jojo (who has yet to be discovered) comes by and gives them a blossom action figure he always had, he and blossom flirt despite blossom having a boyfriend (didnt come to town with her) >The girl deliberate on staying in town
[Expand Post] <END REVEALS - >Utonium reveals a secret lab and yeah he was making the threats the girls were facing >Jojo calls the monkey his dad and says they'll figure out a way to take out the girls
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>>11529 And while I'm at it, there's preview blurbs for a couple characters: >BLOSSOM UTONIUM (Chloe Bennett) Although she was a spunky, conscientious, Little-Miss-Perfect child who now holds several advanced degrees, Blossom’s repressed kiddie-superhero trauma has left her feeling anxious and reclusive, and she aims to become a leader again — this time on her own terms. >BUBBLES UTONIUM (Dove Cameron) Her sweet disposition won America’s hearts as a child, and she still sparkles as an adult, but her charming exterior belies an unexpected toughness and wit. She’s initially more interested in recapturing her fame than saving the world, but she just might surprise the world — and herself — with the extent of her heroism. >BUTTERCUP UTONIUM (Yana Perrault) She was the rebellious badass of the Powerpuff Girls in its heyday. More sensitive than her tough exterior suggests, Buttercup has spent her adulthood trying to shed her Powerpuff Girl identity and live an anonymous life — and is none too pleased when the call to action comes again. >PROFESSOR DRAKE UTONIUM (Donald Faison) Quirky, debonair and a pinch narcissistic, Professor Utonium is a scientific genius who is immensely proud of the three extraordinary girls he created in his lab. Staring down a midlife crisis, he is determined to repair his relationships with his now-adult daughters after the pressure of protecting the world originally drove them apart. >JOSEPH "JOJO" MONDEL JR. (Nicholas Podany) An insecure, power-hungry inventor obsessed with the Powerpuff Girls despite his villainous father’s grudge against them. As an adult, Jojo finds his sweetness and rage in constant battle.
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>>11521 I always thought that Utonium was half Japanese to be honest, this makes no sense, but luckily I don't care too much about it.
>>11529 >Buttercup is confirmed gay immediately after timeskip to them as late-teenagers (she's also cheating on her girlfriend lol) They'll most likely do this as it's become another taboo character trope. She'll either be a lesbian or a bisexual that only sleeps women. That's the gimmick of tomboys in modern entertainment media.
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>>11528 >They are stuooooopid. Das raciss! >hey're even bold enough to state up-front that they truly indeed race-swapped a character. Of course they are. No just bold, but smug, like usual. >But does that mean Bliss Utonium will of another race, or two shades darker than night? I don't know. Probably make her Chinese to appeal to the commie fucks. One thing I DO know, they're going to force Dove Cameron to once again have a nog love interest. >"White?! Blonde hair?! That's problematic! Do we still have the 3D model for Kong?" One thing I'm very surprised about is that the high yeller girl will be the brunette instead of the redhead. (((They))) fucking love erasing redheads, normally. I was never going to see this. I thought PPG was stupid as fuck and nothing I've seen has ever changed my mind. No one who DID love it, however, should ever pay money for this shit.
>>11529 This is clearly fake but it's funny so whatever.
>>11521 The theory of the professor willing to create artificial girls for his own personal pleasure is getting true, right? >>11540 >Buenos días, Goldman
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>>11541 You forgot the part where he impregnates them during the rape and then moves to another 'hood and repeats the cycle until he has 47 mutts who don't know what he looks like.
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Will this reboot be worse than the 2016 reboot with the twerking, self-insert waifufag and the erasure of Ms. Bellum or just as bad? >>10209 >sisters <make them all a different race It's like TMNT Rise retardation all over again. >>11518 <25+ 3DPD dressed up as PPG I prefer OP pic over this. >>11521 >>11523 >>11525 <shit father <created PPG by an accident >is nigger Don't you love it when progressivism backfires on itself? >>9587 Only Bloom' actress dressed nice and got great pose.
