This thread, I hope, will serve as a list of lolicon works in which there is a significant textual focus on the taboo nature of lolis relating to their loliness, even if the loli in the story is not actually taboo, such as legal lolis and lolibabas. In the anonfiles link at the end of this paragraph will be a collection of crops of text from lolicon hentai with filenames containing the source titles from the sad panda. There's 445 of them, so they will be too tedious to post and I'd rather not dump that much at once. The method by which I chose these crops will be explained below, as well as the reasoning for their categorization by fantastical elements. I will continue to post new crops in this thread as I make them, starting with these 5 I made today for the OP.
What qualifies as an instance of textual focus?
Words and phrases qualifying for textual focus are pedo, pedophile, little girl/daughter/niece/grandaughter, underage, gradeschooler, elementary school, child, prepubescent, immature/childish/underdeveloped [body part], JS (slang for gradeschooler), JC (slang for middleschooler), et cetera. "Child" and "little girl" must be used in a way that is not how an eldery person or parent could refer to adults. Title text can qualify, as in Rustle's Little Girl series, but does not count multiple times if the title reappears elsewhere such as the credits. As this is about lolicon, such things referring specifically to shotas do not qualify. "Brat/bratty" and "Young girl" do not qualify due to likely common use to refer to JKs/highschoolers. Some fairly explicit though more indirect combinations of statements may qualify, such as references to how long ago a sexual act took place with a character directly implying her age at the time of lewding.
Immature/childish/underdevopled [body part] was not initially counted as it ought have been in retrospect, so many of the crops in the anonfiles link may be lacking such text even if it appears in the work. Extra things may be thrown in the crops for fun, such as jokes and use of the word cunny. These do not contribute to instances of textual focus.
What qualifies a work for significant textual focus?
Requirements for significant textual focus are at least three instances of textual focus. Even if a single use is extremely explicit and severe, such as in Lady Yupiel's Servant where the MC is called a pedo by lolibaba Yupiel, it will not qualify. This line is totally arbitrary, but the line must be drawn somewhere.
Why the separation of works into levels of realism?
A lack of explicit text alone is not proof a work doesn't contain a focus on taboo elements of lolicon, text crops are just used as the primary objective because explicit visual representation is more effective at communicating the contents. For that reason, it felt more honest to also loosely categorize stories based on their relative levels of realism. Even then being categorized as Fantasy and not having a strong textual focus on the taboo doesn't indicate there is no focus on it, such as in works like the second chapter of Mad Scientist Ootori, where the the lolicon has Ootori dress in a middle schooler outfit, randoseru and all, purely for the sake of fetishization on both the artist's and the MC's part. But this was the best I felt I could do. The lines drawn between these categorizations may at times be thin, and even subject to change if anyone brings up particularly good examples of miscategorizations.
What qualifies as Fantasy?
The vast majority of things qualifying works for the Fantasy category are those that break the laws of physics. Short comical chibi gags and other similar minor gags do not count towards physics breaking. Lolibaba is a Fantasy element and legal loli, like lolibaba, is considered a Fantasy element even if all else is normal, such as in Toradora! Porn Book. Major world differences like silly erotic new laws and other societal scale changes are considered a strong Fantasy element. If the setting is Fantasy, the work qualifies even if no physics breaking shenanigans take place, such as many Touhou and Prisma Illya doujinshi. Some works with no physics breaking fantasy or sci-fi elements can still qualify as Fantasy if something ridiculously improbable enough happens, such as the practically magically convenient talking parrot in Blue Bird of Good Fortune. "It was all a dream" is a fantasy element if the majority of lewd in the story is contained to the dream.
What qualifies as Very Unrealistic?
Generally outrageous and highly improbable situations or characters acting wildly inconsistent, unreasonable, or irrational. Minor comic relief panels with exaggerated or chibi artstyle do not alone qualify as Very Unrealistic, but constant ones may. Extreme perversion and some level of precociousness on the part of a loli will not necessarily qualify something as Very Unrealistic, because after all, precocious perverted girls are at the core of lolita complex.
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135 posts and 520 images omitted.