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Source Filmmaker (SFM) Thread Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 20:43:01 Id: 2c5a98 No. 184 >>7627 >>9351 >>14500
Post renders of SFM/Blender girls from your favorite games. Preferably Hi-Res JPEG, PNG, Webm, MP4, etc. If generous, share models and tips too. No realistic OC models. Boards have been taken down for this. The only OC allowed are custom Sims/Skyrim, etc or repurposed established characters. DO NOT POST THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS: >Sherry Birkin (Resident Evil 2: Remake) >Natalia Korda (Resident Evil: Revelations 2) >Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human) >Emma Phillips (Detroit: Become Human) Posting them will result in a post deletion and a possible ban. Any concerns/complaints should be taken up in >>>/site/ Resource Croix3D Leftovers - https://mega.nz/#F!4JJi1L6J!l12lCN8ZlsaF2D727ny5Ug >Clementine - Walking Dead Season 1 & 2 >Rachel - Wold Among Us >Little Sister - BioShock >Sarah Miller - "The Last of US" >Sunny - Metal Gear Solid 4 Online 3D Convertor - https://3d-convert.com/en/ Known Artist/Animators SelfDrillingSMS / Drills3Dhttps://twitter.com/Drills3Dhttps://www.patreon.com/m/Drills3D Lesdias-NSFW / SPICYdiashttps://twitter.com/spicydiashttps://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=15079627https://baraag.net/@lesdias KDE - Kawaii Detective Enthusiasthttps://twitter.com/KDEsfmhttp://www.kawaiidetective.com/https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/22083497https://gumroad.com/kawaiidetective Xenthohttps://twitter.com/xenthosfmhttps://www.pixiv.net/en/users/24837908https://pawoo.net/@xentho Zixhhttps://twitter.com/zixh10https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2880720https://pawoo.net/@zixaphir
[Expand Post]IncredibleChrishttps://www.pixiv.net/en/users/27147509https://twitter.com/IncredibleChriz Venom Saucehttps://twitter.com/Venom_Saucehttps://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14468105 Sfmlottiehttps://twitter.com/sfmlottiehttps://www.pixiv.net/en/users/44811311 Uncaged - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/60262271 superweb - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/46101559 SourceryFM - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32977093 Ozzy3D - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/16466729 irispoplar - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/25423811 JollyLolly - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/28216148 Firefly - https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3841474
Edited last time by Lincoln on 06/04/2021 (Fri) 02:14:01.
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If anyone is able to rip the models from Rule of Rose, I will love you til the end of time.
(9.14 MB 640x360 sarah_christmas.webm)

Has there been any final release from SDSMS on that new Clementine animation? I've been fucking dying for that to drop already
>>403 It has dropped. It goes for about 30 minutes, but the posted one on rule34hentai only has the sex scene.
>>412 Where can I find the whole thing?
bump to the top.
>>511 Based, you have my thanks!
(2.47 MB 1920x1080 Loli_76.webm)

(6.71 MB 1920x1080 Mariana Garcia SFM_1.webm)

That simple animation in the OP is one of my all time favorites as far as SFM goes. Here it is with no watermark.
(10.53 MB 1280x720 Overwatch Loli_4.webm)

(7.76 MB 1280x720 Overwatch Loli_5.webm)

(7.09 MB 1920x1080 Overwatch Loli_6.webm)

>>854 >dat facemask Good to know she's a stickler for social distancing.
Mates, do any of you have that Olivia Mann Nude model anywhere?
(8.39 MB 1280x720 RedInnocentEgret.webm)

This is a long shot, but does anyone remember a really old comic that had Clementine and some other girl as barbarians for hire in a fantasy world?
>>1950 Are you talking about the "Vault Girls" series? A series of shorts made in sfm with different loli and granny videogame models. I can't remember who made them but I'm pretty sure they put their signature in the beginning or end.
(2.29 MB 1789x1012 82103958_p0.png)

>>2073 Doesn't work.
(15.25 MB 1280x720 3699325 - animated.webm)

>>2300 One thing I'll never understand is how 3D artist suck at ankle physics. (Ref. Xion)
>>2324 well, it is not easy work with the bones...
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Here's a few more SFM artists out there to seek out. I'm sure I'm missing a lot of the newer ones. Feel free to shout out any i need to add.
>>2588 Densosard has some fun stuff, though be warned he's very much into scat/urination.
so guys I am fond of 3D stills like >>2599 but I love silent 3D like these: >>2489 >>2672 and i also SUPER love AUDIO 3D like the middle one of >>2668 or both at >>2600 why do we bunch all these together in a thread and make it hard to easily look for a particular grouping? we should have: SFM stills SFM silent vids SFM audio vids That's 3 threads
>>2716 To split them makes one large, thriving thread into 3 sparse, scattered ones. No thank you, friend.
Walkthrough of Sherry from RE2 Remake in her sexy ass nude mod.
(13.69 MB 638x360 Cspart2-1.mp4)