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>>11549 >ywn a Dove Cameron Why live?
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I would like to just point how retarded it was to make this edgy ppg show a sequel instead of a straight remake. They're clearly banking on name recognition but anyone who grew up with powerpuff girls isn't gonna appreciate retconning the professor into an abusive father or the girls growing up into has been celebreties. If they're looking for a new audience that vaguely knows about ppg and is interested in the concept of grown up child superheroes with a scoop of edge, then they've already alienated them by choosing a show with weird and odd villains.Look at my image and think about how they're introduced and how hard it'd be to describe them using nothing but exposition cause that's what they're definitely gonna do with their CW budget. Hell think about how many bizarre plots they're gonna need to explain to this newer younger audience. Going back to the concept of darker takes on genres and shows. I'd like to mention watchmen, venture brothers and ultraman nexus, and how they all have one trait that made them successful despite being a complete tonal one eighty from the genres they're all in. They're all self-contained stories, venture brothers may be a dark spoof of jonny quest but you don't need to watch it to enjoy the show. They even bring in johnny quest as a side character but he's introduced as another burnt out boy adventurer who had it worse than Rusty with no real plot relying on the audience to know specifics of his show. Watchman uses characters based on DC characters but they're their own characters with quirks and flaws in a dark setting about a failed superhero team with no real solution to a major global crisis. And lastly Ultraman nexus was made to be a dark re-imagining of the original Ultraman series and takes itself seriously with more disturbing monster design and story arcs, a radical shift from what ultraman was thought to be yet it performed well after it was put into a time slot for the adult demographic. All three of these were based on more campy and less serious shows but did well not because they were darker but because any fan or casual can enjoy them either on their own or as a send-up of the original work. Don't get me wrong these shows are all great besides the fact that they're based on other works. But the important part is that these shows stand on their own. This reboot on the other hand requires you to not only be familiar with the original but also be okay with a massive shift of tone and characterization and with massive retcons about how being heroes destroyed their childhood. This show's audience is too narrow to be successful and that's why I say this this is gonna get two seasons (with the 2nd being announced halfway through the 1st) barely a third and then afterwards be quietly cancelled. The actor for bubbles is kinda cute. the rest do nothing for me
>>11554 >Realized how much of a rambling mess my post was after I posted it My point is, this concept is stupid and it'll be swept under the rug with all the other failed CW shows after it's cancelled.
>>11554 >This show's audience is too narrow to be successful and that's why I say this this is gonna get two seasons Reminder Batwoman has 3 seasons. The Flash has 7. No matter how bad a CW show is, they keep getting greenlit for me.
>>11556 *for more
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>>11530 >jojo isn't even a monkey Pathetic. They wouldn't even need cgi for it, just use rubber faces. Pic related is a good example of what you can do with them.
>>11534 >No one who DID love it, however, should ever pay money for this shit. I won't and have never watched the 2016 reboot. If anything, I'll only support the original release. Because... >"We felt like Ms. Bellum wasn't quite indicative of the kind of messaging we wanted to be giving out at this time, so we sort of had her move on... And that was a good choice I think on our part". Then there's the weirdo who wrote himself as a character to muh feel Blossom. >>11556 Batwoman will have many more. Because, she's a black homeless lizard licker, which fights for the struggles of... something or other. If Powerpuff Girls Live can muh queer and muh feminine strong good enough, it'll will undoubtedly run as long as the flash, especially if they can pull a successful muh transgender, due to the happenings with Donny the Unicorn in the 2016 reboot.
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>>11554 >>11555 >rambling mess my post It was well-thoughtful and well-written post, anon, you could just use spaces between paragraphs. I'd love to see more quality posts like this. >Venture Bros Now that you mention, it does have dark themes, but the show is comedic in its nature, although it's a black humor. I doubt the CW show will be comedic, probably it would be serious and edgy for the most part. >>11561 They just showed the casting, so maybe he will have a costume, not that I have any hopes for this live-action show. >>11556 >>11565 >The Flash has 7 >run as long as the flash >there's still no DCAU Flash series
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>>11561 >>jojo isn't even a monkey That's okay. Professor Utonium is.
