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GamerGate Radio

We misogynists now Leader 11/11/2015 (Wed) 13:49:37 Id: a2b0ab No. 297511
>37 Types of Anti-Feminists >the Gamergater Everyday Feminism rehashes old comic to provide 37 strawmen (including, once again, infantizing women by declaring any women opposed to feminists to be "good girl" or "anti-women") and manages to name drop GamerGate out of nowhere. https://archive.is/JztKL They're going to be pushing this everywhere they can. Their narrative is slipping, so now they have to lump all their enemies together.
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Here's an exploitable semi-template. You'll need to change the characters and add in words but the titles can stay the same. I would strongly suggest everyone instead shoop the face of well known feminists onto the characters, along with their ACTUAL insane quotes showing they are that sort of feminist and a little archive link in the frame to where they've said it. Unlike these ridiculous strawmen, we can actually show feminists ARE actually that crazy.
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>Airport law Isn't that Chimpman's lost brother?
>>297513 It begins…
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2 comments: - Feminism is managing to make an enemy out of everyone else who's not a radical - Feminism is managing to radicalize a lot of people and uniting different movements under the same banner: look at the recent Mizzou episode. They are radicalizing race and feminist groups into the same larger group, and radicalizing them even further against pretty much everyone else. This is having such an effect on moderates that they are following these groups on their margins simply to avoid becoming possible targets. Notice the number of "white knights" not really white knighting, but simply walking along those guys silently, as if ashamed and confused, not really knowing what is going on, but feeling like they have to be part of that thing, or else…
Also, forgot to mention: that should be named 32 strawmen, the collection.
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>>297515 Feminazis got WoW nerds, CoD Dude bros, Bronies, weaboos, left wingers, right wingers, PC master race, console plebs, academics, slackers, 1st worlders, 3rd worlders and who knows how many more completly oposite groups to burry their hatchets and unite against the common enemy..
>>297520 Aye, a fellowship even. The fellowship of the Geeks.
>>297528 *fellowship of the unbearable faggots
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>>297511 The gg rep reminds me of someone from /r9k/ before it went to shit well it was always shit then it became even shittier.
>>297512 >template I couldn't finish the source image, what makes you think putting in the effort to parody it is worth it when nobody will read it? I'm pretty sure it's an elaborate Ben Garrison plot anyways. >nigga-did-u-expect-me-to-read-all-that.jpg
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We've come a long way since pic related. A long way downwards.
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>>297511 that's alot of templates they are squeezing in for the enemies of feminism, might as well make it the whole world. >>297515 Yup.
>>297511 Jessica Valenti's propaganda site is like Dobson-tier, Christ. >includes cartoon critics as an enemy type in a shitty cartoon I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but I think people who make good cartoons don't fuck up their cartoons by attacking their critics in them.
>4,000 different groups are against me >I'm going to pretend like there's no reason for that other than patriarchy >I'm going to demagogue them all even though it takes 4,000 panels >I'm winning >right?
It never ceases to amaze me how crazy people are over the label of feminism. You go through your whole life trying to be as fair and respectful to women as you should reasonably be expected to, hell, if anything I've put women on a pedestal in my youth and got screwed by it but still hold no ill will toward the gender. And yet, the minute you say you aren't a feminist, it's like you are the worst thing ever. What really matters to them is the label. It's not enough to just be a decent person anymore.That cartoon is just a hit list of 'wrong-thinkers.'
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>>297589 of course. it's was a trendy hip label at one point. Celebrities were wearing those "This is what a feminist looks like" t-shirts and spreading their message on talk shows.
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https://archive.is/VGCMf > Let’s say that there are two kids on a playground. One of them is on ball duty and has seven jelly balls, and the other doesn’t have any jelly balls at all. Let’s say that the kid who doesn’t have a jelly ball finds a jelly ball and now has one. The kid on ball duty doesn’t like this and takes the ball away from him, and now he has eight. > Now, let’s say the kid who had a ball but now has none takes a ball from the kid who’s on ball duty who had 8 balls. They both committed the same “wrong” action, but ultimately, they’re not on the same footing. > Now as a concept, is taking someone else’s jelly ball wrong? Yes. > But the actual impact of taking that ball is almost entirely unfelt when you’ve already got six other jelly balls that you can barely hold onto. > So next time you say “two wrongs don’t make a right” in defense of a majority group, ask yourself if the perceived stereotype you’re discussing has lead to systemic oppression or not. Because when there’s a power imbalance, two wrongs don’t have the same impact – and probably shouldn’t be compared. I was gonna sage this but I want everyone to see this. It's been said before: give them exposure. Sunlight kills this vermin. Also, > Comments disabled Everytime.
>>297626 What the fuck is a "jelly ball"? Is it a quaint Britishism?