>>2756 Can anyone put up a full walkthrough with full nude mods? Would like to see it done by someone since we haven't seen a walkthrough with nude mods >>2757 I don't like the models on these mods. Should sick with the original look
any sim related animation? i havent seen anything anywhere
>>240 The world needs more FF7r loli models.
>>2756 Sweet. It's a shame you only play as Sherry for a small segment of the game though. I want a mod where you can play as Sherry through the whole game. Probably the animations just don't exist for firing weapons or reacting to zombie bites or whatever.
>>3009 >>3010 Hey VHSEPHI, you wouldn't happen to have videos of Sherry in her Nude Mods from the game like from the old thread?
>>2997 https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil22019/mods/342?tab=description Changes player model to Sherry. Make sure weapon animations are set to Ada or Claire and change height offset. It's compatible with the nude mod.
>>3104 Can you post a video of it on here please? So we can see?
>>3126 Thank! It look good! If you can, would love to see an full video with two Nude Sherry in it, like Sherry carrying Sherry to Umbrella Lab or Sherry and Sherry escaping Umbrella Lab. Please, if you can?
(1.88 MB 480x480 254097abe8d4470b.mp4)

Its a project from SelfDrillingSMS with RE2 Claire and Sherry
For those that can be interest finally the young Ciri model was release DOWNLOAD: https://www15.zippyshare.com/v/xEMgVqWB/file.html PASSWORD: passwd_sfm_#456 www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/82785446
>>3608 Is the third one modded skyrim?
>>3611 no, is Namine from Kingdom Hearts
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Animation of Clementine with Sarah by Mybash https://files.catbox.moe/eive2s.webm
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Is it true that Lesdias makes/obtains and hordes his models unless he likes your animations?
>>4715 Even assuming it was true, does it change anything?
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>>2672 Anymore of Alice or Zenu content?
>>6492 I managed to find the artists of the last two webms but not the first. Any source?
>>6589 I got it from rule34hentai, you need an account to see 3d loli though. https://rule34hentai.net/post/view/392936
>>6589 Its Zenu, if anyone has more of them
>>6597 I should have mentioned that I had already got the artists in the file names, still, thanks. Does he have a website?
>>6608 Not sure but zenu content is amazing.love the size difference
>>4732 It changes that there's a version of Sherry's cunny anon and I don't have. If that was true, that is
>>6592 https://rule34hentai.net/post/list/Zenu/1 I've been looking for some of these animations for ages, thanks
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>>7265 Man, makes me wish there was a Snatcher model.
God I've missed it here
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>>7515 I fucking love Natalia content
>>7528 That's fucking fantastic, thank you
>>856 Is that funnybizness? Looks a bit like his stuff here https://lolibooru.moe/post?tags=funnybizness Either way it's good shit, thanks for sharing
(6.66 MB 1920x1080 btjpsq.mp4)

>>184 (OP) >SelfDrillingSMS >This user account has been suspended. Well that sucks. Was this disciplinary by the site or did he have his account removed; a few comments I've read suggests it's the latter. In either case, could we get an archive of his work here?
Does anyone else remember a really nice one with Corvo from Dishonored?
>>7675 That's the one! Thank you! Been looking for it since the og 8chan got nuked.
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>>7627 He had a MEGA archive (IIRC, check rule34hentai) but that's been removed because MEGA is shit. Thankfully, I'm fairly certain all his content has been uploaded elsewhere.
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(2.06 MB 1920x1080 Wanna Have Some Fun 1d.png)

(1.10 MB 900x1080 Does It Suit Me.png)

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(1.90 MB 2000x1080 A Fresh Load.png)

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anybody know where VR content might be had? the seems to be few people making it particularly gwen!