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>>11565 >which fights for the struggles of... something or other I watch Az on Heels vs. Babyface so I can watch Batwoman without actually having to watch Batwoman and because every time he reviews an episode, he acts like he's accidentally read the Necronomicon by mistake.
>>11574 > no DCAU Flash series I don't know why. He's popular enough for one to work. But if a DCAU Flash series was to be truly successful, Wally would have to be the fire-crotched prick fans know and love. Though, DC won't give the actual fans what they want. >>11707 Meh. I'm not one for fake reaction/review channels on CuckTube. They're all the same.
>>11721 >I'm not one for fake reaction/review channels on CuckTube. I'm pretty sure the show is quite literally giving him cancer.
>>11531 always thought he looked like a square chow yun fat
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>Decided to watch the movie that came out back in 2002 Jesus, I thought this reboot was ridiculous before, but now it's like someone decided to pitch the CW show as a joke or a parody, and no one at the meeting ever managed to comprehend that the guy was being sarcastic.
>>11824 Someone should do a fan edit with all the deleted scenes because the theatrical cut left out a lot of good scenes with the Professor.
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>Someone on Resetera leaked the script for that CW Powerpuff Girls pilot AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://archive.is/nL3Tp
>>13363 >Resetera Of course, the writer themselves probably posted that shit. >Repetitive usage of slang in the final image Holy shit it's not just trashy leftist propaganda, it's poorly written too.
>>13363 I got a quarter down that archive before I started to choke on my own anger.
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>>13363 Jesus Christ.
>>10209 >'three sisters' >one's a nigger They had ONE job.
>>11529 >MAN >whyut MAN >self referential shit >>13363 >the internet exists >INTERNET >clam chewing lesbianism So it's gonna be retardedly poor, laden with totally out of place unnecessary feminism and stronk when it's absolutely the wrong tone and they deliberately fucked the casting to pander to wokedom, how boring and typical of CY+7. If you ever liked anything even for a moment they'll gleefully shit all over it with a deliberately bad re-imagining, while telling you it's GREAT and you're a nazi bigot for not automatically liking it.
>>11539 >clearly fake How is it 'clearly' fake?
>>13379 There's some backlash over Muttface Buttercup and Profesor Negronioum. >They're dogwhistling that black people are retarded It's Sean Penn's retarded film all over again.
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>>13363 A post of these screenshots got deleted off twitter because of copyright. It's real. It's all real.
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PDF of the show's script.
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>>13363 This shit was in production. Not only did someone write this and say "this is good", someone edited this and said it was OK, and some exec gave it an OK. >>13384 When will companies learn not to do that?
>>13363 >Resetera Someone working on this shit production uses Retardera. What a shocking and unexpected surprise.
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>>13385 ... "PEDOWITZ?!"
>>13385 >This was just a miss You forgot a "take" at the end of that, Pedowitz.
I miss the days when the worst thing attached to this franchise was the anime, and even that wasn't that bad.
>Professor basically whores out his kids in their childhoods >One tries fighting through the trauma with extensive therapy >One decides to whore out her life >One becomes a lesbian slut What did the writers mean by this?
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>>13396 We have such sights to show you!
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>>13388 (nice) >This shit was in production. Not only did someone write this and say "this is good", someone edited this and said it was OK, and some exec gave it an OK. Sounds about right, old men and women who pretend to be hip and think they know what people like. Out of touch writer writes it out of touch editor reads it and doesn't want anyone to think he's not cool Exec who couldn't even be bothered to give a shit
>>13363 >muh politics >stating their sexuality every other sentence Why are these people like this? I'd rater watch gachimuchi with my parents.