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>>297626 I search that video on youtube for "everyday feminism two wrongs" and I can't get over her eyebrows. They literally don't match, her left is WAYYY higher than the other, and it's not just a permanent sneer. I think her head is perma-cocked to the side too, might be scoliosis. Made it to the end, OF COURSE PATREON IS DROPPED
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>>297626 >Also, >> Comments disabled >Everytime. maybe on the clickbait site, not on youtube kek
>>297544 >I couldn't find the source image It's the fucking image in OP.
>>297674 >finish >find reading is fundimental
>We misogynists now >now Well fuck, I could've sworn that's what we have been for at least a year now. You know, along with "worse than ISIS" and whatnot.
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>>297511 >Attacking the strawman of a hashtag.
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I got bored and made this, feel free to laugh at me or edit anything. Also >>297544 is right, it felt like I was talking in circles trying to think of the usual shit they would say, but I guess thats the point?
Barry is a legitimately nice and sensitive guy, so nice and sensitive in fact, that he follows the script perfectly–and for which it seems, his allies disregard him completely and frequently treat him with score and derision which he absorbs like the world's most absorbent sponge. Make fun of him, or his comics (Lord knows I have) but know that he is a victim of these psychos too.
i wonder how long it'll be until this guy is doxed by "third party trolls"
>>297511 >The anti feminist feminist Why do they hate based mom so much?
>>297769 she shoots holes in their bullshit with solid citations and also happens to be part of a pro-business thinktank, something that offends Marxist liberals which all radical feminists just coincidentally happen to be.
>>297769 Because she doesn't toe the party line and is open to debate and discussion.
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>>297760 I'm sure he is, and I actually kind of like his drawings, they are simple yet well constructed. However, I must skewer his political views with a comic of my own:
>>297797 Freakin' outstanding.
>>297511 strawman: the image
>>297760 I feel bad, I'm positive this hits the nail on the head.
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>>297797 This makes me feel like I know him from high school, lmao
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>>297844 Well done. The 'Good Girl' one is also ironic to me in that you could easily project the same principle to male feminists, i.e. "I'm a good boy, I don't hate women!!!!"
>>297769 >Feminist: If you believe in that men and women deserve equal rights you are a feminist period! >Based Mom: I believe that >Feminist: YOU'RE NOT A REAL FEMINIST YOU DIRTY SECRET CONSERVATIVE MRA! Based mom both is and is not a feminist simultaneously by feminist definition, she is schrodinger's feminist.
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>>297876 >those responses
I tell you now, "He's Rubber You're Glue" isn't a misrepresentation. A lot of anti-feminists take the angle that feminism is actually harmful to women, Alison Tiemen pulls that exact line out all the time.
>>297760 Always a sad sight to such individuals obviously suffering from some deep-seated insecurity issues get manipulated and abused, but in the end the only one who can save him is himself
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>>297976 >missing Randi just to the left
>>297869 Pretty much The Good Men Project.
I can't be the first person to notice that "The Gamergater" Is pretty clearly Bill Maher.
>>297797 lol holy shit
There's an impressive amount of autism and lack of self reflection listed in that pic, OP. If you have to come up with even 10+ different strawmen then maybe something is wrong with what you're doing but to continue doing it and get 37 and not realize that the problem is you is award winning head-in-the-sand dismissal of reality.
>>299151 It's Richard Dawkins fool! >>299216 tfw no feminist gf
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>>300340 >tfw no feminist gf
>>297750 Learn to proofread.
>>297511 >Someone spent time making this comic >There are 3 possibilities >The cartoonist this is humour >The cartoonist thinks this is a statement >The cartoonist
>>297922 Alison generally then goes on to explain that infantilizing people and telling them that they have no agency and exist as subjects to be acted upon is really bad for them, psychologically. She's not wrong. I suppose that's why it got orange for "misrepresentation." The closest I recall hearing her come to calling feminists Nazis is pointing out that "we must protect the womens from dirty jew pedophile rapists" was quite effective propaganda for the Nazis, and is now being trotted out with a different group of pedophile rapists that women must be protected from, to justify sweeping changes to the legal system like throwing out due process. Again, she's not wrong.
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>>300340 >tfw when no feminist gf
Check out.
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Forgot the 0c.
>>297769 Hoffman, feminist must get money by clean ways like Anita & Zoe.
>>297769 Chris Hoff Summers
>there is 32 whole demographics who hate us >everyone else is wrong Only feminists could come up with something that stupid
>>297511 It's SOGGY KNEES anon. You know, like those piles of spooge that Valkenburger knelt in to get a good review. She got soggy knees.
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>>297844 >erasure
>>297976 That's the witch from his children's book. Which is actually pretty good. The sequel is even better. Worth a read if you like graphic novels.
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