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>>9336 god damn I wish he'd go back to having Scylla fuck humans
>>184 (OP) here are some sfm source filmmaker models, malon, saria, if anyone wants them. with others like fado. https://mega.nz/folder/Q9dzXYSa#Cc6B7BpbYyAbxiYAHs4AwQ
Does anyone know any creators who do VR videos?
>>9650 This doesn't belong on the board, retard.
Anything with the young Lara from Shadows of the Tomb Raider?
>>9891 goddamn thats hot, specially the second one
>>9891 I love these two a lot, I really wish the second one had sound
(15.21 MB 1920x1080 3wayWM.mp4)

god fucking bless this board
(18.84 MB 1920x1080 FinalWM.mp4)

Anyone have the eevee pokekid model? It got deleted from steam
Anybody know how to make full nude models? Like, I got some models I wanted but I don’t want to just staple genitals onto them. I want to know how to make it look more natural.
>>10635 Most people use daz and headhack as far as I know.
>>10819 that was hilarious
(2.25 MB 1080x1920 032.png)

I know here is just to post SFM, but could someone port this Lilo to SFM? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87237131
>>10923 Do you plan on using it for animation? Just curious why people port things to SFM when using Blender gives you more freedom and is of higher quality.
>>11088 Yes, is for animation. I don't now how to use blender.
>>11090 Well worth the time to learn it. Looks better overall and has way more flexibility
For anyone looking to convert 3D model files from one to another, here's an online convertor. https://3d-convert.com/en/
>>11144 Can they convert a contemporary Blender model into a legacy Blender model without messing with the polygon?
(19.65 MB 1920x1080 EK Aerith Dog.webm)

Has anyone matched or beaten SDSMS in terms of quality and production value yet?
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>>11887 >check out this dude's KP page >retard says mega nuked his stuff and he didn't keep any backups ffs
>>11917 What a fucking shame too, I actually like this animation and was hoping there was more.
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Anyone have this model?https://baraag.net/@MB/103820157290663960 . Or any more of mag mallows models?
>>12046 I think I saw it on pixiv I'll check Maybe not the same one but there is this: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78338077
Anyone knows if there us a rip of that weird child Aloy model from Horizon? Looks like it existed, but was removed or something Also, what are other loli characters who hasn't been lewded yet?
>>12053 >>12058 Thanks a bunch!
>>12062 God I fucking love Gwen content so much
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>>12152 You're welcome anon but now you owe me a picture of Efi sucking some balls. Its only fair!
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Well, looks like Chloe Park arrive to SFM
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Anyone subscribed to SFMlottie can post his stuff here? Why can't that nigger be like a regular sfm bro and just post his stuff regularly to the public cunnyman
Is there a 3d sfm compendium of loli stuff?
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>>12316 >make me a mommy
(4.48 MB 1920x1080 FF74W Pt1 Final WM.webm)

>>11937 >>12487 Excellent stuff
>>12307 We need more THIS! And a part 2. And one where Sherry and Claire are fucking echother.
>>12552 >We can dream that one day we'll get the version of selfdrillingsms' parked animation with loli sherry rather than the old version that we ended up with. This, but i also wish SDSMS would also release a version on "Until Gathered" with the full sex scenes instead of that botched shit he made to fit the music. It's like he thought about the music more than the video itself, which is a shame, as some scenes looked nice, like Sarah eating pussy while getting fucked or the other girl eating sarah's pussy while being banged from behind.
lolibooru just banned 3dcg loli
>>12712 What the fuck why?
>>12712 >>12713 https://lolibooru.moe/forum/show/4329 The ban only applies to NEW submissions of photorealistic 3DCG images, which means that 3DCG content with a clear anime/cartoon style still is allowed. The mayor drawback of the ban is that porn of Sarah, Alice from Detroit: Become Human and that girl from Resident Evil is no longer allowed there since it is considered as photorealistic.
>>12714 There's no such thing as "photorealistic" porn. It's a logical paradox. Either you can tell it's not real, in which case it's NOT REAL and shouldn't be deleted, or you can't and it'll get deleted because it looks like actual CP. But that's something that still doesn't even exist; the software technology for actual photorealism isn't in the hands of anons making loli.
its just more arbitrary bullshit, we'll have to find another site. start uploading to atfbooru, they're still uncucked for the time being.
>>12716 I mean I've had outstanding luck on Sankaku
>>12717 sankaku is fine for watching i guess, lolibooru and atfbooru are more scrapper-friendly but dont have the amount of content.
>>12718 I dunno I'm able to add to my own archive out of Sankaku without any issues, it's just on an individual basis, one file at a time. Idk if the booru's have a more en masse-friendly option.
What's the url for sankaku?
>>12716 They ban the one RE girl at least, Natalia, because she looks "too much like the actress she's based on" which means any of the lolis whose model is based on an actress are a grey area.
>>12922 Always appreciated more Joel & Sarah stuff
Any good place for photorealistic stuff?
>>13035 Not here, mate. Any sort of photorealistic content will be removed.
>>13043 I hate this as a thing. Anywhere. The whole point of art is to produce the illusion of reality, without actually being real. Photorealistic art is one of the pinnacles of creation, yet it's banned in this one regard (not just here) brcause the dyke faggot fedbots give false positives and then the queer as shitbags have to do actual work and manually confirm whether or not the bot got a positive hit or not. Fucking asswipes need to just stop it, and let people make art.
>>13043 You can't post sites' names that have that content? Can you at least post sites' that can link to their sites that offer the content? It's just that I'm currently away from the flash drive that has tails and need to scratch the itch somehow, but don't know any site that offers that.
>>13035 There's no such thing. We don't have the technology for it. Even the closest things I've ever seen was only a doubletake, and upon actually looking at it was obviously a render.
>>12987 The recent influx of Gwen content is out fucking standing, thanks for posting Sephi
>>13050 I've seen a few questionable ones (on another loli/shota site that allows 3D of any level of "realism") that have appeared ambiguous through not being HD. They had filters on them to make them appear like aged photos that had been scanned and then lost quality through compression. There was still something "off" about some of the textures though, that gave it away. Much like modern video games, they can only create a "perfect" photorealism, where everything is too smooth and clean and devoid of random noise. The skin is too flawless, the hair lays too neatly, the environment looks too regular. Hair, I believe, is the best thing to look at because on fakes it's always obviously doll-like. Think about the processing needed to realistically render a single strand of hair in all its physics, so it moves exactly as real life, flexing and bending and twisting like a tiny snake. Then multiply that by 100,000. The technology barely exists that can render that number of hairs AT ALL, much less actually make them move according to real physics.
Not long ago I saw a webm that was taken from the sims that was about a lg getting drilled from being while she supported herself on a toilet. If anyone has it, could you post it? Sorry for not contributing, i just don't have content. >>13102 I didn't mean almost perfectly realistic, but thanks for the explanation. I meant it in the sense of where can I get the most realistic stuff.
(879.99 KB 964x802 sims4.webm)