>>13385 >>13391 Pedowitz is way too on the (((nose))).
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>>13385 >Even when you sold away our likeness to that cartoon, which by the way, totally whitewashed us You know I can take all the tasteless "adult" jokes and the "deconstruction" of the show, but this is just too much. Not only is this not a continuation of the original show, but it's own self contained universe, but the show does exist as a children's cartoon in their world, born out of the professor's greed, and then we find out that it wasn't even accurate, that it whitewashed them. We are reaching levels of deconstruction that should not even be possible.
>>13385 What even is this shit supposed to be? Shasta Mcnasty meets the Powerpuff Girls, but woke? They even have the nerve to shit on the original. Madness.
It's funny the 2016 "Reboot" gave us Bliss, and not even this shitty edgy reboot wants to use her as Tokenpuff.
>>13413 That says less about how shit the 2016 reboot is (but it is) and more about how little they know about the series that they don't even try studying up on the most recent attempt by (((their))) kind to poz PPG. Or maybe it's a ego-driven "NO I HAVE TO BE THE ONE WHO (((redefines))) THIS SERIES, ME" situation.
>>13379 Oh shit this was supposed to be a series? Hahaha what the fuck? They *might* have been able to swing a (very bad) film but a whole series of this empty trash? Well at least it fell down the shitter.
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>>13385 >that cartoon totally whitewashed us Jesus christ can they rub shit on the past a bit harder? This is EVERY female focused reboot in a nutshell (see Birdgirl). Why not just have them break into a mock Cartoon Network building and stab all the animators, who are all dressed as Trump, then wipe the blood on their cheeks? >"throttle down, boo" Writer end your life. <"But all of you are feminist icons" GR8 natural dialogue there from a cute young girl, who in reality would know nothing about feminism outside of having the words crowbarred into her mouth by a retarded wokedolt. These faggots just want to write hackneyed propaganda, there's zero talent or skill or subtlety, they wield a retarded bludgeon for a pen and think they're making something meaningful purely because they've hamfistedly shoved their agenda into something that it has next to no business being in as per fucking usual. One might well ask 'When will they learm?', I'm starting to realise they can't learn at this point, I think it's gonna be a generation before this noise gets cleaned out of the industry, hopefully it gets bled out of films and gaming too cos good fucking god the regularity that travesties are getting passed off entertainment is just fucking depressing.
>>13385 >white girl uses 'boo' Surely no-one but cringeworthy wiggers use this right?
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>>13423 >Why not just have them break into a mock Cartoon Network building and stab all the animators, who are all dressed as Trump, then wipe the blood on their cheeks? My fucking sides
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>>13420 This makes me kek for some reason, imagine wanting to completely redefine a series and considering yourself a "fan" because of the (((feminism))) the original had, when the original was just a huge piss-take of "What if little kids were superheroes lmao". Yes the reboot was godawful but I'm gonna say this call me a fag all you want but it gave us cute Bliss re-designs, which is the only saving grace, but not much of one.
This "leaked" script is just some overly elaborate shitpost, right? Right?
>>13437 Anon.. I don't know how to tell you this, but it's apparently very real.
>>13438 >>13437 They copyright struck the tweet, its practically confirmed real. >>13436 >kek >say this call me a fag all you want You're a faggot Anon and should kill yourself by jumping in front of a speeding semi truck during rush hour.
>>13436 Exactly. All modern media, regardless of the kind, cannot ever be "fun/cool/scary shit coated with undertones of bigger concepts that can go over the heads of part of the audience". Everything has to be spelled out, so everyone involved needs to be a "Character" with "Character Driven Plots" and deep themes and shit. Then you watch something made way back that had tons of gay pandering and crossdressing and minorities and political messages, but because it's not the focus of the whole fucking thing it doesn't bother anyone and it actually sticks to some people much better than the preachy "MMMH HEY KIDS REMEMBER TO NOT BE RACIST ALSO SNIP YOUR DICK AND DILATE YOUR CLIT MMKAY??"
