Hey Board owner, a month ago I was wrongly banned for the sfv spam that the retard of Fernando was doing.
This was the ban message i got(screenshot attached):
You are banned from /delicious/
Reason: spamming school for vampires
This ban will expire at Tue Aug 02 2022 00:00:01 GTM-005 (Central daylight time)
I appealed said ban and was not accepted. I sent you several emails(Thu, Jul 7, 2022) trying to explain this issue but you never answered me. This was my appeal:
'Hi, what do you mean 'spamming school of vampires'? I have posted like 3 requests only in this current thread. I think that you are mixing up my legit requests with the spam that Fernando has been doing on the last weeks. I have no relation with that guy, and I have no idea why he has been doing that, I even tried to talk to him at the /b/ drawthread from 4chan in order he stop with this behaviour but the guy it's a legit autistic person so he didn't hear me, so I just thought "'well mods will ban Fernando's IP for spamming so I have not to worry for this, plus we have post ID in the drawthreads and mods can see our IP and they know exactly who is posting what. Seems like I was wrong. Really, Fernando literally just copied and pasted the same text of my requests that I was requesting at the /b/ drawthreads from 4chan, downloaded the same pic even with the same filename just to post them here in /delicious/. Here some links from /b/ archive, showing Fernando spamming my requests
https://archived.moe/b/thread/880765141/#q880766414 (Fri 24 Jun 2022 21:39:21 No.880766414) And here Fernando saying that he has been spamming my requests at /delicious/, he even make fun of me saying "Hey, I've been posting several Abusefag Requests on the /delicious/ drawthread - Cake at 8 chan moe and no one draws them there either" (Wed 18 May 2022 22:03:23 No.878425542), source:
https://archived.moe/b/thread/878423099/#q878425542 Here more evidence about Fernando's behaviour: Thread:
https://archived.moe/b/thread/878423099/ Fernando's posts: No.878425851 No.878425906 No.878428711 ; Thread:
https://archived.moe/b/thread/875382319/ Fernando's posts: No.875389627 No.875389661 ; Thread:
https://archived.moe/b/thread/875372506/ Fernando's post No.875380542 No.875380719 No.875380810 No.875380916 Also: it's easy spot when Fernando spams my requests at delicious, he request 4 different request in one single post(see:
https://thebarchive.com/data/b/image/1648/67/1648676726481.jpg and
https://thebarchive.com/data/b/image/1648/67/1648676336502.jpg plus phoneposter) meanwhile I do it in a single post(because they are cute vampires and they deserve their own individual post). After see all this evidence posted here I hope you can understand that wasn't me the guy who was spamming those school of vampires requests but Fernando, so I hope you can lift this ban.'
Everybody knows my story with /loli/ and the bans so I have zero reason to have the same problem here in /delicious/.
I knew I was wrongly banned thanks to the idiot of Fernando, but I waited a whole month until my ban expired because I'm not an idiot as to give you any excuse to permanently ban me for a nonsense, so I left this board and waited a whole month until this ban expired.
My ban expired at Aug 02th 2022, and yesterday August 9th(one whole week after my ban expired) I posted a request in the drawthread.
Today when I check the thread I realize that my post was deleted and a mod/janitor called Superior_Dragon posted this in this thread:
>>28088 (25763)
>b) School For Vampires requests are hereby BANNED, for the remainder of the thread *minimum* and the foreseeable future; I really hope this Banlist remains as short as possible, so we can all enjoy ourselves in peace, but any future School of Vampires requests WILL. BE. DELETED. No exceptions.
And on the OP's text in 'Drawthread J' we can read:
>Ban List: School for Vampires
>Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 08/10/2022 (Wed) 06:54:56.
Now dear Board owner, can you please tell me why all this is happening without matter that I ate a whole month ban just to not get any kind of problems with you and this whole board?
I didn't spammed those school of vampires requests, was the idiot of Fernando.
I did obey your rules.
I did obey your whole month ban without matter that I was not guilty of the spamming that the idiot of Fernando was doing.