>>13105 This one?
>>13107 Yup, very much appreciated.
>>13213 There's no good nude model of her. If there is, link it and at least I'll use her.
(288.67 KB 1603x899 86999482_p0.jpg)

I need the Full version, does anyone has it?
This one seems to be very good to. Has somebody the full version of it?
(3.33 MB 1920x816 58edd65fe214f8be.mp4)

You're incredible, thank you Friend. ^.^ If someone has that other one then this would be a very good day for me.
>>13227 Should be on the dude's kemono.party page once the site comes back up.
>>13236 which dude?
>>13240 The dude with the power.
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>>13247 What power?
>>13314 are those made in Virt-a-mate
>>13236 Man, the older MEGA links don't work anymore cause they apperantly got banned. I really wanted to see that Meenu girl one
>>13326 The EroKord ones are Blender. I don't know about the Skoid ones.
>>13319 The power of voodoo.
>>13707 Yes but who's kp did you post?
>>13718 >>13753 Posts removed for off-topic (Jill Valentine isn't remotely a loli). Consider reuploading the files on >>>/h/.
>>1951 It was made by unidentifiedSFM
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Due to an order from >>>/site/2439, files portraying Sherry Birkin's model from Resident Evil 2: Remake had to be deleted because a real child was used to create the model, violating the PROTECT Act of 2003. Additionally, pornographic images featuring the specified iteration of the character are now banned not only on /delicious/, but on the entire site as well. For the sake of transparency, and because Lynxchan doesn't seem to register file deletions in the logs, I'm listing the posts that were affected by this order and had at least one file deleted: >>1449 >>2533 >>2599 >>2672 >>2756 >>2771 >>3009 >>3010 >>3032 >>3126 >>3319 >>3607 >>3645 >>4702 (3935) >>7060 >>7173 >>7610 >>7617 >>7685 >>7736 >>7737 >>8427 >>8531 >>9109 >>9114 >>9283 >>9311 >>9312 >>9314 >>9366 >>9596 >>10066 (281) >>10077 (7881) >>10086 >>11745 >>11911 >>12062 >>12307 >>12308 >>12532 >>12552 >>12705 >>12707 >>12920 >>13013 >>13104 >>13210 >>13461 Apologies in advance for any inconvenient cause and for any file that was erroneously deleted. Have a nice day.
>>13776 Add Natalia Korda, Alice Williams and Emma Phillips to that list.
>>13778 So tiresome... Done.
>>13776 Pretty much every western 3d loli and most of the realistic eastern 3d lolis are started with real people... Ellie and Sarah were based on real people as well, though they did alter Ellie some more after the fact due to legal threats for using Ellen Page as their basis. And of course all the HP girls. Basically unless it's a literal cartoon style it's likely based on a real person. Is that really how the law works? I thought it required photorealism(indistinguishable), or for it to "be the person" So an Emma Watson video would be illegal, but a Hermione Granger one would be legal? I get if you wanna be more safe than sorry.
>>13776 Just to be clear, 2D sherry is still fine yes?
>>13784 I guess so. I don't know a lot about American laws, but they should be unrealistic enough to pass. Again, apologies for the sudden purge. Lots of things have been happening on the site and I had to act to prevent a bigger damage to the board.
>>13785 >>13314 and when the law mean "realistic 3D" it means to this, no a character of a videogame If is based on real people is okay since is not look realisty
Hear that? That's the death knell of 8chan.moe. Fun while it lasted, faggots. See you in the funny papers.
>>13789 Don't fucking jinx it...
>>13790 He's just trying to stir everyone up. Don't give him the (You)s he craves.
>>13328 does erokord have a tag in sankaku? i can't seem to find it. i tried both erokord (obviously) and his baraag handle "Jorudi", but no luck.
>>13790 jinx what? they're cucking out like always. isn't it coincidental that lolibooru b& 3dcg at roughly the same time? all that talk about standing up and defending this and that was all bollocks. he'll slowly chip away into the content and then we'll go the way every board has gone before, until someone makes it decentralized and anonymous. this is the truth, its not blackpilling and its not a jinx, you superstitious tard.
>>13795 I don't disagree with you I just wish it didn't have to turn out that way. Fucking sucks.
3DCG has been rather dicey the past several years. It doesn't help that the law is so vague.
>>13778 > Alice Williams Fuck, and I JUST grew an appreciation for that character, too.
>>13794 He doesn't post under Jorudi on baraag anymore I don't think. He switched over to erokord there. that's where his up to date work is. I don't think anyone posts his stuff to Sankaku. I've seen a bit on rule34hentai, but I think only a few he uploaded himself... lemme grab the link https://baraag.net/@EroKord he had a fanbox mega archive, but he just took down all the links because a bunch of people got sjw reported from kemono party. I think he said he was working on an alternative.