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>>13437 Clownfish TV said the same thing. "There's NO WAY this is real!" They figured, not without some justification, that it was just a troll... ...and then the ill-advised copyright strike happened. >CFTVfw
>>13413 >Bliss eh, i think that maximilo's oc Brownie is better as a black powerpuff
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>>13391 They get jewed
>>13453 No arguments there but I'm going for the shitshow CW show using ideas from the dumpsterfire reboot.
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https://archive.vn/RqbOb Dove Cameron, the actor playing blossom for the live action PowerPuff Girls CW show comes out as bisexual and turns out to have been liberal activist on social media.
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>>13574 >Dove Cameron, the actor playing blossom for the live action PowerPuff Girls CW show comes out as bisexual <Dove Cameron, child actress for (((Disney))), comes out as bisexual because she was abused with small, circumcised penises and seeks comfort with women. Because of her traumatic rapes at the hands of (((people))) who should be dead, Cameron also believes every kike lie she has ever seen on social media. Her breasts are exquisite.
>>13574 The crazies walking around in this open-air asylum are truly entertaing on their own.
>>13574 Speaking without thinking is a feature of these women, most women if we're honest. >coming out Can't people just keep their sexuality to themselves? Is that so fucking hard? Do we need every cunt who's ever sneezed to have a press conference about who or what they want up their holes? Your sexuality is no-ones business but yours and whoever you're trying to fuck, no-one else needs to know.... unless you're a giant attention whore who wants to virtue signal that you're sooooo unique and speshul.
>>13587 >Can't people just keep their sexuality to themselves? Is that so fucking hard? Do we need every cunt who's ever sneezed to have a press conference about who or what they want up their holes? When celebrities like Rosie O'Gunt started doing it, everyone else felt the need to do it as well.
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>>13587 >Can't people just keep their sexuality to themselves? Is that so fucking hard? For people who have been the center of attention for most of their life and can't live without it? Absolutely.
>>13591 As if anyone needed telling she was a huge dyke, that was less a 'coming out' and more a confirmation of the blindingly obvious.
Now that its dead, i wonder how terrible the pilot truly was.
>>34309 >i wonder how terrible the pilot truly was Just going by that picture alone I'm going to guess astoundingly, horrifically awful. There's really no way to do PPG live action and make it work unless you began with something like PPGZ as a base concept and made it a Super Sentai. But even that said even if they went with an Alvin & The Chipmunks style disaster with 3 CGI tots with big Alita eyes it would have still been better than what ever was going on in that image.
>>34309 Absolutely terrible, if people here can't come up with stuff to make PPG live action, imagine the average Hollywood writer/executive.
>>34309 YES!
>>34312 I think you could make PPG live action and make it work. Have it star actual six year olds (or slightly older kids playing six year olds). They need to actually be tiny. The bit is that they are so tiny and cute that you wouldn't expect them to be superheroes, so you can't have them be older, because that's done commonly. I can't think of any live action things with superheroes under ten years old that are actually treated like superheroes and do action stuff. Play up the cuteness factor, but still make it an action movie. It needs to be a movie because there needs to be action where they fight supervillains and kaiju. A TV show doesn't have the budget for that, and a CW TV show especially doesn't have the budget for that. Mojo Jojo needs to be a CGI Planet of the Apes Andy Serkis thing. If you wanna save money, there are characters that wouldn't need that, like Princess Morebucks, just an evil Powerpuff Girl, but many of the villains people would want to see most would require more special effects than her.
>>34314 PPG don't act like 6 year olds though That's part of the joke, and what inspired stuff like Happy Tree Friends
>>34321 They'll act like whatever you want them to act like. They're actors. You write a script and direct them on how to perform it. Maybe you can age them up to like 9 or something, just because it might be easier to find better actors that can pass for that age, but I wouldn't make them much older than that or it begins to miss the point.

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