>>13806 Fucking same, what a let down. Goddamnit.
>>13814 surprisingly informative, thanks anon.
>>13907 Holy fuck, wish those Sarah ones were animated
>>13908 Does Heisenweimer have a site like baraag or is his stuff only on rule34hentai?
>>13920 Yeah, the faggots complaining about /hebe/ are the ones to blame for the change in rules regarding 3DCG and the deletion of porn of Sherry. They used the porn as an argument to get /hebe/ deleted, but it only fucked with /delicious/ because it was here where these 3DCG videos were first posted.
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Hey anon I'm a upcoming sfm porn artist and I'm looking for loli models to use like RE:2 the last of us and other if you guy can give a link to a website that has those model or a mega. nz link or anything else thank for the help
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>>13924 Fuck you nigger faggot I'm not no glowy I just want loli models you fucking bitch last time I try to act nice you fucking cunt
>No more pictures from the computer based on real lgs >No more imagining things to draw that you only have the ideas for from seeing real lgs at any point in your life >No more thinking of lgs, if you think of one that's as bad as being Hitler >We're all happy and at peace thank god for rules mfw https://youtu.be/4xxRE6OOdpE
>>13925 I downloaded a mega from ages ago that has all the typical lolis in it, but it includes the ones that this site is too cucked to host so they'd just have to delete my post for even linking to them. You're better off asking almost anywhere else, even 4chan.
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The Sherry actress doesn't really look a lot like the ingame model but whatever, you could still claim she was referenced from the real actress Does that rule still apply when the face model and textures have been modified by a third party and tacked on to a completely new made up nude model? Like these DrSlumpX models, there's like three degrees of separation there What about Emma and Alice from detroit become human, they're supposed to be based on the same girl but as you can see here they have completely different face textures and their facial features have been completely modified, I don't understand how you could claim they're supposed to represent the real person and not the fictional characters and again their bodies were completely imagined and made digitally and supposed to represent the fictional character as nude, not a real person
>>13949 100% true. by the time we get to the models, all the textures were likely redone and touched up, the heads are worked on by the modelers both the pros and the amateurs for artistic and technical purposes, and the bodies are all likely daz mod headhacks, or modelled from scratch. I guarantee none of the spicy models we use were taken from 3D scans of naked real girls.
>>13934 If you don't like it, make your own website with your own rules.
>>13935 Ok thanks >this site is too cucked to host so they'd just have to delete my post for even linking to them Can you post the link through a external download link but thanks anon for the help
>>13961 >I guarantee none of the spicy models we use were taken from 3D scans of naked real girls. You can't know that, and with photogammetry getting better and more approachable to amateurs your statement just becomes less and less likely over time.
>>13968 So true. I'm surprised there are not a plethora of deepfakes with young faces. I'm glad there's not, because that would be awful. So so so, so so terrible. So like I said. I'm glad it hasn't been an issue on a large scale. Yup. So happy. Yay.
>>13968 Capcom and Naughty Dog are not 3D scanning naked children. Which is the majority of the 3D lolis most of us use. The models /we/ use, are 90+% Daz headhacks, <10% scratch modeled. And although photogrammetry is indeed getting better and easier to use, it still looks like shit, and needs an intense amount of cleanup and retopo to the point that for any level of quality you're pretty much using the scan as a base, and completely remodeling over it to get it ready for animation. I look through some of the model sites where you can get free stuff. most of the photogrammetry has big obtrusive holes in it, with fairly low definition modelling and pixelated textures. But you bring up a potential issue. In the future as phone cameras and photogrammetry software improves, anyone could headhack a young toonish character on to a cleaned up photogrammetry scan of a real child. Which would be even more of a gray area than the daz headhacks currently under fire, where only the likeness of the person's head and neck is even close.
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>>13776 Can we post LINKS then?
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Anyone have the source or link to the full loli tentacle "All The Way Trough"? I couldn't find the title ether..
>>14156 Can't imagine why not since it isn't being posted here directly.
>>14156 >>14164 Can we get a clarification from the fags on this one?
>>14199 unless some faggot with a stick up his ass is lurking here, I don't see why you wouldn't even post all that supposedly illegal stuff. Nobody would care, proven by the fact that similar rulebreaking stuff wasn't removed even after volunteers were told about it.
>>14214 The fact they instituted these new rules despite the fact they are all heavily modified touched up faces, with daz bodies means there is one of those faggots. Which is why I'll be waiting for clarification from an actual mods=fags and not some backseat cool person.
>>14214 Yeah the decision to ban certain characters from being posted is like a 1:1 to jim banning loli, its clearly a non-issue with the sheer number of sites hosting it and facing no repercussions over it. It was like when blizzard was trying to sue all the people making overwatch SFM for violating their copyright, yeah technically using their models for your animations and profiting off them is illegal but its more trouble than its worth to police. All of these porn sites are still hosting tons of overwatch porn and blizzard just gave up trying to stop them. When it comes to this theres even less incentive because its not someone trying to protect their IP, it would have to be the government cracking down on it and I just can't see that precedent ever being set unless the laws change drastically.
Would anyone be able to post or link to vgerotica's loli/shota content?
>>14337 >descartes >no video game characters >looks photorealistic Yeah, posting his work will get you a ban.
>>14368 >even just a simple request to go a less cucked site to look for the content gets your post deleted wew lad
>>14376 >less cucked site >Top banner reads: >2021/01/26: Important: photorealistic 3dcg is now banned content.
>>14377 For probably many years, this is objectively 100% positive because "photorealistic" 3DCG is so obnoxiously ugly and poorly made that it literally only has a fanbase of autistic Chris-Chan tier adults and 13-year-old pubescent boys that have no sense of quality Censorship is bad, yeah, but at least everyone benefits for a good while this time. Literally nobody loses
This new rule is dumb, so lets shoot ourselves further in the foot until the mods realize how dumb this is. https://k32.kn3.net/taringa/A/9/D/7/8/E/Joe_2/B33.jpg Everyone's favorite game loli (until Pragmata comes out, and she's likely modeled off a real person as well) was based on the actress, like all the characters in that series had actor based, or model based characters. Practically every new non hyper toon, non-anime loli character is originally based off a face model. Like the guy above said, these models are edited and re-textured before they make it into the game for stylization, and are often edited and re-textured again, as well as head hacked onto a daz body when someone makes a lewd model version. There's a thread dedicated to UAB which is all real life girls stylized save for I think the nerdy one which was I think based on James Rolfe?
>>14381 If you make them add Sarah to the fucking blacklist I'm going to hunt you down and fuck your dad, stop poking the bear, retard.
>>14381 Why bring this up here instead of on /site/, where something can be done about it? /delicious/ can't do anything. If you argue about more things fitting the conditions to be removed, they can't say "you're right, this is dumb, let's stop removing things altogether" Take it up >>>/site/ where the people who made the decision can see your points and change their mind. Politely. Now, setting that part of the conversation aside, and just judging your point directly, I believe they distinguish between inspired by an actress and mocapped by one. Which, my off-the-top-of-my-head counter-point is that none of the poses or animation people make were mocapped. The animations in the source material might be mocapped, but the actress did not in fact get on all fours and rock back fourth like she's being pounded doggy style. That didn't happen. No mocap used in making porn (probably)
>>14381 If you don't like it, make your own website with your own rules.
>>14385 That's not a very good argument.
>>14381 for fuck's sake man
>>14384 Seconding this. Complaints and suggestions about the new global rules need to be post on >>>/site/, otherwise the admins won't see them. Please make a thread (or post in an existing one) about the new global rule and post all of your arguments in favor or against it.
>>14385 Will the series 8chan iterations each as cucked as the last ever come to an end? Will we ever get someone actually willing to run an 8chan as 8chan and not just take advantage of its name while doing nothing that gave its name so much weight to begin with?
>>14391 Do it yourself. Be the change you want to see in the world.
>>14392 Not everyone has so little going on in their life that they can just pivot into a totally new direction and learn a completely new skillset and dedicate all their time to it. There are people who are already in the position to do it but won't, like the ones who hosted this site. Do you not think it would be easier to convince them to run it properly then it is to convince me to burn my life to the ground and start over?
>>14393 If someone like you who wants it won't bother doing it himself, what makes you think that someone who doesn't want it will do it for you?
>>14394 Because its impossible based on its popularity that I'm the only one who wants it and of all those people that want it theres bound to be someone with the right skillset and in the right situation to make it happen. It took years of 4chan going to shit before the right person and the right set of circumstances lead to 8chans rise to popularity and it may be years until it happens again. Why do you think its appropriate to ask me to tear down everything I've built up over my entire life and start over from scratch in order to become someone like moot or hotwheels?
>>14395 So you have an idea. And you believe it's a damn good idea but >The people who want it to become a reality can't do it. >The people who can make it a reality don't want to do it. >The people who have made it a reality in the past regret doing it. >Even you don't believe it's worth your time to make it a reality yourself. These are signs that your idea is not as good as you believe it is.
>>14396 >The people who want it to become a reality can't do it. Wrong. >The people who can make it a reality don't want to do it. Wrong. >The people who have made it a reality in the past regret doing it. Wrong. >Even you don't believe it's worth your time to make it a reality yourself. Wrong. Making all those baseless assumptions in the face of one person whos career path isn't the right fit for the job you're demanding they take is retarded.
>>14397 If I were wrong we wouldn't be having this conversation because the 8chan you long for would still exist.
>>14398 >because it doesn't exist now there is no possibility it will ever exist I watched 4chan get shittier and shittier year after year with no end in sight before 8chan came along and if I have to suffer through years of dealing with these pathetic bunker altchans with next to no activity until the right person makes the platform they can all congregate on then so be it. Does it frustrate me to no end that theres people wasting their talents and efforts creating sites and even naming them 8chan but refuse to do what it takes to actually be 8chan? Yes. Does that mean its impossible for a site like 8chan to exist in the future? No.
>>14390 Ok since no one else wanted to I went and replied to the latest meta update asking for clarification on fictional characters based on actresses or models. It says no real kids. Emma is real, but Hermione isn't. The actress for Sarah is real but Sarah isn't. Same for all the lolis in the OP. That's the argument I made as well as the modelling/retexturing argument. We'll see.
>>14384 I think the only mocapped animation I've seen was Drill's Clem one, which was "adult Clem" and was mocapped by adults. I know I don't mocap my animations, and if I did, it'd be me pretending to fuck and pretending to get fucked.
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I'm sorry to say I've just been informed by the higher up that Sarah is now blacklisted. Every Sarah pic will be deleted in a few hours. So you better start collecting every image or video of her now. jk, but seriously, a lot of the conversation really belongs in >>>/site/ ...but I will say this just for clarity, models based off irl people does not equal a direct scan of the person. They're are just means of inspiration. Second, the mocap argument is nonsensical since none of the porn animators are actually using anyone of the mocap data from the game to make any of their sfm/blender clips.
>>14403 What does that clarify exactly? Its not as if you have any choice in this.
>>14403 none of the scans in any of these games, of any of these characters, are used as is. photogrammetry isn't that good, and any photogrammetry model had no ability for animation because it's a one piece model. 3d artists use the scans as a base, and modify/create models to fit the games styles, and for ease of use in animation; and texture artists create texture maps that can be properly rendered in 3d programs including alphas, normals, ambient occlusion, etc. It's not photogrammetry. If being based off a real person isn't against the rules, none of these characters should be against the rules. If that's the case, who exactly banned these models? The admin of the site under a misconception of how these game models were made, or you based on a misconception of how the model was made?
>>14403 and I have brought up that argument in /site/ in different terms. I don't see where they specifically banned certain models, only the rule that 3dcg based on real children is banned. and all these characters are fictional, but their designs are based on the model/actress. So I'm looking for clarification. What argument needs to be made? That it's not photogrammetry? That artists edit the models and textures for game use, and nsfw artists modify DAZ bodies for nude versions? I feel like all of these should prove this isn't photogrammetry of a real naked kid.
Well, since the thread is at 500+ post I guess it can be used up to finish the topic at hand. >>14404 By clarify, I meant my personal stance on the subject. I've been asked dozen times in emails about it so I figure I let that out there. Yes, I have no power over this but If I did, I would have told everyone that threw us in the mix to go fuck themselves.
>>14407 >everyone that threw us in the mix And who would that be?
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>>14483 he said everyone
>>184 (OP) A long time ago i've seen a sfm of clementine fucking sarah, but sense them it was banned/deleted from everywhere. does someone have it?
>>14500 You're talking about "of bets and debts" that selfdrillingsms made, right? The low quality version is still on rule34hentai, you just need to log in to see loli content there. I'll just repost it here and save you the trouble since that site has ads out the ass.
>>14501 None, it was one where sarah was tied to a chair
>>14501 Just for example of how much censorship there is on this video, i can't even find the thumbnail on any search engine.
>>14502 You mean the futa one?
>>14505 Its on rule34hentai too, all it took was searching "sarah clementine animated". Search engines are really not the way to go about looking for this kind of thing.
>>14506 thanks bro
>>14233 Yes, thank you ^_^
>>14571 good shit, hoss
>>14572 Violet looks fucking creepy there never leave the eyelids fully open like that, it looks unatural
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>>14585 Could anyone post all of VGerotica's loli/shota work?
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>>14506 Would've loved this if Sarah had no dick
>>14665 Whenever I see a "good" futa animation, I wish they'd just render it twice, once with a strap-on. I'm always down for strap-on lesbian animations, but I'm not a futa fan.
Animation of Sherry Birkin: https://uploadir.com/u/xfglcfoi
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Where I can see all the Mantis-X's videos about Etna Disgaea? I'm looking for pic related
>>14487 >Clementine - Walking Dead Season 1 & 2
>>14845 God fucking bless you Sephi.
So, I don't remember if I was asking about this before, but I'd like to know if there's anyone here who could hook me up/point me to the hot models here: specifically Gwen Tennyson, Violet Parr, Young Elsa (though I'll also take Young Anna if that's on the table), and Hat Kid. I can easily just find/use some base model for the faceless anon men/boys though and I feel like tracking down the AC dogs wouldn't be a hassle either. I really don't want to come across as too demanding or entitled or anything, though, and I might actually still have the Gwen and Violet models somewhere.
Unrelated: is there a tutorial somewhere for making sex animations in SFM like this? I'm still just a beginner but I'm happy to learn how to do it myself and avoid commissioning people for 10 second loops.
>>14858 Kawaii Detective Enthusiast Has a great tutorial for SFM and Blender. Honestly, I feel like SFM might have a few more lolis, but Blender has plenty as well, and is the better program to learn imo.
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Normally I wouldn't upload an unfinished WIP here, but I'm trying to gauge the 3D loli community. The glare. I like it, but I think it might be a little too much. Should I leave it as is, tone it down, or just drop it altogether(or use some other form of glare?) WIP Video: https://files.catbox.moe/2a929k.mp4
>>14873 I think it would make more sense if you had a video camera overlay with battery life and a red dot with REC and all that if you're going to include things like lens flares. Either way though it is a little overkill and I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure the only thing that would cause lens flares to move like that is having either the light source or the camera moving not the character unless they're obstructing a light source.
>>14857 is not more easy ask to the one that made the models? 4erenik made Elsa, and i remember Gwen Tennyson and Violet were made too
Anyone has more of Eveline?
Sherry Birkin captive EP 7 by KDE: https://files.catbox.moe/jzii4c.mp4
Has anyone else noticed this is, like, the first non-Drawthread thread to get this close to the bump limit?
>>14939 Yes, I figure I make a new thread just because it's so near. That and this thread is bloated now. NEW THREAD >>14943 NEW THREAD >>14943 NEW THREAD >>14943 NEW THREAD >>14943 NEW THREAD >>14943 P.S: Please try not to repost old pics. It's mostly for new shit.

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